Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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They say only the greatest of warriors can tame the mighty dragons. It is up to you to prove the myth is real. Conquer the dragons and you become the warrior of which legends are made!
A senile old mage babbles about crystal dragons frolicing in an ancient battlefield in the South East. You grin as you knock the ole goat to the ground and order another round of drinks........... burp.
Faery Dragons
Some aggravating sprite keeps buzzing around your head and keeps whispering about some big purple flies in the South West. The only fly you care about at the moment is her as you swat her across the room!
Rust Dragons
Did you hear the one about the rusty nail who couldn't pass the test or maybe that was a rusty dragon in the northwest? You send the metal man to the scrap heap for daring to sully your ears with such a poor joke.
Azure Dragons
A traveling salesman tries to interest you in a large blue egg found in an underground nest which he swears will one day become a mighty dragon. You immediately order his head be separated from his shoulders. Omelot anyone?
Azure Dragons
A traveling salesman tries to interest you in a large blue egg found in an underground nest which he swears will one day become a mighty dragon. You immediately order his head be seperated from his shoulders. Omelot anyone?
Faery Dragons
Some aggravating sprite keeps buzzing around your head and keeps whispering about some big purple flies in the South West. The only fly you care about at the moment is her as you swat her across the room!
Rust Dragons
Did you hear the one about the rusty nail who couldn't pass the test or maybe that was a rusty dragon in the northwest? You send the metal man to the scrap heap for daring to sully your ears with such a poor joke.
The Crystal Dragons
A senile old mage babbles about crystal dragons frolicing in an ancient battlefield in the South East. You grin as you knock the ole goat to the ground and order another round of drinks........... burp.
134, 105 подземелье
A massive dragon of purest crystal bars your way and tells of a great battle that once occurred here. The magic still swarms this troubled land where they say the mightiest of dragons still reside ........... but only serve those who dare to conquer them!
Кристальный дракон
129, 93 подземелье
What have you done to our brother?!!!!!!!!!!!! We shall never submit! Prepare to die!
Боевой единорог
134, 102 подземелье
So you think to make the glistening one serve You... I think I'll serve YOU to the glistening one!
Мастер гремлин
134, 104 подземелье
Foolish warrior. Many have tried to conquer the crystal one. Many have died!
Высокий эльф
134, 100 подземелье
Come to us foolish warrior, our arrows hunger for soft flesh, you shudder as they pull back their mighty bows and trudge on forward..
135, 95 подземелье
You are weary from the battles of the guardians of the great crystal dragon, but you feel close to your goal. Your dragon ally grows restless as you continue through the unearthly stillness of this ancient battlefield. You only hope the rewards are worth it..........
Золотой дракон
135, 97 подземелье
Puny warrior, how dare thou think thy has the right to ally yourself to the great ones. Taste our fire and flee in fear!
131, 98 подземелье
Welcome great warrior I've been waiting a thousand years for a warrior worthy of my might gift!
Ржавый дракон
14, 31 подземелье
Call me a rust bucket will you! Well they have a name for weak armored warriors who think they can rule the world.............. Scrap!
19, 19 подземелье
The stench of sulfer is strong and you hear a heavy clanking off in the distance. You rub your hands in glee as you anticipate the metal pets joining your army, but first this pecky metal fly must be squashed!
Случайный монстр 2
19, 21 подземелье
We have no instructions to let you pass, I'm afraid you'll have to pay a forfeit.............. Your life!
Случайный монстр 4
17, 21 подземелье
Persistant are'nt you.......... we'll I'm afraid persistance doesn't pay off where we are concerned!
Случайный монстр 6
15, 23 подземелье
I'm afraid you are wasting your time weak warrior, go back to the cradle you came from. There are no allies for you here!
Сказочный дракон
46, 125 подземелье
Tinkling laughter surrounds you as the faerie dragons swoop down to play!
44, 124 подземелье
You stumble upon a sleeping dragon................... It appears that it doesn't like to have it's sleep disturbed!
46, 118 подземелье
The pretty ladies, smile, giggle and quickly go for your throat. Oh well, I mighty warrior has no mercy as you grin and reach for theirs.
46, 116 подземелье
Our pets are not for the likes of you! You figure with a bit of persuasion, charm and a club or two over the head you can change their minds or if not............ at least have the satisfaction of pounding them into the ground!
40, 117 подземелье
We may be old, but we ain't dead and you can't have our wee purple friends!
Черный дракон
41, 120 подземелье
As you feel the dragons hot breath on your neck, you begin to wonder in those purple plump pullets are worth the trouble............
47, 119 подземелье
One of the coveted purple plums has dropped right into your lap............ All you got to do is hold it!
Лазурный дракон
26, 114 суша
They say the hottest fire is fed by the bluest flame..... as you leap back from the dragons fiery breath you have an inkling that there may be a grain of truth in those words of wisdom
Золотой дракон
23, 118 суша
As you eye these rather large yellow fellows, you think of the lovely cape they would make................... they on the other hand, do not appear to wish to be a fashion item.
23, 126 суша
Under these dismal depths, you yearn for bright blue sky. As you gaze up in wonder it looks like the sky has fallen .......................alas a large blue object drops on your head and attacks!
22, 125 суша
These hot little fellas appear to need a lesson in not playing with fire and you are just the warrior to do it!
Султан ифритов
20, 124 суша
You really aren't in the mood for these 'Genie out of the bottle games' and quickly rush forward to shove them back into the oven they came from!
20, 122 суша
At first you get all excited. At last you have reached your goal but........... as they get closer you see they are big and blue yet not the mighty blue dragons you are looking for. With a shrug of your shoulders you decide to pull their plugs and continue merrily on your way!
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