Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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New World Computing
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Welcome to the lslands of the Vast Sea. A peaceful coexistence with the 4 other kingdoms in the sea has recently fallen apart. The growing strength of the allied armies on the southern mainland has resulted in turmoil for the island kings. Unable to reach any agreement, war has been declared.
Welcome to the lslands of the Vast Sea. A peaceful coexistence with the 4 other kingdoms in the sea has recently fallen apart. The growing strength of the allied armies on the southern mainland has resulted in turmoil for the island kings. Unable to reach any agreement, war has been declared. The sea will soom become a 'battleground' filled with the blood of former allies and old enemies, all the while still maintaining the goal of controlling the mainland. The next few months will be difficult.
The tides of war have caused you to dedicate some resources to arming your kingdom.
These lands are ancient and have seen many battles, but travel to and fro will be hard. Powerful spells such as Dimension Door and Town Portal have long since been vanquished from here. Even artifacts with the abilities to make one fly or walk across water will never be had in this world. And with no watchtowers anywhere, exploration is of the utmost importance. The hero who has the greatest map of this sea shall surely win.
You decide that you'd better learn more of this area if you are to win. You dispatch both scouts and spies to bring you information.
Tales of an ancient artifact have come back to your camp. It is said that a keymasters tent nearby shall unlock gates across that land that hold components to a great and powerful artifact. It appears that if you are to win this war, you must gather these components and hope to assemble this fabled artifact. Exactly what it is, is not quite clear. You must investigate this further.
Indeed rumors of this artifact must be true. Your spies report that every kingdom in these waters is on a similar quest, with different gates and different components to form various powerful artifacts. You must make it primary objective to be the first faction to assemble one of these relics. With this, surely no one could stand before you.
Titans Thunder
After consulting with the elders, you have learned that the artifact you seek is the Titans Thunder. It is composed of 4 very powerful artifacts in their own rights. The elders agree that the keymaster's tent near your kingdom will unlock these marvels.
Elixer of Life
After consulting with the elders, you have learned that the artifact you seek is the Elixer of Life, a powerful artifact created by 3 smaller artifacts. There is also rumor that a cape of speed is also guarded by one of these gates, and is not required to assemble the elixer, but is still quite valuable.
After consulting with the elders, you have learned that the artifact you seek is the Cornucopia. It is composed of 4 very powerful artifacts in their own rights. The elders agree that the keymaster's tent near your kingdom will unlock these marvels.
Angelic Alliance
After consulting with the elders, you have learned that the artifact you seek is the Angelic Alliance. It is composed of 6 very powerful artifacts in their own rights. The elders agree that the keymaster's tent near your kingdom will unlock these marvels.
Power of the Dragon Father
After consulting with the elders, you have learned that the artifact you seek is the Power of the Dragon Father. It is composed of 9 very powerful artifacts in their own rights. The elders agree that the keymaster's tent near your kingdom will unlock these marvels, but that with 9 in total, it will be a feat of unbelievable mastery if you could recover all 9. You aknowledge their fear and realize they may be right.
Tent Guarding
You had a nightmare in your sleep. One of the opposing kingdoms spys infultrated your territory and visited your keymasters tent. They then used this to gather just one of your relics components, effectively eliminating your chance of ever constructing it. You realize when you wake, that it is IMPERATIVE that you protect your keymaster's tent from all enemies even getting CLOSE to it!
Late one night, while drinking with your superiors, you hear a whisper from a darkened corner of the room. The words Tower of Authority are all you hear. When you move in to investigate who spoke these words, no one is there.
These waters are full of rocky shorelines and coral reefs and navigating them will be difficult. You will need to control as many lighthouses as possible if you are going to be successful in traversing them.
The Witch Adrienne is said to be held prisoner somewhere in these seas, far to the south west of here. She has long been an avid follower of ours and would surely make a powerful ally if she could be freed.
The knight Catherine, champion of Erathia, is said to be held prisoner somewhere in these seas, far to the west of here. She has long been an avid follower of ours and would surely make a powerful ally if she could be freed.
The wizard Dracon is said to be held prisoner somewhere in these seas, far to the south east of here, in the central regions. He has long been an avid follower of ours and would surely make a powerful ally if he could be freed.
The powerful Demoniac, Xeron, is said to be held prisoner somewhere in these seas, far to the west of here. He has long been an avid follower of ours and would surely make a powerful ally if he could be freed.
The Mighty Ranger Gelu is said to be held prisoner somewhere in these seas, far to the east of here. He has long been an avid follower of ours and would surely make a powerful ally if he could be freed.
The town of Xender to the South was once your sister ally, but has since been nearly abandoned. It is worth investigating and trying to reclaim this town as your own.
The town of Ctunger to the Southwest was once your sister ally, but has since been nearly abandoned. It is worth investigating and trying to reclaim this town as your own.
The town of Regald to the East was once your sister ally, but has since been nearly abandoned. It is worth investigating and trying to reclaim this town as your own.
The town of Tinder to the Southwest was once your sister ally, but has since been nearly abandoned. It is worth investigating and trying to reclaim this town as your own.
The town of Korgar to the West was once your sister ally, but has since been nearly abandoned. It is worth investigating and trying to reclaim this town as your own.
Your scouts report that there are only 2 whirlpools, and that they are both to the extreme south, in the mainland's two bays. They report that several crew were lost to these pools, but that when they emerged, they had travelled a great distance.
computer bonus
Unallied towns
Two towns to the extreme most southern parts of the sea, in the bays both east and west, have been completely neutral throughout the entire war. They are new towns and their presence is unfamiliar here. Perhaps it would be worth trying to persuade them into your cause...
Just as those words you heard a month ago have completely slipped from your memory, you hear them again: he who controls the Tower of Authority shall win this war!. You spin your head to see whom it was who spoke these words, but again, no one is there!
Tales of magnificent and ancient Dragons have come in from many different elders, who claim that these terrifying beasts CAN be tamed. Apparently there are 3 such tribes of ancient dragons in these waters alone. Perhaps it is worth investigating...
The 3 tribes of ancient dragons in these waters: fairies in the center, crystal to the north, and rust to the west, are said to be huge and nearly untameable. If you are to try and obtain some of these glorious beasts, you must command an already formidable army.
The mainland is huge. If you are to win this war and end the conflict, the mainland must be completely taken as well. It is said that it has immense treasures, and that the most powerful dragon of all, the azure, might be found there. This could be just rumours though. It is also said that King Roland himself is held prisoner on the mainland, along with 2 of his trusted allies. You send scouts to investigate these matters.
quest guards
Your spies report again: On the mainland there are several quest guards blocking great artifacts. The enemy heroes there have been unable to pass any of them, because the lack the neccessary creatures to pass. Your spies say it would be worth while to bring many different creatures with you to the mainlands, in hopes of obtaining some of these artifacts.
Reports from your scouts about the enslaved former king Roland on the mainland are now confirmed. He and two other powerful nobels from the old lands, Mutare and Kilgor, are imprisoned there. If they could be freed, they would surely pledge loyalty to your cause...
War effort
Your troops, ravaged by the effects of war, and humbled by the loss of many companions, desperately need a morale boost. You decide to spend money to lift their spirits.
For the past few months, those words: the Tower of Authority, have plagued your mind. What could they mean? What is the Tower of Authority? Hopefully your scouts will learn more.
Roland 2
Your spys report some interesting news to you indeed. Apparently the enslaved legends Roland, Mutare, and Kilgore on the mainland have brought with them some of the magics from their lands. What spells they possess is not known, but surely they could speed up this seemingly never ending conflict. You must uncover their whereabouts.
Scout report
Your scouts report that there is a habitat located centrally on the mainland that indeed is some sort of frozen palace, and may be the resting place of the mighty azure dragons. Oddly enough, the scouts were not permitted to enter the frozen peaks, as guards at the mouth of the valley said that only a hero already commanding Azure Dragons could pass into the Tower of Authority. How could this possibly be? No one commands such a beast.
So, the Tower of Authority is the resting place of the mighty Azure Dragons. These beast are so powerful that a lone Azure has been rumored to be able to wipe out several Black Dragons all by himself. If you could command this tower of Authority, then surely no army could defeat you!
Allies from accross the seas have come with resources for your war!!
132, 18 подземелье
The habitants of your town pool together to construct a shipyard in your honour!
129, 75 подземелье
The people of your town pool together and construct a shipyard in your honour. You reward your people with the promise of victory!
66, 41 подземелье
Evil Fog
Seek yee the evil fog to our west. It contains a temple dedicated to our ancient ancestors, who shall become our most powerful allies. It is guarded by 2 terrible arch angles, but the devil lords we might recruit from there will be our saviours.
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The archangles speak
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The Archangles speak
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Dragon Gate
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Your troops, with spirits raised from the tales of your magnificent battles, have built the cloud temple in your honour!
upgraded dwelling
The troops have been hard at work for you, o glorious leader!
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Your troops, driven by desire for greed and a vastly superior army, have built the forsaken palace in your honour!
Upgraded dwelling
The troops have been hard at work for you, o glorious leader!
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Dragon cliffs
Your troops, driven by the visions of great and wonderful victories by your hand, have built the dragon cliffs in your honour!
Dragon Cliffs
The troops have been hard at work for you, o glorious leader!
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Hydra Pond
Your troops, driven by their humility and their knowledge of ancient lore, have built the Hydra Pond in your honour!
upgraded dwelling
The troops have been hard at work for you, o glorious leader!
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Portal of Glory
Your troops, driven by the desire to see this war end with the chorus of victory, have built the portal of glory in your honour!
upgraded dwelling
The troops have been hard at work for you, o glorious leader!
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Den of the Faerie Dragons - BEWARE!!!
40, 82 подземелье
It appears that these large beasts have been left as guards to the prisoner within. TO BATTLE!
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The devils Scream
Красный дракон
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The Red Dragons, in a raspy coarse voice, speak
Костяной дракон
113, 70 подземелье
We will defend this madman with our very last breaths! Defend yourselves!
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Enchanter's Isle
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Sharpshooter's Paradise
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Welcome to the mainland. Before you enter, you must defeat ME!!
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The lands beyond are forbidden. Defend yourselves, mortal!
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Destiny awaits you hero. You need only pass us to begin your decree!
Страж задания
92, 136 подземелье
Beyond this gate is a fortress of terrible power, with creatures the like of which we have never seen. In order for you to pass this gate, the king insists that you first obtain one of these creatures from other parts of this land to prove yourselves worthy. Return with one Azure Dragon, and we shall let you pass into what has been dubbed 'The Tower of Authority'.
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Kerr Bog
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Kerr Bog
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Kerr Bog
Страж задания
106, 138 подземелье
The King wants to see some 2 Peasants. In order for him to do so we need to look outside the kingdom. You see, we are in dire need of the peasants for only they possess the skills to properly farm our crops. Until we receive the 2 peasants, no one can pass!
2, 141 подземелье
The power of the old world spell beyond is not to be used by any mortal. We shall protect it to the death!
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