Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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{Wogify Map} You are Lyndor. Powerful, legendary, trapped. You vow vengence on all who have opposed you and all who are good. Swift, fierce, useless. That is, until now.
You have finally broken the spirits of the former wizards' people. The magi all turn to you with hatred, but with submission, in their eyes.
The wizard people reluctantly build a cloud castle in Aine's castle for you. Titans join before realizing who it is that is recruiting them. Haha, foolish immortals.
Ящик Пандоры
29, 143 подземелье
You approach the box in the clearing, not really knowing what to expect contained therein...
40, 130 подземелье
Beware Aine and her archers. Foolish are those who attack her without protection.
79, 136 подземелье
79, 133 подземелье
Entry prohibited.
Ящик Пандоры
26, 142 подземелье
You find a queer box lodged in the ground. Sending your mind out, you come to the conclusion that there is nothing dangerous in it.
67, 123 подземелье
77, 116 подземелье
The Ship of Forgetfulness
105, 109 подземелье
I am Vernum and I refuse to help people time travel anymore. Always coming here with their problems and never thanking us when they're done. Bunch of ingrates. Well, maybe it's because they wake up in... Shut up, don't twist the situation! What rubbish! You... He hurls a magic arrow at you, which you deflect easily. Oh... that was Such a mistake on his part.
104, 109 подземелье
NOoooo! Vernum screams as he falls to the floor. Magic streams out of him and a furious rate. Finally, it stops, but large puddles of magic residue are left on the ground. They suddenly coalesce into animate forms...
Страж прохода
61, 111 подземелье
Entry only for Enchanters.
43, 111 подземелье
Your haste to get through the archway aludes you. Your reason for being here escapes you too. Hmm... What was I suppose to do here? you wonder, scratching your head. Ah well, you decide to move on.
140, 101 подземелье
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117, 122 подземелье
136, 117 подземелье
Сапоги Левитации
93, 118 подземелье
Put these on to gain passage into the Valley of Tempus. But take off anything you're wearing on your feet now, for insulation will dull the magic.
Страж прохода
66, 143 подземелье
Did Josephine yell something?
Благородный эльф
140, 63 подземелье
Okay okay, we're cornered. We'll join you then.
106, 87 подземелье
Страж прохода
85, 112 подземелье
Return the boots.
99, 108 подземелье
Away! We will no longer work in this place. We are liberated people! they cry as you approach. I want to speak to your leader Ver... He does not want to speak to you! He is too busy doing things behind the Market of Time. But... Go away, you foolish mortal! Foolish! Mortal! They insulted you twice in a single sentence. They shall pay for their insolence...
89, 108 подземелье
You didn't listen. Fool.
87, 108 подземелье
Something warns you not to procede. Intuition this powerful must be acknowledged.
24, 121 подземелье
Mhmm, Elleshar's stronghold. He would be the founder of the university. You decide to kill him. Foolish man who would give what was rightfully yours, the valedictory speech, to Annoying Andoorn. You charge up to the castle. Let me do it for you! calls out your flunky. NO! I, Lyndor, get the honour of killing him. Note to Player
39, 131 подземелье
What protection? you wonder to yourself. You vaguely remember a spell used to deal with archers... Unfortunately it belongs to the school of Aqua, and water was never your forte. You shall return later to defeat Aine. As you recall, she is one of the people you have to kill to for one of the towers in your archdevil lair. But it would not be a crime to explore ahead first, would it?
Страж прохода
6, 139 подземелье
You try to pass, but an invisible force flings you back out. Curses on my ingenuity! You try to unweave the forcefield, but it does not work.
2, 139 подземелье
You see Ignifer Avis in the distance, your most powerful castle. Granted, it's not as homey as Devil's Gate, it's the lava, here on the surface it gets contaminated quickly, but the nexus of power inside is capable of rasing a legion of devils. What's that? Oh no...
4, 142 подземелье
No! You say to yourself, nonononono.
6, 140 подземелье
The portal! It's still there! This castle was never as homey because no servants could get in. The portal prevented anyone without great magic to enter, so it is logical that the only one that could enter was you. The demons could have been used as servants, you muse, then wrinkle the thought away, they love the weirdest things, who knows what they might cook for your meals... Unfortunately, because you are not at your full strength, the portal bars your entry. Curses! You will have to find ways to increase your magic.
16, 141 подземелье
As you enter the subterranean gate to your realm you send forth a basic scrying spell to see what your loyal subjects are like. Lyndor's back? How can that be? Apparently he escaped that astral prison. Well, let him come, we'll kill that dusty old man. Several expletives come to mind, but you down them quickly; a scrying spell is capable of being two-way if the emotions on the caster's end are extremely powerful. And you feel like crushing skulls right now... But perhaps it would be wise to go in there with an adequate escort?
44, 125 подземелье
The sight of the titans alone should warn of danger ahead. Perhaps it would be prudent to build up your forces a bit more.
55, 143 подземелье
What is the meaning of this intrusion? questions a scholar from the university. I don't know, tell me, you reply wryly. He peers at you intently. Lyndor! he gasps, How did you escape from the prison? Easily, you smile wickedly, and anyone with knowledge of the prison has to be in league with the blasted wizards who caught me. The scholar suddenly ignites, the blazing fire hungrily eating both his body and his screams. Damn, you must really learn to control your temper, you could have tortured information out of him first. You kick at the pile of dust and walk up to the university.
56, 143 подземелье
The remaining scholars hurriedly make way for your horse as you ride up to the university. A particularly venerable looking one, marred only by a slight shuddering, comes up to you and presents you with an artifact, saying, This is our most prized artifact, with it, you can channel the power of Aeris at a more ferocious rate. Just leave us, please... You pick up the orb he presents you and stare into its crystal surface. It appears to be housing a storm, but at the same time hums with a calm aura of power.
82, 134 подземелье
A concealed passage is evidence that whatever lies at the other end is somewhere the wizards thought too dangerous for people to venture into.
63, 119 подземелье
A gate suddenly bursts out of the ground and fills the entire clearing. Inscriptions run along the base of the gate. Valley of Tempus, entrance prohibited to the Uninvited One of your archdevils teleports into the entrance and an imp follows. But as the imp nears the entrance a icicle thrusts itself out of the ground and impales the imp. You troops shift about and murmur to themselves. Apparently, only devils are allowed inside. Somehow, you know that in the discrimmination of the gate, you are also considered a devil. You decide to leave your troops in the Conflux, and bring along a few devils. Who knows what other accidents might befall you if you brought too many devils in. (Note to player
67, 116 подземелье
The Azure Dragons lunge at you and snap at the air infront of you. A wispy form appears from your head and is slowly pulled out by the Dragons, but you slap them away and the wispy form flies back into your head. You hurry on, muttering, No offense to the Dragons. But really! what was that misty thing they wanted to pull out of you?
75, 116 подземелье
There is no turning back once you enter the Valley of Tempus.
80, 116 подземелье
The waves crash over the side of the boat and as they wash over an archdevil, it seems to grow younger, acting as it did whilst still a devil. More waves crash over the side but you calmly deflect all of them with a simple forcefield.
64, 125 подземелье
The Conflux! This is troubling, the Conflux was the castle in which Terra, Ignis, Aqua and Aeris met for discussions, and was also the place of their destruction. The castle was supposedly destroyed along with them, it seems the wizards have been keeping secrets.
68, 112 подземелье
As you near the whirlpool, you feel memories going out of you in streams. You gasp for breath, for the strain on your head is great. Every single step is a chore.
67, 112 подземелье
*gasp* Note to player
67, 111 подземелье
*gasp* Note to player
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65, 110 подземелье
64, 110 подземелье
63, 111 подземелье
63, 112 подземелье
64, 113 подземелье
65, 113 подземелье
66, 113 подземелье
103, 108 подземелье
After a thorough inspection of this queer structure, you conclude that it has been damaged severely.
Страж прохода
65, 108 подземелье
What? You want to go back in time? Well, I'm sorry, but most of our Time Riders have gone on strike at the Market of Time. Perhaps you could reason with them in some way? Look for their leader, Vernum. Maybe then we can help you. The Market of Time usually is restricted area, but since we're desperate, we shall tell you the secret passage. Go visit the tree of knowledge east of here and then go directly west of it. You'll find a hidden passage that will take you to the Market of Time.
59, 111 подземелье
Lyndor! It's not to late to turn back now. Without proper assistance, going back is extremely dangerous! You turn to see the enchanter crouching amongst the flowers. Evidently, he hasn't found clothes yet. You summon a wind to blow away the flowers. Hey! he yells and runs away again. Undignified fool, you mutter to yourself, grinning wickedly.
45, 110 подземелье
It seems you shall have to pass through this archway to get into the inner Valley of Tempus.
48, 110 подземелье
To the inner Valley of Tempus.
65, 107 подземелье
As a substitute (though poor, I know), why don't you visit all our towers before leaving? There may be things we can still teach the great Lyndor.
68, 101 подземелье
As you near the necklace your memory swims back into your head. Andoorn! That meandering moron, that philandering phall... He's not worth my creative insults, you think angrily. Umm... teleportation back...? the Enchanter asks delicately. You round on him furiously, You made me forget! He lifts his hands in a defensive gesture, Just protecting this place from your ridiculous demands. He fishes in his pockets for more dust, but you burn his pocket, and his clothes, off him. Run, you naked imbecile! you laugh in cruel ecstacy. Hmmm... what's this, it seems his inner coat didn't burn, and would you look at that, he left it behind.
Брелок Абсолютной Памяти
69, 101 подземелье
You reach forward to snatch the pendant, twisting ropes of fire around it to overpower the teleportation magic.
35, 107 подземелье
A man walks out of the... um... well... air. Fascinating, you can feel the air, or everything actually, shift and move back into place when he stepped out of a bend in... existence? Arcane magic? He hands you a pendant. Here's the pendant to activate the portal, just slot it into... A roar of recollection tears at your mind. Oh cra... the man, no, the Enchanter, begins. But is cut off when a sizzling fireball you summon from the air blasts him to bits. A fitting end to a fool, you mutter to yourself. Really, you'd think they'd learn that a pendant, the Pendant of Total Recall nonetheless, would recall memories along with arcane magic. Hmm... how strange, this is the second one they gave you.
34, 106 подземелье
The portal radiates with an aura of... nothing. As of now, it is only a construct of metal and three huge, but dulled, sapphires. The sapphires you know are also called the Stones of Aeris, for with them great magical feats, even to arcane standards, can be performed. These ones seem set, somehow, to teleportation only. Unfortunately, Stones of Aeris require a constant flow of arcane energy to operate, which explains why they are dulled right now. And explains the little notch at the base of the structure
28, 106 подземелье
This looks... familiar.
29, 110 подземелье
It looks more then familiar. You know this to be the lands surrounding the university where you and Andoorn graduated. Even the little Garden of Knowledge is at the same place. Hmm... you wonder if you can visit the place again after so many years... they should have learnt something new to teach you right?
30, 112 подземелье
The amount of arcane magic used to re-construct this whole place is amazing! The magic hides from you, you can tell. That, you think, is the greatest flaw in this place, total absense of magic is a sure sign that plenty is present, disguised.
31, 113 подземелье
You test your theory by plucking a 'random' weed. It imbues you with a subtle power that you are sure cannot come from a real random weed.
33, 117 подземелье
Even that little prison is there. You decide freeing whoever is caught inside would be a novel idea this time.
33, 115 подземелье
You realize that all this gaping at this place must stem from trying to ignore the twisting anger residing in you. You let it come to the surface now, embracing it and feeding off it to better your command over Ignis' tempestuous magic.
36, 119 подземелье
Help! the prisoner pleads to you. Haha, and why should I? deciding to let him go says nothing of teasing him first. I'll give you a vial of dragon blood if you let me out. You stop laughing immediately. Now, that would be useful, especially if enchanted. You could use it for various alchemical purposes, like brewing more Elixer, or Sovereign Specifics, or perhaps doing what every amateur alchemist aspires to do; produce gold from base metals, and maybe even find out how to generate gold from dross. Or it could be used for... Would you help me plea-e-e-ease? You give a start. Oops, lost track of time there. Alright, just give me that vial. You free him and he hands you a vial. Hey! This is not dragon blood! It's... human... YOUR blood! Hey, I had to get out, didn't I? You scream at him, You lactating liar! Strangely, he cowers How precious! There are not many that would dare lie to me these days, you might even prove useful. You pat his head and move on.
23, 121 подземелье
And this would be your exit, you hear a faint whisper say. What was that? You recall not. Don't forget, the exit is the tavern at Conflux. What was that again? Blast these bloody whispers. So you shrug your shoulders and attack Elleshar, not realizing that a third Pendant of Recall drops into your pocket, or you would have muttered about incompetent sercurity.
Страж прохода
111, 133 подземелье
A lump of rock larger than a dragon obscures the mouth of a cavern that resists your teleportation and mobile spells. There is a tiny niche by the side and you suspect a key of some sort will help you here.
Страж прохода
65, 124 подземелье
A tower stand before you, barring entry.
64, 123 подземелье
The Tunnel of Terra
63, 123 подземелье
You wonder what is contained in the Tunnel of Terra. Increasing your pace to quell impatience, you trot up to the opening and go in.
115, 124 подземелье
Aha! The first tree hugging dendrophile, He resides in (of all things) a wooden castle with vines crawling all over the place, strangling all the wood and with flowers invading all the nooks, killing the place with their pungent smell. Anyone who would live in here must have gone mad eons ago. One thing, though, catches your senses. The sweet smell of sulphur, and the feeling of rage suppressed. Hmm... there might be dragons here. Strange, considering dragons usually prefer dark holes, and love to live with troglodyte spawn, easy meals, those. But even strange dragons will be useful in battle, if you manage to get any.
129, 133 подземелье
As you march up to the castle, you notice a dragon flying above the southeast mountains. Hmmm....
Хижина провидца
141, 140 подземелье
On the bark of this ancient tree is carved
125, 114 подземелье
The sight of cut tree trunks gives you a malovelent idea. You summon the winds of Aeris and the flames of Ignis to sever as many trees as your power allows, destroying all that is green and living. HAHAHA!!! you laugh in pure joy. HAha...uh... The trees do not seem to be diminishing. With power surging through you, you are able to see that there is another store of magical energy, ten times as vast as your own, and it keeps replenishing trees with a suffuse of green light. Terra! You howl in dismay and irritation. Just you wait.... Terra.... Well, at least you've gotten yourself a mighty pile of wood here. Great for fire fuel.
133, 85 подземелье
You see some elves fleeing towards the north. Should you decide to chase them? Hmm...
33, 141 подземелье
You dare attack the great wizard Aine? Die die die in our capable hands!
83, 78 подземелье
Щит Тоскующих Мертвецов
97, 79 подземелье
A shield of black inset with a grinning skull seems out of place in this green valley. But then again, so were the skeletons.
112, 77 подземелье
Wait your turn, the cavaliers tell you. Wait my turn! Lyndor?! Deem to wait outside a stable like a plebeian? I don't think so...
Щит Яростного Огра
102, 65 подземелье
A mad Ogre kills itself and drops a shield. You call the shield the Targ of the Rampaging Ogre and pick it up.
Хижина провидца
122, 79 подземелье
Hello again Lyndor. No, don't ask me questions, and yes, you'll find out who I am, next time. Right now, I will tell you that you need to kill Kilgor before I shall give you a whole lot of mercury. You will need it in the future.
111, 54 подземелье
118, 48 подземелье
You see a big bunch of dragon flies guarding a hole. Hmm...
118, 47 подземелье
Closer inspection makes you come to the conclusion that it is, indeed, an empty hole.
113, 51 подземелье
Hello! We've decided to join you. Andra never did take that good care of us.
Щит Проклятых
108, 66 подземелье
You pick the fire-rimmed shield off the ground. What a great shield! you think to yourself, running your fingers through the pleasant flames. You think of putting it on right then and using it forever, but the voice of a seer penetrates your head. Something about a reward for all these shields. A dilemma, you decide, what will I do?
84, 79 подземелье
There appears to be another 'Conflux' ahead. How queer. As you approach it, you notice that it has a dock.
109, 90 подземелье
You stifle a yawn. Swamp people. They never were any good at fighting. Just another thorn on your path to continental domination. As you go over to conquer them, you ignore the little voice that tells you that even the smallest of thorns has to be handled with the most delicate of tweezers.
124, 48 подземелье
Seeing all these holes, you begin to wonder, are these people looking for {Rehte}, the Grail? Can it actually still be unfound? This doesn't seem possible. Since any person strong in magic would be able to tell if there was such a potent item anywhere near him, and that they had a thousand year headstart on you seems to draw out this impossiblilty.
129, 44 подземелье
What fervent diggers! They really have cleared out this place. But isn't the Cavern of Terra supposed to be here somewhere? How can it be if all these people have swarmed this place? They would have clammered into the Caverns already.
143, 41 подземелье
You follow this queer narrow landmass to whatever lies at the end of it. You predict that it will be the Cavern of Terra.
100, 99 подземелье
A mountain range etched with the passage of a river, seems to be your only way forward. You gather yourself and step into a body of the element of Aqua.
94, 96 подземелье
The water surges in it's restraining banks, throwing up a mist of dampness. Eaugh, what a disgusting phenomenon. You get wet, your troops get wet and your morale gets wet. That sounded a trifle disgusting, but never matter.
89, 94 подземелье
Around this meander even more water flies into your face. You summon a shield of Ignis to protect you from the assault of the element. Ahh... the warmth of the flames evaporates the water and keeps you nice and warm.
84, 95 подземелье
A tendril of water detaches itself from the river and flies towards you. It touches the shield and recoils like a snapped rubber band. You gasp in shock as it flies back into the river. That bit of water, you are quite sure from the moment it touched your shield, was animate. This comes as a shock for you. Water is not supposed to be animate.
80, 96 подземелье
Off with that fire, you fool human! hiss sibilant voices. The river suddenly gouts upwards and turns into shapes. The shapes surge forward with the deadly grace of water and attack.
79, 96 подземелье
Hmm... you wonder, if water can be made animate like this, can fire, too, be made so? You begin your pondering on this that will last for days.
Огненный элементаль
55, 86 подземелье
A violent eruption from one volcano brings lava roiling down its side. as the lava nears you, you ready the foul sweet energy of Aqua to quench it, but before you can cast a blanket of ice over the lava, it solidifies into humanoid forms. Annimated fire! You study how they solidify closely as they attack...
56, 86 подземелье
After killing the last of the animated fire forms, you think you can perceive how to create them, if you were to create a shell of fire, and fill it with a pulsing amalgam of earth and fire, and then put the essense of, eugh, water into the pulses, you would be able to make these complicated forms. You draw in as much power of Ignis as you can without burning yourself into a cinder, and begin forming the outer shell. You finish the first one, barely, and begin to fill it with the amalgams. Keeping Ignis within you, you draw on Terra and Aqua at the same time. All three elements race through your body and make you feel so much more alive; Ignis reverberates strongly through your veins, Terra fills you with the thought of knowledge and Aqua makes graceful and beautiful everything seen through the eyes. You hold on in wonder; you have never tried holding so much power before, until your tensing muscles tell you to hurry and finish it. You form the amalgam and force it into the shell. The shell bulges awkwardly before you press it back into shape. You test the pulsing and fit water into them. As you exultingly near completion, your access to Aqua is snapped suddenly and as you are hurled backwards, you see the fire form come to life. Mad, and about to attack. You try to summon some petty magic to destroy it, but making this one fire form has exhausted your total magic reserve.
54, 87 подземелье
You quickly give orders to your troops to atack the blasted thing. You reflect that you thought an unintentional pun, then dismiss the fool thought at the destruction of your precious creation.
41, 80 подземелье
27, 85 подземелье
Страж прохода
72, 115 подземелье
No item of arcane magic may be brought into the Valley of Tempus as it may interfere with the delicate magic in the valley. Please deposit any such item here.
Король циклопов
13, 79 подземелье
You are not a barbarian! How on earth did you get past Kilgor? You killed him?! No!! Well, whatever it is, you are not allowed access to the key to the Rite of Passage.
68, 124 подземелье
As you enter the castle, an inscription on a plaque on the wall draws your attention. On it is written the story every sorceror memorizes in the first year of his study
49, 48 подземелье
Amat Dracum
51, 58 подземелье
Ahh... come fellows, new meat...
60, 54 подземелье
A queer group comes up to you. They look hostile.
76, 50 подземелье
Хижина провидца
112, 92 подземелье
Hello Lyndor. Listen, and don't ask questions, I have very little time for frivolous questions. I have decided that you may have another chance at completing what you did not on your previous trip into the Valley of Tempus. You will not be able to go in there again, it is not permitted, but you will get a chance to ... um... kill... 'Elleshar', in that valley anyway. I shall give you further details in the Cavern of Terra, no, not the Tunnel, the Cavern, it's at the north-east end of this continent. You've been to the Cavern of Aeris before I trust? Anyway, come back here when Elleshar's been beaten. I will aid you in getting on with your termination campaign. Your methods are painfully direct, I always did prefer subtlety, but you seem to be doing fine. Keep it up!
3, 106 подземелье
Phoenixes? I thought they were long extinct? What are they guarding this portal for?
34, 140 подземелье
Beware all who would dare travel beyond this place.
73, 115 подземелье
Yeah, how about returning the items you fool tower? But as you look back, you see that the tower, as well as your shackles, have disappeared. Maybe that's how they sustain the magic here; by the magic of pilfered items.
66, 90 подземелье
This place looks surprisingly familiar, though you are sure you have never been here before.
64, 92 подземелье
As you get closer, you realize this must be where that fireball you let off landed so many months ago. But it would have subsided by now. There must be some energy in there keeping it smoking. Hmm... perhaps there is a chance you might investigate this energy source? You shall have to look for a way in.
35, 88 подземелье
A roc flies down from the cliff and hands you a message carried in its beak. You break open the seal and read
14, 79 подземелье
Rite of Paassage? What is that, or, where, is that?
Страж прохода
25, 53 подземелье
The Beginning of the Rite of Passage.
31, 52 подземелье
Ugh. you can see why the Rite of Passage is such a difficult task. The smell simply is unbearable.
51, 67 подземелье
Warning! The Frightful Desert lies ahead. Terrible creatures inhabit the place. No other life can be found in there.
64, 60 подземелье
You wonder why the desert feels so... dead. There must be magic sustaining it, as is evident by the fact that the hot desert is right next to a snowy plain. Probably to keep the barbarians out.
68, 58 подземелье
Even on the snow, nothing grows. It's just a blank plain... much like the Astral prison, though rockier... you do not dare hope... could this be where Theodorus lives?
Страж прохода
87, 54 подземелье
A familiar figure shrouded in a black cloak emerges from the black tent. He walks up to the tower and calls to you, Hello again Lyndor. Who are you? you ask. That is unimportant. You must learn, Lyndor, that it is not who a person is that is important, it is what he intends to do. As for now, I would dearly love that sash that Theodorus wears. Have you got it?
76, 51 подземелье
As you gallop up to his castle, you smile unpleasantly. It is, indeed, Theodorus' castle. You can see his blue pug face peering over the side of the battlement. Hello you drab peasant, you call to him most pleasantly. He widens his azure eyes, Lyndor! So those half dead messengers were not hallucinating after all... Why yes, I did, in fact, escape that blasted prison of yours. I see the years have not been unkind to you, though what damage could done was all done at your birthing. You are ready to die I hope? Lyndor, Lyndor, Lyndor, he admonishes, I may not have my consort of wizards to take you down, but I have the brute strength of an army. And you really must go back to that prison you know? Quite naughty of you to have escaped. You do not bother answering, he is stalling for something. You can tell. You strike out with blind magic and hit... something, which shatters at your attack. Theodorus recoils physically. You give him a smug smile, My dear Theodorus, the one named after the gods, we will see how god-like you are now.
46, 90 подземелье
A castle got caught in that fireball. How hilariously queer.
Секира Кентавра
31, 132 подземелье
You see an axe lying about in the snow. You pick up the cold shaft and equip it.
Карающая Дубина Огра
20, 117 подземелье
You break off a thorny branch and wield it.
Великий Гноллий Кистень
95, 90 подземелье
A dead gnoll lies on the ground. Beside him is a flail. Which you most readily relieve him of.
Черный Клинок Мертвого Рыцаря
140, 98 подземелье
A sliver of death pricks you. But you remove it and fit it onto a sword hilt.
89, 24 подземелье
109, 58 подземелье
How dare you attack our mistress!
79, 137 подземелье
Where is Theodorus? you shout to the wizard. She looks at you, confused, and says, Theodorus? He left us years ago to live in solitary contem... You lie! you scream at her. I most certainly do NOT! she retorts indignantly, now, what are you here for? I am Lyndor, and I have come to conquer you, and kill that damned Theodorus. At the mention of your name, her eyes widen and she begins assembling her troops. Fine, if she wants to dispense with what little pleasantries you were willing to give, it's her loss; she just has less time to live.
75, 140 подземелье
Wizards, you sniff in derision. You can't abide them. With so much control over magic, you'd think they could lean more of the wonderfully destructive power of Ignis. But no, they have to study dusty tomes, all censored safe by the first of the wizards. They have no sense of adventure whatsoever. Nasty people, they give all magic workers a bad name. Come the think of it, they give us a good name, not bad... How positively disgusting.
76, 139 подземелье
You remember that Theodorus, the leader of the wizards that killed you, is a genie wizard. He must live among these other wizards! You eagerly anticipate killing him.
Плащ Отречения
104, 2 подземелье
The Befuddler of Weaves. You feel a confusion inside you. Spells cast around it seem shaky and uncertain, you are sure more complex spells will all fall apart with this confusion roiling inside you and your opponent.
Золотой Лук
105, 9 подземелье
The Bow of Aeris. As you pick it up, all your range troops are imbued with a white light. Anything fired by them will be carried on flows of Aeris directly to their target.
Накидка Скорости
106, 16 подземелье
The Quickener of Steps. Putting it on seems to make everyone around you walk on a cushion of air.
Сапоги Противодействия
104, 29 подземелье
The Breaker of Weaves. Blades of Ignis, Terra, Aeris and Aqua revolve around these boots. Though they do not affect you in any way, you are sure detrimental spells cast on you or those on your side may find themselves sliced useless by the magic blades.
Ожерелье из Зубов Дракона
105, 23 подземелье
The Mind and Body Enhancer. This string of queer stones and teeth fix themselves onto you as you put it on. They seep into your body and mind with a dragon force that seems to add to whatever you do.
55, 25 подземелье
55, 7 подземелье
Страж прохода
93, 8 подземелье
No one may enter save Fiur.
10, 18 подземелье
20, 22 подземелье
Сфера Запрещения
9, 19 подземелье
This must be the shrouded man's orb. You bend down to pick it up and are flung back in the greatest of shocks. The orb actually repels magic! You have never seen anything do so before; dissolve yes, break, yes, but never repel. The tremendous power you can draw on must have been what flung you bodily backwards. You draw on Aeris to pick up the orb, hoping futilely that the orb would not repel individual threads, but the threads are sucked into the orb and the orb continues sucking your threads of Aeris. What's this? you think in shock as you try to lose your touching of the source of Aeris. But you cannot; the orb uses the thread like a tube and sucks hungrily at your source. You panic as you feel your source diminish, but just as you are about to cut it with knives of Ignis, at the risk of those threads being sucked in too, a surge of power from behind you stops your drawing. A razor thin thread of arcane magic flies forward and slices your thread of Aeris. The thread recoils sharply, but you sink back onto the grass in relief. Two gigantic eyes peer at you from above. Fascinating device, says the faerie dragon, It appears to have diminished your source of Aeris permanently. You hurriedly reach for Aeris, and see that his pronouncement is true. Why didn't you stop it sooner?! you splutter in a trio of rage, panic and indignance, why did you allow it to.. to.. eat so much of my magic? You feel moisture on your face, it must be sweat; Lyndor does not cry. The faerie dragon smiles at you, I wanted to observe what happened. This orb is a truly fascinating device. He turns around and walks back to his group of faerie dragons to discuss this incident. You have no choice but to get one of your non-magical troops to carry the orb with you. You scrub the sweat off your face and begin your journey back to the shrouded person's hut.
133, 6 подземелье
124, 20 подземелье
Aww... It appears you cannot land. Or can you?
121, 23 подземелье
As your feet touch the ground, it shimmers and becomes a gigantic pile of gold. Evidently, the heat of the gold coins created a wave of illusion, called a mirage by most.
48, 49 подземелье
Hello! Who are you? I'm a Dungeon warlord. But I've never hurt a dragon in my life, which is why I am still alive. The dragons gave me this small hut to live in. They cannot afford to have word of their rebellion reach outside the caves. How did you get through? I... uhh... killed the dragons. You WHAT!!! I.. I heard you the first time. How could you? How could you kill these magnificent creatures? They were in my way. Sigh... well, I suppose joining you would be my only means of survival? How intelligent. All right, all right, just let me pack a few things first.
124, 140 подземелье
You balk at the unbearable stench. Bleagh, how anyone can survive in these lush stinking grasslands is a mystery to you. And the colours! What ever happened to simple black, or warm red? What's with all this green and rotten flowers? You shake your head. It seems there is no accounting for taste. You can already feel languid lethargy and a hint of music wafting over the forests. This is disgusting! These people will have to die just because of their poor taste in living conditions. Then, you will be able to improve upon this place. Hmm... that lake would look much nicer with a stream of lava entering it just so. And those trees, a volcano placed behind would accentuate the trees, chocolatey brown and wonderfully dead, when you're done with this place... You amuse yourself with your imaginative decorating flair and move on, clearly using it to ward against the awful aura of this place.
Страж прохода
123, 141 подземелье
A wizard comes out to meet you.Ah! you want passage through? Just wait a bit, I shall have to look for the key... You wait patiently as he fumbles around in his pockets. Um... where it it? Could I have left it in the tower? or maybe at Amy's house? Uh... that's my umm... cousin, yes, cousin. Amy's my cousin. Where is that key? You turn away exasperatedly. You can come back when he has found it.
Шляпа Морского Капитана
20, 113 подземелье
Something to help you.
44, 0 подземелье
to kill for power is created by fiery phoenix
Страж прохода
18, 121 подземелье
A tower stands before you, demanding a Pendant of Total Recall be placed in the little notch in the bottom before it will open for you.
Страж прохода
17, 120 подземелье
The black cloaked stranger appears and stomps up to you. Damn those wizards! he screams. What? you ask cautiously. He visibly gathers himself before continuing. They have appointed a wizard adept in seeing things to try and bore a hole through infinity into another realm. And the realm he is boring into is, guess what, mine! So why is this bad? You will have an entrance you can surprise the four through. Don't you see, you fool BOY? Infinity is placed between realms to prevent them from coinciding. If they coincide, a paradox occurs! Two realms, two seperate individual 'one-ness', cannot, must not ever, meet! So..?
14, 127 подземелье
As you near your old university, you cannot help but exalt. You will be able to kill Andoorn at last!
4, 107 подземелье
You are very angry at that black cloaked stranger. How dare he ask you to go to his realm and then inconsiderately put these birds in your way? You decide to have a few choice words with him when you see him again.
5, 104 подземелье
You will be travelling into another realm! You feel an inevitable excitement fill your body as you prepare to step through the portal. You wonder if the realm will be any different then this one.
127, 7 подземелье
As you step through, you feel... the same. What's this?! You know, you can feel it, you have not shifted to another realm. That blackie person is REALLY annoying me! If I see him again, you resolve, I will KILL him, I will- You will what? he asks quietly, perhaps too quietly. Umm... what? you say. Nothing, he rolls his eyes, Listen, I didn't do this, okay? It's this pesky meddlesome neighbouring realm that has shifted the polarities of my doors. They left those phoenixes there as guards. They WORSHIP those four stupid fools and will do anything to protect them. Thankfully, you will still be able to reach my homey realm. The four left in this neighbouring realm a key into the Tunnel of Terra. It is this key, and another, that this realm worships. They- Other key? Yes, the key to the position to {Rehte}. Anyway, yes, they worship- {Rehte}? The vessel of arcane magic? You mean Andoorn doesn't have it yet? Andoorn? No, he's not on this continent, he's meddling with the lives of two young people right now, on the southern continent. He never had the ambition to look for unnecessary things. Like I was saying... they worship both keys as physical representations of those four. They've even forgotten about Solis and Umbra! Fools! They used a door to get into this realm, they haven't closed the door yet though, and the door is at the other end of this small island. Go get the key and enter the Tunnel of Terra. He disappears abruptly.
132, 7 подземелье
You think this is an outpost of that meddlesome realm. Taking it over may prove useful. Another Conflux shaped building, my lord, they really worship those four.
138, 6 подземелье
The flash of bright feathers and a plume of crackling heat blaze in the air. You see phoenixes flying around the plume. Perhaps some will join you.
139, 7 подземелье
Finally. I shall really enter another realm now! And to kill! Hurrah!
80, 8 подземелье
As you step out, you know that this is, at last, another dimension. The ground here actually seems enriched with magic, strong magic. This place must have good teachers of magic in the mage guilds with all this magic to draw from, you eagerly await encountering your first mage guild. You wonder what the enemy here will be like.
Страж прохода
64, 7 подземелье
No one save Pasis may pass.
Страж прохода
89, 28 подземелье
Breaking the Weave
Страж прохода
98, 8 подземелье
Befuddling the Weaves
Страж прохода
100, 9 подземелье
Arrows of Aeris
Страж прохода
98, 23 подземелье
Enhancing the Mind and Body
Страж прохода
96, 22 подземелье
Quickening the Step
Медаль Уязвимости
105, 13 подземелье
The Forced Weaver. This orbs seems to exude a magic that unceasingly bores into you and everybody around it. You are sure harnessing this force into the weaving of your own spells will cause them to find their way into even the smallest crack on a magic shield.
Магическая Медаль Маны
96, 24 подземелье
There are three gates, but only one key, make your choice well.
Страж прохода
99, 12 подземелье
Forced Weaving
Магическая Медаль Маны
98, 10 подземелье
There are three gates, but only one key, make your choice well.
20, 5 подземелье
22, 97 подземелье
The Forbidden Temple
45, 130 подземелье
Intruders! Intruders! cries a zealous guard. Muttering curses, you chase after her, ever bent on killing her.
9, 7 подземелье
An immediate chill settles into your bones as you step out into this winter land. But as you continue to trek through the snow, you realize that the the chill is not brought by the snow, but by the proximity to a great vessel of power. An arcane vessel. It suddenly dawns upon you that this artifact would be the Book of Aeris. You shiver in dread and anticipation. Dread at facing the pure, primal power of the raging tempest that is air, and anticipation at the thought of holding the book.
17, 31 подземелье
A rumble shakes the ground and you form a dome of Aeris in preparation for an earthquake. Rocks the size of horses tumble down the mountains towards you. You extend flows from the dome and toss the inconsequential pebbles aside. The rumble continues, and you continue holding the dome up. After a few minutes, it dawns upon you that the rumble is not going to stop, and that an earthquake is not going to happen. It must just be the magic of this place. All right, you tell your troops, that's only the magic, nothing to be afraid of. You let down the barrier and continue inspecting the place, oblivious to the one stray boulder that rolls down the hill and squashes an imp like a bug.
17, 8 подземелье
All this water layering water layering even more water fascinates you. You stretch out a hand to touch one tendril and it immediately recoil. Living water again? You want to scream, you prepare for the coalescing that would signify an attack, but the water remains formless. You inspect the tendril you touched and see a burnt mark on it. In fact, it looks like a blue hand burnt to a stump. You look at your hands. Do I really emit that much Ignis? You sigh, because all this water has begun to fascinate you, as you go and do battle with Aqua.
11, 19 подземелье
So this is the original Conflux. You laugh at your unamazement. You have seen too many Confluxes to be surprised seeing the real one. Troops line the battlements, but without the four guiding them, they're as good as dead.
Фолиант Магии Воздуха
7, 18 подземелье
Winds threaten to tear your hands away from the Book of Aeris while static paradoxically tugs at you. The book you picked up in the astral prison was not like this. You begin to see why that is a clone and this is not.
Фолиант Магии Земли
13, 20 подземелье
As you reach the Book of Terra, you see that the earthquakes you experienced in Terra's realm were caused by the book, for where the book lies, little earthquakes rumble in the surrounding ground, heaving like someone breathing forcefully. But the book remains still. Such is the power of Terra; Stoic in the embrace, but Turmoil in the wrath.
Фолиант Магии Воды
13, 18 подземелье
You throb with the power that is the Drop and the Wave. The power that is both the delicacy that is the drop and the immensity that is the wave.
Фолиант Магии Огня
7, 20 подземелье
The Book of Ignis does not beckon as enticingly as it would have months ago. Nonetheless, you cannot feel anything but awe in the presense of so much power.
92, 11 подземелье
You will not enter our storage of artifacts, cry the creatures in the battlements.
90, 25 подземелье
You shall not steal our artifacts! cry the creatures in the garrison.
92, 26 подземелье
What artifacts reside in the stores of these people? Arcane ones perhaps? You advance eagerly.
94, 11 подземелье
You press on with great anticipation, for you want to get your hands on as many arcane, you are sure they are, artifacts as you can.
0, 35 подземелье
Hmm...? Who are you? The Tower did not tell me that they would send anybody. How did you get here? HEY! What are you doing?
Страж прохода
67, 16 подземелье
Prove to me you have garnered the favour of the Four, and I will allow you to see the Conflux.
Страж прохода
1, 30 подземелье
An dark shrouded figure appears in a tower. He seems familiar... ah yes, he was the one who appeared at irregular intervals and threw tantrums at Lyndor. He must have- I do not throw tantrums, he says indignantly, and you are only alive because Lyndor needs those wings you have. And I am only here because at this stage, it does not matter if the four know I am here, it might even serve as a distraction while Lyndor attacks them. I cannot travel deeper into my realm because the only thing that prevents the four from casting me out, again, is this long stretch of mountains. You, too, may not go further as you will be squashed like an ant. So you shall reside in this tower with me until Lyndor has reduced their numbers, only then will I allow you to fly over to give him the wings. You said something about your realm being sucked into ours if a hole is bored all the way through infinity? He snorts, The only thing that prevents that is this chain of mountains, it sort of plugs up the hole like leaves in a sink. But it's only temporary, I shall have to fix it when I get the artifacts Lyndor is supposed to get for me. Now, shut up and camp here, I have things to do.
1, 24 подземелье
2, 24 подземелье
Fire seers the soles of your feet before you can weave a suitable platform of Aeris three inches off the ground to walk on. As you step atop your platform, you weave what little threads of Aqua that you can to mend the burns on your feet. You try to feel calm, as you did in your old university, to reach the source of Aqua. Something queer almost cuts you off completely from the source in shock. The faint blue glow that is the heart of Aqua is not there anymore. It is replaced by an immense blue book emanating calmness. The Book of Aqua! you exclaim to yourself, basically because there is no one else to exclaim to. At this proximity to the book, you can wield twice the amount of Aqua you could normally. Which still is not a lot, granted, but enough. You turn to your troops to offer healing and weave coolings nets of Aqua to soothe the burns of your devils. You move to your- Wait... the devils were... burnt? What fire can be hot enough to... Following a hunch, you reach to Ignis. There, you see the book pulsating as strongly as the Book of Aqua, though paradoxically. Ignis' strength is in chaos while Aqua's lies in calm. Strange, you have always liked the chaos before, but now besides the vast calmness of Aqua, you begin to see how... childish... it is. You unthinkingly weave Aqua into the platform to avert the heat. Now to- Where is this... this... Mortal who would call my power childish?!? a loud voice suddenly erupts over your head. You reel back at the immensity of the voice, but at the same time feel annoyed at the fact that he both read your mind and called you mortal. Finally, icy calm settles into your bones and you call back to Ignis. My dear Ignis, if you can do nothing but bluster, it is no wonder you have already lost your most devoted follower, me. Now, if you would stop hiding in the smoke, I would like to defeat you so I may steal your book. A roar of fury emits form behind thick veils of smoke. You suddenly smile at your icy calmness, perhaps mastering Aqua is not as difficult as you thought. Your spirits are raised.
91, 10 подземелье
60, 47 подземелье
You see a fiery phoenix and an old bull arguing. Marching up to them, you are only able to catch snippets of what they are saying. But I tell you, time of testing (well, at least that's what you think he said) would be much better if... No, it would not, anyway... ... the chases, I made the map first so I have final... What!... I'd rather die then... How queer.
58, 47 подземелье
As you near them, they break off form their arguing and look at you. You can tell that they are savage, arguments always did that to people. Ha! While I will just resurrect myself if that ugly person kills me, you, my dear cow... The old bull snorts, I won't die, I'll just kill them all with my death snort. If you don't make them sick with all the mucus first. Did I ask you for your opinion? No. So? I will... You sigh in puzzlement. What on earth are they talking about? This... time of testing... chases... map? Ah.... never mind.
134, 138 подземелье
A sea of golden and green scales rise from the valley. You look up in awe at the vast amount of dragons here. Most nest in some high unreachable crag, but others do not. Whether they are hostile or not cannot be gleanned from just looking at them. You must go among them.
58, 17 подземелье
The phoenixes open their eyes as they hear you approach. They see you have the Ring of Life and appear to be angry, though it is hard to tell, phoenixes do not usually display overt signs of intelligence. This being a typical example
59, 18 подземелье
The Ring of Life pulses with... well... life. Looking at the fire made animate that had been phoenixes not two minutes ago, you decide to try and make living fire yet again. But this time, you will attempt to make phoenixes instead of mere elementals. Repeating the procedure of creating fire elementals, you change it only in that the shape of the being formed is avian-ish. You weave the power of the ring into the flames and it suddenly erupts into a giant balefire. Shying back, you realize that original form you made was multiplied a hundred times unto itself; that there are now a hundred phoenixes co-existing in the same place. You weave even more life into the balefire and it intensifies; you have now double the phoenixes you began with. You decide to stop. Wearing out the ring's power would be a stupid thing to do. The phoenixes seperate themselves and collect behind you, ready to be commanded.
16, 130 подземелье
A crumpled piece of paper lies on the ground. You pick it up, smoothen it, and read
Страж прохода
16, 129 подземелье
A gate stands before you. Passable only to guests and students with their badges.
89, 113 подземелье
Enter the Valley of Tempus but once
28, 56 подземелье
You see a dusty cave opening ahead. The lack of a trail seems to indicate that no one has been into this cave for a long time.
95, 45 подземелье
i don't know why i love doing this so much
4, 11 подземелье
Страж прохода
13, 137 суша
You cannot pass until you defeat Aine, Mistress of Archers in the winterlands.
Магические Доспехи
6, 108 суша
You dust lava crusts off your breastplate and wear it.
Перчатки Всадника
5, 107 суша
You pick up your magical gloves.
71, 91 суша
As you stumble into the clearing, you scream in despair... until you notice the book on the ground. It is the Book of Aeris, or air. It must be what sustains the astral prison. You reach forward to pick it up, and in doing so are imbued with the power that it inadvertently exudes.
Ящик Пандоры
65, 94 суша
Getting further from the prison allows the binding spells to work, and a portion of your former knowledge flows into you.
26, 125 суша
Devil's Gate
The devils wile away their languidly lazy hours by helping you build up Devil's Gate.
New occupants in Devil's Gate contribute money towards your cause.
The new occupants give you even more money and pots of wonderful mercury.
building devils gate
Now, you say, rolling up your sleeves, it's time restore my castle. You combust the air around you and focus it all in the palm of your hand. The ball of fire dims momentarily as you add spells of breakage into its energy. You state the vessel to be ether and bind that in as well. The fireball blazes brightly now. Selecting a derelict building, you fling the fireball towards it with a cry of 'Incendio!'. The building bursts into flame and unleashes the binded spells. A silver tear runs through the fire and widens into a portal. Brimstone and fire lies beyond
33, 137 суша
The devils finally accept your authority and donate money to your cause.
Inferno faithfuls donate to your cause.
The baying of death signal the arrival of cerberi in your castle. They have come for they can tell that you will lead them to death, and worse.
Фолиант Магии Воздуха
71, 92 суша
Harnessing the power of Aeris, you escape on the wind.
Страж прохода
71, 83 суша
You stretch the shackles in front of you and feel the non-magic fill your body and flow as intangible threads into the barrier. As more power leave the shackles, they begin to rust. Adversely, the more power the barrier absorbs, the more it seems to weaken. But the antimagic coursing though your body has corrupted your system, and part of your mystical lore is neutralized and lost. You curse at this, but you know that the spells of security you spent ages casting on yourself would return any lost knowledge... in time.
Страж прохода
118, 142 суша
The guards will let naught but genies pass.
Хижина провидца
123, 143 суша
An altar lies in this humble abode. Its white surface broken only in the centre, where a red fissure runs through the surface. It seems to pulse in an oddly sickening manner. You prod with your mind and pull back almost immediately at the fervent well of thoughts that emanate from the inanimate object. Blood, give me Blood, give me the tainted blood of the wizards. So that I may destroy it, sear it, Burn it!
5, 116 суша
Lyndor's Treasure
Ящик Пандоры
54, 23 суша
You open the box to get the key.
43, 9 суша
Талисман Маны
40, 7 суша
The medal! You decide to keep it as a souvenir of this place, and as a pleasant reminder that you have killed Andoorn.
Страж прохода
27, 6 суша
This is your way out of this place. Just do what you have to do to open the gate.
Страж прохода
71, 90 суша
As you reach the last gate, you know that you will not be able to channel non-magic through yourself so quickly again, for it rebels your body and saps your magic, but you have no time to pause, the celestial guards might hear of this outbreak. You wince at this unforseen dilemma.
Страж прохода
71, 84 суша
You stretch the shackles in front of you and feel the non-magic fill your body yet again and flow as intangible threads into the barrier. As more power leave the shackles, they begin to rust. Adversely, the more power the barrier absorbs, the more it seems to weaken. Even more of your wisdom is sucked out of you. But you go on valiantly.
Страж прохода
71, 85 суша
You stretch the shackles in front of you and feel the non-magic fill your body yet again and flow as intangible threads into the barrier. You shudder uncontrollably as the chaotic power probes your body as it travels through. You do not think you can take much more of this.
Страж прохода
71, 86 суша
You stretch the shackles in front of you and feel the non-magic fill your body yet again and flow as intangible threads into the barrier. You shudder uncontrollably as the chaotic power probes your body as it travels through. You do not think you can take much more of this.
Страж прохода
71, 87 суша
You stretch the shackles in front of you and feel the non-magic fill your body yet again and flow as intangible threads into the barrier. You shudder uncontrollably as the chaotic power probes your body as it travels through. You do not think you can take much more of this.
Страж прохода
71, 88 суша
You stretch the shackles in front of you and feel the non-magic fill your body yet again and flow as intangible threads into the barrier. You shudder uncontrollably as the chaotic power probes your body as it travels through. You do not think you can take much more of this.
Страж прохода
71, 89 суша
You pause for breath before continuing. Your face is dripping with sweat and pale in comparison to your hands, which have become red with the assault of rust. You sigh, and stretch the shackles in front of you and feel the non-magic fill your body yet again and flow as intangible threads into the barrier. You shudder uncontrollably as the chaotic power probes your body as it travels through. You nearly collapse at the end, but continue to break the stone.
28, 126 суша
Devil's Gate, your home from which you lauched many an attack on the insidious forces of good. As you walk up to the castle you notice its derelict state, and the small number of marauder fiends that have taken over your castle. Those Twerpets! You march angrily up to the castle and prepare for battle.
20, 125 суша
As you recall, what lies ahead is the cavern of seers. They have always helped you in the past, with a little incentive of course; death always is, now it's time to see if they will help you again.
14, 119 суша
You enter the caverns of the seers. But they don't run into their huts screaming, they continue in their placid strolling around and conversation. What is this, the nerve of these seers! How dare they not cower in abject terror? You stride into the caverns seething like a pot of heated lava.
13, 120 суша
I am Lyndor, Unraveller of the Universe, Enrapturer of the World... ...and all those other self-bestowed titles. Yada yada ya. one of the seers says distractedly, while fumbling with a cooking pot. That does it. You spread your hands apart and the ground begins to tremble. A crack apears in the ground before you and swiftly runs towards the seer. Next you touch your fingertips together and condense and freeze the air within, hurling a ball of frost at the seer. Just as the fissure reaches the seer he waves his hand nonchalantly and the fissure stops widening, while the ball of frost freezes in mid air, still trailling sparkles of ice. However. the crack causes a piece of supporting wood underneath the stew pot to shift, and the stew pot topples and spills most of the stew into the fissure. Now see what you've done, the seer says, looking slightly annoyed. He looks up and pronounces clearly Incantus esrever and the ball of frost flies back to you and disappears while the fissure mends itself. You are not at your full power, wizard, the seer says, throwing the last word out as one does an insult, We will only help you if you would find certain things for us. Visit each of our huts to find out what it is each of us wants. You will find the rewards worth your troubles. He turns back to the cooking pot, righting it with a mutter and filling it again with a negligent sprinkle of herbs.
12, 121 суша
Blast the stupid shackles, you're about to throw away the one you still have when intuition tells you not to. You obey your intuition, and go to visit the huts. You recall you had a little alcove in which you asked the seers to help you store things. You wonder if it's still there...
11, 123 суша
Don't touch my stew, the seer warns.
6, 115 суша
Ah.. they didn't destroy your alcove, good. You wonder if your devils guards are still in there.
8, 132 суша
And these would be your Gathering of Devils. But you don't remember those grey towers in front of the forsaken palaces. You gallop up to investigate.
11, 134 суша
An old devil sits in a pool of lava. You ask him why the ways to your forsaken palaces have been blocked. He replies, We are not sure that you deserve to call on us anymore. WHAT! Oh quiet, he says irritably, you've just come home from eons of imprisonment, we're not sure you're as evil as you used to be. So what we have decided is that you have to kill a few significant people to show your continued vileness. I'll show you continued vileness, y-you Lava-inflamed coot! You freeze the pool of lava over, encasing the old devil in hardened lava. The old devil smirks at you, Picking on old devils just shows your pettiness He teleports away. Curses! Everything doesn't seem to be going your way.
12, 136 суша
This one is for free, the old devil says from behind you. You refuse to turn around, only replying, You are much too kind. You positively drip with sarcasm. You don't say. You feel the old devil stick his tongue out at your back. A bit childish, aren't you? The old devil looks startled and teleports away. What a twerp, you mutter to yourself.
118, 141 суша
How strange... an abandoned Inferno castle here.
121, 140 суша
A Castle Gate! What a strange thing; why would an abandoned castle, in which everything else is in ruin, have a fully functioning Castle Gate? You can come to no conclusion. Yet.
66, 118 суша
In the Valley of Tempus, you will be brought back in time, but only as in a dream, and when, if, you awake, you shall find yourself in the Conflux.
66, 117 суша
Note that anything that happens in the Valley of Tempus is not real, but serves as a purgation of pent up anger.
66, 116 суша
One last thing, you shall forget everything that happened after the time you shall be brought back to. You shall have to find purgation with the knowledge and choices of your former self.
Свиток с заклинанием
83, 122 суша
The scroll is imbued with strong magic. Closer examination reveals that it is of the school of Aeris. Even more stringents tests reveal that the there is only a single spell contained therein, but its type is what people term 'arcanna magic', slightly lower than arcane magic and slightly higher than elemental magic. That you would have found a spell of such potency is truly a fortitious sign.
63, 124 суша
Another long passage. Great.
86, 128 суша
Cavern of Aeris
83, 126 суша
82, 129 суша
You who come before we can repair the damage done by the freak avalanche must leave immediately, booms a Titan. You look up to his face and yell, Shove off, you overgrown peasant. You are evidently not in the mood for pleasantries right now, which suits you just fine, because the Titans seem offended, and courtesy is something learnt to address your equals, Titans never think anything their equal. They stomp forward to attack. Hamstring them! you yell to your hell hounds and ceberi.
88, 130 суша
90, 124 суша
133, 99 суша
Another on of these Castles, with a Castle Gate no doubt. How queer.
139, 141 суша
Страж прохода
40, 8 суша
This door will open only to the one who has the appropriate expertise to receive the award behind it.
Страж прохода
42, 8 суша
This door will open only to the one who has the appropriate expertise to receive the award behind it.
Страж прохода
44, 8 суша
This door will open only to the one who has the appropriate expertise to receive the award behind it.
Страж прохода
46, 8 суша
This door will open only to the one who has the appropriate expertise to receive the award behind it.
132, 2 суша
Lakeside View Surrounded by magnificent lakes, you'll never want to leave...
Щит Гномьих Героев
140, 46 суша
You pick up a shield that belonged to a dwarf. Once.
Свиток с заклинанием
136, 53 суша
And here is a scroll of Terra arcanna magic. This one seems to emanate with the embrace of the earth.
140, 47 суша
Dwarves materialize from the ground and attack.
139, 52 суша
Cavern of Terra
80, 103 суша
Cavern of Aqua
Свиток с заклинанием
58, 110 суша
Another scroll imbued with a single arcanna spell. This emanates with the power of the drop and the wave
Ожерелье Морского Проведения
63, 107 суша
Among strange stones clasped with the fingers of water and seaweed you find a glittering necklace.
137, 49 суша
A voice pops out of the hole. Hello! This voice is only a recording, so ask no questions. First, you cannot go back to the the Valley of Tempus, but you can send someone else instead of you. This is to ensure your great malevolence does not cause the magic to bend awry. This person is to kill Elleshar, only then will you be able to progress to the second part of this quest. That reculcitrent fool, Xarfax, that's it, he will be the one to kill Elleshar. You shall have to transport troops to him somehow, and his battle prowess has not been honed at all. How shall you go about doing this? ... this green key opens a gate in the Valley of Tempus, behind which is a gift to whoever you choose to kill Elleshar. There is a astrapool in the Valley of Tempus, you can never enter the Valley twice, but via this astrapool, astral visits are allowed. You can bring troops into the valley, it is just that you cannot land. Of course, a boat is essential in these journeys, and you shall have to find a willing dockyard to get a boat. Good luck.
Хижина провидца
34, 87 суша
Lyndor, sit quickly, for I have an assignment for you. The jealousy you felt at him being stronger in magic than you resurfaces. You burst out angrily, No one tells me what to do, or gives me 'assignments'! Though you cannot see his face, you imagine a smile creep across a smooth, ageless face. Jealousy is a useless emotion, Lyndor, it does naught but snag at your mind and causes you to perform intractable, foolish actions. You know you should feel outrage, but all you do is feel abashed. Abashed! The thought of a smile disappears immediately and is replaced with a snarl, You WILL help me, Lyndor, if I have to destroy your mind and work through your body, I will, but I have always thought it fresher to use what is inside the optimum body initially. Listen, and obey. Optimum! You feel childish pride at the praise. NO! I will NOT feel like a child besides this... this... Who are you? He takes a sharp breath and is about to snap at you when you quickly barge in again, grasping at the first tangent that makes its way across your mind. Are you a sorceror from the dimension that the four known as Terra, Ignis, Aeris and Aqua folded to? You feel a momentary surprise, but it is quickly replaced with the calm of the grave, Uh... yes, I am a... sorceror from another plane. I was... caught in a bend in my dimension and was thrown here through a tear. Pah! I fain to call it a dimension door, what an ill-constructed piece of magic it was! I could not return, for I didn't know which plane this is, until I found out that this is the plane from which those four were from. I began my search then, for something of theirs I could use to open a door back to my plane. You see, you need something from another plane in order to open a dimension door to it, and the easiest thing at the time was something of theirs, since they are in my plane. Here you interrupt with Then how did those four open a gate to your plane? I don't know! I have already told you, it was so badly constructed that it may have collapsed on them if the magic was anymore erratic. They may have found some loophole in the magic and opened a random door for all I know. Anyway... yes, I have found what you call Stones of Aeris, and have contructed a portal back to my plane. But when I went back, they cast me back to this cursed plane with their combined magic, they could feel me coming before I even arrived! The exchange when they transfered planes with me must have created a bond between us, though it appears to be one way. They can sense when I am close, and opening a gate sort of makes the distance less than infinity, and they would be able to feel me acutely. I cannot even contemplate going back, and that, Lyndor, is where you come in. You sigh, you knew this was coming. What do you want me to do? You will go back to my plane, and kill them for me. Kill Terra, Ignis, Aeris and Aqua?!? But they are the Original elementalists, they are infinitely stronger than I am in magic! I shall tell you a two things. One is that you are not as far behind them as you think, the element of surprise might even out any odds between you and one of them. But it is a gamble; you will never be able to defeat two of them at once, you shall have to fight them one on one. Thankfully, they still have disagreements within themselves, and like to live apart. Second is that all their power is derived from their books. Like the Book of Aeris? You know about them already? Well, I did use the Book of Aeris to fly out of the astral prison. Nonsense, that was an imitation, a cloned book. You can clone books? I thought nothing with magic flowing through it, or him, can be cloned, because the two magics would just interfere with each other? You know about cloning? Yes, I found the spell scroll in the Cavern of Aqua. Oh... that. That is arcanna cloning. Arcane cloning is much more advanced. In fact, using arcane magic in general is... let's not get sidetracked shall we? As I was saying, they get their power solely from their books, in fact, almost everything of elemental magic is sourced in those four books. Even your magic. It is just that physical proximity sort of amplifies the effects. How did they come about such powerful books? Haven't you heard of Solis and Umbra? They gave the four the books. But how did Solis and Umbra get those books... wait... Solis and Umbra are people? No, Lyndor, they are not people, they are entities who can take on humanoid forms. And how did they come by those books? Lyndor, they Created those books! Yes, so I need you to get those books for me. They have caused me a lot of trouble and I would like to destroy them. But to do so requires an Orb of Negation, and guess who stole mine when they pilfered my plane? So if you would get me those four books and my Orb of Negation, I would be, literally, eternally grateful to you. But why should I give you those books? From what you say, I could benefit greatly from those books myself. The black cloaked person sighs, I was hoping you wouldn't realize that, ah well, how would you like the source of arcane magic in exchange for the sources of elemental magic? You have the source of arcane magic!? One of them, there are two. I'd Love it! Deal, done, I accept your assignment! Thank you. Now listen. The way to my plane is accessible only through the Valley of Tempus, because using the loose magic makes contructing and maintaining the gate easier. You will get to physically go into the Valley of Tempus this time, and kill Andoorn if you must. Just get those books for me. And the orb too. Just visit the white tent, and town portal back to Theodorus' castle. Beyond the black tent is a white gate leading into the Valley of Tempus. This gets better and better! Now you will be able to kill, literally, two birds with one stone! Andoorn and the four. And get the source of arcane magic as a reward for your pleasures! This is rich! Well? Why aren't you leaving yet? I'm going, I'm going, you reply, backing out of the tent.
42, 91 суша
Cavern of Ignis
Свиток с заклинанием
40, 87 суша
You see a scroll emanating with the power of Ignis. As you pick it up, a sudden wave of incontrollable and irrational fury crashes through your mind. You manage to shield yourself from this mental onslaught and stuff the scroll into your backpack.
44, 88 суша
A thought stops you dead in your tracks. If paradoxes are possible, to what extent can they be used? You decide you will experiment with Terra and Aeris, since those are not as tempestuous in opposition as Aqua and Ignis. You draw on Aeris and Terra, and feel for the air surrounding a rock, you try to force the rock and the air to co-mingle with each other but they refuse to exist in each other. You strain for minutes, but nothing happens. You give up, but as you are about to release the energy, the rock suddenly disappears and the surrounding air falls in to fill the vacuum with a deafening clap. Fascinating, it seems paradoxes cannot be forced, they must come gently. And what excellent results! you tell yourself. People will inadvertently carry metal around with them, and even if they don't, everything is part-made of earth, perhaps this small paradox can be used as a weapon...
45, 87 суша
As you make your way down and out of this subterranean gate, you begin to wonder why the energy to Aqua suddenly left you. You suspect it's the Paradox Law
Оковы Войны
83, 123 суша
You find another pair of shackles here. How fortunate.
0, 0 суша
Fiery's Home
7, 107 суша
You put on your magical boots.
Страж прохода
9, 137 суша
Contained in the Valley of Tempus is a Vial of Lifeblood. Find it to get to the forsaken palace behind this tower.
Страж прохода
10, 138 суша
The green lands of the east constantly give off wafting sanguinity. Destroy that and return with the severed trees.
Свиток с заклинанием
136, 51 суша
A scroll emanating with the power of Terra. This one is filled with the feeling of one being let loose of an embrace.
5, 108 суша
Hail Lyndor! We thought you would never return.
7, 108 суша
Hail Lyndor! We thought you would never return.
Брелок Смелости
6, 107 суша
You pick up your most treasured pendant. The subtle magic it exudes has always fascinated you.
33, 123 суша
As you begin trekking through the volcanic plains, you begin to smile. Ah... the sweet sulphuric smell of home. You wonder if your subjects still remember you.
Страж прохода
34, 122 суша
There remains one more tower here. And this cursed walkway prevents you from taking any steps against it. You look regretfully at the Book of Aeris as you tear its pages and hurl them at the barrier.
41, 91 суша
Figures Ignis would like a fiery place like this. All these Caverns must mean that the Four are still alive. Can this actually be true?
38, 88 суша
Something to your left, barely visible through the smoke, catches your eye. But it appears to be guarded by a black tower. You shall have to find a key to open this tower.
36, 69 суша
The Cave of Ventus
28, 77 суша
But you're not a barbarian? Ah well... I suppose anyone who made it through those fields has the right to learn.
Хижина провидца
45, 73 суша
Do you need a fake medal, or diploma? I can make you one, if you bring me the necessary material. Yes, a simple thing as a medal requires a lot of iron ore and mercury. And of course, the fee for making it. What! A fake badge for a School of Magic? That will require even more mercury. I have to duplicate all the spells set inside the metal and a lot of mercury is needed for that.
32, 57 суша
Dragons swoop down from the ceiling and attack.
Адский Меч
40, 86 суша
Flame surrounds the sword. Oooh, the lovely heat.
71, 76 суша
Lyndor was trapped in limbo as a result of a spell cast by the concerted effort of exactly one hundred trained magi. He has but recently escaped, and as one of the most powerful and evil sorcerors in the world, he will stop at nothing in his effort to take over the Erathia.
Сказочный дракон
35, 50 суша
You see another group of these cutesy pests and hurl a fireball at them. They appear to concentrate, and a net of magic you have never seen before appears in front of them. Your fireball strikes the net, and in that moment of impact you feel the magic net and are extremely surprised to find that it is made solely of arcane magic. You press the fireball further into the net in a bid to tear it, but with a tightening of their eyes the dragons flick the net as one would a blanket and the fireball is hurled back at you. You manage to disintergrate it just before it blows you off your horse, and turn back to the dragons in a fury tinged astonishment. One of the speaks, Stop it! he admonishes squeakily, You cannot hurt us with magic, and although we might not be able to kill your entire army, we can decimate about half your troops. We are the Faerie Dragon Elders, and we have decided to join you. It has not been for a long time that we have encountered one of your kind so adept in magical lore. The last were those blasted four, Terra, Ignis, Aeris and Aqua. They were the ones who handed us over to the dungeon overlords as slaves. They what? you exclaim in shock. They handed us over to the dungeon overlords, replies the dragon over-patiently, rolling his big eyes, We were their favourites eons ago, so they decided to teach us how to harness our own magic, and not to draw on theirs, like what you do now. We could perform the rudimentary spells with our own magic, but never with as much potency as what we could drawing from them. They delighted in the fact that we learnt how to use our own magic and taught us more. However, one day, one of our kind found out how to draw on arcane magic, although in small amounts, but arcane magic nonetheless. He taught us how it was executed, and we marveled at this broad field of magic not known to us before. We began our own experiments in this area, not bothering to tell those four. The years passed and we became quite adept in using arcane magic, although the concerted efforts of many was, and still is, required to do big things with this magic. One day, those four found out. They were in a jealous fury. Apparently, we could control arcane magic to a depth even they could not. So they binded us individually so as to prevent us from combining our magic, and gave us to the dungeon overlords as slaves. We worked hard for our new cruel masters. They treated us badly. We constantly tried to break the binding of the four, but we could not. Until one day, we felt the binding weaken, and we managed to break free to have our revenge on the overlords. Later, we found out that that day was the day the four left, the Day of Breaking, as your kind calls it. We shall tell you something more that no one has ever known save us; they are still alive, they have merely moved to another plane. Here, he pauses for breath, and you gape in wide eyed surprise. Questions fill your mind. They're still alive? Where are they? What is it that... To your questions, we cannot give any answers. We just know that in moving to another plane, the bind they had over us was weakened considerably. We wish to see the world, for without a guide we were afraid to travle into the open where others may see us and incarcerate us. Now, since you're here, you can be our guide. Shall we begin our journey?
36, 49 суша
Umm... before we go, do you think you could teach me that spell you performed to reflect my fireball? A Faerie Dragon Elder eyes you speculatively, Hmm... we shall see if we can teach it to you. They spend the next few hours teaching you how to harness arcane magic, and at the end of the session, you can create a small version of what they had done, a much smaller version, and come away feeling quite exhausted.
123, 18 суша
Ящик Пандоры
59, 97 суша
You can feel the binding spells knitting furiously away at the caverns of your mind that are yet to be filled, and they are filled.
Ящик Пандоры
56, 100 суша
Even more knowledge pours back into you and quite suddenly, the binding spells dissapate. You curse at your lack of foresight, for not strengthening the spells, but then retreat to lamentations, for you realize there was no way you could have forseen this drastic loss of power.
36, 87 суша
Out of the smoke an unwavering black shadow can be seen, it's... him again. He does not say anything, but goes into a small lava encrusted hut. You follow.
72, 130 суша
Bloody Avalanche! you scream in fury. You gather the anger and channel fire into the great icy boulders and huge mounds of snow. Nothing changes. You carry on for a few minutes, ending in the realization that if anything can stand minutes of your intense fury flames and not melt, nothing will melt it. Aeris and Aqua probably had a hand in this 'natural' disaster. Pah! What Terra kept at the end of the tunnel must be important if it warrants such safe keeping. You are about to turn back when a narrow passage through the snow catches your eye.
49, 20 суша
As you step through the back door of the university, the echoes that come of magic used constantly greet your senses. It is a wonderful feeling; the gentle layering of quiet spells long gone still hanging in the air. You inhale deeply and sigh. You think you could... Wait! I'm here for Andoorn! Damn! How could I have forgotten? There is no time to reminisce, he might be getting his award right now!
47, 22 суша
As you enter the main hall, you can here the bustle of an impatient audience in the auditorium. ...and now... Andoorn to the stage please... You must hurry!
43, 21 суша
Opening the door to the auditorium, you see Andoorn getting onto the stage. Your heart burns with the passionate fury of Ignis. You draw on the fury and are about to fling a fireball at Andoorn when you savagely cut your flow. To fling magic around in here is madness! Not at such a long range! Any three teachers in here can disable your fireball before it hits its target. Not to mention Andoorn could do it single-handedly himself. Curses, you shall have to get closer to the stage. As you walk through the gate, a quaint feeling of whimsy enters your head, and you decide to adhere to the rules of the hall
43, 18 суша
As you walk up the aisle, someone at the front of the auditorium beckons to you. Strange, who could it be?
43, 14 суша
As you approach, you see that it is Elleshar. Elleshar? I thought I killed him in his castle? As he awaits your arrival impatiently, an explanation comes to mind. That castle bit must be to a time after this ceremony. As you reach Elleshar, he speaks in his annoying voice, Well, I'm so glad you decided to grace us with your presense. Your petulence not two hours ago was a disgrace! Now, follow me to my office. Well? Move! You curse him, figuratively of course, mentally. With him here, even drawing on power could be dangerous. You decide to follow him. Andoorn will have to be dealt with later.
Страж прохода
51, 25 суша
The door to the principal's office remains shut. Only Elleshar can go through this magical door.
52, 25 суша
That does it. Andoorn this, Andoorn that. Why don't you just give Andoorn this office and let him run the school? Elleshar looks at you shocked. You did not realize that you had said that out loud. Before he can continue on his tirade you jump in and bind him with an amalgam of Aeris and Aqua, which materializes in the form of a band of ice around his torso. How dare you do this to me! Release me at once! No, my dear Elleshar. Not until you answer a question of mine. How dare you! Elleshar draws on Ignis and tries to melt the ice, but you draw deeply on Aqua and slice him from his source. He gasps, as do you, momentarily. That you could draw so well on Aqua comes as a surprise to you. Until you realize that you have entered a state of absolute calm, the calm evident before a storm erupts, the calm of Aqua. The Drop and the Wave. This actually feels quite pleasant. Maybe I should- A sharp pain in your... being... disrupts you thoughts. You see a glow of arcane magic surround Elleshar. Arcane magic! It seems a vacuum, sucking, gobbling ravenously at your magical binding. It looks like the magic that you created when you disintergrated the shackles while escaping from the astral prison. Your shackles! You glance at your backpack, which contains your artifacts and are not at all amused that there is a responding glow coming from it. He must have felt the antimagic in the shackles and is using it to undo your magic. You quickly encase the backpack in a sphere of Aeris and Ignis, and the glow is abruptly stopped. You turn back to Elleshar grimly. That question? He does nothing but stares in visible fear at you. Yes, anyway, where is the key to access the passage to the back of the stage? Y-you... are not of t-this t-time, are you? he asks in a trembling voice. How astute! Now, my dear, Answer the Question!! What do you want? Have the people of the future actually learnt to go back in time? Lyndor, is this really you? Yes, yes, will you stop asking bloody questions? I'm here to kill Andoorn, happy? If you must know why it is because he will imprison me five years from this time and I would like revenge. Which is a paradox, really, but I don't care! Now, where is the key? He keeps quiet, but his eyes speak louder than his mouth ever could. You turn to the only corner his eyes avoids and see a Pandora's Box there. Ah... thank you, Elleshar. I did promise to unbind you, didn't I? Let it not be said that Lyndor does not keep promises. You draw on Ignis and melt the binding. Oops! drew too much! Sorry Elleshar you say to the pile of dust and kick it aside. You don't believe this, you get to kill Andoorn, and Elleshar, twice! What was it he did to draw on the power of your shackles? You vaguely remember the formula...
Страж прохода
31, 22 суша
The door to this passage remains shut to all lest the key is produced.
41, 9 суша
Andoorn! you holler, it is time for you to die! He turns to you, shocked. Curses! Now you have alerted the whole auditorium. Teachers and students alike jump from their seats and rush towards you...
42, 9 суша
The rest of them surround Andoorn, who says nothing, he was always dumb, literally, but gives you a soulful look. Oh please!
Страж прохода
35, 17 суша
Going upstairs would serve no purpose.
44, 107 суша
Now that you have the time, you try an incantation, only to find a host of parasitic magic eating your spell. Apparently this walkway is cursed, you best be on your guard, for all your magic will not be able to save you here.
34, 117 суша
Lyndor loses even more energy.
37, 115 суша
Lyndor loses more magical energy.
39, 112 суша
Halfway through the walkway without incident. You realize that the parasitic magic must also eat bodies, for you see plains of bones beyond the low hills. This is good, for no enemy will attack you here but This is bad, for you are constantly losing magic as if through a wound.
Хижина провидца
10, 62 суша
What's this? I haven't had visitors for a long time, such a very long time... Did I ever tell you of the time I met an angel? Well.. it all started...
0, 31 суша
a map by fiery phoenix
75, 106 суша
As you drink from the spring the water inside your gullet begins to bubble furiously, you try to spit it out, but your throat muscles force the liquid down. Strange, you think, the water was not hot while it bubbled. You feel light and completely at ease with the world. Strange, you think again, I am never at ease with the world. A sudden realization falls on you. You turn your eyes inside your stomach and see a blue substance sloshing around. You gasp in horror and amazement, the water is not just water, it is Water, pure Aqua. The sloshing ceases. It begins to divide itself into long strands and then those into even thinner, longer threads. The threads begin weaving themselves furiously in your stomach, forming a web that has as many holes as a fisherman's net, yet at the same time is one pure sheet of Aqua. It fans itself out and travels up and down your body once, pulling out and at the same time, paradoxically, leaving your magic source alone. The web pulls out your magic but leaves it inside; this... duplication fascinates you. The web dissipates and leaves the duplicated magic source inside you. Now you hold twice as much magic as you have ever held before! This must be what people call the Fountain of Aqua. It's a pity that you cannot manipulate this veritable source of Aqua, you have not the practise at using it do so. Though you will never be able to reproduce the most complex weaving of Aqua that duplicated your magic, you just cannot ever hope to draw on that much Aqua, you can see how to simplify it to duplicate physical forms...
51, 121 суша
A great maelstrom of brimstone surrounds you, causing you to cover your eyes. When you unveil your eyes, fiery efreet stand before you. We shall join you, they state, for we see destruction, chaos, and fire in your wake.
43, 132 суша
A group of gogs march up to you. The leader timidly squeaks that if it was okay if they joined you. You say yes.
53, 130 суша
A bunch of hellhounds bay and bound up to you.
55, 143 суша
Imps rush out of the fire and giggle around you. One of them presents you with a gift of gold they have stolen over the centuries.
35, 134 суша
Pit lords crack their whips and present you with a gift og gold and demons.
37, 53 суша
The faerie dragons drop a bottle as they expire.
44, 56 суша
The dragons seem to have overthrown the Dungeon warlords at last. You see that the ruins of Dungeon castles are abandoned. Dragons could never stand captivity or walls.
34, 15 суша
Told you so, you stupid person.
43, 29 суша
Going outside would serve no purpose.
Ящик Пандоры
63, 96 суша
Getting even further away, more knowledge comes back to you.
62, 96 суша
As you land, you see that the next landing zone has a weird energy field over it.
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