Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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Build the grail structure in the Temple of Wind and conquer Larderan without losing Ardgarn to win the campaign. Other heroes will be found along the way. Quests related to the grail are essential, so take good care of their rewards.
The hut that belonged to Ulnar is still here, even though the surroundings have drastically changed. A suspecting old elf appears at the door. Asked who he is and what he is doing here, he answers
Хижина провидца
60, 47 подземелье
This place has changed drastically, but the old tree, where an azure dragon used to rest, remains the same. Its branches are empty, though. A woman runs to the nearby cottage.
Хижина провидца
5, 29 подземелье
This tree of knowledge is almost unrecognizable. The trunk is dry and most leaves have fallen. A pair of sad eyes opens and a tired voice says
Страж прохода
14, 30 подземелье
There is a half-built prison ahead. It looks like the construction was abandoned. Maybe the appearance of the demons has brought other concerns to the people of Ganalad. Interestingly, there is an old shield topping the main entrance, painted with Kenaila's name.
7, 61 подземелье
Страж прохода
16, 58 подземелье
The ruins of an old fort rest on a hill. It seems to be abandoned at first, but someone sees movement in the shadows. Some troops enter to investigate, but they don't go very far. A huge fire ball is hurled in their direction and they barely escape. For a moment, under the light of its own fire, a both humanoid and reptilian form can be seen. Your troops run for shelter, as the being in the dark shouts, with a strong female voice
15, 57 подземелье
Wyndrasha had a happy life before the arrival of demons. They killed her husband and she was forced to leave her land with her children. She flew a long way, before a casual encounter with the enemy caused her a seriously injured wing. Unable to fly, she hid in an abandoned fort until the opportunity to fight back appeared.
59, 5 подземелье
Хижина провидца
52, 18 подземелье
A loud snore comes from the large crater past the giant mushrooms. A closer inspection reveals an azure dragon sleeping inside it. Some loose rocks roll off the edge, hitting his head. What?!..., wakes the dragon, and looks up. Who is disturbing my rest? The troops prepare to defend themselves, but the dragon doesn't seem to be in the mood to fight. He continues
Хижина провидца
54, 12 подземелье
Deep inside the cavern, there is a straight wall covered by paintings. Near the ceiling and in some other areas they are big and colorful, portraiting men and magical creatures. In the center of the wall, a niche houses the statue of a man with the head of a bird. The rest of the space is filled with small drawings, divided into columns, possibly forming some unknown writing. We were surprised to find this, says one of the rogues. We have no idea on who did it. We don't know if it has some obscure purpose, but we like it as decoration. On the sculpted armor of the statue, there is a symbol which resembles a sundial. The right arm is stretched forward, palm up and folded fingers, as if holding something. The rogues tell they found nothing else. If there was something on his hand, others took it before us, affirms a very strong man.
64, 24 подземелье
14, 29 подземелье
Kenaila is the first of your two children with Eloyna. At the age of 19, after your death, she was crowned Queen of Larderan. She was trained in the arts of war, but excelled in diplomacy, becoming dear even to the barbarians of Zogara. It hurts her immensely to see you as a lich, but her love for you hasn't changed.
Страж прохода
60, 46 подземелье
A lonely cottage was built next to the great tree. The door is locked.
59, 46 подземелье
Noreid was an apprentice and a dear friend to Ulnar. Traveling in search of new adventures and knowledge, she saved a gold dragon from certain death and earned her right to enter the sanctuary of dragons. Years later, she returned to Ulnar's place, finding him very sick, and witnessed his death.
41, 66 подземелье
N'Tor Rudnar
City Hall
55, 58 подземелье
Little is left of the university. It looks like harpies are its only attendants now.
Хижина провидца
44, 3 подземелье
Seven priests in red robes perform their rituals around a bloody altar, under the branches of a dead tree. They interrupt their chanting when they see the approaching army. One of them steps forward and introduces himself as Edaros, High Priest of the Order of the Flaming Sky. To the questions about what they are doing here, he answers
39, 40 подземелье
You step outside the crypt. The memories from the Limbo are quite lively now and you can remember what you have learned there. The land around you doesn't look familiar. The ground is covered by solidified magma. And Larderan... you can't recognize it anymore. What has happened to it? There is a horse nearby and you mount it, after some struggle. The necromancer won't need it anymore. You are about to leave, when, coming from around the crypt, another horse gallops in your direction, carrying a beautiful blond woman. She stops abruptly, shocked at your sight. No!, she cries. I arrived too late... You can see her face well now. She reminds you of a child... Your child, Kenaila! You hesitantly say her name. Dad..., she starts, her voice a little more than a whisper, but she takes only a second to recover and draw her sword. Don't come any closer! You are Sordgon's servant now and it's my duty to free your soul. He will be the next. No, my dear..., you reply. The necromancer who raised me is dead. My will was stronger. I killed him with my bare hands. Might that be true?, wonders Kenaila. She hesitates and looks around. I guess he should have shown up by now. Take a look inside, if you wish, you suggest. There's no time, she says. Sordgon has left a trail of undead to stop me. I have destroyed many, but they keep coming. Let's get out of here! Kenaila and you charge the horses. You look back and see the undead getting to the crypt.
46, 10 подземелье
67, 9 подземелье
A group of warriors is entrenched before the large entrance of a cave. The ground is a mess of broken weapons, blood and corpses. The dead elves, dwarves and centaurs easily outnumber the living, but the number of corpses of all kinds of demons is at least three times greater. For Mother Nature!, exclaims a dwarf who seems to be the leader, after making himself certain that your troops are friendly. May she bless you! We surely can use some help. They are coming from the underground! The last attack took many good soldiers, but we made them run... for now. Nevertheless, some of them broke through our lines and may be attacking our town. We must fight in two fronts now. If at least we had been successful in finding the Grail... Everyone wants to know more about the Grail and the dwarf explains
42, 36 подземелье
The undead are left behind and you pause to decide where to go. We should try to get to Ganalad, says Kenaila. It has resisted so far, but I can't guarantee it'll not have fallen to the demons when we get there. Apparently, they believe it can be taken at any time and are concentrating their attacks against more relevant foes. I have to admit that some people in high positions are showing sympathy for the devils, hoping to be spared. Anyway, I left my armor and some men I can trust. Once there, I will be less vulnerable and much more useful to our cause. The river is now shallow enough to be traveled on horses, but I saw some rust dragons circling above when I came. We can go to the northwest, past Larderan and around its armies. Rust dragons!, you repeat. So they are on the loose. And in high numbers, adds Kenaila. Apparently, the changes in the environment were favorable to their procreation. What are our other destination options?, you ask. The closest is a village of refugees in the northeast, by the sea. I don't think there is much to be gained there. Men have also fled to the southwest, across the swamp, which now flourishes where the great Lake Nal used to be. We might look for the people of Zogara, who have left their city and founded a new one somewhere in the southeast. For their barbarian nature, they may be more willing to fight. But the decision is yours.
Хижина провидца
69, 27 подземелье
An old woman appears at the door of the hut. Be you good or evil, I have nothing here you may want, she sobs. I didn't have much, even before the arrival of the demons. The only precious value I had was my family. But even that... they took away from me. My daughter and her husband died trying to protect their son. He was carried by the demons. They took many of us, maybe to be used as slaves, maybe to be tortured to death, just for the devils' amusement. Everyone says that Parbin... my grandson... must be dead now. But I know he will come back... one day.
67, 8 подземелье
Since an early age, Gwandor showed an interest and aptitude for archery unusual for a dwarf. Trained by one of the best elven archers, his skill eventually surpassed his master's. Soon he was training elves himself. His excellent reputation among both elves and dwarves helped him become a field general in no time.
Страж прохода
63, 59 подземелье
The Back wall of the stronghold looks as solid as the rest. If there is a secret door, only a native can tell.
67, 64 подземелье
A small group of goblins, orcs and ogres is camped outside the city, in the shadow of some ruined fortification, waiting for the best moment to attack. An orc watches from the top of a tower. An ogre, tall and strong even for their standards, introduces himself as Brugord, King of Pumerra. He reports
Страж прохода
66, 63 подземелье
Are you ready to fight?, asks Brugord.
67, 62 подземелье
Brugord is the only son of the last king of Zogara. His parents died during the demons' attack to the city and he flew with his people to the Southeast. He fought and defeated challengers to the throne on three occasions, before founding the town of Pumerra.
65, 61 подземелье
68, 58 подземелье
There used to be a magic well here, but it's dry now.
61, 9 подземелье
The large hole left by the Grail seekers is investigated, but nothing special is found, except for the strong emanation of magic from the ground around, similar to that which surrounded the obelisks.
59, 9 подземелье
Please help us!, asks a man in a blue robe who runs to meet the new comers. Some of us are being controlled by some infernal force. They attacked and killed their own families. They are still among us, in our sacred hollows, and there is nothing we can do. They must be stopped. Suddenly, the man's head is almost instantly burned to ashes by a fireball hurled from the woods. His body stumbles around in flames for a few seconds, before falling motionless. A small group of gogs attacks.
35, 36 подземелье
Deity of Fire
More troops
Even more troops
High-level troops
Хижина провидца
17, 67 подземелье
A very old gnoll is sitting in front of the door to her hut. She raises her eyes slowly to look at the visitors and speaks
70, 33 подземелье
The old, abandoned lighthouse seems quite out of place here, now that the sea became more distant.
Драг. камни
60, 28 подземелье
A pack of demons and magogs quarrel about the division of the gems they got. Do you want to end the dispute?
32, 68 подземелье
This used to be a cavern used by rogues, when you first came here, as Karg. Apparently, the violent changes in the geography of this area revealed a larger cave, maybe a hidden entrance to the underground.
Хижина провидца
22, 69 подземелье
Following a trail of a few giant blue scales, your troops eventually meet three azure dragons, among the shadows of high cliffs and huge trees. Surprisingly, they don't seem to be disturbed by the visit. The biggest and oldest of them speaks, calmly
45, 56 подземелье
The prison seems to be unguarded. Maybe the demons don't believe anybody is bold or cares enough to attempt a rescue. It's not unlikely the prisoners have simply been forgotten and left to starve to death. They ask for help and soon are freed from their cells. A gremlin steps forth and bows, introducing himself as Gozirb and offering his services. He is no warrior, but he can be a good scout or messenger, taking word of the returning of King Ardgarn to distant towns. With a whistle, he calls a horse that was drinking from the watering hole and mounts it. I'm ready to go, he says.
11, 18 подземелье
Firangal served in the military of Ganalad for many years and fought under your command against the evil priests of the Order of the Awakening Light. After retirement, he continued to help forming new soldiers as a sword master at the school of war, until the demons came and destroyed it.
44, 56 подземелье
Unusually clever for a gremlin, Gozirb was very young when he stole a horse and escaped from his masters, the wizards of Dovanlosh. He reached Hawyrm, where he became an elementalist. When the city fell before the infernal hordes, he managed to escape and stayed free for years, but was eventually captured again.
11, 19 подземелье
A ruined school of war has become an outpost of the demons. There are still signs of a battle here and there. The place is guarded by just a few gogs, and they are entertained by three men who are used as toys and target to their fire balls. Got by surprise, the gogs are easily killed. The men are thankful and wish to serve under your command. I'm no great hero, but I was a soldier in my time, says the oldest of them. Perhaps I'm too old for the battlefield, but I still have sharp eyes and a fast horse.
6, 5 подземелье
A hole in the ground seems to be all that is left of the obelisk studied by Ulnar. But upon closing inspecting of the hole, a single piece of blue stone inscribed with a rune is found. It looks useless, but somehow you know the fate of the world depends on it.
Сфера Проливного Дождя
64, 47 суша
A blue orb rests on a pedestal that rises over a dozen meters above the surface. As the boat gets closer, the water becomes more agitated. Soon a legion of water and ice elementals surrounds the pedestal. Will it be worth fighting for the orb?
56, 3 суша
A very old halfling comes out of his lab, carrying a pouch of mercury and saying
Поясница Легиона
36, 50 суша
Do not dare touch me!, comes the voice of Tysar Kon Rak, making everyone's heads hurt. I can crush you with the might of ten thousand giants. I can burn your mind with the stare of a million eyes. It's probably not wise to challenge Tysar Kon Rak. Will you do it, anyway?
30, 28 суша
44, 65 суша
Having seen his entire family be taken away by a terrible plague, Tamark left his town and found a new home among the druids of Nalemshar, where he specialized in healing spells. He eventually became a master, helping others in the ways of magic. He lead dragons against the demons, but his entire army was killed and he was made a prisoner.
Страж прохода
45, 65 суша
The large entrance of a cavern is hidden by volcanic fumes. A man wearing the green hood and cape of a druid walks out. I'm Tamark, he says. For a moment, I thought the demons had found us. Us?, asks someone. My friend and I escaped from the dungeons of N'Tor Rudnar, but she was seriously hurt. She sleeps now. Only my magic keeps her alive. She is beyond the help of medical science. I cannot heal her, either. To do so, I'd need the aid of magical artifacts. I can only try to diminish her pain. Which artifacts?, he is asked. I believe only the combined power of the Rings of Life and Vitality will work. The latter was said to be in the possession of dragons, but after what has happened to their sanctuary... The other ring, nobody knows of. Now, if you excuse me, I must return to my dear friend. I owe her my life.
68, 60 суша
Temple of Wind
Take starting resources from AI
Take daily gold from AI (air elementals accumulate)
29, 25 суша
Dragons Hall
Посещение Лорд:
Страж прохода
67, 61 суша
Wait!, orders the female voice of the statue to the left. My companion has agreed to let you in, but I did not. To stand before the power of wind, you must have your feet firmly on the ground. The Guardian of Earth was summoned, deceived and imprisoned by Marasda, the Raiser of Dragons, who hides under the protection of the Lord of Mutralgar. Mutralgar, the ancient underground civilization which destroyed Yogamahaf, the home of our creators!, intervenes her companion. The lord was not born there, but gained the trust and loyalty of the people with promises of conquest. He is the one who unleashed the infernal forces. He is responsible for all the chaos that you see. But it was Marasda who chained the Guardian, turns the first statue. You will probably have to defeat the lord before you can face her. Do whatever is necessary, but free the Guardian of Earth.
Лазурный дракон
4, 61 суша
The azure dragon is surprised to see the flying army. I didn't expect to be bothered here, he roars. He is told of the war against the demons and how it is close to an end. So, you want my help!, he laughs. I'm afraid I will have to say no. I'm one of the last. The survival of my species depends on me... and of my companion, of course. Another dragon leaps from atop a rocky hill and lands beside him. The slender shape indicates it's a female. Maybe our survival depends on what we do to guarantee a better world for our children, she argues. We must fight for the future. Foolishness!, says the male. We are safe here. Or we were! These creatures may have attracted the attention of the devils to us! We should kill them now. They have a furious argument but eventually reach an agreement...
59, 22 суша
An impressive building, partially covered in water, stands ahead. Tritons, mermaids and other water creatures swim or rest near huge statues around and beyond. The boat navigates in calm waters, but before it can reach the building, strong waves appear ahead. A huge torso of human shape, covered by silver scales, emerges. The head has features of fish, lizard and man. Occasionally, the being's long tail swings above the waves. He holds a magnificent trident and shield, but his words are welcoming
66, 31 суша
Hur Kadohr
City Hall
45, 18 суша
T'nak Zuh
City Hall
Ржавый дракон
58, 23 суша
Dozens of bloody and mutilated corpses can be seen on the derelict ship. However, the dragons who probably brought the tragedy are not satisfied yet.
Страж прохода
54, 14 суша
A solid rock wall blocks the way. There is some writing on it, but the language is ancient. A strong enchantment can be sensed, protecting the wall and preventing it from being broken or moved away. Among the troops, rumors tell that the ancestors of the men from Siralindra, who arrived there centuries ago, came from a magically advanced civilization, brought to ruin by an underground rival. Considering the powers of the enchanters of Siralindra, that might be true. Perhaps one of them can read the writing.
61, 44 суша
A mysterious force emanates from the ancient fort ahead. A pair of red crystal golems steps foward and one of them says
Страж прохода
38, 15 суша
Over a hundred ragged men, women and children occupy the only cell. A young woman stands out in the crowd, not only for her straight body and proud attitude, but also for her appearance
37, 15 суша
Daughter of a demon, Velorna was found and recruited by the infernal forces at the age of 13. But her human half was stronger and she couldn't stand the suffering of others like her mother. In her first mission, she killed her own general and many colleagues, before being defeated and tossed into a prison, barely alive, with people she fought to defend.
39, 16 суша
The building ahead is clearly a prison. Your troops force the entry, waking a snoring demon in the hall. He alarms the others, who pour in from the guard room.
6, 6 суша
War Hall
15, 2 суша
Shaped out of the clearest of the waters in a beautiful female form, another giant stands on the border of this magnificent fountain. Her soft voice sounds like the flowing water itself
10, 7 суша
A warrior in a shiny golden armor salutes you from atop a hill, in front of an enormous building
56, 25 суша
Prevents AI from defeating rust dragons.
14, 1 суша
You recall the last moments before your awakening. It is hard to tell how long those moments actually lasted, for you were in Limbo, where the essence of time is distorted, between the worlds of the dead and the living. It is like being there again, hearing the dark chant calling you from an immensurable distance, yet as near as a whispering in your ear. You are compelled to walk across the great valley, where the elements seem to have gathered to watch your journey. We are not here to watch, you hear and turn back to face your interlocutor, who apparently read your thoughts. You see a giant ethereal figure in a shiny robe. You can barely make out any face, so intense is the light which comes from under the hood. The voice sounds like two, one male and one female. Who are you?, you ask. I have many names, is the answer. I am the one who is beyond the four basic elements, more than their sum, yet nothing without any of them. I am the fifth element. I am the mind and the magic. You know me as the Quintessence. What do you want from me?, you inquire. To make choices, replies the strange being. The other elements and I are here to help you, to teach you. We are linked to the fate of the material world. It is important that our power and knowledge go with you. But your mind cannot apprehend everything we can give. You must choose your masters, what to learn. Go ahead and make your first choice
Страж прохода
45, 40 суша
You push the large doors of the crypt, but they don't budge. While you walk across the room, toward the back door, you think of Eloyna and your children, Darilan and Kenaila. May they be still alive? For a moment, you are eager to meet them again, but... how could you allow them to see you in your current appearance? You are a lich!
13, 7 суша
You find a circle of transparent crystalline structures surrounding a singular swirling form. Although that form seems to be made of pure wind, you can see it clearly. Flashes of magical energy appear in regular intervals, causing multicolored rays to come out of the crystals. The wind whistles a song among the mountains, almost muffling the necromancer's call. You wish to stay, but you know you can't resist much longer. So knows the invisible being of wind, who soon blows words into your ears, with an undistinguished, whispering voice
Фолиант Магии Огня
34, 16 суша
Most books around are ancient or unique, many are both. All are incredibly valuable. But one book stands out of the rest
Страж прохода
27, 27 суша
Karg has cast a powerful enchantment on this gate to prevent unauthorized access to the enormous building beyond. A quick magic probing reveals the enchantment was set to last while he is alive. Through the iron bars, a large hall can be seen. In there, red dragons fly around a gigantic creature who seems to be born of the ground, made of earth and rocks. He visibly suffers, held by magical chains. There is also a young woman - apparently the only human being in this underground city.
11, 4 суша
Come closer, my friend!, comes a hoarse voice from the pool of fire. You obey, although the heat is intense. A huge flame jumps out of the pool and comes in your direction. Yes, just a few more steps, turns the voice, now coming from the flame dancing around you. I am the most destructive force of Nature, I am the bringer of death. Your land belongs to me now. I am the ruler! You stop at the edge of the fiery pool. The heat would kill any living creature, but... you are already dead, of course. However..., continues the flame, now behind you, balance must be restored. You are strong... for a human soul. I have decided to be generous. I will share my power with you, even if you will use it to destroy others who have been making good use of it. Actually, that will be interesting to watch... Ah!, it must be funny!... But now... Feel my power! Feel the power of Fire! As if obeying a command, the fire engulfs you and seems to burn your very essence. You scream in pain, but stand on your feet. Fortunately, the agony doesn't last long. The fire retreats back to the pool, leaving no visible marks. You hurry to leave the place.
54, 13 суша
The enchanter joins the group again.
Песочные Часы Недоброго Часа
53, 2 суша
Here I have something that may interest you, says a fat merchant. This hourglass is an antique. It came straight from Yogamahaf, over 300 years ago. Its sands are magical. I will let you have it for... let me see... Fifty thousand pieces of gold! It's a true bargain! Shame on you, Gobo!, says a female halfling, coming out of a tent. They are our allies. They are the only hope for the world and you want to exploit them?! The hourglass is an antique, indeed, but no one knows how old it is or where it came from. Now give it to them! But, Darling, I paid very high for it and..., starts the merchant. Give it to them!, shouts his wife. You paid nothing! You found it in a cavern near Siralindra. I have already visited it myself to take a look at the men living there. Some were quite handsome... Unfortunately, an avalanche sealed the passage some years ago. Well, that doesn't matter. My friends, some of our sages have visited the cavern, too, and believe something really great is hidden in there. The upset merchant grumbles, but agrees to give the hourglass for free.
28, 26 суша
You killed my father!, growls the woman in the hall. Yes, Karg was my father! He was human at that time. His name was Ardgarn, King of Larderan. But he was turned into a monster and left to rot in a dungeon, while an impostor took his place, even before I was born. At first, when the king denied to be my father and turned away my mother, a simple peasant, she didn't know he was an impostor. Years later, we heard rumors. Soon I discovered the whole story. My mother was already dead when I took a job in the royal palace. I poisoned the king and set my father free. Now I'm alone... with my dragons. And with them, I shall conquer what is my birthright
Кольцо Жизненной Силы
2, 20 суша
A magical ring seems to have fallen from a nearby chest.
Щит Проклятых
4, 21 суша
A mighty shield is attached to a severed red arm, lying in a pool of blood.
Страж прохода
33, 16 суша
This wing of the library can only be entered through a magically locked door. The enchantment seems to be very strong, and only the best wizards could break it.
66, 5 суша
Hello, visitors!, says a halfling woman. You may be interested to know that we have learned a way to make the magical towers of jade vanish. They were a way to block the path to the enemies of Yogamahaf, but now I suppose they just stand in your path. If you wish me to teach you what I know, just follow me to my tent over there and let's have a drink.
35, 52 суша
Please, this way!, says one of the troglodytes, obviously fearing for his life. The Greatest of All Living Beings, the Uncomparable, the Magnificent Tysar Kon Rak is very pleased with you. It would be an unimaginable honor for us to serve under your command. Stay there, behind the sacred straw, in front of his beautiful form. His eyes shall be your eyes. May we receive such bless one day, we who have no eyes!
3, 21 суша
Corpses of dragons and all kinds of infernal creatures litter the ground. The dragons must have fled to this place, but the demons found them. There should be one or more necromancers among the attackers, but apparently they could not control their creation. Now the souls of the dragons must be freed from this cursed place and their maddening suffering.
14, 4 суша
The ethereal giant appears again, holding two big boxes. It is time to choose between the two sides of Quintessence
Ящик Пандоры
15, 5 суша
There are many mystical symbols inside a pentagram that covers most of the lid. You don't know what they mean.
Ящик Пандоры
13, 5 суша
Runes fill the entire lid. You recognize most symbols, but you can't understand the writing.
27, 0 суша
Keeps Junessa out of the game.
5, 47 суша
0, 38 суша
0, 35 суша
0, 37 суша
0, 36 суша
1, 36 суша
1, 37 суша
1, 38 суша
1, 0 суша
Cover of Darkness
Сфера Небесного Свода
69, 61 суша
A magical orb floats in the air. Suddenly, wind blows from the temple and the air becomes thicker and dark clouds swirl around. The undistinguished face of a storm elemental appears and words come out in a thundering voice
30, 32 суша
The legendary underground city of Mutralgar is in sight. A furious voice roars from the battlements
31, 30 суша
Хозяин зверей
30, 29 суша
29, 30 суша
Страж прохода
66, 62 суша
Two strange statues lie besides the path to a large building, from where a gentle wind blows. That is odd, considering it is underground. Both statues have feline bodies and human heads. At the approaching of your troops, they come to life and the one to the right, who has a beautiful female face, starts
55, 11 суша
A group of short humanoid beings is seen, running and hiding among the woods. The troops halt, fearing an ambush. But one of the natives comes out, hesitantly. A halfling!, exclaims a veteran warrior. There are reports of an encounter between the ancestors of the founders of Siralindra and these little people. They are supposed to be the keepers of the Grail. Yes, confirms the native. You know of the Grail?! Are you here to claim it in the name of Yogamahaf? Over a dozen other halflings reveal themselves. There are some agitated minutes before the conversation can proceed. They are told about the invasion of the demons and the need of the Grail to fight them. We were safe until your coming!, shouts a disheveled halfling. Our barrier was destroyed! That is true, assents an old one. But we cannot turn our backs to what is happening to the world. The Grail, buried in our soil, has made our land flourish with luxurious green. But we cannot forget it came by the hands of men. Besides, I don't believe our protection would last forever, adds another. Some day, the demons would manage to destroy it, or find another way in. The time to hide and observe the world above from a distance has ended. We must fight! The discussion proceeds for some minutes, but they eventually get to an agreement
Страж прохода
36, 51 суша
An amazing being stands here, a colossus of almost human shape, buried almost up to his knees, below which his legs become roots. He has four strong arms and an enormous sole eye takes the place of the head. In front of him, some troglodytes burn a humid pile of straw, bowing repeatedly in some kind of worshiping ritual. The giant eye turns down to face the newcomers. The creature has no mouth, but speaks with a mighty voice which seems to come from nowhere and enters right into the minds of the listeners, not through the ears. His words are clear
33, 2 суша
13, 2 суша
You come across a wide crater. Inside, the earth looks alive, in ever changing movement, rocks and spires rising high above ground level, cracking and thundering, and disappearing again into the earth. The sensation of fury is almost tangible. But you feel it's not only the natural rage of the shaking earth. There is hatred. And sadness, and pain. Something is wrong. You just stay there, watching, trying to understand, unable to do anything. Nobody comes to greet you. However, you feel a wave of power which emerges from the ground right below your feet and fills your being with vigor. The movement becomes calmer and you decide it's time to leave.
Рыцарь Смерти
0, 43 суша
Рыцарь Смерти
44, 41 суша
Having lived a part of your life as a beast and another part as a necromancer, you now face the horrors of being undead. That makes you abandon necromancy and realize that you have a long way before your soul can ultimately rest.
9, 7 суша
Prevents AI from getting through the gate.
2, 40 суша
2, 39 суша
2, 38 суша
2, 37 суша
3, 37 суша
3, 38 суша
3, 39 суша
3, 40 суша
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