You Have Been Deep Within The Halls Of Your Magic Guild While The World Around You Has Changed. Now You Discover Your Necromantic Studies Have Cursed The Ground Around You. To Your Dismay, You Realize Your Self Imposed Seclusion Will Be A Hinderance In Discovering What Is Going On.
You Look Around And Realize That Thieves Or Spies Have Somehow Snuck By Your Magic Wards, Stolen Away With Some Belongings, Claimed Others For Their Own. This Must Be Rectified, But With The Knights To The SouthEast Still Guarding You Heavily, You Cannot Get Out Of Your Own Land.
While You Are Thinking This Quandry Over, A Messanger Arrives & Hands You A Note. The Note Is From The Knights To The SouthEast, Informing You That They Are Experiencing The Same Problems That You Are. They Offer You A Treaty & Promise You Freedom If You Can Help Find This New Threat & Eliminate It.
47, 57 подземелье
The Kingdom Is In Jeopardy. Some Of Your Possessions Have Been Stolen From Right Under Your Nose By Devious & Sorcerous Means. Being Valiant Knight, Your Magic Skills Are Lacking, But You Have Sway Over A Powerful Necromancer Whom You Have Locked Away For Dabbling In The Black Arts.
But Now Maybe The Time Has Come To Close Old Wounds & Offer Her Freedom If She Help You In Discovering Who Is Behind These Dispicable Acts.
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54, 55 подземелье
The Ancient Behemoth growls at you and to your utter amazement begins to speak. Who dares to thwart my attempt to climg the mountain? It says as it looks you up and down. Hhmm, heck with that, joining you little army looks like more fun.
Туника короля циклопов
60, 50 подземелье
As you reach for the Tunic, you notice an army of Cyclops Kings standing in the hills above you and hiding in the cave. Do you wish to fight them, or flee?
55, 54 подземелье
The Ancient Behemoth has erected powerful magic wards to protect it in its endeavor to climb the mountains.
54, 54 подземелье
The Ancient Behemoth has erected powerful magic wards to protect it in its endeavor to climb the mountains.
53, 54 подземелье
The Ancient Behemoth has erected powerful magic wards to protect it in its endeavor to climb the mountains.
18, 59 подземелье
Ahead lies the prison where you kept a messanger of peace. Now that there is a truce between the two kingdoms, he might prove useful.
12, 60 суша
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