Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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Vindalia was once a great land of wealth and knowledge. However, with the invasion of the human species comes the inevitable degradation of the natural beauty around them. Now war has erupted in Vindalia and you must choose to fight for good or evil. Either way, a long struggle awaits.
In the underground sea, you will find a southern path...
The hidden castle of Camelot is favored by the angels.
The castle of Camelot shall solve your finance problems when the Lord intervenes on the sabbath.
Rampart Tome
The Rampart's orb has been guarded by the dragons since its discovery in the days of King Arthur.
Wizard Tome
The Wizard's orb is considered the property of the genies which reside near the castle. You'll be forced to fight them for the tome.
Rumors abound about explorers sighting a mysterious Elemental island in the underground sea. However, no one has been able to pass the island's guards.
Witch Tome
Rumors abound that an old crone living in the swamp owns the Witch's orb. But don't think that you can take it from her by force; her magic would fry you before you can pass through her door.
Fire Tome
The Devil's orb is guarded by a bunch of greedy mercenaries. It would cost you 25,000 gold just to pass. I don't think any artifact is worth that much!
Many say that the unfortunate man who should open Pandora's box will have his soul ripped from his body by angels and devils.
Some nutcases over there say that they've seen a city of dragons in the underworld. I think that they've had one too many goblets of wine.
Many generations ago, this land, known as Vindalia, was occupied by your ancestors and divided among each of the eight factions. Unfortunately, a terrible war between the peoples ravaged the countryside and destroyed this beautiful land. The gods did not take kindly upon this unvirtuous behavior and submerged the land below the sea for 'cleansing.' Now, twenty years later, Vindalia has reemerged, cleansed by the gods and repopulated by elven peoples. The eight factions quickly reclaimed territories in the land and it was not long before the bickering began again.
Now, with the help of strategic alliances, you must claim the other seven lands. First you must destroy the four opposing factions, the rest should happen on its own. Use the abandoned or neutral castles that mysteriously appeared underground to perform sneak attacks on your enemies.
Welcome to the game, Dungeon hero! You are allied with the south so that you may destroy the Rampart castle to your north. They've been your hated neighbors since the days of your ancestors and it is your duty to your heritage to destroy them. Go forth and make your forefathers proud!
Welcome to the game Beastmaster! You have recently entered a land dispute between you and your neighbor, the primitive Barbarian. This has forced you to declare war upon them. With your southern allies, annihilate them so that you may take the Barbarian lands as your own!
Welcome 3
Unfortunately, the only castle that you could take over in this crowded land is a cheery, life-filled land. The elves who guarded it loved the land for some strange reason. It's pathetic. At least you did manage to torch some trees along the way. There are some decent roads.
You have found a land perfectly suited to your needs. Use this to your advantage, along with your alliance, to destroy your enemy, the peace-loving, rule-making, knights.
Welcome to the game Knight. Your people managed to return to the continent early to tame the land. With better roads and castles, along with your alliance, you may be able to destroy the demonic Inferno town to the south.
Cold, barren, infested with enemies. The snow land makes the perfect grounds for Wizards to test their magic. Use this to your advantage to destroy the death-bringing Necromancers.
Welcome 7
You Barbarian. Live in wasteland. Destroy witches. Witches evil. Barbarian good. Easy. *ugh*
The enchanted forest is not only beautiful, but also perfectly suited to your Rampart towns. Hopefully, this will allow you to destroy the forest-hating, dirt-eating Dungeon castles to the south.
Your King has assigned to you a squire to train. Upon arrival, your squire immediately locks himself in his room and decides to not come out. You eventually manage to bribe him out with gold.
Scouts that you sent out weeks earlier have returned with news of the underground caverns. Apparently, the gods left an underground ocean as a reminder of their presence! It is up to you to chart these stormy waters.
You tell your messenger to send a request to the Inferno town to the south. The message reads, To the Noble Leader of the Inferno, We kindly request that you leave our native lands immediately. We would be willing to pay 75,000 gold in resettling costs.
You capture your squire as he is stealing food from the castle's kitchen. You imprison him just for chuckles until he offers you 5 sulfer for his release.
You receive a message from the ignorant Knights of the North. To the Noble Leader of the Inferno, We kindly request that you immediately leave our native lands immediately. We would be willing to pay 75,000 gold in resettling costs. Your reply, Get bent.
You send some enchanters underground to see what they can learn about the magical workings of the underground. It seems that the gods placed a charm upon the underground world to make it as bright as the above world. That's why there is so much vegetation underground. But, why did they do that?
An ogre raid diminishes your royal coffers by a substantial amount.
Tomes and Orbs
A travelling troubador brings you this message, In an ancient era, a wizard fleeing from a powerful evil hid his treasured possesions in eight different worlds. He never returned for them. Legend has it that these tomes and orbs are still hidden somewhere in Erathia.
Tax Day
It's tax day! Gold begins to pour in from all over your country!
136, 136 подземелье
You receive word that the knights did not appreciate your reply and that they trained many more zealots. In response, you train many more magogs.
129, 8 подземелье
You receive a reply from the Inferno lord. It reads, Get bent. When the religious community heard about this, a large group of zealots immediately moved to the monastary for recruitment
137, 27 подземелье
VII Embassy
76, 46 подземелье
V Embassy
Сфера уязвимости
53, 50 подземелье
The Orb of Vulnerability lies just beyond your reach. Unfortunately, it's guarded by a horde of Diamond Golems. Do you wish to fight them for the artifact?
6, 48 подземелье
VI Embassy
69, 6 подземелье
While walking along the icy, slppery bridge, you encounter an old saint who doen't seem to have as much trouble in crossing the ice as you have. When you move close enough to him to get a good look, he disappears, forgetting his holy sandals...
22, 116 подземелье
Your spirits are uplifted upon entering the field.
26, 92 подземелье
Upon entering the cursed ground, your spirits are dampened.
Хижина предсказателя
50, 109 подземелье
You enter the house of a reclusive fortuneteller. As you enter, you can't help but notice the elaborately decorated crystal ball on the table. You inquire the fortuneteller about the orb but she insists payment first. You press a sack of gold into her hands. She tells you that it is the Orb of Driving Rain. Asking her how much it is, she says it is free to anyone who can decipher how to use it. She says that only someone who has mastered level 20 knowledge can read it. You try and confirm this hypothesis correct. If you come back when you are at level 20, you can own the orb.
...tobacco, gum, weapons, jumping, singing, screaming, swimming, suicide or any activity which may disturb the peace is allowed in the Knight's land.
84, 111 подземелье
It's an AMBUSH!
84, 112 подземелье
The hidden warriors you placed here are doing fine as they wait for an enemy to ambush.
125, 105 подземелье
The cursed ground demoralizes your troops.
125, 106 подземелье
The lava strengthens your troops
125, 136 подземелье
Efreetis relaxing in the river notice you. After their bath, they're in a good mood and join your cause.
91, 91 подземелье
99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer, take one down, pass it around...
102, 110 подземелье
Necropolitan Food Bank - Due West
88, 117 подземелье
The souls lost at the altar of sacrifice curse you for invading their domain.
84, 118 подземелье
Beware the cursed altar and its guardians!
126, 127 подземелье
A dragon flying closely overhead snorts a small ball of fire at you. When you block it with your sword, it is permanently coated in flame.
125, 127 подземелье
A fire elemental appears out of the ground, attacks, and then disappears. Though slightly confused at the unusual actions, you notice your shield is burning and doesn't seem to burn up.
Могучий лич
124, 125 подземелье
Strangely peacable, the power liches offer to join you. Why?
87, 138 подземелье
Hmm... looks like we missed a few trees. You begin to light the torch to burn them... What the? Elves! And they look pretty mad!
Волшебный свиток
42, 80 подземелье
You notice a small scroll floating alongside the boat. After spending nearly an hour trying to retrieve it, you learn the spell scuttle boat.
61, 36 подземелье
VIII Embassy
142, 69 подземелье
65, 84 подземелье
IV Embassy
120, 135 подземелье
I Embassy
113, 108 подземелье
III Embassy
Ожерелье небесного блаженства
37, 46 подземелье
While sailing around the remains of a tiny fishing dinghy, you notice a small, blue sparkle around a spire-like rock. You snatch it and notice an inscription, Celestial Necklace of Bliss.
124, 58 подземелье
Eager to fight to help your cause, these peasants join your army free of charge.
88, 61 подземелье
Eager to help your cause, these halflings join your army free of charge
Сказочный дракон
14, 35 подземелье
Eager to help your cause, the faerie dragons join your cause free of charge.
55, 62 подземелье
Eager to help your cause, the boar riders join your army free of charge.
136, 143 подземелье
Eager to help your cause, the enchanters join your cause free of charge.
97, 138 подземелье
Eager to help your cause, the mummies join your cause free of charge.
62, 94 подземелье
Eager to help your cause, the sharpshooters join your army free of charge.
95, 132 подземелье
Upon attempting to attack the castle, you notice a small group of skeletons preparing to dump a vat of oil on your troops. Your quick thinking squire eliminated the skeletons with his bow before they could dump the oil. However, at the beginning of the battle, a stray catapult shot knocks the vat over so that it lands on top of your squire, trapping him for the battle. Is this a foreshadowing of the luck of the rest of the battle?
16, 54 подземелье
As you prepare to capture the Rampart town, an elf takes aim at you from the nearby woods. The arrow flies harmlessly above your head. Thankful that the arrow missed, you send a small scout party to eliminate the elf. Surprisingly, you feel a breeze through your hair where your hat should have been; you turn around to find your hat pinned to an oak by the elf's arrow.
10, 15 подземелье
As you approach the castle, an aged magician and appears to cast a spell which seems to have no effect. You attempt to ask your squire his opinion on the topic, and look down to notice that he has been turned into a frog!
25, 27 подземелье
You stop to inspect a young tree struggling to grow inside a crack in the rock. Deciding to help it, you gather water from the nearby stream to water it. You then notice a small, blue object on one of the branches that you could swear wasn't there before.
65, 117 подземелье
After an exceptionally long fight with your disagreeable squire, which ended with you turning him into a frog, you come across a small tree barely alive growing inside a crack in the rock. You yank the tree out in your anger and find the Pendant of Negativity within its roots.
142, 95 подземелье
While travelling the lava fields, you find a small tree miraculously growing in the blistering heat. You torch it with a fire spell, just for fun. All of a sudden, a pack of fire elementals confront you! They seem very angry at you for burning their tree!
78, 29 подземелье
Your squire calls your attention to a small tree growing inside a rock. Not yet knowing its significance, you dig up the tree and care for it. The next day the tree glows with a mystical radiance and your luck seems to skyrocket.
55, 121 подземелье
Your squire trips himself and falls into the gem pond, getting himself thoroughly soaked. You think this is so hilarious that your spirits rise greatly.
75, 92 подземелье
Your squire awakes you from your afternoon nap. Before you fully awake, you mumble a spell of changing and turn your squire into a fly so that he might annoy someone else besides you.
71, 82 подземелье
Your squire, upon noticing the gold mine, immediately rushes in, only to be chased out by a group of dwarves mining the mine. Reluctantly, you step in to save your squire.
64, 138 подземелье
Your squire attempts to learn spells at the school of magic. However, when he attempted to create wood for a wood fire, he summoned a group of dendroids!
61, 55 подземелье
It is a cold day out and you wish to build a large fire. However, you only find a stunted tree growing in a rock for firewood, so you make do with a small camp fire. The warmth from the fire seems to be especially warm for such a small size.
91, 122 подземелье
You notice a small tree growing haphazardly in a rock. Grumbling something about, I missed one., you make a great show of burning it before your troops' eyes. Upon doing this, a great many spirits arise from the fire. Fortunately, they seem favorable to your cause.
0, 79 подземелье
Be Warned. Those who pass these gates without a divine army seldom return alive.
131, 53 подземелье
You find a stunted berry tree growing inside a crack in a rock. Thinking that the berries on the bush seem edible, you plop a few into your mouth... Two hours later, after regaining consciousness and ridding your body of the poison, you find that you've gained a little knowledge as to tell which foods are edible.
35, 72 подземелье
Elves at the top of the tower look like they're about to dump two vats of boiling hot lead on your troops. Unable to avoid this painful situation, you decide to grin and bear it, only to realize that they've dumped sticky maple syrup on you! The other vat contains feathers which they then dump on you and stick to the syrup! The elves start to flap their arms and make clecking noises at your troops.
Страж задания
99, 110 подземелье
A heavily armed guard informs you that what lies beyond this gate is extremely tough. Only a hero who has mastered level 30 Attack Skill even has a ghost of a chance of surviving.
106, 9 подземелье
Half-buried under the snow, you see the Orb of the Firmament conspicuously glowing against the bleak landscape.
8, 26 подземелье
Buried in the courtyard of the dragon palace is the Orb of Silt. Following a rumor from one of the dragon palace's servants, you find the orb easily.
Страж задания
131, 125 подземелье
The guards here are charging a toll of all travelers. They will let you pass for 25000 Gold. They say that the Orb of Tempestuous Fire lies unguarded beyond the gate.
131, 126 подземелье
You find a pool of lava right behind the quest gate. Disappointed at finding only lava for such a high toll, you stop to enjoy the view. After spending nearly an hour enjoying the view, you turn around to leave and stumble over the Orb of Tempestuous Fire, nestled in between two lava rocks.
11, 91 подземелье
Beware the treasure which has no guardians!
Хижина предсказателя
92, 3 подземелье
It is FREEZING in this shack! If you could just bring me ten wood to last me the winter, I would be eternally grateful.
9, 91 подземелье
Landing at the only harbor on this peninsula seemed to be a good idea, but the harbor seems haunted by the ghosts of former sailors who made the same assumption.
117, 128 суша
Divine Intervention
The Good Lord smiles upon you and grants you a great gift.
121, 137 суша
Upon entering the forest, a pack of Archangels swoop down from the heavens. Thou shalt not enter the sacred land of the Arroy!
114, 127 суша
...and whosoever shall prove thyselves worthy of our presence shall find a friend in those who are of Holy blood.
121, 126 суша
Do not be afraid for thou art worthy...
Золотой лук
115, 137 суша
A horde of elves are guarding the bow. Do you wish to fight them?
Сфера уязвимости
124, 132 суша
You can see the Orb of Vulnerabilty swirling about in the air. You can make out the faint forms of air elementals tossing the orb about. Do you wish to fight them?
0, 106 суша
The pile of gold is guarded by a few Black Dragons. Do you wish to fight them?
33, 120 суша
II Embassy
95, 82 суша
As you sail into the cove, you notice many curiously quiet bird nests in the cliffs.
13, 54 суша
The black dragon pushes some of its gold out of its nest to make room for new treasures. You quickly gather the gold up before the peasants find it.
Страж задания
53, 57 суша
An old man calls out to you from the tower. Hello down there! You do know that there is a Pyre beyond this gate, don't you? Those Phoenixes in there are my pets. I'll allow you to recruit some if you can prove to me that you can raise one of these rare birds safely. Bring me one healthy Phoenix and you can pass.
Страж задания
80, 118 суша
A sign tells you that this castle is for sale for 7500 gold.
26, 24 суша
A small cargo of flotsam drifts ashore.
Large Flotsam
An unusually large drift of flotsam washes ashore, carrying with it; wood, gold, and bits of ore.
132, 30 суша
Deity's Demand
The Deity of Fire demands 7500 Gold for his tolerance.
Хижина предсказателя
55, 60 суша
Hey, you! Yeah you, that hero over there! An old man calls to you from his hut. Could you fetch me one of those Firebirds from the Pyre over there? I am really lonely and I think a Firebird would make a great pet. I can't walk there myself because I'm too old to cross the lava and that old curmudgeon in the guard tower is too lazy to walk there for me! Will you help a kindly old hermit like me?
Лазурный дракон
104, 79 суша
The Azure Dragon speaks to you. Many a dragon slayer has tried to murder me, and all now lay in bones at my feet or meat in my stomach. You shall be the next!
Страж задания
100, 120 суша
A divine voice resounds from the air around you. Those who wish to enter the Land of the Arroy must prove themselves worthy. When the Azure Dragon who resides within the aquatic labyrinth is silenced, the gate to the Arroy shall be open.
Страж задания
76, 56 суша
A flight of pixies guards the tower. Anyone who wishes to pass into the Pixie Gardens must prove that they can lead an army of magical creatures. Return when you have reached the Knowledge level of 10.
Страж задания
55, 50 суша
This castle here is for sale. I'll sell it to you for the mere sum of 5,000 gold. Come back when you have the money.
13, 136 суша
Eager to help your cause, the trolls join your cause free of charge.
35, 93 суша
While taking a lunch break, you notice a small tree growing unnaturally in solid rock. Knowing that such trees are magical, you cut it down, grind it up, and make a potent potion out of it.
40, 63 суша
Dragon King
Exiled and imprisoned from dragon utopia for his witchcraft ways, the former Dragon King wiles away the time by practicing spells of utter destruction and teaching himself how to bend the minds of other dragons so that they might follow his will.
125, 10 суша
Although famous for being the fool who opened Pandora's Box, (it was her box after all,) Pandora was actually a great spell caster. With her ability to train magicians into more powerful enchanters, it should not be surprising that she could use her spells to escape the aftermath of Pandora's Box.
125, 12 суша
Only fools open Pandora's Box unprepared.
Ящик Пандоры
123, 13 суша
All that for one little box?! Well, good things come in small packages... Do you want to open it?
125, 11 суша
You hear a cry from inside the jail. Please do not open that box. I know it is heavily guarded by twelve each of archangels and archdevils! However, if you must go, please take these. They will help immensely.
123, 10 суша
Despite ancient myths of his death years ago, Icarus remains a great archer to this day. He never died by flying too close to the sun, but many rumors said that his arrows flew so high that they were burned by the sun. His father, a reknowned drunk, made money by telling the tale of his son who ...could fly an arrow to the sun. Finally, Icarus became so disgusted with his father's exploitation that he hid in the forest for most of the rest of his life. In the years Icarus spent in the forest, he has learned many tricks and can easily teach anyone who can draw a bow to become a sharpshooter.
Страж задания
35, 68 суша
The post is manned by a troop of retired Dragon Knights, who are recognizable by the emblem on their armor. They kindly inform you that the wild dragons beyond this gate are too dangerous for any man to not take seriously. Only someone who can create level 20 wards has a chance of surviving their attacks. You should return when you have mastered level 20 spell power.
35, 67 суша
The knights apparently notice that you deactivated your ward. They say that the ward will keep you alive in this land. You still have no intention of activating the ward. The knights sense this and teach you a spell so you'll at least have a fighting chance.
37, 53 суша
Dragon Spire
You receive a bill from the DRS. It seems to be a tax form
Knowing that crystal dragons shed their crystal every month, you send some peasants to gather the crystal from the dragons' dwelling. After trading the crystal in, you find that you have made a nice profit.
The faerie dragons' dwelling has sparkling dust floating around. When enough of this dust rests on the ground and is gathered, it can be sold for a significant sum as a healing potion. You manage to collect enough sacks of this faerie dust to make 2000 gold.
You manage to collect 2,000 gold worth of faerie dust today
The gold dragons shed their golden scales and they accumulate in a pile at the bottom of their cliff. You manage to collect 1500 gold.
Your human residents of need food also, so you harvest some of the abundant mushrooms growing down here. After enough is stored for later use, you sell the rest of it on the upper world to a rich merchant.
Страж задания
36, 54 суша
An odd faerie dragon guards the pass. Using the ancient trader's sign language, you manage to learn that the castle beyond this gate is for sale for 50,000 gold and 20 sulfur, and that all profits are donated to the Goodwill to Lesser Reptiles Fund.
41, 59 суша
Slave Quarters
44, 59 суша
You notice the ivory-white gleam of bone that you have seen all too many times on the battlefield. A white skeleton lies shackled to a tree, apparently a slave who didn't follow his master's orders. Although you do feel some pity for the person, this is war and you dislodge the skeleton from the tree and pocket the shackles.
42, 60 суша
You stumble across a bedraggled group of peasants hopelessly attempting to stage a revolt against the dragons. You take pity and ask them to join your cause where they will stand a chance of survival.
134, 101 суша
You find a group of scholars studying an unusual rock formation. As you peer closer, you notice that they're arguing... I say it's just a rock! one scribe says. Well how did it get HERE then? asks another. It's an omen from God! another replies. If it's an omen from God, why didn't he put it where more people could see it? Actually, if you look closely, I can almost see a face in it... You decide to interrupt their rabble to ask them about more scholarly subjects than rocks.
46, 2 суша
Renegade Village
121, 120 суша
The magic garden sparkles and glitters with amazing luminosity. Only after taking in eyefuls of this beauty do you realize that the garden is swarming with little pixies. They vanish as soon as they notice you. Their little eyes peek out from underneath each tiny flower petal. Eventually, their curiousity draws them to you and soon, you have a horde of pixies who wish to follow you everywhere.
Страж задания
118, 131 суша
Ho, traveler! You wish to use this harbor? Well I can't let anyone sail into the harbor of Camelot. Only those who have actually been to Camelot are allowed to use this harbor. Let's see, I have a sprite messenger at the door to the castle, all you need to do is meet up with her and she'll fly back to me with the message that you've been to Camelot, then you can use the harbor, alright?
117, 129 суша
Aaahhh! Humans! Dirty, rotten, terrifying humans! Do you go anywhere without killing creatures? Wait! Don't hurt me, I'm only a messenger! I'll tell the boss you've arrived!
116, 68 суша
You enter an eerily quiet cove that seems to have been the sight of a recent shipwreck. The magnitude of the shipwreck and the unusual silence discomforts your troops.
25, 65 суша
The Dragon King isn't stingy on taxes.
Страж задания
127, 89 суша
A mysterious fortune teller owns this tower. She says that many years ago, she lost her Cards of Prophecy during her life as a travelling fortuneteller. If you can find her lost cards, she will let you pass and maybe tell your fortune.
128, 55 суша
You find a scroll on the ground that almost seems like a self-tour guide describing the local flora and fauna. The Great Mushroom Forest - An unusual forest of fungus which derives nutrition from local artesian springs. Three identified mushrooms grow here
135, 62 суша
Water, water everywhere, and not a drop to drink...
135, 58 суша
A horde of troglodytes leap out of the forest, ummm...... fungi. You shall never have our angel's arrow!
136, 58 суша
You enter the field and pick one of the coveted mushrooms. After popping it in your mouth, you quickly chew and swallow. Immediately after the mushroom hits your stomach, you feel electrical energy coursing through your veins. It's as though the spirit of the ether flooded your blood stream with power and the power is fighting to burst out of your fingertips. It's a highly invigorating experience. You pick some more of the enchanted mushrooms and sell them when you first get the chance.
133, 59 суша
You unintentionally surprise a group of troglodytes that were resting at the drinking hole. Their low intelligence scares them into attacking!
104, 80 суша
You have slew the mighty azure dragon! With your sword you sever the crystalline scales from its body as proof of your heroic deed! It seems that in the heat of battle, you also learned the workings of the slayer spell as you studied the dragon's movements. Good work!
69, 67 суша
A guard calls out from the top of the garisson, No one shall pass into the guardians lair. Only those who have been created to guard the land of Vindalia may enter this place. Turn around or spend an afterlife to think upon your mistake!
Перчатки всадника
64, 24 суша
You find the Equestrian's Gloves floating freely about in the waves. It was probably dropped by a passing ship's captain. You quickly fish it out of the roiling sea.
68, 50 суша
Hey! Leave me alone! I'm just a messenger for the gods. I won't hurt you. What!? No, don't come any closer! Here, I'll give you this artifact. It's a nice little ring I picked up at the artifact merchant. Now let me leave! Please?
68, 51 суша
In the fairy's haste to leave, she dropped a scroll on the ground. It is sealed with the wax seal of the gods. You break the seal and unroll the scroll. It reads, To Lord Dalia, Captain of the Vindalian Guard
67, 47 суша
We are under orders by Lord Dalia to prevent you from going any further. You have ignored his warning and now you must pay the price!
69, 48 суша
By order of Dalia, Captain of the Vindalian Guard, Trespassers will be executed on sight to protect the interests of the Vindalian people. Thank you.
75, 51 суша
A timid looking pixie approaches you and says, We are under orders by Dalia to stop you so please turn around, please. No? Why not? Well, why do you want to pass here? You don't even know what we're guarding. You want to know what we're guarding? Well... umm... we don't exactly know ourselves. Stupid Dalia... If he would just tell us, then we might actually want to guard this place... grumble... mumble...
Волшебный элементал
65, 58 суша
60, 48 суша
You find a badly beaten man trying desperately to claw himself into the woods. A quick glance at his tattered clothing reveals that he was once royalty. You ask him what his name is. I... Dalia... failed... gods angry... No. No! NOOO!!! As the man screams like a banshee, a fiery glow surrounds him and a voice resounds eerily through the night air, Dalia, you have failed us for the last time! We warned you of the punishment of failure! You shall be taken to Dragonmont, where you will await your execution! A flash on the ground diverts your attention to a membership card that fell on the ground. It must have belonged to Dalia. You pocket it, just in case.
59, 48 суша
We are Dalia's personal escort. You have no official business with Dalia at the moment. Dalia has given orders to destroy any trespassers. Now, you must fight!
Страж задания
82, 81 суша
To enter Dragonmount, you must have a card that marks you as an elite member of the Vindalian Guard. And since there is only one mortal who posesses such an artifact, you will never pass. Ha!
81, 81 суша
Welcome to Dragonmount, now SCRAM!!!
116, 69 суша
It's an AMBUSH!!! Harpies swoop in from the cliffsides and ravage the ship!
86, 81 суша
Dalia was a human who followed the ways of nature strictly. His dedication to the elements drew the gods' attentions to him and, at the age of 18, he became the first human to ever be called to the Vindalian Guard. Dalia's blue color can be attributed to an experiment with the icebolt spell when he was still young. His dedication to the study of the elements has made him proficient in spell casting, while his life in the wilderness has taught him the subtleties of battle. His most valuable posession is a necklace of dragonteeth, made from a dragon he slew during his initiation test for the Vindalian Guard.
43, 51 суша
This man was a former servant of the dragons who was imprisoned for rebellion. As punishment for his crime, the dragons denounced him, imprisoned him, and relieved him of his identity. He has no memory of life before his imprisonment and no memory of his name. In your daring rescue of this unfortunate man, you find hs journal, which shows that this man was a scholar and a leader among the peasants. Even though his name was not mentioned in the journal, you find many references to Democritus, and decide that this will be a fitting name for a man who seemed to admire him so much.
42, 54 суша
The dragon's hiss at you before asking you, What is your reason for visiting this forlorn place? This is the final resting palce of He-Who-Is-Not-Named. His punishment for leading the slaves in revolt was to be relieved of his identity. He-Who-Is-Not-Named will be of no use to you. No matter how pathetic your army is, forcing him to join your army will only hinder you. Now leave!!!
44, 61 суша
You ask a local peasant for help by asking why the peasants have imprisoned them here. That's treason! Never ask why, only do! I will not be punished as He-Who-Is-Not-Named was! Now leave our people alone.
Золотой дракон
34, 70 суша
Welcome to the Dragon's Refuge. GET OUT! Only dragons may enter, all others must leave... or die. Predictably, you ignore his warning.
101, 64 суша
Birgitte is a legendary hero reknowned in the history books as an archer with an extraordianarily accurate and powerful shot. In myth, she never left anywhere without her silver bow and arrows. After winning an exceptionally large bet on her archery skill, a sour gambler declared her luck to be witchcraft and she was promptly imprisoned.
98, 77 суша
Curious as to what the shipwreck survivors and ship debris are doing here, you check out the surrounding ocean. You soon find out...
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