Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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A great volcanic eruption has opened a fissure deep into the earth. Rumors say this perilous passage leads to the long lost city of Tintagel, home of the legendary Grail. The volcano will erupt again in six months time. Can you defeat your rivals, explore the Tunnel, and capture Tintagel in time?
The Three Seers can make your hero stronger for the final battle.
Before it faded from history, Tintagel used the power of the Grail to build an unstoppable army!
Shady Characters
Shady characters have been seen traveling in and out of the Tunnel. Who knows what sort of black market dealings they are involved in!
Introduction Part 1
Legend has it that in ages past, the rulers of the legendary city of Tintagel unearthed the Holy Grail and built a structure to house it in their great city. Since then, Tintagel has faded from memory, lost in the mists of ancient history.
Introduction Part 2
Recently, a mighty volcanic eruption has torn a great fissure in the Earth. Three nearby seers have scried the depths to reveal that the tunnel is filled with monsters, magic and treasure. Most interestingly, these seers say that ancient artifacts from lost Tintagel can be found inside the Tunnel!
Introduction Part 3
Can it be that the tunnel leads to lost Tintagel? You have hurried to this region to brave the perils of the tunnel and search for the lost home of the Grail. Unfortunately, two rivals have also traveled here, determined to conquer Tintagel, and use its Grail to dominate this entire realm.
Introduction Part 4
Making matters worse, the Seers report that the volcano will erupt in six months! Also, Tintagel has held the Grail for long ages and should be expected to guard its secrets with a mighty army. Can you defeat your rivals, explore the tunnel, and conquer mighty Tintagel before the great eruption?
Resource Boost
Seeking to curry favor with whoever eventually controls the Grail, a coalition of local merchants sends you some gifts. No doubt your rivals are also receiving the very same bribes.
5 Months Left
Your investigations of this region confirm your fears: the great volcano will erupt again in 5 months. If you have not found lost Tintagel by then, you will lose your only chance at greatness!
4 Months Left
The passing of another month reminds you that this region will be inundated by molten lava in four short months. You must find and conquer Tintagel before that happens!
3 Months Left
You have used three months in your search for Tintagel. Only three months remain before the great volcano covers this land in ash.
Two Months Left
The dark day approaches! Only two more months until the great volcano devastates this region!
One Month Left
You pace with worry. Only one month remains to conquer Tintagel. If you delay too long, your chance at glory will be forever buried in ash and lava!
52, 88 подземелье
The Hut of the Seer of Sorcery is beseiged by mages seeking his knowledge. He urges you to defeat the scoundrels and undertake a Quest for him. In return he promises to teach of the arts of Sorcery.
47, 64 подземелье
The Hut of the Seer of Tactics is surrounded by renegade cavaliers, seeking to master his secrets. He asks you to slay the renegades, and undertake a Quest for him. In return, he pledges to teach you the secrets of Tactics.
Случайный город
68, 55 подземелье
84, 41 подземелье
At Last! You have emerged from the perilous tunnel to breathe the air of the lost city of Tintagel. Now you must be on your utmost guard, for the legendary armies of Tintagel will not look kindly on your intrusion into their solitude.
94, 13 подземелье
At last the entry to the demesne of Tintagel is in sight! To remind you of their faithful support, your merchant backers send you a final shipment of gold. After this you are on your own.
Султан ифритов
37, 59 подземелье
The Hut of the Seer of Velocity is under attack by swift Efreets! The Seer begs your assistance and promises that as a reward, he will give you a quest to improve the speed of your creatures.
77, 38 подземелье
As you approach the cartographer, a large group of Angels bars your way.
97, 10 подземелье
As you travel north, you notice that these snow fields cover the remnants of a titanic cinder cone! Behind you is the dirt-covered flow of lava that once sealed Tintagel off from the rest of the world. You realize that only the power of the Grail saved Tintagel on that dark day long ago.
97, 9 подземелье
You must hurry to capture Tintagel and its Grail before the great Volcano erupts again, and destroys this entire region.
20, 98 суша
As you approach the Garrison, an old Dwarf in ancient but well preserved armor approaches. Begone! He shouts, Although our younger generations long for the light of the sun, we elder Dwarves know better! We do not trust you surface dwellers. If you want our hoard, you must fight us!
40, 98 суша
As you travel through the Tunnel, you come upon the remnants of a stone and gravel road. It appears to be of Dwarven workmanship. Perhaps there is an old colony of Dwarves, hiding deep within the Earth? What treasures they must possess after centuries of mining!
Обсидиановая горгулья
85, 95 суша
The Gargoyles swoop in to attack!
Железный голем
83, 96 суша
The Golems lumber forward to defend the secrets of their Makers.
78, 97 суша
The Giants swing their mighty limbs menacingly as you near the verdent green of the Hidden Academy.
Королева наг
79, 97 суша
The Nagas make a fearsome slithering sound as they confront you in battle.
Владыка джиннов
80, 97 суша
The Genies fly swiftly to challenge you.
82, 96 суша
The Arch Mages warn you to turn back. Do not anger the Academy!
88, 93 суша
As you wend your way through the dark tunnels you are surprised to see large numbers of Tower troops guarding a dark side passage. As you investigate, you feel the cool breeze of a summer day.
75, 97 суша
Academy of Arcane Lore
13, 12 суша
UnderGround Market You Want It? We Got It!
16, 3 суша
Griswold's Forge of Death
9, 3 суша
Mephistos' Market of Flesh
40, 70 суша
As you enter the fissure, you feel the hot breath of the volcano upon you. Here the Earth is not quiet; rumbles and jets of fire surround you as you descend into the tunnel. Your investors are excited that you have penetrated the volcano. They send you some additional support
50, 96 суша
Past the mouth of the cave, the roar of the volcano is diminished. You are now entering a dark and quiet stretch of tunnel, festooned with moss and covered in fungus. It has been many long years since anyone has disturbed the slumber of the underground.
9, 69 суша
The tunnel remains a quiet and overgrown place, dank with moisture. But as you march along, you begin to sense the thrum of ancient magics. Perhaps this has something to do with the monoliths you saw above? In reward for delving deep into the tunnel, your investors send you some more gifts.
54, 26 суша
Again you sense the thrumming of ancient magics! You wonder what lays ahead? As a reward for your successful expedition, your merchant friends send you some more support.
61, 12 суша
The tunnel here is built of worked stone. When you inspect the workmanship, you realize that the artisans who crafted this stretch of tunnel were from lost Tintagel! Your goal is in sight! You have overcome great peril to come this far. Now you must prepare for the final test.
17, 96 суша
After defeating the Dwarven veterans, a younger Dwarf approaches you. He is pale from years below the surface and seems eager to enjoy his new freedom. He says
18, 96 суша
As you enter the Demesne of the Dwarves, the old Dwarf General approaches again. He tells you
101, 64 суша
You again sense the presence of the magical monoliths. Surely you cannot be far from the end of this titanic tunnel? In anticipation of your successful journey to Tintagel, your investors send yet more gold.
74, 13 суша
The tunnel here is littered with the bones of the Dragons' victims, and the graves of numerous heroes who failed to overcome the Dragons' armored fury.
18, 15 суша
As you leave behind the moaning tunnel, you see a shifty looking individual dart away to the West. You wonder what such a shady character is doing deep inside this tunnel?
14, 59 суша
As you leave the monoliths behind, you begin to hear an eerie moaning from the tunnel. Spirits and apparitions flit at the edge of your vision.
15, 28 суша
The moaning of uneasy souls reaches a crescendo here! You can see that you have disturbed a resting place of the Undead!
5, 16 суша
Robb's Den of Secrets
4, 13 суша
Abdullah's Super Discount Artifacts
58, 81 суша
Here lies the flaming heart of the Volcano! Lava smokes and spurts all about you. Amazingly, amongst this fierce heat live several groups of creatures!
38, 46 суша
Here is the center of the quiet area, with dungeon dwellers circling a subterranean lake.
74, 66 суша
As you turn into this hidden alcove, you hear the sound of industrious military drill. A grizzled master at arms approaches you and says You have passed the entry examination; now you must pay tuition to enter the Hidden Scool of War.
75, 71 суша
Nothing of interest here. Move along!
41, 22 суша
You peer around you in amazement. A section of badlands has been swallowed whole by the earth! Having broken through the guards, you observe the stronghold creatures making do in the darkness.
101, 28 суша
As you approach yet another fork in the tunnel, you smell a strange odor from the center passage. Could it be? An underground swamp?
Мастер гремлин
86, 95 суша
A group of Master Gremlins tells you
8, 16 суша
Jon's Quality Brewery
84, 39 суша
As you approach the subterranean gate, your advance scouts report that there is a white barrier atop the gate. Visit the White Keymaster's Tent before entering the gate, then the way will be clear for you to enter the land of Tintagel!
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