Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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The quiet village of Wold is plagued by a terrible Dragon. You have been `elected' to slay the beast. Destroy him within 3 months, before the crops must be harvested. Otherwise the village will die, though you won't be around to see it...
You bang frantically at the gate, but to no avail. I'm sorry your father calls down. The council has ruled you may not come back until the Dragon is dead. Be brave, son. Be brave.
16, 8 подземелье
Someone has built a sturdy stockade of makeshift timber at the entrance to Wold's fields and the Dragon's parlor. The wooden shield above the gate bears the sigil of a twisted wyrm. We are Des Cultes Wyrmius intones a voice from within. We whorship the terrible might of all Dragons. You who are unbelievers may not enter here. Come further and you die.
Лазурный дракон
17, 1 подземелье
The Dragon looms over you, far larger and more terrifying then your worst nightmares! And then you see something even more horrifing. Now you know why it has been lairing here theese last months...It's got company!
15, 9 подземелье
North Field
33, 34 подземелье
Ahead lies the Imperial Garrison, the only representation of the Emperor's power in these distant lands. An Emperor you have never even seen, much less recieved any benefit from. The soldiers of the garrison will not aid your quest; they are only here to gather taxes and prevent travel by common folk who might looking to join a rebellion somewhere. Best leave the garrison alone.
12, 9 подземелье
A pair of burly knights, one male the other female are laughing and clapping each other beside the windmill. Well met, friend cries the man. We've come to slay your Dragon the woman adds. That's your job? Well, let us ride together then!
11, 11 подземелье
A gang of Rogues leave their perch alongside a tree and saunter over. Well, if it is'nt little Valorin. You recognize Aldric from your old class... Out for a stroll? he sneers. Lets see what you got on you, tailor's son.
10, 9 подземелье
Valorin (his mother wanted him to have a heroic sounding name like in her childhood stories) is the son of the tailor of the tiny mountain village of Wold. A skinny but affible fellow, Valorin was prone to falling out of trees as a child. Despite his ineptitude at climbing and love of sewing, Valorin has always thought he could be a really unique tailor. Maybe even slay a Giant or something.
15, 22 подземелье
This Troll Bridge, heh heh. You get it? You try not to groan as the foul beast lears at you, bits of meat still clinging to it's teeth. You want to cross you got to pay. A finger maybe, or a toe?
Король минотавров
16, 15 подземелье
A very big and very drunken minotaur staggers toward you, axe in hand. You raise your arm to defend yourself but its too late. Your witless companion bursts out with braying laughter at the sight of you covered in Minotaur puke. Me am called , Grond, booms the creature. Me am think you brave human to stand before me so. I join you, fight to the death. Well, you sigh, this is the hero's life...
Хижина провидца
0, 3 подземелье
You appraoch the hut of Glendafindelle, the Sage and midwife. She is about your age and though very beautifull, never recieves many callers. Just then you hear her shriek. Rushing in you find the young sorceress tearing the room apart. DAMNATION! she shrieks. I've really lost it this...what are you doing there with your mouth gapping like a sturgeon's? Mouse, you're as timid as ever. That's Valorin you correct her; damn you hate that old nick-name. Whatever, she shruges. I've hav'nt really got time to tease you. I lost my FAVORITE hair ribbon and I HAVE to find it before my mother visits so I can wear it...Say? Are'nt you the fool they picked for a Dragon-Slayer? That means you're supposed to perform heroic deeds. Well nows your chance to practice. That old Vampire who lives in Haunted Valley snatched it off my head last night. Fetch it here and I'll give you a goood reward. With an admittantly encouraging sway of her hips she saunters into the back room and slams the door.
8, 19 подземелье
Peasant scum! You weaklings may pay your tax to the Empire but in these mountains we live free! Course that means we gotta rob you.
2, 2 подземелье
Wild griffins are often found near gold. You think your mother taught you that.
Могучая горгона
28, 4 подземелье
A group of immense metal bulls snort and paw the earth at the mine entrance. You feel your hair stand on end as the grass withers beneath their awefull stare.
29, 8 подземелье
Hallo, Valorin. We're in a bit of a spot it seems. A pair of viscious metal bulls have driven us out of the mine and now we've nothing to do but get stinking drunk all day. Frankly we're turning into a bunch of slackers. Nothing like a little adventure to pep us up.
Страж прохода
16, 29 подземелье
A group of slovenly dwarves are camped in the tower. Well, what do you expect? their leader snarls before beltching. We nor none of our clan have been able to work the mine since those damned metal bulls took over it. Get rid of'em so we can get off our duffs and I'll open the gate.
Страж прохода
8, 27 подземелье
You start with surprise and maybe a little fear as the tower opens it's window-like eyes and looks at you. Bathed in the harsh light of their unnatural glow, you blink painfully as the gate opens and speaks. I am the Enchanted Gate. I have guarded this wood more eons. I open for none but Queen Titania herself. Well, I also like the Sage Glendafindelle who lives West of Wold. If you can bring me her necklace I'll open for you too.
Лорд вампиров
33, 29 подземелье
An ancient, withered Vampire stands at the entrance to a dilapitated estate. I am...Varney. Prince of this KIngdom of Laduchele. The Vampire is talking about the old Kingdom, before the Empire came over 400 years ago. I now why you are here. I must thank you for slaughtering my wives. After a century or two they grow tiring. But I'll not give up this ribbon without a fight! It smells like my sweet Glendafindelle... Sweet? This guy IS old.
31, 29 подземелье
We are the discarded wives of the Prince of the Night. We shall extract our alimony from your veins!
21, 21 подземелье
Welcome, friends. We are the Knights of Saint Vestigious. As you probably know, he is buried in this remote valley. So we his disciples have gathered here to train and perfect our martial and spiritual techniques as did he. We're always eager for a challenge.
Щит Короля Гноллов
21, 18 подземелье
Hey! yells the shield as you reach for it. You drop the item, startled. It's hyena-like visage reguards you balefully. You think you can just grab me? Oh, no. Pass my test first bub! Feel like trying?
22, 9 подземелье
Saint Vestigius' Tomb
13, 33 подземелье
You unexpectedly come upon a beautiful Faery Lady bathing naked in a small pond. You get quite an eye-full, unfortunately she sees you before you can leave. You quickly stammer something about her lovliness. It must have sounded good because she orders her attendents to assist you in any way possible.
5, 24 подземелье
A troop of strangely garbed warriors blocks access to the fort. One side you fox-faced eel! shouts their leader. We have come from the Kingdom of the Sands far beyond your puny Empire to show you all that OUR fighting techniques are the best. I do not like your insolent eyes. I shall pluck them as treats for my horse!
Страж прохода
23, 32 подземелье
Oh Valorin! the stable-master looks so releaved to see you you'd almost think you owed him money. You restrain yourself as he embraces you. I'd love to lend you a horse, but those blasted Trolls keep eating them! I've only got two left! Please, destroy them or get them to leave and I'll not only give you horses but a reward as well! It should be an easy feat for a Dragon-Slayer. Dragon-Slayer? Is this guy kidding? You wish...Oh well. Horses will make this `job' much easier.
24, 31 подземелье
Horse & Harness
24, 27 подземелье
Ah, Valorin! So good to see you! Those Ogres had shut down my business and with everyone so preoccupied with the Dragon it seemed like help would never come. If there's anything I can do to help you, just let me know. Take this for a start.
24, 28 подземелье
Hah! Puny manling! We keep this place. Need for toothpicks, yes?
Орк на кабане
16, 32 подземелье
Snnoort. Want some help?
17, 27 подземелье
An just were du yu think your going, mate?
25, 4 подземелье
Hah! No mere mortal man can defeat a Dragon of the Azure Clan. Only an immortal man, a magical man, a man like me could ever hope to! I will end your arrogant quest along with your life...and I saw you looking at my Glendafindelle!
28, 21 подземелье
Monks of the Conjurer's Brotherhood. No women. No liquor. Have your money ready at the door & exit out the back.
31, 22 подземелье
A hugely fat friar sits atop a sagging stool. He holds out a sack to you. 1000 ducats, thats gold peasant, if you wish to study here.
25, 18 подземелье
An ancient man sits atop a most impressive steed. Well met young Dragon Slayer! Yes, I know who you are! In my day I felled more then 12 Dragons, in just one month mind you. If you can prove your worth in a joust, my students will be honored to assist you!
26, 19 подземелье
Quixote's Cavaliers
Черный Клинок Мертвого Рыцаря
24, 35 подземелье
As you reach for the sword buried in a crumbling skeleton, it speaks. I am a cursed sword. A weapon of power, though my sister is much stronger then I. This man was my last wielder. Take care not to carry me too long, or you will end up like... The skeleton suddenly reaches for you!
26, 35 подземелье
You reign up in shock at the site of a huge Giant menacing a cluster of your farmerfolk. Fee, fi, fo, fum...I smell the blood of a Tailor's Son! I hate all Tailors! None ever gets my fit right!! I'll crush you to flinders!
25, 35 подземелье
Oh, Valorin! You've saved the day! Perhaps I was wrong when I called you a needle-nosed half-wit. You've given us courage! Let us fight for you.
28, 33 подземелье
Hello young man. We are once-proud wizards of the Imperial Court. Our arcane prowess and other prowesses (they nudge each other) were known the land wide. Now younger, fresher faces have replaced us. Nothing lasts forever. Whats your story?
Королева медуз
19, 24 подземелье
Medusae are distant kin to Dragons and members of the Old Races. Rare today, these are earning money as gypsy dancers. You watch for some time, enthralled by the exotic, serpentine movements. They may be part snake, but they are all woman! The sensual dancers seem to take a liking to you as well and offer to come along and keep you and your troops entertained.
21, 28 подземелье
You run into the priest of the Imperial Church, Father Plumric outside his home. Ah, Valorin his thin face frowns. Don't see much of you in Church. Guess you're up the road at that heathen temple along with most of the locals. The Old Faith is dying you know! Anyway, I have 3 Brothers of the Order of Saint Marconius staying here. They're supposed to be studying the fighting arts. Seeing as how you are off Dragon-Slaying and such I would appreciate it if you could look after them for a while.
27, 24 подземелье
You hear something moving in the woods and ride to investigate it. Suddenly a horrible beast springs upon you! It's fur is blood red, its tail armed with a curved stinger and it's head some twisted melding of lion and man. Without further thought you call for the attack!
30, 16 подземелье
Its so boring here. I think I'll go with you.
11, 34 подземелье
Trudging through the trackless forest, you hear the sound of frantic bleating. Searching about you spy a Unicorn foal trapped in some Grab Grass. Carefully wielding your sword you free the colt to it's expectant mother. No-one is more shocked then you when she speaks! Thank you, man. Few of your race are so kind. Three of my older children shall aid you for a year & a day or until they return to our Mother. Bless you.
29, 4 подземелье
Just south of here is the site of the ancient hero Keldar's last battle with the Giants. Keldar's immense sword which no man today can lift may still be seen for leagues, buried in the dead chest of the Giant King.
Маленькая фея
11, 28 подземелье
Weeee! Lets go fight a Dragon! Are they kidding?
8, 31 подземелье
Hah! A runt like you kill a Dragon? What an insult!
11, 22 подземелье
Dotted about the land can still be found relics of the Old Religion, from the time before the Empire. But every generation sees more slip away. A few of the old whorshippers wish to join you.
9, 32 подземелье
Enthralled by the tranquile forest, you almost don't realize until its too late that you are being stalked. Then, the terrible beasts of the Lady of Shadows are upon you!
7, 24 подземелье
As you walk nigh an ancient burial ground, the ground beneath you falls in on itself and horrors shamble into the light!
3, 31 подземелье
You come upon a strange ring with a dragon-like eye, on the grass before a strange dwelling. As you lift the strange ring it's eye turns to look at you! Greetings says a female voice. I am the spirit of the Dragon that dwells within this ring. If you are to pass further, you must first face my test. Do you feel you are prepared for the test?
13, 30 подземелье
Damn! Its an ambush!
6, 8 подземелье
Grrr, humans. Gremlin no like humans!
Шлем Белого Единорога
15, 23 подземелье
As you reach for the beautiful helm it jerks back away from you. What!? It jerks again, obviously tied to a string. Suddenly a group of Trolls emerge from the forest, grining maliciously. Haw, haw! Now little fish we got you! Do you stand or flee?
30, 22 подземелье
An angry quartet of Mages are leaving the Monk's retreat. Who in the Hells do they think they are? one exclaims to the others. Charging us double, the nerve! He glares at you, One side boy or taste the wrath of the Brothers Grim!
16, 11 подземелье
G'day. We ah'll from Australimborg across the sea. We `erd tell you `ad a mighty fierce buck of a Dragon `ear. We's here to put'im in tha ground.
22, 4 подземелье
Ah, the old mill. Mant times as a child you would play here. Your old playmate the miller's daughter Rilta has grown into quite the fetching creature. Too bad she likes Galt, the smith's son. The thought of her starving come winter hardens you to face the task ahead.
12, 12 подземелье
NW to the Wise Seer's Hut S to the Valley NE to the Dwarf Mine
30, 34 подземелье
A huge band of Rogues are gathered before you, hurling rocks at the garrison. Upon seeing you the mob turns to attack!
Королевский грифон
6, 33 подземелье
A ferocious pack of Griffins, driven mad by the smell of your horses descend to devour you all!
21, 29 подземелье
You spy a strange Monk standing by the road. As you approach he rises and looks at you, his face rapidly filling with anger and hate. You, you are all heretics! he screams. Now you shall suffer the torments of Hell!
13, 16 подземелье
You just beat up my brother, you snot-nosed runt! I'll kill you!
35, 24 подземелье
The chief Monk is studying a treatise on the Summoning & Binding of Nymphs and Drayads as you approach. Eh, what? he looks up in annoyance. Young man, can't you see I am engaged in serious magical researches here!? Come let me tutor you so I can go off and read in peace!
22, 11 подземелье
A group of tough-looking Druids block your path. Ah, you must be the unfortunate...I mean the valiant youth the villagers have chosen. We Druids keep the olde ways, even against the Imperial `Church'. These Paths of Dark and Light lead to ancient places that may help you. But beware and eat of nothing...
22, 12 подземелье
As you enter the magical glade, the air before you swirls and two figures take shape. Both are obviously female and very beautiful. One is garbed in robes of white and has hair of deepest red, the other robes of black with hair darker then the raven's wing. The red haired woman speaks; Flame Tounge will be your strength. The raven haired woman speaks; The Shadow will be your ally and lend you it's servants. Then the red-hair speaks again Some paths once taken seal others forever. If you give the Dark what it seeks, her embrace you will never leave. I shall be with you always if you take my hand... Both ladies reach toward you and then vanish in a swirl of fire and a swirl of frost. Surely some wonderous magics live in our world yet!
32, 28 подземелье
Castle Varney
35, 16 подземелье
We are the Monks of Saint Marconius. The Emperor himself has charged us with destroying heretics and demonspawn. You seem...Evil.
17, 4 подземелье
As you approach the Dragon's den, you reflect on all that has befallen you these past weeks. The soldiers under your command have come to depend on your abilities; you hope you don't fail them now. Whatever the battle's outcome, you decide you're glad to have made this trip. Being a hero is a good way to live...or die.
25, 10 подземелье
As you reguard the hallowed tomb of Vestigius, the brave knight who died almost 400 years ago attempting to prevent the Empire from conquering this valley, you are filled with hope and inspiration. Maybe you CAN destroy the Dragon!
12, 13 подземелье
Ey, Valorin. You need some help? We ain't afraid. By the way, I heard the Sage Glendafindelle is looking for you. You remember, up the northwest trail?
Королева медуз
4, 32 подземелье
You suddenly find yourself tightly entwined with an amorous Medusa. Need some help, darling? We can help you in...any way you might need.
Хижина провидца
13, 30 суша
In a sweet-smelling mushroom hut you find a round, red-cheeked witch. Why hello, Valorin. Oh, don't be so surprised. Glendafindelle has told me ALL about you. Who am I? Her mother, silly. I've been meaning to visit her but I'm so busy. I heard you're in a bit of a fix. Well, since you and my daughter are so close I'll help you out. Just fetch me the cursed Black Sword and the Hourglass of Evil Hours and I'll grant you the blade used by Vestigius himself...I pray you have more luck with it.
8, 28 суша
The Under Hill
8, 29 суша
A bevy of lovely Faery Maidens approach you, azure skirts aswirl. Greetings to thee. Our Queen Titania has not been here for many a day. But we shall grant you aid and comfort. But swear to follow the Old Faith and keep the peace of our land.
Хижина провидца
30, 6 суша
You approach a great gnarled tree, the most ancient you have ever beheld. In the dark hollow within you find a most terrible witch, her nails like iron swords and her teeth obsidian blades. Well-met at last Valorin. Oh yes, I know you. And I know why you've come. You lack the power to fell this beast alone. I shall aid you surely, with all the Dark powers I command...but first YOU MUST GIVE ME WHAT I REQUIRE! No, no...no still beating virgin's hearts or anything like that. I require 3 relics for a curse I'm brewing. The Pendants of Death & Dispassion and the Hourglass of Evil Hours. Bring them and I shall grant you a prize worthy of my...protege.
Древнее чудище
27, 5 суша
A group of terrifying monsters block the path to a valley strewn with bones and ancient treasure. You always thought Behemoths were a bed-time story told to frighten children. Yet the horrible truth stands before you.
Могущественный лич
30, 7 суша
You recoil in horror at the sight of the Undead sorceresses before you. Don't be afraid, pretty boy they hiss. This is the price of our immortality. We paid it gladly. But you are the interest we owe Hell...
6, 30 суша
Grrr. This grove is mine! The pixies are all mine! Get thee gone!
Чёрный рыцарь
29, 9 суша
A black and terrible Knight of the Dark Fae sits astride his red-eyed steed. He exmaines you critically before declaring; You'll do and dismounts to bow before you.
11, 30 суша
A fierce-looking but very beautiful elven Amazon atop a winged horse blocks your path. Are you here to visit the Sage? she asks. Well, you may pass, but I'll have to escort you. Can't say as you mind...
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