Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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Her golden hair waves in the wind as she rides her pure white pegasus. The mount's flaming wings discourage her enemies, along with the blades of balance the elven warrior maiden wields. When this happens, the universe is to blink its eyes for the very last time.
As always, cults of armageddon are fraudulent...but one.
Light & Darkness
Light is stronger than Darkness. Darkness is merely a lack of Light.
The Ocean of Whispers is not safe.
Phoenix and Hunter's Hut are in trouble.
Cult of Armageddon
The true cult's secrets cannot be unraveled until balance is achieved.
Yes, The elven warrior and her royal mount. This prophecy is known well among common people. Before dying, the last of the noble kings of the warlocks spoke these words: Her appearance. Let's start with her appearance. Her coal black eyebrows shade her azure eyes, and her somewhat pale skin emphasizes her lips. Her golden hair waves freely in the wind, reaching her shoulders. She wears silver armor to protect her wrists, while scale armor shelters her perfect body. At this point, the king's servants thought that he was losing his mind right before the moment of passing, but the sages kept writing down his every word. She rides on horseback, but it is not a normal horse we are talking about. It is a pure white pegasus with flaming wings. As if this sight wasn't discouraging enough to the enemy, the elven warrior wields a blade in her right hand which absorbs all the light the one in her left hand can create. That is correct, they are Glomenthal and Elsenrail. They have journeyed from hand to hand for several millennia, only to meet this day. The warrior maiden is but a decoration. The swords will do the true work. The dying king smiled. What work? asked a sage. He coughed lightly and then answered: Slaying the universe, so that there can be a new beginning.
It doesn't even require this much to convince the superstitious and religious people that something huge is about to take place. New cults of armageddon have sprung up all over the land, even though nobody really knows what Auria, the female elven warrior, is doing and where. How does this affect the idyllic village named (by its pompous leader) Woven Grace? The peasants are enthusiastic, since the warrior of prophecy has finally emerged centuries after the warlock king's death. The elder daughter of a noble family, Aryanna, possesses enthusiasm that surpasses the ones of her fellow villagers. She never cared for girls' games and played wargames with the boys ever since she could hold a stick. She dreams of the elf's fame and the glory, as well as all the adventures she faces.
Aryanna! Take that silly helmet off! yells her mother. You don't look very attractive wearing that pot and you'll soon have to choose a potential groom. But mother, I don't care for the yellow-bellied farmers of our village. I want a knight, next to whom I could go adventuring, she states, her eyes blazing. Silly girl, go get me water from the well to the east. No! Our tournament with the boys is about to start. No buts, Aryanna. You are a noble, you live in a mansion and you'll have to act like a decent girl of your age. This is your sixteenth summer and you'll be a woman soon. Now, Shadar of the Havenbrook family will keep you company. He's a nice boy, and I wouldn't mind seeing him as my son-in-law some day. Not that weasel! He is so full of himself that it is a miracle that he can even swallow anything.
Resources away
Let's take these, shall we?
Village elder
Before you go, don't forget to visit the village elder in his hut. He will teach you something priceless.
You are riding past a garbage heap when something catches your eye. It is the hilt of a sword. You pull it out of the heap, scaring a few rats out of their dens. The sword is totally covered in rust, though it feels rather special. We are doomed if that's what our leader pays attention on, mumbles a thane. You hear him, sharply replying: That's why I'm at this end of the chain of command. I can see the magic in things. The smiles of your soldiers don't discourage you when you start looking for a suitable sheath for this weapon of destruction.
Silver Coin has suffered from pirate attacks lately. First they had all naval traffic to Silver Coin's harbor cancelled, but now the stormy Ocean of Whispers has kept them in their base, wherever it is located. The pirates have been dreadfully quiet lately. Nobody knows what they are up to.
You are provided with some information about other towns and cities. First of all, there might be a few small villages like Woven Grace, but they can't make our ranks any stronger. In the west, beyond the Wildlands, is Hunter's Hut. Hunters established the society centuries ago when they came to this continent to hunt monsters. In the southwest, there is a town called Phoenix. It is a farming town which seeks to become a trading city like Silver Coin, but has not succeeded in attracting merchants. What is rather alarming is that no news has come from these towns recently.
It was a tough decision to make, but you decide to purchase shipments of ore and wood for your hometown, Woven Grace. The construction of a fort will be finished in a few weeks.
Even during these hard times, there is always time to celebrate. Lieutenant Kurt opens your tent's door slightly, wishing you happy birthday and bringing you breakfast. You had forgotten all about it.
64, 41 подземелье
Woven Grace
Посещение Рыцарь:
Young and energetic, Aryanna never really cared for girls' games, preferring to seize a wooden sword and swing it around. Her mother seeks to marry her to a young man against her will, but fate intervenes...
To aid you in your quest, the people assign the village's guard under your command.
The fort now stands tall. You pay the artisans and start planning the layout of the soon-to-be military base.
Страж задания
63, 42 подземелье
No reason for you to come here - yet.
73, 41 подземелье
The path to the well traverses a small glade. You march briskly through it, but then Shadar breaks the silence. Look!! he shouts. He says nothing more, just points at the pegasus. Its wings are afire but radiate no heat. You approach it and pat the pure white animal on the head. It looked friendly to you, and that's what it is. This...this is Auria's mount...but where is the rider? The heroine herself? (Map's author
64, 42 подземелье
There he is, with a selfish grin on his face. Hellooooo there. You roll your eyes and start marching to the well, pretty much ignoring him at first.
65, 43 подземелье
The jerk takes a few leaps and catches you. Despite your repulsive (to the opposite sex when trying to start a conversation) attitude, your great looks make the young men of the village show you affection. Grumpy today, are we? he asks. Why are you here anyway? Shadar seems a little shocked by this forward and rude question. It, however, was meant to be nothing else. Why, escorting you to the well. Keeping you company and protecting you from danger. Danger? You wish.
67, 41 подземелье
You see, your mother is right, Aryanna. You must stop playing children's games and find yourself a mate. I don't mean to be pushy, but that's why I'm here, baby. Aww geez! I want a knight. You could never be my knight, Mr. Me Me Me. I could be the knight, lady. Just let me demonstrate my courage. A disparaging smile is born on your lips and you shake your head.
69, 40 подземелье
As if he had ordered it, a boar steps out of the woods and starts growling at Shadar. Just stand back, Aryanna, and let me handle this. The foolish boy attacks the wild boar with his bare hands. He wrestles with it for a few seconds, but is inevitably losing. Just when the boar's tusks start reaching for Shadar's chest, you rush forward and stab a dagger through the animal's throat. Needless to say, your admirer was rather quiet after that incident.
62, 42 подземелье
It doesn't take long for the people to understand the grave danger of the situation and the mount is recognized as hers. Your only problem here is that you will be left at home while the so-called warriors take the pegasus to the nearest city, Silver Coin.
61, 42 подземелье
The men have gathered up the caravan and a swordsman grabs the pegasus' bridle. You decide to stay and watch the warriors leave, but soon it becomes apparent that the winged mount, Ped, is not going anywhere. Its flaming wings incite terror among the villagers as it struggles against the warriors' pulls. After a brief moment of horseplay, the bridle snaps and the free pegasus gallops over to you. Thank you, oh celestial creature, thank you! you think as you are riding away from your home, leading the caravan. Your mother doesn't have to know about this until afterwards, right?
60, 45 подземелье
Was old Martha's garden worth all the effort making it flourish? Certainly. You decide to pop by for the last time before you leave.
56, 43 подземелье
These swans often left their home lake for the pond the villagers had built for them. It's not just the affection but the bread crumbs too.
58, 49 подземелье
All this barley, rye, and yes, spinach...never again!
62, 46 подземелье
Farmer Doe and his infamous pit. He threatened to throw you rascals there after the seventh apple theft during the same summer.
57, 39 подземелье
The target of your attention was not only combat, but tactics too. If a girl's word weighed anything, the designer of these 'fortifications' wouldn't look another person in the eyes in a week.
56, 40 подземелье
You never quite figured out why the old, sympathetic guy lives in a tree house. However, he has invited you, so it's time to head in.
57, 36 подземелье
Silver Coin, 50 leagues east
59, 36 подземелье
All those times you swam in this lake...and this is where Shadar would have probably taken you after getting that bucket of water. Urgh!
63, 34 подземелье
When exploring your homelands years back, you never quite got what this thing is. Now, when leading an army, you feel more knowledgeable than before.
68, 35 подземелье
Two swordsmen have intentionally moved some distance away from your caravan, planning to talk in private. It is well known that bandits reside in the numerous caves of these mountains. Should I go warn her? one of them asks the other. Don't. She is not worthy of leading us, it's just that darn pegasus... Besides, I wouldn't mind seeing that upstart dead.
69, 34 подземелье
The bandits apparently didn't expect a caravan of any sort from this direction, as a fire exposes the location of their base of operations. Before anybody can stop you, you unsheathe your sword, storming towards the cave entrance. Your army follows just in time to protect you from the ambush the bandits had laid.
70, 34 подземелье
How many of us are you planning to have killed, foolish girl? I refuse to go on with a leader who leads us to doom! thunders the thane second to you in the chain of command. You know that battles cannot be fought without losses and manage to ease the peasants in your small army by convincing them so.
94, 29 подземелье
Silver Coin
74, 34 подземелье
The mountain range to your left is ending, and you see clear plains ahead. Just when everybody thinks the danger is gone, a dreaded cry is heard
75, 34 подземелье
Losses couldn't be avoided, but you walked out of the battle victorious. Your courage has gained you some respect among the men, but your foolhardiness has gained you disrespect. Sensing this, you feel a little down. The griffins must have a nest here somewhere, but our mission is not to exterminate them. We will head straight for Silver Coin now, and that's that.
77, 33 подземелье
Silver Coin, 20 leagues east Woven Grace, 30 leagues west Wildlands, north
76, 28 подземелье
The griffins that fled before your last confrontation with them are not going to flee now. It is their nest they are guarding, and now the last protective mothers will join the bloodbath too.
83, 32 подземелье
Apparently riff-raff is not tolerated inside the city. A little boy comes begging for food as you ride by. You toss him a few coins.
85, 32 подземелье
Either this town is fairly new or your small village is considered nothing, since the construction of roads has been stopped once they reach the outer garrisons. Probably both, the roads don't go any further than any of the garrisons.
87, 32 подземелье
Old uncle Frey who joined your ranks before leaving the village comes to talk to you. This city, not much older than you are, it ain't. It was founded on an old marketplace. It doesn't really have an army, not even a citizen guard, but the merchants' guards take care of the place. And there are always plenty of them.
89, 32 подземелье
You know, little Ary, there must be things in the world you cannot understand, he says. Yes there are, uncle, what about it? He comes a little closer
93, 36 подземелье
It apparently costs five gold pieces to view this beautiful lake through this gadget. Since it magnifies objects, it might come in handy - somewhere else. You bet nobody would mind if you borrowed it, or would somebody?
94, 36 подземелье
Naughty girl.
88, 8 подземелье
It seems that the ogres capable of casting spells have decided to hog all the gold for themselves, leaving the normal grunts to guard the mines. Two magi fighting over a nugget notice you and start growling some vague commands to others.
92, 31 подземелье
As you had arranged, you meet the local governor in a small tavern outside the fort. He is a conservative man and refuses to talk to the girl you are, so the next in command explains the situation to him. People are no less religious here than anywhere else and the governor soon apologizes to you. Only now does the importance of your quest dawn on you
94, 30 подземелье
You must now build solid foundations to your quest to find Auria. Right now, there are two things to do
98, 32 подземелье
To the harbor of Silver Coin
102, 38 подземелье
Harbor closed due to intense piracy on the Ocean of Whispers
98, 38 подземелье
You come across to a mercenary party. It seems that their boat ride to wherever they are going is cancelled. At first they don't think much of you, but after a short debate on tridents' usefulness in combat, they start respecting you as a true warrior. With their destination unreachable, they need a new job and decide to join you.
99, 27 подземелье
Some smuggler gold in the guild's backyard. There are eyes and ears everywhere, so it might not be a good idea to go for it. Will you do so anyway?
104, 30 подземелье
You are riding past a decorated arena and decide to stop and ask a bystander what is going on here. Before you know it, you are sitting in the audience forty gold pieces poorer. Some grotesque, but entertaining fighting takes place in the middle of the coliseum. Blood is spilled, but you don't mind.
97, 28 подземелье
A local merchant grabs you by the sleeve. I wouldn't be going in that part of the city if my purse was dear to me. That place abounds in thieves, ruffians, assassins and renegades
94, 26 подземелье
Local gangs are apparently trading in shady items. You could possibly make off with several artifacts if you were to raid them. But dang - they are many.
95, 26 подземелье
The loot wasn't as good as you expected. Only one magical ring was found on the bodies. One of them, though, was planning to buy something expensive and had some gold on him.
Страж задания
104, 37 подземелье
These swordsmen haven't been paid in ages. They refuse to join you until you they are paid with the gold from the mine in the north.
91, 47 подземелье
You enter the seer's glade and he welcomes you. Without really saying a word to you, he starts examining the prophecy's pegasus. After a while, he finally speaks
91, 45 подземелье
He takes the piece of parchment and eyes it for a while. This is not all. Go to the wildlands between Silver Coin and Hunter's Hut. You'll find the Cult of Revolution there.
91, 43 подземелье
Very good, you have managed to snuff the candles of two unholy cults. I still need the last one of the prophecy's parts, though. Head north, all the way to the edge of the Great Glacier. In the north of the great mines you will find the headquarters of the Followers of Armageddon. You need this badge in order to enter their freezing lands. Do what you must.
Высокий эльф
70, 46 подземелье
Have you ever heard of a cult leader like this? Lying among all his treasures which his minions collect from gullible followers. Time to end the lifeline of this cult.
Страж задания
73, 0 подземелье
A grunt approaches you. You have badge? it yells. No badge no pass!
71, 47 подземелье
You pick up a piece of parchment on his body. It is probably written by the sages of the prophet king, but you can't make it out.
91, 41 подземелье
The seer isn't present, but he has left the key pieces of the scrolls for you to interpret. You jiggle a bit with the pieces, and can finally form a set of pictures that makes sense. In the first picture, Auria rides her mount on a coast, glancing at a conquered pirate outpost. In the second picture, she crushes the shackles which imprison a phoenix. In the last picture, she rides on with her eyes enlightened.
103, 17 подземелье
Wouldn't you know it - ogres. Even though the main force lies dead, you send a messenger to the governor demanding an official explanation.
99, 19 подземелье
Silver Coin, south Arrowhead mines, north Hunter's Hut, 100 leagues west
100, 14 подземелье
The governor's messenger reaches you. You send the boy back to Silver Coin and open the scroll. I can't be anything but sorry about the ogres' presence. It is good that you annihilated the main force. There is a gold mine in the western end of the gorge. They had probably found a tiny pass between the mountains which separate this gorge and the gorge they inhabit from each other.
96, 45 подземелье
Halflings are nice fellers. Unfortunately they have to live here due to a freak accident caused by goblins a few decades back. Humanoids haven't been allowed to enter ever since. A worried little man comes out of his hut as he sees your army outside his home. He obviously has news for you. Dear lady general, he starts clumsily. Me an me wife've seen pirats round 'ere. We've no idea where they're comin' from, but we've seen 'em. Burned a few 'uts, they 'ave. Pirates? Heading south would probably be the wisest thing to do right now. No ships have been seen sailing the Ocean of Whispers lately. You thank the halfling and gallop away.
71, 8 подземелье
Dreaded Ogre Gorge
76, 6 подземелье
Your horse bolts as a huge rock rolls down from the mountainside, ending up only 30 feet ahead of you. The last soldiers of your formation are startled too as the way back is blocked by another gigantic rock. Suddenly ogres start rushing down from both sides.
81, 44 подземелье
A sharpshooter rarely misses, but this time an arrow misses its target by few inches, making the owner of the head rather happy.
Боевой единорог
73, 49 подземелье
Finally some space. The sparkling, open ground will provide a solid base for a brawl against these noble unicorns. They seem to be protecting the cult's leader and his treasures.
79, 42 подземелье
The scout with renowned stealth abilities you sent to locate ambushes returns to you
Высокий эльф
84, 39 подземелье
The outer guards usually leave the people travelling by alone, but your army catches their unwanted attention and they pick up their bows. They don't fire yet, so you use the time to rally. Your advisor comes to you
80, 6 подземелье
Having defeated all the ogres, you come to claim their mine. You enter the tunnel and the horrid truth is revealed. Some hours pass as you nourish the slaves, and the last of the fed men thank you for saving their lives. You just freed a villageful of peasants the ogres had captured to work in their mines.
87, 42 подземелье
The trees around you start moving and before you know it, your path is blocked.
92, 49 подземелье
The home of Impervious the Seer. Do enter.
82, 51 подземелье
Pegasi. Unlike the one you left in Silver Coin, these are not pure white nor are their wings afire, but they have riders and are dangerous foes.
85, 47 подземелье
Treading these narrow trails where ambushes are pathetically easy to lay has torn your nerves. You are happy to see farther than fifty feet for a change, but just as you reach the crossroads, elven berzerkers swarm at you from every direction.
79, 50 подземелье
Ambush! This is taxing.
73, 19 подземелье
Wildlands You want it, we got it
43, 17 подземелье
Hunter's Hut
72, 48 подземелье
The unicorns lie dead on the magical ground. You sense silent laughter as you pull your rusty sword out again. DON'T YOU DARE LAUGH AT BELIEF! you burst. They were your words, but you didn't quite think it all through before opening your mouth. Your soldiers stare at you, frightened. I'm sorry...I didn't mean to be rude, you explain, but the expressions on their faces remain the same. You look right and notice that it is your sword they are looking at. Tiny sparks, like fireflies, dance around its blade. Suddenly the rust simply falls off, revealing a fine blade. The sparks disappear and soon the blade is lit afire. Belief has shaped you a weapon.
Наследный доспех
70, 26 подземелье
You pick up the garniture and notice that it IS resisting something. You position yourself in between the garniture and the gate and force the magic to flow into you. Lacking a will of its own, the garniture can but obey your command.
67, 0 подземелье
It is one big treasure these half women, half reptilians are standing guard over. Not to mention those boots you need to obtain in order to make progress.
Башмаки полярности
64, 2 подземелье
Energy flows from the boots into the earth, then probably making its way to the gate. You don the boots which, thanks to magic, fit everybody's feet. The energy flow stops and soon is redirected into you.
101, 73 подземелье
Barracks & Tower
98, 89 подземелье
The portal worked and your destination is an astonishingly beautiful lagoon. You wouldn't mind living here - very few people would, but there is still a snake in this paradise. The pirates' headquarters is not located in this lagoon, though. Here they only store their loot.
99, 90 подземелье
It is really hot here. You reach for any shelter from the sun you can use, and the men are exhausted. You will not be travelling as quickly as you do back home.
103, 89 подземелье
Apparently they left the whole lagoon unguarded, thinking that nobody would ever find a way here. This end of your portal was constructed by magical methods, and probably at the same second you placed the Orb on the other side. Otherwise they would have noticed the extra gate already.
102, 75 подземелье
Not only was this island hard to reach, but now you can't find a way to the pirates' base of operations which lies in the mountainside. Careful examination, though, reveals a small trail behind dense bushes.
101, 74 подземелье
Ambush! Battlemagi start hurling fireballs at you from behind the rocks and a wedge of ruffians charges your formation's front lines.
95, 51 подземелье
You come across a strange stone gate and decide to examine it. As you lean forward to touch a glowing stone, the air in the gateway shimmers and a man, carrying a bag and wearing an eyepatch, appears. Startled, you have him taken captive as he is obviously a pirate. The bag he carried was full of gold. So the pirates have constructed a set of portals which connects their base of operations to the continent! You step through the gate, expecting your army to follow you to an attack against the ruffians. The disappointment is huge when you simply fall on your face instead of being teleported to a distant island. The monolith seems to be causing harm to you, so you slash the stones, unattached to one another, with your sword. The result is lots of sparks and a dented blade. Resisting the urge to haul siege machinery to the very spot, you contact your high magicians. Also, it might be wise to man the southern garrison.
95, 52 подземелье
It certainly doesn't take long to get a reply. We are aware of the problem, and there's nothing we can do to that monolith. However, we have built one of our own at the very end of a small peninsula just south of you, but we need to get it activated. You burn with rage. Why didn't you tell me in the first place that there was such a monolith?!! The magi lower their heads in shame. We...we have been rather busy lately. With all the feasts and such... Busy? Busy?? Why I oughta...never mind. How can we get our portal activated? you calm down and ask. There are two ways to do it. We need either the Orb of Firmament or the Orb of Silt to pass through either earth or air. However, the Orb of Firmament cannot be found on this continent, so you need the one of Silt. It is located somewhere south of here. When you find it, simply place it in the last remaining empty slot in the construct. Good luck. Take this artifact, it will help you to capture the pirates.
Страж задания
99, 62 подземелье
You have never been good with machinery (excluding war machines) nor magic, so this trinket is a total mystery to you. All you know is that it refuses to work until the Orb of Silt is in its place.
98, 63 подземелье
Wonder how much time has passed since any of your court magi last visited the portal? Long enough for this large pack of infernal doglike monsters to take a fancy to this peninsula.
Плащ равновесия
59, 20 подземелье
You go fishing for the floating surcoat and soon your hook seizes it. As you pick it up from the water, the lake's temperature rises significantly. The surcoat used the water's heat energy for its own purposes and now it can no longer support the gate.
62, 19 подземелье
The water is very chilly and a thin layer of ice floats on the water. The ice elementals guarding the surcoat seem to like it though.
97, 32 подземелье
In the small fields inside the city more exotic fruits and such are grown. Your disappointment is huge when you are served spinach soup for dinner. You make quite large a fuss about it and that certainly doesn't make the peasant girl gain any more respect in their eyes.
Сфера тверди земной
72, 12 подземелье
There is the Orb of Silt. It is stuck in the riverbank, but only Heaven knows how it made its way into the river. As you get closer, however, a dimensional portal opens behind it. Nothing is coming through, though - thus far. Do you take the chance and try to grab the orb?
74, 11 подземелье
A lone cyclops stands guard in front of the stockpile's gate. You attack the monster, but it has enough time to alert the guards inside the dwelling.
55, 16 подземелье
That seems like the salaries of the 'cultists'. Unfortunately, it is heavily guarded. Your scouts have spotted hundreds of pit lords and demons doing various activities around the huge pile of gold. It might be wise to pass, but do you wish to attack the hordes?
53, 16 подземелье
The information regarding the Cult of Revolution is now gathered. It appears that the cult leader is an insane megalomaniac who wants to see himself sitting in the throne...of the world. Accumulating followers, the cult grew stronger. Now, up to some extent, it controls the whole Wildlands. It appears that the cult took Hunter's Hut violently a few months back. There will be some more liberating to do.
98, 80 подземелье
Even with the pirates wiped out, Ocean of Whispers still can't be sailed. The spring storms should have passed already, but they haven't. It is as if something was guiding you somewhere.
56, 26 подземелье
The flame of the Cult of Revolution waves on the top of that pillar of fire. The forest is too dense, and you can't find a way to it. Hosing it will have to wait.
81, 1 подземелье
Under the deceiving surface (grunt guarding the passageway) this cult turns out to consist of calm, yet hostile god-tellers.
89, 1 подземелье
I think these people treasure knowledge more than wealth, states a young man's voice behind you. Who are you? you ask rather rudely. I...I am sorry. I am but a soldier in your ranks, but I thought that I'd like to express my thoughts to you. He rides away, not wanting to disturb you more. He forgot the policy of how to address one's superiors, but he was right. And besides, pretty cute too.
93, 2 подземелье
Having thought about the boy's words, you bring your ranks to a complete stop. You grab a white flag and gallop forward - alone.
94, 3 подземелье
Their leader contacts you telepathically
104, 7 подземелье
As for resistance, it seems that the ambush was everything this peaceful, yet stubborn cult had to offer.
Страж задания
107, 11 подземелье
This seems like yet another magically protected gate. After a few hours of study, your magi can tell that you need the most powerful magic absorber in existence to open it.
106, 3 подземелье
It seems that this noble leader sacrificed himself in the defense of the cult's home. No earthly treasures are to be found here, only the scroll you were looking for. Since this curiosity won't kill you, you unroll the scroll. The text, not too surprisingly, is something you can't understand, but there is a picture of beautiful Auria and her pegasus. You feel ecstatic.
69, 65 подземелье
East to eastern gate West to western gate South to watchtowers North to fields
71, 63 подземелье
47, 88 подземелье
Посещение Варвар:
76, 69 подземелье
85, 73 подземелье
Ha! In your face, Fiery Phoenix! Consider this as an Easter egg.
84, 36 подземелье
This camp is empty. At least of blade-for-hires.
Хижина предсказателя
72, 65 подземелье
At first you thought this would be the village idiot's hut, but it turns out that a noble person lives here. His eyes start shining as he sees you. Ahh, have you come to liberate our glorious city? Yes, you have! You have surely defeated some of those dastarly greenskins when breaking through the blockade. You say nothing, just nod. So you will slay the rest too? In that case, maybe you could do me a favor. He tries to look vulnerable, but fails miserably. What do you want from us? you ask. A simple thing
89, 63 подземелье
You come across to a group of mercenaries, unemployed at the moment. You decide to hire the marksmen for the customary price.
49, 89 подземелье
This is the barbarians' stronghold and their base of operations. They have apparently been here a long time, since the fortress seems to be full of fancy buildings. You can't find a shipyard anywhere though. You approach the front gate and rally your troops. A young bravo tosses an axe at you from the safety of the walls, but it doesn't even make it halfway.
88, 65 подземелье
Nardan, the sweet and cute young man you first talked to near the Great Glacier, addresses you again, doing it properly this time. Your highness, he says. Oh well, at least almost properly. You halt his speech. I am no royal. I am a general. But we can skip the formalities, so you can call this farmer girl Aryanna. Very well...Ary, he says with a grin on his face, making you giggle. What I really wanted to say was that I have gathered information regarding the lands where we are heading. You nod. Only a day or two west of here is a town called Phoenix. It has been besieged by ogres, orcs and goblins for months now.
82, 66 подземелье
Your foremost scouts return, saying that Phoenix's eastern gate is near, but that a powerful barbarian has rallied his troops on this side of it. We must either fight them or run fast.
68, 72 подземелье
As you approach the watchtower, you notice two men fighting on the top. One shoves the other over the railing, but he manages to clutch his nemesis. They both plummet to death before you can do anything. You make sure that the town officials get to know of this incident. You climb up the stairs.
72, 64 подземелье
Since the delegation doesn't think to do so, Nardan tells you about the history of Phoenix. His version is probably more truthful. Due to a mysterious cataclysm which took place on a continent south of here, the naturally rich coast was swallowed by the sea, and the people were forced to move inland. The mountains, though, have kept a large portion of the land dry, so the people had little space to live in. This happened centuries ago. People lived apart from each other on the coast and nearly no villages existed. Now they had to share the same land and trade items and food. Of course, there were lots of squabbles at first, but this gave birth to the farming town of Phoenix. They, however, prefer to call it a city of trade. Phoenicians have always envied Silver Coin and sought to become what people are up there. The water retreated in time and pirates started harassing Phoenix. Until recently the town's name was something in an old, primitive language. When they drove off orcish invaders who had already taken control of the city a few decades back, they saw their town rising from the ashes. The overbearing people renamed it Phoenix. Now the orcs are back and the bird is shackled again.
73, 65 подземелье
You made it inside the walls, and a delegation has come to meet you. So you are the girl who leads the newly founded army of Silver Coin? the mayor asks, and tries to bite his tongue off after realizing the impoliteness of his words. You are no poet either, so you let it slip. Yes, I am the GIRL... you say and wish that the emphasis would give his jaws some extra strength. The people of Phoenix are more down-to-earth, so your persuasion alone doesn't convince them to join your army against an unknown enemy. Finally you come to an agreement
60, 64 подземелье
Things look quieter beyond the western gate. Some ogres can be spotted, but that is all.
44, 19 подземелье
Hunter's Hut is located in Stick River's delta, giving it access to the Ocean of Whispers. The revolutionaries, though, have destroyed the shipyard and ruined the harbor so that people couldn't make it to Silver Coin or anywhere to get help.
Золотой дракон
38, 34 подземелье
You didn't even know that there are this many dragons in the world. They must have a reason why they have gathered here.
Хижина предсказателя
40, 21 подземелье
This is the sheriff's hut. It's not much, but that can be blamed on the invaders. He is a young but firm man, and goes straight to the point. There are bounty hunters just outside town, you can even see them from here. They are hunting endangered animals and monsters, but I don't have the men to drive them off. I offer a prize of five thousand gold pieces for the warrior who puts an end to bounty hunting.
45, 21 подземелье
It appears that the revolutionaries didn't find it necessary to man the southern garrisons, or perhaps they are running out of men?
Владыка бездны
45, 24 подземелье
Patrols of pit lords are guarding the streets. They are not numerous, and thus are easy prey.
Владыка бездны
42, 22 подземелье
Patrols of pit lords are guarding the streets. They are not numerous, and thus are easy prey.
Владыка бездны
47, 16 подземелье
Patrols of pit lords are guarding the streets. They are not numerous, and thus are easy prey.
47, 15 подземелье
The cult has even built a sacrifice altar here. You hope that nobody has died on this spot yet.
Страж задания
57, 14 подземелье
This tower is blocking your way to the Cult of Revolution's headquarters, and magically resists all attempts to clear the path. After some thinking you figure out that some of the artifacts you have seen in these wildlands might be giving it power. You should try again after obtaining these magical items. In the meantime, you send out a few scouts to gather information regarding the cult.
41, 13 подземелье
Now that there is an exit already constructed near Silver Coin, building an entrance was rather simple.
67, 62 подземелье
You decide to contribute something to the inhabitants of Phoenix
45, 12 подземелье
You notice a gem on the ground. It just doesn't fit the picture, so you send a scout to find out what is going on. He returns after a few minutes, telling you that there's a rogue trying to lure travelers off the path and then rob them. Do you wish to run over the villain with the full strength of your army?
51, 11 подземелье
Silver Coin, 70 leagues southeast
49, 59 подземелье
You enter a huge field sprouting beautiful flowers. Suddenly light bends your vision, and all you can see in front of you is the path.
48, 58 подземелье
Welcome, Aryanna, states a voice the owner of which is nowhere to be seen. I am glad you were able to follow the directions. You don't reply. You can't reply.
48, 57 подземелье
As the voice begins its tale, the pegasus takes off, floating in the air. Auria was born in an elven family in the woods near Huatamar (Phoenix). She was the only child and I had informed her parents of her fate. Years passed and they finally forgave me for taking their child away from them. Me? The image of the seer appears on the white background. You still can't see anything but him and the pegasus. I am the universe. I am not the only one, but a universe nevertheless. This universe. The seer is but one of my personifications.
47, 56 подземелье
When Auria was sixteen years old last year, this noble pegasus came to her, guiding her to me. I had retrieved the blades for her. She did not know her quest and had to go through a series of missions to both learn it and inform the people of the realization of the warlock king's prophecy. In so doing, she was slain. Slain by the Cult of Revolution's leader. The leader had been messing with demonic powers, looking to increase his own power. He got an order to strip Glomenthal, the blade of darkness, from her, and Auria was killed in an ambush. The Devil got his sword.
Хижина предсказателя
46, 55 подземелье
You can feel yourself again, and your grief turns into anger, anger into fury, fury into rage, rage into lust for judgement.
45, 55 подземелье
Your emotions are paralyzed again and you fall back to the dream. You don't ask anything, but Universe answers. Elsenrail, the blade of light, soon found its way back to the top of the world. As the prophecy foretells, you must find these swords and then slay me. This loop of the multiverse has come to its end.
45, 54 подземелье
The pegasus turns around and looks at you. Universe speaks again. Auria was not the first one she went to get - and you are not the last one, should you fail.
44, 53 подземелье
You don't even know that questions are formed in your mind, but answers just keep on coming. I will await you in the form of the noblest of the noblest, that which is superior over superiors. Goodbye.
43, 52 подземелье
The seer is gone and all you can see is the pure white pegasus with flaming wings. She turns away from you and flies into the mist. Now you can't see her either. After walking some more, you see where the pegasus has stopped. She mourns over the lifeless body of Auria. Soon the mist clears and you can see the world again. Auria's body turns into a tomb. You can't help crying.
42, 51 подземелье
Universe speaks once more. Go retrieve Elsenrail first. You need its light in the dark tunnels of the underworld. The top of the world lies beyond the portal at the end of the left path. Auria lives in you. You live in her. You are now the heroine you once envied. There is no letting go of this.
4, 46 подземелье
Light supports its citadels by creating resources out of nothing.
11, 69 подземелье
Light supports its citadels by creating resources out of nothing.
11, 54 подземелье
3, 95 подземелье
You find yourself high up the mountains somewhere in the west according to your magi. You are surrounded by light, and it gets stronger the farther north you go.
14, 66 подземелье
Having made your way through the rampart, you climb higher and higher. Now the last persistent pine trees give up and the passes ahead of you are above the timber line. Breathing gets harder and travelling slower.
14, 63 подземелье
These passes are extremely narrow and perfect for laying ambushes. Your nerves are soon torn apart. You wish that the first ambush would come and the fear and excitement would burst.
5, 84 подземелье
You are troubled by a matter and call for light to settle it. Light! I am calling for you! I know you are here, I know you can hear, you are everywhere! Light apparently doesn't want to listen, but as everything seems to have stopped, it is listening. Why do you insist on fighting me? Being a transcendent power, you know what I need Elsenrail for! Just hand it to me so that my quest would not fail because of your stubborn persistence! It listened and seems to have taken offense at your words. The sky is lit and you are attacked.
5, 88 подземелье
You tread on and see ramparts in the distance. You must fight here, yet you don't know why.
6, 74 подземелье
Light! End this bloodshed immediately! You are weakening me, I am weakening you, there is no winner here! Ultimately, Elsenrail will end up in my grip, no matter what you do to slow me down! Light heard you again.
9, 71 подземелье
There is no way of getting past these ramparts, and the fortifications seem significantly stronger here. There is no way around it, so you must crush the last of them too.
12, 70 подземелье
The ditches and spikes are destroyed. The ground is painted red with blood and the one walking away is you, yet other challenges await.
38, 49 подземелье
The pegasus doesn't follow you. Maybe this is the best, since should you perish, she must find another warrior for the universe.
8, 57 подземелье
Amidst the towering mountains ivory towers reach for the sky, for greater light. There is still neither sign of surrender nor consent.
3, 51 подземелье
You head for the last of Light's citadels when the ambush you longed for finally strikes you. Fighting your way past thunderbolts, you reach safety long before the last ones on of your men. There are some casualties, but it is time to move on, not mourn.
2, 47 подземелье
The highest of towers overshadows your wildest dreams. It doesn't impress you, though, since the loss of a friend still paralyzes your mind. Your generals have to command the ranks to attack.
2, 50 подземелье
The final battle gets nearer and you decide to ask Nardan for a strategic view. The lieutenant you send for him has sorrowful news
5, 47 подземелье
The victorious battle is over and all of Light's citadels have fallen. Some of your closest friends in the army try to comfort you, but no avail. You have seen many friends fall in this war. Nardan was a good friend, but you have seen worse, they say. You just stare at the ground, when Jussi, a warrior from another land shouts from afar
9, 41 подземелье
10, 44 подземелье
So this is why your threats of two forces weakening each other didn't work. In the snowy fields which open before you stands Guardian with legions of naga guardians. Darkness has nothing to balance such a force. Light still refuses to call a truce. Is this where it all ends? In your cataclysm of emotions you feel anger, rage, grief and lust for judgement again. Before anybody can stop you, you draw the Sword of Judgement and command your horse to charge the formation of reptilian women. You scream loudly, slashing air with the blade. The distance of a league gets smaller and smaller. Nothing will stop you now, no matter how suicidal this charge is. Light goes to panic. Your belief for the enforcement of judgement is tremendous. You demand compensation from Light itself for your beloved one's death, and doing this, you might even destroy Elsenrail. Light is bent before you and while you think you are heading for the enemy formation, you are in fact riding past it. Your forces follow you and armageddon of the wrong kind is avoided.
6, 39 подземелье
Light blinds you temporarily and Universe has to guide you to the sword. You seize it. Wherever it is unsheathed, the whole land shall bathe in light.
7, 5 подземелье
You draw the swords out of the dragon's chest. It staggers backwards, still trying to keep balance. Poisoned by pain, Universe's personification falls on its claws but keeps looking at you. Before the dragon collapses, it smiles at you. At that moment, every self-aware being in the world can hear nothing but its words It was a pleasure right before everything ceases to exist as the dragon dies.
Лазурный дракон
7, 4 подземелье
Now, Universe, trapped inside the noblest of the nobles, almost whispers, Slay me.
4, 22 подземелье
These mountains are probably as tall as the ones near Elsenrail's altar. The passes are deeper here, so that creates an illusion of much taller mountains.
4, 18 подземелье
Finally the relieving news arrive. I await you at the other end of this pass. In normal conditions, this world would be doomed thanks to Darkness perishing, but in a few days, we will not exist anymore anyway.
5, 12 подземелье
Wouldn't you know it! A landslide! Universe curses, not being able to fly to you for some reason. Smash the ground apart once more. You will find the warlocks' tunnels. Traverse them to this side.
8, 7 подземелье
You spot Universe at the end of the pass. Armageddon will take place here today, thanks to your valiance. You feel Light, shivering with fear on the top of its tallest mountain. The humane being fears death. You eye Elsenrail and Glomenthal which radiate light and darkness. You can't help thinking that this is suicide you are committing here today, but shake the feeling away in no time. On the continent treads a new myth. A myth of a girl whose dreams came true through hard work and powerful will. A girl who stepped into big boots and enforced judgement. You achieved Auria's glory, but that doesn't change anything. You are a woman now and the glory means nothing to you.
47, 11 подземелье
The closer you come to Hunter's Hut, the more scarce animals and monsters become. Hunters seem to be good at their profession.
51, 22 суша
Headquarters of the Cult of Revolution
41, 29 суша
Another selfish and traitorous cult leader. He sought to conquer the world, but found only death by your sword.
Хижина предсказателя
40, 29 суша
You pull your flaming sword out of the devil's stomach and let the fabled leader fall on the ground. You watch the blade in its enthusiasm. You and I, we're going to make it to the sweet end!
52, 22 суша
The dreaded cult has made many enemies and fears regular adventurers more than armies. The headquarters is obviously designed to defeat small groups of enemies. For once a good scout would be extremely useful.
20, 51 суша
Darkness supports its strongholds by creating resources for them out of nothing.
6, 26 суша
Darkness supports its strongholds by creating resources for them out of nothing.
33, 53 суша
What? This can't be a dead end. Once that stronghold is taken over, you better turn back and catch the trail again.
Сфера подавления
5, 22 суша
It is as if those portals were struggling against something. You look around and spot a curious orb on the ground. Yes, it is the Orb of Inhibition you need to open the gate far, far away from here.
40, 55 суша
This is not Hell, but sure feels like it. The lava pools are the only source of light here and they burn your eyes, not to mention what the smoke and ash feel like. You unsheathe Elsenrail which shows you the way.
36, 57 суша
Nardan's death still haunts your mind, but now you just ride on with a cold, empty look on your face. Misery is being defeated and displaced with stability. You no longer see the glory in this.
34, 61 суша
The first fiery inferno is close and you try a settlement with Darkness, somewhat similar to the one Light finally agreed to. Darkness! Elsenrail is pushing you back! you shout and a small smile sneaks onto your face. I am the same who defeated Guardian and his sentinels, and I know that you do not possess such a force- You know I will never surrender! it cackles, being more open than Light. Glo- Glo- Glomenttthal is mine. Not then.
28, 58 суша
The next stronghold opens in the distance, awaiting its conqueror. They will fall one by one unless you surrender. Then Light shall run over your fallen forces and knock off the balance! Evil laughter can be heard. Suddenly you see Universe's toy, the pegasus, blazing at you. You raise your arms to protect yourself as she is in collision course with you, but you two never hit each other. Instead, the flame-winged mount neighs, falling on the ground. When you turn to look at the animal, a scream can be heard from the mountains. Your marksmen were alert and you see a gog clutching an arrow which has pierced its throat. The pegasus is dead, slain by the fireball she rushed to intercept. You live, she doesn't.
30, 52 суша
Once again grief, anger, rage and lust for judgement raise their dangerous heads in you. You unsheathe the Sword of Judgement, ready to pound the last inferno on the ground with it. Elsenrail and my vengeance are to be your wrath, Darkness! Once your strongholds are dust on the ground, Guardian will crush you! Faint, evil laughter echoes once again and stops abruptly
25, 51 суша
What if I die? What will happen to Universe? You are hysterical, seeking shelter among your men who desperately try to calm you down. It takes the strength of a pack of wild horses to move on.
21, 52 суша
Darkness screams, emphasizing the phrases' first syllables. I will tell you what will happen! I will have my way! With me in this high of a position, this universe is not starting a new cycle! Once the forces of true darkness have defeated you, there will be no other...the cycle will not end, and I will eventually rule everything. The strength of the so-called 'pack' is depleted and you refuse to continue, until Jussi, the warm-hearted champion, picks you up from horseback and carries you away for your officers to reprimand. Listen now, Aryanna. We just heard for the first time what we are here for, and we are just as scared as you are. And we are just as doomed as you are if we don't go on. There might be another assassin around the next corner, but even then your fate would be nicer than ours. Now draw your sword and command the men to crash against those walls! The panic dies and you feel like yourself again. They are right.
14, 48 суша
The infernal strongholds have fallen. Smoke, ash and lava don't bother you anymore, but with the lava the only external source of light is gone too. Thanks to Elsenrail, you can see the path, but nothing more.
9, 43 суша
You blindly tread on in the darkness, no longer fearing assassins. You two have done everything to make me lose my balance. You have no more tricks up your sleeve, nonexistent one! This time you silenced Darkness.
5, 29 суша
The strongholds of Darkness fall one by one, making it panic.
5, 37 суша
Without a warning, images and sounds are formed in your mind. ...but a girl... ...would try the patience of a saint... ...leading this army, thanks to what?... The girl would have succumbed under her closest ones' words, but the woman interrupts Darkness before it is even finished. Those words are not meant for me. They were meant for the girl who died with Nardan. You two transcendent beings raised me. Now you will pay for it. Confused, Darkness retreats from your mind.
5, 27 суша
Light used the strength to create Guardian. You used your strength to seize control of the upper world. You lost.
7, 27 суша
As the flag in the stronghold is pulled down, Darkness dies. Elsenrail, facing no resistance, fills the entire cavern with light. Except for...
8, 23 суша
...this corner. On an altar lies Glomenthal. It pushes darkness against Elsenrail's light and vice versa.
6, 22 суша
These portals lead back to Auria and Silver Coin, but you must keep going forward and find Universe who trapped himself inside an azure dragon. Not quite thinking what you are doing, you slash the blades of balance together. A great force is unleashed and the cavern's ceiling bursts open, creating a way back to the surface.
9, 5 суша
Хижина предсказателя
10, 13 суша
Even your might is not enough, for their forces are superior too. Universe causes a dramatic silence. Enforcer of Armageddon, unsheathe thy Sword of Judgement.
9, 13 суша
I regret the death of your beloved, your intelligence officer. This is no longer a test. It is the fate of billions of billions we are talking about. That is why I will aid you as much as I can. As you know, warlocks have been evil ever since the prophet king died, so they will seek and destroy everybody trying to invade their territory. Also, they have studied elemental magics for centuries, now mastering them perfectly. Even worse, they have lit the northern lights, aurora borealis. Use your might, for their magic is transcendent.
20, 16 суша
Now you have nobody to rant to. That doesn't really matter, you think when you unleash the flames of armageddon to smite the fortress's walls.
14, 13 суша
It is hard to believe that warlocks would ever be interested in gardening. It must be the elementalists who made a paradise out of these stench filled tunnels.
13, 4 суша
The warlocks' fortresses have fallen one by one, like the ones of Light and Darkness. You enter the largest of the tunnels' caverns and see an aurora borealis in the ceiling.
5, 9 суша
The Enforcer of Armageddon drops her doomsday weapon on the ground. She seizes the blades of balance and slashes them together one last time.
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