Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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New World Computing
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A new cave system has been discovered. Unfortunately, even your dreaded neighbours know about it and are beginning to explore. In order to defeat them and take control of the underground, some assistance from the swamp might be useful. Created by Lennart Mumm.
Once, I had a tame Faerie Dragon. But eventually it found another Faerie Dragon, and escaped. Now, I want to tame a new and you'll only be allowed to pass if you are able to bring me such a dragon.
43, 26 подземелье
This is the tomb of the great warrior Frederick the Protector of the Mountains.
Хижина предсказателя
68, 42 подземелье
Ages ago, I had a family and we lived happily together. But then those Crystal Dragons came and killed them all and burned our village. I was the only one who escaped. I am to weak to defeat them, but if you are mighty enough, I would reward you richly. They live in the southwestern part of this land.
57, 49 подземелье
Now you are in the middle of the swamp and have discovered some nice treasures. This rises the morale of your troops.
Случайная реликвия
54, 59 суша
While approaching the artifact, you realize evil creatures (a hoard of Minotaur Kings and lots of Harpy Hags) lurking in the shadows, waiting to slaughter your army. Will you remain standing and battle them to secure this area?
59, 72 суша
Sorry, it's a dead end!
Хижина предсказателя
93, 36 суша
Nothing, eh? I'm sure you will find the Statue of Legion soon. Please keep looking. (You'll need to find the different pieces and assemble it first).
Хижина предсказателя
77, 25 суша
I've always wanted to meet someone as famous as you. Will you let me write down your life story? I am not a warrior, but I have other talents, and my reward will help you casting more spells.
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