Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Oh what a tangled web we weave.......in the end someone must grieve! The life of a bug is not an easy one and yours just got harder! *Note: Dimension Door and Fly are disabled. May the best bug....err challenger win:).....Qrystal
A day in the life of a bug flashback...... Opening scene............................... Panning across the landscape our eyes are drawn to a lush swampy area. Assorted creatures wander the muggy terrain foraging, lazily lounge under tangled trees, or wade in the murky waters. A relative feasting ground for insects..........or spiders.
happy insect
Being the happy little insect you are, you merrily flit around a pile of gorgon dung. Suddenly an ancient beetle appears, and in a raspy voice mutters, This is my home! take yourself elsewhere to flit. The old beetle starts clicking angrily as he climbed higher on the dung heap. Realizing he is a very big beetle and you are a very small insect, you quickly set out looking fot that most illusive of treasures......mighty gorgon dung.
Day 4 Characters
Cast of Characters..... Fartslinger the horsefly played by Harbringer Dungo the dung beetle played by Ungo Gagginfly the dragonfly played by Dragonfly Vermin L Crymore the maggot played by Terminal Eyesore KScumnears the praying mantis played by K Summers Crackfog the spittlebug played by Blackdog Smellinpoorly the hornfly played by HollandGlorie Gulpturn the cockroach played by Guldur Krackinstench the assassinbug played by Hackenslash Fearurine the firebrat played by Fiur Real Poopy the hangingfly played by Gill Possee Retch the mayfly played by Rex Stanko the leech played by Sandro Ritcher the Gnarly Gnoll Troll played by himself
Day 9 the challenge
Close to the waters edge, a lone mighty gorgon is frantically swishing his tail at a small obnoxious horsefly buzzing around his hindquarters. Directly behind the gorgon a small stink bug crawls across a gorgon paddy triying desperately to fend off encroaching intruders...... Fartslinger Yo! Dungo! A challenge......first bug breath to hit their target is the king of the stinkers! Dungo mutters under his atrocious breath (while inhaling the sweet aroma of fresh dung), Your on phewfly......ain't no flutter head gonna outstink me!
Day 14 battle Real Poopy/Crackfog
News of the battle raged through the swamp attracting an assortment of bugs to the smelly fray..... A hangingfly drops from the trees to watch the rancid battle and catches sight of a spittlebug leaving a drooling trail as it makes it's way to the glorious dung heap. With fresh memories of bug poo cluttering his home, Real Poopy spirals with determined purpose towards Crackfog... Real Poopy (in his screechiest bug voice) You drool loving heap of bug waste.......you left your drooly droppings all over my buggy abode! I'll hang you by your buggy eyes from that gorgon's tail! In amazing sloooooooooooow motion (which has been established as his normal speed), Crackfog (foaming at the mouth sputters....spewing all over the place of course) Cumf on spewyou spewyee spewnoose spewneck....spewyou'll be spewnotted spewbefore I spewget spewthrough spewwith spewyou!... In a disgusting display censored for small children they were last seen rolling in the dung heap..........
Day 17 Krackinstench/Stanko/Gagginfly
On the third turd from the left a bit of pushing and shoving takes place between an assassinbug and a leech. the argument seems to have stemmed from a misunderstanding when Krackinstench makes a comment about Stanko's beloved WWF (World Wide Farting) affiliation where he carries the not so esteemed title Imminent Poot. Krackinstench, in his booming barbarian grunt, Stanko *grunt* you block *grunt* look like *grunt* the Frock!. Seething with rage, Stanko grabs Krackinstench in the Heave Austink toilet hold, Do I look like the prissy type to you blockhead? Gagginfly swoops into the fray, Did I hear someone mention Heave? Flicking from spot to spot the frantic dragonfly distributes that which Crackfog got blamed for.
Day 19 fight starts
The began with smelly ferocity as the two bugs vie for the title of King Stinky. Zeroing in on his favored target (suffice it to say it is in the immediate vicinity of the gorgon's tail), Fartslinger farted out his battle cry Mooooooooooooooooooo! With amazing speed for a bug wallowing in dung, Dungo displayed his turd rolling skills as he spewed out an answering war cry Ooooooooooooooooooooooink! *background music of Proud Mary....... Roll it......Roll it.......Roll it on the river.*
Day 23 Fearurine/KScumnears
As the battle raged for minutes (which in the life of a bug seemed like days), minor dramas occurred among the spectator bugs...... Fearurine the firebrat was busy clicking tactics instructions to the combatants while loudly proclaiming his expertise as a master tackyitching. KScumnears, the praying mantis frantically waves her appendages in desperate fashion to cast a spell on the hapless Crackfog, Damn you, I know that's the right slow spell. In apparent disregard of what happens around her, she fails to notice that is is impossible to make Crackfog any slower than his natural trait and her spells are useless.
Day 33 Crymore/Mayfly
As the battle reaches a fevered pitch.....there are some who still seem oblivious to the main event...... Vermin L Crymore the maggot scavenges through the dung heap trying desperately to avoid conflicts with the girl maggots as they do their best to corner him. Retch the mayfly seems to be confused whether to flit here or there as he bounces from dung heap to dung heap in hopes of confusing those around him more than himself.
Day 38Smellinpoorly/Gulpturd/Crymore/Retch
The battle continues to rage furiously as Fartslinger's Moooooooooooos are getting frantic and Dungo's Oooooooooooooinks are getting a bit high pitched, but meanwhile among the spectators..... Smellinpoorly the hornfly seems more interested in a stinky wooden shoe than the drama of the fight....(rumor says it once was the abode of Dungo). Gulpturd the cockroach wanders aimlessly through the dung muttering to whoever would llisten I can pee for free........I can pee for free.... *snickers....some actually thought he was saying ISP for free*
Day 43 The grande finale
The climax of the battle draws near as Fartslinger with a cry of victory nails his target just seconds before Dungo makes his final push. Suddeny a mighty rumble is heard as the gorgon lets loose a fart of magnificent proportions. With deadly precision, Fartslinger is blasted into a spiders web knocking the whole gooey mass into the insect infested dung trapping the unlucky denizens inside. Smiling the plump webmaster closes the book gently and tells the small spiders gathered around.....and that my children is a day in the short life of a bug.
37, 54 подземелье
37, 55 подземелье
3, 71 подземелье
Oh what a tangled web we weave......Ha! ....you think your snarly self can survive the web much less conquer it's sticky denizen!.....we shall see little insect....we shall see!
65, 70 подземелье
What!.....you expected great things to be said about a whoosy wasp! Not today bug breath!
35, 5 подземелье
A sudden rustle from the bushes............... A Gnarly Gnoll Troll races by hotly pursued by a dainty large pink dragon carrying salt.....pepper.....and a bottle of gnoll sauce. Frantically he flings a large sack of coins in hopes of distracting the dragon.......of course it fails miserably.
69, 40 подземелье
A sudden rustle from the bushes............... A Gnarly Gnoll Troll races by hotly pursued by a dainty large pink dragon carrying salt.....pepper.....and a bottle of gnoll sauce. Frantically he flings a large sack of coins in hopes of distracting the dragon.......of course it fails miserably.
35, 70 подземелье
A sudden rustle from the bushes............... A Gnarly Gnoll Troll races by hotly pursued by a dainty large pink dragon carrying salt.....pepper.....and a bottle of gnoll sauce. Frantically he flings a large sack of coins in hopes of distracting the dragon.......of course it fails miserably.
1, 38 подземелье
A sudden rustle from the bushes............... A Gnarly Gnoll Troll races by hotly pursued by a dainty large pink dragon carrying salt.....pepper.....and a bottle of gnoll sauce. Frantically he flings a large sack of coins in hopes of distracting the dragon.......of course it fails miserably.
40, 49 подземелье
Mooooooo..........Moooooooooo............Mooooooooooooove out of our way!
4, 71 подземелье
What!.....you expected great things to be said about a nagging gnat! Not today bug breath!
69, 68 подземелье
Oh what a tangled web we weave......Ha! ....you think your snarly self can survive the web much less conquer it's sticky denizen!.....we shall see little insect....we shall see!
70, 4 подземелье
Oh what a tangled web we weave......Ha! ....you think your snarly self can survive the web much less conquer it's sticky denizen!.....we shall see little insect....we shall see!
70, 6 подземелье
Frantic Fly
What!.....you expected great things to be said about a frantic fly! Not today bug breath!
1, 4 подземелье
Oh what a tangled web we weave......Ha! ....you think your snarly self can survive the web much less conquer it's sticky denizen!.....we shall see little insect....we shall see!
2, 5 подземелье
Bumblin Bee
What!.....you expected great things to be said about a bumblin bee! Not today bug breath!
Страж задания
35, 49 подземелье
The Belted Knights of Erathia guard this tower. They will only let one of their own pass. To join the order, you must first defeat the Crystal Dragons guarding the southeastern pass.
37, 49 подземелье
A glorious pink sparkly dragon and handsome mighty gorgon slowly approach each bearing a gift. Laying a mighty blade forged from the hottest fires and a glowing shield at your feet, they silently come......and silently leave.....
41, 49 подземелье
You stumble on a group of crystal dragons......being relatives of the sweet sparkly Qrystal Dragon .......they offer to join you
Кристальный дракон
41, 50 подземелье
No bugs allowed! Pests will be exterminated without mercy!
24, 0 подземелье
You quickly scramble out of the way as you see a furious pink genie frantically chasing a pink dragon with a can of blue spray paint across the field. Neither notices the trail of crystal scales being left in their wake. Chuckling to your self you gather the treasures.
64, 26 подземелье
You quickly scramble out of the way as you see a furious pink genie frantically chasing a pink dragon with a can of blue spray paint across the field. Neither notices the trail of crystal scales being left in their wake. Chuckling to your self you gather the treasures.
59, 49 подземелье
You quickly scramble out of the way as you see a furious pink genie frantically chasing a pink dragon with a can of blue spray paint across the field. Neither notices the trail of crystal scales being left in their wake. Chuckling to your self you gather the treasures.
11, 36 подземелье
You quickly scramble out of the way as you see a furious pink genie frantically chasing a pink dragon with a can of blue spray paint across the field. Neither notices the trail of crystal scales being left in their wake. Chuckling to your self you gather the treasures.
13, 41 подземелье
Noticing the dancing fool in the distance, it appears Ritcher has been celebrating again.........unfortunately as usual.....you get stuck with the tab! As you empty your pockets you notice the gnarly gnoll troll dropped a few gems.
46, 28 подземелье
Noticing the dancing fool in the distance, it appears Ritcher has been celebrating again.........unfortunately as usual.....you get stuck with the tab! As you empty your pockets you notice the gnarly gnoll troll dropped a few gems.
48, 2 подземелье
Noticing the dancing fool in the distance, it appears Ritcher has been celebrating again.........unfortunately as usual.....you get stuck with the tab! As you empty your pockets you notice the gnarly gnoll troll dropped a few gems.
50, 48 подземелье
Noticing the dancing fool in the distance, it appears Ritcher has been celebrating again.........unfortunately as usual.....you get stuck with the tab! As you empty your pockets you notice the gnarly gnoll troll dropped a few gems.
4, 16 подземелье
What's wrong little bug.......getting nervous.....it's so quiet in hear you can hear a worm cough!.......get busy....time's awasten.
55, 10 подземелье
What's wrong little bug.......getting nervous.....it's so quiet in hear you can hear a worm cough!.......get busy....time's awasten.
51, 53 подземелье
What's wrong little bug.......getting nervous.....it's so quiet in hear you can hear a worm cough!.......get busy....time's awasten.
18, 53 подземелье
What's wrong little bug.......getting nervous.....it's so quiet in hear you can hear a worm cough!.......get busy....time's awasten.
20, 15 подземелье
Here the other bugs are busy busy busy......and you sit here calm as a dead fish......don't you think it's time to mosey on?
22, 42 подземелье
Here the other bugs are busy busy busy......and you sit here calm as a dead fish......don't you think it's time to mosey on?
52, 64 подземелье
Here the other bugs are busy busy busy......and you sit here calm as a dead fish......don't you think it's time to mosey on?
59, 29 подземелье
Here the other bugs are busy busy busy......and you sit here calm as a dead fish......don't you think it's time to mosey on?
14, 25 подземелье
Come on bug....you as lazy as the wolf hound that leaned against the fence to bark!....Time to conquer the world!......get moving before rigamortis sets in
2, 56 подземелье
Come on bug....you as lazy as the wolf hound that leaned against the fence to bark!....Time to conquer the world!......get moving before rigamortis sets in
58, 43 подземелье
Come on bug....you as lazy as the wolf hound that leaned against the fence to bark!....Time to conquer the world!......get moving before rigamortis sets in
43, 11 подземелье
Come on bug....you as lazy as the wolf hound that leaned against the fence to bark!....Time to conquer the world!......get moving before rigamortis sets in
30, 9 подземелье
Come on bug....you as lazy as the wolf hound that leaned against the fence to bark!....Time to conquer the world!......get moving before rigamortis sets in
11, 12 суша
You know.....I really hate to complain.....but those other bugs have gotta be as happy as a dead boar in the sunshine. Ain't never seen anybody move so slow in my life. Pick up the pace bug.....or your life is gonna be shorter than tomorrow!
63, 64 суша
You know.....I really hate to complain.....but those other bugs have gotta be as happy as a dead boar in the sunshine. Ain't never seen anybody move so slow in my life. Pick up the pace bug.....or your life is gonna be shorter than tomorrow!
37, 16 суша
Just thought you might like to know that your neigbors are ill as a hornet at you for running off with that cute little lady bug last summer. Think I heard tell they was going to feather your nest......with bird seeds.
36, 57 суша
Just thought you might like to know that your neigbors are ill as a hornet at you for running off with that cute little lady bug last summer. Think I heard tell they was going to feather your nest......with bird seeds.
16, 58 суша
*snickers*..... you just keep on sitting here like an old tick on a hard working dog. Pretty soon you gonna be yanked off and squished like the bug you are.
60, 14 суша
*snickers*..... you just keep on sitting here like an old tick on a hard working dog. Pretty soon you gonna be yanked off and squished like the bug you are.
52, 33 суша
Bout time you started moving a bit. What's wrong little insect.....you seem to be getting nervous as a sore tailed scorpicore.
22, 32 суша
Bout time you started moving a bit. What's wrong little insect.....you seem to be getting nervous as a sore tailed scorpicore.
44, 25 суша
You in a passel of trouble bug and ain't fitten to roll with a boar. Spyder is gonna have you for lunch and throw the scraps to the wolf hounds.
23, 44 суша
You in a passel of trouble bug and ain't fitten to roll with a boar. Spyder is gonna have you for lunch and throw the scraps to the wolf hounds.
45, 49 суша
Don't get your dander up bug, but the fat's in the fire and Spyder's gonna bite your fool head off.
24, 18 суша
Don't get your dander up bug, but the fat's in the fire and Spyder's gonna bite your fool head off.
69, 1 суша
If I was you bug.......I'd be real skeered. Spyder's so mean he'd spit venom at you just to watch you wiggle.
1, 70 суша
If I was you bug.......I'd be real skeered. Spyder's so mean he'd spit venom at you just to watch you wiggle.
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