Your scouts startle a small troup of wolf riders. When they catch sight of you, they turn and run. Damn! you curse. They'll certainly make your presence known to their betters. Some of your men start to give chase but you hold them back. This might be a diversion to split your forces. They don't look too disappointed. Yes, they are tired and need rest. Hopefully you can get to North Toran before dusk.
4, 20 подземелье
Castle Toran, the ancestral home of your family, sits before you. It is not an elegant castle with winding staircases and majestic spires. It is a blocky collection of gray stone, perched upon the cliff-face and watching the Rift below like a vulture. Still, despite its lack of beauty, your heart swells when you rear your horse in front of the gates. Sullen orcs bearing oversized metal helmets and carrying tall spears watch you from above. If they fear their fate, or the army that is stretched out behind you, they do not show it. Yield to me and you will be spared! you cry. The orcs say nothing. Clearly, this General Yang is not likely to give up his prize so easily. Likely, he knows what is in store for him if he surrenders, and is willing to gamble his life on the siege. He's right, you decide. He's a good as dead when you get your hands around his neck. The trouble he's caused for your people has been immeasurable. Turning without another word, you go to prepare your men for the assault on your castle.
7, 4 подземелье
North Toran
6, 5 подземелье
The town of North Toran lies before you. It sits in the north end, and mouth, of Toran Rift. It is also the key to your escape from this trap should things go sour to the south. If there is a battle, and you have every reason to believe there will be, you need to hold onto North Toran at all costs. If it should fall, the enemy will have you trapped, and your doom will be sealed. You wheel your horse and call for Sallet. He trots up and looks at you uncertainly. He is dirty and tired. You need me, sire? he asks, taking off his helmet and wiping his brow. Yes, you reply, eyeing the hills uncertainly, but put your helmet back on. But it's hot, sire, he whines. Better hot than dead, you snap. Who knows what sharpshooters those hills hide. I'm sure any one of them would love to return to their commander with news that they'd put an arrow through the eyes of one of my lieutenants. You don't add that it doesn't really matter, though, as he'd be easily replaced. Yes, sire, he replies nervously, returning the helmet to his head. Sallet, you tell the young man, You are one of the few officers I have with any experience at all. Thus I must trust a very important task to you. The look on his face tells you that he has no wish for any such task. You point to the city, I am entrusting the safety of this city to you. It must not fall. You will stay here and raise a garrison and protect this city from being taken by the enemy. My safety depends on it. Sallet only nods. His flesh the color of a cloud. You dismiss the boy, not liking the decision but knowing you have no choice.
15, 1 подземелье
Tar Voyl
Страж прохода
9, 22 подземелье
Goblins and orcs guard the only gate leading to Castle Toran. With your small army, you'll never be able to break through. You need a massive revolt by the populace of the Rift in order to storm these gates. But the people are afraid, and rightly so. There's no way they will emerge from their hiding place unless their overlord, Bred Toran, should be freed. Return here with an army of the Toranese, and surely those who hold this gate will drop their arms and put themselves at your mercy.
1, 6 подземелье
You are Corribus Artan, the 17th King of Holbark in the Artan line. You were made king when your father committed suicide approximately three years ago. He had been a strict man with little love in him, yet he was meticulous in your training. As such, you are talented in the arts of war and diplomacy, but suffer from some confidence issues. Still, your heart is pure, and ever since rescuing them from certain starvation by begging the aid of neighboring nations, your people have loved you.
19, 33 суша
Auto-build Tavern after 1 month
16, 16 суша
Bred Toran
17, 16 суша
You call for your army to halt in front of the small black building. For a few moments, you do not dismount. Instead, you scan the building for anything amiss. There's something that just doesn't feel right. But you see nothing and your men grow impatient. Clicking your tongue to the roof of your mouth, you consider sending someone else to open the door, but that certainly wouldn't look right. Resigned to the fates, you finally dismount, glad for the helmet you've taken to wearing to protect from crossbow bolts shot by would-be assassins. Though you carry a sword belted at the hip, you pause to remove the woodsman's axe - your axe, from home - that is strapped to the saddle of your mount. Since promotion, your officers had convinced you to take to carrying a longsword, which, they argued, was more of a gentlemen's weapon. Axes, they said, were carried only by lumberjacks, barbarians and peasant folk, and for a general to carry one, especially such a common and crude one with a wooden handle, was unseemly and would only remind the men of your humble origins. Well, you had finally accepted their pleas and had reluctantly agreed to carry the sword, but you had never given up the axe. You lift it and consider its notched, blade, worn and scratch by years of chopping wood. It was your father's axe and his father's axe, bought for a few coppers at the local market when the family had first migrated to Winscott. Heavy and poorly balanced, it made for a poor melee weapon, but you grew up chopping wood, not chopping flesh, and it felt more natural in your hands than the slender elegant sword that had been found for you. But more than that, it reminded you of home. Trying to appear casual, you walk to the narrow door that grants access to the single-cell prison with the axe resting on your shoulder. The whole structure is forged from solid iron, the only opening being a small barred window set into the door large enough for a face to peer through. You finally arrive at the door. The prison gurads - reputedly minotaurs - have long since fled. There is still a large padlock, and this you hack off with the woodsmans axe. The door opens on well-oiled hinges and you look inside, bracing for just about anything...
18, 17 суша
After being down here in the dark for what seems like eons and with morale down to the point of outright talk of defection, it comes as a huge relief when the Lord Toran's prison finally comes into view. Though the local warlocks in the area have been routed, you are all-too-ready to give up the mantle of supreme authority over the King's army. Even your army seems to exhale a collective sigh of relief when, one by one, they realize that you have finally reached your objective. A few more steps, and you're there. Still, you shake the feeling that you're being watched. But according to reports, there's not another warlock around for leagues. Must just be nerves...
18, 15 суша
After being down here in the dark for what seems like eons and with morale down to the point of outright talk of defection, it comes as a huge relief when the Lord Toran's prison finally comes into view. Though the local warlocks in the area have been routed, you are all-too-ready to give up the mantle of supreme authority over the King's army. Even your army seems to exhale a collective sigh of relief when, one by one, they realize that you have finally reached your objective. A few more steps, and you're there. Still, you shake the feeling that you're being watched. But according to reports, there's not another warlock around for leagues. Must just be nerves...
8, 8 суша
You have an unpleasant feeling that an ominous menace is lurking nearby.
28, 7 суша
You have an unpleasant feeling that an ominous menace is lurking nearby.
8, 28 суша
You have an unpleasant feeling that an ominous menace is lurking nearby.
29, 26 суша
You have an unpleasant feeling that an ominous menace is lurking nearby.
19, 4 суша
Auto-build Tavern after 1 month
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