Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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Overlords and Warlocks - two distinct, yet equally important factions who control the Nighon Lands. Hydegar was an Overlord who eventually rose through the ranks to become the first King of Nighon. This is the story of how he became a Warlock.
You are Hydegar, an Overlord who has taken this opportunity to become a Warlock. You don't yet realize that this is your first step to becoming so much more... With this, you will eventually become the first King of Nighon! You must conquer your rival, Darkstorm, who is no pushover. He could easily be the strongest Warlock in all of Nighon. On top of that, He favours the Rust Dragons more than any other Warlock, and employs a large number of the beasts in his armies. You only have three months to defeat him. Failure means eternal punishment, therefore failure is not an option!
Intro - pt 2
The other Overlords have opted not to support me in this, my quest. However, I learned of an Overlord that was imprisoned in this area. If I rescue him, then at least I have some help.
Today, I sent a spy to locate Darkstorm's whereabouts. I also told him to keep an eye out for anything, or anyone, useful in my quest, and that I'd reward him for doing so.
Darkstorm's Location
The scout I sent out a few days ago returned, and with very useful information... I learned that Darkstorm has protected himself well. He is hiding in a remote cavern, which is accessible only by a teleporter that is guarded by several border gates which can only be surpassed by visiting those troublesome key masters. No doubt he will have them well guarded. I also learned that a Seer in the east wishes to speak to me, regarding some artifact of power he wishes to give me, provided I do something for him.
Верховный лорд
5, 8 подземелье
Although proving his worth as a military leader, Hydegar has long desired to be a Warlock. All he needs is an opportunity to overthrow one of them...
Хижина предсказателя
31, 11 подземелье
Ah! So, you've finally come, Hydegar the Mighty. I know of your quest, and of your destiny. I will give you a magical item that will help you fulfill your destiny, but first, you must bring to me the Artifacts of Armageddon, as well as a Vial of Dragon's Blood.
Страж задания
28, 20 подземелье
The lands beyond are very dangerous. The guards eye you dubiously, but agree to let you by when you have achieved experience level 10.
29, 15 подземелье
Tree of Life Or, is it?
Хижина предсказателя
11, 8 подземелье
I am researching a way to turn base metals into gold, but I am short of materials for my workshop. If you could bring me 50 Wood, 50 Ore, 10 Crystal and 25 Gems, I would be most grateful.
2, 35 подземелье
This map create for your pleasure by Toddius (a.k.a. Hydra)
Хижина предсказателя
14, 12 подземелье
Come in, come in. I have a favor to ask of you. A while back some dang fool stole my Helm of Heavenly Enlightenment. You see, it's a family heirloom, and I was going to hand it to my grandson on his birthday in a few months. If you could find it for me, I will reward you well.
30, 30 подземелье
31, 28 подземелье
Mok Dreiya
You've got gold...and sulfur
27, 7 суша
As you approach the final border gate, a group of Black Dragons approach you. They were tired of being berated by Darkstorm all the time, so they have decided to join you.
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