Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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Last Hope: A HoMM 3 WoG Campaign Original H2 Concept by Timothy Duncan Conversion to H3: WoG by Timothy Duncan ERM and Strange Ideas by Timothy Pulver Map Two: T.H.U.N.K., Version 1.21
Nestled behind a large group of snowbanks is a small town. There are the usual buildings one might expect, but what catches your eyes are the enormous smoke stacks jutting out of the roof of one particularly enormous warehouse just to the east of the city. This {must} be the factory where Mok Choi made the T.H.U.N.K. which is ravaging the countryside. You order your men to prepare for attack. This place must be destroyed before any more T.H.U.N.K.s are erected.
100, 16 подземелье
The Factory - to the East
96, 81 подземелье
Descartes was Here
96, 98 подземелье
Zok Zok Zok
96, 99 подземелье
Tucked into the recesses of an evergreen forest, you catch sight of a magnificent castle. You stop to ask a dirty gnoll what this place is called and he barks back, Zok Zok Zok. You burst out laughing and ask the gnoll what it's really called, but he just shrugs and keeps walking. Truly, this continent is a strange place.
70, 103 подземелье
77, 104 подземелье
Welcome to the Watering Hole!
81, 101 подземелье
Danger - Toxic Water. DO NOT DRINK!!!
46, 93 подземелье
104, 89 подземелье
+12 Magic!
25, 97 подземелье
Inti Lah
25, 98 подземелье
Krog Hak
22, 92 подземелье
Trans-River Portal to the North
25, 80 подземелье
Yell Point
31, 96 подземелье
Suddenly from behind a muddy hill, you hear a muffled scream. Running to investigate, you find a poor old woman sinking in a large pool of swampy crud. You offer her a hand and help her away from certain death. Unfortunately, in here excited state, she forgets to offer you a trinket of thanks. Too bad, because that Ultimate Cloak of Invulnerability to Everything she was wearing would have come in handy...
29, 68 подземелье
34, 52 подземелье
13, 52 подземелье
Fijit Bobo
Боевой маг
34, 53 подземелье
Ta Arg-Majj
46, 67 подземелье
Hak Onab'one
34, 30 подземелье
Edfupupi Lah
34, 31 подземелье
Flij Porkij
Боевой маг
60, 34 подземелье
Dag Thuk
57, 36 подземелье
WEST - Edfupupi Lah SOUTH - The Calamazar River EAST - The Volcanic Wastes NORTH - Mantado
13, 51 подземелье
Yummi Pob
62, 62 подземелье
79, 47 подземелье
Msaka Maka
91, 5 подземелье
Tipi Yaffn
26, 99 подземелье
+12 Attack!
90, 7 подземелье
+12 Def!
70, 3 подземелье
91, 6 подземелье
Tupa Bog
93, 37 подземелье
A patrol seems to be coming your way. Too late to hide!!
89, 41 подземелье
There are no questions or exchanges of taunts. The ogres attack without preamble. Clearly, your presence here is unwelcome.
10, 20 подземелье
Highwaymen ambush you from the hills. For the honor of Holbark they must be beaten back!!!
17, 36 подземелье
More rogues appear from the bushes. These guys seem a little more organized, and even have some veteran swordsmen among them. They must be men who deserted the royal army when things looked pretty bleak back at Last Hope. It's vital that they be dispatched so that resources can be transported along this road.
26, 42 подземелье
Thinking you are almost at Candimien, you make the mistake of letting your guard down. Right outside the gates of the port town, you are ambushed by an even larger army of rogues. Much better disciplined than earlier groups, they are led by an enormous man brandishing a sword longer than you are tall. Here is a man with some miliitary experience, and it is going to take a lot of luck to come through this one unscathed.
12, 13 подземелье
Goblins have made this mine their home! Crystal is an important resource for the mages and wizards who reside at Holbark. You've got to secure these resources.
Королевский грифон
13, 7 подземелье
It's been a long time since these griffins were trained. They seem a little... wild. If you want to use these griffin roosts again, you're going to have to tame them, or kill the wild ones.
87, 42 подземелье
To the north, a large group of ogres appears to be guarding the road to the portal from which you just emerged. A sizeable building issuing thick black smoke from its chimney can be seen just to their north. Certainly, your path in that direction is blocked. There's no way you can sneak by without being seen, and by the look of their armor and weapons, you doubt that you could force your way through them. Your only other option is south. You hope you'll find food there.
94, 44 подземелье
A rowdy clan of cave peasants stand guard outside of this cave. By the looks of the overturned carts and scattered lumps of ore, this was once a mine. If you want to secure the resources here, and more importantly, get some food and fresh water, you're going to have to dispatch the cavemen that have made this place their home.
6, 8 подземелье
You actually can't believe it -- you are leaving your home for an adventure. Always, when you were growing up, it was Corribus whom your father entertained with stories of buccaneers and swordsmen and rogues and dragons. You, he ignored. You were a girl, afterall. Next to useless as far as Elmond was concerned. And now, though your brother is in peril and you must travel across dangerous waters to rescue him, you can't help but feel a sense of thrill and excitement. According to the castellan, your first order of business should be to secure the mines and mills around Holbark, for they have not been producing their commodities since the war ended. It is time to set things right in the immediate area before you go on your grand quest, then you can head to Candimien and board your ship.
5, 48 подземелье
As you sail through the gap in the reefs, you can't help but notice the large stronghold perched on the cliffs to the east. That is the Wilde Continent, and although there had always been a castle there, it had been abandoned long ago by whatever ancient empire built it. The fact that a flag now flies above its central citadel is somewhat irksome. Most of the lands to the east have not been explored and it was widely thought that the ancient people that once lived here had died off, but apparently somebody has decided to reinhabit this place, and that can mean nothing good for Holbark. You must hurry and find your brother!
19, 87 подземелье
This would appear to be the only entrance to the Calamazar River that is deep enough to allow your ship passage. With such a rocky mouth, it is no wonder the Wilde Continent never had a viable empire for very long. The river, though huge, could never support a shipping industry! You wonder how far up the river Corribus made it before tragedy befell him. Hopefully, you won't suffer the same fate!
36, 81 подземелье
You gasp as you finally enter the river, now that you are beyond the rocky delta. The shoreline on either side is strangled with vegetation and there is no evidence that Corribus landed (or wrecked) here. He must be further up the river. It is almost impossible to believe that anybody could live in such a place. Though beautiful to the eye, you suspect that the jungles beyond hold many dangers.
79, 80 подземелье
Your navigator informs you that this bend in the river marks about one third of the river's navigable length. From here on out, the river makes its way north through the snowy wastes, where it begins as a trickle. Hopefully Corribus should not be too far away. In any case, you will be glad for a change in scenery. The monotony of jungle on either side of you is beginning to get old.
25, 71 подземелье
Trans-River Portal
45, 29 подземелье
Welcome to the Inn of the Wilting Katana
61, 44 подземелье
More elf slaves, another obelisk. Naturally you free these poor people from their capitivity. If you returned them to their home, they could equip their famous bows and be a useful addition to your army.
62, 43 подземелье
The ugly brutes are beating those elves into slaving at this excavation site. Looks like you'll be eating Ogre tonight!
69, 71 подземелье
Ort'artala - Northwest (OFF LIMITS) Castle Camfrey - East Hak Onab'one - West
56, 71 подземелье
Camfrey Experimental Wind Power KEEP OUT
67, 72 подземелье
Camfrey Experimental Wind Power KEEP OUT
74, 25 подземелье
The smoke and ash burns your nose. You can only guess at what monstrosities Mok Choi has protecting her castle. It will do her no good, you assure yourself. Nothing, not even the much feared General Brute, is going to stop you from tearing her apart.
78, 67 подземелье
Camfrey Keep
74, 24 подземелье
Посещение Колдун:
97, 74 подземелье
93, 47 подземелье
Scattered wreckage from the ship... wood, mostly, but some weapons, too. There are lots of arrows, but no bows. Lots of fresh water, but no food except for some left over limes and oranges. Perhaps some food can be found by visiting some of those tall trees?
60, 33 подземелье
Togo Ramja
75, 72 подземелье
Aston Falls CLOSED Due to Big Boulder that Fell Here NO REFUNDS ON SEASON PASSES
78, 106 подземелье
This seems like quite an odd place for such a well-paved road...
87, 107 подземелье
Welcome to the Trans-Calamazar River Tunnel Your ShortCut to the North
Страж прохода
69, 47 подземелье
A stark tower juts up from the forest and completely blocks the path. Behind the tower and floating in the air is a brilliant blue orb. Something that cool you just HAVE to have. You knock on the stout oak door set into the tower wall and wait a few moments until it opens a crack. A single eyeball glares at you. What do you want? an old voice croaks, and not too pleasantly. Good day to you, sir, you say happily. And what's so good about it? the man snaps. I ain't been with a woman in months, my fleas itch dreadfully and my hemmies are flaring up again. So out with what you want and let me be. Uh... yeah, well I couldn't help but notice your pretty orb up there. I've been sort of looking for one of those. What would you like to trade for it? Trade?! the man snorts. Do you have any idea what that is? Before you can answer, he continues, No, probably not. Not an ounce of brains in your head, by the looks of it. Well, suffice it to say that there aren't enough gems in the continent to buy it for you. Well how many IS enough? Let's say 5000! he snickers. Interested? 5000? you ask incredulously. Don't you think that's a little steep. Fine! he growls, Make it 10000. Now GO AWAY. He slams the door in your face.
Сфера Небесного Свода
70, 46 подземелье
When you try to pick up the powerful Orb, a grumpy old Air Wizard and his minions appear and bar your way. How'd you get in here? he shouts. Without waiting for a reply he yells, Beat it! Or I'll be forced to blow you away! Do you attack the Air Wizard and his minions?
Секира Кентавра
51, 81 подземелье
A shiny new axe, just perfect for hewing wood. Unfortunately the matriarch of this particular family of crystal dragons is still hanging around and she is none-too-pleased that you just killed off all her children!
Кристальный дракон
52, 81 подземелье
Among other things, these crystal dragons guard a pretty nice axe. They don't seem too eager to let you have it, though...
7, 75 подземелье
Thick mists and clouds cloak the area to the west. In the distance you can make out an island, but it would be too risky to try to navigate your way there through the dangerous fogs. If you could find some way to dissipate them...
78, 74 подземелье
The spray from the falling water invigorates you and you feel compelled to stand beneath it.
21, 29 подземелье
Dragon Gold!
Страж прохода
79, 88 подземелье
A squat man in a brilliant orange coat greets you enthusiastically. Good afternoon, sire. Do you come from Brother Wnorb? I am Brother Ergen and know the green pass, but you must prove that Wnorb sent you. And you must loan me some money... except don't expect me to pay it back. Please see brother Quaa to the snowy north. Grumbling, not likeing this 'charitable knight order' one bit, you dig around for the gold in your supplies for the grinning little man.
Страж прохода
68, 33 подземелье
Tucked behind a rather viscous lava flow stands a solid aqua barrier. A bald man introduces himself as Brother Calbk. So I see you have found me! You are the first to make it to the code of Black! I don't have the artifact, but I can get you past the barriers that guard it! That you have found me and bested many evil creatures to do so means you are worthy of Sir Roy's armor. But beware, for wearing the Suit of Sir Roy comes with a price. Make well-sure you understand it before donning his mail. Oh, and don't forget your donation...
Страж прохода
92, 1 подземелье
A curious note reads
11, 84 подземелье
Locating the mouth of the Calamazar River is getting quite frustrating! It must be around here somewhere, but reefs and shoals keep blocking the way. But you know that you mustn't dispair--if you keep scouting around, you're sure to find it soon.
Океанская бутыль
15, 82 подземелье
Toxic swamp water is bad for your health!
Океанская бутыль
0, 104 подземелье
Never believe a sailor. They're all liars and scoundrels!
Океанская бутыль
67, 82 подземелье
Океанская бутыль
27, 64 подземелье
I wish Royaldo Bivimis was still alive. He stood for truth, justice and the upholding of all that was nice!
Океанская бутыль
46, 34 подземелье
The THUNK is coming! It will destroy us all! Somebody please help!! P.S. It's ugly too!
18, 28 подземелье
6, 7 подземелье
You are Catarina Artan, sister to Corribus, the 17th King of the nation of Holbark in the Artan line. Your father was a strict man with little love in him, especially for a daughter. While he spent much time instructing your brother in the arts of war and diplomacy (though with little compassion), you he completely neglected. A daughter was no interest to him, and after your mother died some time ago, you were left to fend for yourself. As a political figure you held very little influence or power while your father was alive, but your brother has fought to change that, particularly after retaking Last Hope. It will be a long, hard road convincing your brother's loyal troops that you deserve their trust and admiration, but bringing your brother back to Holbark safely will go a long way towards elevating your position in this kingdom.
106, 20 подземелье
Рыцарь Смерти
46, 94 подземелье
49, 55 подземелье
The Scarlet Sisterhood offers their service against the soulless ones. Change is in the air. Please also except a bar of magical metal--our visions show that you have need of it.
Неиссякаемый Мешок Золота
21, 30 подземелье
A magical sack of gold!
Доспехи из Чешуи Дракона
22, 29 подземелье
Real Dragonscale Armor! What a prize!
Элементаль воды
48, 23 подземелье
You will neverrr take our preciousss necklasssse, landworms, hiss the Water Elementals, flipping their tails angrily and completely drenching your army in seconds.
Ожерелье Морского Проведения
48, 24 подземелье
This magical necklace is quite the prize for any sea traveller--no wonder the water elementals guarded it so jealously!
95, 53 подземелье
What? Is that smoke coming from the island up ahead? In the distance, you can make out several figures, some of them waving in your direction. Could that be Corribus, wrecked on the island? How is it he has survived this long? With a sigh of relief and a renewed sense of urgency, you urge your captain to sail straight ahead. It seems you have finally found your brother, and though you must pass him ill tidings, you will be glad to see him nonetheless. You must remember to give him the librarian's scroll when you meet him.
93, 48 подземелье
You are Corribus Artan, the 17th King of the nation of Holbark in the Artan line. You were made king by your father when he committed suicide approximately three years ago. Your father was a strict man with little love in him, yet he was meticulous in your military and political training. As such, you are talented in the arts of war and diplomacy, but suffer from some confidence issues. However, your heart is pure and good, and ever since rescuing them from almost certain starvation by begging the aid of neighboring nations, your people have loved you.
47, 105 подземелье
Strange to find Plutonium all the way out here, but... you'll take it!
47, 4 подземелье
58, 8 суша
For a moment, you believe that you might have found the ashes of Avaricious for which you seek. But after your initial surprise has passed, you realize that this is not the case. This is definitely a coffin, but it houses the body of a wizard named Otogo. This you can tell by the inscription on the side of the vessel, which says as much. But something is out of place, because suddenly you are surrounded by people who don't appear that friendly. You made a foolish mistake coming down here, one of them sneers. This is OUR treasure horde and Otogo's body will fetch a fine price to somebody interested in the remains of a powerful wizard. Sorry, my friend, but you're going to have to die now. The bandits jump you. Will you fight or run?
58, 10 суша
The hole under the temple leads to a small cave. You can see something metallic to the north reflecting a little bit of light that comes from the sky above. What could it be? Naturally you approach cautiously.
75, 29 суша
The box glows with a light of its own, and you discard your torch as it is unecessary. You approach carefully and reverently. After all, the ashes of a saint lie within this small gold chest. Finally, your quest is complete. You pick up the box and study the engravings etched along the side. They depict scenes from the saint's life, including his magnificent battle with the rogues who attacked the young women outside of his village. Fantastic. You make to leave, but Bred says, Aren't you going to check it? What, you think there's nothing there? The thought hadn't occurred to you, but now that Bred has said it, you are struck by a sudden fear. You put the chest down and open the lid and are happy to see that it is filled with a fine gray powder. Ash. You close the lid hastily, afraid your disrespect may be remembered in a future life. Wait one moment, Bred says, flipping up the lid casually. What are you..? you begin, but you shut your mouth as Toran rudely dips a finger in Avaracious's remains and then brings it to his tongue. You are aghast and are about to scold your insolent friend, but you are stopped short when he spits and curses. What is it? you ask, forgetting your anger. That's dirt, he growls. How do you know? You ask, refusing to believe. Toran snorts. Can't you smell it? he asks. Black onion. That's not ashes, Corribus. It's dirt. And black onions grew in it. Black onion? you stammer. But those aren't native to this continent. They only grow in island caves to the far west back home. Right. Island caves. Toran wears a knowing grin. Suddenly you connect the dots. You mean? Yes, it's the only solution, Bred explains. Those people on the island we shipwrecked on. You knew they didn't belong there. They must have been descendants of the scoundrel Jamus - he must have crashed on the same stupid island we did! But then where's the real relic? you growl in disgust, throwing down the box of dirt. And how did I end up here with THIS? The latter we may never know, but I suspect that Jamus was not the fool he pretended to be. Algamar did not trick him; he tricked Algamar -- and all of his men, too. As to where he hid the REAL treasure, well I would think the place where black onions grow would be a good place to start. You stare at Bred Toran for several moments, and then both of you say together
73, 33 суша
The portal exits into a small cavern, one that appears to have not been visited in some time. In the darkness you can hear water trickling down from the ceiling. It smells of mold and fungus and stale air. Did Algamar hide his treasure down here? You hope that there's something left of it if he did.
80, 79 суша
The cave is dark, and smelly. In fact, there's a slightly pungent odor that you can't quite place, but you swear it smells familiar. In the recesses of the cave, you can make out lots of garbage and lots of weapons. It appears that the wild natives have been living here for quite some time -- generations maybe. But what were they doing with such sophisticated weapons? You look around, and find books, and captains ledgers, broken oars, barrels of very old pitch, and other naval items. Very odd. You direct some of your men to salvage what they can. Extra weapons and bows will always be useful, and of course there are stores of food - much of it moldy and old, but you're too hungry to care. During this inspection, you can't help but notice the glint of gold to the north.
84, 59 суша
This time you do not approach cautiously and reverently. You've been searching long enough and if the gods want to strike you down, let them do so. You pass the corpse of Jamus and lift the box. It is surprisingly heavy. All your pain, for this. It had better be worth it. You tuck the holy ashes of Avaricious under your arm, and head home.
Неиссякаемая Склянка Ртути
83, 75 суша
Laying among a pile of what appears to me mostly useless garbage is a small capped vial of ultra pure mercury. Funny you should find this here! You tuck it into your belt, thinking it might come in handy. Unfortunately there seems to be nothing else here that might help destroy the portal on the surface. You're just going to have to look elsewhere - perhaps with all of the armed elves in your newly nourished - and strengthened - army, you can challenge the ogres on the other side of the portal?
Сфера Илистого Озера
47, 46 суша
As promised, the earth elemental offers you the orb as payment for ridding them of the pesky water creatures. In addition, he tells you that you may recruit of what meager numbers they have at the shrine to the north. They summon additional elementals every week to perform various tasks in this world, so you might check back every so often. With that said, the elementals who initially joined you bid you farewell and collapse in a heap of dust.
Элементаль земли
42, 50 суша
A creature that resembles a pile of dirt shambles toward you. It smells like a pile of dirt, too. Oh thank the gods that someone has come! it rumbles. Our shrine to Rhea, the Earth Goddess has been overrun by creatures of water. Since that boulder fell outside, the river has partially dammed and our cave has been flooding. Now those creatures have claimed it as THEIR shrine. Oh you must help us reclaim our home. In return, we will give you an artifact bestowed upon us by a great wizard of old
Элементаль воды
45, 46 суша
Looks like you're eating fish tonight...
Ледяной элементаль
41, 49 суша
Flying Fins! A group of creatures spring from the muddy river and attack!
Элементаль воды
45, 49 суша
More creatures from the black lagoon!
Хижина провидца
75, 100 суша
A small elevated hut with a sign that reads Contractor's Office posted by its door is perched on the shore of this underground lake. The beginnings of a massive construction project - wheelbarrows, piles of rock and wood, tools - can be seen by the water. A number of goblins and ogres are idly playing cards and dice. You wonder why they aren't working. You enter the hut and an elderly goblin looks up from a wooden architect's desk. He has a compass and a pencil in his hands and doesn't look happy to see you. Are you from the inspector's office? he groans. Inspector? you ask. A look of relief paints his features. Good, he sighs, I'm so far behind schedule; if they drop by soon, I'm as good as fired. Now please, I don't know who you are, but I'm busy and can't talk now. You offer your assistance to the goblin and he considers for a moment and then says, Look, I'm supposed to be building this bridge to the other side of the lake. The delta portals are right now the only way to cross the Calamazar, and since they have a monopoly, the operators charge whatever they want. We hope to offer an alternative route. Problem is, I don't have the materials to build the bridge, but they expect me to build it anyway! I mean, I have no WOOD! If we can find some for you, will that help? you ask. It would, but the current in this lake is so strong, that any wood won't do. It'll simply collapse! We need Ironwood, but Ironwood Oaks are so hard to cut down that only one lumberjack in the land can do it. His name is Orpah. If you could find him and bring me a cart of Ironwood, I'd pay handsomely for it, AND you'd have free crossing for LIFE! You agree to help the Contractor out and leave immediately on your quest.
61, 84 суша
Trans-Calamazar Tunnel Project INCOMPLETE Please Inquire at Corporate HQ
Страж прохода
88, 92 суша
The alchemist offers to trade some of his purest and most valuable mercury for 10,000 gold, and not a penny less.
Неиссякаемая Склянка Ртути
89, 91 суша
You pick up the vial of valuable mercury you paid for and examine it closely. Indeed it is of purest quality as promised!
76, 103 суша
Trans-Calamazar River Project INQUIRE WITHIN
Случайный монстр 7
76, 47 суша
Fierce creatures guard the cavern entrance!
Ледяной элементаль
48, 47 суша
Another batch of fish-women. Gods, will they never DIE?
23, 59 суша
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