Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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Don't it always seem to go, you don't know what you've got till it's gone. They paved paradise, and put 'em up a parking lot. Is there anything more disgusting than a T-shirt shop where there should be sea oats and dunes? Nature revolts!
It is always wise to visit the Dragon Slayer alone. It's said large groups make him nervous, and you sure wouldn't want to tick him off!
My great, great, great grandfather once saw the Loremaster. Said there was an island in the north all made of sheer cliffs. There was only one way in, very dangerous he said.
the humble
At times the humble can best the mighty by using the right tools. A powerful bow in the hands of a simple archer can fell both giant and dragon.
foul odor
People have complained of a foul odor wafting across the car park. Said it comes from the south. Couldn't see much for a line of trees, but said it smelled like something dead.
I was hiding in the loft when they took Jacobian. He was whisked away by several knights all in black. He asked them where they were taking him, they laughed and said 'Oblivion'.
golf courses
George Carlin has a great suggestion. Instead of clearing off new land to build more golf courses, lets use land already cleared. Cemetaries! Rolling hills, and no noisy neighbors.
the creator
The creator of this map is not a raving lunatic, though she does live in a resort area, and wishes you could see just a tiny strip of beach through all the condos.
Isn't is strange how you can run across something that just makes you go hmmmm. Just the other day I stopped at a little island, and carved on a tree I saw a little verse. I thought, 'Now who put that there, and why?'
did you hear
Did you hear the one about the gentle dread knight? Neither did I. Walk softly around dead guys on horses.
Those who try and fail are never failures, those who never try always will be.
Pandoras box
Sometimes it is wiser to let mysterious boxes lay unopened.
the cabins
I have it on good authority the cabins in the mountains are haunted. Many folk have never been seen again after a weekend in one.
green and blue
Green is earth magic, strong, powerful, full of life. Blue is the magic of fire. The hottest part of the flame is the blue at it's beginning, and lightening strikes cold and deadly in azure hues
Day 1
Jade and Fiur gaze across the water trying to see what used to be their homeland. They haven't seen if for several years now. Some huge private firm began buying up large masses of land. Paying outrageous prices, they had kept their aims private. The 2 friends, with an uncanny bond to the land and her creatures feared what was to come. Their warnings fell on deaf ears. The people, swayed by piles of gold began to sell bit by bit. Taking the few who had also felt the bad omens, they had secluded themselves on this island haven. That was some time ago. Now, a strange urge to see the firtile valleys and rolling hills once again has come on them. Today they sailed together to this small island to try to get a glimpse. Unfortunately, nothing can be seen from here. Jade suddenly remembers her last lesson under their former teacher, the great druid Jacobian, he had taught her to tap into the forests, the mountains, and the swamps. Using green magic, one could transport to areas untouched by man, virgin woods, uncharted mountain tops, and other such places. Gathering the simple, yet secret ingredients, she works in silence. Fiur watches quietly. Suddenly there is a burst of light at the end of the path. A portal opens. Clasping hands, the 2 long time companions agree that only one should make the trip. Jade has no way of knowing where it will take them. But if the spell worked right, and it opened to uncharted territory, there should be little danger of discovery. Both of them had felt something dark and evil behind the enroachment of the private firm. It would be best to keep themselves hidden until they knew just what was going on on the continent. The other would sail back and await word.
Leave scouts
While traversing the portals, you let a scout slip into the trees at each stop. They are to watch what goes on and report when they can.
Bad moods
Spying on the mainland has left both Jade and Fiur in a strange mood. Jade spends her time brooding over ancient tomes of magic and muttering curses. Fiur on the other hand is full of activity. He stalks through the camps organizing and training the few fighters as if he were expecting an invasion at any time. Their respective moods have all the inhabitants of the island bickering and on edge.
1st scout report
The first of the scouts returned today, and had much to report. The whole continent seems to be controlled by one family. A huge metropolis called Mecca has been built up along the entire coastline. The kingpin of the enterprise is a mysterious woman no one has ever seen. She has let her 4 children divide it all up amongst themselves, and each runs a separate section of the city. Chicane, the youngest son controls North Mecca, and runs some kind of winter resort and charter boat line. The far south of Mecca is under management of Knell, the only daughter. It is a rather posh artist colony. The eldest son, Pernicious, and the third brother, Wane, divided the central section of Mecca and each runs separate enterprises. One continuous avenue runs the entire length of the sprawling city.
Where did he go?
Jade's curiosity got the better of her today, and she tapped into the portals she had opened with her dark glass. She sat and watched all the comings and goings for a while when it struck her that there were more goings than comings. Goings as in 'Where did that guy go?' Watching more intensely, she had a hard time believing her eyes. One or another of the brothers or sister would casually come up to an isolated visitor, and suddenly 'poof' the brother or sister would be standing there alone! The far sight spell she was using made it difficult to see exactly what was taking place, but whatever it was made the back of her neck tingle. She had a very bad feeling about this.
2nd scout fall out
There was great outrage on the island today. Barely clinging to life, a scout fell through the portal. Bubbling blood, he whispered, They come.....they....know. Death and worse....prepare...... Fiur knew now why he had been organizing the folk into troops, and Jade why she had been furiously learning new spells. Green magic had been telling them to prepare. Now the big question was to prepare to defend the island, or to attack the mainland first. Looking into each others eyes, they both knew the answer. This island was only temporary for them. Their true home lay across the water being ravaged and destroyed. They nodded in silent agreement and sought their advisors to plan an invasion.
Separate ways
Last night they had all met to finalize the plans. Jade had been having the same dream sent to her by someone calling himself the Loremaster. She had heard of him in fables, but the dreams were real. Coming as they did at this time, she felt it was imperative to seek him out, the dreams said he was to the north on an island. Fiur also knew just where he was going first. To the south there had been a large elemental colony eons ago. The sand and sea began to enroach on it, and the elementals had left to find firmer ground. He had had reports much was left behind, and he has hopes of finding help and recourses. Embracing and wishing each other well, they parted.
Jades thirst for action and fear for Fiurs safety pushes her to jump in the first boat and storm the mainland. The wisest of her elders lays his hand on her rigid arm. Stay the urge to rush foolishly in to battle child. Fiur does what he must to further our aims. You must now do your part, if for no other reason than respect for his wishes. Build your army here, find this Loremaster, strengthen yourself. Stay far from Mecca until Fiur has prepared his army as well. Losing you now would crush him and our cause as well. You bowed your head in frustration. You knew he spoke well and wisely. He added, I have heard great things of a Dragon Slayer who abides on an island somewhere to the west. It might be wise to send someone to speak to him. I have heard it said he shies away from large parties, send only a messenger unguarded.
Nameless One
A scout returns with more news. The mysterious woman has been seen in Mecca, well sort of seen. She slipped in to see Pernicious, draped from head to toe in black. She is a tall slender woman. The scout learned these things from the Mecca city hall kitchen boy whom he bought a few pints for one night. He also learned those who waited on her all called her the Nameless One.
Kids will argue
Word has come the Nameless Ones' children argue amongst themselves. This could be good news. Divide and conquer has worked in many a great battle.
Spirit link
Messages fly between Jade and Fiur on literal wings. Jade tied a spirit bond between them and any enchanted bird can follow it from one to the other with ease. This serves many needs, not the least of which is they both know they are only a bird flight apart.
Empty streets
Jade again pulled out her dark glass. At first she thought something was wrong with it. The streets every where she looked seemed almost deserted. The throngs of people going to and fro the other times she had peered were missing. Where could they have all gone? The parking lots seemed full. Another bad omen.
Greetings from Mecca
Bad news came today. One of the scouts was captured. After he was tortured and drugged, his lifeless body was set adrift after he had unwillingly reveiled all your plans with this note attached to his cloak. ' Jade and Fiur, Greetings from Mecca. We have reserved a room with a view for you overlooking our latest construction site. We are about to raze the last elms in the southern province to build a new condominium. We do so love expansion. Progress and all that sort of thing you know. Hope to see you soon, Pernicious p.s. Oh by the way, do let us know when the trees start hugging back.'
Dark glass
With the death of 2 scouts, and their existence now revealed, Jade fashions a dark glass and sends it to each army. Knowing something of what is going on around the portals may be very important now.
Strong opens gates
You have heard today that all is not well in Mecca. The Nameless One has had to send some of her own minions to keep the sibling rivalry from becoming a blood bath. You wonder how long her plan will keep them from each others throats.
wise words
The armies of Mecca swell in number and in power, fearing they may soon be too strong for you, you seek the advise of your wise ones. Soon, the Nameless Ones peacekeepers will fail, and war break out among her children. As the serpent of old, who eats his tail and so swallows himself whole, so shall they eat each others strength. Know many hard battles will remain for you to fight, you will need many warriors and powerful spells. Abide just a while longer. Wait for the first border to be breached. Their hate for one another will be their undoing. This we have seen and know to be true.
Hokey pokey
Sitting outside the warriors circle tonight, you listened to snatches of conversation. Wanting to relax and forget fallen comrades and violence, they spoke of anything but war. Some casual words made you smile for the first time in weeks. I still say Hercules needed a gimmick, you know, a silent side kick, or maybe a cape and some red tights. He would have been great, and kids would have loved it. What if the hokey pokey is really what it's all about? There was this farmer, see, and he had this beautiful daughter, and one day this travelling salesman..... Here you slipped off to your bed.
Pixies held a bake sale today to raise funds for the armies. They did very well indeed!
Strange journey
What a strange journey this has been. A simple curious impulse started it all. After seeing what was happening on the mainland, outrage consumed you. Then came the violence, and fear of attack. Now here you are planning to invade and free your own homeland. It is sometimes hard to keep the priorities straight with so much happening in such short time. Many soldiers want simple revenge for weeks away from loved ones and fallen comrades, they slash and stab anything that moves. Others simply follow orders like zombies just to be following orders. You resolve to speak to them soon.
After several nights of going over it, you have what you hope are the right words to speak to your troops. You gather them and begin with great passion. There was a tree by a stream where I lived as a child. I climbed it's branches, kept cool in it's shade, and watched many a young bird take flight through it's leaves. The breeze rustled those leaves, and the tree spoke to me. 'Your father before you sat among my bows. He tested his courage by climbing my heights and I held him up with no harm. His mother, your grandmother, sat in my cool shadow serving imaginary tea to imaginary guests. Her father hid in my branches when a herd of rampaging boars chased him. His father tied a rope just there and swung on it every day of his youth dreaming great dreams. And his father, and his mother, and on and on back in time. Each life I touched, touched me in our fashion. Someday I will shelter and watch over your own children as well.' The honeysuckle showed it's pleasure at this by suddenly loosing it's fragrant scent in the air around me. When this war began, I went through the portals to see my home. My home was gone, and this pained me, but as I looked for the tree, I was pained much more. Where it once stood, lay a black paved parking lot. Friends, I can build a new house, I cannot build a new tree. The stream had been dammed up, the honeysuckle was no more, and the only birds carrion crows picking the bones of decaying road kill. My tree was ripped from the ground by it's mighty roots, carried to a barren field and stacked among many other great trees. When the pile reached high in the sky, a match was set to it's branches and it burned. The land where he once stood was scraped clean of every living thing, and tons of hot asphalt was poured over to make sure nothing ever grew there again. This is all very sad, you say to me, but it was only a tree. No my friend, it was my heritage, it was my future, it was my children's future and their children after them for generations on end. And it was not just one tree, it was dozens of trees, hundreds of trees, and thousands of trees. Not just one honeysuckle bush, not just one stream, not just one bird. I stopped there, and left them silently thinking of wildflowers, red fox and squirrels.
Day after speech
Early this morning the men lined up for a look in the dark glass. They asked quietly to see where they had once lived on the mainland. One by one, they looked on concrete slabs, cobbled driveways and bricked in patios. I knew by their faces as each turned away, that we had once again found our purpose. Mecca must fall.
72, 5 подземелье
North Mecca
75, 51 подземелье
76, 80 подземелье
Central Mecca
93, 101 подземелье
South Mecca
2, 82 подземелье
Sea Spray
air elementals
Having heard of the war on the mainland, the first to return to the conflux to offer aid blew in with the strong North wind.
The elementals have saved up enough energy to call forth extra troops.
water elementals
From deep in the ocean depths, the call has gone out to the water elementals. They rush back and rebuild the old barracks
fire elementals
A bright orange glow on the horizon heralds the return of the fire elementals.
earth elementals
The ground shakes as the heavy thud of marching feet herald the return of the earth elementals.
105, 47 подземелье
PARKING Not responsible for damage or theft.
20, 34 подземелье
Green Haven
63, 71 подземелье
Jet Ski Rentals - See attendant in tent.
69, 88 подземелье
Diving - See the living reef! Explore sunken ships! See attendant in tent.
68, 78 подземелье
Sailing - Lessons by appointment. See attendant in tent.
90, 71 подземелье
Club House - See inside for greens fees and rentals. It's a good day for golf!
74, 6 подземелье
Being the youngest child of the Nameless One, Chicane was coddled and made a fuss over growing up. Still he knew his brother Pernicious was her favorite. Pouty and sulky, he chose the mountain tops as his piece of Mecca. Here he nurses his dislike of his siblings and dreams of one day being an only child.
74, 53 подземелье
Some find the oldest son of the Nameless One a little strange. It's hard not to stare at his glowing red eyes. But his mother dotes on him, so everyone gives him the utmost respect. He has been given the largest slice of the pie, (not for the first time I might add), and controls the majority of Mecca. From the gambling boats to the pony rides, he rules with grim manner and flashing eyes.
74, 81 подземелье
Wane is the middle son of the Nameless One. Knowing he would never find the favor his older brother had with his mother, he spent his childhood acting a fool and fighting. Now with Mecca Central as his play pen, he rents jet skis in the day and enjoys his own brand of fun with the tourists at night. Those unlucky enough to experience it are never around the next day to talk about it.
94, 102 подземелье
Knell is the only daughter of the Nameless One. With 3 brothers and a nameless mother, life was never easy. When her mother bought up all the land to create Mecca, Knell asked for the place farthest away from her brothers. Seclude in what used to be swamps, she runs a small artist colony for the elite.
Мастер гремлин
105, 105 подземелье
A band of animal rights advocates have blocked the gate to the stadium. They seem to think Polo is cruel to the ponies. Do you fight your way in?
70, 20 подземелье
Behind the red gate you can see something wonderful! A land untouched. Not a single shop or ticket taker to be seen. To the south are some small encampments, and smoke from a few chimneys wafts up from the far trees. Maybe someone here can tell you where your allies have gone to ground. You hurry in wishing you could bar the gate behind you. It has kept Mecca out for so long.
Элементал мысли
99, 97 подземелье
It is usually not a good idea to bother the Psychic Brothers on their afternoon stroll. All those mind over matter lessons leaves them a little touchy. Do you bother them anyway?
17, 21 подземелье
Well, that was some welcome! Still, you realize the Loremaster must have his reasons. Now to find him. Maybe he lives somewhere around that huge tree in the middle. It seems to be the only non rock in the area.
15, 18 подземелье
Sailing closer to the tree, you almost jump out of your ship when a voice booms from the tree itself! The knotty bark is oddly shaped like a wise old face. The woody lips move, Welcome champion! I have waited for the dreams to bring you here. You and your friends are the only hope of our world. Darkness has crept upon us as we slept. Now it drains life as it gives fleeting pleasure. Mankind had lost many things, many creatures have disappeared forever. Never will they roam and live free again. Our woodlands are razed and burned to make strip malls and amusement parks. All things natural have become useless and forgotten. I, myself, am being drained of life. Each tree that falls under the blade, each wild rose bush burned to the ground, each and every wildflower forever plowed under a bed of black tar takes more of my strength. I have fashioned a bow from my own magical branches to help you in this great undertaking. I have hidden it north in the cove. Take it and use it well. When you have done with it, plant it in the most barren place you can find. There will I cause it to sprout, and in that place will life begin again for the mainland. A mighty tree like myself will come forth and heal the woodlands.
83, 29 подземелье
Like a lightening bolt, magical energy shoots through you! Green magic has long been stored here amongst the pillars. You bless the druids who set their minds to do this. You hope it is a sign that some survive and will emerge when the land is free again.
Стойкий часовой
5, 85 подземелье
Lying among the bushes you stumble across a small statue. You don't know who it is of, but it is kind of neat. Sticking it in your pocket, you think 'Losers, weepers.
Страж задания
13, 107 подземелье
A gift from the great druid Jacobian. He waits to speak to you on the beach. You can find him beneath the lone palm tree. He will tell you what you must do.
6, 105 подземелье
You can see something glittering golden on the beach ahead. Pulling your 'noculars from your bag, you try to get a better look past the guard tower. You have seen that necklace before! It belonged to Jacobian. When he disappeared many years ago, you thought it lost. It was said to sweep him across the seas as if he bore fins instead of feet.
Дендроид страж
17, 23 подземелье
The Loremaster has remained hidden here for eons. None shall pass but the pure soul. Prepare to for the test of Wood.
100, 59 подземелье
Now we are getting somewhere! That looks like the managers office to me. It is time to sit down with her and set a few things straight. Starting with, all contracts are null and void. All land reverts back to it's original owner, Mother Nature.
46, 58 подземелье
You notice something carved into a tree trunk to the left. Looking closer you see crudely written, 'Chicane is a very deceptive name.' You have to think on that one for a minute. You wish you had a dictionary in your pack.
34, 5 подземелье
A poor soul sits before a monk bemoaning his fate and asking for help. I spent one night in the gambling boats, now the skin falls from my bones. Lesions open on my arms and legs and I reek of decay, I Wane away to nothing soon I fear. You shudder as he looks at you with soggy red eyes. Seeing your pity and horror, he turns and shambles off.
40, 72 подземелье
There is an inscription engraved on the shrine before you. ' Here did the giant Thurin stand to face the hordes of Beliose. Both grim and pernicious, he slew them to the man. A great and deadly giant was he.'
49, 93 подземелье
It looks as if some passing sailor sat here to rest and eat his lunch. He left behind his flask and some food wrappers. Lying nearby you see a well read book he must have forgotten. The breeze rustles the pages and it opens mid way. You scan the top page for a moment. '... and in the dark of the night the gloom was pierced by the bells of the chapel. There was great wailing and moaning as the death Knell rang for the beloved king.'
51, 89 подземелье
So much of the coastline has been filled up with clutter, it is hard to believe this was once a nesting ground for the great sea turtles. You can see the swimmers in the designated swimming area. Most are renting large inflatable rafts. The most popular seems to be water elemental floats. How degrading it must be for them. You decide not to ask them what they think about it. They pack quite a punch with that big tail fin of theirs.
Клевер Фортуны
15, 42 подземелье
A little green man pops up and says This may come in lucky for you some day soon! See you on the other side! and he is gone in a flash.
6, 72 подземелье
You finally find someone to talk to on this deserted island. Sitting in a red tent is the oldest magic elemental you have ever seen. His wrinkled up old body is wrapped in seal skin, and he has a bit of an odor. It's the Blue boy now is it? Been sitting here too dingiddy dangiddy long. Took your flipitty flappity time now didn't you. The key is under the mat, don't forget to turn the lights off when you leave. Yonder gate I'll show ye with a simple 'Open Sez Me' spell. Poof! It's done. Went to hiding across the way, they all did, left me here to wait. You go find 'em, them that went over, you tell 'em for me, this is the last time they pull that old short straw scam on old Ebineezer. He is done, done, done, with their flimmery flammery games. Now if you'll excuse me, I need a snack and a rinse, it's been a while. They put a fricken fracken' Root to the Ground Till the Hero Comes to See You' spell on me. Now run along and do all your adventuring hero kinds of things somewhere else. With that he sprang up with the agility of a 12 year old and raced across the dunes. What a strange garbled message. Something about Blue boy, someone went over, weird spells, and turning the light off. Oh well, might as well take the key he said was under the mat, and hope the 'Open Sez Me' spell wouldn't cause any harm.
47, 11 подземелье
Trying to find a way to the shore has been rough going. You wish you had paid more attention to the fishermen when you had lived here. They all knew the coastline from end to end. The harbor here seems to be filled with day trippers and charters. You think you can see a familiar face on the boat just setting sail south of you. Maybe you can get some information from him.
49, 11 подземелье
You see the man aboard the ship waving his arms wildly, trying to yell over the sound of the surf. Too late, you realize he is warning you of an ambush!
50, 13 подземелье
Realizing he had been trying to warn you, and must be a friend, you sail up to thank him for his effort, and ask the lay of the coastline.
50, 14 подземелье
That was a close one friend! he shouted across to you. They have booby trapped much of the coast preparing for your arrival. But I know the only strips of clean beach just wide enough to put anchor. Go south just past the swimming area, or you can squeeze in between the gambling boats. Take these boots with you, I have nothing much else to give, but I will be glad to see the backside of these fools.
97, 48 подземелье
Seeing a strange break in the treeline, you stop to investigate. It is guarded by some swordsmen, but behind them in the trees you can just make out something huge that looks to be made of bones. Some one needs to speak to the manager about this. Big bony things do not belong here, period, exclamation point!
82, 44 подземелье
South - Riding Stables & Golf Course Straight ahead for water park and parking.
Ящик Пандоры
33, 9 подземелье
The Shackles of War are both curse and cure. The weak they destroy, the strong they exalt. Wise men have chosen to keep them hidden here, far from the foolish. Think well and hard before releasing them once again. Do you open the box?
26, 98 подземелье
Having been tricked by the Nameless one, Jacobian was captured and gradually changed into a creature of horror. Harboring a small cache of his powerful green magic, he was able to plan his escape.
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As Jacobian fell to the ground, your heart broke. He had been a great teacher and friend. Casting down your sword with his blood still freshly gleaming on it, you fell to your knees and cried to the 4 winds with all your grief. Raising your hands palms up, you loosed your rage in huge streaks of blue fire. The ground began to tremble, and your troops fell back in fear. Breaking through the sandy soil, a dark crypt rose before you. When it stood fully on the shore, the winds began to whip around you, pulling at your cloak and your hair. In the midst of the whirlwind, strange sighing voices speak from seemingly everywhere at once. Too much pain, too much death. We can bear no more. We break the code. Breath we give to empty lungs, blood to empty heart. Back we call. Back we summon. And so shall it be. What is happening?! Have your anguished cries done the unimaginable? You rush forward to open the crypt!
97, 1 подземелье
At first glance the mountain region doesn't look so bad. Rustic cabins dot the white landscape with smoking chimneys. Then you see the ski resort, the guided tours, the stocked fishing lake. Would be campers cluster here and there bundled up in name brand parkas with expensive 4 x 4's parked on black topped driveways. This is just a playground for the wealthy. No longer do prospectors trek through with laden donkeys. No more do simple families gather here to be at one with mother nature. Now you have to pay to play.
50, 43 подземелье
The first thing that you could hear coming through the portal was music coming from the shore. People talking in loud voices, and millions of little clinks and tinging noises. What the heck! Then the lights hit you in the face like a freight train. Blue, red, green orange, yellow, all extremely bright neons. Flashing and pulsing, they light the sky like the Forth of July. Squinting your eyes, you glanced at the shoreline. Huge ships line the shore, but these were not ordinary ships. They were not meant for sailing. On the shore itself stands huge brightly flashing buildings with people coming and going like ants. Some laughing and waving gold coins around, and others looking as if they wanted to take a one way trip off the end of the pier. You have heard of this enterprise before, it is called gambling. The entire area is full of casinos. The sounds and lights begin to make you feel a little dizzy, and you decide to leave before whatever spell they weave pulls you in.
82, 70 подземелье
Oh ikk! You can see from the forest vantage point you have landed in the middle of tourist central. Your stomach clenches up as you gaze around you. To the east you can see the water park, and just south of it, tame ponies limp around riding paths carrying fat old ladies and giggling teenagers. And what is that even farther south? Oh the angst of it all! The worst use of land ever created, a golf course! You are afraid to look to the west, but turn any way. It seems almost like your heart stops beating, and you forget to breath. How could man or even creature do such a thing to mother nature? All foliage and any manner of life has been swept clean. No dunes, no sand crabs, no sea oats, not one sign that this was once such a beautiful vista, you could not pass by without thanking the creator for such a gift. The sand lies flat in one continuous sheet for miles. Dotted along the shore are gaudy tents renting everything from jet skis to diving gear. All along the ugly paved beach road are lined all manner of tacky shops. The majority advertising brightly painted T-shirts and straw hats in the windows. There is just too much to take in here. You decide you had better leave before your heart simply stops beating from the sadness.
92, 107 подземелье
From your hidden spot, you can see what has become of what was once vast swampland. The marshes have been erased! Where there was once dense foliage now stands pristine manicured lawns. Large mansions with cobbled driveways dot the slopes. Just ahead is an impressive deco palace, it looks as if some wealthy bohemians have set up their own little Shangri la here. You wonder what has become of all the wildlife which once teemed among the tropical brush. Outrage burns as you watch the well to do stroll along the paths.
38, 29 подземелье
Jade studied long and hard under the last of the great druids. Becoming one with the nature around her, her powers have remained untested. Having seen the enroaching masses on the continent, she pulled a few true followers with her to this small island haven.
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Fiur left the mainland for a safe haven with his long time companion, Jade. Here he has honed his skills in elemental magic, and though untested, his powers match or sometimes surpass those of his teachers.
1, 15 подземелье
By heavens! The little guy was telling the truth. Dragons lay piled in heaps. Some breathing their last, others nursing deep gashes and licking their wounds. As you look around in wonder, several of the healthier ones rush up to you. Please take us with you. That little terror out there is making our lives miserable. We'll do anything to get off this island and away from the Dragon Slayer. You've never felt sorry for a dragon before, until today.
2, 16 подземелье
Just behind the hovel is a pike of dragon bones the Slayer has been using to craft things with. He tells you that you are welcome to take a souvenir. Thinking it would look fearsome on the battle ground, you pick up a necklace of dragon teeth.
44, 30 подземелье
The pull is stronger now to the north west. Your dreams have come more frequent, you only hope this is not a fools errand.
2, 18 подземелье
Ok, so I don't look like a dragon slayer. Looks can be very decieving my friend. If you don't believe me, take a look out back at my trophies. Be careful, some are still kicking, I wouldn't take my weakest troops with me if I were you. By the way, do you happen to have any pipe tobacco on you? Can't get much to grow out here, and for some reason, ships keep passing me by. You think the piles of bones have anything to do with it?
2, 20 подземелье
The sign on the beach reads ' Dragon Slayer for hire. Reasonable rates - no dragon too big or too small. Inquire at hovel.
23, 57 подземелье
A wise old forest elf stops you as you approach the gate. You know, these onry' creatures can be a lot more trouble than they're worth. Kinda pretty, they are, but sometimes they turn on their own troops. Learned that from the Dragon Slayer out west. Might do to get his advice before trying to recruit the little beasties.
78, 27 подземелье
Passing a pixie sitting prettily on a pine branch, you stop and ask her what this place is. She tells you This has been a refuge for many peoples and creatures. We had wished to follow the Green and Blue when they left years ago, but something strange came over some of our fellows, and they held us here against our will. Luckily, the ones who held us back soon went to work building the shops and casinos. As soon as their attention was elsewhere, a few elemental wizards secreted us all here behind the magic gate. There has been a Screen of Blindness spell working all this time to keep the evil children of the Nameless One from knowing we are here. Since you have broken the seal on the gate, we are all hoping you have come from the Green and the Blue as our wise ones have dreamed. They are to lead us to freedom and bring back the old ways. You have to have a sit down on that one and think it over for a few minutes. Finally you ask her who is the Green and the Blue she keeps talking about. Jade be her name, and Fiur his. Green for the earth, Blue for the waters. Our wise men have dreamed of these 2 many nights over the years. It was they alone who recognized the danger before all others. It was they who saved many and took them to safety. And it is they who the oracles have said will bring life back to our world. Have you seen them? the young pixie asked. Child, I only hope your dreams are not in vain and we do not fail you. I am counted among the Green and Blue, and we have come across the ocean to do all that you have said. It did not strike me before all those we fight for. We have fought for our land, for ourselves, and for our outrage. Now we know we carry a much bigger burden, the lives of all these simple folk. Tell me little one, do you know of an entrance to the underground? It is supposed to be near the red gate. You can see the pixie is awestruck and are afraid she is about to fall off the branch. You had never realized the peoples of the mainland remembered you after you left. The....the....the cave is to the east through the pillars. We have never been allowed that far, but we can see it from the tree tops at times. she stammered. You smile and thank her with a hug. Then she did fall off her pine branch! If only your enemies were as easily felled!
Могучий лич
22, 102 подземелье
Greetings my dear friend. I used all my strength to transport myself here to give you warning. All is not as it seems in Mecca, black magic is afoot. It is what has done this to me. The green magic has helped me fight the dark urges, but soon I will be too weak. Find 2 portals to the underground. One leads to what is left of the true folk, the other to evil most foul. Some wait to help save our world. Seek them out. I give you a gift with my last magic, take the necklace and sail like the wind. Now please release me from this living death. I will forever be grateful to you my child.
4, 46 суша
As the Nameless One, she commands respect from all. Her power and wealth leave others in awe of her. Though no living person knows her true name, many of the dead heard it whispered in their ear as they breathed their last breath.
98, 27 суша
You simply can't believe your eyes! Your own home! Here below ground all in one piece. How did they accomplish this? A small plaque reads 'Home of Jade and Fiur, the Green and the Blue. May they claim it sooner than later' This is no time to get weepy, but it is hard to hold it together in front of your troops. They read the sign, as you bow your head, and when you look up, every one of them is grinning from ear to ear.
98, 49 суша
Looking around the meadow, you see some guarded eyes peering from different huts. These are soldiers, they may need a little convincing you are here to help.
79, 67 суша
Well, it's all fun and games until you descend into some dark, dank pit of a cavern isn't it? With their voices echoing off the cavern walls like hundreds of ghostly soldiers walking beside them, your troops become unusually silent. That is almost worse. Now there is the eerie sound of hundreds, maybe thousands of boots and hooves marching. You may need to stop soon to give them a break from the unsettling noises.
69, 67 суша
You stop for a short break, telling the men it is to eat and refresh themselves for the battle ahead, you let them relax on the cavern floor. It was then the whisper came. You seek me? the voice said. Men scrambled to raise torches in the darkness. Nothing could be seen, yet the voice sounded as if it came from the very midst of them. Light feather touches caused several to back up to the walls with torches in front of them. You brushed at what you thought a cobweb only to find it shaped like a skeletal hand. I am she you hunt. Silly mortals, I am the hunter. Breath stealer, life taker, mother of Deception, Decay, Death Knell, and Deadly Pernicious. You have humbled my children. Do you think I see nothing? I SEE ALL!!! the voice shouted. Who are you? You ask. I am the Nameless One yet I will tell you my name. Come closer and I will whisper it in your ears. And the voice was gone.
52, 67 суша
As if she had never stopped talking, the voice continued. I have been life taker for generations, yet life was strong here in this country. The green magic kept me from my prey. I found ways to distract mortals, to turn them from the green magic. I gave them things, things to play with, things to covet, things to occupy them. I played on their greed, their sloth, their pride. Now I must start again. Spawn new offspring, and rebuild what you have taken from me. I will cherish your last breaths rebels. Again you ask her name. Come closer, and you will know me.
32, 65 суша
I have spent many ages draining men of their life force. It has kept me strong. As life changed around me, I too had to change. I taught my children to steal life for me from all living things. They keep some for nourishment, and bring me the rest. No longer do I simply visit men in the night as a nubile young female. I am Succubus!
104, 33 суша
Since the last visit to a tent held the smelly and wrinkled Ebineezer, you approach this one wondering who you'll meet here. But no one sits waiting for you. Instead, you find a crudely drawn map and a note. 'The keymaster here holds the key to the golf course. On the ninth hole, be careful not to hit the griffins hiding in the trees. They guard a dark treasure, and fear no one.'
104, 62 суша
A group of monks run straight into you as you descend into the cavern mouth. Let us out of here! Get out of the way. That vile creature will not listen to reason, and now she seeks to vanquish us. We have no time to waste. Stand aside! Before you can explain your mission, they attack.
102, 58 суша
If you are brave enought to try to get one, you are brave enough to have one!
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