Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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Myrddin (Merlin) is called out of retirement to find King Arthur and return Excalibur to Camelot, in order to help the British people resist the English invaders.
Arthur? Where would he be but here with his merry men - oops, wrong legend. Anyway, you'll find him here. Can't see him? Just wait a bit, he'll show up soon.
Sorry, there's no Andrea Mead here - but King Arthur's around somewhere, if you're looking for him.
Ho hum, another day dawns. That makes five hundred and forty-eight thousand, six hundred and... aw, heck, who's counting? Where do you want to go today? Not much choice, really, is there? Not that you're complaining, mind. It was your decision, after all. When your time came you thought, after all the hustle and bustle of life in the court at Camelot, a modest tent on your own little cloud would suit you just fine. And, fair play, the first few hundred years were, well, just heavenly. Over the next centuries the appeal began to wane a little, and lately you have found yourself wishing for a bit of a change. Nice neighbours, on the whole. True, those archangels can be a bit aloof, but that probably goes with the job. Whenever you try to have a chat with those guys on the dark cloud, they just give you a look like thunder, but the folks on cloud nine are always a happy bunch. If only you'd opted for Femur Springs... Right now you could be heading off for the first tee... Sigh...
See magi
But what's this? Visitors? You don't get visitors. Maybe it's not against the rules, but it hasn't happened in more than a thousand years. A strange structure has appeared on your cloud overnight - you're sure it wasn't there yesterday - and there are three young magi standing next to it. Three very nervous looking young magi. Well, that's quite right, they should be nervous coming to see someone as important as you. It looks as if they have become rooted to the spot (rather difficult on a cloud!), so you'd better pop back into your tent, put on your most sparkly robe and go and see what they want.
AI robbery
Day 2
You've had a pleasant night's rest - not quite what you're used to, but, after all, that's the point of a change, isn't it? You've enjoyed chatting with your new companions, and they seem to be good men, worthy of training as enchanters if you get the chance. You are looking forward to entering Camelot once more, but first there is an almost mesmeric power drawing you to the eastern shrine.
AI stop
AI resources
p-mail 2
Another p-mail from the Daughters of the Round Table arrives: {You must make haste, the Anglo-Saxons grow stronger by the day. News {that we can soon expect the return of King Arthur has been a great boost {to us all, but we cannot hold out for ever. {The Daughters of the Round Table} Rhodri nods in agreement. We must return to Camelot as quickly as possible and then head directly for Avalon, he says. Yes, you reply, with luck we'll be able to recruit enough men there to defeat the patrol on the road leading south. This has been a very useful excursion, we have found new allies, learnt some new skills, and secured supplies of the resources we need - all except crystal, that is - we shall certainly need to find some crystals somewhere. Ifor suddenly becomes very lively and starts singing Da doo ron ron ron, da do ron ron. Rhys gently puts an arm round his shoulders and leads him away, explaining Not those crystals, we need the red, sparkly kind. The worrying thing is, you're not entirely sure that Ifor was joking. Trefor adds that he knows of no supply of crystals anywhere nearby, so there is no point in spending any more time looking around here.
p-mail 3
Yet another p-mail arrives: {We will meet you on the road south from Camelot and escort you to {Lake Avalon. There are {reports of some strange activity by the {invaders, so we must hurry. {The Daughters of the Round Table} You have already encountered the enemy further north than expected, although not in great strength, so the promise of an escort is very welcome news.
p-mail 4
No p-mail arrives this morning. You're not overly worried. In fact, you're quite relieved - it means you'll be eating something other than pigeon pie this evening.
AI resources
4th p-mail
Another p-mail arrives! They must have bred some more pigeons. {We are holding out as best we can, though the odds are against us. You must {make as much haste as possible, Myrddin. Don't worry about us. Our only {hope of victory lies in you completing your mission successfully. { The Daughters of the Round Table
5th p-mail
Yet another p-mail is delivered. How do these birds always find you, no matter where you are? {Please hurry, Myrddin. We do occasionally have some respite from the {attacks. These Anglo-Saxons are so belligerent that the troops often quarrel {with their leaders and go on strike. However when they resume the attacks {on us their numbers are ever greater. You must find Arthur soon. { The Daughters of the Round Table
After a good night's sleep you wake to find that Trefor, Ifor and Rhys have been very busy. They have found a few materials left behind by some workmen. There isn't much, but certainly enough to start repairing the mage guild. There should be enough left over to train the three of them as enchanters - they have surely earned it. However, you tell them, you will need more than you could hope to find in Camelot - and obviously you cannot start chopping down the enchanted forest! Trefor says that he knows there is a sawmill just outside the gateway, and there are other resources to be found along the road east from there, leading to a small magi settlement. Furthermore, the last he heard, no Angles, Saxons or Jutes had been seen in that area. Excellent, you declare, let's set off immediately!
38, 2 подземелье
Yet more of the invaders are trying to take control of the gem pond. This enemy patrol is far larger than you had thought - but as they have split up, it is easier for you to deal with them group by group, rather than all at once!
43, 8 подземелье
To the University
Страж задания
48, 10 подземелье
The price for learning the Eagle Eye skill is the Dead Man's Boots.
Страж задания
50, 10 подземелье
We can teach you Earth Magic in exchange for the Dead Man's Boots.
Страж задания
48, 12 подземелье
For the Amulet of the Undertaker we can teach you the basics of Logistics.
Страж задания
50, 12 подземелье
Here you can learn all about Navigation in exchange for the Amulet of the Undertaker.
Страж задания
48, 14 подземелье
We will teach you the Scholar skill if you give us the Pendant of Death.
Страж задания
50, 14 подземелье
You can learn about Learning, if you have the Pendant of Death.
Страж задания
48, 16 подземелье
For the Rib Cage we can teach you much about Artillery.
Страж задания
50, 16 подземелье
Here you can study the basics of Ballistics, but only if you give us the Rib Cage.
49, 9 подземелье
It seems the Study Centres are arranged in pairs. You can take a course at one, but only one, of each pair. Apparently the first two are offering Eagle Eye in the west, and Earth Magic to the east. No contest, declares Trefor, especially if you are still considering buying that Tome of Earth Magic. Ifor shakes his head and says, I'm not so sure. There are many at the National Wisdom Centre who believe Eagle Eye to be the most useful skill of all. That may be so, counters Rhys, but pray tell me what spells you expect such a revered magician as Myrddin to learn from the savages we are likely to encounter. Why, most of them would have trouble spelling their own name! Hmm, you think to yourself, I once knew an alchemist who had that problem. Nevertheless, Ifor continues defiantly, statistics show that more heroes opt for Eagle Eye than any other skill. Balderdash, exclaims Trefor, statistics can show anything - I have the figures to prove it! As he collapses in laughter at his own joke, you turn away - you have to make your own decision.
49, 11 подземелье
Here you can study Logistics to the west or Navigation to the east. Now this really is no contest, Trefor says, defying anyone to contradict him. Agreed, says Rhys. Even Lake Avalon is quite small, and we have much ground to cover. Ifor stays silent.
49, 13 подземелье
Now you have the choice of Scholar in the west, or Learning in the east. Hmmm, tricky one, says Trefor, scratching his head. Yes, agrees Rhys, musing. It would be useful to learn quickly, but one as wise as Myrddin could teach much to the Daughters of the Round Table. The who? you ask. No, he replies, not The Who. They are not at all musical. What's that got to do with it, mutters Ifor. Ignoring him, Rhys continues with his explanation. There are no more male descendants of the original Knights of the Round Table. So some of the female descendants have joined together to defend the land against the Anglo-Saxon invaders. They are skilled in the arts of war, but know little of magic. Maybe they could benefit from your wisdom.
49, 15 подземелье
The next choice is between Artillery and Ballistics. I vote for Ballistics, states Trefor firmly. Hold on, says Ifor. If anyone is planning for our small group to start attacking well-defended castles, I'd be obliged if they could let me know. Because if that is the case, I'm off home right now! Well, there are only so many skills one can learn, offers Rhys. My vote is to pass on this and hope for something better later on. My vote, your vote, his vote! What is this, a democracy? Time to show who is leader of this party. Time to make a decision!
49, 17 подземелье
The final choice is between Archery and Air Magic. After your last outburst, all three remain silent, awaiting your decision.
Страж задания
50, 18 подземелье
If you're curious about the arts of Air Magic, we can teach you the basics in exchange for the Bird of Perception.
Страж задания
48, 18 подземелье
Archery can be studied here, if you have the Bird of Perception.
42, 14 подземелье
It will be good to visit a hollow once more - and, you hope, to find some more recruits. The only downside is that they probably still have that stupid welcoming ritual - the mock battle. You must remember to set your Magic Arrow to stun.
11, 8 подземелье
Your heart sinks as you approach Camelot. It is just a sham! An empty shell! The facade looks as it ever did, but inside all lies in ruins. It seems this venture is going to be even more difficult than you had thought. The disappointment makes you feel suddenly very tired. It has been a long day, and you are hardly used to travelling. You tell your companions that, as soon as you find a bed in the town, you are going to have an early night. They, being blessed with the energy of youth, say they will search the town and see if they can find anything useful. You hope things will look better in the morning.
44, 14 подземелье
After the ritual you wait inside the hollow to see their leader, an enchanter called Dewi. Some children come into the room and stand staring at you. After a short while one, bolder than the rest, speaks. Are you really {the} Myrddin? Wow, man, you must be like {really} old! I bet you can do some like wicked magic and stuff. You're like a living legend - and in our home, that's like really kewl. You don't understand why, but somehow you just know he would spell it incorrectly. For a moment you wonder just why you are trying to help people who speak like that. Your thoughts are interrupted as Dewi comes into the room, shooing the children out and apologizing if they have been bothering you. Not at all, you lie politely. After a few minutes of small talk he again apologizes, this time for delaying you. He fully realizes the importance of your task and its urgency. You may find some here who are willing to go along with you on your adventure, he continues. I would gladly myself, but I'm afraid I'm getting a bit old and slow now, I might hold you up too much. Yes, you think, you are a bit slow, two of your companions have already joined our party - but, of course, you are too polite to say so. Before you go, he adds, I must give you this sword. It belonged to Arthur and has been guarded by each generation of my family for the time when he would return. You must give me your solemn promise that you will look after it well and give it to none other than Arthur himself. This is very important. You agree, take your leave and turn to go, but he calls you back. Almost forgot, there's something else you might find useful. There's a pair of gloves, belonged to my grandfather. Magical gloves they are, make you travel further. Never did understand how that works, but that's what they do. I don't get out much these days so have no use for them. Don't know quite where they are at the moment - the children have probably been playing with them and left them lying around outside somewhere. If you can find them, you're welcome to take them. You thank him profusely, but refrain from mentioning that you had already spotted them - not that you were going to take them without permission!
Перчатки всадника
44, 15 подземелье
Picking up the gloves, you can sense that have magical powers. They will indeed be useful.
Меч правосудия
12, 20 подземелье
After defeating the white dragons, King Arthur pulls Excalibur from the rock with ease.
6, 20 подземелье
Stairway to Heaven
Страж задания
11, 20 подземелье
As you approach, a guard peers at you first through his spectacles, then over them. He removes them, breathes on the lenses and polishes them on his tunic. Putting them back on, he peers at you again. He takes them off again, rubs his eyes, replaces them and looks at you once more. Finally he speaks. Well bless my soul, if it isn't old Myrddin. What on earth are you doing in these parts, after all this time? Don't tell me you're even thinking of trying to pick up Excalibur. Surely you, more than anyone, must know that none but King Arthur himself can pull the sword from the stone. Find him and you'll be welcome to pass, but otherwise it's no way, Josй. It's what?! you think. Of course you knew only Arthur could wield the sword, you tell yourself somewhat irritably, but no way Josй? What kind of talk is that? It seems some changes have not been for the better while you have been away.
Шляпа заклинателя
7, 63 подземелье
As you ride up you realize it is indeed none other than Pointy Hat himself - and his bodyguard! He looks down at you with a sneer and says I never thought I'd see the day when I bumped into you again, old man. What on earth is a doddery old fool like you doing riding through these mountains? It seems age has not improved his diplomacy skills. I've managed to escape from the clutches of one silly old coot, he continues, I'm not about to let myself by stuck on the balding, dandruff-ridden head of another. Sheesh! He's 1,319 years old - and you must be {much} older than that! Why, you cheeky young... you start. Now, now, the hat says, raising an eyebrow and glancing at the bodyguards to each side of him. Now I've got me some real protection. No more bashful budgies, no pathetic parakeets, these birds are the real business. You realize he doesn't need any diplomacy skills - but you do! You bow your head meekly and let him continue. I see you have no bovines with you, so I'm not going to bother setting my bodyguard on you, as long as you leave now. Rhodri mentions quietly that you could take the other road. Tell you what, Pointy adds, you bring me some bovines to slaughter and I might, just might, consider letting you pass! He turns, laughing, to his bodyguard, a sign, you assume, that the audience is over. So, do you attack his bodyguard, or would you rather stay alive?
2, 106 подземелье
46, 80 подземелье
Castell Goch
Страж задания
46, 83 подземелье
It is as I feared, exclaims Rhodri. They have been ensnared by some strange magic. Well, magic is more your speciality, I have little knowledge of its workings. I trust you will be able to free them without my help. Unfortunately, this is where I must leave you. I have other important business to attend to. You think of asking what his business is. Perhaps you could persuade him that it is not so urgent and he might stay with you for a while yet.
Хижина предсказателя
0, 87 подземелье
Welcome, Myrddin. It's taken a long time, but I knew you would come here eventually.
11, 59 подземелье
Ifor, who has been scouting ahead, suddenly comes rushing back. P-P-P-P-Pointy Hat!! he stammers breathlessly, almost terrified. J-J-J-Just around the corner. You cannot understand his concern. What, {the} Pointy Hat? you ask. Why, I knew the little young rascal when he was just a skull cap. He's changed a bit since your day, explains Rhodri. He's not someone you want to get into a fight with. His master usually keeps him under control, but if he has got free we had best proceed with caution.
13, 57 подземелье
We should take the fork to the west, says Rhodri. that will lead us right to the shores of Lake Avalon.
48, 31 подземелье
Castell o Dan
46, 81 подземелье
Angharad explains that she and Cynfelyn, who was visiting her, were trapped by some mysterious force. That prevented them sending an escort to meet you. However, they are very glad that you have been able to reach them, but are disturbed to hear that you have had no word from the others. I fear they have also been ensnared. We must ride to rescue them with all speed, she says, seeming to take it for granted that she should be giving the orders. You do not feel familiar enough with the situation to question her authority. Cynfelyn must ride south-east to her own castle, which Sioned was guarding. I will go south to see if Rhiannon is all right. Aren't you worried about leaving this castle unguarded? you ask. That is a good point, she responds. I shall leave my archers here and just take the marksmen - I shall be able to travel more quickly that way. You explain the problem with the Avalon landing site, but she replies that she knows of nothing which could help. She does however, suggest that you go to see Megan, who is apparently the intellectual of the group. Just follow the road north, she explains, then turn right by the ford. There was a mercenary camp nearby the last time I was there. A little to the east you will find Castell o Dan, where Megan lives. You readily agree to travel to Castell o Dan, the Castle of Fire. You were very proud of that, the ever-burning forest you created to protect the castle - it would be good to see how well it has survived the years. Speed is of the essence, Angharad emphasizes. The roads are little better than tracks, where they still exist, and we cannot afford to waste time straying far to the side of the roads. That can wait for the return journey. And we must watch out for enemy patrols. Remember, let's be careful out there! As you are about to go your separate ways, you remember to show Angharad the piece of statue you took from the raider near Camelot. She immediately recognizes it as part of an ancient statue of King Arthur, which disappeared some time ago. The raiders must have broken it up to remove it, she explains. If we could find all the pieces and put them together again, it would greatly boost the morale of the people, and increase our support.
16, 9 подземелье
As you approach the gateway, you are greeted by an awesome sight. The original guards, although dead for many centuries, still stand at their posts. Now there's devotion to duty!
41, 8 подземелье
You decide to see what supplies this laboratory can offer you, then look for the entrance to the university area. It surely can't be that hard to find, and it would be a good idea to develop your skills.
39, 10 подземелье
The war machine factory could be well worth a visit, but you've also noticed a sparkle in the trees. You're sure you didn't put it there, so there's a good chance you could find some enchanters who may be able to help you.
Страж задания
48, 36 подземелье
The guards have been fighting valiantly to prevent any of the raiders entering the castle precincts, but they are very relieved to see you drive the enemy away.
85, 3 подземелье
105, 105 подземелье
Porth Newydd
10, 54 подземелье
Ifor is becoming nervous, and he is not the only one. I don't like it, he grumbles, all those birds. It's as if there are a thousand eyes watching us. There probably are, you think to yourself, but try to reassure him, As long as they are just watching, there's no harm. You wish you could sound convincing, but this is perfect country for an ambush. Don't worry about it, says Rhodri confidently, they're just curious. After all, this is their land we are passing through, and they probably don't see many travellers around here. These days it's only natural that they should be wary of strangers. If we don't provoke them, I'm sure they will not attack us. No doubt he is right, you think, but you can't help feeling a tinge of guilt over all those pigeon pies you've been eating recently.
7, 88 подземелье
Welcome to the Isle of Avalon
5, 89 подземелье
So this is Avalon? You find yourself, to say the least, a tad underwhelmed. You had expected something more..., something more..., more..., well, just something more. Surely fabled Avalon cannot be just an untidy collection of fairly rough thatched buildings? Well, there is also a tavern, of course, but there is not the slightest doubt in your mind that it will be closed, despite the smoke rising from the chimney. Can King Arthur really be here?
Амулет некроманта
43, 6 подземелье
You stumble across more booty dropped by the fleeing raiders - yet another necromancy artifact! I don't like it, mutters Ifor. We should destroy all such evil artifacts - they can never be used for good. If it can help us, then use it, I say, is Trefor's view. Rhys ponders for a moment, then offers his opinion. I would never condone the use of such items in normal circumstances, but we are in a difficult situation. We should keep them in case we find a use for them. I still say good can never come from evil, maintains Ifor. Your heart agrees with him, but your head tells you that you need to accept whatever you find for the moment. To be honest, your thoughts focus more on the magical bag of gold. That will bring the Tome of Earth Magic nearer and nearer - if you can hold on to it!
Руки Легионера
36, 30 подземелье
You find another piece of Arthur's statue. Should you try to reassemble the pieces, or try to keep them safe? Carrying them a long way across the country could be risky.
Голова Легионера
96, 103 подземелье
You find an important piece of Arthur's statue.
47, 8 подземелье
There are many skills to be learnt here. It would be wise to see what is available, and then choose very carefully.
Наездник на волке
36, 104 подземелье
You see a group of raiders removing some crystal. These creatures are far too ugly to appreciate something so beautiful.
22, 104 подземелье
More of the tiny raiders with a huge chest - and they're trying to carry away a pile of ore as well. Their masters must be really cruel to give them such a heavy task when they are clearly not strong enough for it. You'd better kill them before they do themselves an injury.
14, 103 подземелье
Some very tiny raiders are struggling to lift a huge chest. It's obviously far too big for them to handle - it really would be a kindness to relieve them of it.
Поясница Легионера
87, 7 подземелье
The pieces of the statue seem to have been scattered far and wide across the land.
80, 9 подземелье
You spot another invader trying to attack the castle. But this one leads an army of very strange troops. They look nothing like any creatures you remember from your time.
95, 11 подземелье
The surface looks no different, but you can feel that you are on solid land once more.
98, 12 подземелье
The surface looks no different, but you can feel that you are on solid land once more.
Неисчерпаемая вагонетка руды
101, 17 подземелье
It seems there is abandoned booty scattered all around this area.
97, 20 подземелье
What trickery is this?! It is not the mountain walls that are moving but the ground. If it is indeed ground. You suddenly find yourself up to your knees in water. Your horse can cope with it, but it's not so easy for your companions, who are on foot. It looks like that Summon Boat scroll could be useful after all. Of course, the spell would be more likely to work if you could build a boat somewhere...
97, 22 подземелье
You are starting to feel very uneasy. Ahead the ground seems to be glimmering, it looks as if it is moving. It is almost as if the mountain walls are about to move in and crush you. Luckily you know such things only happen in the lands of legends, and you are in - uh-oh!
Страж задания
29, 56 подземелье
The guards here say they have orders to only let Myrddin pass.
Бездонный сосуд ртути
99, 33 подземелье
The ground is very uneven underfoot, and it is difficult to pick your way through - but such treasures as these make the hardships worthwhile.
Страж задания
99, 12 подземелье
If you wish to pass this way, you need to hand over the Statesman's Medal.
Страж задания
94, 11 подземелье
If you wish to pass this way, you need to hand over the Statesman's Medal.
96, 25 подземелье
The valley looks to be an even more foreboding place than the rest of the Rocklands. The passage is very narrow, and it almost seems as if the mountains are crowding in on you.
Страж задания
97, 91 подземелье
This place really is the pits. I want out of here - and as quickly as possible. Give me your gloves and boots, and I'll be gone like the wind - then you can pass.
Страж задания
92, 93 подземелье
Give me the Red Dragon Flame Tongue and you can use this entrance to the Rocklands..
101, 94 подземелье
A lone enchanter greets you. Hello, I heard about your quest from Dewi, and hoped you might pass by this way. I have already checked the entrances to the Rocklands. There are only two ways in, and each demands a heavy price for passage. I have no further knowledge of the area, but I would be glad to join your party if you'll have me.
Хижина предсказателя
87, 82 подземелье
What on earth are you doing here, Myrddin? I trust you realize by now that you took the wrong option?
102, 80 подземелье
You seriously wonder whether it is worth picking up the gold, you already have so much to carry. Right now you would gladly trade all the treasures you have found for a pint of mead - or even for a glass of water!
Красный дракон
99, 80 подземелье
Drawing closer you can see it is not Rhodri, although there are some similarities in the face - but then, aren't there for all dragons? However, while not quite welcoming you with open wings (which could be a bit dangerous) he does seem pleased to see you. It is an honour to meet the legendary Myrddin, he greets you. My cousin Rhodri sent word that you might be passing through here and asked me to look out for you and to offer you any help I can. You explain that you are looking for a seer, somewhere in the Rocklands, you know not where. Ah, he replies, I do know the one you want. He lives at the end of a long, narrow valley in the north. I have to travel that way myself, to visit another seer who lives nearby. I would be pleased if we could make the journey, or at least most of it, together. There are not many creatures in these parts nowadays, but those you do meet will invariably be very unfriendly. I hope I can help you persuade them to step aside. The pleasure would be ours, you respond, err..., I'm afraid you have the advantage of me... He looks puzzled for a while, then suddenly realizes what you mean. Oh please, do forgive me, most impolite of me. I'm afraid meeting such a famous legend as yourself made me forget my manners completely. My name is Hywel.
100, 94 подземелье
Take a good drink. This is the last water you'll see for a very long time.
96, 83 подземелье
You find the going very tricky with the surface being very uneven. You're almost constantly looking down at your feet, rather than looking ahead to see where you're going. When you do glance up, you notice a dragon who seems to be waiting for you. Could it be Rhodri? It would be good to see him again.
102, 50 подземелье
This trek is starting to become very tiresome, you are beginning to wonder whether the wealth is worth the cost.
106, 65 подземелье
This is now getting extremely tedious. You have found many precious things, but they are starting to weigh very heavily on you. Now you can understand why those who went before you left the treasure behind.
107, 80 подземелье
The exit is finally in sight - if you can reach it!
Королевский минотавров
101, 64 подземелье
A familiar opponent at last! You have been fighting against minotaurs since the early days of the First Era. They did seem much larger in those days, but that off the shoulder leotard did always make them look somewhat ridiculous.
99, 60 подземелье
Somehow you had expected to encounter hydra next, but instead are faced by a very strange creature, a lion with wings and a scorpion's tail. These monsters have replaced the hydra in the Warlock armies, Hywel explains. At the start of the Third Era, the hydra was transferred to a new franchise. Fortunately you will not meet any of them in this part of the world.
Страж задания
96, 41 подземелье
We understand that your mission is both important and urgent, and we really don't wish to hold you up, but we desperately need your help. There's a bunch of one-eyed English hooligans living nearby. They spend most of their day playing some stupid game, just kicking a rock around. When they get tired of that, which is quite often because it does look very boring, they've taken to taunting us, though we've never done anything to provoke them. They jump up and down chanting what we can only take to be some sort of shamanistic ritual, completely incomprehensible, but it sounds like You'n I TID. That wouldn't be so bad, but lately they've started hurling rocks at us. Now that can hurt - they are pretty big fellows, and they throw large rocks. We're really sorry to trouble you, but we cannot stand it much longer, and there's no-one else we can turn to. Please drive them away, and then you can pass with our blessing. Sadly, waiting for them to run out of ammunition is hardly a practical option here. You do feel slightly irritated at being held up, but you have to admit these people do have a point. The hooligans are near enough for you to see, so it shouldn't take long to deal with them. They certainly are big, ugly brutes, and you feel you would be doing the world a favour by getting rid of them.
Хижина предсказателя
87, 27 подземелье
Hywel introduces you to the seer, then takes his leave and wishes you well for the rest of your journey.
Страж задания
95, 27 подземелье
The guards look at your party with suspicion as you approach. You hope the sight of the Diplomat's Ring will change their attitude.
76, 35 подземелье
Красный дракон
69, 41 подземелье
You are very relieved to find Rhodri once again. Both of you have many tales to tell each other over long winter evenings - but this is not the time for that. I am very glad to see you have made it this far, he says. If you have found what you were looking for then we must make all possible haste. There is a lith nearby which will cut short our journey by several days. I have received reports that the enemy are building large forces which the Daughters of the Round Table cannot hope to withstand for long. You must find Arthur soon. There have been a few rumours, adds Trefor, of a new enemy hero called, I think, the Iron Maiden. That can't be right, snorts Ifor, Iron Maiden was a group of bards, they played at the eisteddfodau a few years ago. Well, the name was Iron Something, responds Trefor, somewhat tetchily. Iron Horse, no, could it have been Iron Butterfly? As Ifor laughs derisively, Rhys tries to calm things down. I think you are referring to the Iron Lady. She is said to be a most fearsome warrior, who leaves a trail of destruction wherever she goes. If she is about to arrive here then we must indeed hurry. Then let's stop arguing and get going, says Rhodri. By the way, he adds, turning to you, on my travels I met with a merchant who was boasting about how he had tricked you out of a pair of boots. I thought I should teach him the fundamental principles of consumer rights, and persuaded him to let me return the boots to you.
76, 36 подземелье
After the execution, for it could not be called a battle, you ride up to Peredur's body and find he is still able to talk, barely. Thank you, Myrddin, he gasps, for ending my misery. I beg you to take my castle and put an end to the torment of my followers. It was my fault that they were corrupted by the Grail, they do not deserve to suffer any longer. Will you grant me this last favour, old friend? You assure him that you will. Please take the Grail, he continues, his voice now starting to fail, I know you will use it for good. But beware, spending too much time with it will corrupt any human, no matter how pure they appear to be. You have to bend even closer to him as his voice fades. I had to bury it, but it was too late, I had already succumbed to its power. You will be careful how you use it, won't you? Promise me. His voice is now barely audible, but it is clear he will not continue until you have agreed. Yes, yes, of course, but where is it? you reply hastily, your voice betraying your impatience and anxiety. Why, I thought you would have known, he croaks. Your powers must be fading, old man. You feel his body tense and it is almost as if he is trying to laugh. It's buried by the well, just to the s... His body falls limp, and you know he can tell you no more. So close and yet... Just to the s...? To the south? To the side? What did he mean? And which well? You order your companions to attack the castle while you try to puzzle it out. You certainly cannot afford to waste time searching for the Grail. You must find it quickly, and then look for Rhodri and the way out.
76, 38 подземелье
With a great shock, and no less dismay, you realize that Holywell castle no longer matches its name. It has been turned into a necropolis. You can see nothing at all holy about this place. It appears that Peredur has gone over to the dark side - but how could that happen if he still holds the Holy Grail? Peredur sees you coming, but he doesn't wait in his castle. He jumps onto his horse and rides furiously to meet you. It is clear he is not coming to chat.
Страж задания
81, 59 подземелье
A manic Necromancer blocks your path. Normally you would have no dealings at all with such a degenerate creature - but these are not normal times. Aha! he exclaims on seeing you approach. You don't look like the kind of fools who normally venture into the forest. Seems to me you are wise men, and resourceful as well I hope. You may be able to help me... And just what, you interrupt, makes you think we would want to help you? The fact that I think you want to pass, he replies. Seeing that you have no defiant response to that, he continues. I already have the Skull Helmet, now all I need is the Blackshard of the Dead Knight. Oh, and what was it, the Rib Cage. If you bring me those then I could create a very powerful artifact and become ruler of the whole world. That would really impress the Necromancy & Witchcraft Cheerleaders. Some of them are real babes! You should see that Mistress Sandro, what a body! Well, not much body to be truthful, but bone structure to die for! They wouldn't have anything to do with me, they're all besotted with the one called the Lich of Love, blinded by his cheesy Gallic charms. They said I was a fool, they said I was mad - but I'll show them all! With that he goes back into his tower, but at the doorway he turns, scratching his chin. Flakes of skin cascade like snow, then he looks up and adds, Ah yes, I knew there was something else. I'll also need the Shield of the Yawning Dead. Not much to ask, is it? Knew you'd understand. Right, don't bother me again until you've found those items. With that he shuts the door and you hear several bolts being slid shut. This is too much, fumes Ifor. Surely, he asks, looking round the other faces, you simply cannot be contemplating helping such a low-life, or unlife? What choice do we have? asks Rhys with a shrug. I don't understand why we can't just fry the wretch, complains an exasperated Trefor. Surely a magician of your power, Myrddin, could easily zap him and his tower. No-one would miss him, would they? It seems his brain is as decayed as his body. It's just not allowed, you explain wearily. Rules are rules, and you simply cannot zap these towers. Doing so would be Not Weally Cwicket. If we did give him these items, asks Ifor, and he did assemble this powerful artifact, what's to stop him then zapping us? There is silence, as no-one has an answer to this. Besides which, Ifor finally adds, where on earth would we start looking for them? There just has to be another way. Perhaps that's it, says Rhys with more hope than conviction. Maybe there is another way through the forest. It would do no harm to look. If we find the artifacts, then we have to make a decision on what to do with them. If we find a way round this tower, that solves the problem. No-one has an alternative suggestion, so you set off.
85, 55 подземелье
It appears that it isn't just the forest that is dead here, the many skeletons show that adventurers have entered - but have not left. It appears some have been digging for treasure - you can only hope none have found the treasure you are looking for.
Страж задания
90, 51 подземелье
Myrddin's friends may take refuge here - but only the wizard himself is allowed into the dead forest.
43, 2 подземелье
If you can prevent the enemy taking over the gold mine, and take control of it yourself, that will be a great help.
44, 2 подземелье
Having defeated the raiders, you notice another Barbarian force to the south. Yet more goblins, but some are mounted on the back of wolves. You can recall that barbarian armies included wolves back in your day, but they would never have allowed anyone to ride them - certainly not such lowly creatures as goblins! It appears they are trying to attack the magi settlement, but their way is being blocked by a young dragon. He is surrounded by the dead bodies of scores of the enemy, but it is clear he has been wounded. Perhaps he would appreciate some help.
38, 84 подземелье
You see a war party of invaders ahead, trying to find a way to approach the castle - and very strange looking creatures some of them are, like nothing you have ever seen before. Where do these raiders come from?
Волшебный свиток
95, 60 подземелье
You pick up the scroll and examine it. You look at it a second time, unable to believe your eyes. It's the Summon Boat spell!! What could be more useless in this arid region? You've been swindled. Quickly you turn around to complain to the merchant, but he is nowhere to be seen, he has simply vanished. If the scroll could be used on the shores of Lake Avalon, you would be pleased, but you know it cannot. The second scroll had better be more useful, or you are not going to be happy!
Страж задания
96, 60 подземелье
A very bored looking merchant stands in your way. I have two nice spell scrolls to offer you, he says. I've read both of them so often, I now know them off by heart. If you could offer me something more substantial to read, a book for example, I would be willing to trade. Do you have such an item with you?
Скелет воин
77, 47 подземелье
You can remember that in your younger days necromancy was completely unknown in the land. Now it appears the dark art has become an established part of this world. What is hard to understand is why such a pious knight as Peredur would tolerate such creatures in his fiefdom. It is surely not befitting the guardian of the Holy Grail, if, indeed, he does still possess it. This is not the Castle of the Seven Wells you used to know. That was a very welcoming place, but now even the very landscape seems to have turned to evil. Worries fill your mind, but first you have to eliminate these foul creatures.
Страж задания
30, 87 подземелье
The guards here say they have orders to let none but Myrddin use the road to Lake Avalon.
Страж задания
29, 87 подземелье
The guards explain that they are not allowed to let you pass unless you have the Boots of Levitation.
28, 87 подземелье
Hey, wait a minute! one of the guards shouts as you hurry on. You forgot these. We only needed to check that you had them. You didn't think we were going to take them from you, did you? Wouldn't be much point in going on without them, he laughs as he returns your boots. You gratefully accept them, ruefully reflecting that, by this stage, you no longer expect anything to run smoothly.
22, 5 подземелье
You see a group of raiders heading for the saw-mill. So the Angles, Saxons, or Jutes, whichever they are, have penetrated this far north already. Your companions look nervously at each other, and at you. Trying to instil some confidence in them, you boldly say, I may not be much of a warrior, but I'm sure I have magic powers enough to deal with this small party.
27, 4 подземелье
As you approach, the raiders suddenly notice you and become very agitated. You cannot understand a word of their ugly native tongue, but it appears they are trying to alert someone to the south. Looking to your right, you realize they're not an isolated party, but a detachment from a larger force - a force too strong for you to take on at present. Fortune seems to be smiling on you, for their leader's attention appears to be fixed on something in the opposite direction. If you hurry, you should be able to wipe out this small group before they can attract his attention. Luckily you were intending to head east anyway.
Красный дракон
44, 5 подземелье
Having defeated the enemy, you leave your companions to pick up the booty that has been dropped, while you hurry to the dragon and cast your best healing spells on him. Thank you, Myrddin, he says, your arrival was most timely. Your face betrays your surprise that he knows your name, so he continues. Oh, come now. One as famous as you should expect to be recognized, even by those who have only heard about you in legends. Allow me to introduce myself. I am called Rhodri. Naturally I cannot become one of your followers, for we dragons can accept the leadership of none other than Arthur, son of Uther Pendragon. Furthermore, I wish to put on record that I have no desire for greater glory, nor am I a group. However I should be glad to accompany you on your journey for a while. I presume you are intending to head for Lake Avalon as soon as you have finished your business in this settlement? He doesn't pause for you to reply. Well, I have some business which takes me very near to there, so I'll happily go along with you to the shores of the lake - as long as you do not intend any great delay before setting off. You readily accept his offer. A dragon is always a desirable travelling companion, and you certainly do wish to set off as soon as you can.
86, 86 подземелье
The going is certainly very tough in the Rocklands - but at least you can see a seer's hut, and beside it a lith entrance. Your spirits soar as you realize this must be the way to Avalon.
10, 19 подземелье
Doubts begin to creep into your mind. A short while ago it had seemed like a jolly little adventure, exactly the kind of diversion you were looking for. Gradually you are coming to realize just what a difficult task you may have taken on. Where on earth (or elsewhere!) would Arthur be? The last you heard, he was being taken, wounded, to the Isle of Avalon. Now, you feel sure that was in the middle of a lake, and you have a vague idea that it was somewhere in the south west, but you're not at all certain how to get there. Your companions also appear to be disheartened and you find out that they are worried by the appearance of those white dragons, who had not been there before. On the contrary, you try to reassure them, that is an excellent omen. It dates back to the time when I was very young. Brenin Gwrtheyrn ordered a castle to be built in Dinas Emrys, but every night the foundations were swallowed up and the whole building disappeared. All the wisest men in the land were consulted, but they could find no solution. Finally they suggested that the only way to break the spell was to find a child born without a father and to sprinkle his blood on the ground where the castle was to be built. I was chosen and brought before the king. Even though I was only seven at the time, I was able to explain to him that shedding my blood would not help. I could tell that there was a pool under the foundations, and two dragons who lived in this pool awoke each night and fought each other, causing the new walls to collapse. The king ordered his workmen to dig until they found this pool, which they did. As I had foretold, there were two dragons, one red and one white. As they fought the white dragon appeared to have the upper hand, but eventually I knew the red dragon would prevail. I explained that the red dragon represented the British people, and the white the Anglo-Saxons. After a long and fierce struggle the Britons would triumph over the invaders. So, you see, the appearance of these white dragons is a welcome sign. It is an omen that King Arthur will soon return with his red dragons to defeat them. The legend gives them new heart - and it also distracts them from the fact that you are not heading directly towards Camelot, but are trying to turn them to the magic shrine to the west. You haven't cast a spell for centuries and your spellbook is, quite frankly, a disgrace. Most of the pages have fallen out, and those that remain have worn thin and been ripped, while the ink has faded. Yet these people revere you as the greatest magician ever. You're not worried about your image for your own sake, of course, but you simply cannot destroy their faith by betraying the fact that you can hardly cast any spells at all. Once inside Camelot, you will easily find a chance to slip into the mage guild and relearn spells. In the meantime, however, it would be wise to visit both shrines just in case you are called upon to demonstrate your prowess before you reach the castle. You feel certain there was a very useful spell to be learnt in the shrine to the west, but you cannot quite remember what it was.
Страж задания
89, 50 подземелье
Owain explains that this is as far as he can guide you. The Dead Forest is too dangerous for me to enter, he explains. The slightest sneeze could cause a fire which would devastate the whole area. Looks to me, you observe, as if that would be no great loss to anyone. That may well be true, he replies, but you wouldn't want to be inside the forest when it happened, would you? Indeed not, you admit, and so bid him farewell.
98, 2 подземелье
As soon as your party reaches the land, you are set upon by yet more of those vicious flying creatures.
59, 18 подземелье
No wonder there are so many dead trees around here - but this is no time for an environmental crusade. It is better for the supply of mercury to be in your hands than for it to be controlled by the Anglo-Saxons.
66, 81 подземелье
A whole swathe of dead trees surrounds this laboratory. You really should get the Noxious Waste Convention to investigate - but not just yet.
23, 35 подземелье
There is no sign of the escort the Daughters of the Round Table had promised to send. You are uncertain whether you should wait here, or press on and hope to meet them further down the road. Neither, counsels Rhodri, I think both options are too dangerous. We have no idea what enemy patrols may be around here. It would be much safer to take the western road, through the mountains. The road itself is in much better condition and so we should be able to make good speed. I am also confident we won't meet any of the invaders in the mountains.
Золотой лук
77, 5 подземелье
It is amazing how careless these raiders are with artifacts. Have they really stolen so much that they can afford to drop things all over the place? Anyway, this bow could be very useful, particularly for Megan.
Эльфийский лук из вишневого дерева
57, 89 подземелье
The miller, grateful that the raiders have been driven away, says you can take his bow. He wasn't very good with it anyway.
71, 56 подземелье
Yet more spirits of the dead appear in your path.
81, 63 подземелье
The spirits of the unfortunate adventurers who have preceded you rise up to block your path. You are apprehensive, as you can remember what formidable opponents ghosts were in your younger days. Rhys senses your anxiety and tries to reassure you. The ghosts of the olden days were deemed to be too powerful under the terms of the Nebulous Wanderers' Covenant, and have been banished from this world. These wights are far weaker and should not trouble us much. Feeling very much relieved, you prepare for battle.
27, 83 подземелье
From here you can see the Lake of Avalon - what you cannot see is any sign of a boat, nor anywhere to build one. This is not going to be as easy as you may have hoped. You ask where there might be any other landing sites, but Ifor is certain this is the only one, and Rhodri confirms this. Could you not use a spell, asks Trefor, to summon a boat? Even if I could remember the spell, you reply gloomily, old as my eyes are, they are good enough to tell me, even from here, that that is an anti-magic garrison. It would not be possible to cast any spell from the water's edge. Realizing that you have slipped up by admitting you have forgotten the spell, you start to bluster, hoping they won't have noticed. Whose foolish idea was it, anyway, to put that thing there? What is the point of it? That would be the work of the Network of Water Conjurors, answers Rhys. It is intended to prevent any unworthies using magic to reach Avalon. What utter nonsense, you fume. Which of us could be considered unworthy? Remember, says Ifor, it's not just wizards who know how to use magic. True, true, you say grudgingly, but it does leave us with a major problem. Without boats or magic, how on earth are we to reach the Isle of Avalon? Silence reigns for a few minutes as everyone frowns and tries to look as if they are thinking of a solution. Finally, Trefor speaks. We could try looking for the Holy Grail, he suggests, glancing quickly from face to face, searching for some sign of approval. And just how, asks Ifor grimly, do you imagine that would help? Haven't a clue, admits Trefor. But does anyone have a better idea, he adds defensively. And just where would you start looking, Ifor enquires with just a slight hint of cynicism in his voice. Haven't a clue about that either, Trefor concedes, now somewhat deflated as he realizes his suggestion isn't as popular as he had hoped. The last I heard, Rhys interjects, it was still being guarded by Peredur, the one the English call Sir Perceval. Apparently its properties miraculously kept him alive. But that was a very long time ago. I believe no-one has seen him for many years. And I haven't a clue where to start looking, he adds before Ifor can pose the question. There seems to be little point in setting out on a search for the Grail if you have no idea where to start, and no idea whether it would be of any use in solving your problem. Furthermore, the thought of looking for the Grail does not appeal to you at all. You always felt that the day the Knights of the Round Table started their quest for the Grail was the day the fellowship started to fall apart. The only comfort you can find is that you can see an avalanche has blocked the other road. That, and the securing of a supply of crystal, at least means that the detour caused by Pointy Hat proved to be a good thing. You must remember to thank him the next time you meet. You're sure he would appreciate that. Rhodri finally speaks. Well, he says, standing here staring at the problem isn't going to solve it. My business takes me to Castell Goch. I should be happy if you would accompany me there, it's only about a day's journey due east from here. I'm slightly uneasy at the lack of news from the Daughters of the Round Table, and it may be that your help could be needed. It's also possible they could give you a suggestion as to how you could continue your quest. You can see no sensible alternative, so you agree to go with him. You have enjoyed his company, so it is no hardship to prolong it.
Накидка скорости
48, 66 подземелье
As you are walking along a narrow path, a nearby bush suddenly bursts into flames. Before your eyes the flames become the image of a beautiful woman. She holds out a magnificent sword to you. As you reach out for it, the image disappears. Now you know it can't be due to drinking too much mead - but imagining things like that really isn't a healthy sign. Imagination or not, however, there {is} a cloak lying on the ground!
Ожерелье скорости
51, 42 подземелье
One of the invaders has gone skinny dipping in the gem pond. Shocked by such uncivilized behaviour, you decided to teach him a lesson by taking his clothes. As you pick them up, you notice they were covering a necklace. Obviously it's part of his loot from somewhere, but you have no idea where. Until you can find out, you might as well make use of it.
Страж задания
37, 26 подземелье
The guards here say they have orders to close the path until they hear from Rhonwen.
48, 33 подземелье
You find the Knight you have rescued is not Megan, but is one called Rhonwen. Although I am not the one you expected to find, I am very grateful, and indeed honoured, that you have found me. I was supposed to be guarding this castle while Megan was away, but the raiders caught me by surprise. She was visiting Myfanwy in her castle to the north east. You should hurry there without further delay, no doubt they too have been imprisoned. I feel sure Megan will be able to advise you on what to do next. You are disappointed to learn that you have to make yet another journey, but there is no alternative. I shall head north, Rhonwen continues, and open up the path to the magi settlement. The guards have orders to close it if they do not hear from us regularly. Other guards will also have closed the road to Camelot.
Кольцо странника
67, 12 подземелье
Has this ring been dropped by some of the invaders, or does it belong to the miller. Surely not, he would have no use for it. Well, you do, and so now it's yours.
Глиф доблести
78, 99 подземелье
Grateful for your having defeated the attackers, the acolyte presents you with a glyph of gallantry.
Колье заклинателя
75, 101 подземелье
It seems a very strange place for someone to have lost such a collar - but you feel sure you can find a use for it.
Карты пророчества
50, 106 подземелье
This is a national emergency - not a time for playing games! You'd better confiscate these cards before they get someone into trouble.
Птица счастья
70, 11 подземелье
One of the fiends must have dropped this. You hope it will bring you more luck than it did him.
38, 19 подземелье
Rhodri notices you looking down the path to the south. That path leads to one of the castles held by the Daughters of the Round Table. No doubt you would find it interesting to go and visit them, but we simply cannot afford the time. After talking with these enchanters, we really must hurry back to Camelot as swiftly as possible. Could we not, asks Rhys, claim that ore pit by the war machine factory on they way back? Oh, certainly, Rhodri replies, from here that route will be even shorter than the other.
Кулон мужества
71, 22 подземелье
Another artifact is lying on the ground, with no sign of the owner. You had better take it along with you - until you find a lost property office where you can hand it in.
Крест отваги
61, 54 подземелье
The miller offers you a crest of valor as a reward for chasing off the creatures who were persecuting him. Since when do millers get to hand out awards like that?
Королева медуз
101, 68 подземелье
You encounter another group of the new style medusas. Having learnt to use the bow and arrow, while still being able to turn men to stone, they have become even more formidable opponents. Praise be to the Noble Worthy Creators, however, the medusas no longer sing!
Кулон внутреннего зрения
61, 8 подземелье
A raiding party has evidently dropped this along the mountain trail. It could be useful if some of them are starting to develop magic skills.
Подзорная труба
10, 61 подземелье
Now this could be a very useful artifact, you think as you pick up the spyglass, not wishing to spend too much time pondering the fate of whoever dropped it.
42, 7 подземелье
You approach an archmage who has been watching the battle, evidently the leader of this community. Welcome to our humble settlement, o mighty Myrddin, he greets you. You honour us with your presence. Please feel free to make use of any of our resources. You may also wish to visit our university, to the east. We're very proud of it. Together with its study centres, it offers instruction in more than a dozen skills. I'm sure one as clever as you would have no trouble entering. You're not sure, but you suspect a slight note of sarcasm in his voice. Unfortunately, he continues, the tavern has been closed on orders of the No Wassailing Campaign... What? you bellow. Do they realize how many centuries it is since I last enjoyed a good pint of mead? Well even if they were open, you couldn't have a pint. The Novel Weights Commission has decreed all drinks must now be sold in litres... Pints, litres, barrels, who cares? you interrupt. You can see lights flickering inside the tavern, and a thin wisp of smoke is rising from the chimney, but there's no point in arguing. If they says it's closed, then it's closed. You were so much looking forward to a good drink of mead. What was the name of that brand you used to like in the good old days? Andy, Anthea, Andrea - yes, that's it! There was nothing quite as sweet as Andrea Mead. Your nostalgia trip is interrupted as you become aware that the archmage is still talking. ...and so my colleagues and I would deem it a great honour to serve with you on this quest. You realize he is offering to join you.
Волшебная сфера маны
83, 92 подземелье
Why on earth would the former owners have been wandering around this desolate area? And how did they come to lose such a valuable orb? Ah well, no point in wasting time on idle speculation - it's found a good home now.
93, 41 подземелье
As you come nearer, you can see these creatures resemble the cyclops of old, the most powerful creatures in the barbarian armies, with their deathly stare. Coming even closer, you realize they are cyclops, but what has caused them to start playing around with rocks? In the good old days they left that kind of thing to the trolls. No time for such musings! The hooligans stop kicking their rock around and turn to face you. They suddenly start their ritual chanting, {You'n I TID, You'n I TID A chill runs down your spine.
97, 49 подземелье
Nothing but death and desolation.
15, 58 подземелье
Safely out of sight of PH, you stop running and pause for breath. Do you think we should look for some bovines to give to Pointy Hat so that he will let us pass? asks Trefor of no-one in particular. Oh, yes, what a good idea, replies Ifor sarcastically, the mountains are always teeming with vast herds of cattle. Even if we did happen upon any, you respond, I'm not sure we could trust him to let us through. Besides that, bovines have been kind to me in the past. I don't see why we should sacrifice any innocent creatures to satisfy the whims of a homicidal maniac. I think 'vaccicidal' is the word you are looking for, offers Ifor casually. No, says Rhodri firmly. This road does not lead directly to the shores of the lake, but it will take us close. We must press on without losing any more time. You, for one, are not going to argue with a dragon, so you set off along the eastern road.
Волшебный свиток
94, 59 подземелье
Well, you did ask what could be more useless than the Summon Boat spell - now you have the answer! What, you exclaim, am I expected to summon a boat just in order to destroy it? Even if there were any boats to summon! Your companions remain silent. The anger seething inside you is evident, and not one of them wishes to risk having it turned on him by saying anything. Your anger is mixed with shame and embarrassment. Everyone has seen that the wise Myrddin has been tricked. You have lost some very good spells, and gained two which appear to be totally useless. Still , the merchant has vanished without trace, there is nothing you can do about it now. You must press on and hope that maybe you will be able to trade these scrolls for something worthwhile.
Хижина предсказателя
95, 2 подземелье
Ah, Myrddin, the seer greets you, come on in. I was sure my little trick with the water would not fool one as wise as you. Well, you admit, it did have me worried for a short while. I must congratulate you on a very ingenious and original scheme. I thank you for the compliment, he responds, but cannot claim that it is original. I was inspired by a certain Caster of Shadows, although he has gone under many other names, who used the device in a Spectral World he created during the Second Era. It has served well to keep the invaders away from me. Until recently, that is, when they found these strange creatures able to fly over the water to annoy me. I am very grateful that you have driven them away. Is there any way I can show my gratitude? But first sit down and rest. Can I get you anything to drink? A sweet pint of mead would slip down a treat, you reply optimistically, but your hopes are immediately dashed as he shakes his head. You are beginning to wonder if Andrea Mead is to be found anywhere in this land. Sadly, he explains, mead has been largely replaced by beer, a lukewarm drink introduced by the invaders. For myself, I cannot understand why it has become so popular - far too bitter for my taste. I can offer you a range of herbal teas, which are most beneficial to the health... Seeing you hesitate, he adds, ...or, I do have a couple of barrels of sweet cider...
27, 11 подземелье
Examining the artifacts you have captured, you are surprised that these ignorant savages seem to have so many magical items. Even more unusual is what seems to be part of an ancient statue. Ifor doubts the wisdom of carrying such a heavy item along. It'll just slow us down, and I can't see any use for it, is his view. Trefor is more positive, Booty's booty, I say. Let's take everything we find. As long as I don't have to carry it, is Ifor's grudging response. I have no idea what it is, admits Rhys, but if these raiders were taking the trouble to carry it with them, it must have some significance. We should show it to the Daughters of the Round Table when we meet their escort - perhaps they know something about it. Moving on, your attention is caught by a strange structure to your left. As you stare at it, Ifor draws alongside you and enthusiastically starts to explain, This is one of the very latest lith designs from the Network of Wonderful Connections. Many admire the sleek lines of the Mark IIIb/ii, but some feel its modern look to be out of place... It is through such liths, Rhys interrupts him, that the invaders attack us. Although they can emerge from the structures, we have found no way of entering them. It is almost as if the raiders are coming from the bowels of the earth... ...Or the depths of Hell itself, interjects Ifor. It does, indeed, seem that way, Rhys concedes. It is always wise to be wary when near such structures. You can never tell when an enemy force might emerge.
45, 96 подземелье
You spot an enemy patrol up ahead. They are too strong for you to fight at the moment, but perhaps you can sneak past. They do seem to be moving very slowly, no doubt weighed down by all the booty they are gathering. If you can find Rhiannon, she should be able to bring enough crusaders to deal with this raider.
Бездонный мешок золота
103, 10 подземелье
Such riches are surely worth a small detour.
Нескончаемое кольцо самоцветов
102, 1 подземелье
This could prove very valuable.
Бездонная сума золота
105, 2 подземелье
It seems like this is not the way out - but at least the trip was not wasted!
Накидка заклинателя
18, 100 подземелье
You do not have much knowledge of magic, but this cloak should help improve your proficiency.
Тетива из гривы единорога
34, 103 подземелье
There's no sign of unicorns anywhere in this land - but what the heck! This enchanted bowstring could be very useful.
46, 52 подземелье
What on earth is that monstrosity, you exclaim, looking at the ugly structure to the right. That is a subterranean gate, explains Rhys. It allows access to the underground. Underground, you murmur in wonder, why, in my day we would never have considered venturing down there. In many ways, you reflect, this is a New World Completely.
Хижина предсказателя
32, 14 подземелье
I have a pair of boots, very nice boots, magical they are, make you travel further. I guess someone like you could find a use for them. Now what do you think they are worth? I'd be willing to swap them for, oh, let's say an Endless Bag of Gold.
97, 13 подземелье
It's a very strange sensation, sailing over what looks like solid ground, but you are pleased to discover it is actually smoother, and swifter, than travelling on foot or horse.
29, 25 подземелье
Ifor points out the Mark IIIb/i to your left, but you have to hurry on. You cannot help but wonder whatever prompted the Nimble Whirling Commuters to introduce so many lith designs. In the golden days of the Second Era, there were just three types, all a simple, elegant, dignified white. Everyone was happy with that, so why change? Well, of course, there was one alchemist who was always complaining that there weren't enough for his grandiose schemes, but alchemists are Never Wholly Content.
Кольцо заклинателя
28, 36 подземелье
To your great astonishment, you meet Dennis Moore, the notorious lupin thief, looking very confused. You patiently explain to him that he has no place in this world. He is very glad to hear it and gives you a ring in gratitude - then simply disappears!
89, 32 подземелье
You suddenly spot the seer's home - indeed, it would be hard to miss it. One very large, solitary tree in the midst of all this barren land, it surely cannot be natural. You ask Hywel about these seers. You cannot remember meeting any in the old days. Oh, he replies, they did not appear until the beginning of the Third Era. Since then, however, they have become very common and seem to appear all over the place. Many people have come to rely on them for guidance. They can indeed be very useful, you have to admit. Although their choice of dwellings does seem rather strange - but then, there is much in this new Third Era that is strange to me. Well, you haven't much time to dwell on it, he warns. It is said that the dawn of the Fourth Era draws nigh. There is already much speculation as to what changes the Noble Whimsical Creators are planning. I for one, says Trefor as the brothers have joined the conversation, am looking forward to the new era. I'm sure it will be Not a Web of Confusion. Who knows, asks Ifor, obviously not expecting an answer. It could turn out to be a Nest of Waspish Conundrums, but there is no sense in us spending time thinking about it. It is all in the lap of the gods. Well, I have heard, adds Rhys, that in their Wake, the Gods have left something truly wondrous. It not the Fourth Era itself, but it is said that a Work of Genius has given mere mortals the power to make sweeping changes to things as we know them in the Third Era.. It seems we do live in exciting times, agrees Hywel, but what should concern us is the present reality. I know I have some urgent business to attend to, and I believe you do too. I suggest we press on.
Гарпия ведьма
98, 77 подземелье
You are faced by a savage band of the creatures you now know to be called harpy hags. You never encountered such beings in the olden days, and cannot help wondering where they came from. I do not know their origins, says Hywel, but almost every Warlock you encounter will have such troops in his (or her) army. I cannot get used to the idea of a female Warlock, you reply, such a thing was quite unthinkable in the good old days. That's called progress, Ifor interjects, with obvious disapproval. Equality of opportunity is the buzz phrase now. Maybe so, you respond, but I don't see why it should be applied to Warlocks. You're not quite certain what a buzz phrase might be, but this is not the time to start him off. The creatures are about to attack!
99, 77 подземелье
After the fight is over, you turn to Hywel and ask, Pray tell me, what has happened to the gargoyles? They were always a feature of Warlock armies in all the wars I ever fought. Surely they have not simply vanished? Oh, no, he responds, but there was a great upheaval at the start of the Third Era. As I understand it, the gargoyles were out of contract, and their agents negotiated a move to the Wizards. You would have been able to recruit some yourself at Camelot had you repaired their parapet while you were there. There was more important work to be done in that short time, says Trefor, somewhat defensively. Indeed, you agree, besides, I'm not that comfortable with the idea of having them on my side. In the heat of battle, I might forget myself and destroy them with a spell. There is much in this Third Era that is still strange and new to me.
97, 73 подземелье
Negotiating your way through the Rocklands is a very slow and difficult affair. In many places it appears to be a vast, open plain, yet much of it seems inaccessible. Often there is only one narrow path you can follow - and of course it is there that you will find enemy troops waiting to attack you. Much of the surface here is treacherous, Hywel explains. One false step could easily result in a broken limb, or worse. You have to be very careful where you tread. Then we are indeed fortunate, you say with a smile and a slight bow towards him, to have you to guide us. It is my pleasure, he responds, bowing in return. Of course, normally I could just fly over the obstacles, but I am afraid I could not carry you and your companions. At least not yet, but who knows what the future holds. There is talk that the Fourth Era will start soon, and there is much speculation as to what changes that might bring. Naturally Wholesale Changes are expected.
100, 70 подземелье
It seems you have stumbled on the remnants of a mighty Warlock army. There is no sign of their leader, and it appears the troops have become separated. Yes, ventures Rhys, these Anglo-Saxons live only for fighting. Without a strong hero to keep them in order, they soon start quarrelling among themselves. In some ways, muses Hywel, their war-like nature is to our advantage. If they were to ally, surely they would soon overrun us. The more we can lead them to fight each other rather than us, the longer we may be able to hold out against them.
17, 43 подземелье
Riding into the cool, fresh air of the mountains, you feel a little more relaxed, and have more time to chat. You enjoy a conversation with Rhodri about the good old days. Of course, he is too young to have experienced the golden period of the Second Era, but, as dragons live much longer than humans, he is far fewer generations removed from that time than are your human companions. Tell me, he inquires, is it really true that there were no red dragons in the First Era? It is indeed true, you answer. In those days the only dragons to be seen were purple. Mind you, there were no Wizards, nor any Necromancers, around then either. It was only with the beginning of the Second Era that red dragons appeared, along with some green and black variants. Yes, I have heard of them, he responds. I've even heard tales that black dragons were supposed to be superior. Surely such a thing cannot be true? Sadly, it was, you tell him, although I always thought that was a mistake by the Nutty Warped Colourists. In this part of the world, however, red dragons were always seen to be the most noble of all creatures, you hastily reassure him. There were even, you continue, some misguided fools who argued that titans were better than dragons. So, Heretics did exist in those days, he observes. I had thought they were a new introduction at the start of the Third Era. Oh, there have always been heretics around, you reply, but in those days, no-one regarded them as heroes. Just like the Alchemists, you add.
80, 58 подземелье
You recognize the other side of the mad necromancer's tower. There, exclaims Ifor triumphantly, I told you there would be a way round it. You cannot actually recall him saying that, but this is not the time to start an argument. You must hurry on.
27, 8 подземелье
The barbarian leader's attention is still fixed in the other direction and he does not seem to have noticed you approaching. With luck you can take him by surprise, but you are also confident that now you have a strong enough force to defeat him. Perhaps, says Rhodri with a wink, you may be able to try out some of the spells in that book you paid so much for.
43, 38 подземелье
You spot an enemy force trying to find a way through the forest of fire. There are even more strange creatures - some look like medusas, but these carry bows and arrows, unlike the ones you remember from your time. They must have evolved, you think - but no matter, they have to die!
85, 4 подземелье
Megan is very grateful for your assistance and asks what she may do for you in return. This is exactly what you were hoping to hear. You explain the situation, then wait while she ponders for a few minutes. I'm not sure, she finally says. Seeing the disappointment on your face, she continues, but I think there is a seer who might be able to help you. All I know is that he lives somewhere in the Rocklands, but I'm afraid I have no idea where. The Rocklands? you ask. I have never heard of such a place. It is the eastern part of the land, the entrance can be found just to the north of Porth Newydd, she explains. Why, unless my memory is even worse than I thought, that area was very fertile, teeming with game to hunt, and with many farms. Why is it now called the Rocklands, you wonder. Ah, she responds, I do remember my grandmother saying it was as you described. However the Anglo-Saxons have so ravaged the land that you will find it much changed. Before you go there, I would advise you to return to Camelot and find a few more travelling companions. Not many creatures live in that area now, but those you do meet are likely to be hostile. I'm sure that, with your expert training, my monks would make excellent enchanters, but I fear I shall need all the forces I can muster. It is unlikely that there are any strong enemy forces in the Rocklands, so those you recruit from Camelot should be enough to see you safely through. As you part, she wishes you luck on your quest and adds, You must hurry. I can promise that all the Daughters of the Round Table will do our best to repel the invaders for as long as possible. However, even were you to stay and help us, we could never hope to defeat them. Our only hope for victory lies in you finding King Arthur before they become too numerous for us. You must not allow yourself to be distracted from your mission.
Хижина предсказателя
57, 0 подземелье
Welcome Myrddin. I understand you have defeated the monsters who had trapped my friend in the Rocklands. If that is so, then come on in, I shall be glad to assist you in any way I can.
33, 7 подземелье
Rhodri suddenly returns, carrying a bag of gold. These are my life savings. Please take them. Oh, no, that's too much to expect, you stutter, genuinely touched by his generosity. I really couldn't expect you to... Nonsense, he insists, we must all contribute what we can to the cause. If you don't succeed in finding Arthur, then surely the Anglo-Saxons will take all we have anyway. There's no arguing with him. Despite his youth, in dragon terms, he does have an air of natural authority about him, alongside his open-heartedness and generosity. You will be very sad to see him go when the time comes for him to leave your party. Besides, he adds with a wink, I think you need it for something you want very badly. It seems he's also quite perceptive.
8, 20 подземелье
From the observatory you can see all the grounds of Camelot - and what a wonderful sight it is! It seems nothing has changed since you left. The gardens are immaculate and in full bloom. The red swans are still swimming in their ponds - well, presumably, not the original swans, but their descendants. The soaring towers of the castle look as impressive as ever. Best of all, the enchanted forest you created to keep unwelcome visitors away still sparkles like it always did. You realize that is what has been missing from your life - there just wasn't any sparkle up there. You feel full of life and look forward to new adventures. Trefor suggests you go to the spot where Excalibur stands in the stone. Perhaps you could pull it out and take it to Camelot, which would save a lot of trouble. Huh! says Ifor. Do you really think a feeble old man like him could pull the sword from the rock? Privately you agree with him, although you would have hoped to express it somewhat more politely. Rhys, however, says it's worth a try. After all, you're not going to reach the castle by nightfall anyway.
32, 4 подземелье
You see another raiding party is heading for the ore pit. Attack! shouts Trefor, emboldened by the success of the first fight. Ifor is rather more cautious, but you feel you should be able to handle this group, even though they look a bit tougher than the first you encountered. As the invaders have reached this area, counsels Rhys, we should hurry east to the magi settlement. They may need our help. Yes, Trefor agrees, but we should also claim the mines on the way.
Хижина предсказателя
31, 4 подземелье
Welcome good sirs! This really is your lucky day. I have a copy of the Tome of Earth Magic, which I am pleased to be able to offer to you for the measly sum of 40,000 gold pieces. F-f-f-forty thousand! you splutter. Oh, come now, the merchant replies, it's a real bargain. This is a genuine first edition, certified by the Northern Wizards' Council. You look dubious, but he continues, I can tell you are a gentleman of distinction, a real connoisseur, one who will treasure such a precious item. So, to give it a good home, I'll let you have it for just 30,000. You know that it's a swindle, and you can sense that your companions are looking at you uneasily. They cannot understand why you are wasting time with this charlatan when, surely, you must know all the spells, and more, already. You cannot afford to shatter their faith in you by admitting that you've forgotten most of them, and desperately need this book - but, equally, you simply cannot afford 30,000 centipedes. Well, as a collector, you reply, I might be interested if it is a genuine first edition... Oh, certainly, he enthuses, it was probably written by Myrddin himself. Just look at the quality of the leather-look bindings... As he sees you sadly shaking your head he adds, tell you what, just for you, make it 25,000, cash of course. That's my final offer. As you continue slowly shaking your head, he hesitates, then says All right, you drive a hard bargain, it's yours for just 20,000, and that really is as low as I can go. You realize that he does mean it this time, but you simply do not have the gold. You tell him you'll have to think about it and turn away, wondering whether you can find that much money before you return this way. As you leave, Trefor asks why you didn't just zap the scoundrel and take the book. Being on the side of good, you explain, I just can't do such things. It's just not playing the game. Why, even the Necromancers' & Warlocks' Code wouldn't tolerate such ungentlemanly behaviour.
13, 58 подземелье
West - Lake Avalon East - Castell Goch
47, 84 подземелье
East - Porth Newydd, Cynfelyn's castle South - Caercroesgadwyr, Rhiannon's castle
36, 83 подземелье
North - Castell o Dan, Megan's castle East - Castell Goch, Angharad's castle South - Lake Avalon
36, 40 подземелье
East - Castell o Dan, Megan's castle
56, 37 подземелье
North - Caermynydd, Myfanwy's castle West - Castell o Dan, Megan's castle
29, 22 подземелье
You ask about the gateway to the west, which doesn't appear to lead any where. So far, Rhys explains, the enemy has not found a way to pass the red gates. Thus these small enclosures do provide a safe haven for travellers if the invaders are active in the area. We may find them useful on our journey.
26, 88 подземелье
Your heart sinks as you near the shoreline. A thick fog lies low over the surface of the lake, hiding the Isle of Avalon from view. If you can't see it, the boots are useless! You join your heart as you sit wearily on the ground, deflated, defeated. For a long while the only sound is of the water lapping at the shore. Trefor suddenly jumps to his feet and says, I know I've suggested it before, but we could look for the Grail. Seeing the lack of enthusiasm in everyone's eyes, he adds, It has to be better than doing nothing, surely? Reluctantly you have to agree, but you need to hear everything they know about it. As far as Rhys is aware, it was last in the possession of Peredur, but nothing has been heard of him for a very long time. Ifor thinks he lived in a castle called Holywell, but has no idea where that might be. You remember there was a Castle of the Seven Wells, somewhere between Castell o Dan and what is now called the Rocklands - but none of those wells had anything holy about them. Trefor's face suddenly lights up. I recall hearing of a seer, he says, can't remember his name, who was interested in the story of the Holy Grail. He just might be able to help us. And where would we find this seer? you ask, somehow knowing that it is not going to be just around the corner. These people always live at the far ends of the earth. I'm not sure, Trefor responds, but I think his home is hidden somewhere in the northern mountains, to the west of Caermynydd. That figures, you think. However, it has to be better than doing nothing, so you may as well go and see what the seer has to say. I'm not at all certain, Trefor continues, as he rumages around in his robes, but it could be that he was the one referred to by the seer in the Rocklands. As we were leaving, he gave me this, producing a sash from his pocket with a flourish. He told me that if we ever needed advice from a good friend of his, we should show him this and he would be willing to help.
Наездник на волке
32, 12 подземелье
Yet another group of the invaders is struggling to haul a huge pile of gold. You never were exactly friendly with wolves, but you could appreciate a certain savage nobility in them. Such creatures really should not be used as beasts of burden. Not to mention, of course, that you have a certain use for that gold yourself.
Страж задания
33, 11 подземелье
Suddenly Rhodri halts the party. Excuse me, he explains, I have some urgent business to attend to. Carry on, I'll rejoin you further along the road. Without waiting for any reply, he turns and flies off into the mountains.
34, 14 подземелье
Some raiders have taken control of the ore pit and are attempting to remove some of the spoils. It is clear the ore is too heavy for the poor little things. You really should try to lighten their burden.
Страж задания
56, 6 подземелье
A guard says the seer who lives in these mountains wishes to be left alone. It'd be more'n me job's worth to let you through - 'less o' course you 'appen to be someone real famous, legendary like.
Страж задания
53, 5 подземелье
A guard stops you and says, I cannot let you go any further unless you can show some evidence of you friendly intentions.
44, 84 подземелье
Of the two artifacts you have captured from this enemy force, the orb of driving rain looks to be the most useful, but Ifor seems quite excited by the talisman. If we could only find an orb of mana, he exclaims, then we could show you what a combination artifact is. I do hope there is one somewhere nearby, he says with almost childlike glee.
Стрелы с перьями ангела
39, 81 подземелье
These arrows would be very useful for Angharad.
Кольцо жизни
38, 69 подземелье
You find more dropped booty. These raiders do seem to be very careless with their treasures.
Хижина предсказателя
36, 80 подземелье
Before you can knock on the door, it opens and an old man greets you. I've heard you defeated that ugly Anglo-Saxon who stole my Orb of Driving Rain. I do accept that it is now yours, you won it fair and square - but would you be willing to exchange it for one of my other trinkets? Please. I do so love its beautiful blue colour. You feel unsure - that orb could be very useful to you. However you cannot just turn him down, so you ask what he has to offer. He disappears inside.
Кольцо здоровья
36, 79 подземелье
Could this be the ring the old man hid? Well, there's no time to ask him now - you are on an important, and urgent, mission. You'll have to come back and see him once you have found Arthur.
Амулет маны
57, 67 подземелье
A raiding party must have dropped this on their way back to the gateway.
Кулон святости
48, 97 подземелье
In your wanderings you come across a hermit living in a small, tidy (not to mention totally invisible!) hut. Impressed with your mission, he takes time out from his meditations to bless and give you a charm against curses.
Сосуд с кровью жизни
98, 99 подземелье
You have no idea what on earth they are doing {here} but you come upon a caravan of gypsies who are feeding and fortifying their bodies with mead (at last!) They call you forward and say, If you prove that you can dance the Rama-Buta, we will reward you. You don't know it but try anyway. They laugh hysterically. Enraged, you cast chain lightning on them all, pick up the vial and move on.
Страж задания
93, 101 подземелье
The Rocklands have come under an evil spell. No-one may enter until a magician powerful enough has removed the curse.
99, 99 подземелье
You are almost immediately filled with remorse. You are supposed to be on the side of good after all. You turn around and cast a few resurrection and cure spells - you even throw in a face-lift spell for the leader's wife, just to show you meant no ill will. Soon you are all sitting around joking and laughing as if nothing untoward had happened. They insist you have a glass of mead to show there are no hard feelings. Then another to prove it wasn't just an empty gesture. Then another, you can't remember why. Then another... A while later Rhys reminds you that you really don't have the time to waste. Your mission is vitally important - and most urgent. Reluctantly you take your leave and resume the journey - but at least you now know that mead {can} be found in this world. Right now, though, what you need is some fresh water to clear your head.
97, 99 подземелье
What is this beautiful, sparkly structure, you exclaim. No-one really knows, says Trefor. Completely useless, Ifor mutters. It was introduced at the start of the Third Era, but it's never worked. But surely, you say incredulously, something so sparkly cannot just be ignored, neglected, left to waste. What was it intended for? None of us have ever been able to find out, Rhys responds. All is not lost, however. I have heard there is a new Way of Generating which can give this building some purpose.
Хижина предсказателя
103, 99 подземелье
Welcome, strangers, the seer greets you, I don't often have the chance to meet travellers these days. Hardly surprising, I suppose, there's not much to attract anyone to the Rocklands. You don't, by any chance, happen to have a bottle of mead with you...? Sadly, no, you reply, I was rather hoping you might be able to offer us some. We met a caravan of gypsies just a short while back, but they don't have any mead. At least, they don't now, you think to yourself. Any drink is very rare in this region, he responds. Over the years I have accumulated much wealth, but I would gladly trade it for some source of refreshment. Any form of well would be almost priceless. Unfortunately the only well we have is the Wizard's Well, you say. Oh, he enthuses, I have no idea what that is, but it sounds perfect. Would you be willing to trade? I'll pay very handsomely for it. Would 50,000 pieces of gold be enough to persuade you to part with it, please?
99, 54 подземелье
Hywel catches you staring at the barren landscape and sadly shaking your head. What has haappened to the rich farms, the lush forests, the teeming game? I find it hard to believe how much it has changed, you explain to him. No point in standing staring at it, he says, quite cheerfully. The sooner you find Arthur, the sooner he can drive these invaders from our land and the sooner we can start restoring this area to its former beauty.
100, 69 подземелье
Don't these English ever stop fighting? you ask of no-one in particular. Oh, they do every day, Hywel replies. Punctually at 4 o'clock, they break off for afternon tea. We should time our attacks better, then, you say. Oh, I don't think that would be considered sporting, is his response. What do they think this is, you ask, a game?
91, 11 подземелье
A lone griffin flies down from the mountains and drops a small package at your feet. You have chosen wisely, Myrddin. Here is your reward, he says before flying off. Opening the packet, you find the gloves you had to give up at the entrance to the Rocklands. Well, at least they look like the same pair. The boots would have been more welcome, you think, but you must be grateful for whatever you get.
Страж задания
24, 38 подземелье
The guards have orders to close the road so long as an enemy force stands at the gates of Megan's castle.
6, 106 подземелье
Angharad tells Rhiannon about the enemy patrol she has seen near the magic garden. With the force you have already, she says, you should be able to liberate the saw-mill and ore pit. If you recruit more crusaders at the start of next week, that should be enough for you to defeat him. Meanwhile I'll try to sneak past him again to return home.
10, 6 суша
As you approach, the eldest of the three (somehow you sense they are brothers) is pushed forward by the others. He has obviously been volunteered as their spokesman. He bows awkwardly and says, Excuse us sir, are you the legendary Myrddin? You feel flattered (a good start) but reply, Well, my name is Myrddin, whether I am legendary or not is for others to say, in what you hope is a dignified tone. A look of relief appears on his face as he says, Oh, indeed you are legendary, the greatest in all legend. Now that {is} nice to hear, you think. Allow me to introduce myself, he continues. I am called Trefor, and my brothers here, (yes, you think, I've still got it!) are Ifor and Rhys. Very pleased to meet you, you respond, but why, not to mention how, have you come to see me? We come on behalf of the British people to ask for your aid. The country is being overrun by the Angles, Saxons and Jutes. To repel these invaders we are in desperate need of a mighty hero to lead us... Now, that really is a compliment, you think to yourself, although you're not entirely convinced you quite fit the bill. ...and it has been decided that you would be the one most likely to find King Arthur for us. Delete one compliment, as your ego deflates. The people really believe in the legend of Arthur as the Once and Future King, the one who will return when his country is in danger. Well, it certainly is in danger now. Britons everywhere are being oppressed by the English invaders, and their only hope lies in the return of Arthur. There was great expectation that his arrival was imminent, what with the millennium and all, but there has been no sign so far and many are becoming despondent. Will you come with us and help restore Arthur and Excalibur to Camelot? Well, you think, it's not as if you have a long list of prior engagements. A little adventure might be an amusing diversion, and it would be interesting to see Camelot once more, not to mention Arthur himself - if you can ever find him. You nod your agreement sagely (at least you hope that's the way it looks) and they start to move towards the strange new structure. Is this some new sort of lith? you enquire. Ifor suddenly perks up and responds, Well, it's not exactly new, quite old now in fact, but of course it must be very different from the liths they had in your time. I understand they were all white in those days. This type of lith, the Mark IIIa, comes in several different colours, as well as designs, and you have a choice of one-way or two-way. The newest design, the Mark IIIb series, is now becoming more popular... You have the feeling this could prove to be a very long trip.
Страж задания
7, 88 суша
The dragon army will follow none but Arthur, son of Uther Pendragon, overlord of the dragons.
11, 90 суша
64, 8 суша
96, 98 суша
58, 61 суша
51, 51 суша
104, 20 суша
96, 11 суша
104, 106 суша
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