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Герои 3 - карта War of the Lance II v2.0

26/05/2015Файл к игре: Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia

War of the Lance II v2.0
Трейнер к игреHeroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
Ещё называютГерои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
Вышла на платформахPC
РазработчикNew World Computing
Дата выхода1999-03-01
The epic tale of the Dragon Lance saga recreated for Heroes III. Play the Solamnic Knights, Elves, the Dwarves and Kender, or the Heroes of Legend against the evil Dragon Highlords and their allies. Based on the initial conditions of Anaslon before the war.



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War of the Lance II v2.0


  • Dragon orbs
    In ages past ancient wizards created powerful dragon orbs to slay evil dragons.
  • Sanction
    Sanction is the key to the good dragons' oath.
  • White Stag
    The White Stag is a favorable portent. Following it will lead to the most beneficial path.
  • Godshome
    Godshome is a hidden vale sacred to the gods of good. The entrance to Paladine's Glitterpalace can be found there by the worthy.
  • Isle of Dragons
    There is a magical island far to the north in the tropics where only dragons dwell.
  • Istar
    The fabulous city of Istar still exists, beneath the sea that now covers the former empire.
  • Silvanesti
    Silvanesti has fallen to the dragonarmies. The elves have long held the land against any foe, so some suspect treachery from within.
  • Necklace of Dragonteeth
    The Necklace of Dragonteeth was last seen in Silvanesti.
  • Hut of the magi
    The Magi know the location of all the pieces of Huma's Dragon Armor.
  • Maelstrom
    A giant maelstrom lies in the heart of the Bloodsea of Istar (the sea to the north of Kendermoor), devouring all ships that venture too close.
  • Golden Doors
    According to legend, Godshome is reavched through a magical golden door that can appear anywhere.


  • Intro1
    Welcome to the world of Krynn. Krynn is a world recovering from a terrible cataclysm that shattered the continent and destroyed civilization nearly 300 years ago. The cataclysm was caused by the gods when they turned their backs on man, though some say it was man who turned their backs on the gods. Before you begin there are some things you must know about Krynn. First, true clerics and magic from the gods have not existed for nearly 300 years. Some people still call themselves clerics, but have turned their backs on the true gods in search of other, less demanding gods (which do not exist). As a result, they have no spell ability. Second, no dragons have existed in Krynn for over 1000 years. Most people believe dragons are only folktales to frighten children. Third, a small race called the Kender exists. Kender look like wizened 14-year-olds. They are related to dwarfs and are known for their curiosity and fearlessness.
  • Intro2
    5 years ago 7 companions -- Tanis, Caramon, Raistlin, Sturm Brightblade, Tasslehoff Burrfoot, Flint Fireforge, and Kitiara, parted to search for a true cleric. None of them found any sign of a true cleric through all their travels. They returned to Solace only to find ominous signs of trouble. The companions once again parted to seek help. Tanis has gone to Qualinost to warn the elves there. Flint has gone to Thorbardin and Tasslehoff has gone to Kendermoor to seek help there. Sturm has returned to his ancestral lands to seek the aid of the Knights of Solamnia. Caramon and Raistlin have stayed in Solace, while Kitiara, who never returned to meet with the companions, remains missing.
  • Disclaimer
    [Disclaimer: This map is designed to be similar to, and follow a similar story line to, the Dragon Lance Chronicles. The writing is not mine, but adapted from one of the authors of Dragonlance, Tracy Hickman. The idea is not even mine -- someone else made a Heroes 3 Dragonlance map before me. Although the attempt was clumsy, it inspired me to make a better one. However, some of the creatures, heroes, and events can't be reproduced or are purposely changed or omitted, and the story will inevitably differ from the books. For example, Draconians are represented by troglodytes, Kender are halflings, and, most notably, dragonlances don't exist. You will have to be flexible and use a little imagination. This is, after all, Heroes of Might and Magic 3, not Dragonlance.]
  • Knight's Background
    Since the days of Vinneus Solamnus and the first dragon war, the Knights of Solamnia have diligently guarded the civilized west from evil creatures and jealous neighbors alike. Perhaps they fulfilled their charge too well, for with peace and prosperity the need for the knights dwindled. Since the cataclysm, with the decay of the northern kingdoms, the knights have fallen into disrepute. Now a new enemy has arisen, bringing back the terror of dragons, but the knights are having a difficult time convincing wealthy nations like Palanthus of their peril, and have little support. This arrogance of the Palanthans could lead to their demise, as even now the dragonarmy besieges the Tower of the High Clerist, to the north. It is the only barrier between the Dragonarmies and the wealthy city.
  • Dwarf/Kender intro
    In the Dwarven kingdom of Thorbardin, no King has sat on the High Throne since the Dwarfgate wars before the Cataclysm. Although Arman Kharas, son of the Thane of the Hylar clan, is held in high esteem, he cannot claim the High Throne and unite the clans without the legendary Hammer of Kharas, lost shortly after the Dwarfgate wars. Meanwhile, the evil natured Daergar and Theiwar clans vie for the throne. On the other side of the continent, the Kender face their own problems. The area of Goodlund was first to be attacked by the powerful armies that now threaten the entire continent. Elves and Kender are now hunted, with rewards offered for their capture -- and for god reason. Kender can be a constant thorn in the side of the evil armies; one that is impossible to root out.
  • Elves' Intro
    The elves became aware of stirrings in Neraka and the gathering armies to the north before the other races -- before even the hapless human cities already conquered by the Dragonarmy. As these developments were being considered, doom and disaster fell. Doom, in the revelation that these invaders brought with them the terror of Dragons, long vanished from the world, and disaster as the proud, ancient kingdom of Silvanesti fell to the Dragonarmies, almost overnight. Now most elves, from Silvanesti in the east and Qualinesti in the west, have fled to the isle of Ergoth. Some elves have elected to stay and fight the rising tide of darkness. Gilthanas and his sister Laurana, elvin princes of Qualinesti, are two such heroes. Alhana Starbreeze, daughter of the elvin king Lorac Calderon is another who has stayed to discover how her beloved homeland could have fallen so completely in so short a time. Tanis Halfelvin, a childhood companion of Laurana and Gilthanas, has returned to Qualinesti to seek the aid of the elves, only to find them in as dire need as his own people of Solace.
  • The Nine Thanes Below
    In days of old, before the cataclysm, the dwarven kingdom of Thorbardin was ruled by the Nine Thanes. These were the kings of the seven major dwarven clans, the kingdom of the dead (an honorary throne left empty, but occasionally heard from), and the high king. The seven clans were the Hylar, the Theiwar, the Daewar, the Daergar, The Neidar, the Klar, and the Zhakar, though much has changed since the cataclysm. The Neidar, the hill dwarfs that lived outside Thorbardin at the time of the cataclysm, were locked out when the cataclysm struck, sparking the tragic Dwarfgate war which pitted brother against brother. The Neidar throne has been vacant since. The entire Zhakar clan has not been heard from since the cataclysm, and is assumed lost. Their throne has been taken by the Aghar, or gully dwarfs, a degenerate race of dwarves known primarily for their stupidity and incredible egos. The throne of the High King has also been vacant since Derkin, the last High King, was slain in the Dwarfgate wars. The Hylar clan is supported by the Daewar, but the bitterly opposed by the Theiwar and the Daergar. Some advantage is needed to win the support of the neutral clans and claim the throne of the High King.
  • Kinght's portent of trouble
    Storm clouds gather in the east, portenting trouble.
  • Portents of Trouble
    The storm clouds in the north have advanced to engulf the plains of Abansinia. The armies of the dragon highlords are advancing.
  • Carrion Birds
    Carrion birds wheel over the High Clerist Tower to the north, signifying battle.
  • Gods Descend
    The constellations of Krynn are named after the ancient gods worshiped before the cataclysm. Last night, you noted with wonder that two constellations were missing -- their stars completely vanished from the night sky. The constellations were called Draco Paladine and the Dark Queen. You're not sure what this means.
  • Elvin Purpose
    It is likely that Qualinost can hold out against the dragonarmies for some time. However, if the dragonarmies claim the rest of Krynn, Qualinost will eventually fall through a war of attrition. The only real hope for Qualinost is to defeat the dragonarmies, and the only hope of doing that it to unite the good peoples of Krynn against them. The first step to doing this is to unite the elves in exile on Southern Ergoth. Unfortunately, every elvin ship was taken by the refugees, so if a ship cannot be summoned by magic, you must find one. Perhaps one may be found in Icemountain Bay, to the south.
  • Dwarven Purpose
    With the recovery of the Hammer of Kharas, Thorbardin is once again united under a High King. The hammer has a powerful effect on dwarves, cowing even the defiant Theiwar and Daergar into submission. Even so, Thorbardin is threatened by the long, treacherous reach of the dragonarmies, and must not sit idle within the walls of Thorbardin like a caged bear. The east is largely under the control of the dragonarmies and their allies, but the kender and elvin rebels keep up the resistance there. The enemies of the dragon armies are rumored to be gathering in the west, on the Islands of Ergoth. A dwarven hero must go there to meet with the allied forces to see how the war is going, and the resistance here and in the northern plains of Abansinia must be kept strong. Perhaps passage to Ergoth can be found at the port City of Tarsis to the south.
  • Winter
    The cold autumn gives way to a bitter winter, and hope seems to die with the season. Snow fluries are common now, chilling you to the bone and making travel difficult. You wonder if you'll see the spring.
  • Council of Whitestone
    News reaches you of a great council held at Whitestone between the good races of Krynn. Elves, dwarves, kender, gnomes, and humans (represented by the Knights of Solamnia) met to discuss the fate of the Krynn. Although the delegates could not agree on some things, like the ownership and use of the powerful Dragon Orbs that had be recovered, all agreed in the end that they must stand united to have any hope of defeating the Dragon Highlords. One valuable bit of information revealed at the council was that Sanction, the City of Doom, seem to somehow hold the secret of the Highlords' power. If a hero could reach the city and uncover the truth it may be of tremendous value to the forces of good.
  • Spring
    There was no frost this morning for the first time in what seems like an eternity. The winds have changed, and perhaps too will the tide of the war. Spring is here, and hope is rekindled in the hearts of men.
  • The Dark Queen Enters Krynn
    Takhisis, the Dark Queen, has entered Krynn. Let the forces of good despair!


  • Замок
    • 2, 68 подземелье
    • Название: Whitestone
  • Башня
    • 46, 138 подземелье
    • Название: Icewall
  • Бастион
    • 36, 92 подземелье
    • Название: Solace
  • Указатель
    • 39, 94 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Darkenwood
  • Указатель
    • 40, 98 подземелье
    • Сообщение: River Whiterage
  • Единорог
    • 38, 97 подземелье
    • Сообщение: The Forestmaster Unicorn bids you welcome. An old man passed through this way earlier. He told us you would be comming, and that you must travel west to the sunken city of Xak-Tsaroth to recieve the greatest gift ever given to man. We will aid you in whatever way we can.
  • Бастион
    • 26, 104 подземелье
    • Название: Qualinost
  • Указатель
    • 31, 109 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Tower of High Sorcery, Wayreth
  • Указатель
    • 6, 62 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Mount Nevermind
  • Указатель
    • 42, 102 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Pax Tharkas
  • Замок
    • 47, 127 подземелье
    • Название: Tarsis
  • Бастион
    • 95, 112 подземелье
    • Название: Silvanost
  • Зеленый дракон
    • 95, 113 подземелье
    • Сообщение: As you enter the screaming gate of Silvanost it slams shut behind you. The streets buckle beneath your feet as they twists their tortured way past sagging buildings. Each building's facade has been horribly transformed into the face of its former occupant. Every home screams silently at you from gaping doorways. Each shop watches you from glassy-eyed windows. You finally make it to the Tower of Stars and the king's throne room within. Shifting green mist writhes through the great hall. The far walls are obscured in the dark gloom. In the center of the hall, illuminated from above by a single shaft of ghastly white light, stands the throne of King Lorac. Here sits Lorac himself. The king's body is emaciated and wracked by convulsions. His right hand rests on a great globe of crystal that glows with swirling colors of light and dark. Surrounding Lorac's throne are the sinuous bodies of five huge green dragons. Each dragon's head hovers near the head of the tormented king, whispering nightmares in the sleeping king's ears.
  • Верховный лорд
    • 134, 31 подземелье
    • Название: Chot EsKalin
  • Друид
    • 26, 105 подземелье
    • Название: Gilthanas
    • Биография: Gilthanas is a handsome elf. He appears young, but his eyes reveal his true maturity. He moves nimbly with quiet skill. Gilthanas is brave and charming, with a love of adventure. In spite of the tragedies he has witnessed, his optimism and love of life are intact. He is brother to Porthios and Laurana, and son of the Speaker of the Sun. He knows about Tanis and Laurana, but is hesitant about their relationship. Gilthanas served as a messenger and spy in the occupied dragonlands to the north. He has now elected to stay and fight the dragonarmies rather than to flee Qualinost with his people.
  • Башня
    • 37, 45 подземелье
    • Название: Palanthas
  • Замок
    • 25, 78 подземелье
    • Название: Caergoth
    • Название: True gods are discovered
    • Сообщение: From the south rumors of true clerics with powers from the gods have reached Solamnia. One such woman claiming to be a cleric of Mishakal has made her way form the south, bearing knowledge of the true gods inscribed on disks of platinum. Elistan studies these disks all night, emerging in the morning as the first cleric of Paladine in over 300 years, and with the ability to perform miracles from the gods!
  • Указатель
    • 36, 65 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Thelgaard Keep
  • Указатель
    • 33, 45 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Tower of High Sorcery, Palanthus
  • Указатель
    • 36, 48 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Tower of the High Clerist.
  • Указатель
    • 47, 47 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Vingaard Keep
  • Замок
    • 66, 31 подземелье
    • Название: Kalaman
  • Бастион
    • 108, 77 подземелье
    • Название: Kendermoor
  • Некрополь
    • 61, 38 подземелье
    • Название: Dargaard
  • Рейнджер
    • 30, 104 подземелье
    • Название: Laurana
    • Биография: Laurana is daughter to the Speaker of the Sun and sister to Gilthanas and Porthios. She grew up with great privilage, not only as a princess, but also as an exceptionally beautiful elf maid. She became very spoiled in childhood, but her heart is good. She is used to getting her own way, and is skilled in using her charm and good looks to advantage. She is a skilled diplomat. In childhood, her and Tanis were pledged, although she took their relationship more seriously than he did. She still has feelings for Tanis.
  • Указатель
    • 42, 74 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Kaolyn
  • Событие
    • 42, 73 подземелье
    • Сообщение: The brave dwarves of Kaolyn have long been loyal supporters of the Knights of Solamnia. Although they are not numerous, they provide what help they can.
  • Замок
    • 57, 74 подземелье
    • Название: Lemish
  • Указатель
    • 33, 94 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Qualinesti
  • Замок
    • 44, 63 подземелье
    • Название: Solanthus
    • Название: True gods are discovered
    • Сообщение: Word of the true gods has spread to Solanthus.
  • Цитадель
    • 60, 51 подземелье
    • Название: Estwilde
  • Событие
    • 40, 116 подземелье
    • Сообщение: The sun seems a strange sight after many hours in the darkness. Ahead lies a dreary, barren valley between soaring mountains. Everywhere, desolate mounds in the naked earth form burial cairns. The wind whines about the hillocks, seeming to carry the groans and laments of dying warriors. The tomb of Derkin, legendary King of the Dwarves, is said to lie within. As you enter the valley, restless dead arise to defend their tombs.
  • Событие
    • 38, 93 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Dark thunderclouds hover angrily to the north, portenting danger.
  • Указатель
    • 44, 114 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Enter here into the justice of the Nine Thanes below.
  • Подземелье
    • 80, 62 подземелье
    • Название: Neraka
    • Название: Reinforcements
    • Сообщение: Here's some troops and the cash to pay for it.
  • Цитадель
    • 83, 40 подземелье
    • Название: Kernen
  • Цитадель
    • 82, 94 подземелье
    • Название: Bloden
  • Башня
    • 58, 20 подземелье
    • Название: Lost Names
  • Тюрьма
    • 48, 104 подземелье
    • Название: Fizban
    • Биография: Fizban the Fabulous is an eccentric wizard of unknown origin. He appears to be senile, but was obviously once a wizard of great power. He seems to lead a charmed life. Although he always appears to be befuddled and absent-minded, the things Fizban does always turn out for the best -- but never in the way expected.
  • Крестьянин
    • 46, 106 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Hundreds of men toil across this great strip of mountainside, raising picks or pushing shovels. Even once the guards are slain they stand warily at their posts, but as their women and children run up the slopes behind you, they joyously throw down their tools and run to greet them.
  • Бастион
    • 5, 10 подземелье
    • Название: Dragon Island
    • Название: Sanction
    • Сообщение: Heroes have infiltrated the city of Sanction and discovered the evil dragons have violated their pact. The good dragons will join the war!
  • Костяной дракон
    • 140, 62 подземелье
    • Сообщение: There are overgrown blocks of stone and toppled pillars here. As you proceed deeper into the interior of the island the ruins become thicker. Finally the forest falls away to reveal the ruins of a once-glorious city, now overgrown and resembling a gigantic garden. Giant bony tracks of some large creature wander through the ruins. In the heart of the city lairs great undead beasts.
  • Мумия
    • 38, 118 подземелье
    • Сообщение: A rotting figure limps down from a large tomb. Its arms are outstretched and it is mumbling. Behind it trail dwarven undead. He gazes upon you and speaks
  • Верховный лорд
    • 37, 52 подземелье
    • Название: Bakaris
  • Событие
    • 39, 91 подземелье
    • Сообщение: A clear mountain valley sprawls about you. Thick Vallenwood trees flash yellow and scarlet against the bright autumn sky. Northward shimmers the cool blue of the Crystalmir Lake. Some distance away, a group of huddled men pull a large cart slowly south down the haven road. They sway rhythmically. Coarse, heavy robes completely conceal their features.
  • Событие
    • 40, 90 подземелье
    • Сообщение: As you approach, one of the figures motions to you and speaks in a harsh, oddly accented voice. Good day to you, travelers! Please pardon the questions of an old cleric. We seek information on some humans that may have passed this way. You notice his face is covered by black cloth. He describes 2 plainsmen you recently met, Riverwind and Goldmoon. When you answer negatively, he growls and signals to the rest of the figures. They cast off their robes, revealing scaly bodies, clawed hands and feet, folded wings, and short, dragon-like snouts. Kill them, and search the dead! he cries.
  • Событие
    • 44, 93 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Emerging from the dense swamp you find a broad cobblestone street. Here fluted columns and crumbling walls sag wearily. Before a once mighty building a huge well plunges into the earth. Vapors rise from the well.
  • Клерик
    • 39, 95 подземелье
    • Название: Goldmoon
    • Биография: Goldmoon is a princess of the Que-Shu tribe. Riverwind is her guardian and betrothed. Several months ago Riverwind went to her father and asked for her hand. Her father had another marriage in mind for her, and so demanded that Riverwind prove his worthiness by bringing back magic of the true gods from the forsaken lands. For months she had no word from him. Then Riverwind returned, claiming that the forsaken lands held the knowledge of the true gods. Her father's plan was spoiled, so he called Riverwind a liar, and ordered him stoned in the village. As the stones fell upon him, Goldmoon ran to his side. At that moment, they were surrounded by blue light, and they found themselves on the plain near Solace.
  • Рейнджер
    • 38, 94 подземелье
    • Название: Riverwind
    • Биография: Riverwind is a warrior of the Que-Shu tribe and has loved Goldmoon for many years. He remembers little of what happened to him in the Forsaken Lands. Everything rises as dark dreams
  • Чернокнижник
    • 37, 93 подземелье
    • Название: Raistlin
    • Биография: At the Tower of High Sorcery, Raistlin and his brother Caramon passed great tests set by the spirits of long dead sages and wizards. The tests wore heavily upon him. Now he sees the world with hourglass eyes, and much of his health has left him. Yet the magic within him now might give the heroes greater aid. Raistlin recalls the words of an ancient sage as they departed that place
  • Варвар
    • 36, 93 подземелье
    • Название: Caramon
    • Биография: The travels of Caramon and his brother Raistlin took them over the Kharolis Range, though they moved to the southwest, beyond the realms of the elves. They searched for the fabled Tower of High Sorcery. Deep in the dark mists that always seem to cover that land, they found that tower that had long been hidden to men. They appeared out of the mists. Caramon does not like to speak of what happened there. Now they have returned to find trouble at home.
  • Событие
    • 43, 91 подземелье
    • Сообщение: A tremendous obelisk stands besides crumbling ruins. Strange spidery runes cover its surface. Upon examining them, you translate them to mean
  • Событие
    • 43, 111 подземелье
    • Сообщение: With the dragon army advancing from the north, you must find some safety for the refuges that now follow you. If passage can be found through the dwarven kingdom of Thorbardin you might lead the refugees to the port city of Tarsis, to the south. From there, perhaps ships can be hired to take the refugees to lands not threatened by the dragon armies.
  • Хижина предсказателя
    • 47, 130 подземелье
    • Сообщение: An old man sits reading an ancient tome. You catch a hint of motion on the pages before he quickly closes it and looks up. Welcome to Tarsis, he says. It may not be all you expected, but your trip is not in vain. I have valuable information that might help you in your struggle. Bring the refugees that you have lead out of the mountains here and I will give it to you.
  • Указатель
    • 52, 128 подземелье
    • Сообщение: North - Thorbardin West - Tarsis South - Old Coast Road East - King's Highway
  • Чернокнижник
    • 46, 140 подземелье
    • Название: Feal-Thas
  • Событие
    • 46, 139 подземелье
    • Сообщение: The only approach to Icewall Castle is up a narrow crevasse in the side of the glacier. The normal entrance to the castle crumbled away along with the gatehouse hundreds of years ago in the cataclysm. Hundreds of feet up this crevasse opens onto a narrow ledge, and this ledge leads into a cavern under the castle. You warily lead your forces in. The chill blue walls of the narrow ice cave opens into a large chamber. The wall to the left holds a dark shadow in the clear blue ice of the walls. As you bring more light over you see the gleam of gold. Before long you see that what at first appeared to be a pile of gold is now revealed as a coat of gleaming scales on a serpentine body of incredible size. Even though the leathery wings and serpentine tail are lost in the gloom, the form of a gold dragon is easily discernable. This dragon has a rider, but not a Highlord. The rider's shield is emblazoned with the Kingfisher -- the symbol of the Knights of Solamnia! Cradled in the rider's right arm is a silvery shaft, extending forward several feet before ending in a splintered tip. This weapon can only be a legendary dragonlance. Continuing further through the caves, you find another cavern. The sinuous form of a strange dragon, seemingly made of ice, lies atop a pile of treasure. Clearly visible in the coils of the dragon's tail is a large glowing orb.
  • Лесной эльф
    • 12, 94 подземелье
    • Сообщение: You beach your boat on the white pebble shore. In the distance, a dark line of trees indicates the borders of a forest, and beyond that sharp, forested ridges climb in a mountain range of imposing height. By your calculations, this should be the island of Sothern Ergoth, home of the elves in exile. Before long you make out a group of mounted figures aproaching from the forest. As they draw near you see that they are elves mounted on huge stags. These must be Silvanesti elves. There's no telling what reaction they will have to intruders in their land.
  • Событие
    • 6, 88 подземелье
    • Сообщение: A broad, slow river separates the elvin kingdoms. It is named the Thon-Tsalarian by the Kagonesti, River of the Dead, because they send their dead in boats down it to the sea. The civilized elves call it Thon-Tsalaroth, River of Death.
  • Боевой маг
    • 82, 95 подземелье
    • Название: Blode
  • Варвар
    • 15, 86 подземелье
    • Название: Stormogre
  • Цитадель
    • 15, 85 подземелье
    • Название: Daltigoth
  • Событие
    • 14, 73 подземелье
    • Сообщение: The dried grasses of the southern plain have given way to a barren wasteland. There is no game and even water is scarce. As sunset turns the blue sky to brilliant orange, you see a tower suddenly appear to the north, glowing in the day's last light. The shimmering, ghostly shape looks more and more solid as the light fades, seemingly too ephemeral to survive in the harsh light of day. As you approach the tower, the great doors open before you. Within, broad steps rise to a softly glowing dais. A brilliant crown of interwoven platinum strands set with jewels is atop the dais. As you move towards the crown, the tower grows dark and transforms. You are standing atop a great tower with a battle breaking against its fortified walls. A shadowy figure places a crown atop a skull. Rays of light fly from the skull, dealing death to enemies below. Scattered bones gather to the skull and a great bishop of good stands before you in glowing robes. Abruptly, the scene disappears. You are once again standing in the midst of the barren plain, yet all in not as it was. A crown of stained platinum fitted with mud-dulled jewels is half buried in the ground.
  • Крылья ангела
    • 75, 51 подземелье
    • Сообщение: You take command of the flying citadel. [Yeah, I know...just pretend, ok]
  • Событие
    • 72, 42 подземелье
    • Сообщение: A lake of crystal blue water lies at the base of a vast glacier. The ice runs up a great canyon into the mist shrouded peaks of the Khalkist Mountain Range.
  • Событие
    • 79, 46 подземелье
    • Сообщение: High in the sky small specks rapidly grow to the sinuous form of great dragons
  • Событие
    • 71, 51 подземелье
    • Сообщение: High in the sky small specks rapidly grow to the sinuous form of great dragons
  • Событие
    • 64, 47 подземелье
    • Сообщение: An ancient cobblestone road runs through the ancient plain. You soon discover that ancient magics still protect the road, encasing it in a tube of force which once protected travelers of a past age. Now the only access to the road is where the road has cracked and broken, and so to has the magical protection. Here, the road slopes down and descends into the earth, twisted by the cataclysm. The mighty magical walls still hold, though, creating a smooth, cylindrical tunnel through the earth.
  • Событие
    • 74, 41 подземелье
    • Сообщение: An ancient cobblestone road runs through the ancient plain. You soon discover that ancient magics still protect the road, encasing it in a tube of force which once protected travelers of a past age. Now the only access to the road is where the road has cracked and broken, and so to has the magical protection. Here, the road slopes down and descends into the earth, twisted by the cataclysm. The mighty magical walls still hold, though, creating a smooth, cylindrical tunnel through the earth.
  • Событие
    • 75, 60 подземелье
    • Сообщение: High in the sky small specks rapidly grow to the sinuous form of great dragons
  • Верховный лорд
    • 72, 57 подземелье
    • Название: Kitiara
  • Верховный лорд
    • 78, 57 подземелье
    • Название: Salah-Khan
  • Тюрьма
    • 87, 103 подземелье
    • Название: Waylorn
    • Биография: Waylorn Wyvernsbane is the name he gives, although there seems to be some confusion in his mind about it. He appears lucid and intelligent (most of the time), and there is an aura of greatness about him. He is wise and brave, with a keen mind for battle and tactics uncommon to a druid. At times, though, he claims to be a Knight of Solamnia from ancient days. There's no way of telling how long he has slept, imprisoned in the tower in the forest.
  • Страж задания
    • 91, 110 подземелье
    • Сообщение: A bastion of elves still holds out here against the nightmare forest. They are wary of letting you pass. We must be sure you are not another vision sent by the nightmare to deceive us, the leader explains. Bring us something real -- a tangible elvin artifact to prove you are more than a phantasm and we'll let you pass.
  • Указатель
    • 44, 108 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Plains of Dergoth
  • Событие
    • 97, 81 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Nestled beside a sheltered cove with barren steppes to it's back, Port Baliford has grown out onto the pilings of the many wharfs and piers and fully half the town is built above the tidal flats. Beneath the pilings is said to be another world.
  • Событие
    • 112, 81 подземелье
    • Сообщение: The forest falls away to the north and south, leaving a gap of broken grassland. A muddy road winds past clumps of thorny bushes. A mile north of the road stands an odd hut on stilts, smoke spiraling up from it's chimney. As you travel, a light rain begins to fall. The howling of wolves is heard in the distance. Before long your army is overtaken by a patrol of Hobgoblins.
  • Боевой гном
    • 40, 72 подземелье
    • Сообщение: The dwarves of Kaolyn have put their mines at the knight's disposal.
  • Событие
    • 48, 128 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Here is the port city of Tarsis, your hope for the refugees finding passage away from this war torn land. But here, as is much of Krynn, things are not as they once were. The Cataclysm caused the sea to recede more than 10 leagues, leaving Tarsis a dusty plains town. Beached ships still lie scattered about the ancient bay. Many have been overturned and now serve as homes. To the east lies the vast expanse of wasteland known as the plains of dust. If passage away from the advancing dragonarmies is to be found, it is to the west in Icemountain bay. It is rumored the enemies of the dragonarmies are gathering now on the islands of Ergoth. Perhaps there you may find aid in your struggle.
  • Верховный лорд
    • 133, 45 подземелье
    • Название: BasOhn Koraf
  • Боевой маг
    • 84, 41 подземелье
    • Название: Kern
  • Хижина предсказателя
    • 59, 91 подземелье
    • Сообщение: A lonely hut sits on the windswept beach. As you approach, the door creaks open. A cloaked figure stands within. Before your eyes can adjust to the gloom of the hut's interior and make out his features, the figure speaks. I have a proposal for Raistlin.
  • Указатель
    • 38, 68 подземелье
    • Сообщение: East - Solanthus West - Thelgaard Keep South - Caergoth
  • Событие
    • 141, 143 подземелье
    • Сообщение: An old man pokes his head out the door of this strange hut. What the hell are you doing way out here? Looks like you could use a map.
  • Золотой дракон
    • 8, 4 подземелье
    • Сообщение: A dragon, the largest you have ever seen, stands in the clearing. Soon other dragons enter the clearing and surround you. As you relate you story a growing rage builds among the dragons. Aurumnus speaks
  • Алмазный голем
    • 28, 37 подземелье
    • Сообщение: These ancient golems were placed here to guard Palanthus from marauders from the desert.
  • Чемпион
    • 27, 40 подземелье
    • Сообщение: The spirits of knights long dead guard one of the pieces of the legendary dragon armor.
  • Указатель
    • 32, 42 подземелье
    • Сообщение: The Great Library of Palanthus
  • Указатель
    • 135, 47 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Isle of Kothas
  • Указатель
    • 134, 34 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Isle of Mithas
  • Подземелье
    • 134, 30 подземелье
    • Название: Mithas
  • Крепость
    • 90, 18 подземелье
    • Название: Valkinord
  • Событие
    • 89, 19 подземелье
    • Сообщение: The shore here is a saltmarsh at the base of a low cliff. Trails wind up the rocky face to an ancient fortress built at the summit. Upon closer examination it appears the entire structure is a ruin, the rusty portcullis fallen and the drawbridge burned away. Ghostly lights can be seen moving in the towers.
  • Событие
    • 105, 72 подземелье
    • Сообщение: The ancient tomb, called the Ruins, is a mammoth structure carved out of a hill of rock. Here and there a few blocks remain carved with friezes of serpents and birds. Vines drape the ruins.
  • Событие
    • 109, 66 подземелье
    • Сообщение: This land forms a windy bluff over the Sea of Istar. These grassy hills are home to few, but once many small villages worked the land. Now they are only empty shells, broken and overgrown.
  • Страж задания
    • 99, 111 подземелье
    • Сообщение: A small band of elves hold a fortified tower here against the horror of the nightmare forest. Their leader hails you from the ramparts. We are members of the House Protector. We have stayed to fight for our homeland. We await the return of Princess Alhana to press our fight into the city.
  • Высокий эльф
    • 98, 112 подземелье
    • Сообщение: We are at you service, Princess.
  • Событие
    • 104, 80 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Tacked on a tree at the edge of the forest is a sign reading
  • Указатель
    • 109, 82 подземелье
    • Сообщение: WANTED
  • Событие
    • 107, 81 подземелье
    • Сообщение: The forest climbs a stony hill. You hear the splash of a waterfall. Rising above the woods is a 150-foot-high stone peak. A silvery strip of water cascades down the cliff to an ice-rimmed crystal clear pool. Although hidden to sight, you know that the Kender community of Springfalls is in the wood around. The top of the falls is said to be home to pegasai.
  • Гончая ада
    • 120, 70 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Packs of hell hounds hunt the land, baying at their prey. They quickly overtake you.
  • Указатель
    • 99, 77 подземелье
    • Сообщение: WANTED
  • Указатель
    • 115, 78 подземелье
    • Сообщение: WANTED
  • Замок
    • 108, 21 подземелье
    • Название: Sea Reach
  • Событие
    • 130, 14 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Here lies the shattered ruin of the ancient city of Karthay, buried beneath the collapsed cliff face. Winds howl among the canyons of broken stone and sand stings the flesh. This ruin swelters at midday and freezes at night. This city once held a university of great learning, but the books have long since crumbled away. The city is not completely deserted, however. A few of the original inhabitants still remain...
  • Событие
    • 124, 16 подземелье
    • Сообщение: These wind-sheltered plains are littered with the rubble of broken manors and villages crushed beneath fallen cliffs. The stone is scorched black. Near the base of the mountain is a 300-yard wide crater with a bluish boulder at its heart. Slowly nature reclaims this land. You investigate the crater and find nothing of use, but later your army begins to get sick.
  • Цитадель
    • 81, 8 подземелье
    • Название: Northkeep
  • Варвар
    • 60, 52 подземелье
    • Название: Lord Teode
  • Событие
    • 68, 81 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Ahead the narrow channel is well guarded by the Huge warships of Highlord Ariakus's personal fleet. It would be suicide to try to run the blockade -- your ship would be burnt to the waterline by dragons and huge catapults capable of lobbing massive balls of fiery oil. It looks like the only way past is by land or by finding a way to bluff you way past the ships.
  • Огненный язык красного дракона
    • 27, 41 подземелье
    • Сообщение: A gleaming spirit in ancient armor stands before you. I am Virkhus, it says. Take this, my sword, to aid you in your fight against the forces of evil. It is infused with the flame of Paladine, the King of Dragons. There may come a day when the Dragon Armor is all that can protect you from the terror of the enemy.
  • Указатель
    • 49, 63 подземелье
    • Сообщение: North - Palanthus, Vingaard South - Lemish East - Solanthus
  • Событие
    • 130, 62 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Short grass dresses the long low hills and sandy soil. Gorse and briars twist through the grasses, making travel slow. On a northern spit of land is a large stone well. As you approach, a voice echoes up from its depths. I am the spirit of the well! Throw in treasure and I shall grant your wish! Seeking to test if this really works, you toss in a gold and wish for a mutton sandwich. Nothing. Annoyed, you start to climb down the well to get your coin back. You find that a Naga has made her lair down here, and has been tricking hapless people into throwing treasure to her!
  • Событие
    • 124, 80 подземелье
    • Сообщение: As uneasy as you feel on these plains, your army is forced to camp eventually. In the darkness after the moon has set you are set upon by unliving horrors.
  • Событие
    • 123, 79 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Stony hills and heath rise from the plains. Rocky canyons and stream valleys slash through the hills. The ground is broken and stony. You have a strong feeling of being watched here. Legend says that unliving beasts stalk these plains. By day they are non-material, but at night they gain solid form and hunt for someone to feed on.
  • Неподвижный глаз дракона
    • 129, 82 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Among the bones of the feaster's victims you find a ring. You discover that what first appears to be a mere trinket is in fact the Still Eye of the Dragon. What stories ended up with it resting here amongst the bones of the dead none now know.
  • Костяной дракон
    • 128, 82 подземелье
    • Сообщение: In the heart of this land, a grotesque beast spins a magical net. All living creatures within range are drawn toward a funnel of sand in the center. Within lurks the feaster, a great, bony beast.
  • Хижина предсказателя
    • 122, 89 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Stories have been told of the hermit of the Dairly Plains since you were a child. No one knows where he came from, but he possesses great knowledge. He greets you kindly. Thank you for removing those vermin surrounding my hut. I am in your debt, He chuckles. You can't help thinking that if he were as helpless as he appears, those raiders would have already killed him. I am no friend of the dragonlords, and can help you in your struggle. Cleanse the plains of these raiders and I will teach you what you really need to properly conduct this war.
  • Событие
    • 59, 69 подземелье
    • Сообщение: As you enter the glade, a young, handsome man steps out onto the trail. You better have a good reason for being here, he says. In the surrounding forest you see many men and elves with arrows drawn on you. You quickly explain the situation, and your encounter with the men of his band. At a signal from the man, the archers lower their bows -- but not their guard. I am Warren Windsound, he says. I can aid you if you are foes of the Highlords. We have found that something of great importance to the Highlords is hidden in Sanction. They guard it carefully. All passes through the Doom Range are very heavily guarded, and approach by sea is carefully monitored by a massive blockade. We can forge papers declaring you are merchants cleared for travel to Sanction, or perhaps a mercenary group or buccaneers in the service of the Highlords. Korrin in that tent there will come up with something believable. One more thing -- If you go to Sanction, please keep an eye out for my brother, Nathan. He was taken with several dozen other fighters months ago. I have heard that the prisoners are being tortured for the entertainment of Ariakus, the supreme Highlord of the Dragonarmies.
  • Событие
    • 61, 67 подземелье
    • Сообщение: A group of grim warriors step forth into the clearing, seeming to materialize out of the forest. We watched you take out that dragonarmy patrol just north of here. We are freedom fighters, and any enemy of the dragonarmies is a friend of ours. Our leader, Warren Windsound, may be able to help you. Seek him to the south in a glade in the Dark Woods.
  • Событие
    • 82, 74 подземелье
    • Сообщение: A low-hanging pall of thick gray clouds seem to smother the mountain valley. It looks like a ceiling, supported by the walls of the three mighty volcanoes rising on the edges of the city. Fiery rivers of lava flow down the slopes of these mountains, gouging their paths through the city itself. Crowded into the narrow valley floor are hundreds of buildings in various states of disrepair, some crowded together so closely it is impossible to tell where one ends and another begins. This is Sanction, the City of Doom. On the higher ground to the east and north of the city, several huge army camps sprawl over the rocky ground, blocking all passes. Hundreds of tents testify to the many troops bivouacked here. As you contemplate how to deal with this force, you notice a dark figure in the shadows of the slums. This way! it whispers, and disappears down a long flight of steps.
  • Страж задания
    • 9, 5 подземелье
    • Сообщение: The isle of Dragons is forbidden to mere mortals. If you were not fighting against the evil dragonarmies your life would be forfeit for even landing here. We are forbidden by oath from helping you in your struggle, and cannot break it unless the terms of the oath be broken. Begone!
  • Указатель
    • 11, 56 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Welcome to Hylo
  • Событие
    • 68, 54 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Scrub oak trees claw up into the mists. Smells of warm earth and sagebrush pervade the fog as you make your way through the veiled canyons. Soon it is impossible to find your way back through the misted vales.
  • Доспех черного дракона
    • 12, 0 подземелье
    • Сообщение: One of the dragons leads you to a secret cave. Huma's armor was brought here for safekeeping after his death. It is yours now, to help you in your fight against the evil dragons.
  • Событие
    • 128, 80 подземелье
    • Сообщение: The thundering, booming sound of crashing surf is unending here. To the east large plumes of spray occasionally frame the rocky cliffs. Gorges and canyons split the land. There is little wildlife here, but oddly, all animals you see are moving south. You feel a tug in that direction.
  • Событие
    • 126, 82 подземелье
    • Сообщение: The thundering, booming sound of crashing surf is unending here. To the east large plumes of spray occasionally frame the rocky cliffs. Gorges and canyons split the land. There is little wildlife here, but oddly, all animals you see are moving east. You feel a tug in that direction.
  • Событие
    • 129, 74 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Long white beaches of sand stretch before stony cliffs. Lying of the beaches are the rotting hulks of wrecks. Odd tracks of a huge beast that walks upright can be seen here and there on the beach. Your men go to search the hulks for treasure, but their activity brings out the owner of the huge tracks...
  • Событие
    • 88, 51 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Your scouts report to you that a secret meeting is taking place between the two ogre tribes from Kernen to the north and Bloten to the south. Kernen is already firmly allied with the Dragonarmy, but the much cruder Bloten is undecided. From all signs the tribes do not trust each other. You quickly formulate a plan. If you could ambush a patrol from Bloten and plant weapons from Kernen at the scene, it may cause enough conflict to ruin any possible alliance.
  • Событие
    • 88, 56 подземелье
    • Сообщение: The grassy steppes and dark forests of Goodlund give way to grim lands. A man's corpse is hung upside down from a cliff face, his body blistered by the sun. You are entering ogerlands.
  • Событие
    • 86, 53 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Here you encounter an ogre burial
  • Событие
    • 122, 68 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Here the grasses are withered and the blossoms have fallen. The land is windswept rocky hills. Overlooking the sea sits an ancient ruin. As you watch the ruins, hands thrust up from the ground. Undead crawl forth from the ground.
  • Замок
    • 94, 64 подземелье
    • Название: Flotsam
  • Указатель
    • 93, 48 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Death's Teeth Beware!
  • Событие
    • 86, 106 подземелье
    • Сообщение: A great river flows slowly through the woods. Huge trees form a vast canopy high above the wide waterway. A great bridge of stone arches over the still waters of the Thon-Thalas. Dead leaves spin across its silent surface, and vines hang down from the canopy overhead. Beyond lies a road, winding into the woods. As you gaze into the water below, you sense a change around you, as if the sun was swallowed by dark clouds. In the ripples you see withered trees bleeding from horrible cracks in their bark. Dark and loathsome creatures move in the dense and mangled underbrush. A twisted tower stands among the winding streets of a tortured city. Within sits the Elf King upon his throne. His mouth gapes in a silent scream. Shadows shift behind him, prodding him, tormenting him. When you look up again, the forest has changed. A greenish fog pervades the land, obscuring vision and making all appear tenuous and dreamlike. Every tree is hideously twisted; branches contorted in agony, grasping roots clawing the ground. Sap flows from huge gashes in the trunks. The sap has the color and consistency of blood.
  • Событие
    • 84, 108 подземелье
    • Сообщение: A sea of green treetops extends to the cloud-shrouded horizon. This is Silvanesti -- fabled homeland of the elves. Your griffons start to descend, landing on the edges of the great wood near where the King's Road drops down to enter the land. After a few moments a handful of elves reveal themselves from the forest. They appear gaunt and undernourished, and a hunted, haunted look is in their eyes. Their leader steps forward. Princess Alhana! Can it be true, or are you just one more phantom spawned by the nightmare? But no! We saw you land, descending from outside the forest. Surely you must be real! He reaches out to touch your hand. You are puzzled and troubled by his strange (and forward -- no proper elf would dare seize the hand of a Princess of Silvanesti) behavior. You soon calm him down and he tells his story. My name is Tarak, member of the House Protector. My companions and I were on the verge of victory against the invading Dragonarmies when some unknown terror struck at the heart of the land. Now the land is a living nightmare and the trees weep blood. We stayed to fight when the other elves left for Ergoth. Since then we have fought horror after horror, never knowing what is real and what is illusion. Forgive my impertinence, your Highness. I needed to know if you were real. If you have come to lead the fight for our homeland, we are at you service. Your father, the elf king Lorac, also stayed behind when the others fled. Tarak has heard no word of him.
  • Чернокнижник
    • 45, 84 подземелье
    • Название: Verminaard
  • Указатель
    • 84, 110 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Silvanesti
  • Указатель
    • 37, 131 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Icemountain Bay
  • Рыцарь
    • 35, 66 подземелье
    • Название: Aron Tallbow
    • Биография: Aaron Tallbow comes from a long order of Solamnic Knights of the Order of the Crown. He has devoted his life to the perfection of the archer's arts and is now renowned as one of the finest bowmen in Solamnia. Aaron is an easygoing and pleasant person, with a ready laugh and pervasive good humor. He is tall and lean, with flowing red hair and the distinctive mustache of the knights.
  • Рейнджер
    • 109, 78 подземелье
    • Название: Tasslehoff
    • Биография: Tas has almost forgotten all the places he's been in five years. He wanted to make a map of all his travels, but you know how it goes - more traveling than mapping. To the north and west the land has changed more terribly than any of the companions had thought. A sea lies to the north where solid plains once were. Where Ergoth, the great ancient empire, once stood, there's nothing more than islands. Tas has unstoppable curiosity (a Kender characteristic), a quick wit, great energy, and a good sense of humor. Like all Kender, he does not feel the emotion of fear. Now he returned to Solace and found it run down, with rumor of war brewing in the north. He traveled at once to the Kender of Hylo to seek aid.
  • Рейнджер
    • 107, 78 подземелье
    • Название: Kronn
    • Биография: Kronin-alin Thistleknot is the oldest son of the Kender hero Kronin. He is anxious to prove himself worthy of his father through grand deeds of daring. Kronn delights in devious battle tactics, but is slow to withdraw once engaged. He is anxious to please, but easily bored. Kronn is offended that the bounty on kender is not as high as the bounty on elves, and is determined to make the local dragonlord re-evaluate their relative threat.
  • Событие
    • 87, 104 подземелье
    • Сообщение: The tortured wood ends in a huge circular clearing. The green fog does not enter the clearing, and wildflowers grow among the tall grasses. In the center of the clearing is a great tower. As you head toward it, thorns and branches snag and roots trip, as if willfully trying to prevent you from reaching the clearing. Finally, as you reach the edge of the clearing, the green mist swirls before you, forming malevolent shapes.
  • Лесной эльф
    • 84, 105 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Wild elves burst from the forest. Their faces are gaunt and madness burns in their eyes. They pause upon seeing you. More phantasms of the nightmare! one savage looking elf screams. We will not be fooled! They rush to attack.
  • Полурослик
    • 11, 54 подземелье
    • Сообщение: The Kender of Hylo will gladly fight the Dragonarmies.
  • Событие
    • 90, 104 подземелье
    • Сообщение: The tortured trees of the forest come alive!
  • Шлем белого единорога
    • 90, 108 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Laying in the glade is a fabulous helm set with the horn of a unicorn. Blood seems to have soaked the ground around it. As you examine it, dark shapes move in the forest. Unicorns enter the clearing. Your curiosity turns to horror when you notice the fatal wounds, and the bloody socket where a horn once was.
  • Событие
    • 95, 115 подземелье
    • Сообщение: The river begins to move more swiftly here, boiling and surging around you as you attempt to cross. Fantastic shapes rise out of the foaming water, surrounding the boat. Great dragons formed out of the shifting, thundering water scream cruelly at you. Their hollow eyes burn with a cold light.
  • Событие
    • 74, 50 подземелье
    • Сообщение: After fighting the tower garrison, you explore the tower, making your way to a chamber in the very foundation. There, evil magi and priests are working to turn the tower into one of the highlord's new weapons
  • Событие
    • 74, 48 подземелье
    • Сообщение: A single grim tower juts from the cliff face of the mountain range. About it's base are several scattered tents, their flaps whipping in the rising wind. An evil chanting can be heard coming from the open drawbridge.
  • Рыцарь
    • 48, 48 подземелье
    • Название: Derek
    • Биография: Derek Crownguard is a Knight of Solamnia belonging to the Order of the Rose. He is a quiet, dour individual, forthright in his opinions, steadfast in his belief in the Order and the ultimate triumph of good over evil. In battle, he attacks with savage ferocity, uttering the Order's famous battle cry; For the Rose!
  • Клерик
    • 25, 79 подземелье
    • Название: Elistan
    • Биография: Elistan was once a Seeker priest and worshipped false gods. When the dragonarmy started invading he was captured and met a fellow prisoner, Goldmoon, a true cleric of the goddess Mishakal. Goldmoon shared with him the knowledge of the true gods, and his faith was changed. Overnight, through deep prayer, he became a cleric of Paladine, the highest god. Elistan now devotes his life to the service of Paladine and the welfare of his people. Although a man of peace, he does what is needed for his cause.
  • Рыцарь
    • 44, 64 подземелье
    • Название: Sturm
    • Биография: Sturm saw the northlands on his travels, escorting Kitiara. Once past the sea they parted - she went east and Sturm went west. He searched for a true cleric, but he also sought his birthright. Sturm only knew his mother fled the Northlands when he was young. She carried all that his dead father had left her
  • Указатель
    • 126, 131 подземелье
    • Сообщение: The Island of Misfit Toys
  • Указатель
    • 128, 19 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Winston's Tower
  • Указатель
    • 97, 82 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Port Balifor Visit the Pig and Whistle Tavern
  • Чернокнижник
    • 79, 63 подземелье
    • Название: Ariakus
  • Верховный лорд
    • 73, 60 подземелье
    • Название: Lucien
  • Событие
    • 94, 102 подземелье
    • Сообщение: The black waters of the Thon-Thalas slow here. Srange voices seem to cry in muffled pain all around you. Your reflection in the mirror like surface of the water is starkly silhouetted by the overhanging canopy and ice-grey sky. Before your eyes, your reflection becomes pale and haggard. Suddenly, it reach out to grab you!
  • Ящик Пандоры
    • 57, 17 подземелье
    • Сообщение: It is said that when Lord Soth became undead he took the souls of his 13 strongest knights and locked them in a magic box, thereby forcing them to serve him even in death. Legend has it that the box was hidden in the Dargaard Mountains, but the box before you looks ominous, and radiates a fell power. Do you wish to open it?
  • Событие
    • 63, 25 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Before you lies the shifting sands of the Desert of Lost Names. The area has been a wasteland since long before the Cataclysm, but was fertile once -- long, long ago. An ancient civilization flourished here, but now little remains. An ancient city is said to lie buried in the sands, occasionally to be uncovered by the capricious winds.
  • Указатель
    • 51, 26 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Oasis of the White Palm (Another great one by Margaret and Tracy Hickman)
  • Событие
    • 60, 22 подземелье
    • Сообщение: The withering sun watches your progress through the sands with unforgiving intensity. The barren desert offers little food or water to resupply your troops.
  • Событие
    • 56, 22 подземелье
    • Сообщение: The withering sun watches your progress through the sands with unforgiving intensity. The barren desert offers little food or water to resupply your troops.
  • Событие
    • 51, 31 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Before you lies the shifting sands of the Desert of Lost Names. The area has been a wasteland since long before the Cataclysm, but was fertile once -- long, long ago. An ancient civilization flourished here, but now little remains. An ancient city is said to lie buried in the sands, occasionally to be uncovered by the capricious winds.
  • Бутылка
    • 13, 123 подземелье
    • Сообщение: The Isle of Dragons lies far to the north.
  • Бутылка
    • 67, 87 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Warren Windsound can get people past the blocade.
  • Лесной эльф
    • 124, 129 подземелье
    • Сообщение: I just want to be a dentist.
  • Указатель
    • 2, 70 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Isle of Sancrist
  • Указатель
    • 13, 63 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Northern Ergoth
  • Указатель
    • 41, 54 подземелье
    • Сообщение: North - Vingaard Keep South - Solanthus West - Tower of the High Clerist
  • Бутылка
    • 88, 46 подземелье
    • Сообщение: The Magi know the location of all pieces of Huma's Dragon Armor
  • Событие
    • 42, 104 подземелье
    • Сообщение: With the defeat of the red dragon, hundreds of women and children come forth from Pax Tharkas. We thank you. We have been held hostage by the dragon for several months. Our men work as slaves in the mines to the east. They are not very heavily guarded, but would not escape without us. Free them and we're sure they will aid you.
  • Событие
    • 52, 132 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Endless fields of snow cover the frozen tundra. In the distance, the impressive bulk of Icewall glacier looms blue and dreamlike. At points fires burn on the plains. These are peat mines - fires are kept burning by the tribesmen to thaw the peat, the only fuel available on the fields of ice.
  • Событие
    • 107, 113 подземелье
    • Сообщение: In a hidden clearing, huddled in the center, as far from the nightmare forest as possible, is a small community of elves. Their eyes are the eyes of the hunted and the haunted. You are wary after your other experiences in the forest, but hey prove to be nothing more than they seem. These elves refused to leave their homeland with their brethren, and now live with the nightmare every day. They fight evil any way they can, but are now convinced that only by entering the gates of Silvanost can the nightmare be brought to an end.
  • Событие
    • 108, 109 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Your path leads you suddenly to a small community of elves. They greet you warmly. At last! A true leader who will reclaim Silvanesti from the evil that has engulfed it! We will have a banquet in your honor! Throughout the banquet, the elves seem oddly jovial despite the twisted nightmare that surrounds them. After the banquet, they implore you to come worship at their shrine. Within an odd stone building is a large statue of a hideous bull. As you stand momentarily surprised, the illusion washes away, revealing the elves to be minotaurs. The eyes of the idol glow a fierce red and it suddenly comes alive.
  • Событие
    • 97, 104 подземелье
    • Сообщение: The greenish fog of the land swirls about you. Leaves rustle in the tortured trees. As the fog begins to lift you see rolling black clouds overhead. Lightning lances through the thunderheads. They take on a greenish tinge and begin to whirl about in a vortex. Several fires ignited by the lightning begin to encircle your troops. As you consider your options, huge forms push up through the earth.
  • Событие
    • 57, 124 подземелье
    • Сообщение: You hear whispered words in the mournful dirge of the wind. Raistlin, I await you to the north at Land's End. Come to me... With that, the words are gone with no evidence that they were anything more than your imagination.
  • Указатель
    • 60, 88 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Land's End
  • Указатель
    • 7, 143 подземелье
    • Сообщение: War of the Lance II by Bedivere 2003
  • Рыцарь Смерти
    • 59, 39 подземелье
    • Название: Lord Soth
  • Событие
    • 40, 96 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Through the bright autumn leaves you glimps a white stag bounding away southwest down the trail.
  • Событие
    • 74, 38 подземелье
    • Сообщение: The cracked plains of the Taman Basuk reach drearily into the distance. This land is under the complete control of the dragonarmies. The only signs of inhabitants are scattered farms worked by slaves.
  • Событие
    • 67, 35 подземелье
    • Сообщение: The cracked plains of the Taman Basuk reach drearily into the distance. This land is under the complete control of the dragonarmies. The only signs of inhabitants are scattered farms worked by slaves.
  • Событие
    • 67, 53 подземелье
    • Сообщение: The cracked plains of the Taman Basuk reach drearily into the distance. This land is under the complete control of the dragonarmies. The only signs of inhabitants are scattered farms worked by slaves.
  • Ожерелье из зубов дракона
    • 92, 115 подземелье
    • Сообщение: As you walk through the nightmare forest the green mists dull your senses. Suddenly, silently and without warning, a green dragon bursts forth from the foliage! Terror grips your body like ice and numbs your limbs. The dragon lunges for you. You throw up your arms in defense, and the last thing you see before you close your eyes is the dragon's teeth closing around your neck. A moment later you open your eyes. You are still alive, and the dragon is gone. Lying in the withered grass is the skeleton of an elf. Around it's neck is a Necklace of Dragonteeth.
  • Ходячий мертвец
    • 96, 100 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Undead elves pour forth from the forrest, silent screams frozen on their rotting faces.
  • Страж задания
    • 97, 106 подземелье
    • Сообщение: A bastion of elves still holds out here against the nightmare forest. They are wary of letting you pass. We must be sure you are not another vision sent by the nightmare to deceive us, the leader explains. Bring us something real -- a tangible elvin artifact to prove you are more than a phantasm and we'll let you pass.
  • Событие
    • 94, 108 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Some surviving elves wish to join your fight.
  • Событие
    • 90, 112 подземелье
    • Сообщение: A great stone pillar stands in the forest ahead. Carrion birds wheel in the sky overhead, circling the top of the pillar. A figure hangs suspended from the top of the pillar by manacles attached to his wrists. Tortured cries ring out through the woods. As you approach, the carrion birds grow to huge size and attack!
  • Событие
    • 91, 113 подземелье
    • Сообщение: When you reach the pillar, you climb up to release the chained figure. A hood covers its head. When you finally get him down and remove the hood you se that it is Lorac, King of Silvanesti. He appears grey and haggard, and stares out through wild, glassy eyes. The center of darkness! The very heart of the nightmare! he screams. He clutches your arm. You must reach the Tower of Stars. Only there can the nightmare be ended. It was my folly...my pride... His body relaxes and his grip loosens on your arm. Beyond the green border guard lays the true way. You must stop the nightmare... With that, the body of the king dissolves into green mist. You are left with no way of knowing if that was the real king or just one more vision of the nightmare forest.
  • Рейнджер
    • 31, 95 подземелье
    • Название: Tanis
    • Биография: Tanis is a half-elf. He grew up amongst the elves of Qualinesti before moving to human lands to discover his human heritage. Tanis has wandered through forest and wilderness for five years
  • Событие
    • 84, 102 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Will-O-Wisps dance and flicker faintly in the green mists. Their unearthly light is mesmerizing. You watch them as if in a dream. You don't notice the gaunt shapes gathering in the forest until almost too late.
  • Зловещий рыцарь
    • 101, 110 подземелье
    • Сообщение: The path splits here, taking three routs through the bleeding woods. The darkness seems even more oppressive and terrible here beneath the cavernous-like overhanging trees. Wind whistles through the leaves and whispers words to you from the southern trail. You cannot understand the words, but they seem to be calling you. A single knight on a massive black horse rides onto the path. Within his helm is only darkness and two fiery points of light.
  • Указатель
    • 13, 94 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Southern Ergoth
  • Событие
    • 30, 98 подземелье
    • Сообщение: A rutted path winds beneath the brilliantly colored canopy of Qualinesti in autumn. The creaking sound of wagon wheels sounds from somewhere ahead. Your elvin scouts report that several large wagons loaded with cages are transporting prisoners -- villagers from the north from the look of them. The caravan is guarded by about two dozen goblins, along with some other humanoids the scouts had never seen before. These new creatures had scaly skin and cruel reptilian faces. You decide to ambush the caravan and free the prisoners.
  • Событие
    • 7, 87 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Here two streams flow together to from the Thon-Tsalaroth. In the center of the river here broods fog enshrouded Dir-Tsalarian, Island of the dead. You take several small boats over to explore it, as it is rumored to hide great treasure. You soon find it is haunted by elvin undead -- the dead sent down Thon-Tsalaroth who were beached on this island, thus never able to reach the sea and their final rest.
  • Событие
    • 10, 91 подземелье
    • Сообщение: The elvin refugees have settled in the lands of the native elf population, the Kagonesti. Now the three groups each claim their own territory. The Silvanesti have claimed the east side of the river, the Qualinesti have settled west of the river, and the Kagonesti have been displaced to the north.
  • Событие
    • 4, 88 подземелье
    • Сообщение: You enter Qualimori, capital of the elves in exile. You are greeted by Porthios, brother of Gilthanas and Laurana, and eldest son of the Speaker of Suns. Your safe arrival in Qualimori alone is reason to rejoice, and the news you bring of resistance and hope is most welcome in these dark times. Perhaps in your talents and knowledge lies the potential to aid the elvin refugees and ultimately defeat to the Dragonarmies. You are most welcome here. Tonight we will feast in your honor, and tomorrow we will offer what aid we can. I advise that you seek out Foghaven vale and the Monument of the Silver Dragon within. The entrance to the valley lies north through the lands of the Kagonesti. From there you can find passage to the north and the lands of the Knights of Solamnia beyond. I see that out best hope for victory is an alliance with the knights. May the gods go with you on your quest.
  • Событие
    • 5, 62 подземелье
    • Сообщение: You arrive at Mount Nevermind, home to many of Krynn's gnomes. The mountain got its name from the Solamnic knight that first discovered it. When he asked a native the name of the mountain, the gnome replied Big-hollow-dormant-volcano-with-numerous-geothermal-vents-providing- a-convenient-power-source-and-heating-ground-water-to-produce- geysers-which-are-used-to-... Nevermind, replied the impatient knight, and it has been know by this name since. A small gnome stands in the mouth of a huge, gaping tunnel. His name is Gnarl, and he proudly tells the history of the tunnel's lighting system. At first, tempered metal rods running the length of the tunnel were heated until they emitted a brilliant white light. Unfortunately, this tended to roast anyone using the tunnels. Cold coils were placed along the ground to offset the heat. This eased the temperature problem, but resulting condensation resulted in a billowing fog. The gnomes placed a large fan at the far end of the tunnel to blow the fog out. The tunnel is now hot, cold, foggy and windy all at once - but at least it is lighted. All this was done as a courtesy to visitors since gnomes can see in the dark. After several exasperating conversations and carefully avoiding several gnome improvements on your equipment, you leave Mount Nevermind with several gnomish devices they give you to aid in your struggle vs. the dragonarmies.
  • Подземелье
    • 82, 72 подземелье
    • Название: Sanction
    • Название: Draconians Hatch
    • Сообщение: An new brood of draconians hatch.
  • Событие
    • 37, 46 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Soon after your victory at the Tower of the High Clerist, you sent a messenger to Palanthus with word of the victory and to enlist aid. Now your messenger meets you outside the city. Amazingly, the Palanthans still refuse to acknowledge the threat of the dragonarmies, calling the knights claims to be wildly exaggerated and full of far-fetched tales of dragons to frighten the naive into compliance. You fume at the news. The arrogant fools! Your successful defense of Palanthus served only to reinforce their conviction that they are in no real danger. You will go to Palanthus with the head of a dragon. You will drop the head on the steps of their city hall and make them believe.
  • Событие
    • 101, 103 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Two warped paths cross in a small clearing ahead. Twisted trees menace the tiny glade, threatening to swallow it. As you enter the clearing, the fog grows thick. Nightmare visages form in the swirling fog, and then dissolve. You watch, mesmerized, as a leering face forms before you. As you watch, a shadowy shape seems to come into focus, and suddenly breaks through the ephemeral face. A hobgoblin, brutally solid and real amid the misty phantasms, charges you. Around you evil minions of the dragonarmy pour forth from the nightmare forest.
  • Некрополь
    • 122, 67 подземелье
    • Название: Bloodwach
  • Указатель
    • 64, 116 подземелье
    • Сообщение: the River Torath
  • Событие
    • 72, 115 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Great pillars of broken stone form a series of tremendous arches that march eastward across the plain. Looking up you see that the arches support a huge platform, now broken and crumbling. This was once the King's road . Once the marvelous coaches of the Silvanesti Elves traveled here. The Cataclysm destroyed all that, however, and now the road is broken and too far above the ground to be of much use. It can still be used as a guide to the ancient kingdom of Slivanesti.
  • Друид
    • 71, 115 подземелье
    • Название: Alhana
    • Биография: Alhana Starbreeze is the daughter of Lorac Caladon, the Speaker of Stars in Silvanesti. Alhana was attending diplomatic meetings in Sancrist when she received news that her homeland had fallen to the Dragonarmies. The reason for this sudden defeat is a mystery to her, since the elves were successfully holding off the Dragonarmies when she left. She is attempting to return to her homeland to find out what happened to her father, who did not flee west with his people.
  • Бутылка
    • 104, 64 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Log of the Perechon 17th Merthe '51 The dragons persue us ever closer. I have decided that our only hope is to loose them in the maelstrom.
  • Крепость
    • 43, 89 суша
    • Название: Xak-Tsaroth
  • Рейнджер
    • 46, 116 суша
    • Название: Arman Kharas
    • Биография: Arman Kharas is the son of Hornfel, patriarch of the Kytil clan, thane and prelate to the Hylar council. Fiercely loyal to his people, Arman is a dwarf with a vision and looks forward to the day when his people can return to the light. Even though his name means second or lesser Kharas, he believes he is the literal reincarnation of Kharas, greatest hero of the Hylar. He searches for a way to prove his legacy and become the first King of Thorbardin in hundreds of years.
  • Башня
    • 112, 39 суша
    • Название: Istar
  • Золотой дракон
    • 138, 138 суша
    • Сообщение: The oath prevents me from helping you in your struggle. I am sorry.
  • Событие
    • 43, 92 суша
    • Сообщение: As you approach the city, a vision appears before you
  • Безмолвный глаз дракона
    • 137, 141 суша
    • Сообщение: The Quiet Eye of the Dragon, one part of the legendary Dragon Armor, lies here in the dusty halls of Derkin's tomb. Old tales say that Kharas once wore it.
  • Событие
    • 135, 138 суша
    • Сообщение: Before you lies the tomb of Derkin, the legendary dwarven king slain in the tragic Kinslayer war. After the war, the great hero Kharas took the body of the king and placed it in a magical tomb. Kharas was never heard from again. Among fountains and marble pillars stands a dragon, strong and fierce and deadly. Yet it also appears wise, noble and beautiful. It beholds you with sad eyes. I am Evenstar. I have watched your struggles against a most evil foe, and long to join the battle, but the oath forbids it. I am sorry. You wonder what this noble dragon is, and what this oath is that binds him.
  • Указатель
    • 49, 120 суша
    • Сообщение: Leave here the justice of the Nine Thanes below.
  • Поножи из кости дракона
    • 45, 87 суша
    • Сообщение: Lying in the muck of the gully dwarve's camp are an intricately worked pair of greaves. You realize that these are the Dragonbone Greaves, one part of Huma's legendary dragonarmor, which defended him against the power of Takhisis, the Dark Queen of dragons.
  • Событие
    • 140, 138 суша
    • Сообщение: Before you lies the tomb of Derkin. Before the tomb lies the skeleton of a dwarf, the crushed shell of a scorpion beneath it's boot. Examination Reveals it to be the body of Kharas. The legendary dwarven hero was killed by the sting of a humble scorpion.
  • Событие
    • 53, 121 суша
    • Сообщение: Evil Dwarves from the Daergar clan guard the cavern to the east.
  • Бастион
    • 84, 79 суша
    • Название: Zhakar
  • Указатель
    • 40, 117 суша
    • Сообщение: Kalil S'rith (Valley of the Dead)
  • Событие
    • 44, 93 суша
    • Сообщение: A single dim shaft of light illuminates this vast cavern from the well above. Ruins litter the damp floor of the cavern. The city of Xak Tsaroth lies in various states of decay. Some buildings are almost intact, while others are nothing but rubble. Several waterfalls pour into the cavern from above.
  • Бастион
    • 46, 115 суша
    • Название: Thorbardin
    • Название: City Hall
    • Сообщение: Thorbardin builds a city hall.
    • Название: Capitol
    • Сообщение: Thorbardin builds a capitol.
  • Тюрьма
    • 58, 125 суша
    • Название: BeremEverman
    • Биография: Berem Everman has been imprisoned by the Daegar for so long he has forgotten how to speak. He claims to be originally from Jhelek near Neraka, and says he is nearly 400 years old, yet his face is that of a middle-aged man. Imbedded in his chest, hidden by his beard, is a dull grey stone the size of a fist. The stone, his past, and his place in the events unfolding in Krynn are all a mystery.
  • Щит дракона
    • 7, 76 суша
    • Сообщение: This is the shield of Huma, wielded by him against the Dark Queen of Dragons herself. As you approach it the shield falls towards your feet. A sudden sense of well being lets you know the shield is meant for you.
  • Событие
    • 6, 80 суша
    • Сообщение: You enter a hidden valley enshrouded in silvery fog. As you descend, the thick veil begins to lift, revealing a deep natural valley green with grass and ancient forest. But the most stunning feature of the vale stands on the northern cliffs. There, rising far above your heads, is a huge statue of a dragon, carved from the rock of the mountain itself. This must be the fabled monument to the silver dragon, built after the first dragon war. [You're going to have to use your imagination on this one.] At the foot of the dragon, a small building sits, perhaps a shrine or temple of some sort.
  • Событие
    • 8, 78 суша
    • Сообщение: As you approach the dragon, you see that the building before it is actually the tomb of Huma, knight of Solamnia, hero of a time now lost. It is a modest structure, dwarfed by the imposing weight of the carved dragon looming above it. Inside, a sarcophagus sits with a fabulous shield at its foot.
  • Событие
    • 70, 39 суша
    • Сообщение: One minute you were exploring a high mountain glacier in the Taman Busuk, when the next thing you knew the floor collapsed and you and your followers were sliding down an icy chute. You look behind to find the chute has collapsed. There is no way back. A trickle of water cascades down the tumbled masses of ice behind you into a vast cavern. Great frozen waves of ice coat the walls, floors and ceilings of the cave. Huge icicles hang down from the ceiling like an inverted forest of pine trees. The water forms a stream flowing away into the depths. Warm air wafts up from below.
  • Страж задания
    • 20, 6 суша
    • Сообщение: Test of Wisdom. A convoluted magical tower bars your way. The twisting passages, distorted distances, and inverted rooms make it impossible for any but the wise to find the true way.
  • Корона дракона
    • 11, 0 суша
    • Сообщение: The Crown of Dragontooth, the final and most powerful piece of the legendary Dragon Armor of Huma, floats before you, bathed in a golden light. You reach out and take it, and place it upon your head.
  • Страж задания
    • 11, 6 суша
    • Сообщение: Test of the heart. The door of the tower opens onto a high plateau under a velvet blue night sky with cold stars shining down on you. In the distance, tall cliffs fall away from the plateau. A strange purple glow from below these cliffs shines up and fades into the night sky. All the ground lies in shadow. Its parched surface is cracked but even, broken occasionally by vast jagged boulders. There is an unnatural silence here. At the far end of the plateau three great slabs of stone form the frame of a portal by the edge of the cliff. Lines of weary soldiers wander across the plateau. As they approach, you see notched weapons, broken armor, fatal wounds. These are the forces of good that have died in the hopeless battle against the dragonarmies. You see many faces you recognize - former companions and friends. You are assailed by an overwhelming feeling of hopelessness.
  • Страж задания
    • 2, 6 суша
    • Сообщение: Test of Valor. Oddly, the door of this tower opens not into a tower but onto a the battered ramparts of a mighty fortress. A full assault is in progress. A sea of draconians extend as far as the smoke and fires permit. The wall has fallen to the draconians, who pour over it like rats. The only way to win through to the central keep is to fight.
  • Событие
    • 11, 14 суша
    • Сообщение: Standing alone on the floor of the valley is a platinum door. According to legend, this is the entrance to the Glitterpalace, the home of Paladine, greatest of the gods of good. What lies within the Glitterpalace no one knows, for it changes from story to story. But what is true in all accounts are several tests to prove one's worthiness. Only the gods know -- very literally -- what you'll find behind this door.
  • Некрополь
    • 95, 112 суша
    • Название: Silvanost
  • Событие
    • 95, 114 суша
    • Сообщение: In the distance the once graceful, slender towers of Silvanost claw up through the twisted trees and mist as if trying to escape. Through the trees the gates of the elvin capital are visible. As you look, the gate opens and a continuous, ghastly scream more horrid than the wails of the damned issues forth. You start forward, but before you can reach the gaping gate thick briars and thorns grow before you. Every attempt to hack through elicits a scream and gush of sap the color and consistency of blood. It soon becomes apparent that the wall of thorns grows back faster than you can hack through. You are forced to turn back and try another way.
  • Бутылка
    • 123, 50 суша
    • Сообщение: Log of the Perechon 20th Merthe '51 The maelstrom is certain death. The only way to survive it is with the Sea Captain's Hat.
  • Сфера уязвимости
    • 113, 40 суша
    • Сообщение: In an ancient chamber filled with stale air, a glowing orb pulses quietly. It is a dragon orb, created and used by ancient wizards to slay evil dragons.
  • Плащ из крыла дракона
    • 111, 40 суша
    • Сообщение: Searching the ruins of the sunken city you find the Dragon Wing Tabard, part of Huma's legendary Dragon Armor! It was probably brought to Istar in the days after the first dragonwars for display in the temple.
  • Страж задания
    • 106, 114 суша
    • Сообщение: A fog-shrouded path leads into impenetrable blackness. No light source will penetrate the shadows beneath the malefic boughs. From within this gloom 2 fiery pinpoints of light appear. A subtle, malign voice -- or perhaps its just the wind -- whispers forth from the darkness
  • Лич
    • 105, 113 суша
    • Сообщение: Lead us, master.
  • Хижина предсказателя
    • 104, 113 суша
    • Сообщение: The wispering voice continues. Step forward Raistlin.
  • Событие
    • 80, 74 суша
    • Сообщение: You descend into hot, dry caves. Out of the corner of your eye you see shadowy figures which disappear whenever you look closer. You arrive at a cave used for storage. A dull red flickering light spills into the chamber. Cloaked in a huge robe, a tall figure carrying a torch can be seen in a narrow doorway that has opened in the solid rock wall. The figure beckons for you to follow. As you follow the figure is joined by several others of its kind, each carrying a dully glowing torch. They lead you through underground passages. Suddenly, words and images play through your head. In your tongue we are known as the Shadow People. We were here before the Highlords, before Sanction. These tunnels lead beneath the temples of Sanction. The key to the good dragon's oath lies below one of these temples. You must bring the truth to the Isle of Dragons, far to the North. Good luck. May the gods of good be with you. With that they fade into the shadows without a trace.
  • Событие
    • 80, 70 суша
    • Сообщение: Here are the dungeons of a temple to a pagan god. Locked in separate cells are a few ragged men, showing signs of torture and starvation. You learn that this is all that remains of a band of rebels captured by the Dragonarmy. Nathan Windsound is with them. You release them. They are in no shape to fight, so you let them attempt to escape and make their way to Warren Windsound's band to continue their resistance to the Dragonarmy.
  • Событие
    • 81, 71 суша
    • Сообщение: A low chanting can be heard here, echoing down the corridors from unknown depths. Piled in side caverns are large eggs with metallic sheen -- the eggs of good dragons! Perhaps this is how the evil dragons have ensured that the good dragons remain neutral in this war.
  • Событие
    • 7, 19 суша
    • Сообщение: Pillars of rough-hewn stone stand in a perfect circle about the polished black floor [use some imagination] of a small valley between the mountains. The stars of night are reflected in its surface. Inexplicably, the stars overhead shine even in the brightness of the noonday sun. This is Godshome, and the pillars represent the gods of Krynn. Voices originating from the pillars greet you. Welcome, heroes of Krynn. The gods of good greet you, and offer words of hope and caution. Now is the time for all to prepare for the final assault against the darkness oppressing Krynn! Even now, mighty armies of good gather to make war on the highlords. The Highlords, in their arrogance will not allow a siege. Therefore, a titanic battle will soon rage on the plains north of Neraka. You must go to that most evil of cities and destroy the evil at its foul source. Know that good redeems its own. If the blessed be true then shall the might of the gods accompany them. Go with the hopes of many! Know that evil consumes its own. If the temptress entangles you, then you are lost. Deny temptation and maintain your quest. Know that man's will swings the balance. When you choose your destiny, the world's destiny is decided. Choose your path wisely.
  • Событие
    • 11, 12 суша
    • Сообщение: Vast cathedral walls of crystal arch overhead. You stand on a platform at one end of a huge hall. The floor is of translucent white marble. A milky light pulses beneath its surface. At the far end of the hall, twin doors of shining platinum reach from floor to ceiling. Your footsteps echo in the great hall. As you walk, the sound of your footsteps return to you, seeming to bear music and hidden words in them. Before long, a great chorus echoes through the hall
  • Гном
    • 46, 89 суша
    • Сообщение: From around an outcropping comes snoring loud enough to awaken a mountain. Peering around the rocks you see several gully dwarves, the degenerate cousins of the hill dwarves, asleep in the muck. With a start one wakes up. It's the intruders mates! Get 'em or the dragon'll have our hides!
  • Хижина предсказателя
    • 43, 47 суша
    • Сообщение: The affairs of the surface world are usually of little concern to me, but the actions of the Dragonarmy somehow manages to affect the very fabric of the Krynn itself. I do not yet know how or why. The elemental forces of earth are restless and want it stopped. If you can prove that you fight the Dragonarmy, I will put the forces of earth at your disposal. The accursed hobgoblin Fewmaster Teode leads the Dargonarmies in this area. Defeat him and I will give you what strength I can. Until then, I must get back to my investigations...
  • Рейнджер
    • 45, 118 суша
    • Название: Flint
    • Биография: Flint Fireforge is a hill dwarf, but has lived all his life amongst humans in Solace. He became acquainted with the companions when a Kender, Tasselhoff Burfoot, acquired some of his goods at the market. They have since become fast friends. Flint has searched for true clerics these past five years but has little to show for it. In his travels he was captured by gully dwarves, degenerate cousins of the hill and mountain dwarves. He escaped, slaying many of the filthy little creatures. He found his way to the dwarven kingdom of Thorbardin, closed to the world since the cataclysm. There he seeks help against the trouble brewing in the north.
  • Событие
    • 82, 71 суша
    • Сообщение: Hooded figures flank a slime covered altar. They stare at an object on the altar in rapt concentration, uttering a low, droning chant. Looming over the human sized figures, also staring at the altar, is a sinuous black dragon. Craning for a better view, you see that the object on the altar is a golden dragon egg. The chanting has reached some kind of climax, for the hooded figures pause. Suddenly, a drop of saliva from the dragon's hideous maw plops onto the egg. Immediately, the golden surface turns black and slimy. Like some poisonous tumor, the egg begins to grow, changing shape and writhing as if in torment. The egg becomes huge and splits apart. Instead of the gold dragon that should emerge, however, many squirming, lizard-like figures spill forth. The egg has just given birth to several dozen draconians. The good dragon eggs, held ransom to prevent the good dragons from joining the war, are being perverted and used to create the draconians! You must get proof of this to the Isle of Dragons!
  • Указатель
    • 83, 112 суша
    • Сообщение: Silvanesti
  • Событие
    • 11, 10 суша
    • Сообщение: All evil that enters here shall be destroyed!
  • Событие
    • 102, 103 суша
    • Сообщение: Dark figures move silently through the fog. You ready your troops as they approach, but are relieved when you identify them as elves. Your relief turns to horror as you notice the horrid wounds and rotting flesh. Undead elves attack!
  • Событие
    • 141, 138 суша
    • Сообщение: Suspended in a secret high tower of the tomb is the Hammer of Kharas, placed there by Evenstar after Kharas's death. Now, as if preordained, the hammer falls from the thin chain that held it like a pendulum and clatters to the floor before you. It shines with a golden glow that inspires awe in your troops when you pick it up. [Note
  • Хижина предсказателя
    • 52, 120 суша
    • Сообщение: I am Tufa, Thane of the Klar. I know Arman Kharas to be Wise and Honorable, and I oppose the vile Theiwar and Daergar clans. However, as ordained by Reorx the Soul Forger himself, since the first Dragonwar every thane to sit on the high throne has held the Hammar of Kharas. If the Hylar can recover the Hammer of Kharas we support Arman Kharas as the High King, and give what air we can. [Note
  • Событие
    • 93, 106 суша
    • Сообщение: The forest is dark and unfamiliar. Misshapen trees weep blood. The greenish fog lies thick along the ground here, obscuring treacherous pits and grasping roots. Something brushes your leg, obscured by the fog. There is something with you in the fog - here a glimpse of red eyes, there flash of needle sharp teeth, and now your torches reflect wetly off green scales. Suddenly a cold, reptilian head rears up through the fog, unfurling leathery wings. A brood of hatchling dragons move in for the kill.
  • Событие
    • 87, 106 суша
    • Сообщение: Ahead the sound of sobbing and wailing mingles with the sound of running water. As you round a twisted bend in the river, you see several figures singing and dancing atop the swirling waters.
  • Событие
    • 95, 104 суша
    • Сообщение: The ground descends here into brackish black water. Gnarled tree roots and bizare crystal formations jut up from the muck. In the far distance, a strange melody floats on the sickly green fog. Indistinct voices can be heard singing. You wade ahead, hip deep in the still waters. You can still hear the song in the distance, its lyrics maddeningly just beyond your hearing. You stop suddenly as a huge, hulking form rises silently up out of the black waters.
  • Дендроид страж
    • 100, 107 суша
    • Сообщение: The tortured trees of the forrest come alive!
  • Событие
    • 91, 101 суша
    • Сообщение: Desperate looking elves emerge from the forrest. Upon seeing your army they beg to join you.
  • Событие
    • 49, 128 суша
    • Сообщение: For hours now you have heard tell-tale sounds of the Theiwar -- the shuffling of booted feet, the clank of armor and weapons, the coded tapping that the Theiwar use to communicate in their dark tunnels. Now in the quiet ruins once known in Thorbardin as the Northgate of the Ninth Road, you sense they are close. Suddenly, many deep voices join in a battle cry, and Theiwar pour forth from the ruins like rats. Your forces are very similar -- tactics must be used to win this battle.
  • Указатель
    • 50, 126 суша
    • Сообщение: Theiwar clan territory Beware
  • Указатель
    • 27, 81 суша
    • Сообщение: Congratulations! Let me know if you made it here without cheating. It takes quite a bit. Leave a message for Bedivere on 3DO's Heroes 4 board.
  • Ящик Пандоры
    • 27, 78 суша
    • Сообщение: Do you dare unleash the unbridaled fury contained in the box?
  • Событие
    • 17, 48 суша
    • Сообщение: Odd...
  • Указатель
    • 13, 46 суша
    • Сообщение: You loose, ranger! (Here's to Lord British)
  • Бутылка
    • 94, 119 суша
    • Сообщение: No Fishing

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