Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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New World Computing
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King Damacon the Overlord is dead, and his once peaceful kingdom has turned into a battlefield. His many relatives have heard of his demise, and each have established a foothold on the continent. Seek out Fyredam, his castle of old, for maybe his ancient dragon guardians would be willing to help you
Long ago, when King Damacon ruled this continent, the land was united in peace. Damacon reigned for forty years, and during that time he never had to lift a weapon in battle; the land was at peace.
Tales of Fyredam cont. (1)
But not for long. Not long after the forty-first year of his reign, necromancers attacked his kingdom. Damacon's forces were strong, but soon gave way to defeat. His massive dragon armies were nearly crushed by the thousands of undead.
Tales of Fyredam cont. (2)
But King Damacon fought on. He desroyed nearly all of the necromancers' armies, but was struck and killed by a lightning bolt. The necromancers marched on to his castle to take it, but were met with a surprise.
Tales of Fyredam cont. (3)
As they marched into the seemingly unguarded castle, dragons swarmed out from the depths of the dungeon. There was a massive battle, which ended in only a few of Damacon's dragons surviving.
Tales of Fyredamcont. (4)
It is said that those few dragons watch over his ancient castle to this day, but there is another legend. It is said that the dragons of Fyredam were so outraged by the necromancers' actions, that they came back as ghosts, and still guardFyredam to this day...
Old Man
An old man stumbles into your quarters while you are looking over some paperwork. I have heard of your task, and must tell you something, he says. The ancient city of Fyredam lives on. It is located near the center of the island, in the cold winterlands.
Old Man (2)
He goes on. If you could capture it, it would be a great addition towards the success of your cause. It is said that the great dragons of Fyredam still dwell there, and may be willing to help you.... You thank the old man as he heads out the door.
Old man-again
You decide the old man may be able to help you more. You summon him to your chambers to ask him questions of this land of old he seems to know so much about.
Old man-again (2)
Among many other things you learn of how some powerful artifacts were left behind by the defeated necromancers and king Damacon's armies. At the mentioning of these, you prepare to rally your troops, but the old man advises you not march on Fyredam, at least not today.
Old man-again (3)
You ask why, and he reluctantly tells you of how Damacon's forces were defeated. After the war was over, he says, many of the dead dragons ghosts were so outraged at what the necromancers had done, they came back, to guard Damacon's lost kingdom forever,
Old man again(4)
that destruction might never reign again. The capture of Fyredam and the winterlands would be an honorable and helpful act in your mission to unite this kingdom under one banner, but it will not be taken easily. And with that, he leaves.
32, 31 подземелье
Призрачный дракон
32, 32 подземелье
We are the ghosts of King Damacon's dead legion of dragons, the ghostly creatures snarl. We are not about to let Damycan be desroyed once again. You try to explain you are the king's relative, and only mean good, but the snarling creatures are upon you in an instant.
Волшебный свиток
32, 37 подземелье
You study the scroll as you pick it up from the gorund, and decide to yourself that it may be useful.
Волшебный свиток
29, 24 подземелье
You pick up the scroll, and realizing what it empowers you to do, quickly decide that it should be most useful in this winterland of dragons.
Призрачный дракон
22, 37 подземелье
As you approach ghostly dragons, you try to explain to them that you come in peace, but the dragons just snarl at you, and say that they are guarding their master's kingdom and will not let it be overrun again. So the legends must be true...
Призрачный дракон
33, 21 подземелье
As you approach ghostly dragons, you try to explain to them that you come in peace, but the dragons just snarl at you, and say that they are guarding their master's kingdom and will not let it be overrun again. So the legends must be true...
Призрачный дракон
39, 35 подземелье
As you approach ghostly dragons, you try to explain to them that you come in peace, but the dragons just snarl at you, and say that they are guarding their master's kingdom and will not let it be overrun again. So the legends must be true...
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