Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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Life is as ugly and necessary as the female body. Death is as beautiful and necessary as the male body. - The Book Of Lies. Brought to the HOMM3 community by MADali
An aging witch says I offer you, filthy bags of dirt, the ability to learn magic. Come to my hut. Don't worry, I only teach magic , nothing else. Of course, I shouldn't help you, filthy wastes.
Careful mind
A scholar offers a piece of advice, Only the sharpest mind sees through the blurriest meanings.
The Grail
An adventurer speaks, A man searched for a grail at one time. His body fell in infernal grounds. Yet, legend says... And he leans closer, whispering, ..that the Grail lies beyond him. Exactly beyond him.
They say the great Lords of the other kingdoms have big artifacts. Our Lord would benefit from killing them and not letting them retreat.
An old man whispers aloud in the tavern, The man of greater patience will receive a greater reward. Wait your time. It will come.
The Horn
They say The Horn got his name from killing an Azure Dragon single-handedly. Of course, it could be an exaggeration. It could have just been a Black or Green Dragon.
#intro - C
There are four castles surrounding you. These four are separated into two allies. Normally it would be impossible to be able to stand up to the four castles. But one of your men has discovered a hidden gate to the underground. The treasure of the underground and the strong castle defense that you have could give you a strong fighting chance. Before you start, your Circle Of Magicians gives you a few scrolls to help you in your adventure. There is a map of the land ({map.txt}), a brief description of your enemies ({factfile.txt}), and a few pages of a lost book telling of the underground ({legend.txt}). These could give you enough information.
#intro - Title
{Trapped Insect} - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - By MADali [email protected] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (You can choose to read or ignore the following events. They are just for story purposes.)
The fall of eyelids. The leaving of the soul. The last breath. The sigh. The moan. And then the tears. The cheers. The anger. The joy. The love. The hate. The smiles. The frowns. The huge crowds. The warriors. The Heroes. The magicians. The old. The young. Everyone had come. It was the end of the then, and the beginning of the now.
#intro - 2
The King has died. And a new era is beginning.
#intro - 3
And that new era is you.
#intro - 4
You feel the weight of the crown on your head. You feel the cold steel of the gold cane against your clenching fist. You feel the bright colors of the garment against your body. You feel the loneliness in your heart. You feel the pain and the loss and the fear and the grief and the anger.....
#intro - 5
..and, yet, you feel the formation of a powerful grin on your lips.
#intro - 6
Sickness has stolen your father's - the King's - life away from him. You loved him as much as it is possible for a Prince to love a father. Yet, the fall of the great is the rise of the weak. There has been an exchange of power. You are determined to leave your name in the books of the ancients. You move to the window of your tower. Below are the screaming children, the women and the men. You raise your hand and the shouts increase.
#intro - 7
You are now king. The time of change has arrived.
#Intro - A
Life had never been good for your kingdom. Your castle - Nevermore - was surrounded by four other kingdoms. Their constant bullying always kept your kingdom from advancing. Your father believed in peace and he had a strong belief in his policy. A policy which he called 'The Policy Of Appeasement'. To keep from being conquered, Nevermore would send 'gifts' to the other countries. It could have been resources, the teaching of new found spells, or even young beautiful girls. In return Nevermore would keep the label of being a 'free Kingdom'.
#intro - B
Peace is for the weak.
Day 8
Sire, rumor has it that somewhere in the underground layer lies the Grail. If we could only find it.....
#intro - now
You smash your fist against the castle wall. You are my only friend now. You, wall, are my only defense against my enemies. The 'great' are only 'great’, because we have always been on our knees. And we have been on our knees for so long that standing up is going to be hard. Hold tight, wall, don't fall apart. Don't give way to our enemies. We shall conquer all.
Day 4 - Balance Advice
One of your advisor's talks to you, The most important thing in a war is balance. How to balance your strategy, your resources, and your army. Should you waste your time and energy roaming the underground, or would you rather strike at your enemy? Or maybe you should defend your castle?
Day 7 - Rumors
One of your advisors spends some time with you, Lord, the best advice I think I can give you is this - Open your ears to your people. Remember, no matter how important or how worthy you think you are, you still have to depend on your people. Under disguise interact with the peasants. Make a note to visit the tavern at least once a week.
Day 13 - Joyful hate
You charge through the battlefield. You are God. You decide who lives, and who dies. Your sword makes a father sonless, and a son fatherless. Your orders makes widows and orphans. Your presence changes history. You feel powerful. You feel important. Not knowing it, you smile as yet another body falls.
Day 16 - War General
A war general speaks with you, Sire, I am here to give you my thanks. I wasn't sure we would survive this long. Now that we have, I am sure anything is possible. Patience is important, Sire, and with that comes defense. Our moment will come...
Day 24 - Sky
You walk across the battlefield. Around you bodies lie like leaves in autumn. ...such lives...now nothing.... You look at the empty sky. {I can't say I will avenge my people}, you think, {because somewhere else, there stands a man like me. And that man is also looking at an empty sky. Is he thinking of avenging his dead warriors? }
Day 30 - Prisoner
A man falls to his knees. His hands are tied with a huge rope, which is held by one of your generals. Sire, this prisoner is an important general. He asked to speak to you, saying he had important news he could share with you. You nod to your general. Speak, pig. The prisoner winces at the word, Lord, all I ask in return is to join your army. You could use such as me. You smile at the prisoner. There is hatred in that smile. Traitors. I hate them. You turn to your general. Kill him You ignore the pleas of the prisoner....
Day 40 - nature
You walk in a garden. You need a rest from the slaughter that is becoming daily. You close your eyes, you rest your body, you free your mind, listening to nature.... .....yet, no birds sing. No leaves fall. No wind brushes your face. There is a disturbing stillness. It is almost as if nature is mocking you. At first you feel unhappy...then anger. You feel find no sanctuary here. You pick up your sword and rest it on your shoulder. Your haven is amidst bloodbaths.
Day 40 - nature 2
Your peace is your war.
Day 48 - worthless life
You think. What if you win? You ask. What is peace to a warrior? You are a man of the sword. Your music is the clash of steel. Your art is the destruction you bring upon your enemies. After war, can such a man live a peaceful existence. You think. What if you win?
Day 60 - The Finale
Sixty days have past since the beggining of war. Not a huge time for an average war, but this war is different. The battlefield is small and filled with many players. Everyday in itself is a thousand battles. Sixty days is sixty years. In these sixty days you have changed a lot. You have doubted yourself and your mission. But now, you know self-pity is destructive. At the moment, idle thinking is dangerous. You know your men are getting tired. You in turn must fill the new void. You will work harder and be more aggressive. You clutch your sword tightly. You cannot allow yourself any idle time now. Any idle time will be filled with unneeded thoughts. Rest will come later.... ....if there is any later....
4, 5 подземелье
Devil's Grin
5, 32 подземелье
Deep Canyon
31, 5 подземелье
4 da compatar
Меч адского пламени
0, 0 подземелье
Picking up the sword is like jumping into garden of flames. Your body seems to burn with pain.....but the pain doesn't harm you, and it seems to fill your body with a new rage.
Щит неистового огра
0, 34 подземелье
You pick up the shield. You smile to yourself, knowing that you have just made your enemies’ work much harder.
Султан ифритов
0, 1 подземелье
Like a great flood of fire, the Efreet Sultans come towards you. You raise your sword and shout to your troops, There is going to be a dance of pain, men! Prepare yourselves!
1, 34 подземелье
The Ogre Mage's raise their clubs, and charge at you.
Золотой лук
35, 35 подземелье
You pick up the Golden Bow. Your shooting creatures will never be disadvantaged by distance again.
Мастер гремлин
34, 34 подземелье
The snowy ground is filled with hundreds of Master Gremlins. Your troops seem to be a bit worried, but you only answer them with a smile The more the merrier, men.
Клевер Фортуны
34, 0 подземелье
You pluck a Cclover leaf. Something tells you that it is enchanted.
Карты пророчества
35, 2 подземелье
Up ahead you see a few strange looking cards. You pick them up...there is something queer about them.
Птица счастья
35, 1 подземелье
A small statue lies at your feet. You pick it up.
Сказочный дракон
34, 2 подземелье
A strange looking dragon flies over you. Suddenly, it notices you and dives downwards!
Случайный город
17, 22 подземелье
Day 18 - Creatures
The people of your land are feeling the heat of the war. They want the war to end. But, they are honorable and proud people. They would never want to lose. And they know victory would come to hard working and realistic people. Thus, old men and very young people voluntarily join the ranks of your army. They also send in resources to help you.
Day 32 - Creatures more
More men join your army. And more resources are sent. You {must} win this war.
Day 5 - Wood
When you were young, you loved to play in the forest. To climb the trees meant you had strength. To hide behind them meant you were cunning. And to lie in their shade? Meant you were alive.... ... ......but today they die. Fallen are the friends of your child-hood. Their wood is needed to make better catapults, more ballistias, stronger arrows.... How ironic. The life-giver of your youth, is the death-bringer of your maturity.
Day 15 - more woods.
More wood. More resources. More help. Better and stronger army. ...less life.
31, 32 подземелье
4, 7 подземелье
Z'xey never much believed in equality. His constant drive for greatness has proven to be a vital tool for his being a powerful and respected Heretic. He is feared by his opponents and by his generals. His Armageddon spell spares neither his opponents nor his troops. It is only his Efreets and his Fire Elementals that escape his divine wrath.
4, 6 подземелье
Being in front of the infernal castle, you are filled with a new rage. A powerful inner rage!
31, 7 подземелье
To'to always believed that if one is able to cast magic, then surely one is able to resist it. His life's quest has been to become as immune to magic as a Black Dragon.
31, 6 подземелье
Somehow the castle and its land fill you with a strange feeling....
31, 34 подземелье
Seelomyre is a fearsome genie. He casts Chain Lighting with ease, and the force of its power never leaves an enemy troop standing. Legend speaks of a link between Seelomyre and another powerful genie....
31, 33 подземелье
Maybe it's the snow. Maybe it's the air. Maybe it's your desire. But whatever it is, you know you feel wiser....
5, 34 подземелье
The Horn
The Horn is a merciless, yet honorable Barbarian. None of his followers dare to defy his orders. Rumor has it that the club he holds was given to him by the greatest Barbarian hero - Crag Hack Of Erathia.
5, 33 подземелье
Its is time to strike at the heart of the Barbarians. You feel a new power stir in you as you attack the castle.
Волшебный свиток
9, 6 суша
As you pick up the Spell Scroll, the knowledge of a spell fills your body. You close your eyes....you can picture yourself walking on water! Somehow, you feel that this scroll can be very useful.....
Случайная реликвия
13, 0 суша
After you kill the powerful creatures, you attempt to pick up the relic. However, before you pick it up, you see the shadow of another creature. You have never seen one before, but you know what it is - a Rust Dragon! Do you still want the artifact?
7, 29 суша
Weaklings will not survive in the Sands of Blood.
10, 32 суша
You find a single Rogue. You get immense pleasure in fighting the dishonorable fool.
0, 35 суша
A group of Rogues steal your precious minerals.
2, 31 суша
A group of Rogues steal some of the wood that you had been carrying.
3, 35 суша
Nomads attack you!
0, 27 суша
After digging for a while you find..... ....nothing. The treasure is not here.
3, 27 суша
A group of Rogues attack you, screaming You will never pass us!
1, 27 суша
The Nomads shake their heads at your approach. One of them mutters We will never let them get the treasure
Случайный ценный артефакт
3, 33 суша
A few Rogues guard this artifact. Do you want it?
Случайный ценный артефакт
23, 6 суша
An artifact lies near the Cyclops Stockpile.
Случайный малый артефакт
29, 28 суша
A single mummy circles the artifact in a strange trance. Do you want to unwrap the undead creature?
Хижина предсказателя
11, 17 суша
My collection is almost complete. Bring me the heads of each of the creatures that I ask and you shall be rewarded. My walls yearn to hold the heads of the Efreet Sultan, or the one-eyed monster - the Cyclops. The War Unicorn would look good in the hall, while the Naga Queen would add charm to the living room. Bring me these and I will award you with a powerful relic - Armageddon's Blade.
Хижина предсказателя
6, 20 суша
What! A guest! Some-one finally killed that wretched creature that refused to move from my house. You - you! - saved me. To thank you, I will teach you ways to use your spells more effectively. However, I can only do this if your Knowledge exceeds level 10.
Случайный ценный артефакт
1, 5 суша
No artifact is small enough. You pick it up casually.
Случайный ценный артефакт
1, 9 суша
A bunch of halflings guard this small artifact. Do you want it?
Случайный ценный артефакт
0, 13 суша
You pick up the artifact after pocketing the gold.
Случайный малый артефакт
3, 18 суша
Up in front you can see the Gem Pond. You pick up the artifact as you head for the Gem Pond.
Случайный ценный артефакт
15, 22 суша
Two trolls eye you. Is the artifact worth the battle?
Случайный малый артефакт
5, 28 суша
Angry Rogues stare at you. You count twenty to thirty of them. It's your move. Attack?
Случайный малый артефакт
12, 24 суша
Another artifact! You pick it up as you continue searching the underground.
Случайный ценный артефакт
34, 2 суша
An artifact lies near the door of the library. A few Dragon Flies can be seen around the artifact. Do you wish to take it?
Случайный великий артефакт
27, 0 суша
After killing the creatures, you see an artifact lying on the ground.
Случайный ценный артефакт
8, 1 суша
In the distance you can see a relic guarded by powerful creatures. But for now, you pick up the small artifact near your feet.
1, 13 суша
You find 500 gold lying near the artifact.
Случайный ценный артефакт
25, 28 суша
There doesn't seem to be any creatures guarding the artifact, so you pick it up.
Случайный малый артефакт
1, 32 суша
A nomad carries an artifact. Do you want to kill him for it?
Случайный малый артефакт
18, 15 суша
You pick up the artifact.
13, 35 суша
You have found the treasure of this island! You also hear a soft voice inside your head '...God....to be God....what is God... G..o...d.... G...o..... G...r..a..i...l..... The Grail.....find the Grail and you will be like God. He lies.....the skeleton.... The Grail lies in the underground ...but...... your location is above ..... Near the Infernal Castle...... a skeleton has fallen.... Under him ... many thousands of feet under him... ... .. lies your key to Godhood...... Dig...and dig...and dig....
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