Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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New World Computing
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Good suspects Evil, and Evil suspects Good. But could it be the very thing that started the war was done by the Neutrals???? All because of a BET? Perhaps this will be revailed.......
You know the peasants? The are very mad because they don't get to fight like they used to.......
Good is better1
Thinking about how boring it is around here, you and your buddies decide to go hunting. As you are about to nail a huge deer, another arrow flies through the air and hits it.
good is better2
Seeing that someone has taken your game on your land, you shout and the sinister looking little man crouching behind a bush. You tell him to come out and face you, but he runs.
good is better3
Chasing after him, he pulls out a dagger and stabs himself through the heart. Seeing him dead, you search his body and find a message. It reads:
good is better 4
Don't you miss your precious GAME! Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha! At the bottom you see the signatures of your three worst enemies. At the bottom there is a P.S. stating: If you kill all three of us, we will give you your deer back! Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Crumpling the paper you shout Revenge!
Bad is better1
Walking through the your wretched gardens, full of poop and dead bodies, you notice a slave that looks out of place. You quickly realize that this person looks kind and benevolent, so he must die.
Bad is better2
Reaching for a knife, the slave pulls out an arrow that is on fire, stabs you in the foot with it, and then runs off laughing like the maniac those goody two-shoe good people are.
Bad is better3
Realizing that he must be caught, you limp in a funny and humorous way causing all the imps watching from far away to laugh. Muttering some discouraging words you hobble off after the overly kind and benevolent critter thingy.
Bad is better4
After limping around a corner, you come across the body of the kind and benevolent thing with a message on him. It reads Is your foot kinda hot? It looks like you could use some foot powder! Ha Ha Ha Ha..... If you can defeat us we will give you some! Ha ha ha!
evil is better5
At the bottom of the letter it is signed by your three worst enemies. Yelling because your angry and your foot hurts, you vow to kill all those goody two shoe, kind and benevolent, laugh happy idiots!
neutral is funny
Thinking about the wonderful pranks you commited on your enemies, you start to laugh. But then you stop in horror as now they will go to war, and you realize that your right in between them!
neutral is funny2
Thinking about the impending doom, you wonder if the pranks were truly funny. But then you get an idea. Your enemies will be weakend by the fighting, providing easier killing. You then go to your war room and start your battle plans.
After seriously pondering the prank that was commited, you wonder why the evil people would do this. Then it hits you: The evil people would never try to do that prank that they did to you, not in a million years. So if they didn't do it, who did.......
Now that you and your buddies think about those pranks, you begin to worry. Your opponents, by your spies messages, have began to suspect that the neutrals did this. This is a problem.
Thinking about the horrible prank played on you that started this war, you wonder why the good people would make it seem so obvious that they did it. Now you are starting to think the neutrals must have done it, because the goods are not that DUMB. Well, maybe they are.......
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24, 24 суша
Hey! This is ours! We will only give you this artifact if you can slay all ten of us vampires!
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