I've heard more whistling in this joint than I can stomach! Are you looking for a new line of work?
I've heard numerous tales of armies sent out to explore the Whistler Hills, but none of their return.
Legend has it that the Hills mourn for all those who whistled while they worked.
Care to wet your whistle here? *wink wink*
Team Above
For countless generations, your kingdom and your neigbor's realm have co-existed in peace and harmony. Sure, there have been more than a few stories rumoring the existence of an underworld populated by vicious marauders, but nothing substantial has been found.
Team Above2
There has been one puzzling mystery all along, however: the Whistler Hills. Folklore abounds about the goings-on in that central part of your world, but royalty would never allow the stories to be proven true. As you pass from heir to King, you decide to settle the issue once and for all.
Team Above3
By the way, has it been mentioned yet that no adventurer has been known to return from the Whistler Hills? Good luck...
Team Below
For centuries untold, the kingdoms of you and your ally have ruled the underground caverns without dispute. Through windless day and moonless night the peoples of the underground have carved out their existence. Suddenly, however, it seems there is a threat.
Team Below2
Scouts from you and your neighbor have reported strange events in the central region separating your realms. Some have speculated there may be topsiders who threaten to invade your kingdoms. You decide your first act as King will be to find these would-be rulers and crush them!
Team Below3
Oh, there's a catch. You must first penetrate the mysterious Whistler Hills, from which no known adventurer has ever returned. Have fun!
18, 23 подземелье
As you approach the narrow pass, the air starts to swirl and churn... are those voices you're hearing, or is it more of a whistling sound? You decide that the locals might not be as crazy as you thought for naming this area Whistler Hills...
18, 12 подземелье
You've been noticing a stirring of the winds for some time while approaching this gap in the hills, but you're suddenly struck by the sound of the wind in the area. Whistler Hills, eh? Perhaps the peasants and farmers aren't as dumb as they look.
9, 18 суша
You've been thinking to yourself that it's odd to have so much stirring of the air in this underground paradise, but now it's turned into full-force wind! The legends surrounding the Whistler Hills might have a basis in truth after all.
27, 18 суша
All these years underground have left an emptiness in you when it comes to the currents of the air. Suddenly you're noticing the whipping of the wind and the noises it can create, and you recall your own childhood when you used to make those noises yourself. The Whistler Hills await you!
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