Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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New World Computing
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A great upheaval shook the very foundations of the world, breaking apart continents and dividing territories in new ways. After the earth stood still once more the people crawled out from their hiding places and have begun to rebuild in this Brave New World.
Crag Hack is an immortal who will always be with us.
The grouchy old ruler took away our free meals.
One of the Visonaries is a neat freak.
If you tug on one of the Visoniary's goatee you will get good luck - or a slap.
The Grand Engineer has created contraptions the likes of which even he cannot defeat.
There is a lady who has tamed two purple dragons.
A Visionary likes loud noise he calls music.
One of the Visionaries played with children's toys.
One of the Visionaries is a cheapskate.
One of the Visionaries already has four kids!
There is an old Visionary, much older than all the others.
The creator of the world is so powerful he tamed the Viper and uses it to ride across the sky.
The assistant to the creator has a list of people to fire. One of the Visionaries is on it!
The leader of the Artists is a Faire Lady with the power of Crystals at her beck and call.
David R.
A Great Engineer has created the tools needed for the Visionaries to shape this world.
One of the Artists likes to sketch the creatures of the world.
One of the Artists likes to draw women in scanty, leather outfits.
Ed & Becky
There are two Artists who are a couple, and have a Grand Garden in their workplace.
An Artist has let her garden grow wild and free as nature intended.
Day one
After the Great Upheaval factions have sprung up, but some have learned to work together. No one Visionary could rule the New World, so the eight Visionaries have chosen their partner and will conquer the world together. You are one of these powerful Visionaries who will bring about the new age, the Age of Wonder. Use your vast resources to encourage troops and heroes to follow your banner and unify the other, errant Visionaries under your glorious vision.
Хижина предсказателя
19, 9 подземелье
Please help us! We are completely unable to fend off those horrible bloodsucking vampires who always attack our homes. Right now there is a guardpost to keep them out, but it didn't work! They just flew right over the flowers! If you kill them, return with the Vampire's Cowl as proof. Then you can escort us to our home, and there you will find a big reward!
Хижина предсказателя
96, 95 подземелье
Сообщение: Me Grog. You get Orb of Inhibition for me. Me give you old Scale Armor. Stupid Magic Elementals gots Orb. They cast lots of spells. Me no win battle against pansy mages. Bring me orb or I bite head off! Go North near the ocean to find Elementals.
64, 43 подземелье
Half burried somewhere behind the freelancer's guild is a very old book. Deciding that no one else needs the book you put it in your backpack.
18, 52 подземелье
Look at that artifact over there.
Хижина предсказателя
34, 92 подземелье
Hello there. Come in out of the cold. Right now I am working on some new formulas, but I need Crystal Dragons. If I was to obtain say, two of these dragons I would be willing to part with a potion of mine that increases your Attack by ten. But only if you bring me two Crystal Dragons.
Хижина предсказателя
78, 27 подземелье
Only those who are well rounded enough can come in and kiss the Blattner Stone. Once you have reached 10 in each of your primary skills you may come in and raise the morale of your men by three.
Хижина предсказателя
59, 62 подземелье
We're trying to build a new place on one of those cozy islands off the coast. If you could bring me 10 Wood, 5 Mercury, 10 Ore, 5 Sulfur, 5 Crystal, 5 Gems and 3000 Gold, we could get the construction underway. If you do so I'll teach you some tricks I bet you didn't learn in school!
Страж задания
18, 37 подземелье
I am sorry, but this glen belongs to the Sprites. Only when all 75 of them have found transportation here shall we move from our post.
Ожерелье небесного блаженства
18, 36 подземелье
Thanks so much! The Sprites say as the flit about in their little home. Have this pretty Necklace we've been hanging onto. Just being home will be enough bliss for us!
Хижина предсказателя
96, 7 подземелье
We are a horde of Magma Elementals who are looking for someone to follow. Only a hero of great renown and at least rank ten will be able to lead us. Come back when you are worthy of our loyalty.
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