Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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Gatsu, the black warrior, is in search of the God Hand, the demons who slaughtered his mercenary companions and ruined his loved ones. Orb and with an iron cannon arm instead of a flesh one, he ventures now in the eerie Valley of the Mist...(WARNING! Contains SPOILERS for Berserk fans!)
The Mist Valley is an extremely dangerous place. No one ever returned from there so far.
The elves have slaughtered the Hanson family recently, during their last attack. They show no mercy towards the folk.
I once saw a big elf leading those damnable monsters... Could she be their leader?
Many battles were fought in this valley... And sometimes something remains of them.
Bandits stay clear from the village; in fact they threat isolated farmers.
Somewhere on the mountains there is an heretic camp. They prefer to take refuge in isolated places like these.
Have you ever heard of Mozguz of the Holy Bloodstained Book? He's the most famous and feared inquisitor of the world.
This winter will be a tough one! Start immediately to gather provisions and wood!
In tough times like these, we must gather under the crest of the church, the Hawk of Light!
I heard that the cruel count of the near province has been savagely murdered...
It seems that the Midlands' army is helping out the victims of the floods.
Please, read the ReadMe file before playing for additional informations!
Your efforts in search of God Hand disciples leaded you unto this remote region. The sun doesn't show up since three days, and a thick rain covers the land. Your companion, a worthless bug named Puck, that pretends (and in fact he is!) to be a winged elf, is having a look of the forest.
He loves all of them! You tight your cape and try to rest under a tree, exausted after this day's march.
No Treasure
You have no goods, nor any money: Godo, your benefactor, sold all of his minerals and gathered combustibles for the winter.
You have brought a bag of gunpowder with you, that can make your cannon arm work properly.
No money
You felt in debt with Godo, as he provided you of all your equipment and cannon arm, so you send him gold as soon as possible.
You eat up your little food. You hope to get some more of it in the village, but it will be tough; the winter is closer now, and you heard of rampant famine and pestilence in the kingdom.
During your march in the woods, you meet up a middle-aged journeyman. He's not afraid of you, as he seems to have seen worse. He kindly shares his food with you and confirms the rumors that you've heard-the kingdom of Midlands is struck by an horrible endemic, and there is little food left.
Pirkaf's Tale-1
As you take a break from your march, you confront Jill. That big elf referred during the battle at the village to Puck as Pirkaf. Who is him?-you question. Oh, that's an old tale, that all children know - she anwers. Once upon a time there was a little boy named Pirkaf.
Pirkaf's Tale-2
He lived in a small village near the forest... his companions alienated him because of his pointed ears and red eyes and always referred to him in such a manner, but his family greatly cared about him. One day he decided to reach the elven land in the forest, as he thought that his parents weren't
Pirkaf's Tale-3
his true parents. When he arrived in the elven land, the elves laughed at him:- You aren't like us, as you are wingless!. He was confused, and an old elf told him:- Some time ago arrived in this forest two young people with a dying baby. This is our child! Is all we have left! Please save him!
Pirkaf's Tale-4
-they said. So we made a charm on the child and managed to save him, but he was left with pointed ears and red eyes... It doesn't matter that his appearence is changed, we'll always love him- the couple said. Pirkaf ran out of the forest in tears.
Pirkaf's Tale-5
But it was too late. Thought in the forest were passed only a few minutes, in the village were passed 100 years. Then, with no one left, Pirkaf retired on the border hill to cry, and his eyes became even more red. What a hopeless story-you comment.
As to confirm the words of the journeyman you met some days ago, you stumble upon a group of refugees; they tell you that they are fleeing from the Midlands' borderland, hoping to get away from the Kushan soldiers as soon as possible.
You see from a vantage point some farmers carrying barrels and goods on a chart. Since you are hungry, you ask for some food to them, and you are immediately obeyed - your appearence is perhaps more fearful than the famine!
This valley has its appeal, in its autumnal dress. How can a God Hand disciple lurk in such a place?
More than two weeks have passed from your arrival in this region. You turn again your gaze towards the distant Mist Valley and your mind is torn with the echoing screams of agony of your friends. Roshinu is going to pay.
You are very tired. In the past days, the monsters haven't given you any truce, and you body is covered by the wounds of the battles, but you are content. Every monster you slaughter, is a little revenge for your dead friends.
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3, 32 подземелье
You decide to reveal yourself to the band. Hey you, get lost quickly if you want not to die!-you advice. Ha! That's funny!-replies the leader, drawing his weapon. But suddenly, the tree beyond the campfire animates and kills one of the bandits! You must fight for your life.
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You free the poor girl from her bounds, but she appears to be terrified. Puck has returned and he is introducing himself
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Jil's Hamlet
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A shocking view strikes your only eye. Ahead of you lie many bodies, unmercifully slaughtered and somehow melted in the shape of a sphere. The bandits whose once you fought emerge from it. You ceased to be bandits and became babysitters-you laugh. You won't harm the children- they answer.
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Corpses litter the field. Two naked, shadowy figures are now on your way. Did you kill all of them by yourself? Are you really human?-they question, undertaking an horrible metamorphosis. Hear who speaks-you comment- what about you?
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She looks more relieved, realizing the unharmful intentions of Puck. During the combat the bandits ran away, but you decide to not pursue them. The girl introduces herself as Jill and explains to have been captured by the band while she was gathering wood. She offers you shelter in her village.
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Some noisy howls wake you - bandits' howls. A band of five outlaws is camping in the near grove, and they are complaining about their lousy business. You take precautions and load your cannon arm.
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You realize that the band holds a girl captive. One of them is rudely importuning her. The girl, though bounded, hit him with a kick among the laughters of the others. The brand that you have, that warns you of evil presences, starts to bleed, sign that something's wrong.
Гончая ада
32, 28 подземелье
You hear a howl in the night. Instantly, you draw your massive sword, impaling one of the beasts that have surronded you on its blade. Your brand tells you that these aren't normal wolves! You smile and gleefully start the carnage.
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As you cross the bridge, you take a more accurate view of the village. It seems a very lonely and monotonous one.
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Clearly, a savage battle had ensued here. You are taking a look to the fallen bodies here and there, in search of useful things, when your brand starts to bleed. Something is coming...
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The battle is interrupted by Jill.Roshinu!-she cries-stop that!.The big elf pauses, then flees with her band. Meanwhile you realize that the monsters you burnt in the silo have reverted to the form of children!You take Jill as an hostage to get over the enraged villagers-you burnt their crops too!
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You lure your opponents into a silo and set it on fire. As you rush out of the building, you see a great elf in the sky. You are strong, even if you are human...how can you?-she says. And you are an harmful insect that plays the elf's role-you reply. How nasty-she concludes-Let's see that.
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You follow Jill inside her hamlet. As she recognizes her, Jill's mother runs towards her. Jill! Are you all right my child?- she cries. Her father, Zebeck, appears on the tavern door, attached to a wine flask. What, are you drinking again? -shouts Jill.
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Why don't you care more about me and mama?- the girl shouts. Stupid child!-her father replies, starting to beat her with his cane-I'll teach you respect...WAAAH!!!. You stare at your bag and see that Puck hit him with his bloody needle. It's an elf from the Mist Valley! - Zebeck shouts.
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People surround you.Foreigner, deliver that elf to us and get lost-they say. Jill cries
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This seems to be an elven attack. The elves are little winged creatures with red eyes and antennas that look like children. You squash some of them under your massive sword, but others storm you in a glimpse.
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The elf's stubborness put you into a bad mood. You rise your shoulders and proceed towards the Valley of the Mist.
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You look inside the windmill for shelter. At dawn, Jill wakes you. She has brought some food for you and Puck.The Mist Valley lies beyond the mountains. The elves kill men and animals and take children captive...But what's going on? I saw a bright train...Let's return to the village-she says.
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You set Jill free.Here you go -you say.I'm coming with you, too-Jill proclaims-that great elf could be a friend of mine that disappeared a long time ago.As you have seen, she is no more human. I'm going to kill that friend of yours. What do you think to gain by following me?This is not a game.
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Here we are!- Jill proclaims. My village is over there, just past the river.
Призрачный дракон
11, 35 подземелье
You come upon an abandoned sulfur mine, hoping to gain some more gunpowder, but you discover too late that an evil presence had seized control of this place. Puck warns you of this just before this powerful spirit force condenses and attacks!
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You walk over the dead corpses and carefully inspection the hut. You find a red powder. Puck hints you to puor it over your Dragonslayer sword. You realize that it has become more effective. Meanwhile, a man appears at the door. You've proven worthy to share my knowledege-he says.
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Your harsh words somewhat struck the girl. She stops and stares sadly at her village. Puck blames you
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So this is the Mist Valley- you think as you proceed towards your goal. Around you mist has begun to rise.
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Roshinu obeys to Jill but flees, taking her friend with her. Puck stares at you. Gatsu! You could have hit Jill with that sword blow!-he roars.And even if I would have done it?-you reply.You are an IMBECILEEEEEEEEEE!-the elf shouts-I've enough of you! I'll save Jill by myself!.He flies away.
7, 14 подземелье
You were poisoned during the combat with Roshinu. You try to mend yourself,and you are about to sleep when the horrifing view of crying children, engulfed by fire,strikes you. Even your own child, disfigured by God Hand possesion and now a mere shadow, is here.DID YOU CALL THEM?-you yell at him.
22, 10 подземелье
Your opponents lie all dead, but they managed to wound you. In spite of it, the wound is your last concern at the moment. Creatures that were once men gather in the grove.I would have stopped readily to butchter only one of you, devils!- you shout. Of you, it's not going to survive anyone!
Летучий змий
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Calls for help reach you as you inspection this part of the forest. Some insects similar to the ones that you fought at the village are assaulting a covered cart. You draw your sword and attack.
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The only survivor of the monsters' attack is a young journeyman. He's proficient in gunpowder use as he works in a fireworks company. He gives you hints on how to optimize your cannon arm device. You thank him and depart.
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Why have you done this to my merry kingdom?-she continues-I can rebuild a new one anywhere with these wings, but first you'll face direct punishment!-she hisses.Surely, you don't remember all the people you butchered.This will be a lesson that you'll understand, even if you are young-you reply
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As night falls, the spirits of the deads surround you. The hut at the end of the path must have been the base of a band of thieves, since the creatures that stand against you want to rob you of your life!
28, 10 подземелье
AIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!-you hear. The howl surprises you, as you recognize the voice of Puck. What, haven't you saved Jill yet?-you grin. Don't be silly-Puck shouts. Roshinu creates new elves from the cocoons over there, and she is going to make an elf out of Jill, too!
31, 3 подземелье
You finally got Roshinu, while the fire is spreading all over the valley. She looks different, as she has undergone a metamorphosis. You won't take my friend Jill away from me!-she sentences. Is this your friendship? Turning her in a monster like you?-you say. Shut up!-she replies.
26, 7 подземелье
You rush towards Jill's cocoon and break it, setting her free. As you destroy another cocoon, a purulent ooze pours out of it. For the child inside there is nothing to do. Roshinu tries to hit you from the high, but you manage to cut an antenna from her.She flies towards the bottom of the valley.
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The trees around you, hindracing the deadly dive of Roshinu, saved you from certain death. Now her reign of horrors is coming to an end; you start to set the cocoons on fire. The flames attach to dead trees, and quickly engulf a large area. You run after Roshinu in an unsuspectly lushy scenario.
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You come victoriuos out of the apocalyptic battle. That Puck... I managed to cure me with the elf powder that he left in my bag... should I thank him...or not?-you think. Then you rush trough the woods of the valley.
7, 12 подземелье
Sir warrior!-you hear.Jill and Puck have followed you! In an effort to protect Jill, you embrace her and jump from the high rock, collapsing near the river shore. When you get up, you question Jill about Roshinu. She was 4 years older than me. She always pretended to be an elf.
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This is interesting. An abandoned temple lies on this side of the mountain. It is in an hopeless condition. You think it could be risky venturing inside.
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Tobias' Farm
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Werner's Market
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Niki's Farm
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You find an hidden grove where you camp, far from the village. The place is pleasant and you have lunch among lushy vegetation near a stream.
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Her father beated often her and her mother, because he believed that Roshinu was not his daughter at all. One night she called me from the street and she said that she was leaving for her kingdom, the Mist Valley. She brought with her a strange stone, similar to a man's face.
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Short after, Roshinu's parents disappeared as well. I didn't see any of them again-Jill says. You show her Bejelit, the stony device used by wicked men to become God Hand disciples. This stone summons demonic forces to be used by men. Your friend used it for fullfit her wishes.-you explain.
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But all wishes must be paid. Roshinu forfaited her parents'life to make her wish come true. So this is it. This is not a fairy tale. It's a bloody story. If you are going to put your nose in again, you'll die. This is not a place for you to escape from a drunken father and a paranoid mother.
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Jill tries to hit you, but you block her. If you want to escape, use fancy-you conclude. Puck intervenes
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After a little, your brand starts to bleed. You return immediately on your steps. You hear Roshinu's voice
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The small cave ahead is black and wet. You wonder what lurks inside.
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An old woman lives here. She says that she can improve the strenght of your sword with her powders and charms if you bring her an amulet lost long time ago, with the noble that was wearing it, on the mountains.
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You come upon an ancient tomb. Upon investigating the remains, you find a strange amulet on the neck of a dead knight. You are about to leave when you hear a voice
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While you are crossing the river, you slip on a rock and fall in the water. You aren't wounded, but water puored into your gunpowder bag.
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You camp near the lake, spending some time to optimize your cannon arm and to gather your remaining gunpowder.
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An unexpected surprise is awaiting for you. Some of the fallen ones could have been artificers, since you find, hidden behind a rock, a little bag of gunpowder - valuable ammunition for your cannon arm.
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The shop master hired a minstrel to entartain his customers, as you realize as you enter the market. He's telling an old tale of a noble man that, after have fought all his life against the wicked, was buried in the south-western mountains with his loyal servants.
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You aren't definetly going to leave this region until you have taken your revenge against Roshinu.
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I should take precautions before entering this creepy mine...-you think.
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Leaving this region now would be a betrayal of your dead friends. You banish this thought from your mind and turn back.
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You move into the clearing beyond the tavern, where you meet the merchant. As he sells gunpowder, you have a chance to replenish your supply.
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You are about to enter the tavern, when you see an excited crowd filling the near grove. What's that?-you ask to the barkeep. A merchant has arrived some minutes ago. He sells various kinds of goods. Why don't you take a look?-the man answers.
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As you approach the observation tower, you avoid by sheer luck some kind of bolt aimed towards you. A trio of old and lonely hermits have taken refuge here, and they don't like to be disturbed!
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Shocked by your ability, the two teach you how to take advantage from the evironment and from the wind to create a Fire Wall with your cannon arm.
Ящик Пандоры
33, 1 подземелье
Roshinu's spells
13, 12 подземелье
You meet some peasants that are working hard to gather wood for the sawmill master. Have you seen anything unusual in these days?- you inquire. Sure -they reply- this sawmill is on the elven raiders' main route. Luckily, they are more interested in children than in the few poor devils of us.
33, 4 суша
19, 18 суша
Uh oh...-says Puck, after that one of your opponents falls. Bandits have taken shelter in here, gathering all their booty. They don't seem too happy to have their lair discovered...
3, 32 суша
Godo's Mine
Посещение Клерик:
4, 33 суша
Map by Raffaele Traini Playtesting
3, 33 суша
Caska is Gatsu's beloved. She was once an high-skilled soldier, but she went mad after the encounter with the God Hand. Now she lives in Godo's mine, a place where she can hide from the spirits of the dead ones that otherwise would devour her, as she is unable to fight at the time.
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