Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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When Hell freezes over, the devils resort to the call of Ktulu. Due to the fact that the computer has a lot of two way monoliths to deal with and I have no control over how it will choose to do that, it might be wise to set a maximum turn duration time (reasonably large though).
Apparently, great glory and major powers will bow before he who masters both visions of air and earth.
Give Tower resources
give stronghold resources
The journey from The Plane of The Immortals was one you hadn't made in many centuries. The perpetual state of meditation you had got used to was still present in a faint slumber of your limbs. You held up your scythe in the glittering lights. It had been so long since you had held it, and the blood from your last battle was still dripping from it, so many you had killed then... oh, so long ago. Fresh blood will soon meet its blade. Marius had sent his men to greet you and put you up to date with the surroundings of your future battlefield and the Wizard's powers. The fool!... Doesn't he realize that the Plane of the living is in so many ways beneath The Plane of The Immortals and that there is nothing that he could know that you already didn't. You rejected the scouts and sent word that from now on, you didn't need anything from theim but their bodies to throw in the battle. You had begun to prepare the campaign even before you reached the surface. You had sent Axsis, a trusty and able spell caster to study the Wizard from close range and try to access his library high in the mountains. You had also sent men to learn of Asmodeu's fate. They were only able to find out that he was still alive, hiding somewhere in the mountains. You later learned that Axsis had found some outlaws of the high passes that had sneaked him into the wizard's stronghold. The success of his operation might prove very important for your campaign. You have sent some of your helpers forward to the devils' burrow to attempt to rebuild an army, while you have decided to arise somwhere in the furthest depths of the Swamp to seek an ancient Keymaster you remember dwelled there. You shall seek his wisdom and guidance. The difficult part might eventually turn out to be getting back to your base. As you approach the end of the tunnel dug by your men, you greet the sunlight you had so missed with a growl and with the greeting words of the ancients. The work of the First Creator seems to rejoice your return. Such divine rebirth awaits all who will see the Glory!
K'N 1
As Marius was just setting foot outside Brimstone and very angrily noticed that the snow was getting thicker by the day, a short man, with a very daring look in his eyes and a flash of long hair edging from a helm that seemed to be made out of a human skull aproached. Oh, mighty devil, he spoke with not a trace of hesitation in his voice. I seek an audience with the mighty Ktulu, Lord of all lords and Master of all masters. Marius looked him very displeased in the eyes. Ktulu has not arrived yet. He is in the Great Swamp to the south, seeking a way to defeat the wizard. Come back in a few weeks and should he decide to not hang your head from the pole in the middle of the camp, you might get a chance to bow to his godly feet.. The man seemed to weigh his choices for a moment, then continued: I shall go seek him in the depths of the Swamp. In the meanwhile, you might find it decisive for your wellbeing that you deliver this message from me, K'N to Ktulu right away: Axsis, whom he has sent high up in the mountains to steal the wizard's secrets will have to deal with the three guardian brothers flying the purple banner. These are heroes of great military skill and masters of large armies. They will leave in a matter of days to seek the way back to their homeland, Axsis must by no means wait, for the wizard, momentarely preocupied with the effects of his spell, will notice and eliminate him presently. The solution for Axsis is to squeeze through the lines of the three brothers' armies without being noticed. The three brothers have received very strict orders about the areas they should patrol, but there is just enough space for a discrete hero with a small army like Axsis to squeeze through them. He will have to keep as far away from them as possible and as is allowed by their being close to one another. He should perhaprs try to keep a look out for the milestones delimitating one brother's terf from the other's. These milestones should guide him through. Marius looked at the short man angrily. Of course, you realize, maggot, that if this information turns out to be false, your intestins will be the this week's food for my hell hounds... And I tend to put that into practice right now, as I hear you speak words of deceipt. How do you think that you can fool me by saying you will seek Ktulu in the Swamp, when nobody has ever been able to penetrate the Swamp?. But K'N was already off towards the edge of the wood. We shall meet again, Marius, and will have the chance to speek words of blood!
As you were preparing to break camp, a short man with a strange helm was led to you by the guards. He spoke: We, mortals bow before The Wise One. Have you received my message, Great One? I am K'N and I spoke to Marius yesterday. You had indeed received a message concerning Axsis from Marius by means of magic. It did mention this K'N character, but you find it very strange that he was able to cross the Great Swamp in just one day. Do not be surprised at my being here, Ktulu, for I am a scout and lord of these lands. I know them as the back of my hand and they know me. Every leaf and every tree speaks to me and they tell me of your quest. I have come to offer my services as a guide and gatherer of information for you. You look him deep in the eyes. His look is direct and does not naught to face your burning eyes. What good are you to me? Well, for one, when good news from Axsis will start to arrive, you'll know that my directions were correct. I am also the bearer of news concerning the Wizard's plans, his advantages and weaknesses. I witnessed Asmodeu's fight in the mountains and know stories from the ancient history of these places that will help you seek harmony with their essence and use their secrets to your advantage. He stopped abruptly and without a twitch of emotion, he awaited your decision. You were very pleased to hear him speak of harmony with these places, for it had been your thought all along to seek a deeper understanding of the way Providence works here. You had been having difficulties adapting to the new environment of this swamp. I see straightforwardness in your words, mortal. If you can truly prove that you are of any real worth to me, you are free to join my camp. This is not what I seek, Great One. I wish to keep as far away from this war as possible, for you will see that its outcome is much harder to predict than you might think. I will keep in the shadows and will provide useful information for you. It would indeed very difficult for me to gather it if I were to reside with you. You are a little displeased to see that he who seeks to guide you will not walk the path he indicates along with you. He continues: To prove my good faith, here's a little piece of information you might find useful: The swamp to the south of the frozen lands is not inhabited by mere vial creatures as the devils might let you suspect, but by organized armies that are planing to sooner or later emerge from the depths of the Swamp and invade from the south while you concentrate your forces towards the north. However, this should not prove too much of a difficulty, for I'm sure you'll find a way to stop them before they find a way out of their Swamp, which will anyway take quite a while. As the sun is already high in the sky, you decide to ask him to continue his stories about the Swamp tomorrow, as you have urgent business to tend to.
You woke up very early in the morning to hear K'N. He shared some very interesting information with you: There are at least two things preventing the Swamp lords from invading your terf right away. One would be that they have been imprisoned in the Swamp ever since the third Creation. But now that they have set there minds to it, they will find a way out of it, even if it's going to take quite a long while. Fortunately, they have some enemies of their own to deal with. To the extreme south of the Swamp is a small sea. A nation of sailors turned pirates has dwelved a burrow on a very large island and are leading harmful incursions into the Swamp. The castles on the coast are object of great dispute and have often been ravished by both sides. Should you ever decide to punish the Swamp dwellers and take over the region, you really should take out both sides, in order to have peace and quiet from at least the south side.
K'N returned with some really crucial information today. He has almost gained your complete confidence, as the Mage you encountered in the Hut in the first day confirmed most of what K'N has said. You should know a few things about the Wizard as well... First of all, not only is he very powerful, but he also plans to become even more powerful. He is the kind that knows that having too much confidence in your forces may lead to defeat. I don't know too much, but I will find out more. For now, it's enough to know that you should not take anything for granted and should expect the unexpected anytime from him. I have received confirmation that he fears you and has a very vague idea about the power of your troops. He will therefore take his time before striking. This wil give you time to prepare and perhaps counter some of his moves. You should also be very circumspect about overweighing your forces and not engage in combat unless you are sure of the outcome... Another One has been struck down before you... You take a moment to think about your comrade in arms. The price of blood will be paid.
After having been away for a few days, K'N returned today with fresh information: The Wizard has been spending all his resources and manpower lately into devising a new and daring plan: He has managed to build a base of operations in the Swamp. At this point, you realise that nobody has ever done that before, due to the very untamed nature of the Swamp and you reflect at the obviously imense power this guy has. In the meanwhile, K'N continued: He plans to use it to send troops behind your lines and crush you; I have no idea though how he could do that, since the base has no possibility of recruiting heroes and as a whole, seems very poorly set up. You invited him to stay for a fiest at lunch and he accepted. You were however unable to make him reveal anything about his sources, his past and not even about his place of residence.
K'N returned today on horseback. He rode straight through the defense of your camp and only stopped in front of you. He jumped straight into a bow at your feet, but was unable to rise and as you examined him closely, you realized that a deep wound cut straight through his whole right side. You brought your medics and ordered them to tend to him. He murmured that he wanted to talk to you, but was eventually unable to.
Your medics informed you today that K'N was still unstable and would probably not recover for quite a while. They were however unable to even guess what kind of weapon was responsible for the wound. Slightly later on, they let you know that he was feeling better and had requested an audience in a very weak voice. You decided to leave him rest one more day.
When you saw K'N today , he was still obviously still in great pain, but all the while you were there, he kept a very composed poise. I have managed to find out what the Wizard has planned: both he and I - and now you - have learned of an old witch who lives on the western slopes of the mountains. She can teach a formidable spell that allows a whole army and its leader to travel to a friendly town. This is what he has planned and this is what the base in the Swamp was for. K'N wanted to speak further, but was unable to. This is when you decided to step in and do something. You concentrated for a moment and put your hands over his weary body. The inflow of astral energy from your godly body healed his wound, that closed in front of your eyes. A powerful glitter sparkled in his eyes as he was shaking from the shock. An inflow of immortality is always too much for men to handle and the disturbance of their natural balance of earthly and astral energy often has surprising effects, but you worked with extreme care on K'N. After composing from his instantaneous recovery, you would have expected a scene of gratitude and adulation from him, but instead, he settled for a short Thank you! and then continued with his explanations: You must by all means get to the witch before he does. She has surrounded herself with elemental guards, but I don't think they will prove too much of a challenge for you, because you understand their suttle nature better than he does, because you are a god. So on that, you have a head start on him. However, preventing him from reaching the witch might not be enough. I'm sure he will devise another way of getting the spell and then he'll be able to strike behind the lines. If Axsis has succeeded in getting access to the Wizard's Keymaster, you might find it wise to secure the Wizard's town in the Swamp.
You welcomed K'N to the camp and urged him to your tent. You waited until he was done before saying what you had to say... This information is not sure, more of a rumor actually,he said, but should you come across the Tome of Fire Magic, perhaps you should take it along. I have heard some peasant whisper something about his lord being out looking for it. I don't know anything more, but I figured you could at least sell it for a good price if not something else... K'N, your information has proved to be true and valuable so far. It's time to ask you what you want from me. Make it a reasonable request and I shall find it in my generosity to grant it. His reply was strange, if not down right weird: I have my own reasons for providing information to you. You cannot tempt me with either money or initiation. I don't even need you to remember me after all this is over. Just take it as it is. I'm here to help you and expect nothing in return...
K'N has sent word that it would perhaps be wise to protect Calid as much as possible, for according to his information, times of great poverty approach and his abbility to sniff out hidden sulfur may prove important. You have reviewed your stocks of resources in general and of sulfur in particular and have reached the conclusion that this time K'N is wrong. You have more than enough to support the armies slowly building up in your cities. The Infernal Army will soon be ready and the Wizard will feel your steel!
Story of the Creation
Today, you perfoemed the ritual remembrance of the First Creation. Hail Amma, the Creator! The far away! The imaterial! The One whose Name can only be spoken! In the time before Time, Amma was the Creator of Evolution, of Motion. At that time there was nothing but Chaos and Chaos was motionless. With the creating impulse, Amma set the Chaos into motion. It started spinning faster and faster, until it became a giant egg, the seed of the world. From half of the egg arose Yurugu, the First Son, who tried to take over the newly created Universe, but from the other half of the egg came out Yazigi, The Second Son. Yurugu started chasing Yazigi around the primordial egg and with this new spin, waters and land erupted from the turmoil, along with the Idea and the Notion. But the Essence priorly created was Motion and its reflection into this Plane of existance is Evolution, which is above both the Idea and the Notion. You also honour Yurugu, the First Fallen One on this day that marks the First Damnation and the birth of all Evil. Let it be known to the world that Evil was the direct result of creation, whereas the good only appeared to balance Evil.
You haven't seen K'N in a while, although he has been sending regular messages containing detailed information about your enemies. Although he has been unable to learn too much about how the Wizard is doing, he has sent some vital information about the Swamp overlords. Apparently, the poor land has been a constant difficulty for them and although they have many cities able to provide large armies, they lack the resources to use them to their fool worth. The pirates on the southern island have also become increasingly bothering to them, although they have acted mainly along the coastline. The bad news is that the Swamp is swarming with creatures ready to fight and a slightly more agressive recruiting campaign by the overlords might produce an army that by all means must not be ignored. They have learnt of the seer you have visited and they are preparing to seek his assistance, although K'N seems pretty convinced that it will still take a while. The truth is that he feels it is too much of an uncomfortable strategical position for you to be placed between two hostile sides and is all but demanding that you act concerning your southern neighbours. Things are unfortunately not as easy... irst of all, one should note that no devil has dared to venture deep in the Swamp, that it is hostile territory and you would rather keep your men out of it and just fight the Wizard. You have doubdts that even an unusually large army would stand a chance before you, for your battle skills are obviously unmatched by these petty animal trainers. And to sum it all up, you have far more important things to do, as you are not sattisfied by how your troops have been able to controle even your own territory.
K'N returned to your camp today. In a very ridiculous display of lack of understanding, he confessed to be the posessor of some information that he can't really understand himself. He started telling you the tale of the ancient river Vourukasha, but you interrupted him to remind him that you already know more than he could ever find out about the river, for you are in the end so many millenia old and Vourukasha is a sacred river. He did in the end tell you something of real interest. As everyone knows, the river enters the Great Swamp and flows on quietly through its puddles. At one point however, something amazing happens. As it intersects another great and ancient river, one's waters don't flow into the other's as you would expect, but rather flow right through them. K'N was very puzzled about how that could happen, the two rivers just run through one another and then continue on their sepparate ways. You were less enthusiastic... You really have seen greater miracles than that. K'N also explained that his sources noted that the ground all around that strange place has gained magical properties, and is like no other soil they had ever seen before. It practically emanates magical energy. K'N wonders what thing in this world can be powerful enough as to make such miracles come true. You would be able to name a few thousands, but then you realize that the question is indeed a good one: what item in THIS world can be capable of such power? K'N is stil very puzzled about how it is possible for the waters of the two rivers can run right through one another. He just can't picture it. Also, he does not understand what his informer meant by magical properties and was unable to get anything more from him: he seemed to be in some sort of transe. These things are always very confusing for mortals.
K'N 13
K'N has been spending a lot of time around your camp in the past few days. You have been discussing strategies with him and he has beenconfirming or correcting information brought to you by your scouts about the enemies' actions and about the surrounding landscape. He turns out to be quite a fun to be with character. You have noticed he has a true fascination with all sorts of metals, and a strange glitter shines in his eyes every time he hears the sound of metal. He also has nothing but the deepest respect for the dead. He can often be found telling tales of the times when the undead hordes rose from the depths of the earth. Although you were away at the time, you followed the events he narates closely. He, as well as you, remember that strange sort of war, when after bloody battes, not even one corpse lay on the battlefield, as the Dark Lords resurrected them all into their armies of rotting carnage. He seems to enjoy that feeling of infinite horror of having to fight your own men's bodies after you had just lost them in the previous clash. The more died in combat, the larger the armies of the undead. He does seem to look at the matter from the point of view of the Necromancers though.
K'N 14
K'N brough more useful information today. He is worried that although the Swamp is rich and your army will soon grow to considerable extents, that might just not be enough. He argued that your salvation is beneath the earth, in the underground. Apparently, getting there is not easy, as the Fortress overlords have failed in their attempts. However, these unexplored caves are said to house powers beyond K'N's power of description. He has heard of pieces of the Angelic Alliance scattered all over the place, but this does not thrill you. Actually, you would rather keep away from these pieces, let alone assemble them, unless things start going really bad. This artifact turned around the fate of many past battles and never really in the devils' favour. You really dread the consequences of releasing this artifact back into the world. K'N insists that if not for the Angelic Alliance, at least for the great ammounts of resources it yields should the underground be visited. He tells tales of mountains of gold and sulfur, but you have educated yourself to yawn faced with such stories. It is indeed only the 6359th time you have heard them. He also mentions a necromantic cult inhabiting the deep caverns and their unsurpassed mastery of air magic, but you laugh and dear anyone to chalenge you to a contest of magic. After he has left, you decide that things have gone bad enough already. If you are to win this battle, your only hope is to seek help in these places he mentions, and soon too.
spiritual advisors 1
Today, K'N came accompanied by a strange group of what you can only describe as freaks. First of all, an old man, pretending to be blind and wearing a pair of thick opaque lenses over his eyes. He held a long cane that was obviously preventing him from walking in any imaginable orderly fashion. His long beard reached as far down as the ground and he stepped on it and tripped every other several steps he took. He was holding a green book, covered in a thick layer of foul smelling moss. A young skeleton was helping him walk, or rather getting in the old man's way, as he often got trampeled over and sometimes some of his bones would fall off. The whole freaking procession then stopped to reassemble the poor guy and K'N gladly offered his assistance. Next was a midget witch, about 60 centimetres tall, but wearing a blue hat that towered 2 metres above the ground and evrytime it was shaken, it released some rusty dust that she pretended was genuine star dust. There were also a crazy rat with a large nose and a thin guy with a very pointed long nose, staring at people suspiciously and permanently grooming his short beard. K'N approached and proudly began the introductions: Great Devil over all devils!(at this point he winked satisfied at the old blind man; you do wonder what the point of winking at a blind man is...)You are a descendant of the purest evil that has ever set the basis for any Creation. Your essence is pure and in its turn essence for the Universe. Your existance assures the balance of the Universe. This is why you cannot leave this world and therefore have no access to other worlds. These wise folks are amongst the greatest mages the world has ever seen(oh, you get it... it must be the 1st of April...)They can get in touch with the world of the dead and bring messages from the ancestors. I have brought them to be your spiritual advisors and help you in your tough quest for glory and blood.(Wait a minute! It can't be the 1st of April... It's been winter ever since Hell froze over. Is this guy serious?!?)For a mere token, they will speak the words of The Ancients(He's got to be joking!) The old blind man is helped onto the tips of his toes by the others and after a few incantations and a moment of silence, he starts to shake and loudly declaims: Let no water touch the shitting place of the nightingale!. K'N jumps up, then quickly kneels and raises his arms to the sky: Listen, Ktulu! The Ancients have spoken!. As you reach out numb for the demanded payment, K'N approaches and whispers: Va'dim the great mage has once again got in touch with The Ancients, and will now visit you periodically to bring you more wisdom from them... The guy's name is Va'dim?!? You now have a headache.
periodical resources for tower
periodical resources for Fortress: you'd better have crushed him by now
spiritual advisors 3
As you were just coming out of your tent to stretch after a long and good night's sleep and were thinking what a fine day this would be, you stumbled across something, and almost fell. After you regained your balance, you turned around furiously, only to see the little skeleton that acompanied your spiritual advisors lying in pieces all over the place. His head, lying a good few metres from the rest of his errr... body, suddenly began speaking: You have a mighty step, Ktulu! We come to advise you on your future and bring news of the dead! Could you help me back to the one piece variant of me? Half an hour later, you were sitting on a throne in the large square in the middle of your battle camp, while the mage was standing on his toes as usual... Steep art the paths that lead to the barber's! Shave shame off shame shaved to cleanse the nasal secretions... Only 29.95... Peace! You jump up and enthusiastically declaim: A true visionary! A great man! I bow to thee, master of so many words! Here is the payment you so deserve! You throw him the pouch with his payment and walk on mumbling: Can we get down to serious business now?
K'N 16
The Ring of Vitality is in the posession of a Seer in the Underworld. Unfortunately, it is not exactly easy to get to him. He is protected by the Necromancers. Apparently, the whole story is much more complicated. The Necromancers captured the artifact during a raid on the legendary city of Cibola, where it was held by an order of Guardian Knights founded by a rich warrior King to guard his great tresures. After they plundered the city and sent all the gold and riches along with every body they were able to raise from the dead, they were left with many items of great value. It is not exactly sure what these items were exactly, but with their aid, the Necromancers have become some of the most feared mages in the land. It is known, however, that the Elixir of Life was one of these artifacts. Not finding any use for it themselves, but knowing what formidable weapon it would be in the hands of their enemies, they decided to split the artifact into its components and hide them away for good. The Ring of Vitality was entrusted to an old lord named Han'du, one of the first necromancers ever, one that was among the ones that helped the dark art of necromancy reach new levels. When he died, he was resurrected by his apprentices, but because this practice was at its beginnings, the resurrection was not entirely succsessful. Han'du lost much of his knowledge and powers and also grew older and weaker along the thousands of years. He now lives in a secluded straw hut, writing kabalistic books about minor aspects of necromancy. His research has been of some use to the necromancers, so they decided to honor him by giving him the Ring of Vitality as a present. However, they also set very powerful guardians to keep any outsiders from getting the Ring. This information along with a second note was sent to you by K'N on a riverboat that had reached your camp during the night. The note had been added later and it said K'N would try to find out the rest of the story from Han'du himself. He was particularly interested in what had happened to the Vial of Lifeblood and how the Ring of Life had been taken from the Necromancers.
K'N 17
K'N joined your army last late last night, but as he didn't have any important news to share, he had decided to not wake you up. Today, he explained that he had been unable to get through to Han'Du because of the extreme vigilence of the guards. Although he had attempted to slip right through them with as little fuss as possible, their always allert undead smell had sensed human flesh and it all eventually degenerated into a violent clash between his men and the guardians. It took a lot of abbility to organize a successful retreat from the battlefield, as he was greatly outnumbered and outskilled. He was so impressed by the power of the undead, that he was determined to learn everything there was to learn about how to raise them. He was willing to let his body be taken over by the dark forces and his flesh eaten alive just to let himself be imbued by the fell energies. Further more, he offered to sell his soul right there on the spot to you just to be taught these practices. You delayed the dicussion for after the war in a commanding voice, reminding him that your godly Grace wishes to hear more about the Elixir and will find time for his petty matters when you will find time. There was little more, really. It was certain that the Vial was still in the posession of the Necromancers, but as for its whereabouts, information lacked completely. Also, apparently the story of how the Ring of Life had been taken from them was quite a long one and K'N requested more time to find it out. That's that... There's work to be done.
citat din Sfantul Augustin
Who is this I that can reveal the body, the soul, the spirit to me and that is neither this body, nor this soul, nor this spirit? It is I, the dark demon. It is I, who dwell in your deepest sorrows. I am your first revelation and your last tear beside your own gravestone. I am the voices you obey and I am the voice you dread and you will not see that there is only one of me. I am you! And you are nothing, but you will not rest until you have realised it. And it is I who tells you that it is not so.
spiritual advisors 4
You have begun to be insensitive to the spiritual leaders' ritual. You are not even surprised by these new teachings... You kinda saw them coming: Press it! Press it!!! Blank is the cabbage! I thrive for chicken! I taste like chicken! Into oblivion and back to the primordial socks You stare him blankly in the eyes...
spiritual advisors 5
Today, you were dowsing in your armchair and were preparing to hear Va'dim's ever recouring nonsense. Suddenly, you started paying more attention to his words... I see... I see a portal! It's surrounded by mountains and only birds who fly can reach it. It is the key to much many whatwhenwherewhyexactly... Open your eyes good, oh mighty pickle of nations! You droped much more than usual in the little skeleton's bag and went on to reflect about this unreachable portal... But then again, only birds who fly... and you can't fly... Can you?
spiritual advisors 6
Your spiritual advisors arrived a little late today and quite shaky on their feet as well. The witch was laughing so hard, that she couldn't walk and the others had to carry her, while the rat stopped every other few steps to vomit by the side of the road. The old man was having a really hard time sticking to the paved road, while the skeleton and the man with the pointed nose were singing cheeky songs aloud while carrying the laughing witch. The whole procession made a grand entrance into the army camp, saluting the trees and leaning against several of your men, calling them mummy and asking to be breast-fed. You learned between their hickups that the skeleton had been upgraded to a warrior the previous day and they had had a wild party to celebrate that. When it came to the fortelling part, the witch gradually regained her calm and tried to help the rat up his toes. The skeleton slapped her and then lied down and fell asleep. The witch hadn't given up though. She grabbed the rat and held it as far above the ground as she could, screaming: Come on, you old blind frog, speak with the ancestors!, while the rat was crying in an unusually loud voice for a rodent:Put me down! Put me down!. In the meanwhile, after having unsuccessfully tried to climb on top of a tent and sing cock-a-doodle-doo, Va'dim finally began his standing on his toes routine... Unfortunately, he lost his balance and fell into some horse dung. The witch burst into the uncontrolable laughter she had just stopped a minute ago, and started wiping the shit off the mage's face with the screaming rat. As your men were dragging away the pittiful group along with a few valuables you had put in a bag for the skeleton, Va'dim suddenly began to spit the disgusting slime out and cry: The ancestors say: <>
spiritual advisors 7
Today, your spiritual advisors brought a piece of cloth and while Va'dim was comunicating with the ancestors, he scratched some weird signs on it. The witch then interpreted them as Beware of the butterflies, for little is known about imaginary porridge. Thus spoke the yellow thought! You are beginning to get the feeling that your money is put to real good use... Or not...
The silent Temptress
To keep silent! Such colossal temptation! Because I am a superannuated order, an eradicated age, countless defeats, I should keep silent.. To stop speaking, to never say anything again. In fact, to die. To keep silent actually means to allow the noise to amplify. But noise id only noise. Noise could never be mistaken for any truth, nor has it created any culture. Noise is not an object of thought. If I were to believe K'N, the world does nothing but speak, speak, speak. And all these words have no other function than to cover with noise either the Word or the silence It dictates.
spiritual advisors 8
You welcomed Va'dim and his jolly gang in your tent today, as you have decided to keep the amount of embarassment between you and your troops to a reasonable minimum. The guy stood on his toes again and spoke the following words of wisdom: Vital circus to rid the first frog... Obey the stinky needles, for they are to all men as toilet paper is for the squatty trees. Perhaps if you pay them more, they'll start making more sense...
K'N 18
K'N has finally been able to gather some information about the Wizard as well. Ironically, he too has sought a way to make his army unbeatable in the underground. He has set up a base down there and while still increasing armies from his majestic cities on the crests and in the deep mountain caves, he is seeking these labiryntic caves for ancient scholars that will teach him to fly or to travel to other dimensions. These horrific caves are sites of initiation and enlightment built by the ancients. His powers will grow immensely in these passages; This is why you must make the most of the many advantages that your position as a wise and almighty god offers.
spiritual advisors 9.1
Once again, you gathered in your tent to hear the witch and the mage interpret weird messages from the Netherworld. A'la! Bah-La! Poor To Khala! I am to be what I already was to have been! Howgh! You were extremely happy to notice that your spiritual advisors left without being paid today... Very well! Any penny saved is a welcome penny in these difficult times.
spiritual advisors 9.2
Just as you were preparing to organize todays march, the guard at the entrance to your tent came in with a shy look on his face. Sir, your spiritual advisors told me you ordered that they be paid their usual fee, but as I didn't know what that was, I paid from your chamber of treasures a random amount. I therefore wanted to let you know that your orders are being obeyed... You stared him blankly in the eyes...
spiritual advisors 10
You had another meeting with your spritual advisors today. Va'dim spoke He who shall step into it, I shall know by the smell of it. And he who shall eat it, shall not be hungry ever again. Or anything else for that matter. Or another matter... Than that one... than that one which was mentioned... earlier when I spoke of that one... but not the other that one... the first that one, which was not another one than itself... err... yes... whereas the second one... you're not really paying attention... er... whatever... Cheese is yellow... Good day!
spiritual advisors 11
At the begining of the week, K'N was joining you in a quick recap of the troops piling up in your cities waiting to be recruited... He thus had the chance to be present at you usual meeting with your spiritual advisors. The old man stood up on his toes again and whispered in a low voice: Arcane is the one... Latter is the one... Mercantile is the one... Second to never is the one... Primitive is the one... Brandy is the one... Brazen is the one... Two is the one... All through this ... errr... profound speech, K'N listened carefully and from time to time nodded in approval and winked at you with an exasperantly calm face... You are beginning to think that it's something about you.
spiritual advisors 12
Up up up and down Turn turn turnaround Round round roundabout And over again Gun gun son of a gun You are the only one Makes any difference what I say The sun shines in the bedroom When we play The raining always starts The man's words are really beginning to make sense. If only they didn't cost so much!...
spiritual advisors 13
This is the advisors' 13th visit... You sense something big coming up... And indeed, on this occasion they all stand up on their toes, even the skeleton, who is obliged to stick his pointed bones at the end of his feet one inch into the ground. Suddenly, they all start singing: Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday, dear Ktulu! Haaaappy birthdaaaaay tooooooo youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! Not only is it not your birthday, but nobody has ever in the course of time dared to call you dear Ktulu You rise to pinish the bastards, but your whole army, who naturally has no idea about your birthday, takes it as a sign of approval and thunders into a crazy party, storming tents and the store chamber to the ground. A thick dust rises to the air along with the men's savage cries. Drinks and even blood flow in newly formed creeks at the base of the podium where your chair is. As you await the end of this tragedy, you are begining to understand why the undead armies you have met were so successful and why you have found it so difficult to deal with the wizard's well trained and disciplined troops. When the madness stops, you find no sign of the mage, the skeleton, the witch, the man with the pointed nose and not even the rat... You evaluate the damage done:
spiritual advisors 14
The old man came riding on the back of a basilisk today, while the rest of the nutty bunch of fruitcakes were clinging on to the basilisk's tail and yelling EEEEEEE-HAA!. They stopped in the front of your tent in a cloud of dust and produced a ton of old dusty books, from which they gathered up the following prophacy: Secret chieves of Agharti Will reveal the lore of Vril And Aldebaran (and) Aldebaran Ansa Agarthi Yani-Ya Koom-Zi Vril-Ya An Sumer An Drakon A-U-Ran Yani-Ya Glek-Ya Sol Nax An Sorat An Drakon A-U-Ran
spiritual advisors 15
As you saw your spiritual advisors entering the camp, you pretended to be really busy, and threw them a bag of goodies, in the hope that you would at least escape the lecture. In vain... They didn't leave until the ancestors spoke through their toes: Please, don't wear fur coats. And for crying out loud: Carrots are only condescendent before sundown!
later added spiritual advisors
You greeted Va'dim on horseback, hoping he and his gang will realize that you are in a hurry and let you leave, but you guess this was not your day any more than any other before was. The guy rose firmly on his toes and started shaking and violently waving his hands at your horse. Argh! The maybugs! The Maybugs! Chase the lofty village to the corner of the circle and then tell him I'm blonde. Her.. Them... Me... I... I am Cornholio! I need tee-pee for my bung-hole. You tried to cut it short and give him the pouch with the due payment, but he jumped back and cried out: Are you threatening me? I am Cornholio!... What a way to start a day...
spiritual advisors 16
Va'dim shared more of the ancestors' wisdom with you today: Eieieieige spkiiiiaiiaiaiaiiiiaaaaiiiiaikiiiiiiiiii ezzzzzz buuuuuulozzzzzzzzzzzzz ezzzz guzzz xuc vezzzzzz yyyyyyggguuuuuuuugiuiuiuiuiiiiiiiiuuuuuuuiiiiuuuuuu. Pt PT! PPPTTT! NNNuiiiiiiiieeeeeeellllllooooo aci aci eerrrrrrraeh! Cah, I say!
spiritual advisors 17
Va'dim came really close to you on his tip-toes and dragged the unhappy looking basilisk with him. He pointed it to you and as the poor animal sighed and looked down, the man said: Never leave leaves where leaves leave from, or you shall have no more leaving leaves.
spiritual advisors 18
Their visits have become ever shorter and you can only rejoice. *(&^&^%^$%#%$@^%^*(&*&%^$# Yes! Precisely! You heard me: @465GUrf654RE&^itd654rf8yI@^^&&(*()^&$$#@$@@^&564564^%$564564*^*%^&%&&(&^47&$^&%$Yo'&*&&%^^%%$%+%$#53456478964%$^%#^%$#56486YGF^%ER&Ihgfytr5et6rgMoma'lihjtie5jhio7^T%(*TUIhyutr^Wuz&tIUHUHt^&an$^54eriyku^&%$&^%guio[Y5Asstronaut6$E&*^&%^$u6*
spiritual advisors 19
After a long period of silence, it was only the witch and the skeleton that showed up today. They seemed really scared by the surrounding environment of your camp, and only stayed as long as it took to collect their payment and read a few lines from a magic book, describing the detailed process of preparing a frog omlette. Or was it a cheese omlette? They mentioned a guy called Dexter... Argh! This is ridiculous! Since when do you pay any attention to your spiritual advisors?
K'N came into camp just as the witch had left. He expressed his regret at missing her and confirmed that not only the spirirtual advisors, but also pretty much everyone else was quite scared at the power of the wizard. He said the wizard had been able to gather up far more troops than he had anticipated and that he had retreated with most of them deep into the mountain passes and in the mountain caves. You'll have to fight him deep inside his terf!
spiritual advisors 20
Today, the mage sent a messenger riding on a firebird to let you know that the ancestors say (and here you quote his note) Retrieve the pulverizable intercostal apse and the isentropic bottle-opener shall taper its nipper.... You send him a token of your appreciation.
spiritual advisors 21
As your worries about the fait of this campaign have seriously decreased, you welcome Va'dim and his gang with visible joy. You decide to throw a party in his honour. After perhaps one too many drinks, you find yourself crawling under the rat's table asking for directions to the latrine in hall of the elemental plains. Then you burst into laughter when you hear the rat declaim in a burst of bravery: I won't tell you, because that's where our basilisk has breakfast, and we can't have fur, can we?
spiritual advisors 22
You have received your spiritual advisors on your majestic God Throne today and heard the old man cry out his encantations for the last time. Afterwards, they confressed that you no longer needed the guidance of the elders and that you had never really needed it anyway. You said goodbye to each one and gave them a royal gift to last them for the rest of their lives.
29, 79 подземелье
build castle gate
Your Master Architects have completed work on an older project of theirs. They are now able to build a structure called a Castle Gate. Unfortunately, it appears to be quite expensive. You are glad however that the prototype has been constructed in one of your towns...
95, 72 подземелье
Build castle gate
The builders offer a discount on this building as well, but will from now on demand full payment for their work.
20, 4 подземелье
build artifact merchants
100, 4 подземелье
bulid atr. merch.
build tavern
114, 11 подземелье
build tavern
124, 100 подземелье
Ktulu summons even more creatures with his great powers.
1, 139 подземелье
Hordes of creatures swarm to Kha'rol to offer their support.
Gnoli si Lizardmen
Hordes of creatures swarm to Kha'rol to offer their support.
Hordes of creatures swarm to Kha'rol to offer their support.
Hordes of creatures swarm to Kha'rol to offer their support.
Hordes of creatures swarm to Kha'rol to offer their support.
Hordes of creatures swarm to Kha'rol to offer their support.
Hordes of creatures swarm to Kha'rol to offer their support.
Hordes of creatures swarm to Kha'rol to offer their support.
2, 5 подземелье
General Ba'al is an old and experienced tactician who has won more battles than he can remember! No doubt that he will be honoured and remembered long after he has died...
140, 8 подземелье
Lord Asmodeu
Lord Asmodeu is one of Ktulu's oldest companions from the ancient wars. They fought many battles together and when they emerged victorious and Ktulu returned to the Plane of the Immortals, Asmodeu settled in the Valley, where the devils were just at the beginning. He plowed the entire land with his scythe and opened the mountains with terrible blows, making way for lava to flood the once green fields.
115, 69 подземелье
You stop for a moment to seek wisdom in the deeds of your forfathers and of your mighty god Ktulu...
68, 75 подземелье
Calid is an ancient hero that met Ktulu during the secong suite of the Aadalyian Wars of Freedom. He was a general in the Army of The Immortals that joined Ktulu in the battle of Sossi. After the battle, the Army had scattered and Ktulu asked Calid to hold the shores until he would return with reinforcements. After ten years of siege and after they had run out of supplies and their army had entirely died off, Calid leading other 5 Immortals managed to eventually keep the invadimg legions away until Ktulu returned.
122, 78 подземелье
When the infernal armies left into the mountains to fight the Wizard, Marius was the only great warrior that didn't join them. Famous for his wisdom and great sense of tactics in long term wars, he was chosen to lead the subsequent defense should the armies be defeated. And when this did happen, he was left alone in the unfortified towns with only a handful of men and no outside support whatsoever. This was when he called upon Ktulu.
29, 80 подземелье
Zydar joined his master Ktulu on his journey into the upper world. In his youth he had been trained as a Ktulu priest but showed such skill and devotion, that the god, who was at that time in the Plane of The Immortals, decided to take him along as a helper in his future campaign. Zydar was unable to understand the Plane so he was put to an everlasting sleep by Ktulu, only to awake when his master would decide to return to our world.
96, 73 подземелье
After the bloom of the devils' fighters died on the plateau, Marius was left with little choice in what concerns assigning army leaders. He promoted Ignatius, a dearing human that had settled with the devils a long time ago and had accustomed himself with their ways. Knowing that it would take more than sear devilish ways to defeat the Wizard, Marius thought he might take advantage of Ignatius' extensive knowledge of the ways of man. However, Ktulu was very displeased with this choice, for apart from imps, Ignatius has no authority whatsoever over the infernal armies.
Страж задания
18, 39 подземелье
As you find your way blocked by another one of those annoying towers, you notice the guardian rushingly approaching you. He is a meer halfling dragging his dangerous looking slingshot. He stops in front of you and as he catches his breath, he sais
Безмолвный глаз дракона
51, 128 подземелье
It appears picking up artifacts nowadays is getting harder and harder...
51, 136 подземелье
The greater basilisk treaure...
20, 143 подземелье
As you prepare to set foot into this new world, you take the time to draw one last breath of godly powers from the scorched earth surrounding you. Thereafter, you take the first step into the muddy soil of the swamp to face the flaming sunset.
Страж задания
46, 112 подземелье
An old man walks out of the tower, only to halt in disappointment. murmuring in a deep voice resembling the wind touching the many branches of an ancient oak forest
46, 111 подземелье
Suddenly, the sky turns dark grey and a cloud of berserked creatures swoops down on you, crying out
107, 93 подземелье
You were ambushed at the entrance to the swamp by some thieves, but they quickly retreated at the sight of your armies. You decided to chase them just for fun, and after only a few minutes, their skulls were lined up at the feet of your horse. Just as you were about to be on your way, your men reported some resources missing from what you had taken along. Yes... Well... You should keep in mind that in these weird badlands nothing is what it seems. Watch out in the future!...
Страж задания
38, 141 подземелье
Although your men are sure this is the way to the seer, they are shocked to find this guard tower. It apparently wasn't here a short time ago, when they passed. This Wizard appears to be a worthy opponent, if he is able to plant obstacles in the way of the gods. As you were reviewing your troops and realising that an attack would be unsuccessful, a giant dragon passing by offered to help you by attacking the tower from the inside as you charged from the outside. He will only do this, however, in return for the Garniture of Interference.
28, 142 подземелье
Come on, lad it's not that difficult!...
34, 138 подземелье
Some more of your troops have made it through to this world as well and they were waiting for you here. You grasp your scythe tightly as your feet welcome this new soil. It is a strange feeling to feel the ground swarming with life, as opposed to the great halls of the Plane of the Immortals, where nothing existed but the Idea. As the Eyes gather around and prepare the scouting formation, you bend down to take a bit of mud in your hand. As it pours down between your fingers, you imagine the sands of time marking the scars of this world that have cut into the First Creation. Hosanna to Thee, oh Creator!!!
Страж задания
45, 129 подземелье
This is the entrance to a very deep area of the Swamp. It is guarded by an old man, that recognized you as an immortal god and explained that unfortunately he has not been able to enter himself. Aparently, some sort of magic vortex has formed just a few yards from here, and it blocks all access deeper. Fortunately, the pirates on a nearby island have hidden one of their most valuable posessions just to the East of here, an artifact that will help you through the magic vortex. This artifact is called the Orb of Inhibition and was used by the pirates in their clashes with powerful mages. While the pirates have never been able to cast a spell, this artifact had the power to disable all magic in combat.
Страж задания
41, 64 подземелье
Errr... Sorry! Won't let you through! We are waiting for the wizard's hordes
Страж задания
114, 52 подземелье
You have begun investigating the mountain paths leading to the wizard's stronghold in the north. However, he seems to have set up all sorts of magic barriers that will only let his kind pass. You will have to give up this leed for now, but you vow to return and take revenge...
Страж задания
143, 54 подземелье
The guardian of this tower speaks words that make no sense to you. He sais he will only let through the one brave enough to defeat the golems... What golems, old fool? Show them to me and I'll defeat them... Right over there
Страж задания
26, 142 подземелье
You knew about this. So don't look so surprised and annoyed. It's the inconvenient of passing from one level of existance to another...
Сфера подавления
51, 132 подземелье
There are 2 reasons for you to get this artifact
48, 118 подземелье
This dense swampland is very tiring, both for you and for your troops. Your true environment suddenly appears so far away, as if you are close to forgetting how it felt like. Every step through the muddy swamplands is a painful reminder of the fact that you had to retreat in front of the dreadful wizard. You clutch your fists and growl
65, 7 подземелье
some troops
Страж задания
4, 33 подземелье
A colony of cyclopes has settled in these mountains and, after years of hard work, they have managed to build a passageway into the high lands, avoiding the wizard's path. They agree to lead you through the narrow passages if you can help them replace their comrades who died during their construction. Find 8 cyclopes for them and you'll pass!
Страж задания
4, 34 подземелье
This sucks! This one will not let you through either! Only the wizard... You hate that wizard. He will feel the power of your wrath! He will soon feel the steel of your anger!
Страж задания
4, 35 подземелье
This rotten tower appears to only let a wizard through... Never mind! you'll find another way...
95, 84 подземелье
You stop for a moment to watch the icy waters flow. This is the famous River of Fire. Once, its waters carried not large masses of ice, but hardening lava bleeding from the deep cuts into the scorched earth. It was a barrier for inpouring magma from either side and its waters were in flames at all times ever since the oldest devils were mere apprentices. Now it is covered in ice almost completely. It makes you chilly to even stand next to it. You sink your scythe into the holy waters to purify it of all hesitation, weakness and remorse. It will soon carry neither ice nor fire, but the blood of those who have deared to disturb its eternal turmoil. For it will soon be flowing from every stone of those mountains!
2, 63 подземелье
This way to Mama Omida the witch. Protects from enemies, brings back husbands, cures posession by evil spirits, does love charms, teaches Town Portal.
105, 137 подземелье
Gathering As I sense their steel, As I see the mighty one, As we all gather once again the gods of war summon us... summon usNorth wind blows to our valley men with ships, with swords, with honour Their horses between flames, their dogs eating enemy childs, Our heavenly father, what is this mortality, do you see my mortal agony Look, I see the shield up high this must be the sign from my lord this can be my death - sentence what a fine day to die Taste of blood comes up high Wind blows hard, our men fall... one by one This oath claims me I must bleed for my generationStrong is the enemy, strong is my sword the hammer is rising I feel their cold steel Now when I leave this world I shall open the mighty oaken gate and we all shall gather once again
9, 71 подземелье
Black Winter Day This is how the lucky feel How the blessed think Like daybreak in spring The sun on a spring morning But how do I feel In my gloomy depths? Like the flat brink of a cloud Like a dark night in autumn A black winter day No, darker than that Gloomier than an autumn night
54, 112 подземелье
Velvet Sands I lay down my head in deepest sorrow And feel the emptiness of my soul NOthing is left but your image A fading picture is my blackened mind A black swan dies and it's tears Get dried from the dust So only the crimson skies Can watch the end of this tragedy Withing this darkened firmament The silent moon He sees my fall, my grief The waves wash away the blood So that nothing remains of this Unknown lovelorn fate
112, 118 подземелье
Wavesome Thousand miles away from home I offer myself to the sea What have I done in the past? Why can't you help me now? My body is a part of the waves My mind is the warm white dance When the sun sets over the horizon I am a part of the sea Like a fish I swim through the cascades And look for the tiny pearls As my body glides into the abyss I can't resist the pressure Lost in the dark spheres of the ocean I can't find the way back home Nobody can help me now Because I am the wavesome
109, 112 подземелье
As you watch the great Vourukasha river slowly losing itself among the flooded downlands and carrying still chilly waters and mud into the small lakes all around, it occurs to you that the whole Great Swamp might have been created by the river and brought down from the higher world of the high mountain peaks. Indeed... not only the Great Swamp. Your thoughts turn back to the troubled times of your ancestors and the begining of the lightless days, along with the Second Creation. DARK AGES In the time, when darkness ruled No one saw the light In the cold black emptiness Victims of the night You can't fight what you can't see To be or not to be In the dark ages In the dark ages Those evil days will still remain, Till someone breaks the chains. Just the strong survive, You have to try, or you will die. In the Dark ages In the Dark ages You stop and dismount. As your horse wanders off grazing the muddy grass, you sit down beside the holy waters to think about the Second Creation and the ages of darkness. The tar waters of the Vourukasha were home of the great god Apam-Napat and the First Tree, the Huapa, the vital energy of all plant life rose from its waters... The Earth was born from these waters and the leaves of the Huapa covered the Earth. ON RICH AND POOR Old folk remember And those today learn How before their time Life was different here Without the sun people lived Groped about without the moon With candles sowing was done Planting performed with torches At the time we lived Without the sunshine Who had covered up our sun And who had hidden our moon? Without the moonlight stumbled With our fists fumbled the land With our hands we sought out roads With hands roads, with fingers swamps We could seek out the sun Who spy out the moon? Who else if not God The one son of God? Perhaps there is no Creation. True Creation is in rebirth. Perhaps everything is Creation but Creation itself. Could it be that the world was born from that which was not supposed to have happened. If the Cycle is everything, then the beginning of the Cycle, which is obviously outside it, is nothing. Then again, it is true that in the beginning there was nothing, for there can be nothing before anything existed. So we were born from nothingness. But what about the Creator? How could he have existed before anything existed. But he was the Creator, meaning the one before Creation. But if the Creator is the one before Creation, than after the First Creation, there can be no more First Creator. You are stunned at your conclusion
19, 143 подземелье
Our Lord, Ktulu
27, 142 подземелье
Hurry! You must not waste one moment! The seer has a one day deadline! You must get this done today!
Страж задания
34, 139 подземелье
The men you had sent in front were waiting for you here. They had built a barrier to keep anyone else but you away. They told you the old seer you were looking for dwelled just to the East of here. You were lucky you arrived today and not later. They were just about to leave and seal this entrance for ever should you have not come today.
34, 140 подземелье
From now on, you really should think really hard before doing anything, and you really should hesitate to engage anyone, be they weak or strong. You really should think about who you must kill, who you shouldn't and why you shouldn't...
114, 9 суша
Looking around at the cursed ground, you shiver thinking of the horrors you have seen and those which you have yet to see...
Рыцарь Смерти
97, 117 суша
Дивный доспех
32, 131 суша
Visions When the sun is rolling Over the horizon That I can almost touch it I reach out my hand for the light That lets my heart chant I have the feeling Like being torn apart When my pleasure and desire meet Cries crawl up my throat, but My mind tells me to swallow Let me enjoy these moments Until the last second is gone Until the clouds have come Cause they'll take it all away This sweet passion that you feed What tenderness a mind can feel Each time you hit a nail Into my hand I want to beg for another
Хижина предсказателя
14, 52 суша
Before you even had time to distinguish the little dwelling from all the holes, a stupid looking zombie crawls out from a hole just beneath you. He utters some phrases you first think are in an unknown language, but you are mistaken
Символ знания
22, 143 суша
You pick up the Emblem and look at it curiously. You seriously don't understand what is so important about it. You can find no use for it, but you know others will, so you throw it in your backpack. Just then you notice some lines written on the stone where you found the emblem
21, 139 суша
You aproached the devils smilingly convinced that not only would they let you through to the Emblem of Cognizance, but they would also join your army. You were shocked (to say the least) that they attacked you right away. What is the meaning of this? Don't they recognize their god and saviour anymore? Passing through these perverted lands appears to have permanently affected these devils' minds... This war will have to be cut short. You have decided that you truly belong in another Plane of Existance. As you scatter the devils with blows of your scythe, you reflect at how to find harmony with this hostile environment. Surely, you will have to devise a way, for it is obvious that the fate of these monsters wil soon be the one of first your army and, in the end,... who knows?...
Страж задания
7, 79 суша
You come across a tower guarded by some very hungry looking medusas. They complain to you that some of the otherwise friendly Black Dragons have taken over their stores (situated quite far away to the southeast). They promise to let you pass through here and even let you take some of the supplies back at the stores if you can help them and bring the Dragons' heads on a plate for them...
7, 78 суша
You cheating bastard!!! We agreed to let you take some of the resources and you robbed the place clean!. This was not part of our deal!!! Prepare to die...
4, 92 суша
The Capitol city of the underground mountainous region has gathered a toll from the merchants of the area. You send them bowls of sacrificial blood and the ancient signs of devils' protection. By that, not only do you thank them, but you ensure that their souls will always belong to you. For their acceptance of these gift is an eternal pledge to serve you, although they do not know it. Good! More slaves for the afterlife!
Щит львиной храбрости
88, 90 суша
As you draw your sword to face the rust dragons flying in huge circles and at unbelievable speeds around the Lion Shield of Courage, you wonder for a moment whether these creatures just happen to dwell in the area, or whether they are ancient guardians of the artifact...
57, 94 суша
The Guardians of this island spring from behind the rocks and attack.
74, 91 суша
This section of the lake looks deserted and you watch in horror as the very shores of the lake are swallowed up by some sort of acid rust and fall to pieces melting into the boiling water. You recall having once heard of some sort of mighty beast whose mear passage through an area is said to have this sort of effect. You begin to fear for your ship and for your army... You had better land as soon as possible...
83, 90 суша
You bearly have time to get a few of your troops off the boat, when from all the stone cliffs surrounding you, mighty beasts swoop down on you.
Страж задания
0, 131 суша
You start cursing the bastard guards at the previous tower who charged you a lot of money to let you pass, only to find the Sword guarded by another tower. And as you stare at the glittering damn thing with no idea as to what you could do, an ugly man partly covering his face in his golden clothing approaches you. He pretends to be the owner of the surrounding forest and master of all keys. He claims to have access to all towers such as this one, and to gently grant you permission to pass for what he calls a small fee
Меч правосудия
0, 132 суша
You were right about the no good rogue lord after all... He appears to have used the money to pay quite an army of brigands. He should be taught a lesson if he expects to live off people's trust in this way. He has delt with one too many heroes... Will you have his skull for supper today, sir?
7, 119 суша
Be gone, Satan!!! Cannot though see? The power of the true Lord and Saviour dwells here and it is his Divine Gift that protects this holy man... You shall perish by the hand of the Redeemer! NOW!!!
Карты пророчества
7, 114 суша
As you were preparing to leave the guy's cave, you noticed a deck of strange cards marked with encifred drawings that seemed to tell marvelous tales of the past and the future. You smiled at the thought that a saint might be in the habbit of practicing two coins' worth of magic, but as you picked them up, it occured to you that should his gift of prophecy turn out to be real, you might need to think deeply about what he said.
7, 115 суша
You may have killed these inocent souls, oh evil one, and you may kill me if you please. But remember this
62, 64 суша
build mg level 5
Древнее чудище
61, 76 суша
You do not recall engaging these creatures in combat; actually, the last few hours are a total blur to you. You are all alone amidst them, cutting your way through the dense packs of Death. Although you can see nothing else but the terrible turmoil of the fight, you sense more of your companions fighting and dying around you. The sword swings in your hand like the famed Blade of the Apocalypse. A red fog slowly sets over your eyes as your limbs become numb. As your now lifeless body hits the cave floor, the outline of an unknown shape appears in front of your eyes. And yet, your eyes are closed! Yes... you have seen this before as a child. It is The Shadow of The Wicker Man. Your ice cold hands rise up again, and your smoking flesh feels the renewed life of your rebirth. You spread out your arms to welcome your first breath of air in this new world, and hold your old sword as if for the first time. Say goodbye to gravity and say goodbye to death. The Shadow of The Wickerman...
58, 70 суша
Darkness... Darkness... All you can see is darkness... Is there no hope of redemption from this bottomless abyss of the void? The blood... Oh, the blood...
54, 75 суша
During the brief preparations for the battle, you notice some of your troops hiding in a dark corner, behind some rocks, trying to avoid been seen and engaging in combat. You would have once instantly killed them and hung their guts on your battle flag, but now, you don't find enough power in you to even scold them. You pretend you haven't noticed anything, and let them be. You don't even ponder what has turned your mighty warriors into cowards. Turning your eyes to the wave of incoming behemoths raging through the first line of your defenses, your knees suddenly begin to shake, and making a few hasty steps backwards, you cry out
52, 68 суша
You are so deep into the earth, that not even dreams can reach you in your sleep. You awake in terror to face the bloodthirsty beasts coming at you from the dark. Yet, your arm seems to handle the sword without you commanding it, and the huge claws run right through you without you feeling it. And all appears to happen in slow motion
32, 70 суша
Hardly had you entered this passage, when some of those loathsom creatures emerged from the depths of the cave and engaged your troops. This is basically not a problem
27, 67 суша
As you contemplate the enormous entrance to the cave, you cannot help feeling a shiver of excitement and fear at the same time. You have seen behemoth crags in stronghold towns before and had always been curious to go inside and see the ancient depths from which these monstruos creatures are born. But now, standing at the entrance of this seemingly bottomless pit, you think to yourself that this must be the mother of all behemoth crags... After a few moments of silent contemplation, you shake and step inside. This was truly ridicolous. Devil gods have no fear. Hurry now, blood awaits. Let us exterminate the giant rats!...
41, 60 суша
This strange idol makes you wonder what other lost souls have made it through these places of death and decay. The stench of corpses does give a clue as to what may have happened to them and how much good this idol appears to have done them...
52, 72 суша
Your journey deeper into the caves is getting more and more difficult through the ever narrower passages and you are now certain the little courses of water you have encountered are anything but water. Huge claw marks cut deep wounds into the surrounging walls, and any order given to your troops echoes back from the inside like an earthshaking roar you would under any other circumstances enjoy, but now you dread to ask yourself how much of it is truly the echoe of your words.
50, 72 суша
Breathing has become a tiring task down here. You must stop to rest every other few steps you take. You feel as if the walls are caving in on you... But it's not that; just more monsters to fight.
Башмаки полярности
55, 81 суша
You have uncovered more traces of Rephaim writing on the star axis. It is probably true
53, 64 суша
Your formidable teleporting does not work between these walls, and you have had to walk, which you haven't done in centuries. At one point, you had to improvise a ladder from boulders which appear to have been ripped out of the walls by teeth which must be as long as your devilish arms. The ladder was supposed to help you through a higher passage leading to this section of the cave, but while climbing it, you fell and hurt you leg really badly. Trying to withstand the pain, you carry on leaving a trail of boiling blood behind you. You try to encourage yourself by thinking that if the dark blood of the greatest Devil ever doesn't cleanse this place, nothing will. But then it occurs to you that the trail may attract unwanted company.
58, 75 суша
Your foot injury has grown into an enormous wound. You haven't been able to walk for a while now and the troops have had to carry you on a stretcher, about fifity at a time... You rise in great pain and grab hold of your dear weapon. You grip it really tight and with a grimace of absolute pain, you direct your troops into this new battle. For the first time, you are fighting for your life. It has occured to you that it has been quite a while since you have lost any interest in getting the artifact, and you just wish to find a way out of here, before you leave all of your companions behind as skeletons.
54, 62 суша
You lean against the cave wall and let out your most terrible battlecry. You decide to sooner slay yourself than to let these creatures tear you limb by limb.
Страж задания
53, 63 суша
In an outburst of despair, you attempt to use your magical powers to destroy the tower blocking the way you had fought so hard to take. And as you realize that they have no effect, you slowly lean your head against the tower, not knowing what to do anymore. You are completely lost, forever doomed to roam these caves like a spectre (before disease or those monsters eventually get you, of course). Suddenly, you notice an inscription on the tower. You are shocked to realize that you can understand the glyphs. It is the ancient writing of the Rephaim. These were once one of the greatest peoples that ever lived. You remember fighting against them in the Krolythian wars many centuries ago. After they were defeated, they had to migrate, and left with the entire knowledge their civilisation had gathered over millenia. They were never heard of again, although many set out to find them. A horrid thought
43, 67 суша
You are beginning to wonder if you haven't spent too much time between these walls dripping with what you hope is water (the deep darkness seems to be more powerful than all the magic you have tried to dispel it)
59, 75 суша
You have passed the border guard set here in ancient times by the Rephaim. However, you cannot help wondering whether they built it to close themselves in this region of the caves, or whether they desperately wanted to keep whatever is around here away from them.
60, 76 суша
Covered in blood and tightly grasping your treasure, you head away from the battlefield into a tighter and upwards steeper section of the cave. Are your eyes deceiving you? Could that be...?
62, 77 суша
YES!!! A ray of light shines in from the end of this narrow passage. You crawl out in despair and reach out for the light. Breathing heavily, you make your way through the sharp rocks, leaving a trail of blood behind. It appears to spring out from every stone you touch.
64, 79 суша
With a sublime effort, you pull yourself from under the last boulders and find yourself on the gentle sloaps of a small hill, next to a small fort seemingly forgotten by time. You rejoice to find some of your companions out here, glad to hear you were not the only one who made it through. After spending a few more hours, more come out from the cave, and you all sing the ritual songs of victory, sacrifice several small creatures that you find around an ddrink each others blood. You take the time to honour the Toa'ri. As you set off into the twilight, you turn around to look at the cave for the last time, and think of all the good friends and battle mates whose bones have thickened the cave floor.
77, 83 суша
Stepping out from the teleport, you stop in sear terror, relising where it has taken you. These are the cursed eastern shores of the Lake, from which no creature has ever returned alive. You quickly give orders for the troops to move out, without any rest. And just on time too. As you leave the area, some dragons dwelling in the hills on the shore catch up to the arierguard of your army.
Черный дракон
37, 83 суша
These shores are ours... We fear you, oh great one and do not wish to fight you, but if you attempt to take our sulfur away from us, you leave us no choice.
Черный дракон
43, 83 суша
Stay back, you murdering bastard! We will forever banish your kind from this world... Your time will come...
Черный дракон
50, 84 суша
If you think that you are the only godly being around here, you are mistaken. We dragons were born from the foam of the seas when the earth was created, we are the sons of the Creator and you are nothing but scum.
Черный дракон
56, 85 суша
As you prepare to engage these creatures, one of them splits from the pack and approaches your posititions. As he nears, you notice that this is no ordinary dragon. Not only is he larger then any one dragon you have ever seen in your millenia of existance, but his scales glitter in the waters of the lake like the shiniest jewels. As he sets down in front of you, he speaks in a voice of fire that chases away all wildlife around
62, 85 суша
The rumors you remember having heard are true. This place truly is rich in resources.
43, 91 суша
The truth is that you were surprised to find this shipyard guarded. You have no time for playing around and you really would have wished for the Arch Devils to join you or at least flee. Perhaps this whole war is affecting your image as an invincible god. Is it not enough that you had to retreat in front of the tremendous hoards of the wizard? Does everyone have to throw it back into your face by chalenging you? Then you realize what you just said. Wizard's hoards? THE WIZARDS HOARDS?!? YOU WISH THEY HAD BEEN HOARDS!
9, 51 суша
You stumble a small creature of the earth, a worm or something, that whispers incantations unknown to you. You take the time to write them down in your magic book and then continue your journey.
37, 143 суша
Man! This is great!! Fantastic!!! This place is a gold mine!... Wait a minute, what are you saying?... This place is... 5 gold mines.
38, 143 суша
39, 143 суша
You are already sending stacks of messages back to base every moment to instruct your generals how to properly use the gold...
40, 143 суша
You have sent word for more carts to help you carry the gold.
41, 143 суша
You are surprised - to say the least - to find this gold guarded by some more of those pesky dwarves. The men and the carts are anxiously waiting to carry the money to your Resource silos back in the swamp. It would be bad morale to tell them it is not wise to engage blindly unknown enemies, wouldn't it?
42, 143 суша
More guardians... Well, since you've gone this far... Err?
43, 143 суша
More gold - more guardians. Now that you have had a chance to calm down from the bit of a gold rush you had earlier, you realise that this is by no means unusual and you should have expected it from the very beginning. Surely this kind of reward is worth the effort...
44, 143 суша
Err.. You are a bit worried that the numbers of dwarves, who have so far not been a real menace, are growing slightly too fast...
45, 142 суша
SERIOUSLY!!! Perhaps you should leave this one alone for a while and return when you are better prepared...
45, 143 суша
You are feeling a touch sleepy on this occasion. Perhaps the troops could handle the dwarves on their own...
29, 140 суша
At first you thought it was just your impression. But it's not! The mounds of gold are getting larger...
Гидра хаоса
25, 74 суша
We shall not join you, murderer. You may have enslaved our brethren above, but the Great Swamp shall never be yours, for it is beyond your power of penetration and no magic you'll ever use can make it back up from any place it may choose to soread its tentacles.
24, 74 суша
As much as you hate to admit it, the hydras are right. The Creator must have used different materials when he created you and this place, for although you otherwise have no problems with controling and commanding its native creatures, you have yet to be able to regenerate your godly powers from it alone. You have had to resort to all sort of types of magic or artifacts, but the suttle nature of this place is beyond your control. Evil does not dwell here, and you haven't found an answer to the question of why, how and since when these creatures do.
26, 76 суша
You think back at what the hydras said, for you have begun to realise that they were thinking of more then you had first suspected. The patches of snow around here clearly indicate the the wizard's magic has penetrated this far down into the earth and is now eating away the moors, something that is not really happening at the surface. This raises a lot of questions. After all, this was not happening at the surface when you were there, but then again, how long has it been since you entered these undergroung passages? Are the wizard's powers growing? You reevaluate how deep into the earth you are and through how many layers of wet soil the snow must have traveled through. You remember that you have no control whatsoever over these flooded fields even from the surface, standing in the middle of them, let alone freeze them from beyond the mountains and through what is the very essence of all Creations
19, 79 суша
This place is down right impressive. You have closely studied the swamp above and know it is deeper than any human or god can imagine and to find it as far down is further proof. Think of the pressure building up on top of these muddy ponds and slopes. You remember a dragon so large that he couldn't fit through the gates of Hell being swallowed up completely by one of these bogs. K'N spoke of creatures who have made their way down here. Only true swamp creatures could be in such absolute harmony with this soil to be able to travel down through it. Perhaps you have underestimated the power of this land and the creatures that inhabit it.
22, 74 суша
Before turning from your path into the wetlands, you send a scout to investigate the surroundings. He returns with information that confirms what K'N told you. Just to the north from here is a gigantic opening into the earth that goes down. The scout didn't dear enter, but he reported footmarks similar to those you saw on the pirate island. That must definetely be the behemoth crag in which glorious treasures await. In what concerns the swamp, it all looks peaceful and quiet and you expect to be in and out before you know it. You are already making plans for your journey north. Let's see... There's that crazy zombie, the mausoleum...
23, 74 суша
Once again you stop and wonder at the might of the Creator and his seemingly endless power of giving birth. It is not the his imagination, reflected in the varied shapes, colors and smells of this luxuriant place that you admire, but the unique ability to give every environment, every object, every living thing and even every idea an own vibration, an own suttle identity, as if he had hand-created every molecule in this world and everything that has yet to appear before our eyes. You have often contemplated the way anything does or does not reach harmony with its ideas, its environment or even the concept of it. No magic that you have ever been able to learn or witness in your entire existance can match this ability, or change it in any definitory way. It would truly be beyond your powers to do such a thing and you are no ordinary mortal either. Glory to Thee, oh One who were before existance!
Накидка скорости
0, 140 суша
It took half an hour's work of digging through the imense pile of angel feathers to find the darn cape. Then again, it was real fun to think that you had plucked the feathers yourself.
1, 140 суша
The truth is that you (as opposed to your other fellow devils) don't really hate Archangels. You tend to rather not understand their reason to be. In fact, what exactly are they? Fighters for the grand cause of all good? You had always believed in the role of good as a natural balance for evil. Without one, the other couldn't exist. Evil is temptation, killing, darkness; good is love, peace and compassion. But where's the love, peace and compassion in these huge devil slayers with only one thing on their minds
14, 133 суша
You hate rogue infested badlands and you hate goblins and orcs alltogether, whether they are mounted or not. It disgusts you to even bathe your sword in their filthy blood. But, oh well, who can resist the prospect of a large massacre. Mass killings have always been your weakness. No matter what, you just can't resist one.
6, 135 суша
As you push your troops forward through the dense woods, you are suddenly attacked by a band of rogues. You shiver in delight. You just can't get enough of killing these weak humans who are afraid of the light of the open plains. This could hardly get any better...
12, 139 суша
Once again, you were mistaken. It does get better. This blood euforia may in the end cause you to do irrational things. You decide to skip the ritual of hanging the enemies' guts from the surrounding trees after the combat.
13, 133 суша
You felt disgusted by those bastards, so you organized some games to chear up your troops. You spent part of the day chasing and hunting down some locals living at the edge of the forest. You are really proud of your troops. They managed to gather more men to slaughter than you could have ever imagined.
0, 47 суша
You have spent most of the day clearing the many chambers of the tomb. Here lie wealths of art beyond your wildest dreams. The walls are carved in solid gold plates the size of several Forsaken Palaces put together. But it's not just the gold. It is the absolute mastery of these ancient sculptors. Such beauty cannot be described in human or godly words. Amazed at these beauties, you remember one of your tutors once told you (when you were a mere apprentice in the Schools of Thought, of Reason, of Will, of Belief, of Destiny and of Rites) that it would self-deceipt to consider any work of real significance anything else than the direct work of the First Creator Himself. The labyrinth-like complex focuses around a room where a giant tomb stands as a monumental reminder of the world of the Ancients and the distant memories of the First Begining. Right at the entrance, a giant head rests upon an altar of everflaming jade. You lift the item and hold it against the glow of the golden walls. It sends out beams of light that scare away even the few of your companions who had dared to enter these colossal ruins, everglowing memories of times they cannot understand. You turn your attention to the entrance to the tomb, surrounded by bas-reliefs telling the tale of the First Creation and the First Brothers. You wonder whether you should venture inside...
Королева наг
1, 49 суша
Come, come! Our swords haven't bathed in blood for milenia. The last devil we saw only saw us for an eyeblink. He now lies with the ancients...
2, 51 суша
There's no use running, insignificant one! The hand of doom reaches out for you from the past. There's no running from the past, for the future only has meaning to those who are anchored in the present. And you are only anchored in your own blindness.
1, 55 суша
As you step in through the monumental entrance, a naga who seems to be standing guard crawls in front of you. Step back, Ktulu, for no mortal or immortal soul can step into this place. The Creator built this mighty temple for his first son, Yurugu, whose soul is to forever rest in eternal peace. He has decided for this place to forever be outside Creation. Time and space no longer have any meaning here. The wealth you might hope to find in this place has no meaning for you, for you cannot understand its nature. Should you decide that you wish to step further into the caverns, know that the Creator has left us here as mighty guardians of the story of the first Creation. You shall not pass!
23, 127 суша
You had heardly stepped out of the Gate, when you bumped into K'N. This is ridiculous!!!. You went to so much trouble to get down here, only to find this guy all smily and cheary, as if he were in his own element down in these dry and dark places. He laughs and looks you straight in the eyes. Are you surprised to find me down here, Lord of Darkness? There are many ways to descend to the world beneath, the mage you encountered was just a crazy old man who thought he was guarding Heaven and hell, when in fact nobody paid any real attention to him. You stare at him stupidly. Come, come! he keeps up the fast talk I've been down here for some days now and have gathered a lot of information you might find very interesting. As you listen to him and try to REMEMBER EVERYTHING HE SAYS, you take several steps into the cave.
23, 129 суша
Now this is my favourite part
22, 128 суша
Now first of all, just to the west of here is a large underground forest where you should find at least one interesting item. Do take some money with you, because it appears that you will have to buy it. Also, a bit to the south, a group of dwarves have set up quite a large reserve of gold, and , believe me, you are going to need it. So you should check that out too! I also have a quest you will definitely enjoy. Some while ago, a guy retreated into these places to live what he called a simple life, dedicated to seeking godly revelations or something. The people started calling him a saint, gathered to seek his blessing. Some crazed out monks even built a monastery next to his small cave. They are fanatics and will guard him at all costs, but I think you will find his sandals of particular interest and have some fun getting them as well.
23, 130 суша
Here in the underground is a very large lake, that is interesting from several points of view. First of all, great wealth can be found on its shores, including some sulfur mines and don't try to look indifferent, because I know you need sulfur. I have been unable to find anyone who has sailed deeper into the lake, however, legends around here mention an island, home to the Shield Of Lion Courage and some monsters, but show me a legend with no monsters in it. It might as well be that the Shield is just there waiting for anyone to take it. How's your sailing?
23, 131 суша
But there are more interesting things farther to the northern parts of these caves. Some swamp creatures of yours (don't look at me with those burning eyes like that - I'm trying to tell you some very important things) have found a way through the mud and somehow made it down here. They have built quite a village - I've seen it myself. It's pretty remote and well guarded, but surely of some importance - I think... Whatever... Wait! Don't go - there's more. Rumors abound about the missing pieces of the Statue Of Legion being around here. Unfortunately for you, I have only managed to locate one. It's in the posession of the behemoths living in the behemoth crag... Did I tell you about the behemoth crag? It's also in the northern part and it's slightly larger than you would expect...
21, 132 суша
Just a minute... Let me catch my breath... Man, you're a fast walker... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Err... What else was there?... ... ... ... Oh yeah! Unbelievable as it may sound, I have seen a huge temple - the tomb of Yurugu - the Creators first son. Can you even begin to imagine what riches the Creator must have set in his son's grave? Surely YOU are the one to see them for the first time.
19, 131 суша
Not so far to the north from here are the the largest mountains in this region. There is a town there which, although it is situated in a pretty tough to reach place, has become quite a commercial centre to this region. There are people willing to sell artifacts over there and many creatures from far away dwellings come to seek a master over there. Mages from far away lands are willing to teach new spells and even help you with your spell points. I don't know what you are waiting for! Far to the north, beyond the swampy region and the mountains lives an old and crazy zombie. He digs holes to hide I don't know what. See if you can persuade him to give you some artifact he is said to have and the goldsmith seer is said to be looking for.
19, 130 суша
Now, all this is nice and fine, but I have only got to see a small part of this dark land(I confess - I may have spent to much time at the necropolis, but you will see how fascinating that place is). There are more things you definitely mustn't overlook. You have a lot of things to do and not so much time at your disposal, for the wizards are very quick and extremely powerful at this point. If they get the ability to fly before you find enough power in these places, you won't stand a chance. ... ... ... Oh! one last thing before you set off. As I have heard that you are very pleased by your new troops speed in combat (at this point, he quickly jumps back to avoid a blow from your demon whip), I'm happy to report that I have located the Cape Of Velocity just to the south-west from here, and very poorly guarded for that matter. Seriously now
Книга магии Огня
97, 98 суша
You are very happy to find this artifact, so you let the troops handle the guardians on their own, while you take a closer look at it...
Огненный элементал
93, 99 суша
This weird land must be driving the poor fire elementals crazy, for they would surely flee otherwise. Quite to your boredom, this is not the case.
79, 93 суша
You now wish you had stayed away from the spooky looking rocks
78, 93 суша
Snooping around the lake's shores, you realize there are more resources buried everywhere around...
Хижина предсказателя
52, 134 суша
A strange looking goldsmith comes out of the mushroom shaped hut in a cloud of smoke. He wipe the sweat off his forehead with his dirty head and glances at you with his tired yellow eyes
46, 142 суша
This is how the lucky feel How the blessed think Like daybreak in spring The sun on a spring morning But how do I feel In my gloomy depths? Like the flat brink of a cloud Like a dark night in autumn A black winter day No, darker than that Gloomier than an autumn night
47, 142 суша
not far from where i live they glance in morning breeze as dividing tiny rays a morning tries to seize greet me my proud little soldiers of brown, purple and grey carry us on your shoulders carry us far away if you begin to fall please have some more you could stay at my place if you want i'll sleep on the floor in shades of purple cloth they guide us to the light with irresistable pride to the feast they us invite greet me my proud little soldiers of brown, purple and grey carry us on your shoulders carry us far away if you begin to fall please have some more you could stay at my place if you want i'll sleep on the floor
Страж задания
1, 84 суша
I hate sprites... So sew me!... Find some and bring me their skeletons and then you'll get through. I hear there are some around the Great Lake somewhere... Hurry! Kick their ass...
48, 120 суша
Fly to the Rainbow I don't live today Rain in the sky made the world fly into time, back beyond time. Sun in the sky made the world fly into time, back beyond time. Well, I lived in magic solitude of cloudy-looking mountains and a lake made out of crystal raindrops. Roamin' thru space, two thousand years ago, I've seen the city of Atlantis sinking into eternal darkness... Somewhere in the blue distance are those long forgotten trees of yore. A broken violin floatin' alone in december darkness everywhere and nothing more. Symbol, strange melancholy, painted torrid colours to a sky of green. Candle, breathing one night only, far away, in chillness, bleak, unseen. Drifting galley, ghostlike shadow, set sail to catch and kill the time. Echoes wandering down an endless meadow, search for a thing... sublime... Fly to the rainbow, fly away, so far away...
48, 119 суша
Planet Caravan We sail through endless skies stars shine like eyes the black night sighs The moon in silver trees falls down in tears light of the night The earth, a purple blaze of sapphire haze in orbit always While down below the trees bathed in cool breeze silver starlight breaks down the night And so we pass on by the crimson eye of great god Mars as we travel the universe
49, 118 суша
Lightning Strikes Twice I feel the breeze on my face in expectance Not very long before the storm reaches here Off in the distance the lightning is flashing again Feel something strong as the power draws near Is it the rolling of thunder that scares you Is it the crashing of clouds that hold fear But all I know as I sit in the corner alone It takes me back to my childhood again And as I wait and I look for an answer To all the things going round in my head I ask myself could it be a disaster and when it's maybe threatening to happen again As the ominous light draws near There's a lone dog howls in the park All the people hurry inside As a lighting flash lights dark The storm is nearly here Only God will know You're sitting alone you watch As the wind is blowing treetops And the swaying rustling of leaves Plenty of time for rain to fall Only God knows The whole sky glows Maybe lightning strikes twice Maybe lightning strikes twice.
50, 117 суша
The Way You deny what you can't see, It makes you blind You don't believe things can exist beyond life No truth can be found by continue your life this way Beyond life immortal soul You'll rise Things in life, of the old Forgotten now, it's passed Through all dimensions and ages, You'll be the master of your soul You are the lord of your own mind and will No enslaver will control your fate
78, 3 суша
Build Mage Guild Level 5
You get Fly at Skies Of Rust. This is a good thing
69, 28 суша
Guardians! Fight?
Хижина предсказателя
84, 139 суша
K'N, who was accompanying you, told you that this was the hut of Han'du, the oldest Necromancer still... err... well alive is a really bad word here... As you stepped in ,you found the old man on his knees, his face down and his forhead touching the ground. He greated you from this position
110, 119 суша
As you walk down the narrow pathways, you notice in the dim light that it is not soil you are stepping on. You bend down and pick up a loose leg with filthy remains of rotting flesh still on it. You quickly wave your fingers and summon a small flame near the cave roof. You point your finger to it and twist it in a magic gesture. The flame slowly descends and rests in front of your eyes. As you stare into its burning core, it gradually grows larger and larger, filled with the evil light of your mighty look. You order it to the floor, and its light rests upon a graveyard of bones and half eaten corpses. Some of the loose arms still writhe and toss, clutching to small piles of bleeding teeth, seemingly not long ago removed from their alveola. Flesh eating worms crawl amidst the remains, and their stench fills your nostrils with a wet dew of corpse sap. One of the decomposing bodies seems to be covering the entrance to a smaller inlet into the rock. But as you send one of the men to remove it, it suddenly rises, and with its guts pouring out the left side of its body (which appears to have been carefully sliced off), it charges. All of a sudden, the whole floor comes to life, and as the skeletons stand up and silently approach, shadows of large creatures storm in from the inside of the cave, along with the foul smell of death and decay...
Страж задания
42, 79 суша
An ancient altar of sacrifice blocks the access to the Necklace Of Dragonteeth. You are already slightly tired of all the walking and crawling you have had to do in this cave, which is here and there as large and as vast as the gates to your palace back home, and in other places so narrow, that you have had to sneak your whole army through one by one, which is taking way more than you are willing to accept. And there are also those vial creatures jumping out at you from all corners in this sickening darkness. You analyze the altar closely
31, 101 суша
As you were leading your men onward throught the huge halls of these majestic caverns, you could sense something beyond the walls surrounding you. You stayed behind and after everyone was far in front and only their voices echoed to you through the dim and dusty light, you put your hands against one of the walls. As your fingers caressed the cold rock, you let loose the wildest godly powers within you. In a savage break-out accompanied by a fierce roar, you let your eyes turn into wild torches and as you scorched the ancient stone, your arms sank deep into the rock as you split the wall and the ceiling of the cavern along with it. As you let the fire in your eyes slowly abate, in the deep silence that followed, the dust sttled down on the floor in the form of rimes in an ancient language. As I die Stare as eyes uphold me And wait to see right through And curse me... The love has crippled you Shadows haunt the night Burning my disguise Reaping through the truth Life becomes untrue Sin the last diversion My fate will be untouched Dismissed now, the anger of a fool Shadows haunt the night Forgive me as I die Taking a chance And take what you gain My soul it has no price Total release is out of harms way until I can decide You punish me, can't you see, [I'm] not real
38, 124 суша
You noticed a large parchment set down beside the treasure chests. As you unwrapped it, you noticed it was covered in small handwriting. Your eyes lit up as you read the incantations. Forever Autumn So, the season of the fall begins Down the crossroads in a sleepy little inn By the fire when the sun goes down But the night becomes you And the secrets of the rain Forever autumn And the season of the fall begins Out the nightlands when the thunderstorm sets in The secrets clear in the cloudy night But the night becomes you And the secrets of the rain, they will stay the same And the time will come soon With the secrets of the rain, and the storm again Coming closer every day, forever autumn And the season of the fall begins Past the passingbell, past willowґs weeping A ripple forms on the brinks of time But the night becomes you And the secrets of the rain, they will stay the same And the time will come soon With the secrets of the rain, and the storm again Coming closer every day, forever autumn
94, 139 суша
You have noticed these unusual graveyards are in fact not dug here, but rather on the surface. The dead are being brought to life by these dark mages and dig their way out of the moist soil with their almost fleshless fingers. It has oftened occured that such arising corpses attack your men, but you have cast powerful spells to prevent this from happening. The tombs have one by one closed and the dead rest once again. This is the way of things and you marvel at the unusual abbility the Necromancers have of substituing the soul in these rotting bodies with a similar, yet inferior form of energy. This is indeed a new form of birth and creation. This magic of the dead yields great power and you have decided to quickly crush all opposition and take over the Necromancers' base in order to learn more about these new ways. It is obviously not the first time you encounter Necromancers and are not really so amazed or thrilled by their ways. K'N on the other hand hasn't left your camp since you entered this thick black mist and is absolutely delighted at every trace of necromancy in the land. You have often seen him study the dead or undead bodies closely and he has been experimenting just outside of camp. Perhaps getting into these places is what he has been after all this time and this might be the reason for which he helped you without taking any payment. The truth is that these are powerful lords and you are convinced that anyone else but you would not endure the horrors of this place. You do not recall any recent instances of a college of Necromancers being defeated in their own home. This may appear as not much of a challenging task for you, but you remind yourself that you are a god of the fearless.
107, 123 суша
You noticed K'N scratching a few lines on the rally flag. Vulgar Necrolatry Erosion of life I see it makes the passion burn in me Life it always withers away Death will eternally stay Corpses in their coffins forever rest in peace ? There sleeping with the aspergillus is this justice to the dead? The atrocious sight of burial ecremony Christians weeping for the departed They won't understand, they should envy them! The deceased they know, if there's a paradise Or shall we feel, the purgatory! I open the graves, admire the rot I can feel the presence, of something beyond Aureola of nauseating reek Wings of shriveled skin Holy beauty of a carcass Divine sight for me to gaze upon! Necrolatic ! Reverence for putrefaction Necrolatic ! reverence for the stench I kneel, before a carrion I pray, before the dead I know, they shall rise I fear, for the scourge I revere, power of the dead
18, 62 суша
This large underground desert is a strange sight indeed. No life, no death, neither motion, nor immobility. A strange sight for mortal eyes. Your men ask for an early camp to worship the Gods of Silence. As they perform their dark rituals, you sit down on a rock and close your eyes. You let the underground winds roar their songs of dried out hopes around you. You feel at home in this place. It brings back the teachings of the elderly to your memory. To seek harmony is not to conquer. To change is to destroy unless you change yourself. It is not for you to understand your surroundings and it is not for the Universe to understand you. For it is not the One that we seek, but the Whole. Yes! You know it is true because you have seen it with your own eyes
62, 101 суша
Rime of the Ancient Mariner Hear the rime of the ancient mariner See his eye as he stops one of three Mesmerises one of the wedding guests Stay here and listen to the nightmares of the sea. And the music plays on, as the bride passes by Caught by his spell and the mariner tells his tale. Driven south to the land of the snow and ice To a place where nobody's been Through the snow fog flies on the albatross Hailed in God's name, hoping good luck it brings. And the ship sails on, back to the North Through the fog and ice and the albatross follows on. The mariner kills the bird of good omen His shipmates cry against what he's done But when the fog clears, they justify him And make themselves a part of the crime. Sailing on and on and north across the sea Sailing on and on and north 'til all is calm. The albatross begins with its vengeance A terrible curse a thirst has begun His shipmates blame bad luck on the mariner About his neck, the dead bird is hung. And the curse goes on and on at sea And the curse goes on and on for them and me. Day after day, day after day, we stuck nor breath nor motion as idle as a painted ship upon a painted ocean Water, water everywhere and all the boards did shrink Water, water everywhere nor any drop to drink. There calls the mariner There comes a ship over the line But how can she sail with no wind in her sails and no tide. See...onward she comes Onward she nears out of the sun See, she has no crew She has no life, wait but here's two. Death and she Life in Death, They throw their dice for the crew She wins the mariner and he belongs to her now. Then...crew one by one They drop down dead, two hundred men She...she, Life in Death. She lets him live, her chosen one. One after one by the star dogged moon, too quick for groan or sigh each turned his face with a ghastly pang and cursed me with his eye four times fifty living men (and I heard nor sigh nor groan) with heavy thump, a lifeless lump, they dropped down one by one. The curse it lives on in their eyes The mariner, he wished he'd die Along with the sea creatures But they lived on, so did he. And by the light of the moon He prays for their beauty not doom With heart he blesses them God's creatures all of them too. Then the spell starts to break The albatross falls from his neck Sinks down like lead into the sea Then down in falls comes the rain. Hear the groans of the long dead seamen See them stir and they start to rise Bodies lifted by good spirits None of them speak and they're lifeless in their eyes And revenge is still sought, penance starts again Cast into a trance and the nightmare carries on. Now the curse is finally lifted And the mariner sights his home Spirits go from the long dead bodies Form their own light and the mariner's left alone. And then a boat came sailing towards him It was a joy he could not believe The pilot's boat, his son and the hermit, Penance of life will fall onto him. And the ship, it sinks like lead into the sea And the hermit shrieves the mariner of his sins. The mariner's bound to tell of his story To tell this tale wherever he goes To teach God's word by his own example That we must love all things that God made. And the wedding guest's a sad and wiser man And the tale goes on and on and on.
86, 108 суша
Wolfshade (A Werewolf Masquerade) She brought the Night hidden in her sad Wolf eyes The perfume of a twilight, her strongest scent Half Wolf, Half female - what a strange wedding Mother Nature has offered us to see... Her mask lays lost in a fatal dawn Closed were the eyes of the Sun. He sleeps. And in the name of Her Father. She will kill. My child kills. You nightly birth. A requiem God can't forget. For your life is just a celebration of his death Without his thorns in her heart. She wears a shadow as face. A werewolf masquerade. In her eyes the wolfshade. She brought the Night and by the night was brought We are but children of the powers she had set free Strange are the ways of the wolfhearted...
9, 96 суша
64, 124 суша
MY SLOWING HEART I gave and gave - gave all I had I took and took - all I could grab I had it all and I had none Now the game is over and it's all gone My heart is worn out to keep beating My lungs exhausted by all this breathing My mind's too tired to keep grieving I was against and I was for I wanted less and wanted more I won I lost, I lost and won Now it's all over and I am done My throat is too sore for more screaming My eyes too swollen for more weeping My wounds are too dry for more bleeding My blood too drained for more streaming My heart is slowing down Long short is life is short and long Strong weak am I am weak and strong My crop is ready for the Reaping My being ready for releasing My heart is slowing down
22, 92 суша
Headstones Past the forest of the flies of fire Beyond the waters of shimmering tears By a fire they stand And they whisper my name Now I seek upon the night Small fragments of moonlight Up the hill the headstones lie Up the hill the reapers watching eye Up the hill the headstones lie Headstones ... In the circle of stones dressed in ivy By the garden of the serene flowers And the spirits are there Whispering my name Now I seek upon the night Small fragments of moonlight Up the hill the headstones lie Up the hill the reapers watching eye Up the hill the headstones lie Headstones ...
34, 90 суша
Devil & the Deep Dark Ocean A snowy owl above the haunted waters Poet of ancient gods Cries to tell the neverending story Prophecy of becoming floods An aura of mystery surrounds her The lady in brightest white Soon the incarnate shall be born The Creator of the Night Deep dark is His Majesty's kingdom A portent of tomorrow's world There shall the liquid give Him power The red-eyed unborn lord Fatal embrace of the bloodred waters The cradle of infinite gloom The spell to master this Earth Carven on an infant's tomb I will die for the love of the mermaid Her seduction beauty and scorn Welcome to the end of your life - Hail the Oceanborn! Disgraced is my virginity Death has woven my wedding dress Oh Great Blue breathe the morning dew For you are the cradle of the image of god Brave now long rest is sweet With me here in the deep I prayed for pleasure wished for love Prayed for your- Never pray for me! Who the hell are you for me But a mortal dream to see? This apathetic life must drown Forever just for me Leave me be Leave me be Leave me be...ee...eeee From cradle to coffin Shall my wickedness be your passion We shall come to set the dolphins free We shall wash the darkened bloodred sea Our songs will echo over the mountains and seas The eternity will befin once again in peace
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