Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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You take the throne shortly after your mother's death. Without her influence the war already has started, every nation trying expand. You discovere soon that you are totally unprepared to rule your kingdom and keep the peace in the world. But you will find out that this is not the real threat.
Some adventurers on the tavern after some ale and wine and... no matter, start to talk about an old travelmate of them who tried to reach the Hell hole. He found the location of the Hell hole on an island in the middle of the sea, but he couldn't enter. They was talking about a barrier or something.
Do not forget to gather as many resources you can every week. A strong army needs a strong economy.
Be very carefull what items you give away. Word is that certain artifacts can be combined in powerfull relics and great powers will be granted to the bearer.
Rummors between sailors informe you that many of the monoliths can be found in a hidden place called Valley of the Elves.
Treasures on the sea
Rummors between sailors: The one who will sail the first time on the sea will descover great riches
Hidden towns
You heared some sailors tales about three free towns on the islands from south east.
The best defense is the offense, told your tactic teacher at the academy. You are thinking deeply at this concept.
Kingdom Blue
Kingdom of the titans with the blue flag is located in north-west.
Kingdom Teal
Kingdom of the knights with teal flag is located in the middle of the world on two islands.
Kingdom Tan
The barbarian kingdom, wearer of the tan flag can be found to north-east.
Kingdom Green
The green kingdom of the elves is in west part of the world.
Kingdom Purple
The purple flag is rised by the dungeon overlords in west at south of the elven kingdom.
Kingdom Orange
The dangerous masters of the elementals rise their flags on the south-west.
Kingdom Pink
To the east can be found the creatures of the lake, bearers of the pink flag.
Arriving in the castle
Arriving in the capital from the University where you was finishing your training, you was unpleased to find the city attaked and severily damaged by a group of well organized brigands looking for spoils, being aware of the absence of a good part of the city guards sent to escort you. Will be the first time when you will lead your peoples. To battle!
Equilibrum of Power
Your mother has passed from the living after a long and succesfull life, leaving you his only offspring to rule her Kingdom and her peoples. But not too much time has passed, when, in this morning the seneshal of external affairs enters the throne room bringing the terribile news that the war was started by three of the seven regions and the others will soon fall to war. Surely that without your mother who was able to keep the equilibrum of power between nations, everyone is thinking that he can be the ruler of the world. So, looks like you have to prepare for War.
Old Witch
In this morning an old and decrepit woman arrives in your camp claiming to speak with you. Seeing no threat in this, you let her pass. Her face terribly scrached by the time is staring at you like you was her most precious love. You are the greatest hero I ever met and I like your alignment, start her without any other introduction. Running out of time I have decided to stop my search and play all cards on you. If you fail me the wold will fall on the hands of EVIL and will be no escape for annyone. What is going on? I was choosed by The Creators to find a champion which will defeat the EVIL once and for all, an EVIL so great that even The Creators couldn't do more then imprison it in the Hell. But the gates of Hell will not resist forever. Listen to me, the greatest faith is awaiting you but only if you are bold and strong enough like I belive you are. The EVIL is planning to escape and conquer our world, and I belive that you are the one who will stop him and rule the world wisely. But I am only... Only one, I know, but you will be much more then that. Only a God can enter in Hell and get out alive, so... you MUST become one. You must be the God of this World. Seek the Valley of the Elves, they know the way. And before you can say anything else she disappear. Only a hand of dust remain on the ground.
You was deeply concerned by the words of the old witch. Certainly she was only a old looney, mumbling something about evil forcess from hell and so on. But her words start to obsess you, so to escape of that problem you decided that will be better to send a few scouts to look for that place, only to prove that it not exist.
Focus on war
Annyway, your position in this war is not too pink. You decided to focus your entire attention to defeat your ennemies first. After all the evil can't be defeated if you are dead.
4 scouts arrived
Four out of five scouts sent in the search for The Valley of the Elves arrived, bringing only legends and tales about that magical place. But the legends are not born without a seed of truth, told your mother sometime. Now you are ready to belive that at least a part of the old witch tale can be true.
Fifth scout
The fifth scout has finally returned and in a very bad shape. After many adventures he was able to find a secret entrance to The Valley of the Elves on an small island with a Hut of the Magi on it. This island covers an underground passage to that valley but he couldn't verify because of some fearsome guardians who will let pass only the Elven Masters.
Хижина предсказателя
138, 143 подземелье
I am The Tree of the Elven Knowledge ... and I see that you are looking for some answers. Sooo, you are the chosen who will stand against the storms of hell, the one who will lead our world to its destiny, the one who will become God... if you don't die first. Only the one who can descover his true self with spirituality, is worthy enough to ascend from his mortal condition. I am waiting for you here to see if you are worthy enough to be a God. Only the one who can touch the true spirituality is prepared for such responsibility. You can see the truth only if you reach a Spell Power of 50, no less.
132, 124 подземелье
Welcome to the Valley of the Elves. Please remember that in this place silence and respect for others is everything.
138, 141 подземелье
Right in front of you stands The Tree of the Elven Knowledge. Maybe he will have some answers for you.
Страж задания
67, 68 подземелье
This barrier was build here by the Creators of the World. Only a God with Spell Power 51 can break this magical barrier. The Hell Hole lies below.
Ящик Пандоры
41, 0 подземелье
You see a strange box on the ground. Your teacher told you about Pandora's Boxes, things of great danger and great riches.
Хижина предсказателя
30, 25 подземелье
Ah, thanks gods that bring in my way such a great noble as you. My doughter disappeared from home and I will teach all I know to her rescuer. Bring my daughter back with her ring, Ring of the Wayfarer and you will not be sorry.
Хижина предсказателя
102, 52 подземелье
Ah, brave noble, sure will have mercy upon me. I hired a new maid in my house, but she is the most unskilful woman I ever saw. She ruined my home and she swear that will not leave until she will not have 20 Wood, 10 Mercury, 20 Ore, 10 Sulfur, 10 Crystal, 10 Gems and 1000 Gold, so she can turn back to her father. Please, get her out of my hair. I think is a daughter of adnother seer.
67, 73 подземелье
Be welcome to stay here... forever. The entrance is just north of here. Enjoy the company and feel like home.
133, 120 подземелье
The Valley of the Elves stands in front of you, a beautiful place filled with two circles of strange monoliths.
Хижина предсказателя
58, 16 подземелье
I am researching a way to turn base metals into gold, but I am short of materials for my workshop. If you could bring me 100 Wood, I would be most grateful. Besides I can tell you how to make the Wizard's Well
Хижина предсказателя
83, 16 подземелье
I am researching a way to turn base metals into gold, but I am short of materials for my workshop. If you could bring me 100 Wood, I would be most grateful. Besides I can tell you how to make the Bow of the Sharpshooter - Bow of the Elven Cherrywood - Bowstring of the Uniocorn's Mane - Angel Feather Arrows
Хижина предсказателя
47, 120 подземелье
I am researching a way to turn base metals into gold, but I am short of materials for my workshop. If you could bring me 100 Wood, I would be most grateful. Besides I can tell you how to make the Power of the Dragon Father - Crown of Dragontooth - Necklace of Dragoneeth - Dragon Wing Tabard - Red Dragon Flame Tongue - Dragon Scale Shield - Quiet Eye of the Dragon - Still Eye of he Dragon - Dragonbone Greaves - Dragon Scale Armor
Хижина предсказателя
25, 135 подземелье
I am researching a way to turn base metals into gold, but I am short of materials for my workshop. If you could bring me 100 Wood, I would be most grateful. Besides I can tell you how to make the Statue of Legion - Legs of Legion - Hips of Legion - Torso of Legion - Arms of Legion - Head of Legion
Хижина предсказателя
79, 79 подземелье
I am researching a way to turn base metals into gold, but I am short of materials for my workshop. If you could bring me 100 Wood, I would be most grateful. Besides I can tell you how to make the Admiral's Hat - Sea Capitain's Hat - Necklace of Ocean Guidance
Хижина предсказателя
116, 17 подземелье
I am researching a way to turn base metals into gold, but I am short of materials for my workshop. If you could bring me 100 Wood, I would be most grateful. Besides I can tell you how to make the Titan's Thunder
Хижина предсказателя
84, 47 подземелье
I am researching a way to turn base metals into gold, but I am short of materials for my workshop. If you could bring me 100 Wood, I would be most grateful. Besides I can tell you how to make the Ring of the Magi - Collar of Conjuring - Ring of Conjuring - Cape of Conjuring
Хижина предсказателя
116, 121 подземелье
I am researching a way to turn base metals into gold, but I am short of materials for my workshop. If you could bring me 100 Wood, I would be most grateful. Besides I can tell you how to make the Elixir of Life - Ring of Life - Vial of Life Blood - Ring of Vitality
Хижина предсказателя
9, 74 подземелье
I am researching a way to turn base metals into gold, but I am short of materials for my workshop. If you could bring me 100 Wood, I would be most grateful. Besides I can tell you how to make the Cornucopia
Хижина предсказателя
88, 131 подземелье
I am researching a way to turn base metals into gold, but I am short of materials for my workshop. If you could bring me 100 Wood, I would be most grateful. Besides I can tell you how to make the Angellic Alliance
0, 52 подземелье
This world was created by Tyr Antilles. Valley of the Elves v.1.8.
Страж задания
67, 68 суша
This barrier was build here by the Creators of the World. Only a God with Spell Power 51 can break this magical barrier. The passage to the World lies below.
Хижина предсказателя
45, 55 суша
I am researching a way to turn base metals into gold, but I am short of materials for my workshop. If you could bring me 100 Wood, I would be most grateful. Besides I can tell you how to make the Armor of the Damned
Хижина предсказателя
143, 62 суша
I am researching a way to turn base metals into gold, but I am short of materials for my workshop. If you could bring me 100 Wood, I would be most grateful. Besides I can tell you how to make the Cloak of the Undead King
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