Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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For many generations, the Order of the Golden Flame and the Harpers of the White Crane have been in a state of influencial equilibrium. But now, an opportunity to end this balance has arisen. Which guild will fall to its knees... and which will rise victorious? That is yet to be seen.
Luna was once a great Enrothian Sorceress, well known for her skills as a mage and a capable military leader. Shortly after the Succession Wars, Luna retired into the elven forests of Avlee, where she found new life as a Druid. When the Elemental Confluxes appeared during the wars against Lucifer Kreegan and his Armageddon's Blade, she served the Elemental lords with a will, intent on destroying all evil. Now, she has become a highly distinguished mage in the Harpers of the White Crane, a Druids guild with a reputation for love for nature and for elvenkind. Luna has been ranked Guildmaster of Phoelin Tain, a Rampart in close proximity to the great citadel Sepanti, as well as two citadels of one of the more powerful Cleric guilds, the Order of the Golden Flame.
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Gwynneth, believed to be the rightful heir to the throne of Sepanti, became a valued member of the Harpers of the White Crane three years ago. With her command over Ice Magic as powerful as it was, and is, Gwynneth soon rose through the ranks until she was dubbed High Guildmistress of Rheinne, a citadel in the vicinity of Sepanti, her claimed birthright.
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Pure Fire Keep
32, 14 подземелье
As you approach the campfire, you come upon what at first appears to be a band of peasants. Suddenly, they flip their cloaks away, revealing a plethra of evil-looking daggers. At the same moment, an arrow hisses out of the trees and lodges itself in a stump right next to your hand, while in the background, you hear horses hooves thumping upon the ground. It appears that your enemies are taking slightly more personal approaches at eliminating the competition.
12, 17 подземелье
Approaching the tower, you see a large number of swordsmen standing upon its battlements, the swords at the ready. Some of them have bows. We cannot allow you to approach, the commander of the defence troop announces. We have vowed to defend this tower against any who do not serve Sepanti. That includes, I'm sorry to say, you.
19, 21 подземелье
It appears the path to Sepanti has been blocked by a field of impenetrable undergrowth, most likely created by the Enchanters that reside there. You will have to find some other, less conventional way to reach the great citadel.
10, 18 подземелье
As you pass through the last of the outlying groves of the forest, you catch a sound on the wind that makes you tense
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Finally through the passage, you heave a sigh of relief. However, the thought of going through that guarded passage again makes you feel slightly light-headed. Perhaps you can find some other way of leaving the valley, so as not to have to encounter such a terrible force again...
Хижина предсказателя
21, 11 подземелье
I am an old sage from the tower of Sepanti. I was banished thirteen years ago by the Enchanter Lord after punishing me. He created a lake -- the very lake we are standing by now -- and posted a large group of Enchanters there to keep me from returning to Sepanti. If you could defeat the Enchanters, I would be able to teach you a spell to allow you entrance into Sepanti.
25, 10 подземелье
Upon landing your ship, you look up to see a very large band of Enchanters muttering and humming inside a stone circle, consisting of somewhere around eighty stones propped up against each other, forming triangular gates much like a circular row of lithic teeth. After a few moments you find that many of them are staring straight at you. You feel a tingle go down your spine, and you barely have enough time to raise your shield before a bolt of magic comes souring out the stone circle straight into you, sending you flying into a tree. Getting up, you shout out the charge.
30, 5 подземелье
Aneila has been the Grand Mistress of Pure Fire Keep since before anyone can remember. No one knows how she came to such a position, yet her skills in casting fire magic seem to speak for themselves. On the battlefield, her most common spell is fireball, and she has literally been seen throwing them from her steed with expert skill, often causing enemies to either jump out of the way or be completely fried. However, although she is a skilled combatant, she tends to use her skills as a cleric and healer more often, healing those with sore wounds by burning the skin together. Somehow, the skin of those healed by Aneila always regenerates afterwards.
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Aegrain has served the Order of the Golden Flame for many years. Her integrity and wisdom has given her the trusted friends she required to gain in power. With the help of these friends, she became the High Guildmistress of the Tower of Selia, a citadel near Sepanti. Ever since that day, she has been eyeing Sepanti whistfully, and has been longing for a chance to place herself upon one of its three thrones. Her skill with the Shield spell comes as second nature to her.
1, 20 подземелье
As you approach the campfire, you come upon what at first appears to be a band of peasants. Suddenly, they flip their cloaks away, revealing a plethra of evil-looking daggers. At the same moment, an arrow hisses out of the trees and lodges itself in a stump right next to your hand, while in the background, you hear horses hooves thumping upon the ground. It appears that your enemies are taking slightly more personal approaches at eliminating the competition.
21, 26 подземелье
As you approach the campfire, you come upon what at first appears to be a band of peasants. Suddenly, they flip their cloaks away, revealing a plethra of evil-looking daggers. At the same moment, an arrow hisses out of the trees and lodges itself in a stump right next to your hand, while in the background, you hear horses hooves thumping upon the ground. It appears that your enemies are taking slightly more personal approaches at eliminating the competition.
23, 12 подземелье
As you pass over the lake in the old Sage's boat, you notice that there is a strong underpull in the water near this spot. You stare in wonder as a piece of spare wood you throw into the water disappears and does not resurface. This phenomenon can mean one thing
4, 23 подземелье
Walking along the road, you and your army suddenly come upon an arrow sunk into a log. In a few seconds, more arrows join it. It appears your opponent is attempting to smite your forces in a different way.
31, 20 подземелье
Walking along the path, you and your army suddenly come upon an arrow sunk into a log. In a few seconds, more arrows join it. It appears your opponent is attempting to smite your forces in a way that is less obviously connected to them.
20, 33 подземелье
Walking along the road, you and your army suddenly come upon an arrow sunk into a log. In a few seconds, more arrows join it. It appears your opponent is attempting to smite your forces in a different way.
17, 4 подземелье
Walking along the road, you and your army suddenly come upon an arrow sunk into a log. In a few seconds, more arrows join it. It appears your opponent is attempting to smite your forces in a different way.
19, 30 подземелье
Walking along the road, you and your army suddenly come upon an arrow sunk into a log. In a few seconds, more arrows join it. It appears your opponent is attempting to smite your forces in a different way.
18, 2 подземелье
Walking along the road, you and your army suddenly come upon an arrow sunk into a log. In a few seconds, more arrows join it. It appears your opponent is attempting to smite your forces in a different way.
2, 17 подземелье
Walking along the road, you and your army suddenly come upon an arrow sunk into a log. In a few seconds, more arrows join it. It appears your opponent is attempting to smite your forces in a different way.
30, 12 подземелье
Walking along the road, you and your army suddenly come upon an arrow sunk into a log. In a few seconds, more arrows join it. It appears your opponent is attempting to smite your forces in a different way.
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