I beg you, please help me. I am Admetus, and this woman is my wife, Alcestis. She gave up her life so I could live. If you bring me the Vial of Lifeblood the wise man will be able to bring her back. He promises to teach you much of what he knows. Will you help me?
Хижина предсказателя
41, 70 подземелье
I am Clio, the muse of History. There is a Bowstring of the Unicorn, made from the threads of a Unicorn's mane. Besides it's magical properties there are other historical information woven within the strings. Please bring this to me and I will reward you for your efforts.
Хижина предсказателя
62, 45 подземелье
I am old and wise, and I do not admit just anyone into my home. You may enter when you have reached experience level 20.
3, 5 подземелье
Хижина предсказателя
24, 10 подземелье
Greetings traveler, I am Melpomene. I am performing some very important experiments in order to help destroy the demons which have invaded Greece. If you could bring me 50 Wood and Ore, and 25 of each of the other precious resources, along with 10,000 gold I will give you a weapon powerful enough to defeat the demons.
Хижина предсказателя
12, 28 подземелье
I am the muse of Astronomy, Urania. In order to further study the stars I need the Speculum. Please bring it to me and I will give you these. She shows you a bag of gems.
Хижина предсказателя
72, 65 подземелье
I am Erato, the Muse of Lyric Art. Inspiration has been hard to come by recently, but I am sure that if you bring me 20 beautiful gems I could find the inspiration I need. Normally this Golden Bow is my inspiration for beauty, but it has not been working lately. Since I've no other need for it, I'll exchange it for the 50 Gems.
Хижина предсказателя
49, 1 подземелье
Excellent! You have arrived. I am Euterpe, the Muse of the Flute. My classes are beginning soon, but I am short by several flutes. If you could bring me 100 wood then I would be able to construct the flutes. There isn't much of great value here, but I do have this pretty paperweight I could give you.
76, 74 подземелье
Oracle ------>
Рогатый демон
81, 72 подземелье
This is our valley! It was stupid of you to come here!
64, 72 подземелье
To get to Lydia, where Pandora is, take the boat south and follow the ocean to the first Island you come across.
Ящик Пандоры
6, 135 подземелье
Here is Pandora's Box! Finally you will be able to take the treasures within and defeat the demons who have invaded Hades. While looking to open the box a Horde of Medusas slither out. None shall take this box. It is our revenge for being scorned by the gods!
134, 104 подземелье
The water passage to the Underworld is temporarily out of order. When the demons are gone this will be reopened.
Летучий змей
32, 61 подземелье
I am Achelous, one of the Serpent flies say, and these are my underlings. There is no one who can defeat us, God of the River! Prepare to meet thy doom you weak mortal!
90, 143 подземелье
We are the Alastor, the avenging demons. We seek vengeance on all who have slandered our Mistress! We know you have, for there are none who have not. Prepare to die.
13, 106 подземелье
We are the Arimaspians, and are here for business reasons. None are allowed onto this island until we are done. We don't want you here. Go away! What was that? Oh, so you want to play rough? Well that's just fine with us!
Королевский циклоп
19, 109 подземелье
We saw that you didn't take our brethern seriously. Now, you've dealt with the rest, you'll have to deal with the best! Arimaspians unite!
23, 108 подземелье
You have destroyed our enemies, the Arimaspians. For that we will be grateful. They always wish to take our gold, those greedy one-eyed fools. Up to a few months ago, they couldn't even get on the island, but have been pushing us farther and farther back. Mind if we join such a brave hero?
24, 113 подземелье
We are extremely glad you could help us. There is more gold here, please take it as reward for killing those beastly Arimaspians. Such brutes, not a brain in their oversized heads, just a big blinking eye that sees nothing. We would be glad to join such an individual as yourself. May we join?
21, 111 подземелье
Thank you so much for taking those Arimaspians and teaching them a lesson. Seems like they would never leave us alone. Hopefully they'll take the hint and permanetly stay far away from us. Fortunately we were able to move most of our gold. Would you like some more help in your travels?
Случайный ресурс
3, 35 подземелье
You wonder if this little pile of trinkets had been worth the horrid sight you had witnessed. Your men are still wretching from the vileness of it all.
Серебряный пегас
128, 109 подземелье
Greetings travelor, I am Aurora, the Goddess of the Dawn. speaks one of the Silver Pegasi. These are my followers, who help me ensure each and every dawn is a perfect one. I have heard of the troubles with the underworld. We shall help, if you will have us.
124, 34 подземелье
It appears some of those evil beasts have begun to take over other areas besides the underworld. This is not a good sign.
66, 39 подземелье
Welcome to the River Boyne. No fishing Please.
Воздушный элементал
126, 110 подземелье
Greetings, I am Boreas, the North Wind God. one of the Air Elementals say, and I see you have met my mother, Aurora. I too would like to join your ranks in hopes of defeating the evil found below. Will you let me and my friends join you?
142, 97 подземелье
Welcome to Ogygia.
19, 91 подземелье
None shall pass. This island and it's inhabitants are to remain undisturbed. This is by order of Apollo. We will not fail him. You should have left when you had the chance.
21, 89 подземелье
Private island. Muses and guests only. All others should leave immediately. By order of Apollo.
Владыка джиннов
38, 73 подземелье
I am Eridanus the River God, one of Master Genies says, and this is our territory. You are tresspassing! Prepare to pay for your insolence. No one passes through here without paying homage to us!
Водный элементал
47, 40 подземелье
I am Hebrus, the River God. These are my consorts. Please, come join us for a little flip in the river. If you do not do well, I will be upset and forced to kill you, But we don't want to think about now do we?
Рогатый демон
140, 51 подземелье
Ha! Do-gooders trying to rid the overworld of us. Not a chance you foolish mortals. We will destroy you! Prepare to die!
10, 45 подземелье
Greetings traveler. My name is Abas, one of the Lizardmen say. A victim of Demeter's temper and inability to forgive a little harmless jesting. You of course have probably heard of our magical shield and think we're weak lizardman. Well we'll show you!
16, 29 подземелье
We will not let you continue on your path to destroy us. Prepare to die!
Хижина предсказателя
88, 82 подземелье
We are looking for the Bird of Perception. If you would be so helpful as to get it for us from those demon brutes we would be willing to follow you wherever you will go. Please consider our proposal, as we are powerful people.
Хижина предсказателя
84, 7 подземелье
I am Melete, the Muse of Practice. Only when someone has practiced their skills to the point where they are considered a perfect 10 in Attack, Defense, Spell Power and Knowledge I will not even consider teaching them.
Хижина предсказателя
132, 118 подземелье
Greetings travelers. I am Mneme, the Muse of Memory. In order to confirm a doubt one of my students has, I need to go to the eastern coast of this island. Unfortunately there are some Magma Elementals who do not want us to pass. Defeat them and I will reward you greatly.
Хижина предсказателя
128, 141 подземелье
Oh thank you for coming! I am Polymnia, the Muse of Dance. My favorite area to dance in is the forest on this little island, but unfortunately some Rust Dragons are keeping me from my forest. Please convince them to leave. If you do so I can reward you for a deed well done.
Хижина предсказателя
101, 69 подземелье
Ha! You consider yourself worthy? I am a Muse, Thalia. You're nothing more than a young pup. When you are level 30 you can come back to me. Until then, go elsewhere.
39, 87 подземелье
We have been hunted for a long time for our horns and manes, so now we have taken over one of your precious mines! No one will take this from us!
Султан ифритов
78, 82 подземелье
We like it when toys come to play with us. Will you tango? Or do you prefer the jitterbug?
110, 105 подземелье
Хижина предсказателя
98, 80 подземелье
Hello, I have been waiting for your arrival. There are some new creatures who have come to visit Greece. They call themselves Psi Elementals. If you would be so kind as to bring them so I can discuss philosophies with them, I will reward you with magical power.
Хижина предсказателя
82, 105 подземелье
Greetings traveler, I am Aoede, the Muse of Song. Unfortunately there are some Harpy Hags lurking about the entrance to where I take my holidays. If you would be so kind as to get rid of them, I will reward you greatly.
101, 83 подземелье
6, 62 подземелье
70, 97 суша
Unlucky are the souls who are not buried, for Charon will not take them across Lake Cocytus to cross to the other side.
128, 23 суша
Welcome to the River Lethe. Only those who are not yet born or those who are to be reborn should drink from Oblivion's waters.
82, 140 суша
To reach Hades realm you must pass through the eight horrors of the Underworld.
105, 30 суша
These are the guardians to the Elysium Fields. They keep out those who do not belong here. However, it's been such a long time since anyone has been down here that they're way out of practice, but they'll put up a good fight. After all, you can't die twice.
107, 25 суша
You come across men who are reenacting the great Trojan war. Seems that's all the men down here can think of. But then again, that was what most of them were doing right when they were killed.
Капитан кентавров
113, 21 суша
This seems to be the Centaur area. These Centaurs are romping about the fields and enjoying a dip in the lake. When you pass through the forest they stop to chat with you.
Боевой гном
122, 21 суша
Here frolic the dwarves of the Elysium Fields. Men, women and children roll about enjoying themselves. Upon seeing intruders into their eternal happiness the men form up quickly and decide what to do with you.
130, 22 суша
Seems as if a group has gotten together for an archery contest. They ask if you want to join. Upon declining they decide to use you for target practice.
121, 25 суша
It seems horses get to come along with their masters when they die in battle together. The group of champions are practicing with lances. You decide it would be fun to join in.
99, 46 суша
Hade's House
53, 106 суша
So you think you can get past us? Not a chance you foolish mortal. We will drain your troops and then drain you! Prepare to join us!
Могучий лич
11, 14 суша
Go back foolish mortal! Only those most powerful can pass by us. Save your sorry skins and return to the land of the living.
77, 25 суша
Welcome to the realm of Hades.
Лорд вампиров
77, 21 суша
We do not want your kind here. Go back! There is only death ahead for you! If you insist we will drain you of your life essence.
Адский троглодит
81, 139 суша
We are the First Horror of the underworld, a sightless creature who can still hit you with great accuracy. It is too late to flee. You will become one of the residents soon after this!
Гарпия ведьма
82, 137 суша
We are the Second Horror of the Underworld. We are sisters to the Harpies, those who have better learned how to fight.
Королева медуз
84, 133 суша
We are the Fourth Horror of the Underworld. Our ancestor, Medusa was spurned by the Gods, driven to remote areas of Greece and finally here, to the Underworld. It is their fault we are such hideous creatures, it is the Gods fault we are going to slay you.
Королевский минотавров
82, 131 суша
We are the Fifth Horror of the Underground, an abomination which is the handiwork of the Gods. If they had not made our female ancestor lustful for a Bull we would not be here to slaughter you today. Blame them.
80, 129 суша
We are the Sixth Horror of the Underground, a bastardization of the Lion and the Scorpion. The Gods were bored one day and created us. Giving us no land or place above, we are here to prey upon those foolish enough to attempt entry into Hades.
Красный дракон
79, 127 суша
We are the Seventh Horror of the Underground, second only to those breathern who have lived longer than we, the Black Dragons. You are going to make us a find dinner.
85, 135 суша
We are the Third Horror of the Underworld. A casual glance from us will bring death and if you are lucky enough to come close we will fry you with our tentacles. Time here passes slowly and you offer a great diversion, we are grateful for that.
65, 60 суша
Hades offered us the job of watching the entrance so Cerebrus could go on vacation with him. Beats hanging out in that stupid labrynth all of the time. However, we're not going to let you pass. That's part of the job, see.
67, 27 суша
---> Palace of Hades ---> Elysium Fields <--- Tartarus
73, 40 суша
Here rest those famous in war.
Лорд вампиров
71, 42 суша
I am Busiris, former King of Egypt, one of the Vampire Lords say. One of you hero types killed me! Thebes stands only because I ordered it built, a great city, but no more! Now I am an undead wretch, forced to feed on the lifeblood of the living, and you are our lunch!
112, 29 суша
A group of squabbling men draw your attention. These are all of the dead zealous monks who have come here to discuss theology and other such high ideas. What else would they do with eternity?
88, 21 суша
99, 47 суша
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