This is a Story-map, with a narrator, like the maps GoldHeart and Corruption. In this map there will be a few puzzles, and only one non-trivial fight. There will be no town development, and you will need no resources for it. Difficulty setting for this map is perfectly irrelevant. Find the Story-Teller hero now, and move him forward to read Chapter 1. Stop when you reach the first sign.
(Hint: if in difficulty with a quest, revisit the seer or quest guard; the second message sometimes contains hints.)
Dragons flying
The noble looks out at the night sky, from the outpost above Karas Haven. A few flashes of fire flare in the darkness. He shivers. The dragons are currently only flying above barren hills - how soon before they ignite farms? How long before they fly over the city at night? His dragonfly whimpers, huddling close to his side.
Farm ignition
The noble shouts at the council. He hasn't gone anywhere! Farms are being set on fire, and that so-called Guardian hasn't done anything to soothe the dragons! Perhaps you just haven't seen him go? one of the councillors suggests. Pah! the noble spits, scornfully. It is more than half a day's ride. Jabarkas hasn't been gone that long. There is always a Guardian. another councillor says. If not Jabarkas, then who? There is no-one else! The noble is silenced. They're right; there is no-one else. He's the only one with any Gift for miles; though his gift only stretches to taming the little dragonfly that follows him. The old Guardian's dying prophecy comes to mind, as the noble leaves the council chamber. He's coming, eh? the noble says to himself. Then I shall go and watch for him!
(Mapmaker's note to player: If you get wandering stacks generated by the month, you may need to {reload}; unless you are very near the end of the map, you will not have the army required to fight 'Month-of' stacks.)
last day warning
This map has a six week timelimit, and you're running out of time! If you just want to experience the rest of the story, use the 'infinite movement' cheatcode.
2, 3 подземелье
Rosalie spends some money repairing the villa.
2, 4 подземелье
Read Chapter 4 now.
Страж задания
2, 5 подземелье
The landlord here is selling this house for 25000 Gold. Thomas wants to buy it. Thomas {needs} to buy it. But where can he get that kind of money?
8, 7 подземелье
Thomas' first three days of searching yield few results. He can only find one person who knows of rooms to let, and by the time Thomas finds the owner, the rooms are taken. He does a few minor translations, and buys some food, but he is growing tired and depressed. On the fourth day, Thomas spies one of his friends, back from a trip, and moves to join him. I envy you, Darkie. his friend says, without preamble. Freddie was always blunt and direct; Thomas knows not to take offense. Those two brawny barbarians there, who came back from Dherbach with me, are looking for a Karasen translator. You and your mother must be the only candidates in the city. They're offering a {lot} of money. Thomas can agree with the rarity comment. Since the fruitless trading mission fifteen years ago, shortly before Thomas' birth, Grafelna has had no contact with Karas. But - I don't speak Karasen. All the languages you do speak, and your father Karasen, and you don't speak that language? I never knew my father. And my mother only learned a little; so that's all I know. Well, frankly, no-one else speaks {any}, so you're the best hope they've got. And you look the part, darkie; they won't ask {how} fluent you are. Thomas is reluctant, but he knows he has to at least talk to the pair. Freddie senses his reluctance. Go on, Darkie! They may look like ogres, and they may not be entirely honest, but they won't hurt you.
2, 6 подземелье
Read Chapter 2 now.
2, 7 подземелье
That's odd. There are signs of repairs to the villa. The landlord never used to do that sort of thing; you've put in complaints occasionally, and all he says is that if you don't like the place, you can move elsewhere! You hurry forward.
16, 5 подземелье
Thomas pulls a few pieces of wood away from the fence, and it becomes possible to squeeze through.
3, 9 подземелье
Thomas pauses a moment to look out over the city. It's a hodge-podge of architectural styles, crowded with buildings. The roads only impose some order on the chaos. Thomas knows many of the alleyways and obscure routes from one part of the city to another; he grew up running messages like many of the street urchins in this area.
4, 8 подземелье
The ragtag street urchins peg stones at one another. Thomas knows that if he pauses for a moment, some will follow him.
10, 8 подземелье
Read Chapter 3 now.
Страж задания
12, 6 подземелье
There's a press-gang at the end of the street, and they're looking your way. You might not attract their attention; but your burly companions certainly would! But perhaps some of the street-urchins could throw stones and distract the whip-men long enough for the barbarians to get past.
14, 8 подземелье
The street is warmer here, as a result of the furnace nearby. Thomas waves to the laborers carrying heavy materials between the furnace and the factory at the end of the street. They call back cheerfully Come and tell our kids more tales sometime soon, young storyteller! Thomas avoids the curious gazes of the two burly barbarians.
Страж задания
21, 4 подземелье
The barbarians note the spring melt coming down off the mountains. It's a good thing we got here in time, Rystuk says. This area would have become impassable in a few more days.
2, 10 подземелье
Thomas recognises the road north as leading home, and hurries to find his mother. They rent rooms in a large old villa which was once part of the centre of the city; now sadly run-down. The housing situation is always tight in Grafelna; their dilapidated and run-down rooms cost a lot to rent. Fortunately, Thomas' pay from this trading trip should cover the rent for a while. His mother is frail and can't earn much money on her own.
33, 34 подземелье
Karas Haven
Посещение Варвар:
28, 33 подземелье
Halon is Thomas' father. He travelled to Grafelna on a trading mission in his youth, and fell in love with a lovely young translator there. He married her, presenting her with one of a pair of dragoneye rings some months later, before leaving in response to the urgent recall brought by the same messanger who brought the rings to Grafelna. His services to the Guardian, the Priest who keeps the Dragons calm, have not permitted him the months required to return to Grafelna for his wife.
29, 33 подземелье
Halon preceeds his son down the hill. I think the best way for us to approach this first problem is for you to enter the city first, with those dragons beside you; they will deal with Jabarkas's wyverns, and then the city council will deal with Jabarkas himself.
14, 5 подземелье
One of Thomas' barbarian companions nods towards the Labyrinth. I'm surprised that we don't see more Minotaurs about, Khander says. This city is such a maze, they should feel right at home here. They're not welcome near the University, Thomas replies. He waves to their left. He smiles, remembering one of the scholars (Morris, a friend of his mother's) taking some time to teach him a few tricks of water magic.
28, 3 подземелье
The Barbarians look at the wide, slow-flowing river. We need to cross that, Rystuk says. Does anyone know how to summon boats? He looks pointedly at Thomas. Thomas grimaces wryly. I'll give it a try, he replies. I don't know if it will work first time, though. Or even really if it will work at all. Khander interjects I just hope there's somewhere to land, on the other side! Rystuk pulls out a spyglass. Let's take a good look! {Puzzle Number Two!}
35, 8 подземелье
The mountains are cold and snowy. Thomas shivers and is grateful to see the camp-fire ahead. He hurries forward, only to see the bandits scatter in front of him. Huh? What are they so scared of? He looks behind him. The two barbarians lumbering through the snow are indeed a scary sight; they look like snow-giants.
14, 27 подземелье
As Thomas emerges from the portal, the spell lifts. He finds himself in a volcanic and fiery landscape. He would be afraid, but enough of the vision remains that he knows most of the inhabitants will not hurt him. He pauses to tie a rope around his torn backpack, before moving forward. His food and water are gone; neither he nor his puppy will last long in this heat. He heads towards the mouth of the valley.
32, 17 подземелье
The boat slips silently, secretively away from the elementals, without the elementals noticing it has gone. Thomas looks ahead - and sees a puppy isolated on a nearby promontory. It whines, and he cries We have to help it! Look, do you see that puppy? Rystuk replies coarsely Bugger that puppy - keep your eyes on them damn water elementals! If any of them catch us, we're in deep trouble!
34, 12 подземелье
Thomas shivers in his bedroll that night. Normally warm enough, the covering wasn't intended for snow conditions. He wishes briefly for something to keep him warm. Or, failing that, the knowhow to escape the mountains faster. His dreams that night are filled with climbing rough mountains and slogging through muddy swamps, following the odd glimpse of a man through the brush. Eventually, he learns to slip less and move faster. He puts on an extra burst of speed, and catches up with the elusive leader, reaching out to touch his shoulder. He is rewarded with a smile from his teacher's face, and the dawn light in his eyes.
31, 13 подземелье
Abruptly, the moutains open up, and the three travellers find themselves gazing down a wide valley to an icy lake. The view is breathtaking, and Thomas pauses to admire it, forgetting the cold for a moment. The water shimmers in the wintry sunlight. Thomas tries to focus more carefully on it ... Water Elementals! Khander cries. Bloody Oath, how the hell are we going to get across that? They'll sink our boat! He points to the right of the valley. Or run us aground ... Thomas notes the shipwreck, and shivers. He returns his attention to the lake, trying to work out if the shimmering, mindless elementals cover the entire surface. {Puzzle Number Three!}
33, 23 подземелье
The swamp is as cold as the water - if not colder; patches of snow still lie on the ground. Thomas shivers, glad the puppy has taken a liking to him; it kept him warm last night. Rystuk notices Thomas' shivering. It should get warmer as we travel, he says. Otherwise I'd skin that little dog and make gloves out of his fur! Thomas just glares at him.
35, 17 подземелье
Gingerly, the travellers edge as far away from the elementals as they can get. Think you can get the boat past the elementals? Khander asks Thomas. Thomas watches the shimmering monsters for a few minutes. Where has he seen them before? Then he remembers the last night's dream, forgotten until now, studying the behaviour of water as a gentle voice guides his observations. Yes, he says, with renewed confidence. I can.
32, 23 подземелье
Khander breathes a sigh of relief. My goodness, I really wasn't sure we'd make it past all those. There won't be anyone fishing in that lake any time soon! Thomas frowns. Are people going hungry nearby? {He's} hungry enough!
34, 21 подземелье
A single water elemental detaches itself from the writhing masses and flings itself at the boat. Thomas gasps in horror, and shrinks back; Khander and Rystuk bring their clubs to the ready. Thank heavens, there's only one! Khander exclaims. You stand back, youngling, while we deal with it. Thomas nods, and clasps the puppy close to him.
Гончая ада
34, 17 подземелье
Thomas can only be grateful that the barbarians were forced to land near the puppy. He dashes over and pulls it from the snow, cradling it gently against his body. It's half starved, he comments. And just what do you propose to feed it with? Rystuk remarks, acidly. I am not planning on going hungry just because there's a starveling puppy around. Leave it - or go hungry yourself! Thomas would protest, but he knows it won't make any difference. They make camp, in order to rest overnight, and he divides his dinner in half, giving one part to the puppy. He wouldn't be able to bear seeing it starve.
33, 21 подземелье
Thomas shudders as he looks down at the dead elemental. He isn't sure he ever wanted to learn about battle this way. With a heave, he empties his guts over the side of the boat. You think that was a battle, youngling? Khander asks. You've never been anywhere near a real fight, have you? As the boat slides slowly, carefully, past the rest of the elementals, Thomas collapses back into the stern. One small mercy occurs to him - at least he only lost half his dinner to the waters. The other half is safe inside the puppy.
Книга магии Воды
24, 24 подземелье
A book floats in the air, somehow seeming wet without suffering the usual effects. This is one of the fabled Tomes of Water Magic, and the Villagers only need one to control the water elementals ... Khander reaches eagerly for the book, only to find that he cannot get a grip on it; it flows through his fingers like water. Rystuk comes up behind him, forming his hands into a scoop, and together they hold the book ... But only for a moment; as soon as one of them moves, the book flows through their fingers again. Thomas reaches forward, and whispers to the book, which settles obediently in his hand. Rystuk exclaims What? How? Thomas smiles, oddly confident. I, like the seer, am an expert in Water Magic. He turns his back on the muttered comment about uppity teenagers.
Руки Легионера
29, 15 подземелье
Two lengths of stone protrude from the snow. Khander pulls one out, and hefts it experimentally. It'd make a good club, he says. He tosses it to Thomas, who staggers under the unexpected weight. Thomas studies it for a moment, recognising it as an arm. He picks up the other, which shows a ring on the finger, to put them both into his pack. He jerks upward in startlement as a voice whispers into his mind. You are being tested ...
27, 28 подземелье
Thomas looks at the temple, and then at the Freelancer's guild. He shudders - they're not quite slavers, but he still doesn't want to go near there. And yet - there's an alleyway behind the guild, and a colony of talking trees! Divine inspiration? Perhaps ...
28, 29 подземелье
Shisna Fishtown. Population 238.
Страж задания
23, 35 подземелье
A small off-shoot of the sandy valley leads to a pedestal. Thomas peers forward, to read the inscription. Asteryn? Kester shakes out his wings. Asteryn - first of the Friends. He helped us when Atlantis was lost to us; he brought us here, and laid magic to protect us and humans both. His statue stood here for long centuries; but was broken up, and the pieces lost, many years ago. Thomas brings out the stone head from his pack. This is him, isn't it? Now I know my teacher's name. The sense of awe is almost overwhelming.
Сила Отца драконов
22, 35 подземелье
The statue shimmers briefly as Thomas steps back, and turns away. A movement behind him makes him turn back. The statue is now clothed in a comprehensive suit of armour, every piece of which is draconic in origin. Kester releases a plume of fire, impressed. Asteryn has sent you the Power of The Dragon Father. Oh, you are blessed indeed, young Guardian! Reverently, Thomas takes up the artifact and puts it on, putting his existing gear in his backpack.
Страж задания
1, 35 подземелье
The group emerge blinking into the fresh, cool air. They look down upon a lovely valley, filled with trees and lakes. Thomas draws a breath in surprise and pleasure. Then the earth erupts in front of them, and a stone head emerges from the ground. I am the Sphinx, it says. Hast thou ventured the elemental paths? Dost thou bear the Orb?
Поясница Легионера
24, 13 подземелье
There's a hunk of rock blocking the way. Khander kicks it out of the way, and Rystuk erupts into a sudden laugh. Well, by Jove! he exclaims. If it isn't a model of a man's privates! Khander glares at him. You keep it, then! he says. You always did like toilet humour! Thomas ponders the stone for a moment. He recognises it as a piece from his teacher's statue. What message is it trying to convey? It won't be as unsubtle as his companions seem to think.
Страж задания
16, 21 подземелье
Strong Guards bar the mountain pass. No go! they cry. Khander, ever the spokesman, rides up to question them. Why can we not pass? he asks. We are only travellers! You could be devils in disguise! the guard replies. There's a pack of Arch-devils in this region, and we are the only ones who prevent them getting out. No-one will pass 'til all the devils are killed. {Puzzle number five!}
Страж задания
18, 18 подземелье
The rogue cavern is governed by a tough individual of uncertain sex, with a number of scars and a golden nose-ring. You need to hire my men. It is not a statement, and Khander looks somewhat taken aback. Show me the emblem of cognizance, and I will let you in. Not before.
16, 17 подземелье
As they complete the exchange, a drunken bandit comes up to the cook and demands his own food. You know the rules! snaps the cook. Extra meals cost you! Angry, the drunkard starts a scuffle. It ends abruptly when the pot of oil is knocked over, and ignites. Thomas reaches forward to help before the fire reaches futher, summoning water to put the fire out. It isn't very effective, however, as the oil simply floats on top of the water and keeps burning, spreading farther. He concentrates, and summons ice, in sheets and crystals, until the fire is extinguished. Well! Thankyou for your assistance, young man! the cook exclaims. He fishes the ruined meatballs out of the pot, and tosses them to the puppy.
Страж задания
10, 34 подземелье
Thomas' eyes are caught by an archway of stars. Something calls to him from the other side; a deep melancholy, a place where he is desperately {needed}! In moments, his whole body is caught in the thrall ... the barbarians grab at his arms and his pack to hold him back, as he takes one step forward. And another, and another.
34, 24 подземелье
The evening brings more dreams of travel through rough mountains and swamps, but this time Thomas can keep up with the hooded mage as he silently points out the safe places to tread. The pace is rather faster, but never so much so that Thomas can't keep up. He gradually develops the knack, and answers his master's smile with one of his own, before opening his eyes to the dawn light.
32, 26 подземелье
Read Chapter 6 now.
32, 35 подземелье
Read Chapter 12 now.
9, 21 подземелье
Valley of the Sphinx. Four ways, Four Elements; A mighty fighter could take any path, A gentle scholar could fetch the Orb. The Sphinx awaits.
8, 21 подземелье
Read Chapter 9 now.
4, 29 подземелье
The group make camp, and Khander snarls in frustration as he checks the packs. This valley is a bloody maze! And we're running low on food - we haven't much time left to get to Karas Haven! Rystuk turns an accusing glance at Thomas. Have you been sneaking food to feed that pup of yours? I think we should cook it and eat it ourselves! Thomas is infuriated. I am not a thief! he cries. You leave my puppy alone!
9, 29 подземелье
Their packs are running lower, and Thomas is not the only one who is hungry when they make camp in the evening. He gathers water and firewood, thinking that at least they can spend the night {warm}. The puppy disappears into the brush. Some time later, when the fire is burning merrily, the puppy yaps from the bushes. Thomas investigates, and finds it has brought two rabbits back to camp.
10, 29 подземелье
Not knowing how to cook the rabbits himself, he takes them to the two barbarians. If you clean and cook these for me, you can have one. he offers. Why, you arrogant little twerp! Who's in charge here, hmm? Rystuk snatches the rabbits from Thomas. I am. says Khander. Where did these rabbits come from? He inspects the carcasses. That puppy of yours caught them, hmm? You've gone hungry that long, and now it's returning unexpected benefits. He turns to Rystuk. Our translator is being generous. I'll deal with you later. The meal is one of the best Thomas has had in a long time.
3, 35 подземелье
The rogues hired earlier express their discomfort at being in this valley. We don't belong here, one says. We've served out our pay. We will leave you now. Khander frowns, displeased. Rystuk takes him to one side before he can say anything, though. Do you want them to leave tonight? Slit our throats and disappear into the darkness? They {were} helpful in scouting the sphinx's passages. Reluctantly, Khander nods. The rogues take that as consent, and disappear into the night. {(Dismiss your rogues now.)}
Золотой дракон
18, 26 подземелье
A pair of older dragons are sunning in the fiery landscape. They have matured into a burnished gold; they seem swifter and stronger than the green dragons accompanying Thomas. He gulps, looking up at them, as the green dragons babble excitedly. Between the heat and the dry atmosphere, he is nearly ready to faint. One of the gold dragons bends a critical eye in his direction. Look at the human; it needs water. Let's take it out of here, to the nearest pond.
Зеленый дракон
16, 26 подземелье
Hey, it's a human! The young dragons settle in a circle around Thomas. Hey, human! Have you seen Atlantis? Atlantis? Thomas asks, blankly. His voice comes out in a muted roar, and he is surprised to realise that the dragons were also speaking in roars. Atlantis. Our lost homeland. Some day we're going to find it, and go back there! Our parents have told us all about it - it's the most wonderful place! We're organising search parties now. Oh, come with us - talk to the elders! Thomas smiles at the impulsive spokesdragon. To be sure, he has little choice but to accompany these friendly creatures.
18, 29 подземелье
As the dragons skirt the valley-mouth, Thomas notices a ghost glaring out from between the rocks. It flares its wings and hisses at him. Atlantis is gone, boyo! Tell them! They will never find it; it is gone! Lost beneath the sea, where none but we ghosts can reach it. They will never believe it. Thomas replies, instinctively. That same bone-deep instinct tells him that the dragons must not be allowed to go searching for Atlantis; because they will set fire to the countryside as they search. If not during the day, then during the night, when they have no other light to see by.
19, 30 подземелье
The relief from the heat is as sudden as it is refreshing. Thomas drops to his knees and drinks eagerly. He looks up, to see scores of dragons watching him. Aah ... he croaks. Then the sense of welcome enfolds him, nearly knocking him off his feet. We have a Friend again! a large rust dragon cries. It looks at Thomas with a critical eye. Other humans came, you know, but we just ate them, because they weren't DragonFriends. Only some humans are.
21, 31 подземелье
The dragons start chattering eagerly about their search for Atlantis. Thomas listens for hours as they praise the lost land. He looks about him, noting the hot sunny valley he came out of, and the glittering magical valley beyond the oasis. Even the place they describe was not so well suited to this flight of dragons. But they don't seem to realise it, and won't accept his comments; it's a blind-spot in their thoughts. Even with this thought in his mind, he can't help but feel the melancholy of the dragons mourning their lost land. When they begin to discuss search patterns to find the old land, he knows he has to distract them, and he starts to tell them of his own home. He tells them all the stories he knows, talking til he grows hoarse, while the circle of attentive dragons grows larger and larger.
21, 32 подземелье
When he's talked til he has no voice left, the dragons shake themselves and start getting up. Your home would be burned if we searched there for Atlantis, wouldn't it? one of the watching dragons asks. Thomas can only nod, mutely. Then we can't go searching yet. the dragon murmurs. Others around the circle nod in agreement. Thomas relaxes from a tension he hadn't realised he was feeling. Instinctively he knows that this reprieve is only temporary, but he should have a few days or weeks before the dragons plan searches again. One of the younger dragons flutters its wings. I'm hungry! Come hunting with me! Thomas stretches and nods. He's hungry too ... and his puppy is starving! Moments later, though, he recoils in shock. The dragons have chosen to hunt down a behemoth. The puppy can probably make a meal from a piece of this monster - but {he's} not going to be able to eat any of it!
23, 33 подземелье
Drinking from another of the little ponds, Thomas feels somewhat better, but he knows he needs to seek his own food somewhere. He whistles for his puppy, and walks slowly down the valley. A mighty blue dragon waits for him to draw near. Can you remove these scales for me? it asks. Its eyes are protected by two translucent scales; new scales have grown in, and the old ones are loose; they must be irritating the dragon considerably, and its talons are too coarse to use on eyes. With a tiny tug, Thomas frees each of the eye-scales. What do you want done with them? he asks. Humans value them. I have no more need of them. the powerful creature replies. Ah, it's good to have a Friend again. They make shedding so much less irritating. It scratches for a moment, and a few ordinary scales fall to the ground. Humans value those, too, it says, gesturing for Thomas to gather them up. So; you're going looking for a human settlement, where you can get human food. There is one at the end of this valley - go there, and then return. Thomas nods, mutely. He probably couldn't keep away if he tried. He'll come back gladly, and he'll bring food enough to stay for a while. The dragon bends a penetrating eye on Thomas. I have a longer memory than most dragons, you know. We've been without a Friend too long; something is wrong in the human city. I suspect someone needs toasting. My name is Kester, and I shall walk with you til we find them.
26, 34 подземелье
Kester snorts a puff of flame, as he and Thomas resume their journey down the valley. Your friends aren't very nice people, he says. Thomas smiles wryly. I did suspect that my employers weren't being totally honest. Still, I'm not sure that they deserve to be arrested when they haven't actually done anything. I think I do have to find them, and help them out of that mess at least. He wrinkles his nose. With my limited Karasen. Sheesh.
27, 34 подземелье
Thomas finds a wooden hut on top of the hill. Gentle snores come from inside. He creeps in, to find a sleeping man with a face surprisingly like his own. One hand, outside the blankets, wears a copper ring with a milky-white flake set into it ... Breathless, Thomas shakes the sleeper's shoulder. (Read Chapter 11 now.)
17, 5 подземелье
As Thomas straightens up, waving the barbarians past, one of the street urchins comes barrelling up to the fence. Ol' Scholar Morris said you'd need this! the kid burbles, excitedly. Ifn' you going on a long trip to your daddy's land, you gon' need a new teacher! This is him - you watch out for him along the way! What's this? Thomas asks. The stone head the kid hands him shows a kindly, intelligent face, with the strength and determination still clear despite years of wear on the stone. This is what he looks like? But this stone is so old! I dunno - I tol' you what Ol' Morris tol' me! the kid replies. I gotta go! He dashes back the way he came.
Ожерелье скорости
16, 8 подземелье
As Thomas approaches the factory, the manager comes out to meet him. What's this, youngling? We don't have any negotiations going at the moment; have you brought us some news? Maybe not news you'd like, Thomas replies. I'm going to be out of town for a while - going on another trip already, and this one a longer one. That's a pity, the manager replies. Thomas has done a lot of good work for him in the past. But it's good of you to drop by to let us know. Did I mention that the deal with Duke Clarence turned out extremely well? I was going to give you a bonus, for getting that negotiation going, but I think this will be better for you, and maybe bring you back faster!
Торс Легионера
25, 25 подземелье
Thomas spies a piece of stone in the bushes. Furtively, he picks it up, recognising it as the torso from his teacher's statue. A voice whispers in his mind. Another test passed, youngling. Khander calls from behind Thomas. What are you doing shilly-shallying about in the bushes, hmm? We've got to get back to town! Quickly, Thomas stuffs the torso in his pack. They {do} need to keep travelling.
Хижина предсказателя
25, 29 подземелье
Read Chapter 7 now.
Страж задания
24, 22 подземелье
A group of burly fishermen block the way. Halt! one cries. Khander stops. We are simple travellers, we only wish to pass by. he says. We are simple fishermen, we only wish to have enough food to eat, the spokesman replies. Unless you have something very special like the Seer's permission, you and your food aren't going anywhere!
23, 22 подземелье
Moments later, one of the fishermen catches up. What's the rush? he asks. The boots are his right enough. We only needed to see them - here, they belong to you! He then begins to express his thanks. Embarrassed, Khander signals to move on.
Кольцо странника
12, 24 подземелье
Thomas' eyes are caught by a flash of gold. Ignoring the barbarians' protests, he dashes into the valley to find it. The glint turns out to come from a lovely ring caught on a rock. As he slips it on, the now-familiar voice whispers in his mind. Another lesson learned, youngling. There is more than one way through many situations.
3, 20 подземелье
Paths of the Sphinx. Choose wisely, for there is no return!
24, 4 подземелье
Read Chapter 5 now.
22, 21 подземелье
After several days on short rations, Thomas finds he is tiring more easily, and the gnawing in his stomach is getting to him. He finds his puppy snuffling at some plants, and pulls up a few wild onions. Hunger sharpens his mind, and he studies the plants and the area until he thinks he can spot the wild onions anywhere. They should roast well.
21, 20 подземелье
Thomas looks skeptically at the puppy. You're a carnivore. How did you know those were good for me to eat, hmm? He sets his pack down and bends over to stroke the little dog, which has already grown in the week since he found it. The pack falls over, and the stone head falls out. Hmph. Well. that's a more direct answer than I'm usually going to get!
21, 14 подземелье
Thomas' dreams this night are filled with plants, tubers, bulbs ... his mentor fixes him with a stern and kindly glance. You've shown you will go hungry to help another. That's good, but I don't want you to starve. You will forage for these when you make camp each night. The dawn light finds him searching out young shoots from the nearby pond. His companions mutter, but as long as Thomas doesn't poison himself, they will leave him alone.
17, 17 подземелье
The distinctive scent of deep-frying meatballs fills the cavern. Khander pauses to negotiate briefly with the cook, then exchanges some money for a bundle of meatballs wrapped in a towel. Thomas' mouth waters at the thought of such good food tonight. Khander glares at Rystuk, whose face reveals similar thoughts. Buy your own! Reluctantly, the other barbarian digs out his purse. Thomas comes forward eagerly with his own. Quietly, he whispers to the cook. Can I buy some scraps for my dog too?
Ноги Легионера
6, 32 подземелье
Thomas detours to retrieve some stone feet he sees peeking from under a bush. Another sign from my teacher! he murmurs, recognising the size and shape as matching the other pieces he's found. No more lessons for now, boy, the statue whispers in his mind. Follow your instincts now.
18, 20 подземелье
Thomas studies the stone head, noting the laughter lines at the corner of his eyes, and the signs of strength and determination. I wish I knew your story, teacher. he whispers. I don't even know your name.
13, 19 подземелье
Read Chapter 8 now.
Страж задания
25, 34 подземелье
As Thomas moves down the valley, he remembers his travelling companions. I wonder what happened to Khander and Rystuk? he murmurs. Kester overhears the comment. Would you really like to know? Thomas looks up. It'd be good. Rystuk could be mean, but Khander was always fair to me, even if he was a bit rough. I'd like to know that they're okay ... and they {did} hire me to translate for them when we reached Karas Haven. I haven't earned that fee yet. Kester folds his wings and chooses a comfortable spot in the sand. Stop here a moment, then, and pour some water into a bowl for me. We shall scry and find out!
Перчатки всадника
7, 20 подземелье
These gloves are made from well-tanned horsehide. The palms show signs of wear, but they're still in good condition.
22, 12 подземелье
The devils laugh mockingly at the puny group in front of them. Hey, little boy, come and play with us! one calls. He spreads a pack of cards, showing a blue dog, a green bulb, and a red fish to the travellers. Come play Cripple Mr Onion! As Thomas shrinks away from the group, the laughter grows louder, and harsher, following their retreat.
1, 14 подземелье
Thomas pauses to let the guards at the city gate check his papers, before heading north into the city..
Шляпа капитана
1, 9 подземелье
This shiny hat belonged to one of Thomas' mother's friends. It's here in case you run into trouble with the boats.
0, 1 суша
Thomas is one step up from a street-kid; scraping a living by translating for merchants and traders. He learned the languages from his mother, also a translator. He has never met the father from whom he inherited his dark skin, and knows only a few fragments of his northern tongue.
1, 1 суша
This has been a most profitable trip. the merchant says. Thomas bows to the merchant, accepting his pay. He's translated for the rotund spice-merchant often before; few other merchants deal with so many different foreigners. The last few weeks have been spent on a mission to Trelaire, negotiating for a cargo of peppers and cinnamon. At the busy port, they had also been able to buy some herbs and collect a generous supply of salt. Robert wasn't going to need to make another trip for a year, and the pay he was handing the stripling translator was correspondingly generous.
2, 1 суша
The road branches, and Robert and his bodyguards take the path to the left. Thomas proceeds straight ahead, eager to reach home and find his mother.
8, 24 суша
Wait here until it is time to read Chapter 2.
9, 24 суша
Once inside their rooms in the newly repaired villa, Thomas hugs his mother. He takes a bit of time to tell her about his trip, but he can't miss the worry lines that still crease her face. It's probably money. he thinks. The landlord has put the rent up after those repairs. He hands her his pay. But, rather than being pleased with the money, Thomas' mother bursts into tears. It won't help, she cries. It's not nearly enough!
10, 24 суша
Thomas is flabberghasted. How can this not be enough? What is happening, Mama? In between sobs, she explains. The villa, she says. It's going up for sale. We're being evicted - us, and all the other tenants. We were told just after you left. We have to move out - by Sunday! Thomas absorbs the message, and his frown deepens. The villa had housed many of Grefelna's poorer families. Doubtless {some} of them had found other places to stay - equally certain, in the crowded city, that there were none left by now.
11, 24 суша
How much is he selling the villa for? Thomas asks. Twentyfive thousand gold. Thomas whistles. That's a lot of money. He might be old enough to take travelling translation jobs now; earning a lot more to support the pair of them; but few such trips would pay as well as his last one, and there weren't too many caravans needing translators at this time of year. Translating for traders already in Grefelna barely covered their normal expenses. It would take many years to save that kind of money.
12, 24 суша
Thomas rises from the table, going to his room just long enough to unload his saddlebags. I'll head for the Tavern, Mama. he says. If there's a solution to this problem, I'll find someone near there who can help. It's also where I'll find more work!
13, 26 суша
Wait here until it is time to read Chapter 3.
12, 26 суша
The two burly travellers look down at Thomas. The larger one smiles, and addresses Thomas in the polyglot language common in Grafelna. Well, lad, you even look like a Karasen. Do you speak their language? Thomas forces a smile, and spouts a few of the phrases he learned from his mother. Woa! Do you speak {our} language, young man! Thomas' smile becomes genuine, and he addresses them in the northern tongue commonly used by barbarians like these. Dherbachuk, you mean? I've been translator on two trading missions requiring this language. He switches back to the city polyglot. Or I can talk to you in Grafelnan if you prefer.
11, 26 суша
Better and better, replies the taller barbarian, in Dherbachuk. My name is Khander, and my partner here is Rystuk. We're looking for a Karasen translator to accompany us on a two-month mission to Karas Haven. We are traders ... Dye traders. We can offer you 50,000 gold to take the job. Thomas boggles; that's a lot of money. And it would certainly solve the housing problem he and his mother have. But ... Dye traders? Dyes are certainly small, and light, and expensive; but the barbarians' fingers don't show the stains of dye, and it would take a wagon-load of dyes to bring that kind of profit.
10, 26 суша
Thomas' head comes up, as another explanation for the barbarians' trip occurs to him. Stories tell of dragons near Karas Haven - he's told those stories himself, to keep little kids entertained. Even ordinary dragon scales are held to have marvellous powers. The barbarians are obviously not being entirely honest with him ... Well, he's not being entirely honest with them. Oddly, it's that consideration which decides him. Half the payment now, Thomas says, and half on our return.
9, 26 суша
Do I look like an idiot? Khander replies. If we give you half the money now, we'll never see you again. Thomas' haggling instincts take over. Do {I} look like an idiot? If you give me nothing now, you'll lose me somewhere on the return journey, and pay me nothing at all. No, if this trip is successful, we will make others, and hire you again. If you're coming with us, you won't have anything to spend the money on; what good does having the money now do you? Honesty will serve best here. Thomas spreads his palms. I can buy a house for my mother; and if you're prepared to come with me while I do that, you won't need to let me out of your sight.
8, 26 суша
That offer seems to satisfy them. Khander addresses a different issue - Forty percent now; sixty on return. Thomas instinctively replies Forty-five! A moment's thought tells him that this will give him just enough to cover the landlords' asking price for the villa. The barbarians agree, and Rystuk goes upstairs to fetch their gear down from their rooms. We'll set out immediately your business is complete, lad. Khander says. What's your name?
5, 26 суша
Wait here until it is time to read Chapter 4.
4, 26 суша
Thomas' mother is absolutely amazed when Thomas returns with the title deed for the villa. How on earth did you manage that? she exclaims. The barbarians follow Thomas through the door, and she looks worried. She switches to an obscure western language. Thomas, what have you done? Is this honest and legal? Thomas hastens to reassure her. In the same language, he replies These men need a translator to go to Karas Haven. They gave me almost half the pay up-front, and that meant I could buy the villa. Just think - now {we} will be collecting the rent here! You'll make a better land-lord than the old one did!
3, 26 суша
Rosalie is still worried. Neither of us speak much Karasen. Your father learned Grafelnan faster than I learned Karasen. Are you being honest with them? I told them I was the best Karasen translator available. Which is true; you taught me a few words of Karasen, and no other translator in the city even knows that much. A thought occurs to Thomas, and he makes a joke of it. If my father speaks Grafelnan, I should seek him out, and make him do the translating! If he earns the fee we've recieved, it's little enough compensation for being abandoned all these years!
2, 26 суша
Frankly, though, Thomas adds, We don't even know if my father is alive or dead. An odd, almost mystical expression crosses his mother's face. There are some things I haven't told you about your father, she says. Rosalie puts mugs of beer in front of the barbarians, and takes Thomas over to the other side of the room. She tugs at her wedding ring, and Thomas looks closely at it. It's a plain copper band, with a translucent white flake set into it. If your father were dead, Rosalie says, that scale would turn black.
1, 26 суша
Thomas jerks upward in surprise. Scale? he exclaims. Not just any scale, but an eye-scale shed by a dragon. His mother replies. Those stories are true. Your father's ring has the protective scale shed at the same time from the dragon's other eye. He married me with Grafelnan rings shortly after we met; he sent home for these rings. But the same messanger that brought the rings to Grafelna also brought the message that recalled him and his trading mission to Karas Haven.
0, 27 суша
Thomas frowns. And we haven't heard from him since. Why didn't he take you with him? I was too ill to travel, his mother replies. I didn't know at the time, but I was pregnant with you. He was only going to be gone a few months; he paid for someone to look after me; he knew his ring would tell me how I was faring. His ring turned green when I put mine on; it would have cleared soon after, when my morning sickness ended. She looks down at the eye-scale. He's been injured a few times; this ring has turned red, then gradually cleared. I don't know what's kept him away from me ... but I know he's all right, and I trust him. It must be something very important.
1, 28 суша
Rosalie hands the ring to Thomas. Take it, and find Halon for me. He {will} help you with your mission. Tell him how we've been, and find out why he couldn't come back for me. Tell him I love him. Quietly, Thomas accepts his mother's ring.
2, 28 суша
Thomas packs his saddlebags, and rides out with the two Dherbachuki, still thinking about his mother's story. His thoughts are interrupted by Khander. Hey, Thomas - little guide - start earning your fee! We can't leave the city via the city gates; they only lead south. Find us another way out! Hmm. Now that's {not} so easy! {Puzzle Number One!}
5, 28 суша
Wait here until it is time to read Chapter 5.
6, 30 суша
Wait here until it is time to read Chapter 7.
Сфера буйного пламени
4, 15 суша
A globe of fire blocks the way. Thomas casts a Frost Ring, which confines it and makes it possible to get past. He's not sure how long the ring will last, though ...
5, 16 суша
The globe of ice refracts the light and magnifies the flames. Thomas stares closely at it for a few minutes before understanding; the fireball is far hotter in the centre than at the edges, so is only melting the ice slowly. He makes a flake of ice to scoop up some sand from the floor, and feeds it into the globe, swirling it gently. The sand melts as it passes through the centre of the fireball, solidifying again as it touches the ice on the outside. The resulting glass will keep the tempestuous flames under control for rather longer. Thomas feels the ghostly approval of his teacher.
Сфера тверди земной
15, 13 суша
A fine dust blows about a cavity in the rock. Thomas summons a ball of water, and tosses it into the cavity. The ball rapidly fills with silt. Khander grunts. That's all very pretty, young man, but we still have to get out of here! I don't like the look of those rocks ..
Сфера небесного свода
20, 13 суша
Thomas stares at a patch of the most incredible blue he has ever seen. It could be a piece of sky ... he waves his hand over the wisp, and the passing breeze stirs it into a globe.
Ледяной элементал
34, 17 суша
The Ice elementals hiss as Thomas approaches. You enslaved our brethren! You shall never pass here!
0, 24 суша
You want my biography? Sit down, and listen well; I will tell you my story.
4, 8 суша
Thomas summons Water, and it pours from his hands in a steady stream upon the ground. Clouds of steam surround them, and then dissipate, as the cinders go black and the water extinguishes the fire. This won't last, Thomas says, but it will get us across the ground. The fire-elementals will set it alight again soon enough. The barbarians nod, and they move slowly out over the water-logged cinders.
24, 7 суша
Reaching out towards the nearby tree, Thomas steps away from the Portal. He has a sickening sensation of falling ... then his feet hit the ground, and he discovers that the mists are only waist deep.
14, 8 суша
The ground is rough and uneven; the boulders vary in size and distribution. The area is passable, but that may not last.
32, 7 суша
The pools of water turn out to be only knee-deep; but the footing is treacherous, and movement is difficult.
21, 25 суша
The two brawny travellers look down at Thomas. One smiles, and addresses him in the polyglot language common in Grafelna. Well, lad, you look like a Karasen. Do you speak their language? Thomas forces a smile, and spouts a few of the phrases he learned from his mother. Woa! Do you speak {our} language, young man? Thomas' smile becomes genuine, and he replies fluently in the northern tongue that the barbarians commonly use. Dherbachuk, you mean? I've been translator on two trading missions requiring this language. He switches back to the city polyglot. Or I can talk to you in Grafelnan if you prefer. Better and better, replies the taller barbarian, in Dherbachuk. My name is Khander, and my partner here is Rystuk. We're looking for a Karasen translator to accompany us on a two-month mission to Karas Haven. We are ... traders. Dye traders. We can offer you 50,000 gold for the trip. Thomas' mind boggles. That's a lot of money! His street-training tells him to haggle; to demand more money; but his street-training has never dealt with a sum so large. A moment's thought
6, 28 суша
The first evening in the wilderness, Thomas gathers logs for the fire, and fetches water. The barbarians drop some dried meat into a boiling pot, adding a few herbs and travelbread to make a stew. The food is tolerable, but Thomas isn't terribly keen on eating the same meal every night for the next month.
7, 28 суша
Later, the barbarians drop off to sleep, leaving Thomas to soothe aching muscles and wish he knew more. More about foraging to supplement their meals; more about magic; more about the land they were travelling to. He pulls the stone head from his pack, and studies it. My Teacher, huh? he murmurs. I sure have a lot still to learn. I wish you would teach me. He stares deeply into the statue's eyes for several minutes, before feeling foolish and putting it away. So much for magic! he mutters, snuggling into his bedroll.
8, 28 суша
Thomas opens his eyes to see himself on a tiny island, with the sea lapping all around him. He turns and sees an older man, behind him, approaching the water's edge. The man waves his hands and chants briefly, and a boat appears in front of him. The cloaked figure climbs into the boat, and sails directly away, never looking in Thomas' direction.
9, 28 суша
As the tide rises higher, Thomas grows frightened. Obviously the rock is completely covered each day. Desperation sharpens his memory, and he attempts to cast the spell the old man had used. Again and again he tries, as the tide grows higher. Eventually, exhausted, he slumps, and looks down at the water swirling around his ankles. He doesn't see the larger wave, which throws him off balance, and he falls into the cold water.
10, 28 суша
Thomas wakes to find he has knocked a cup of water over. He shakes the water away from his face, and squeezes his bedroll dry. He stares into the glowing embers of the fire for a few minutes, contemplating the dream. What does it mean? As exhaustion claims him, the dream starts again.
11, 28 суша
By the third repetition, Thomas is using all the calming and concentrating techniques that old Morris had ever taught him. He can feel the boat quivering on the distant shore, but it isn't coming when he chants. Desperate, he tries one more time, as the waves lap at his toes again. If I don't get this right, this dream will never end! he thinks, fiercely. He pushes all thoughts of earlier failures from his mind. This time, you will come! he thinks at the boat. You will come!
8, 30 суша
The fisherman looks pained. It's a long story, he says. The seer can tell it better than I can. He glances down at his daughter, and the strips of dried meat she's holding. Come to the village, he invites. Visit the seer. When you're done, we can give you lunch at least. Shamefaced, Rystuk passes some food from his own pack to the fisherman. If you're feeding all of us, this will help. We'll follow you.
9, 30 суша
Moments later, the girl returns, with her father in tow. He's a thin, weatherbeaten man, with a short strip of half-woven rope still in one hand. You gave my Angela some food, he says. She says you came from across the lake. Khander shrugs. I wouldn't want my Nikita to go hungry. Your daughter looks a lot like her. He frowns as he addresses the man's other question. Yes, we came from across the lake. We only barely made it past the water elementals, though; we were lucky. What are all those water elementals doing there, anyway?
10, 30 суша
As she disappears from view, Rystuk turns on his companion. What did you do that for? Are you as soft-hearted as the young puppy-lover there? Khander shakes his head. I'm not totally hard-hearted, he says. It was only one meal's worth of dried meat.
11, 30 суша
Khander frowns, clearly not wanting to disappoint her. We only barely slipped past the water elementals, child. I don't think it would be safe for fishing boats. He notes her hunger, her pinched and drawn cheeks, and reaches into his pack. Here, child - take this dried meat; your mother can make it into one good meal for you, at least! The girl's eyes widen, and she dashes off through the swamp, calling Daddy, Daddy!
12, 30 суша
A thin little girl emerges from the brush, waving her arms to catch the travellers' attention. Please, Sirs, she asks, Did you come from across the lake? Khander replies with uncharacteristic gentleness. We did, little lady. he says. Thomas studies his face. Does Khander have a little daughter back home? He continues, Why do you ask? The little girl replies Does that mean we can fish again?
13, 30 суша
Wait here until it is time to read Chapter 6.
12, 28 суша
Thomas lifts his hand to start the chant again, and the boat nudges the back of his knees. Surprised and grateful, he climbs in, and rows carefully towards the distant shore. As he reaches the shore, he sees the older man sitting beneath a tree, his head bowed, a book open in his hands. Thomas approaches slowly. The man looks up, and Thomas sees his face for the first time. With a shock, he recognises the face from his stone head.
13, 28 суша
Thomas exclaims in startlement. You! Who? Khander replies. Thomas opens his eyes to see the first rays of sunlight reach the clearing. The barbarian is looking at him, puzzled. What happened here? he adds. Thomas looks where the barbarian is pointing. The pile of rough logs gathered the previous night is gone; in its place is the wreckage of a small boat.
30, 35 суша
The man stirs, and looks at Thomas. He says something, which Thomas doesn't immediately understand. A dragonfly flits out from under his bed, and rubs its head against Thomas' hand. The man's eyes widen, and he looks closely at Thomas. This time, Thomas catches the query - Who are you? He answers slowly, bending his mind to recall his fragments of Karasen. I am Thomas. Are you Halon? Father? Thomas lifts his hand to show his mother's ring.
31, 34 суша
The man leaps from the bed, excited. Yes! he cries, in Karasen. How - what - Rosalie? Thomas is rapidly lost in the jumble of questions. Halon realises soon enough, and switches to rusty Grafelnan, asking after his wife and how his son came to be - and how he came to Karas Haven. Thomas explains as best he can, until his stomach interrupts with a growl of hunger.
32, 34 суша
It doesn't take Halon long to find a good meal for Thomas. As the boy eats, his father starts to explain some things. When I got back to Karas Haven, there were some problems. There'd been an epidemic, which killed quite a number of people here. I found I was the only one left with enough of the Draconic Gift to help the old Guardian; people without the Gift can't go near the Dragons' valleys, and the old Priest wasn't strong enough to carry his own food when he made his visits to the valleys. He tried taking a donkey, but it got eaten. So I'd carry the food. When he got weaker, I'd take him there on a donkey, and bring the donkey back to collect him a few days later. Halon turns an apologetic expression to his son. That's why I couldn't come back for your mother; that and the sphinx settling in a year later. I was the only one; the old Guardian needed me! I've only got the gift weakly; the dragons themselves only tolerate me for a little while. I can't soothe them; I can only tame a dragonfly.
33, 34 суша
That's why I was so surprised that Kit here likes you. Halon continues. You must have inherited some of the Gift. Thomas smiles, and scratches the dragonfly's chin. After meeting Kester, Kit here isn't much of a surprise, he says. He waves towards the window, and Kester's giant head blocks the light. By the Golden Shell! Halon breathes, reverently. Oh, my. There hasn't been a Guardian capable of taming a Mighty Azure Dragon for generations. Soothing, yes; tending, yes; taming, no.
34, 34 суша
Thomas squirms a little. I didn't tame him. He said someone probably needed toasting, and he would come with me. Halon's jaw drops. That fast! He became tame that fast! He turns an awe-filled glance upon his son. That's much of what I mean by taming; coming among humans without setting things afire indiscriminately. Most people with the Draconic Gift will tame a dragonfly, given a week or two. Old Symon, the last Guardian, kept company with a Red Dragon, but it took three days before Petros accepted him. Well, well, well. My son, the strongest Guardian since Asteryn. And an hour ago I didn't know I had a son!
29, 35 суша
Wait here until it is time to read Chapter 11.
26, 35 суша
Rystuk sighs. Look, the locals get dragon scales from {somewhere}. There were a few people selling them in that market. If all else fails, we'll steal them. Khander buries his head in his hands again. Thankyou, I'd rather not get arrested! There is a knock at the door. The barbarians exchange glances, and Rystuk crosses to open it. Outside, they see a street-urchin who might well have followed them from the markets, and several uniformed warriors with grim expressions.
25, 35 суша
Khander buries his head in his hands. Still, it's all of a piece! That brush with dragon-flies - how on earth are we going to bring down a dragon! How are we going to get the scales we came for? Rystuk smiles evilly. Poison? Khander loses his temper. Stupid! Didn't you learn {anything} from those stories? Dragons aren't stupid; they wouldn't be caught by poison even if it {did} affect them. But it doesn't; they're magical.
24, 35 суша
Khander looks up, startled. What do you mean by that? Rystuk spreads his hands. This has been a long, rough, unpredictable trip. I don't know how that youngster's daddy got to Grafelna, but he wasn't there anymore. He may have died or left while Thomas was very young. I don't think young Thomas has visited Karas Haven himself! Khander smiles sourly. He said he was the best available. Hmph; I suspect that's still true. He knew a few words of {something} that sounded like this foreign gabble!
23, 35 суша
Eventually, they find an inn, and are able to mime and gesticulate their way to a room and a meal. They make a few mistakes, eventually learning that the locals shake their heads to mean 'yes'. Khander slumps wearily as he drops his pack beside one of the beds. This is what we hired that damn translator for. We paid him a fortune, and we lost him to a bloody spell! Rystuk's expression turns thoughtful. How much Karasen do you think he knew, anyway?
22, 35 суша
After much frustrated gesturing, the barbarians free themselves of their unwanted obligations, by the relatively simple expedient of distributing tiny samples from the small quantities of dye they had brought with them. Who'd have thought that ruse would have paid off so well? Khander murmured to Rystuk. These merchants would rather sell than be sold to! Rystuk laughed harshly. We're not stealing their business. We wouldn't be even if our mission were genuine! He waves at the dull-coloured clothing worn by people in the crowd, wincing as the motion disturbs one of his burns.. I don't think anyone here sells any dyes worth having!
21, 35 суша
Khander and Rystuk ride into Karas Haven, shaken and burned after a fight with a few angry dragonflies. Dark-skinned faces surround them, and the noise of the crowds is deafening after so long travelling though the wilds. Street-sellers shout at the barbarians, but they can only shake their heads; they don't know what the merchants want. The gesture proves unfortunate, as several of the merchants take the gesture for assent, and converge, smiling, on the travellers.
20, 35 суша
Wait here until it is time to read Chapter 10.
12, 32 суша
Wait here until it is time to read Chapter 9.
13, 32 суша
It's clear which of the portals leads to which Elemental path. Rystuk laughs happily. It doesn't matter which path we take; we are mighty fighters! Excuse me? Khander asks. There are only two of us. That youngling and his puppy won't help much in a real fight, as we've already seen, and bandits make lousy mercenaries. We have no idea how much of a fight we'd be up against.
14, 33 суша
Khander leads the way to the old miner's hut, and finds some gold to buy a copy of the old dwarf's maps. He questions the dwarf for a moment, then returns, disappointed. Old Shorty there doesn't even {know} which path is right. The sphinx wasn't there when he made these maps. He spreads the maps out on a patch of dry ground. The rogues take a good look, and organise a few scouting parties. A few hours later, they return, reporting on the creatures and artifacts occupying the caverns below. In no case is there a straight, clear path through the elemental lands - but in one case there must be a way through the maze!
14, 34 суша
Thomas studies their reports closely. If the areas are so impassable, he asks one of the rogues, how did you get through, and how did you get back? The bandit looks mysterious. We have our ways. A fellow bandit laughs. That's going over the top! Youngling, it's more that we can travel on hills and mountains and forests that most people would find impassable. And sneak up to fighters and find out what they are talking about, without them realising.
15, 35 суша
Rystuk notes the numbers of elementals given for each group, and gulps. Okay, we take the Scholar's route. So which path is that? One where we need to retrieve the Orb, Thomas comments. He studies the ground on the maps. I don't like this. The Fire path is too hot to walk, there's no ground to tread on if you try either Water or Air, and that Earth route is all rocks and crevasses.
16, 35 суша
Khander notices some gloves nearby. There's only one path where these would be any help, he says, picking them up. Thomas grimaces. Two. And we don't know if either of those would be the right path anyway. Were they discarded because a previous visitor deduced that they {wouldn't} be any help? We have very little to go on here ... only our own skills, really. I {do} know that my skills in Water magic {won't} give us the footing we need for the Water path - though maybe something else might. {Puzzle number six!}
5, 30 суша
Thomas knocks at the door of the seer's hut. A wizened old mage opens the door. What is it? he grumbles. The fisherman looks apologetic. Sorry to interrupt you, old Master, but these travellers came from across the lake, despite the elementals. The mage's face lights up, making many of the wrinkles disappear. How did they do that? He looks at Thomas. Well? How did you do it? Thomas and the two barbarians make their way inside the hut. The fisherman disappears, presumably to arrange the lunch he promised.
4, 30 суша
Since the mage had addressed Thomas, the barbarians let him do the talking. We slipped around the edge of the swarm, he answers. Only one left the mass long enough to attack us. We were mostly just lucky - I don't think you could go fishing there! The mage sighs. No change. Ah, no change - it was a bit much to hope for, but we are still going to starve soon enough. There's already been one baby born too weak to live. That lake provided the livelihood for the whole village.
3, 30 суша
What are all the elementals doing there? Thomas asks. The old mage shakes his head. It's partly my fault. I'm a water-mage; I use magic on the fishermens' boats to keep the fleet going. The problem was actually caused when I took on an apprentice. He frowns, thinking about the past. I should have known, really. He showed more interest in fire and conquest than in water and peaceful living. He had no aptitude for water magic.
2, 30 суша
Anyway, I taught him the spells I used most, and he wasn't terribly satisfied with those. Unwisely, I let him realise that I had a Tome of Water spells, which contained other, more powerful spells. One day, I came home and found both it and Jabarkas gone. I think what happened is this. He took the Tome down to the lake and attempted to summon Water Elementals, to make an army for him. Because he had no aptitude for Water Magic, they wouldn't obey him, and he probably came under attack.
1, 30 суша
We found no sign of his body, so I think he must have used the Teleport spell, which was also in the Book. That would have gotten him out of there - and it would also have activated the defensive spells on that book, which is why he doesn't have it now. My scrying has revealed {three} Tomes of Water Magic in this area, any one of which I could use to bring the remaining elementals under control, and none of which I can get to. Within a month, the elementals bred to the point where we could no longer fish in the lake. The old mage sits forward. I am an expert in Water Magic. I could summon the elementals from the lake, and bring them under control, if only I had my spellbook back!
0, 31 суша
Thomas can't help but be moved. This village is starving, and all because of a foolish apprentice's ill-cast spell. And helping them is so simple - just bring back the spellbook! His puppy wriggles in his arms, reminding him that they are both hungry themselves. A glance at the barbarians' faces show that they don't feel so altruistic. Well, and reaching one of these spell-books isn't likely to be trivial! {Puzzle Number Four!}
2, 32 суша
Wait here until it is time to read Chapter 8.
3, 32 суша
The dream begins with a warning. Be careful what you wish for ...
4, 32 суша
Thomas finds himself looking out over a dusty, ancient city. Here and there, a few folk go about their daily business. The hills nearby are rocky and barren; the harbour large and old, but better maintained than most of the city. Clearly these people get most of their food from the sea. The view shifts, and Thomas finds himself looking over the shoulder of a tall, strong man. With some startlement, he recognises a younger version of his teacher.
5, 32 суша
The younger teacher enters one of the buildings, unaware of Thomas' silent observation. Thomas finds himself following. The teacher enters a room, to find a student waiting, and sits down, starting the lesson. At this point Thomas realises there is no sound; he cannot hear his teacher's words. He concentrates, trying to work out what they are doing. There is the faintest trace of a whisper ...
6, 32 суша
By the end of the lesson, Thomas can hear the mindspeech more clearly, but he cannot understand the concepts. What on earth is a Hilbert Space? The other student has refered to finite and infinite dimensional spaces, and much of the lesson seems to have been focussed on determining {which} size of infinite a particular example is. Thomas' head hurts. The teacher walks out the door, and Thomas finds himself constrained to follow. As they progress down the stairs, the building shakes and a mighty rumble is heard.
7, 32 суша
With the sureness of instinct, Thomas understands that this earthquake is only the precursor to a major disaster. The dream breaks up into a scatter of images, consistent only in showing Thomas' mentor's younger self, and preserving Thomas' headache. The mage summons boat after boat, while his student loads them with evacuees and directs them to sail from the island to the nearby continent ... The mage striking against the opponent whose machinations have set the earthquake in train ...
8, 32 суша
The mage scrying over a distant landscape ... Humans building a new town ... A volcanic crater, and powerful magics being laid to preserve and enhance the land ... Dragons in the hills above Atlantis, thin and wiry, rebelling against the need to evacuate ... The mage flying under his own power, as the city sinks beneath the sea, and the dragons following him to their new home.
9, 32 суша
Thomas blinks in the dawn light, holding his pounding head. What a dream! It opens up a hundred more questions - Dragons, for a start! - but he clamps down on them, well aware of the warning. Be careful what you wish for ... Hmph. Thomas mutters, considering the strongest of his new wishes. If I were to wish to meet a dragon, I'd probably get toasted when I did!
18, 35 суша
(Note; all narrator events repeat! So if you want to reread that conversation, you can.)
34, 31 суша
Decisively, Thomas stands up from the table. Let's go! Dad, I'll need you to translate for me, since I don't know enough Karasen to be useful yet. We've got to deal with Jabarkas, find the Dye traders I came here with, and send them home with an honest deal. His father gathers up his pack. I stand beside you. Welcome home, son.
35, 32 суша
Thomas feels overwhelmed by his father's reaction. I'm nothing special, he says. I'm only me. How do you know this person isn't a fraud? Halon's expression twists. Jabarkas has tamed Wyverns. Wyverns aren't Dragons, Thomas replies, instinctively. This is one of the many things he has learned from Asteryn. They aren't even related. And they can be tamed or trained with food and a stick ... I saw some in the swamps near Shishna Fishtown. Hey! Jabarkas was the name of the apprentice who caused a lot of trouble for Shishna!
35, 33 суша
Halon's expression turns grim, as he recollects the situation. Thomas, there is a problem. If we walk into that city with that Dragon at your shoulder, most of the populace are going to recognise you as the Guardian. But there's a fraud who has been confirmed as Guardian by the city council, and he won't give up the position without a fight. I think Kester is right; he needs toasting.
31, 31 суша
Wait here until it is time to read Chapter 12.
22, 31 суша
When you complete the map, read the file Thomas_letter.txt.
30, 31 суша
Thomas walks though the city. It feels strange to see so many faces as dark as his own. The people who he sees spare barely a glance for him and his father; their attention is entirely on Kester, towering high above, stepping carefully past the buildings without knocking anything over. Kids run inside and fetch their parents. Some simply watch from their yard - others follow along behind, or run ahead. By the time Thomas and Halon approch the market square, there is an enormous crowd, and a chant of The Guardian! The Guardian! is established.
29, 31 суша
Halon points the way toward the temple, which dominates one of the roads leading out of the market square. As they approach, Jabarkas comes out, alerted by an aide. Jabarkas, old fraud! Halon calls out, almost amiably. Your replacement is here!
28, 31 суша
Jabarkas snarls. I am the Guardian! I have been confirmed as Guardian, and no scrawny kid is going to take that position away from me! Thomas steps forward, whispering a tiny spell to the winds. When he speaks, the words come out in a penetrating, authoritative bass. I am The Guardian! I am the Dragon Friend! He lets the intensity wind back a little. Why did you assume my position? You do not have the Draconic Gift.
27, 31 суша
Jabarkas raises clenched fists to the skies, and shouts. I have the Power! Thomas fixes him with a penetrating glare. {You do not.} Why did you leave Shishna in such a mess? They were starving! A baby died! What do I care?! I am here! Farms were burning as the dragons ran wild. What do I care! I have Power! The assembled crowds gasp. The Legend of the Guardians says that no true Guardian will seek power for its own sake, which is one reason why they are trusted with considerable power. That legend is working against Jabarkas now.
26, 31 суша
Kester comes up behind Thomas. I {said} someone needed toasting. he says, with a certain amount of satisfaction, and draws himself up to his full height. Jabarkas pales, not having realised the sheer size of the Azure Dragon, and hearing only a roar as Kester speaks to Thomas. Foolishly, he stands his ground and whistles for his Wyverns.
25, 31 суша
Kester assesses the flock of wyverns with experienced eyes. We'd better toast them and then see about Jabarkas, he says. There are enough of them that this won't be an easy fight. I'll need some help from you. Thomas nods, and prepares a spell.
6, 18 суша
Thomas continues to meditate on the flames as they reach the end of the fire trail. He knows he can call fire now, at need. What if he were to call tiny flashes of fire in front of someone's eyes? That would blind them, surely. But it {wouldn't} kill them ... or even hurt them much. When the travellers pause, Thomas takes the stone head out his pack, and quietly describes his theory. He detects a warm sense of approval from the statue, both because his idea is correct, and because he's thinking for himself.
6, 24 суша
Three days later, as the old Guardian's ashes are scattered into the wind, the lord has only those words for comfort. He's coming. The lord glares at the pretender; he couldn't convince the city council that Jabarkas's powers were false; he couldn't convince the city council that old Symon had been poisoned. They were blinded by the legend that promised that there would always be a new Guardian before the old one died; there were no candidates besides Jabarkas. And where else could a candidate possibly come from? Jabarkas would be confirmed as the Guardian in three weeks. The lord shudders, and strokes his little dragonfly. He doesn't know how long it may take the dragons to become restless; the city might be ashes within the month.
5, 24 суша
The old priest coughs, and goes rigid; his muscles tense, his eyes staring sightlessly into the ceiling. An instant later, before the lord has time to do more than exclaim in surprise and concern, the spell passes, and the priest relaxes. He's coming. the priest whispers. He's coming, but from a long way away. I should have been here to meet him. You must. He's coming. The old Guardian draws a final, shuddering breath. Moments later, outside, a Red Dragon keens into the desert wind.
4, 24 суша
His magic tricks don't fool me, the noble said. Wyverns aren't dragons. He can't control the dragons; he only wants power. The illusion would fade in an instant if the {true} Guardian could be found! He drops to his knees beside the bed. Father, you can't be dying so soon! There must always be a new Guardian before the old one dies! The dark suspicion of poison crosses his mind. Wyverns follow Jabarkas ...
3, 24 суша
The dying priest lifts a sardonic eyebrow. But have you not heard, my lord? he says. Jabarkas is my successor; the true and rightful Guardian of the Dragons for the next generation. The middle-aged noble snorts. Yes, and I his faithful servant. Seriously, Father, he has no more of the Guardian's gift than I do, and if he takes the place of Guardian, it will not be long before the Dragons fly again. A worried frown descends upon his face again, as he contemplates the prospect. Dragons flying during the daytime were a magnificent sight; pure and simple; but when the Dragons flew at night, they lit fires wherever they went. And the city was built of dry woods and tar-sealed thatching; it would ignite all too readily. Only the Guardian could keep the dragons calmed, and the city safe.
2, 24 суша
The middle-aged man opens the curtains, and turns back to the figure lying on the bed. His brows crease in concern, as the light reveals the Guardian's illness. Yes, son, I'm dying. the aged priest replies. But you shouldn't be dying so soon! the younger man replies. His clothes and movements speak of the fighter, but his eyes and the inkstained hands reveal his scholarship. You were healthy enough a week ago ... there was still time to find your successor!
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