Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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{Traemask the Fool} A Three Map Campaign by Timothy Duncan Episode One: The Outpost of Progress {Episode Two: The Story of the Fool} Episode Three: Wood's Heart
{Traemask the Fool} -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Episode Two: The Story of the Fool Version 1.0 -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
A Heroes III Map By Timothy Duncan
{Special Thanks to:} Keith Williams Viktor Urban Andrew Stern For Playtesting. Without These Kind Folks, Mapmaking would be a Chore Best Left to the Birds.
{Extra Special Thanks} To Timothy Pulver For Help For Suggestions For Trying to Figure Out How to Implement My Crazy Ideas
Intro 5
{Extra Extra Special Thanks to:} Weston Merriot For assistance with supplementary materials.
{And an Extra Extra} EXTRA {Special Thanks} To the Astral Wizard, Phil McCrum Without Whom This Map Would Never Have Been Possible
Bluebell had been saying that he knew the [humans] hated [rabbits] for raiding their crops and gardens, and Toadflax answered, That wasn't why [the humans] destroyed the warren. It was just because we were in their way. They killed us to suit themselves. - Richard Adams, Watership Down, 1972.
{The Creation of the World} A Preface to: Traemask the Fool
Synopsis 1
When the universe was young, there were two gods, Gom and Mog, whose origins are unknown, as godly origins frequently are. Gom and Mog were and are opposing forces. Gom, the essence of good and preservation, sought to protect life, and Mog, the essence of evil and destruction, sought to eradicate it.
Synopsis 2
For millennia, Gom and Mog fought each other amongst the swirling energies that comprised the universe. At long last, Gom triumphed, and Mog was banished to the Underrealm, where he resides still. Mog was angry that Gom bested him, but what could he do but wait and let the fires of his fury consume him? Such is the nature of evil: lying and waiting and smoldering.
Synopsis 3
Gom set to work immediately in the creation of the world. Out of his love for life, he created Antamixylion, the World Forest, where all manner of creatures lived. In his own image, Gom created elves, and they were untouched by evil because evil at that time was lying and waiting and smoldering in the Underrealm. But Gom knew that one day his adversary Mog would try to corrupt his beautiful world, and so he gave Antamixylion the ability to protect itself. He created the World Trees, the Sylvianishti.
Synopsis 4
The World Trees were a race of intelligent trees endowed with the magic of Gom himself. Eternal and impervious to destruction by normal means, they were the paragons of wisdom and virtue, and existed to protect the elves and the other creatures of the forest, and for more than a millennia, the first World Tree, Balokamagalar by name, frustrated all of Mog's attempts to corrupt the world of Antamixylion.
Synopsis 5
But Mog was devious and smart, and he learned from his brother Gom's creation magic, and he created a realm of his own, which he called Mormox, the realm of Devils. And among the devils was the lord of demons, Calaxion by name, who was evil beyond words, and sought the destruction of all living things. Mog knew that he himself could never go to Antamixylion to wage war against Gom, but Calaxion was small and could go unnoticed for a time. And Calaxion accepted the task with a cunning smile.
Synopsis 6
So Calaxion crept into Antamixylion, and with his Great Sword Colfax, forged in the volcanoes of Flox of the magic metal of Malirite, he snuck into Baloskamagalar's realm, seeking to put an end to the line of World Trees right then and there. And he would have succeeded, if it wasn't for a passing ogre named Craag who happened to be nearby.
Synopsis 7
Craag heard the high-pitched cackle of the Demon Lord and rushed to the World Tree's aid. A valiant fight ensued, but at long last, the ogre Craag won the day, and he took the head of Calaxion off at the shoulders. In his prison, Mog screamed in rage, for his plot had been foiled, but Craag did not know of Mog or of Devils. He only knew of the need to do good.
Synopsis 8
Gom thought nothing of Mog's attempts on his worlds, but gods and deities are, despite their power, naive and unwise. But Baloskamagalar was not a god and had wisdom that surpassed that of his creator, and understood that good and evil are not really separate entities and that it would only be a matter of time until Mog made another attempt to despoil Antamixylion. Baloskamagalar, by then old and withered, understood that his time on the world of elves and ogres was nearly up, and that a new era was beginning.
Synopsis 9
So Baloskamagalar said unto Craag, Dear Ogre, thou hast saved my life. I shall make thee protector of life and thy sons and daughters after thee. And forever shall thou be the protector of my progeny. For my time has come, Craag, to depart this earth, and choose a successor. Craag was a simpleminded sort and only nodded. So Baloskamagalar continued, Thou must chop me down, Craag, and plant my fruit in this grove, so that my son may grow to sustain the world, for if my kind should ever die, then the world is doomed. And so after much deliberation, Craag began chopping and chopping. For years he chopped, and he cried whilst he chopped, for he could sense that he was killing a creature of great magic. At long last, Baloskamagalar was felled, and Craag rushed to plant his fruit, and a new sapling was born, and the line was continued, and is so until this day.
Synopsis 10
But before Baloskamagalar's spirit passed into oblivion, he made one more request of the ogre who did not really understand the passing of these events. Dear ogre who hath saved my life, but I must do one last thing. This world cannot be the whole of the universe, else it will be eventually destroyed by the never-ending battle between good and evil. I cannot bear to think how this would upset our lord Gom. So I shall use my last energy to create a new world, a world of gray, where evil and good may wage its war at its own leisure, and may neither side ever win, for who knows what disaster that may bring upon the universe? As so the world of Terraminsc was created, and Gom was over pleased with this development, and so was Mog. And Craag and his progeny were sent there to live and to reign over all living creatures, and they have ever since. And eventually the race of men evolved, and they populated the world of Terraminsc. And these men were smart and industrious and could create things and they became great in the eyes of Gom. But also in the eyes of Mog.
Synopsis 11
But Terraminsc was not protected as was Antamixylion, and Mog was free to come and go as he wished. And evil was free to creep into the hearts of men, where it laid, waited and smoldered.... and consumed. And to this day, men have forgotten their origins, and most do not know of ogres, and none know of Mog or Gom or the World Trees, but they shall soon remember.... for there is darkness afoot. And this time, even Antamixylion is not safe.
The Fool
Introduction to: {Traemask the Fool, Episode Two} {The Story of the Fool}
The Fool 2
You hit the earth like a meteor and you swear for a moment that you are dead. You must be. Human beings don't hit solid things that hard and survive. It just doesn't happen. Gradually, consciousness returns and you awake with the sun blaring into your eyes. The ground is sandy, hard, unhealthy, and hot. A good bit of it is on your face. You brush it off, wincing at the pain in your head. Where are you? Then you remember: Antamixyllion, the World Forest. It takes a strenuous effort, but you are able to recall your mission. Traemask is dying. You must save her. You must find Kayerts and Carlier. You must... That's when it really hits you. This is not a forest. Or at least, it isn't now. You look around and take in your bleak surroundings. Sandy, desert ground. Dead trees everywhere. A sky the color of a bruise. Air that stinks of sulfur. What happened here? More riddles... Turning around, you are able to see the Gate whence you came. Swirling energies cause your eyes to squint. Are those creatures that are standing by it? They look strange, ephemeral, and they are staring right at you. Perhaps you should have a look.
Tan/Green Resource depleting
Oh and resources have a tendency to vaporize during magical travel between worlds and so you arrived, alas, with nothing.
Страж задания
98, 18 подземелье
A giant statue of a nine-headed hydra almost completely blocks the passageway to the north. Carved on the neck of each hydra head is one of the ancient runic sigils that form the now extinct alphabet of the gods. The passage to the north is impassable with this statue in the way, but surely the statue can be magically removed. If, perhaps, you placed the magic pendants Wispy Cloud told you about around the corresponding necks, something would happen? At the moment, the ninth neck hangs far out of reach, but it's worth a try.
Воздушный элементал
86, 98 подземелье
A small group of shimmering air elementals hovers in front of the portal. They resemble little more than dense pockets of air, and remind you of the way the air above hot sand seems to vibrate in tune to the seething rays of the sun. No heat radiates from these creatures, though; they exude an uncomfortable coldness that seems to penetrate deep into your mail, clothes, skin and bones. One of them approaches and gives a stiff bow. Greetings human, he says in a voice as tacit as a heavy breath. Your coming is unknown to us, but the presence of the venerable Varianus speaks well of your intentions. It is our duty to guard the portal, as you know. What is it that you wish of us? What has happened to this place? you ask him. THIS is the Great Forest? It was the Great Forest, the elemental says sadly. But now it is the Great Dead Forest. Humans much like yourselves came and beguiled our beloved Traemaskeelix, and now Antamixylion pays the price. I and my people, the Guardians of the Forest, once were a proud, fierce race... but the war between us and the creatures spawned by your brethren have all but decimated us. Even now, our own innate powers are dying -- in tune to the disease of the forest itself -- and with them goes our ability to continue to defend what little we have left. The great city, Salenze, is all that remains of the beauty of this world, but even that too is beginning to show signs of decay. If something is not done soon, the elemental seems to be on the verge of tears, I fear all will be lost... Well I am here to help! you try to add cheerfully. Would that you could, is all the elemental replies. But perhaps... if something could be done to reverse the decay, if the creatures who are beginning to override our last remaining defenses could be turned aside... there might just be enough time to set things right. Quickly, you must visit Traemaskeelix before she is too weak to speak. She will know how you can repair the damage that has been done. Her vale -- or what remains of it -- lies to the northwest, although you may be well served to visit the small sprite village to the west along the way. Some of my people will accompany you; seek them at the entrance to the portal through which you came. This land is not as friendly as it once was, and you may need what powers we -- the guardians of air -- can supply you if you are to succeed. You thank the elemental and prepare to recruit of his followers, when suddenly it occurs to you that you do not know his name. What shall I call you? you ask. I am called Xantomegalusizki, he replies. In your tongue this means Wispy Cloud. My name is Sedran, you say. Well met, Sedran, Wispy Cloud returns. Let us hope that you can repair the reputation that your humans have earned for themselves.
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Sedran Patre
Sedran von Patre. The hero. A mid-ranking officer in the Eilian navy, you came to be drawn into this whole mess when your fool admiral stranded you on an island and left you with a mission you knew nothing about. Your past is not a glamorous one and sometimes you feel like just saying to hell with this whole enterprise. You pretty much live by the motto that being a hero is thankless work.
83, 98 подземелье
You find Varianus some distance from the portal, sitting on the sand with a scowl on his face. His blue robes are crumpled beneath him. He is scowling at a handful of dirt, as if it had just said something irritating. This is no good, he mumbles, no good at all. What isn't good? you ask him, wondering what could possibly be 'no good' about a handful of dirt. This! he says, letting the sandy soil blow away in the soft, hot breeze. All of this! Even a blind man would be able to tell -- Antamixylion, the World Forest, is dying. And fast. Look around you! This used to be one of the most beautiful, dense, healthy forests you would have ever laid eyes on. Sometimes, the foliage was so thick you couldn't see the sun. Now... it's a veritable desert! Dead trees are everywhere... the soil is as parched as desert sand... there are no creatures anywhere... and even the sun looks sick. Verily, whatever Kayerts and Carlier did, the damage is going to be difficult to repair. We must find Traemaskeelix, and quickly! Else I fear what will become of this place. And remember, what happens here eventually echoes in your own world, Sedran, so look sharp! Varianus stands up, grabs his sorry-looking wizard's hat and comes over to you. Come, he says soberly, You and I, we have a job to do. Let us do it quickly, so that we can return to your world before Carlier causes any more trouble.
Страж задания
98, 17 подземелье
The last hydra head beckons. The statue grins at you wickedly. Do you wish to hang the Pendant of Negativity around it?
Хижина предсказателя
58, 66 подземелье
You enter a quaint little shop whose counters are piled high with jewelry of all sorts
62, 69 подземелье
Welcome to Glistenwood Styling itself The Child of Salenze Travelers to Salenze should stay the night!
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Glistenwood Inn -- Five Solidi Cover Charge West - Glistenwood Abbey and Salenze Road South - Salenze Road and the Ferry
61, 57 подземелье
The Queen's Orchard -- Please No Stealing the Fruit!
71, 95 подземелье
A small thatched hut that seems to serve as a marketplace of sorts -- or at least did at one time -- sits on the far edge of the clearing. A few pixies can be seen milling about the structure, although none of them look enthusiastic about what they're selling and buying. They eye you with some distrust, although all the energy it takes to hate seems to have been drained from them. It seems that it isn't just the trees that are dying, you muse. Suddenly, from the doors of the marketplace bursts forth a human man. Several of the pixies are chasing after him, beating him over the head with rolls of paper or long baguettes of bread. He is dirty and wears a soiled surcoat that may have once been the style of the Eilian navy. Now it is simply mud-spattered and torn to pieces. Ack, away, away! he screeches. I only wanted a taste! Cannot a man eat?! In his mad dash from the merchant's hut, he very nearly smashes into you. You grab him by the arm and steady him before he can do any damage. His eyes focus on you, and he jerks his arm away when he sees your face. Oy, a human face! he stammers. I thought t' never see one of those again! The man looks nervously at the pixies, who have since stopped chasing him. They seem as shocked to see you as he is, and share concerned glances among themselves. What do you mean? you ask. What are you doing here? Varianus asks at the same time. I... uh... he says shiftily, I mean my name is, uh, Spencer, sir. I mean Captain... I uh... He studies his feet. He is a vagrant, Wispy Clouds whistles, his voice sounding like a stiff wind. Left here by that human who came here before. We have been trying to catch him, but he is slick. Lucky for him, or he'd be dead by now. The air elemental, if he could be said to have eyes, glares needles at the soldier. Left here! the man replies indignantly, I CHOSE to leave! Carlier and Kayerts were up to no good, I knew that from the start. But as soon as Carlier got that bright shiny thing... and he killed Kayerts. Things went to hell. I got away while they were all sleeping. Thankfully, Carlier had more important things to do than keep track of all his soldiers. I escaped into the forest -- or what was once the forest -- and I've been foraging on my own ever since. FORAGING! one of the sprites spits. Stealing is more like it. He comes and pilfers some bread every few days, but we caught him this time! What do you mean, shiny thing? Varianus asks the man, ignoring the pixies. The bright orb he pulled out of the tree, though who knows why you could pull an orb out of a tree, the man says, scratching his head. Varianus frowns and mutters to you, This is bad, Sedran. I had hoped it wouldn't be so.. we must go to Traemask, and quick! You nod, but turn back to the soldier. Your name is Spencer, soldier? Yes sir, he replies, trying his best to simulate a salute. In his ragged attire it only looks silly. A squire actually, not a soldier. Apprenticed to Sir Tagyn Fandly, may he rest in peace. Well then you shall be my squire now, you reply. As it so happens, I am short one at the moment. If you'd like to come with us, that is. It seems that Carlier has performed a few crimes, and I'm here to bring him in. Killing an Admiral of Kayerts's stature is no trivial offense -- and there is the matter of what he did to the Admiral after he was dead. I mean to get to the bottom of this, and another pair of human hands would not hurt. Andrea Mead's description of Kayerts's corpse -- if it could be called that -- still sends shivers down your spine. That's a mystery you intend to solve. Spencer looks uncertainly at Varianus and Wispy Cloud, but then nods his head. Aye, he says, I'll take up the sword for you. I have a score with Carlier myself. He killed Sir Tagyn when he killed Kayerts, and if nothing else, my late mentor taught me the meaning of honor. Good! you reply, and without hesitation, you make the introductions. Although clearly a little agitated, Wispy Cloud accepts your decision and graciously introduces himself to your new squire.
84, 83 подземелье
83, 83 подземелье
Barely, just barely, you manage to grab hold of one of Bzoh's feathery wings. She struggles and curses and tries to cuff you with her tiny fists, but the haste magic courses through you, making you strong and resistant to her attack. Wispy Cloud and his brethren were momentarily stunned when you invoked the magic of air and gave them the power of speed, but once their shock had passed, they moved with an incredible swiftness and surrounded the witch before she had a chance to move. Let me go! Bzoh screams, biting at your hand. Not until you give me the statue! you growl back between clenched teeth. This yelling back and forth goes on for several minutes until finally you simply smack the obnoxious creature. Bzoh stares at you in shocked contempt. How DARE you strike a queen! she sneers. Queen of what? you ask. The sprites, of course, she replies icily. You are not the Queen of the Sprites, Wispy Cloud points out. That title belongs to Mayleonelle. Mayleonelle, Bzoh spits back, Is not fit to be a chambermaid, let alone a queen. She has too long relied on you and YOUR kind for protection, and what has THAT earned us of late? Nothing... you can barely walk without being blown away by the slightest breeze. My people need a leader, one that will fight to protect them! Sick of the tirade, you snatch the statue and throw Bzoh down on the ground. She gets up and points a finger at you. Do not think you have won the day, little human, she jeers. Bzoh does not forget! She buzzes off into the dead foliage, her follower trailing behind as fast as she can. Do you see the state of affairs? Wispy Cloud says resignedly. My world is falling apart, and petty bickering between the fairies is the least of it. I hear it told that the Fire and Earth Lords are only a step away from outright war... and almost none of us have all our powers anymore. Maybe Bzoh was right.. we aren't fit to guard Antamixylion any longer. Don't be silly, Varianus says, stepping in. This was not your fault, but the fault of Carlier and his greed. Your powers are disappearing because Traemask is dying, but that is something I believe can be rectified. Do not fret, my airy friend. We shall see your world repaired, but let us first be on our way with this statue back to free the rightful pixie queen so that we can go to Aereen and perhaps get some answers!
Страж задания
67, 91 подземелье
A collection of large structures occupies the small valley to the west. Crowned with copper onion-shaped minarets, the towers and small palaces that make up the city of Aereen seem foregn to an Eilian, whose native architecture rarely adopts any shapes besides cubes and squares and the occasional cylindrical tower. Even from this distance, you can make out occasional air elementals drifting from building to building on daily errands. The city of Aereen is the home of my people, Wispy Cloud says in his lifeless monotone. This used to be one of the most beautiful places in all of Antamixylion, but now it is little more than scrub bushes and desert sand. Many of my brethren have died in the wars against Carlier's creations. Only a few of us remain to guard the portal to your world and the little life that is able to still thrive here. Worse, he continues, the friendly sprites who live in the small village to the southwest have been bereft of their queen. Many of the sprites blame us for their loss, as we are supposed to be the guardians of life. At the present, Aronthraxis, our lord, will not even speak to one not of his element, so grave are the problems that face our people. Perhaps, though, if you were to free Mayleonelle from the evil Witch Bzoh, you could enter the city!
75, 95 подземелье
Welcome to Spriteville Traemaskeelix Lives to the North
74, 96 подземелье
You enter a small clearing... well it would be a clearing if all the trees around you weren't dead. A small lake forms at the center. Although there are no tributaries that feed into it, the little lake is probably sustained by collecting rainwater, as the clearing is slightly conical with sloped sides. Still, you can tell that the lake has dried up significantly in response to the cataclysm that has befallen this world; Wispy Cloud tells you that when Traemaskeelix fell sick, the clouds that come every week and water the forest also became ill. We hardly ever see a rain shower anymore, he says sadly. That's why the soil has become so dry and sandy... and why the lakes and rivers are drying up. You nod somberly and then proceed into the sprite village.
72, 98 подземелье
The pixies are playing some sort of game -- one is blindfolded and the rest are trying to evade detection. When they see you approach, they all run and hide behind trees, except for the blindfolded one, who doesn't, naturally, see you coming. After several moments of roaming around aimlessly, she bumps into you and yells, TAG! You're it! I'm what? you reply. The pixie yelps and whips off her blindfold. Aieee! A human! She runs away before you can catch her.
70, 95 подземелье
I can't believe you let HIM into your service! the sprites whine. But we might be able to help you too. We'd like you to help us rescue our queen, who was kidnapped by a witch!
68, 97 подземелье
You manage to convince this group of fairies that you are indeed harmless, although you owe a bit of thanks to Wispy Cloud for that. Shyly, they approach and tell you that their queen has been imprisoned to the northeast in a wall of ice by a nasty witch named Bzoh. Eager to aid in their queen's release, they join your party. One of them mentions that a group of halflings live to the west and that their ability to sling rocks long distances may be helpful in apprehending vagabond pixies.
Хижина предсказателя
103, 79 подземелье
The door opens a crack when you knock on it and an eye pokes out from the darkness. The smell of stale air assaults your nostrils. It seems like someone's been holed up there for quite a while. What is it? a timid voice inquires. Hello, mayor? you ask. No my father was the mayor, but he's dead now. Well, I guess that makes me the mayor. Why? My name is Sedran. I hear you have a dragon problem. I have a friend here who thinks he might be able to help you with that. A moment's pause. Then the door opens a little wider, revealing a fat, young halfling wearing a tailored suit and stopwatch. Yes, he replies, We have a dragon problem, and a volcano problem. Mount Magnus started erupting shortly the trees started dying and the southern half of town has been completely destroyed. Then Grakenthrax went batty and started killing villagers. We dare not even leave our homes! Yes, so I've been told, you reply. Look, my squire here feels he can eliminate this nuisance. If you'll kindly show us to the beast's home, we'll be on our way. The mayor bites his lip. Well, Grakenthrax lives up on Taircott Peak, but it's a long way up there and treacherous. If you're going to go, you'll need some guides. Some of the townsfolk may be convinced to lead you up there. Let me think. He pauses and scratches his head. Well, let's see, there's Thog, the windmill operator, and his brother Roach, the boar-trainer. Um... Sam the hermit used to live up on Taircott but he lives to the west now in the hills. Mashiko the elf lives to the south of town and if he is still alive he'd be good to have. Damn fine with a bow! Then there's Harry, a thief living on the trail to Taircott and finally Saxor, the leader of the town's guards. If you get these people, they could probably show you the way. Thanks, I will! you reply. Listen, the mayor says, grabbing your hip (it's all he can reach), Are you sure you want to go through with this? Grakenthrax isn't like the greens or the younger blacks underground. She's BIG and nasty. I've already sent a hundred men up there and none have come back. Spencer here says he can take care of it. He's my squire and I want to see if he's up to snuff, you reply and inwardly you are thinking, And I want to take some of the edge off of his ego. Alright then, the mayor says, I'll see you when you get back. His smile is unconvincing and clearly he does not believe he'll ever be seeing you again.
Штормовой элементал
64, 92 подземелье
An enormous air elemental is waiting for you outside of the gates to Aereen. Except for a few guards, he is unaccompanied. His face, though not unfriendly, is nonetheless stern and unreadable, like a weathered rock, in as much as an air elemental can resemble anything solid, that is. While most of his other brethren are as white as a summer cloud and nearly as transparent, this particular elemental is a darker sort of gray, and whereas Wispy Cloud and his fellows shimmer like a heat wave, this one is characterized by small bolts of electricity that arc from his arms to his legs, from his face to his feet, from his eyes to his chest. Indeed, your hair stands on end whenever you get close to him, and he exudes the subtle yet pungent smell of a late spring thunderstorm. My Lord Aronthraxis, Wispy Cloud says in surprise. What are you doing out here? Xantomegalusizki, the air lord replies in a voice like rumbling thunder. Literally 'Lightning Strikes', Aronthraxis's name seems to be an eponym of the truest sort; his presence is clearly enough to strike fear and awe into all of his followers, much like the deadliest lightning bolt. You should know why I have come. The reports are that you travel with a human. They appear to be true. You quell beneath the Air Lord's stern gaze. Indeed, Wispy Cloud replies reverently. They came through the Gate with the mage Varianus, professing a wish to save Traemaskeelix. I believe they are truthful, and what is more, this one is adept in our element. He used the magic of air to aid in the rescue of the Fairy Queen Mayleonelle. If you have proven yourself adept in the magic of our kind, Aronthraxis says to you, Then you are welcome to my city. Truth be told, we are not in the position to be picky about those who wish to aid us. The sentry who led you here shifts uneasily at that proclamation. Aronthraxis continues
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The Lands of Crowleigh to the Northeast
Хижина предсказателя
24, 85 подземелье
Moktar is a fire elemental so old that he is little more than a charred husk, like a log left after a campfire. The veteran elemental bids you hello and how may he help you. I am looking for training. you tell him. Bring to me a warrior who needs to be trained in the art of combat, and I shall show him things no human has learned before! Moktar replies disinterestedly. Perhaps Spencer will be a good candidate?
Хижина предсказателя
105, 104 подземелье
The earth elementals in your company are nearly shaking with anticipation. Magmus Peak spews forth magma and lava high into the air and everything around you glows a dull red. The volcano can certainly restore a good number of earth elementals to their full power. Bring sixty of them and the transformation will be complete!
Хижина предсказателя
101, 104 подземелье
A fiery gate of pure energy gleams in the sweltering heat. With the aid of the enchanter you have brought, some of the fire elementals in your army can have their maximum powers restored. When you have acquired 60 fire elementals, bring them here and the change shall be made!
Хижина предсказателя
31, 100 подземелье
The door to this rather humble looking house is ajar, and naturally, Spencer invites himself in before you have occasion to knock. Rolling your eyes, you stroll in after him. Now, for almost your entire life, mages and wizards have always been the ones to sneak up behind you without your knowing and then scare the hell out of you. It never fails
Хижина предсказателя
32, 107 подземелье
A very bookish looking old man offers to instruct you in the logic of advanced magic for a mere 3000 gold.
39, 103 подземелье
Pelgius Labs Dedicated to Practitioners of Magic
79, 99 подземелье
Still dazed and bewildered from the relocation, you almost walk right into it, a sluggish, muddy river that is choked with dead leaves, branches and creatures. It is moving so slowly that it resembles more a long, skinny lake than a real river. It wasn't always like this, Wispy Cloud laments, Once this was a beautiful, crystal clear stream, crisp and fresh enough to drink, but now it just serves as a transportation system for all of the casualties of the forest.
51, 90 подземелье
A small battle is raging outside of this rather pleasant looking cottage. Enormous bulls swinging axes and walking on two legs -- didn't Andrea Mead issue you a report of such monsters raiding the dwarf mines back on your world? -- and a host of the eyeless grunts have a small group of pointy-eared archers and some of the man-horses surrounded. If you don't intervene, it looks like the forest folk will soon be overwhelmed.
Адский троглодит
50, 87 подземелье
Standing in front of a copse of dead trees is a building that looks half like a barn and half like a house. Suddenly, a horde of strange creatures with no eyes and horns on their backs burst from the door. On of them is dragging the hindquarters of what looks to have been a horse. When they see you -- or however it is they sense the world -- they immediately attack!
53, 91 подземелье
You half expected that the eyeless brutes would turn tail and run when their bovine comrades fell under your sword, but these creatures from the underworld seem to be fearless. No wonder the elementals are having so much trouble with them. You can only wonder how they are related to Carlier's meddling. With a hoarse battle cry, Spencer launches himself into the fray, severing eyeless heads left and right. Wispy Cloud and his brethren are not far behind; clearly they have dealt with these types of enemies before. At least they die easily, you think grimly, but if there are lots more of those bull-men about, you're going to be in for a heap of trouble.
52, 91 подземелье
The monsters seem to have been stealing gold from the forest dwellers. Why would that be?
54, 90 подземелье
More piled gold, obviously pillaged from the forest people.
Лесной эльф
52, 90 подземелье
The pointy-eared folk seem happy that you intervened and sent the foul cow-creatures back to the hell whence they came. While there are some you scowl at you distrustfully, most of them drop their bows and come to personally thank you for saving them from almost certain death. My name is Wistfas, one of them says in an accent as thick as beef stew. We elves are ever so happy that you came along when you did! Yours is the only elven residence we've seen unscathed, Wispy Cloud observes. What happened to the rest of you? The elf pauses to catch his breath before he continues. He says
53, 90 подземелье
Seeing that the elves have befriended you, the horse-men (Centaurs, Wispy Cloud tells you) also willingly join your ranks, if you wish them to do so.
Хижина предсказателя
51, 101 подземелье
Imprisoned in the hut guarded by the minotaur (most stinky and foul) is an old, blind Ogre wearing a stole made of dragon teeth around his wrinkly neck. Although he stares sightlessly past you, you can feel the words he speaks directed at you. Oh my, humans have come to rescue me! Strange times these are indeed! My name is Mantak Fals, he wheezes, showing you a toothless grin. We ogres have lived on this hill since... well since before my father's father was born, and maybe before that! And now these underground creatures come and force me from my home!? Unacceptable! But you have triumphed over them... horrah for you! It was my pleasure to destroy that minotaur most stinky and foul, you tell the old Ogre. In fact, you might say it is a mission of mine to kill minotaurs and other creatures that are so stinky and foul. It's a good thing you have such a mind to do so, Mantak Fals whispers, For the underground armies are led by such a creature, although one much more stinky and foul than the oaf who was guarding my tent! The rumor is that his name is Calous and he wields lightning like a man wields a club. I hope you can deal with him like you dealt with my aggressors! I would cleave a stinky and foul hole in his stinky and foul head! Spencer pledges. Ah, good! Mantak Fals laughs. But there is someone else stinky and foul I would see dead first... if you would do an old man one more favor. Anything! you reply. There is a goblin town by the coast of the river. It is called Riverview. Your stomach churns at the thought of having to interact with more goblins. Duk was about as much as you could handle. Goblins are not intrinsically bad, Mantak continues, But they are not intrinsically trustworthy either. Well, to make a long story short, one of the little green puke-heads, a gem-dealer named Gurnisson, decided to ingratiate himself with Calous. Gurnisson organized a coup and stormed the gates of Riverview, in the process taking captive a group of Ogre merchants visiting the town. If you would be so kind as to give Gurnisson and well-deserved smack on the head and return my ogre brethren to me, I would be most appreciative! It would be my pleasure to give an upstart goblin a smack on the head, you declare. Or on the ass... you add with a mumble.
48, 97 подземелье
You interrupt another group of the eyeless creatures who are trading blows with a small party of goblins. The eyeless creatures seem to presently have the advantage, but not if you have anything to say about it! These underworld vermin seem to have infested every corner of the forest!
49, 98 подземелье
The goblins hoot and cheer after you eradicate the last of the eyeless monsters. Spencer bellows and brandishes his bloody sword, so that all can see his valour in combat. If he's going to be your squire, you tell yourself, he's going to have to learn some discretion. Besides, a trained warrior such as yourself can easily spot the weaknesses in his form. He is too open in his stance, too aggressive, too willing to sacrifice a good defensive position in the hopes of scoring a quick victory. A real warrior knows the value of patience. It won't be too long, you decide, before he meets someone in battle as practiced as yourself, and then it's going to be goodbye, Spencer. He is going to need training, but you will need to find a suitable spot. The goblins, envigored by Spencer's display of haughty celebration, seem to want to join your army. Your ranks are swelling faster than you can keep them ordered... you may have to start dismissing lesser groups of creatures from your ranks if you want to maintain a disciplined army.
40, 91 подземелье
West - Moktar's War Training Camp North - The Ferry South - Pelgius Labs
34, 102 подземелье
85, 84 подземелье
A stunningly beautiful sprite is sitting on a dun pony some distance ahead. She does not seem to notice your approach; instead, she appears to be studying a small statuette that she holds in her hand. Another sprite, smaller and more homely looking, is sitting on a smaller pony a little to the bigger fairy's left. She doesn't notice you either. That is Bzoh, Wispy Cloud whispers in your ear. Do you see that statue she is holding? That must be the artifact Varianus is speaking of. Varianus confirms Wispy Cloud's assumption. We must get that statue if I am to free the Fairy Queen, he says. You make a move to approach, but Wispy Cloud hisses, Do not scare her away, fool! She will run. No, you must devise a way to capture her {before she can flee}... or I should say before either her OR her friend can flee. If they succeed in evading us, we may never find the statue!
48, 83 подземелье
Welcome to the Baloskm'taeren River Ferry Rides cost 500 Gold. Boats may ONLY be used to cross the river.
52, 100 подземелье
A large motte-and-bailey type fort sits on an almost perfectly square foothill. You are surprised to find several ogres wandering outside of the structure, but Wispy Cloud reminds you that as the favored race of the World Trees, there is a sizable Ogre population even in this most mystical of realms. The Ogres seem to be in an incredible state of disarray, and after drawing somewhat closer, you notice that the wooden gates to the keep have been smashed in. This is a place that has recently fallen in some great contest! A couple Ogres, upon noticing your presence, make their way towards you. Akh! It is good to see some elementals, one of them grunts, noting Wispy Cloud and his people among your ranks. We had thought your kind had completely disserted us! You must help us... an army of the creatures from underground have taken our fort and captured our leader. He is being held in a little tent just to the south of us. So arrogant is their commander, a minotaur most stinky and foul, that he does not even flee with his prize, but instead sits there and flaunts his victory in front of us! Please, help us save Mantak Fals from such an undeserving monster! We must have revenge....
70, 104 подземелье
Conflagus, the fire lord, looks at you with despair. While most of the fire elementals have lost their powers over energy, Conflagus seems to be as strong as ever. The tongues of flame that lick his entire body are a frightening blue, and jagged arcs of energy leap from his shoulders and back with every beat of his fiery heart. His eyes are nearly white but burn with a feverish intensity. He says, Sedran, I had hoped Traemask's hero would someday come for me. But the news you bring is most dire. So Cindermorn is... dead? I'm afraid so, you reply. Upon meeting the fire lord, you had told him about how you rescued Pyreen, your conversation with the Earth Lord and your overall mission. Conflagus took it all in grimly, a tinge of a frown painted on his face. But with Thogmor dead, this war can finally be put behind us. If you are willing to meet with Tolemairisiumisis, that is. I suppose I have little choice, Conflagus sulks. I find it hard to believe the Earth Lord did not have some involvement in my kidnapping, despite his pleas of ignorance. But the precarious situation of the World Tree is more important that my wounded pride. Fine, I shall accompany you to Salenze. There's just one problem, you add. Which is? The magic elementals have sealed Salenze off from outsiders. The gates are barred. No way in. Then we shall scale the walls and force our way in! Spencer declares. You give him a sidelong look of disapproval. Conflagus seems taken aback by your squire's daringness, but says nothing about the comment. Instead, he says, There is a cave... an escape tunnel, really, that leads from Salenze to the outside. It was built a long time ago, and it is still usually guarded, but it may be a feasible way into the city. If I remember, the cave opens up near the elven town of Silverpeak. I would suggest that route. You must get me inside so that I can visit the magistrate and hammer out a deal with the earth elementals. You tell some of the fire elementals in your party to see that Conflagus is properly healed from his ordeal, and begin to make preparations to seek the city of Salenze.
Земной элементал
72, 103 подземелье
Thogmor's minions, their minds poisoned by their master's venomous rhetoric, rally to avenge his death!
74, 104 подземелье
Огненный элементал
106, 107 подземелье
These fire elementals are in a state of frenzied worship. It was a poor decision to bother them.
104, 76 подземелье
Road to Taircott Peak -- Only those proficient in the art of water magic will be able to pass.
Страж задания
105, 61 подземелье
You finally reach a point where the mountains begin to flatten out a bit into a broad plateau. If it wasn't for the urgency of your mission, you would have to stop for an hour and marvel at the beauty of the place. Suddenly, Saxor comes to a half and, after spitting, says, Well, this is as far as I go. You can see Taircott from here. You don't need me any longer. Indeed you can see Taircott. It is an enormously high mountain to the north, and even from this distance, you can see several winged beasts circling its crown. Those are the tame ones, Sam points out. Grakenthrax is much bigger than that! I think I'll be going to. There seems to be a general consensus amongst your guides that this is the end of the road for them if you wish to go further. You are certainly going to miss the company.
73, 91 подземелье
Crystal River Traemaskeelix -- North Aereen, Citadel of Air -- West Spriteville - South Crowleigh - East
Воздушный элементал
63, 95 подземелье
Alisu Syvas Rexis! the Air Elementals shout as they join your army. Literally, it means, Always may the trees rule!
Воздушный элементал
61, 93 подземелье
The Air Elementals willingly join your ranks.
61, 96 подземелье
Wispy Cloud tells you that inside the large, light blue tent directly to the northwest is the Seer of Air, an aged elemental named Cosmus. As you have been permitted entry into Aereen and gained the support of Aronthraxis, Wispy Cloud tells you, You are also entitled to the password that will identify you as a follower of Air. Cosmus will teach it to you, if you ask him to.
66, 88 подземелье
Ahead lies the entrance to the vast caverns that span almost the entire width of our land, Wispy Cloud tells you. Shortly after Carlier's 'visit', creatures of the most grotesque sort began to attack our communities from those underground tunnels. Members from each elemental faction were dispatched to root them out, but the sheer volume of enemy troops has been astounding. I fear our forces are dwindling, especially with the elemental powers deteriorating, and it will not be long before the infernal creatures overwhelm our defenses and once again make it above ground to wreak havoc. I'd like to see them try, Spencer says. I eat creatures for breakfast. I'm sure you do, you reply, rolling your eyes at the boastful soldier.
82, 100 подземелье
Half buried in the sand, you find your spell book. You pick it up -- marveling at how light it is despite its massive girth -- and dust it off. These spells might come in useful here, especially since your army had to wait on the other side of the portal.
74, 89 подземелье
In the middle of this large, dead valley and sitting amongst a congregation of dried out tree stumps is perhaps the largest tree you have ever seen. Of a ruddy red color, the tree towers so far above your head that the higher branches are lost among the low-lying clouds. A whole army could stand hand in hand and not be able to circle around the circumference of the trunk, and it would take as many lumberjacks as many centuries to cut it down with even the most powerful of magical saws. It is all you can do to stand and gape at it for several long moments before Wispy Cloud tugs on your shoulder and says the obvious
51, 87 подземелье
After you slay the foul vermin, a sickly sound like a dying horse emanates from the odd stable-structure. You enter and find to your surprise some other odd creatures huddled in the back of the building. They have the bodies of horses and the torsos of men and women! Unlike the freakish eyeless monsters, however, these appear quite docile, and after you show yourself to be innocent of aggression, one of them even approaches you. Thank you ever so much! he says. I'd never have expected help from a human! Please, more of the underground monsters are antagonizing the creatures of the forest! Please help them! We will come with you if you wish. Spencer seems more than eager to get going by the wicked grin that appears on his face. He never likes to have his blade clean for too long.
105, 76 подземелье
A goblin emerges from the windmill and greets you hello. Considering the state of the town, he seems unusually cheery. His name is Thog, he says, and yes he'd be glad to accompany you to Taircott Peak. He knows some shortcuts that will take time off of your trip.
50, 99 подземелье
Without warning, a small army of flying bird-creatures swoops down from the decaying branches of the dead forest and assaults you from above! You remember vaguely fighting against these creatures before.... where are they coming from?
59, 102 подземелье
A small hut is under siege by a group of ugly creatures that resemble a cross between a scorpion and a lion. What ungodly magic is responsible for this abomination? Whoever lives in the hut may be thankful if you save them from these evil beings!
Страж задания
33, 85 подземелье
A very bored looking fire elemental appraises you silently. You have to be sufficiently experienced to be trained by Moktar. Only a warrior of level six or higher will be able to survivor the rigor of his exercises! Wispy Cloud earns a contemptuous glare from the fire elemental. The air elemental says to you
35, 85 подземелье
{MOKTAR'S TRAINING SCHOOL} $5,000 per person, no refunds. Only the brave need apply.
31, 84 подземелье
A pair of fire elementals stop you en route to Moktar's training hut. They do not hide their amusement at seeing a human desiring to train with the great warrior Moktar. The training fee is Five Thousand solidi, human, although you might as well give it all to us, because you won't need it after Moktar is finished with you! There are two of us, you reply, ignoring their japes. You indicate Spencer behind you, who is glaring daggers at these creatures who would insult his skills. Not wanting to have to keep the peace between your enraged squire and two fire elementals who could probably make a bloody mess of him, you quickly pay the sum of 10,000 gold and continue on your way.
Страж задания
46, 76 подземелье
Ack! We cannot let you pass until the troll problem on the banks of the river has been cleared up!
37, 104 подземелье
Beyond the massive gates is... a massive town. But it is not an ordinary town by any means. Among other things, there are few living creatures. The towns citizens are all mechanical beings of all shapes and sizes
35, 101 подземелье
The renegade wizards of the Pelgius Labs are willing to join you -- for a nominal fee, of course. You may find their incantations a valuable asset in your future quests, however. Wizards are known to be able to fry, electrocute and barbeque all different kinds of creatures that might otherwise be a nuisance.
Страж задания
28, 96 подземелье
The guards do not let you pass into the labs of Pelgius the Alchemist. You need official permission to do so.
29, 93 подземелье
Enormous factories with turning wheels, jabbing pistons, and large smokestacks stand before you. Pelgius seems to have set up some system of automated golem production. Hopefully, the first batch of gold and gem golems have already been completed.
19, 25 подземелье
Follow the Buoys for the following destinations
45, 67 подземелье
The Salenze Road East - Salenze, Pyreen, the Ferry West - Silverpeak, Litheen North - Aqueen, Bayside
51, 71 подземелье
The Salenze Road East - Salenze, Glistenwood, Pyreen South - The Ferry, Aereen, Vale of Traemaskeelix North - Silverpeak, Litheen, Aqueen
47, 77 подземелье
Flagu. BOK sattami miga verma sig. Sla i moto? Sig. FOOOMAGA!!!!! the trolls scream and charge. Fooomaga, you are guessing, does not mean, hello, how are you!.
Водный элементал
52, 79 подземелье
Several fishlike creatures approach. Ack! Those trolls, they have been plaguing the waters for months, ever since the forests started dying. Thank you so much! We are Aqueskithi, the Water Elementals, Guardians of aqueous life. Please, if you would help us more, travel to Aqueen, far to the north. We shall accompany you if you wish.
50, 79 подземелье
More of the trolls, clearly angered at how you butchered their friends to the north, launch a bitter attack.
52, 80 подземелье
These lizards are big and mean and hungry.
Лесной эльф
62, 67 подземелье
You change upon an elf emerging from the trading hut, who greets his fellows in your army heartedly. I never thought to see another of my own kind! he says between hugs. Wistfas, the elf from back near Aereen, frowns and says, I do not understand, my friend. Why would you fear an end of elvenkind? Because there are so few of us left as to be inconsequential! the elven stranger replies. The vampires seem to have a taste for elvish blood, and they have all but exterminated us. Vampires? you and Wistfas and Spencer all croak at the same time. Myth! you add accusingly, earning a spiteful stare from the elf. Then it is a myth that killed four hundred of my brothers! They fed on us every night... when I left there were only a handful left. Now there must me none. All of Silverpeak has been overrun by the Undead. Ever since the Necromancer Kjintil carved a slice of the forest out for himself, our homes have been infested with undead. I left in the hopes of finding you, the last of our people! Wistfas's face droops. This is terrible! he cries, then turns to you. Please, Sedran, we must go and help my people at Silverpeak. You nod, knowing it is the right thing to do... unfortunately, your list keeps getting longer and longer. The elven stranger, Legolas, seems glad to join your party though. You should be glad to have me with you, Legolas says while you begin walking down the street again, I am named after a great hero of my people who fought with the legendary king Askakon -- Aragorn in your tongue -- some four millennia ago. Perhaps some of that Legolas's spirit lives in me, eh? You return his smiles, but you fear it is going to take more than a 4000 year old myth to save his people from... of all things... vampires.
Воздушный элементал
61, 70 подземелье
The air elemental eyes you suspiciously, despite having several of his brothers in your ranks. I suspect you will be causing no trouble while in Glistenwood, he says sternly. We've had too many problems from strangers of late... enter, if you must, but we shall be watching.
Воздушный элементал
65, 56 подземелье
The elementals regard you skeptically, although seeing Wispy Cloud in your ranks, they do not protest your passage, except to tell you that Visitors to Salenze are currently being turned away 'due to affairs of state'.
57, 61 подземелье
Crystal? the stubby creature asks, scratching his head, in response to your question. Something really tells you that it would be a good idea to have that jeweler complete her project. The halfing continues
63, 53 подземелье
The Queen's Orchard -- Please No Stealing the Fruit!
The Queen's Orchard -- Please No Stealing the Fruit!
12, 59 подземелье
10, 41 подземелье
Посещение Некромант:
4, 104 подземелье
This map created by Timothy Duncan (c) 2002 Traemask the Fool Email comments
12, 79 подземелье
Земной элементал
25, 74 подземелье
This side of the small bay is just as pleasant as the other side. Tall palm trees -- the ones still alive, anyway -- sway gently in the evening breeze. Spencer stops and helps himself to a coconut, oblivious to the giant mound of earth that is approaching you excitedly. Your squire seems fascinated by the exotic fruit. You remember tasting one many years ago. Shortly after you and Genefeve had become married, the two of you had taken a trip to one of Floagum's southern isles. That was before the war was reignited and Floagum was still at peace with Eilia. Anyway, you had spent many a night on the beach drinking fresh coconut milk or munching on roasted pineapple before falling asleep in each other's arms to the caressing sounds of the ocean and the wind. Fruit like that didn't grow in Eilia -- the climate there is better suited to apples and pears and peaches. The war had broken out soon after, and Genefeve would be dead within a year, and you had never seen a coconut since. The sight of Spencer furiously trying to break through the coconut's tough, green shell with his sword brings fond memories and tears to the surface. A loud huffing brings you back to the present. The earth elemental pauses and catches his breath. Oh, so glad am I to see you! he wheezes finally. The name is Sedran, you tell the elemental. I saw you waving from afar and thought I would investigate. Tell me, with all the uproar here in Antamixillion, why are you out here in the middle of nowhere, stranded on a beach? CURSED FRUIT! Spencer screams, dashing the belligerent coconut on a rock, to no avail. How does one crack one of these? He takes up another coconut and slashes at it with his sword, sending woody chips flying. You do not see such stubborn fruits where I come from! he whines. The earth elemental shuffles over to Spencer and grabs the rocky fruit from him. Like this, the elemental says, and he pulls his earthy arm back and smashes the coconut with his fist. The coconut cracks open and the hairy nut inside comes tumbling out. Spencer stares at the fruit's unappetizing core with frustration, turning it in his hands. Thanks, he mutters, But what am I supposed to do with this? Is this a fruit or not? What part do I eat? The earth elemental turns back to you. You give him a shrug that says, just-ignore-him. I was banished from the vale of earth, the elemental says in response to your previous question. Never to return... Banished? Why? you ask. I spoke out against Tolemairisiumisis, the earth lord, he replies sadly, as if that explains everything. I do not follow, you reply. Look, he says with exasperation. He is eyeing the fire elementals in your party warily, you notice. Shortly after Traemask's, uh, injury, the earth elementals started losing their powers. There were those among us who believed our powers could be restored by visiting Magmus Peak, where out people believe lives the God of Lava, Magmus. But that volcano had been erupting violently since Traemask was injured and the fire elementals -- also enfeebled by this calamity -- were unable to control the fires that resulted. So they had to seal off the volcano so that the nearby towns could be saved. Yes, this much I have heard before, you reply. Go on... Well, the earth elementals were in a panic. They were trying to fight a war underground, defend Salenze overground, and protect the earth back in your world. With their powers failing, they felt cornered. One of the leaders of our armies, a brash, egotistical elemental named Thogmor, demanded that we forcefully open a path to Magmus Peak. Tolemairisiumisis disagreed with Thogmor and encouraged patience. The two nearly came to blows over it. Thogmor and his closest followers eventually disserted the Vale of Earth, promising to take care of the problem themselves. So they are responsible for starting this war? you ask. No, the elemental says impatiently. Well, maybe. Tolemairisiumisis was content to let Thogmor leave in peace. But within two weeks, an army of fire elementals showed up at the Vale demanding the return of their Lord, Conflagus. Tolemairisiumisis of course pleaded ignorance of Conflagus's whereabouts. This did not please the fire elementals so their leader, I think his name was Cindermorn, declared war on us. He and his army failed to breach the Vale, and Tolemairisiumisis, infuriated by the attack, dispatched his own army to Pyreen to besiege the city. I urged Tolemairisiumisis against such an action, but he is very set in his ways. He is not quick to anger, but he was furious at my dissention and had me banished. He refuses to believe that Conflagus was even kidnapped and contends that this is some elaborate ruse to take over Litheen! Such folly... Traemask's death is tearing the world apart. Something must be done. Thogmor must be responsible for Conflagus's kidnapping, but who knows where Thogmor has gone? Please, Sedran, you must enter the Vale of Earth and talk to Tolemairisiumisis. Maybe you can talk him out of this war! I would do what I can, you reply, But the Vale of Earth is blocked, and I fear I have little power in that element. Earth is, as the saying goes, solid as a rock, the elemental says, But remember, the best way through an obstacle is around it. I do not follow, you reply. You cannot use earth to best earth, maybe. But cannot you use Air to go around it? How do I do this? you ask the earth elemental. I am not sure, he replies, but I believe there is a wizard affiliated with the Pelgius labs that dabbles in air magic. Perhaps he has a solution. I will accompany you, as I would love to see the Vale of Earth again, if you can get me in there. So be it! you say jovially. We shall go now. Well, we will go as soon as Spencer is done gorging himself on coconut milk, you muse. Spencer looks up at you as if he could read your thoughts. He is practically drenched in the white liquid. Licking his lips, he says only, yum. [Player note
Огненный элементал
15, 72 подземелье
More prisoners join up with your army.
Огненный элементал
15, 73 подземелье
The fire elementals are grateful for their release, although they are clearly unsure of why they have been freed by a human, especially one with an army of elementals. You explain to them the situation at Pyreen, and although they are not pleased to hear that Cindermorn is dead (and that Conflagus is still missing) they are nonetheless happy that Pyreen has been freed. When we found out the Conflagus had been kidnapped and Pyreen besieged, one of them tells you, We had nowhere else to go. We thought if we came here and tried to talk to Tolemairisiumisis, we might be able to settle the war without coming to bloodshed, but we were wrong. Tolemairisiumisis threw us in jail without even hearing what we had to say. He laughed when we said that Conflagus had been abducted by earth elementals and said he would not listen to such nonsense. And here we are! Please, you must go talk to the earth lord. He might listen to you! Somehow, you doubt it.
Земной элементал
13, 74 подземелье
Prison guards aren't known for their battle savvy, but these earth elementals seem to be determined to keep you away from here!
11, 74 подземелье
Earth Prison -- Do not enter unless you want to become a permanent resident.
Хижина предсказателя
2, 63 подземелье
A youthful elf owns these stables, although he seems quite taken aback by visitors, of which he has seen few of late. The undead are terrible for my trade, he laments, My horses are the finest in the land, but they do not react kindly to walking bones! You inquire about the possibility of obtaining a horse for Spencer, and the elf enthusiastically tells you just to bring the man by, and a proper mount will be chosen.
4, 65 подземелье
A pack of wild horses roam these lush, beautiful pastures. Spencer seems quite fond of the animals. Perhaps that's what he needs... a new mount. Are those stables over there? Unfortunately, this specimen seems a bit too wild to tame, and does not take kindly to your molestation.
Боевой единорог
6, 58 подземелье
More elven horses charge as you approach. They seem to be spooked because of the undead presence in the area.
Воздушный элементал
59, 74 подземелье
A small group of air elementals are standing idly on the sandy forest trail. They gather immediately when you approach and do not appear friendly. Xantomegalusizki, one of them says, addressing Wispy Cloud. Why do you bring these men. You know that none are allowed to visit Goza. They are to be trusted, Oxopasobleun, Wispy replies. On direct orders from Traemaskeelix herself. They go where they wish. The air elemental turns to you and says fiercely, Human, if you have permission from the World Tree, then I cannot impede you. But a warning
Страж задания
57, 78 подземелье
A voice of indeterminent gender calls from behind the gate
56, 79 подземелье
Книга магии Огня
56, 77 подземелье
Lying on a pedestal is an enormous tome bound in blackened leather. The pages are brittle and scorched, but surprisingly do not fall apart when you turn them. You can feel the power of magic coursing through your arms when you lift the book and almost... almost, you feel yourself struggling against the consciousness of the power within. How can you possibly use this to gain entry into Salenze?
Хижина предсказателя
38, 27 подземелье
The Magistrate's Office is a fury of activity. There are elementals everywhere, most of them wearing disgruntled faces. Name? a halfling secretary asks tiredly when you approach the window. It is almost impossible to hear him over the noise. I need to see the magistrate, you reply. Name? the halfling asks again, giving you a this-job-is-hard-enough-so-cut-me-some-slack look. Look, you say, This is important. The name's Sedran Patre. The Earth lord should be here already... I need to see him and the magistrate together and I need to see them now. The halfling pauses, clearly considering whether you are a mental case or if your tale is true. The darkening look on your face and the shiny hilt of your sword finally decides for him. I'll be right back! You wait several minutes and finally a skinny thought elemental wearing the black robes of a judge comes walking towards you. He has a conical helmet on his head and the only features of his face -- aside from blackness -- are two glowing eyes. It's very unsettling. Sedran? he asks. A human? Been one my whole life, you reply wryly. The Earth Lord is here, the thought elemental replies, But he refuses to speak with you until the Fire Lord is with you. I do hope you produce Conflagus quickly... or this building is going to be nothing but a blackened pit!
Огненный элементал
37, 28 подземелье
NO, THEY STARTED IT! the Fire elementals are chanting back. This is a little absurd!
Земной элементал
39, 28 подземелье
THEY STARTED IT! a group of earth elementals chant, pumping their fists in the air. A single thought elemental is in the middle of the fray, trying to calm everyone down. Are you KIDDING? Spencer cries. This is all connected to the Fire-Earth war? What a bunch of ninnies, whining and crying because the other person started it. It'd like to go in there and -- Never mind what you'd like to do, Spence, you interrupt, noting the angry glares on some of the fire and earth elementals in your party. Let's see if we can't barge into the magistrate's office and settle this.
Элементал мысли
38, 28 подземелье
This thought elemental is trying desperately to keep the peace between the fire and earth elementals, but things are starting to get out of hand. When he sees your army, he runs into the building.
Хижина предсказателя
14, 20 подземелье
Faermor is a necromancer and as such it is pretty much expected that he is pretty nasty looking. Yet, he is surprisingly nice. Well-mannered. An all-around nice guy. Sit, please! he says, smiling. What can I do for you folks. You looking to learn some expert necromancy? Well, not exactly, you reply. I was wondering if you provide any... necromantic services? Hummm... he says. Well, yes I suppose so. Personally my specialty is amplification. What's that? you ask. Well, basically the whole idea of necromancy is to keep the soul of an individual bound to a corporeal object (often the body itself) to keep it from leaving this world. But once the soul is stripped from the living body, well the life force is very much weakened. A weak life force results in a weak undead creature. Amplification strengthens the life force and makes better undead creatures. Amplified beings retain intelligence, memories, and skills. That's pretty much it. I see. Do you have need of this service? You'll need to bring me an undead specimen to be amplified.
96, 70 подземелье
A positively ancient halfling living in a simple lean-to and gardening some scraggly looking tomatoes with a hoe seems very surprised when you come riding into his yard. He introduces himself as Sam in a voice long unexercised and tells you he used to live up at Taircott until Grakenthrax grew steadily worse. He wouldn't mind going back up there to get a few things and could show you around some of the more treacherous areas.
103, 72 подземелье
A grimy, scrawny and malnourished rogue jumps from the bushes and waves a rusty old scimitar at you threateningly. Gimme all yer gold! he belches. Spencer walks over and casually grabs the blade as if he was plucking an apple from a tree. Your squire inspects the weapon and then lifts it as if he is going to kill the poor fool. Spencer, wait! you growl. The man has by now the experience of a knight and there he goes and nearly kills a poor wretch just out to get some food. Spencer turns to you and gives you a sulky look. You can't just kill someone. Look, he doesn't even know how to hold that thing! But he was going to rob us! Spencer whines. And as you have shown, he was not up to the task, you counter. Then, to the rogue, you say, Are you Harry? The dirty halfling nods uncertainly. How'd ya know? The mayor told us, you reply. We have some need of you. Spencer, give him back his sword. Your squire gives you an incredulous look as if you had just asked him to stab himself with it. With a frown, he turns over the weapon. I wasn't gonna hurt anybody, Harry stammers. I am not even really a thief. But when the war started underground, many of us fled to the Teranopholan. I drifted here but there isn't much call for a philosopher and so I had to earn a living somehow. Unfortunately, I wasn't much good at anything and now it's even hard to make a living as a thief! What's the Teranopholan, you ask. Um... he purses his lips as if he had made a mistake in mentioning the name. Well, it's a famous library and place of knowledge, operated by the... uh... Clerics of Maydin. Look, it's supposed to be secret. The magic elementals don't like anyone to know about it. And you worked there? you asked, not really knowing anything about any Clerics or any secret library. Yes, but the war underground threatened to reveal the library's location, so many of us fled. I was a philosopher and scholar. Look... if you are going to slay the dragon, maybe I can help you! I used to hide out up there in the mountains and know my way around! Fine, you reply, And I'd like to ask you some more questions about this underground library. Uh... ok, he replies. And I'd like to have all of my grain back that you stole! Thog the windmill operator says accusingly. Uh... ok.
36, 40 подземелье
Yikes, this blacksmith has a thing for the grotesque. A helmet shaped like a giant skull? Reminds you of what Andrea was wearing when you killed her.
Щит неупокоенных
35, 41 подземелье
You've never seen a shield so hideous.
Хижина предсказателя
55, 77 подземелье
You open the door and....
Могучий лич
5, 62 подземелье
A group of undead wizards wearing chain mail and carrying bone staffs accost you in the middle of the meadow.
Лорд вампиров
4, 57 подземелье
Seems these undead beasts have been tormenting the wild horses here. One of them is even wearing a helmet fashioned from one of the ivory horns! They need to be taught a hard lesson.
Черный дракон
28, 51 подземелье
Wispy Cloud seems proud of the day's work. Although it has cost you many casualties, the air elemental assures you that these creatures would have killed many more had they ambushed a town. Even Spencer seems to have matured
Красный дракон
29, 56 подземелье
Dragons.... Spencer whispers, in awe. I could be a dragon slayer! Or you could be dragon-slayed! you retort, sourly. Were you so brash when you were young? Dragon blood is a valuable commodity here, Wispy Cloud muses. I have heard that wizards will pay a nice sum for it. We could probably trade the blood for some of that crystal you've been looking for! Maybe we should attack? It seems you don't have a choice... the dragons have noticed you!
Черный дракон
32, 55 подземелье
Two more great black winged beasts swoop at you from above!
Лорд вампиров
23, 58 подземелье
This house is just swarming with undead vermin. But you have to save those elves!
Хижина предсказателя
14, 61 подземелье
This mansion house is deserted, and looks to have once been occupied by a great elven family. If you were to return some elves here so that they could start to rebuild the town of Silverpeak, they might appreciate it.
Хижина предсказателя
12, 67 подземелье
An old elf by the name of Farenthras lives in this small decrepit house. He is paranoid almost to the point of insanity, looking over his shoulders every few minutes. Sometimes he speaks lucidly and others he just mumbles incoherently. Legolas especially seems distressed by the old elf's condition and whispers to you
99, 20 подземелье
Velcom teu zee eyelant ov zee sfincks.
59, 66 подземелье
Tiffany's Jewelry Store
65, 51 подземелье
The highway begins a steep ascent along a rocky ridge. The forest, at least what used to be the forest, thins and melts away to scrubby bushes and other sparse wildlife. To the north, you can see the massive wall that serves as the protector of Salenze. The enormous structure extends west and east as far as you can see. Breaching these defenses will not be easy, if you are turned away at the gates.
65, 48 подземелье
You can feel the eyes on you... atop the massive walls and towers, you can see the tops of thousands of heads. If anyone called the elementals lazy when it comes to defense of their seat of power, you can confidently call them wrong
Волшебный элементал
72, 36 подземелье
Revealing yourself to these guards was not wise. In fact, it was quite foolish.
Волшебный элементал
70, 36 подземелье
Revealing yourself to these guards was not wise. In fact, it was quite foolish.
Водный элементал
75, 33 подземелье
Locked behind a gate of fire is a single water elemental. She certainly does not appear to be the criminal type. What are you doing back here? you ask, preparing to dispel the gate. I was caught in Polaris trying to steal their cold generator, the elemental replies. Cold generator? you ask. Yes... the Polaran wizards like their castle icy and frigid. I thought, if I got the magic orb that keeps their castle cold, I could return some of the powers of the water elementals. But they found me before I could get to it.... it's stored in a little house behind their castle. . I myself am trying to get into Salenze, but the city gates are barred. I was told to come in through the prison but the guards look too strong to get past. How did you sneak in? you ask. The water elemental looks back and forth and bites her lip. Well, the magic elementals don't know this, but the magic barriers that surround Salenze and protect it from outsiders is weak in some places. Oh? you ask, intrigued. Yes. There is a river that runs under the barriers to the west of the entrance, and for whatever reason, the water nullifies a part of the earth magic that holds the barrier together. I bet you could cross the barrier at that river... that's how I got in! Do you remember a river? You did not search the walls that thoroughly. You make a mental note to look for the river and try to enter Salenze there. Do you wish to come with me? you ask, feeling it is the least that you owe her for the valuable information. I would love to come... I am still optimistic about finding that orb!
Земной элементал
75, 31 подземелье
The fire elemental started it! the earth elemental whines. He appears to still be drunk and violent.
Огненный элементал
71, 31 подземелье
Stuck behind a barrier of earth is a single fire elemental. They locked me up because I was fighting with an earth elemental. There are hundreds of fire elementals fighting earth elementals. How come I got locked up and they didn't? he whines. You shrug, but you can use all the help you can get, and with the earth and fire elementals on at least stable terms, there is no reason he should continue to be incarcerated.
Воздушный элементал
71, 33 подземелье
Stupid magic elementals, the air elemental cries. The world is falling apart and they are still enforcing the traffic laws! I was only going five leagues per hour above the speed limit! He doesn't seem like that big of a criminal, so you take him along. He tells you that the water elemental across from him is a political prisoner. May be worth checking out.
Элементал мысли
73, 31 подземелье
The guards -- more of the strange creatures wearing tin cans for helmets and long, red capes -- seem less than pleased that intruders have appeared in their prison. You had better fight them unless you want to become a permanent resident.
Водный элементал
19, 26 подземелье
Some of the amphibious water elementals are lounging along the boardwalk. When they see you coming, they immediately snap to attention. We heard of your coming! they bellow in sonorous yet garbled voices. You must make way to Aqueen! Our kind is willing to aid you, but first you must present yourself at the royal palace.
Водный элементал
18, 33 подземелье
Aqueous elementals rally to your cause!
25, 37 подземелье
Welcome to Bayside
22, 36 подземелье
Beautifully sculpted fountains depicting the mythology of the water gods grace the small yet surprisingly comfortable main square of this little town, populated mostly by the water elementals themselves and more of the small halfling folk. Although the trees and forest surrounding the seaside village of Bayside are dead or dying, the sweet smells of the nearby ocean are enough to lift your spirits. Wispy Cloud informs you that Aqueen, the home of the water elementals, is on an island to the north. Perhaps you can conscript a boat to take you there.
19, 29 подземелье
The dock master, a swarthy old elf with a peg leg and an eye patch, informs you that the charge for using the docks is 6000 gold, which he collects from you with a smile.
35, 13 подземелье
It has not been easy, but finally you have managed to navigate the small archipelago and land on the island that houses the city of Aqueen. Although clearly not pleased that you cheated your way into their city, the water elementals obey their queen's request, and say nothing to their brethren when you enter the city. The city itself is as grant as it appeared from the sea -- all towers and minarets and florid buildings that reflect the fluid grace of the ocean. Still, despite its beauty, something seems to be missing; Aqueen has a tranquil yet eerie silence that seems out of place, and the inhabitants shuffle about on their daily business in a most subdued manner. Indeed, many seem hardly to notice your presence at all. At the palace, a magnificent structure carved entirely out of pink coral, you meet a friendly old water elemental by the name of Sodius -- Salt, Wispy Cloud translates for you. He seems quite shocked by your arrival but is all too eager to lend you whatever aid he can. It has been a millennia since a human entered our city, he says in a flimsy voice, his facial fins wiggling back and forth when he speaks, That you have found us lends weight to your claims. You ignore the grumbling of the water elementals that accompanied you from Bayside at that comment. Take what you will from the city, Sodius tells you, My fellow elementals will join you on your quest if you so wish. I fear they will not be that must help. We were once the proud defenders of the sea, mighty warriors to say the least. Perhaps not as stolid as our fiery cousins, but we can hold our own. Alas, Traemask's dying has left the waters salty and dry, and our powers over ice have left us. We now can hardly control water in its liquid form, let alone the more stubborn icy configuration. I fear for the future of the seas if our powers are not returned to us. Perhaps you can find a cure for our ailment? I will try my best to aid you, is all you reply. You have our thanks. I fear there is not much else I can offer, except to reiterate the need to contact the other elemental powers, earth and fire and magic. Their power will be necessary if you are to aid in the war underground. Make sure you study from our mage guild before you leave-- the magic you learn there may be invaluable in your quest! You thank the water elemental again and prepare to make the best of your stay here.
Ледяной элементал
103, 21 подземелье
Standing alone by the ancient lighthouse to the northeast is a water elemental somewhat unlike the ones which you've seen before. This one is a darker shade of blue, bigger, more solid... more dangerous looking. She wears the stern face of a leader and the sad face of one burdened by much hardship. If she notices your approach, she does not seem to care; rather, her thoughts seem to be preoccupied by other matters. Shi-ha, the elemental whispers when you approach, and the other elementals bow their heads in response. You look around, confused. Ahmix lol e motiaso, Wispy Cloud says, although he does not bow. The water elemental stares at him pensively. Esa hiessa Xantomegalusizki. Tau monta humannis? Se Traemaskeelixa oma momentata und spreka. Mia tantoga eba fortazxa i dia supporta vo aquasti -- Aquastium fraujia se is noc! the other water elementals interject angrily. Wispy Cloud turns to you in exasperation. You give him a I don't speak elementalese look in return. I told her you are sent on a mission from Traemaskeelix and need the support of the water elementals, but they insist that since you have not mastered water, you cannot be aided. And who is 'her'? you ask. That is Nereidomoxzion, the Queen of the Water Elementals. Equal in status, say, to my lord Aronthraxis. If anyone can override the water elementals' intolerance to those who have not demonstrated proficiency in their element, it is her. Human, the water queen says in a voice that sounds bitter, as if tasting the word for the first time. No doubt Xantomegalusizki has told you who I am. My fellow elementals do not feel you are worthy to enter Aqueen and partake of her knowledge. I for one am not a stickler for tradition, and as you know, the world is in dire need. That is why I have come here, to beg the help of the Sphinx, but the gods unfortunately are sticklers for tradition, and without the nine pendants, the Sphinx shall remain silent. My, er, queen, Wispy Cloud, ah.. Zan toe mega luz... my air elemental friend here has told me the legend of the ten pendants, or nine pendants plus one additional pendant, or.. well, he seems to believe that such an endeavor would be fruitless, even if they exist. You may call me Nereido, human, the queen says. You may call me Sedran, Nereido, you say with just a little vitriol. Being called human is beginning to wear on your patience. Very well, she says, Sedran, you have clearly shown yourself worthy to Aronthraxis, the Air Lord. He is not known to be tolerant of the old rules. If he believes in you, then so shall I trust you. If you are going to find the nine keys and speak to the Sphinx to acquire the tenth -- and they do exist -- you are going to need the help of all the elemental powers. The war underground must be won before all of the pendants can be collected, and that war cannot be won until the elementals are again united and repowered. I shall lend you my aid. Take the spell I teach you, and use it to enter Aqueen with all the fanfare that will be expected of you. I trust my other followers here will keep the truth silent -- that you were aided by me. The other elementals begin to protest but she gives them a withering glare. As you command, Nereido. I shall do just that. But... where can I find these pendants? And nobody speaks the ancient language of the gods! How shall I interpret the Sphinx's riddles? You will have to search the world, Sedran the Human, Nereido replies, They exist, and you may find scholars who know their locations OR the ancient language of the gods, the Elkon, the first beings. I do know that some of the pendants were entrusted to the kingdoms underground, but what happened to them in the recent turmoil, I do not know. You will have to search. You nod your head. I shall do as you say. Good... now, I must return to the waves, but learn this spell and use it to enter Aqueen. Getting to my city will not be easy, but I shall give you a hint. From the pier at Bayside, walk directly north until you come to a small pond rest area. When you have spent the night, walk northwest until you come to a small square of land and then you should be able to figure out what to do. Remember though, you will need to be able to cover long distances in one day, only with a fast creature -- and nothing else -- will you be able to make it to Aqueen. I suggest seeking out the Queen of the Pegasi. After visiting Aqueen, you should seek out the aid of the earth, fire and magic lords. They will be as reluctant to help you as my own people, but you will find a way to convince them. I wish you good luck! She cants her head slightly, and then dives into the ocean.
102, 21 подземелье
You feel wiser and lighter as if... as if you could walk on water at will! Now, how can you use this to enter Aqueen!?
42, 14 подземелье
The islands poking above the turgid waters of the Northern Sea are choked with ripe vegetation. This is in marked contrast to the mainland, where the World Forest seems to be in the last stages of its decay. The tears of Craag sustain life a little longer, Wispy Cloud says by way of explanation, But eventually, these islands, too, will succumb to the poisoning effects of Traemask's disease. The explanation does not make much sense to you, but Spencer voices your concerns before you can interject. Craag's tears? he asks. But I thought Craag was dead? you add, confused. Many eons ago! Wispy Cloud confirms. Have not you heard the legend? It is said that when Craag complied with Baloskamagalar's dying wish -- that is, that Craag should chop him down to make way for a new World Tree -- the Ogre was so saddened that he cried during the entire ceremony. The ocean and Baloskm'taeren river are said to be the tears shed throughout the affair. Baloskm'taeren, in case you didn't know, means 'Tears for Balosk'. Do you give credence to such rubbish? Spencer sneers, thumbing his sword. Awk, there is always some truth to every myth, Wispy Cloud replies, unaffected by your squire's acerbicity. And even if it's not completely true, well, you can certainly see that there is some magic in the sea... And yes, the origin of the Baloskm'taeren river is the death place of Balosk himself. So the myth fits the facts. The Baloskm'taeren river is fed by the remains of Balosk, the great world tree? you ask. That must be the place where we can plant a new world tree. If any place is left uncorrupted by this rot, it is there! We must go to the beginnings of that river! Aye, Wispy Cloud says. It would be an idea place, but it is well guarded by a race of dragons known to be quite apprehensive of strangers. If you will go there, you must first build up a significant army. Suddenly, one of the water elementals lets out an excited cry and points to the horizon. Tucked into one of the larger islands is a large town whose architecture is very similar to Aereen, except for the prevelence of aqua among the statues and colored roofs that adorn the buildings. From this distance, you can barely make out a multitude of the water elementals, slithering to and fro on their daily errands. It is Aqueen! the water elementals cry. You shall be welcomed like a king and hailed the savior of water! Then let us not delay, you reply, smiling. Aye, this boat makes me sick, Spencer says. You had noticed that he was exceedingly pale and of sour humor for the last few days. Let us pull anchor as soon as we can, although, to be honest, Sedran, I do not see a harbor. Silly human, one of the water beings says, Aqueen has no harbor. Water creatures have no need of boats. And neither does the Lord of Water. Use your water powers, human, and enter Aqueen like one of us! You turn to Spencer and he gives you a quizzical look. Wispy Cloud looks at you airily, in expectation. Finally, seeing no other recourse, you address the water elementals. My friends, perhaps there has been a misunderstanding. Savior of your world I may be, but I will sink just like a rock. I can hardly swim. Surely, there must be somewhere for us to make harbor? The smiles on the faces of the water beings melt into saddened frowns, and they begin chattering in their fluid tongues. Finally, one of them addresses you in a tone salted with contempt. Only one who knows the ways of water is permitted to enter Aqueen. I'm sorry Sedran, but you are not worthy to enter unless you can do so without the aid of... floating wooden boxes. Until such time as you can master our element, our aid is beyond your reach. So, you think idly, where to now?
106, 19 подземелье
In front of you is a small cove -- the perfect place to harbor a ship. To the north, a series of enormous mountain peaks obscures the sky. Is this another continent? Just an island? Who could live all the way out here? The Sphinx.... Wispy Cloud answers your thoughts, his voice filled with awe. The incarnation of the gods... their physical presence, their avatar, their voice, their hand.... but nobody comes here for their help, for the Sphinx speaks in riddles. Even if you could get in to speak with It. You can't get in? you ask. No, Wispy Cloud replies, It would be foolish for the gods to let any passerby access to such a powerful being. When the gods created the world forest, they put the Sphinx here as a conduit to their own realm, so that in an emergency, they could be called upon for aid. But there is a caveat
36, 69 подземелье
The woods -- or what is left of them -- are eerily quiet. You have the odd sensation of movement behind the trees. This doesn't feel right... and even Spencer has kept his acerbic comments to a minimum. Wispy Cloud is nervous; you can tell because he continually shifts from solid to gaseous form. And the elves in your party, even stoic Wistfas, seem on the verge of tears. Clearly, seeing their homeland as a bastion of ghouls and ghosts cannot be heartening. The road continues to wind its way west, through the dead trees, but you can make out a trail heading north, and there has been recent activity in that direction. The footprints are not human, though, and some of them are big enough for you to lay down in. A quick look from Wispy Cloud tells you that whatever made them are not friendly.
19, 62 подземелье
Oh, the smell! A group of ugly, stunted creatures wearing torn rags are gathered around the well. The elves shy away in fear and Spencer unsheathes his sword. Those are the creatures that have been haunting Silverpeak! Wistfas cries, The vampires! They must be killed! For once, you agree with Spencer's impulsiveness, and the two of you charge the undead creatures before they can call for friends.
20, 60 подземелье
Wistfas points sadly to the small vale of houses to the east. Those once belonged to my family. Legolas shakes his head, adding, No longer, Wistfas. They are the abodes of dark creatures. Your family was long since slain. Look -- see the creatures milling about? Those are the higher vampires, much more powerful than the breed we just exterminated. They are not to be lightly trifled with. I'm sorry, Wistfas, but there is nothing we can do -- now -- to liberate those homes. You do nothing to interrupt the exchange and you do not contradict Legolas's decision. Indeed, the vampires yonder do look more menacing. For one thing, they are not stooped and fragile, nor do they wear tattered clothes or scavenge from wells. These are predators, plain and simple, and until you have an army of you own, interrupting their routine would be suicidal.
31, 58 подземелье
The abundance of monster-sized footprints in the area was an impetus to approach silently, secretly. And your wariness payed off. In the small clearing to the north are hundred of tents, creatures (like those in the forest near Aereen), supplies. This must be the staging point of some massive attack, maybe on Arielis itself. Although some in your party urge caution, others, Spencer and Wispy Cloud especially, urge a swift offensive. We could save my people great casualties, the air elemental says, If we eliminated this threat now. You are inclined to agree, but the presence of enormous winged beasts does not make you overeager to pronounce your presence.
Воздушный элементал
12, 64 подземелье
A couple air elementals outside of the conflux meet you happily. It has been a long time since the living walked in Silverpeak! one of them says. You are supposed to guard this town, Wispy Cloud says accusingly, You deserve to be reprimanded for your failure! We apologize exceedingly, they reply, But what were we to do? They came suddenly, all at once, almost simultaneously with the attacks underground. Our defenses were overrun, slaughtered. Now all that is left is a ghost town. There is no reason to quarrel, you say, No blame for losing a battle to these unholy creatures. Come, join us and earn your revenge!
14, 2 подземелье
A sudden sustained gust of wind causes you to pause on the water. You wander... could you rest here all night if you needed to? It might be a good thing to keep in mind, should you ever come back this way... The logical way to get to Aqueen would be to head west, but a few floating chests block your path. You will have to remove them somehow.
Адский троглодит
31, 56 подземелье
Blind-eyes, while not marching in any unified manner, swarm towards you in great numbers!
6, 87 подземелье
43, 66 подземелье
You come upon a trio of short, stocky, ugly, dwarfy creatures. They can only be dwarves. The leader apparent, an especially stocky old male with a big red pockmarked nose and a ruddy old helm and a dented shield, shakes his head when he sees you. More of dem humans! one of his fellows spits. Yah! says another while taking a swig of whiskey or brandy from a leather-bound flask. Best not be going to Silverpeak, the leader says, addressing you, Though bein' humans I should just let you walk into that death trap. There be undead everywhere... me and Lou and Fed here are all that's left, really, except the old man who cares for the horses, and the old elf Farenthras, but he don't count anyway, does he? Undead? you ask. As long as they are sliceable and diceable, I'm up for goin' to Silverpeak! Spencer chimes in. Ever since he was trained by that fire elemental, the kid thinks he's invincible. Although, you wil admit, he at least hold his own against you now. And he learns quickly... he doesn't even have to be told twice to polish your armor. The only thing'll be sliced and diced is yer pretty face, squirt, the dwarf replies gruffly. Go there if you want, but we's going north to Bayside. Those water elementals know how to brew a cold one like none other! Yar! the other two dwarves echo, and they strike down the road -- north -- without another word.
46, 84 подземелье
Stinky, web-footed water creatures reeking of brine and fish seem to have made the little ferry site their home!
Огненный элементал
78, 55 подземелье
The Fire Elementals standing guard outside the encampment hardly even lift their heads when you approach. The encampment itself seems to have been hastily constructed. Tents made of baked earth are lined in disorderly rows, and the low rumbles (moans?) of wounded elementals haunts your ears. Far to the north is a bigger structure -- must be the quarters of the leader -- but it, too, has a dilapidated look to it, as if whoever erected it couldn't be bothered to do it right. This is not the camp of a victorious army. Victorious or not, this army is defeated. My name is Sedran von Patre, you announce to the guards, holding up a white flag of truce (although whether elementals know or obey such conventions is beyond you). I am here on a mission from Traemaskeelix, the World Tree. If the fire elementals are impressed, they do not show it. Their flaming faces regard Wispy Cloud and the other elementals in your group. By the looks in their eyes, they clearly see Air and Water as inferior species. They do not even seem to consider you and your army a threat. Go away, human, they say to you, and to Wispy Cloud
Земной элементал
96, 48 подземелье
Pyreen has been your home now for seven centuries. The legions of earth elementals loitering outside of its onyx walls is enough to cause you to start smoking from the nostrils. How dare these creatures invade your territory? With Conflagus killed or, at the least, kidnapped, it falls to you to set things right, to strike back in the name of fire. Behind you are all that is left of your fiery legions. Most of the fire elementals are underground, fighting a war they cannot win, and now, above ground, your brothers fight to retain their home. What has this world come to? Pausing on the road, you stop and consider what the efreet taught you. Will it work? Are you talented enough in the arts of magic? You stare at your burning fingers. Will these hands fail me? They must not. Grimacing, you wheel your charred stallion around and confront your armies. Fellow elementals, you holler, Today we strike back at our enemies and show them the wrath of fire. Many of you will die this day, but if that is your destiny, so be it! Now, come with me, and behold the fury of my flames! Without waiting for their cheers, you gallop towards the enemy, prepared for the worst.
96, 49 подземелье
With mounting jubilation, you survey the results of the battle. The spell worked... the magic of fire prevailed. With the aid of the efreet's powers, you were able to summon a hazy fog that effectively confused the enemy. Without even having to engage the earth army, you were able to watch them tear each other to pieces. They seemed to not even know what they doing until almost all of their number were dead. It was just a matter of time for your own forces to finish them off. Full of pride, you march your triumphant armies towards the city of Pyreen, ready to tell the besieged to open their gates, that the enemy has been defeated. In your mind you see thousands of happy citizens, welcoming home their glorious general. Unfortunately, a glorious entry was not what the fates had in mind for Cindermorn, general and advisor to Conflagus, the Lord of Fire. For little did he know that the earth elementals, for all their torpor, are not slow of wit. They were not so foolish as to assume their sentries had eliminated Sedran Patre when he tried to pass secretly by their camps and acquire an efreet from beyond the fire lake. No, the Earth general, a young but brilliant strategist named Falmotux, intentionally let Sedran go, and had him followed. Although it was impossible for Falmotux to guess what Cindermorn intended, he knew it involved magic, and so when Cindermorn was spotted marching toward Pyreen two days ago, the Earth general ordered his army split up. Less than a third was ordered to occupy the central plain, a decoy. The real army hid behind the hills, and waited. Falmotux understood that some losses are always necessary to win the day, and he waited, despite arguments from his officers, while Cindermorn employed his deadly magic on the poor earth elementals who made up the decoy. He waited while Cindermorn basked in his own perceived victory. He waited while the fire elementals cheered and prepared to enter the city. Only when the fire elementals were drunk on glory did Falmotux order the ambush to commence. And while it is true that history does credit Cindermorn for ending the seige of Pyreen in this fabled year of 2451, it was unfortunately not Cindermorn who entered the city as the liberator of the fire elementals. That honor was bestowed to Sedran Patre, a human. Cindermorn was buried the next morning. [Player Note
96, 47 подземелье
You cannot see the tears of an Air elemental, because they are made of his own element. Indeed, when Wispy Cloud fell to his knees after the Battle of Smoke (as history would later call it) and howled like an October wind, his eyes did nothing. For an Air elemental's tears are only air. That night, Wispy Cloud was nowhere to be seen. When questioned, his men could only tell you that their leader was most distressed by the battle, that never before had so many elementals slain their own kin. He'll be back, they assured you. But when? Watching the Battle of Smoke was a terrifying thing. Cindermorn's magic worked better than you had hoped. He had killed half a thousand of the earth elementals before he even engaged the enemy. Unfortunately, he let his own glory get in the way of logical thinking -- even Spencer had seen the mistake -- and the earth general ambushed at just the right time. The two armies essentially wiped each other out, giving you a clear road to the castle. It's true you came in a liberator, but the people of Pyreen were anything but happy. Glum faces and whispered treason is what you got. No matter, you have told yourself. With Pyreen in your control, the fire elementals serve you, whether they like it or not. Finding Conflagus, if he is alive, will be key to ensuring their loyalty, though. But your duties in this mini-war are far from up. Pyreen may be secured, but when Earth hears of their loss, they will certainly send another army. You must go to Litheen and seek their leader, so that this war can be stopped for good. Otherwise, you will never be able to get underground.
63, 67 подземелье
The Fire Road East - Pyreen
73, 65 подземелье
Forest trolls have taken over the local wood mill. The bodies of dead halfling lumberjacks lie everywhere. Some of the trolls have gnawed halfling arms and legs in their hands. The sight is truly sickening.
80, 61 подземелье
A muddy stream cuts through the dead forest, its turgid waters carrying silt and refuse south to the Baloskm'taeren river. With all the flora of the forest dead or dying, you presume that erosion is become a big problem. Hence why all of the rivers are choked with mud and sand. It isn't the river that causes you to stop dead in your tracks, however. It looks easy enough to cross. No, it is the sudden sense of disquiet that descends upon you... a smell in the air... the silence of the trees. A battle occurred here, you reflect, more to yourself to anyone else. A big battle. Spencer frowns. How can you tell? he asks. Can't you smell it? you reply. The squire sticks his nose up in the air as if trying to catch a whiff of an apple pie. Spencer frowns again and shrugs, I only smell dirt and decay. Besides, there are no bodies. You can't have a battle without bodies. He is right, Wispy Cloud says after a moment's pause. But there are no bodies because when an elemental dies, he does not leave a corpse. We decay into our elemental pure forms
Земной элементал
92, 49 подземелье
The Earth elementals are enormous, twice as big as an ogre. They completely dwarf the Air and Water elementals in your army, and if they feel any effects from the sulfurous fumes or the blistering heat, they do not show it. Lumbering about like mountains, they only seem intent on one thing
96, 46 подземелье
100, 49 подземелье
The last chunk of solid rock is little larger than a backyard, and you are standing at the edge of it, looking out over the large, frothy, liquidy, lake of molten rock. Far to the north, you suppose, is the home of the efreet whom you must find. But how are you going to cross such an obstacle? The Air elementals, already demoralized by the loss of nearly half their number in the preceding battles, will not even come near the lava lake. You yourself would shy away but you hardly notice the heat, even this close. The fires of your wrath are much hotter at the moment. The fact that you have to fight through armies of the good creatures is absolutely galling. It isn't bad enough Carlier is creating a race of his own monsters to take over god-knows-what, and he's trying to summon a ten-thousand-year-old devil lord on top of it -- but the people supposedly trying to stop him won't put aside their own petty differences, and you have to carve a path through it all! There was no reason why countless numbers of their army and yours had to die in front of Pyreen... it was a foolish waste of life. At least you did not permit the enemy to retreat, or you'd have another legion of Earth creatures after you by now. Spencer comes up behind you. You know it is him without turning -- he is the only other person in your army that wears armor, and the clank-clank-clank is audible for miles, especially in the oafish kill-me-if-you-dare way the he struts about. What is it? you say without turning around. Truth be told, you still haven't forgiven him for charging ahead before. But is it because he disobeyed orders, or because he is more courageous than you? Sire, he says, I believe we may have a solution to the current dilemma. You turn, and look at him. But he is not looking at you. Instead, his eyes are glaring at the unforgiving lake of red liquid behind you. Yes? you ask, disinterested. Your squire turns and whispers something behind him. After a moment, a short water elemental approaches, cautiously, never taking her eyes from the lava-lake. Steam evaporates off her in profuse amounts and she walks in a trance, completely and utterly afraid. This is Alaxis, Spencer says. She has an idea. Yes, Alaxis? Anything you can do to help would be appreciated. Only fire elementals seem able to cross this lake, and I dare not let them do it alone. Who knows what kind of resistance the efreet will put up? We have to go across, to, but this is as far as my feet will take me. Ahh, yes... um... she stammers, looking at the lava like a child looks at a strange shadow at night. I have... uh.. studied magic... and uh... well, it has occurred to me that.. uh... lava is a liquid. And uh... water is a liquid... so our magic should have some control over... uh... lava. And your point is? This talk of magic always gives you a headache. Well, uh... perhaps you could use the magic of water to get you across?
79, 57 подземелье
Across the muddy river to the north, you see a small encampment of what appears to be fire elementals. Many of them are wounded, however, and the ones standing guard outside the camp look tired and sullen. This must be the remnant of whatever army won in the south. Although... if they won, why do they look so forlorn?
Страж задания
78, 53 подземелье
Two personal guards stand at the ready outside of the tent, but rather than barging in, you ask them politely if their leader (Cindermorn?) is able to speak with you. They look at each other a moment but seem to realize that fighting you is futile, and one excuses himself to fetch his master. After several moments, a large elemental cloaked in bright orange flames emerges from the hut. Tongues of fire dance and leap from his body vigorously, and he caries an enormous burning sword. Despite the heat that emanates from his body, he glares at Wispy Cloud coldly. What reason do you have for slaying my guards and barging into my encampment? he demands without preamble. Does not Aronthraxis know that such a breach of conduct will not be forgiven? If we can handle Earth, we can stomp all over Air. You have tested my patience this day! My lord, Wispy Cloud replies, We mean no disrespect, but we are here on the orders of Traemaskeelix. Her authority is higher than yours. Your guards had no right to deny us. The elemental grunts and turns to you. And you, human. What business do you have here? I am in the midst of the war and whatever petty politics you have come to gripe about cannot possibly concern me. My name is Sedran Patre, you say, maintaining your temper. And my needs go above petty politics, I'm afraid. You go on to tell Cindermorn about your mission and to ask him for the support of the fire elementals. Cindermorn frowns, but then his features relax. Forgive me, he says, I have been rude. It is indeed as you say
78, 52 подземелье
78, 54 подземелье
Despite their numbers and tenacity in battle, the Fire Elementals have such low morale that they are easily overcome. You order your forces to be merciful, but many of the fire elementals beg to be slain rather than to be granted quarter. It is their way, Wispy Cloud replies when you ask him about it, They would rather die than live in shame. Once you have forced your way into the encampment, the off-duty fire elementals offer you no trouble. They simply remain in their tents and eye you wearily and warily as you walk by. You pay them no attention. Rather, your thoughts are focused on the leader's tent to the north.
94, 60 подземелье
You smell them before you see them... and when you see them, you wish you had only smelled them.... These are Earth creatures, Wispy Cloud says, Behemoths... and they are rarely found outside of the Vale of Earth, unless Earth goes to war. This is not a good sign of what's to come.
93, 56 подземелье
A narrow valley winds its way through the volcanic rock. Rivers of lava cut through the path, making the way treacherous. Better watch your step! Wispy Cloud mutters something about hating fire and Spencer is riding with his helmet under his arm. Can't bloody breathe with this thing on, he whines, wiping sweat from his forehead. You won't be able to breathe with an axe stuck in your brains either, you order, Put it back on. Grumbling, Spencer complies. This bickering isn't helping your morale any more than the heat is.
Земной элементал
91, 54 подземелье
A sentry of earth elementals encounters you in this narrow valley. They are as surprised as you by the occurence, and you seize the opportunity to strike before they can raise an alarm.
89, 52 подземелье
A river of molten lava cuts sharply through the volcanic peaks, leaving little hard earth on which to walk. Progress is slow and there have been several complaints, particularly by Wispy Cloud and his Air elementals, about the heat. Some of them have gone so far as to desert your army. Wispy Cloud frowns when you chastise him for the actions of his underlings. What am I supposed to do? he groans. We cannot fight in these conditions. How are we supposed to go on? Nobody said saving the world was going to be easy, you snap back, Stop complaining. I think I see a castle ahead. I see Earth elementals, too, the Air elemental points out. They won't be pleased to see us, and they are better equipped to fighting in these conditions.
Огненный элементал
92, 48 подземелье
The fire elementals -- young ones judging by their size and fearful expressions -- regard you cautiously. Even the sight of their own kind among your numbers does not seem to encourage them. You give Wispy Cloud a pleading look. He frowns, but does as your look implored him to do
95, 50 подземелье
The narrow valleys whence you came open up into an enormous bowl-shaped plain of hardened magma, ringed on all sides by gurgling volcanoes except the southeast, where you can make out the river. Thick, stinky steam that you can smell even at this distance, issues from where streams of lava flow into the frigid waters of that estuary. The steam settles in the plain like a thin fog, cloaking everything in a sick yellow haze. Still, despite the stink and the impediment to your long-range vision, it is not hard to make out the exotic city of Pyreen, sitting at the base of two twin volcanoes. Noxos and Salamos, the fire elemental who spoke to you earlier says, Named after the twin gods of destruction and flame. As you can see, he points to the large mass of brown earth -- in stark contrast to the blackened magma of the plain -- that crowds the small valley in which Pyreen is situated, Pyreen is currently under seige by the forces of earth. You cannot hope to break the siege up by yourself. If Cindermorn has a plan, you had better deliver him what he needs. Only he knows how best to deal with these creatures. He isn't a general for nothing. I know a bit about war myself, you say defensively, slightly offended, But I am also not foolish. You give Spencer an icy glare. He ignores it with a shrug that seems to have undertones of better a fool than a coward, but you let the look slide. I will deliver to Cindermorn the efreet that he asks. Let us tread carefully, though. It will not do to be discovered by their sentries.
97, 50 подземелье
A large lake of lava fed by many volcanoes and many magma rivers, begins just a short way to the north. It is that way, the fire elementals say, pointing to the lake. You take in the sight dolefully. How are you ever going to cross that? Your thoughts are cut off by pain-filled cries. You whip around and see several of your rear-guard writhing in agony on the rocky ground. A water elemental lies partially crushed under a boulder, and her dying -- melting -- form sizzles on the hot rock. Dammit, where did that come fro--? Your question is cut of by a horse-sized rock that whizzes by dismally close to your head. Any closer, and you'd have had a horse-sized hole on top of your neck where your brains used to be. In a chaotic surge, your army strikes back against the threat reflexively. It is all you can do to maintain control of your panicked forces. We have been discovered, Wispy Cloud cries, gathering his men. With luck, they only sent a small contingent of their forces. We must eliminate them all and be away as quick as possible, or all is lost! You nod in agreement, and rush to meet whatever creatures Earth has sent against you.
Султан ифритов
97, 43 подземелье
Despite sweating rivers, you are elated to see the far side of the lake. And what should be waiting for you there? Why, it's a small group of red genies! These must be the efreet the fire elementals have told you about. But my, my, they do not look too happy to see humans in their territory. Looks like you're going to have to show them who's the real lord of fire around here.
98, 43 подземелье
STOP!!!!! you scream, but it's too late. To your horror, you watch as Spencer decapitates the last living efreet with a sickening THWACK. Of all the... what are you going to do now? Spencer is cleaning his sword, a triumphant grin on his face, as you charge towards him. You grasp him by the shoulders and shake him so that his teeth rattle. What are you DOING? you bellow. Merely practicing my swordplay, he says casually. You let the squire go. No wonder he was left here. He never understands... one day, that sword is going to get him into trouble. It certainly has already gotten YOU into trouble. You survey the black landscape and take note of the severed efreet limbs and heads, the dying elementals, the smoking rock. Now what do you do? What are you going to tell Cindermorn? After several moments' contemplation, you approach one of the fire elementals. Look, you tell him, We have managed to kill every last efreet back here... do you know where we can find more? The fire elemental shrugs, then says, Well, I think I saw some younger efreet in that little building over there. Perhaps one of them will suffice? You turn and are surprised that you hadn't noticed it before
Страж задания
89, 60 подземелье
A small but determined group of fire elementals guard this narrow pass. They refuse to yield to anyone until the siege of Pyreen has been lifted.
Доспехи из окаменевшего древа
90, 58 подземелье
We don't have much use for armor, the fire elementals guarding the pass tell you, But we have this breastplate given to us by a human who visited Pyreen many centuries ago. It is our gift to you for freeing Pyreen from the earth elementals!
Топор кентавра
49, 91 подземелье
As thanks for ridding their homes of the monstrous vermin, they give you this sturdy woodsman's axe as a gift.
10, 69 подземелье
An enormous portcullis bars your way into the Vale of Earth. With the way things are going here in the World Forest, who knows how long it will be until they let outsiders in again? You are going to have to find another way in.
36, 41 подземелье
That old scraggly wooden piece of junk has been turned into a hideous ribcage. Although you question this blacksmith's artistic taste, it seems solid enough and well made.
Страж задания
8, 85 подземелье
A small trail leads out of the Vale of Earth into the lush jungles to the southwest. Unfortunately, a locked gate blocks the way. A sign on the gate reads
Хижина предсказателя
54, 75 подземелье
Get out -- GET OUT!!! This is my house! Get out before I turn you into a stain on the ground!
Огненный элементал
9, 75 подземелье
A small group of fire elementals surprises you. You try to convince them of your usefulness, that you are allied with Pyreen, but they ignore you. Even the presence of fire elementals in your army does not persuade them. Clearly, the hatred runs deep.
Земной элементал
8, 76 подземелье
The earth elementals attack without saying a word to you. Could they have heard of your exploits at Pyreen?
12, 80 подземелье
Litheen is a single mountain of solid granite, hollowed out by the Earth elementals themselves. It is truly an amazing site to behold. I am glad you have returned, Wispy Cloud, you tell the air elemental, who has become something of a friend over the last few weeks. He had returned last night, sometime after dinner, appearing in your tent without a sound. You and he had talked for a long time. The details are really unimportant, but overall the air elemental seems to think that the end of an era is approaching, and he fears that, even if a new World Tree is planted, the wounds caused by Traemask's poisoning will be too great for the world to bear. Fear not, my friend, you had told him, The world can take a lot of punishment before she surrenders. The air elemental had smiled at that, but it was weak, forced. He seems more himself today. I have only been to Litheen once, he says, During a diplomatic function. Aronthraxis was ill and bade me attend in his stead. I was amazed at how an entire city could be carved from a single brick of stone. You will undoubtedly gain Tolemairisiumisis's favor by ... getting rid of those fire elementals. He is a wise, noble ruler, if a bit stuck in his ways. What else can you expect from a creature made of earth? You will find his aid to be useful. I hope so... does he live in the city? you ask. No, outside, to the east. Strangely enough, he prefers fresh air.
42, 28 подземелье
University - North Salenze Magistrate - West. New Complaints must be filed by Monday!
84, 35 подземелье
Welcome to the Mountain Inn. Stay here while you watch the shows in the Arena!
47, 36 подземелье
Polaris - West The University and the Magistrate - North Salenze Proper and the Entertainment District - Southeast
Земной элементал
31, 31 подземелье
Allies or not, these earth elementals have but one duty
61, 41 подземелье
Salenze Proper -- North Entertainment District - East University District and Magistrate - West
Земной элементал
31, 34 подземелье
Allies or not, these earth elementals have but one duty
Земной элементал
33, 36 подземелье
Allies or not, these earth elementals have but one duty
Земной элементал
33, 39 подземелье
Allies or not, these earth elementals have but one duty
Земной элементал
40, 45 подземелье
Allies or not, these earth elementals have but one duty
Земной элементал
43, 45 подземелье
Allies or not, these earth elementals have but one duty
Земной элементал
45, 47 подземелье
Allies or not, these earth elementals have but one duty
Земной элементал
51, 46 подземелье
Allies or not, these earth elementals have but one duty
Земной элементал
55, 45 подземелье
Allies or not, these earth elementals have but one duty
Земной элементал
59, 45 подземелье
Allies or not, these earth elementals have but one duty
Земной элементал
69, 45 подземелье
Allies or not, these earth elementals have but one duty
Земной элементал
73, 45 подземелье
Allies or not, these earth elementals have but one duty
Земной элементал
76, 46 подземелье
Allies or not, these earth elementals have but one duty
Земной элементал
79, 44 подземелье
Allies or not, these earth elementals have but one duty
Земной элементал
83, 44 подземелье
Allies or not, these earth elementals have but one duty
Земной элементал
86, 43 подземелье
Allies or not, these earth elementals have but one duty
Водный элементал
91, 35 подземелье
The water elementals lend their services to the Salenze shipping companies as protectors against pirates and other sea-born nasties. These water elementals offer to join your party!
32, 72 подземелье
The Baloskm'taeren River breaks off into this pleasant little cove, where the water swirls and eddies around jagged rocks. Fowl and the occasional alligator can be seen basking in the warm afternoon sunshine or feeding off of fish in the lazy waters. You feel like you could spend days here on the beach. While taking a drink from the river -- the water is crystal clear and has a surprisingly crisp, refreshing taste -- you notice, in the distance, a figure waving to you, trying desperately to grab your attention. He appears to be on the opposite shore of the cove. Perhaps you should check it out?
24, 73 подземелье
The earth elemental looks uneasily at the boat, but you urge him into it. The quickest way back to the Pelgius labs, you tell him, Is via the river, to the south. It will shave days off our time!
Страж задания
17, 107 подземелье
An old wizard lives in this old tower. He seems none too pleased that you have disturbed him. In fact, you are half-way through your introduction when he whops you in the head with his gnarled old staff. Owwww! you moan, seeing stars. You hear a suppressed laugh from Spencer, who is standing beside you. Then, another sickening crack comes to your ears and Spencer is moaning Owww! as well. 'at'll Teach you to laugh at me, boy! the old man snarls. Now, if that old fart at Polaris sent you to apprehend me, you can march yer sorry butts back there and tell him where he can stick his 'official decrees'! I'll study what I want, when I want! Spencer growls and it is all you can do between your throbbing head and the old man's impertinent threats to stop your squire from decapitating the geriatric wizard right there on the spot. My but the boy has an evil temper, you sigh. Look, you say, rubbing your head. There is already a knobby, painful bump growing there. I am not from Salenze. Gosh, do you try to crack the heads of all your visitors? By now, Spencer has stomped off and is probably kicking at a tree root or threatening gophers or something to alleviate his rage. Not from Polaris? the old wizard asks, his eyes narrowing suspiciously. Are you sure? There aren't any other humans living here in Antamixillion as I'm aware of, so you must be from Polaris. Nope, I'm pretty sure. My name is Sedran Patre, you say, finally completing your introduction. You go own to tell the wizard your story. Well met, my friend, he says finally, My name's Gagel, but most of my colleagues call me Gage the Sage. And what's your name, young man? Gage looks over his flowing mustache and from under his bushy eyebrows at you expectantly. Uh... Sedran is my name, you reply. Chedran? Wierd name. No, Sedran. Not Chedran. Oh. Do they call you Ed? the wizard asks. No, why would they? you reply, struck dumb by the stupidity of the conversation. I don't know. They call Edwards Ed, they call Edmonds Ed, they call Eddards Ed. Hell, I once knew a talking horse that went by Ed... I guess they called him Mister Ed, but he was still an Ed. I just figure if all of them are Ed, seems reasonable that Edran would be Ed as well! No, not Edran, you reply, losing your patience. SED-RAN. You say it very slowly, mouthing out the words, as if talking to an invalid. Ah, Sedran. Do they call you Sed? he asks. No. Oh. Several minutes of silence pass. Finally, you attempt conversation again. Listen, you say patiently. What, do you hear something? the man interrupts. Are my pies burning? The wizard runs back into the tower anxiously, leaving you and a clearly aggrivated Spencer alone. Your squire is sitting under a tree, nursing his bruised head and giving you a look that could wilt a rose in full bloom. Finally, the man comes back. That's a good thing you heard my pies burning! he says, wiping his brow. I would have had to go pick all those berries over again! Now, what did you say your name was? And what did you want? Gosh, you sure beat around the bush, boy! Look, you reply, considering just for a second to let Spencer decaptitate the old fool after all. You're a wizard, right? A mage, actually. And I have nothing to do with those fools from Salenze, so if you're from Polaris, you can just go back there right now and tell them -- I know, you interrupt, And I will when I get there. But what are you doing all the way out here? I am studying the atmosphere. Always interested in Air magic. Those fools from Polaris, he pauses and stares at you suspiciously for a second, then continues, They said I shouldn't mettle in the magic of the elements. But Pelgius offered me a space all the way out here where I could study the atmosphere in peace. You don't really see what the atmospheric sciences can do to help you in your quest, so you turn to leave. Seems like this man is just interested in baking pies, anyway. The old man calls you back, though. Say, Ed, he says. You roll your eyes. I've been studying the aerodynamics of bodies in mid-flight at high-speed velocities, but I just can't seem to get the spells to click. I think it's because I need to mix a little bit of earth magic into my spells to help in the initial liftoff of my specimens. I don't know jack about Earth magic, either, and I'll be damned if I'm going to go back to Polaris and beg for help. If you could find me an earth elemental... well, an earth elemental that would help me out, I would be most gracious. Most gracious indeed! Finally! The man speaks sense! An air wizard, now that might be useful. Sure, you reply. If I see one, I'll bring him here! Good deal, my man! Gagestor exclaims. Now... say, do you smell something burning?
5, 77 подземелье
You land on the ground with a thud and your knees give out, sending the dirt rushing up at your face at a blinding pace. Thankfully, it is your hands that break your fall and not your skull, and after a few moments you pick yourself up and look around. The Vale of Earth is a dry, desolate looking place. The trees here seem to have withered and died a long time ago, and there is an earth, moldy smell to the air. Everywhere you can see earth elementals, and they are shuffling about with a sense of purpose, as if stirred to... war. At times you even see fire elementals, in large groups, skulking to and fro on what appears to be secret missions. It would seem that Litheen has seen its share of this Earth/Fire war as well. Looks like the castle is to the south.
Земной элементал
7, 80 подземелье
A small contingent of guards stops you. Humans and fire elementals in the Vale of Earth? their leader bellows. The world IS ending. How did you get in here, human, and what do you want? My name is Sedran Patre, you begin. Telling everyone your mission is beginning to give you a headache. Not to mention, Spencer looks like he's about ready to snap again. I am here to see your lord, Tolemairisiumisis, regarding the siege of Pyreen. What, have the fire elementals decreed to surrender? the earth elemental says, smugly. Quite the contrary, you reply. Falmotox, your general, has been slain. Pyreen has been liberated, although it has cost your entire army and Fire's. I am here to mediate a settlement. This war must end. The earth elemental's grin wilts when you mention his general's death. So you say, he replies glumly. Well, we have a siege of our own to deal with. Some renegade fire elementals snuck into the vale and they have Litheen surrounded. If you could rout them, Tolemairisiumisis might be willing to listen to you. We will even join you, if our presence will help.
12, 107 подземелье
After what seems the longest hike in your life, you finally find yourself on the peak of.. a small hill. The view of the valley below is marvelous, and you note that it is also green and lush, filled with great big trees and lively plants of all kinds. You can also make out large, winged beasts. This must be where the first world tree, Baloskamagalar, lived. It will be the last place to die from Traemask's wounds. This is the great mountain you told me about? you ask, perplexed. No, Ed, don't be silly. We can't walk all the way there. I have a short-cut, right through this portal. It will take us to the top of the mountain, where we can try my new spell. Won't it be fun? You nod, but from the look on the earth elemental's face, it doesn't appear that he thinks so.
Сказочный дракон
13, 100 подземелье
A group of peculiar creatures darts out in front of you and eye you curiously. It is with some sadness and a pang of regret that you do not hear some sarcastic comment coming from Spencer. You rub your stump absently. Ooooooh, new creatures to plaaaay with! one of the bird-creatures squawks. You think they taaaaste goooood? another says. Your hand darts for your sword but it grabs at emptiness. How stupid of you to forget that it was ruined during the course of chopping Traemask down. One of the bird-things hops over to Wispy Cloud and sniffs at him. Oooooohie, they not smell good. Not food, these things, it says with a frown. Oh well, just kill then, the first bird-thing screeches. It is about now that you find yourself surrounded.
Огненный элементал
12, 81 подземелье
The fire elementals surrounding Litheen are fanatics and will not let anything get in the way of their revenge against Earth's aggressions. If you disperse them, however, perhaps you will earn Earth as an ally, and that will be the first step towards ending this ludicrous war.
9, 85 подземелье
World Tree Groves
Элементал магмы
19, 79 подземелье
Staring pensively out over the turgid waters of the Balosk'mtaeren River is an enormous elemental. He is not made of solid earth like the other elementals in the Vale, however. Instead, he glows a dull red glow under an external hard, blackened crust and you can feel intense heat radiating from his stocky body. He turns when you have approached to within speaking distance. If the presence of both fire and earth elementals in your army upsets him, he does not show it. The earth has sent warning of your coming, the magma elemental grumbles to you. His eyes are simply glowing holes but they bore into you like the pupils of the coldest villain. She tells me many things through her subtle movements. Traemask has sent you and you are here to ask my help. Well you come at a bad time, human. I can do nothing. Even now, I await the news that Pyreen has fallen and fire is vanquished. It is sad that affairs had to come to this, but I cannot abide an attack on my people. Your precious earth must have chosen not to tell you that your forces at Pyreen have been routed and Falmotox slain, you say calmly, trying to measure his response. This war is over. Falmotox slain? By whom? That upstart Cindermorn? I think not! By me, you reply. As I have slain the leader of the armies outside of Litheen. As I said, this war is over! YOU cannot say when this war is over, Tolemairisiumisis sneers. I did not want to start this war in the first place, but the brothers of fire left me little choice. I thought Conflagus had more honor than to stage his own kidnapping. Pfah! I hear from a good source that Conflagus was indeed kidnapped by your own people, an elemental named Thogmor, you offer accusingly. Malicious lies! Tolemairisiumisis bites back. I should have killed Clifftonionsixius for spreading such filth. An earth elemental would never openly disobey his lord. Thogmor may be hotheaded, but he would never betray me. Cliff seemed to think so, you reply. So much so, that he died so that I could enter the Vale. The earth lord does not immediately reply, but he glares at you with his glowing embers, measuring what you say. Finally, he asks, So what of it? Just because an elemental has honor does not mean he knows of what he speaks. Tell me, you ask, pointing to the dying earth around you, and then waving a hand at the rushing river. Do you wish to save the Earth from her inevitable fate? Tolemairisiumisis laughs, You think I wish to see the earth die? You are foolish, human, if you think so. You think I wanted this war? No, but pride drives us to do things we do not want. If I had not declared war, Thogmor would finally have had the support from the army to have me overthrown. He would have marched back in here and I would be a smoldering mound of mud. He is just waiting for the chance, I assure you. Do you wish to end the war? you ask. Of course! But there is no way, as long as the fire elementals do not concede, I cannot concede. And yet Conflagus remains a coward and will not confront me. Curses on him! I will make you a deal, you offer. If I find Conflagus and bring him to you as evidence that Thogmor kidnapped him, will you accept a truce? The magma elemental gazes out over the water and says nothing. Finally, without turning back to you
18, 78 подземелье
To the north you can acquire the magic that will allow you to pass through areas restricted only to the followers of earth. You also learn the magic required to summon Earth Elementals at will.
Владыка джиннов
2, 94 подземелье
It is good to see you have returned, the genie says. My name is Salziaer. I am glad that you were able to come up with the needed money. As promised, I have fulfilled my part of the bargain. The seeds you brought me were healthy and grew quickly. I have an entire plod of worthy saplings. You may take as many as you need with you. Thank you! you reply, glad to see that at least part of your mission is coming together. I have another favor to ask, however, Salziaer says slowly. Yes? you ask. When my people fled Polaris, many of us were angry at the wizards for their harsh behavior. The wizards were working on constructing an enormous living statue. They called it a titan because of its size. Well, we saw fit to bereave them of their accomplishment, so I took the pieces of the statue. As you can see, I have four of them here... but the last piece was stolen by the genies known as Solmyr. I want to mend this rift between the genies and the Polaran wizards, so I would ask you to go collect the fifth statue piece and return them all. Where is this Solmyr? you ask. He fled to Blitzos, the Lightning Mountain, on an island in the north sea. Be careful when confronting him, Sedran. You will need something to ward off his lightning magic, I am sure. If you kill Solmyr and free Blitzos, you might find a way to restore the air elementals their use of electricity, thereby killing off two birds with one stone. Thanks for the advice. I will try to return all five pieces of the statue to the wizards at Polaris. But what are you going to do now? you ask. I cannot sit here while the world decays, he says. I am going to go underground and see if I can help in the war. I have some knowledge of air magic. Now, go, Sedran. Time is short. The saplings are just to the east. You thank Salziaer and tell him that you will look for him when you make it underground.
Торс Легионера
77, 2 подземелье
Stashed behind the air barrier is a large torso of a statue. Could this be one of the pieces that belong to the Polaran wizards?
7, 86 подземелье
A pleasant path leads into the thick forest. Twittering butterflies flutter past you and you can't help but feel lifted when a pair of deer -- a doe and her calf it would appear -- dash across the trail in front of you. THIS is what the great forest is supposed to look like! Wispy Cloud confirms your suspicions -- that you are near the place where the first World Tree lived and died and the legendary Craag, so upset when he had to cut that magnificent creature down, cried for years on end and soaked the earth with his tears. You are amazed that such a myth could be true. Another noise grabs your attention beyond the edge of the trail, but you dismiss it as just another deer dashing by in the underbrush. Unfortunately, that assumption costs one of the elves in your party his life. From out of nowhere comes a sharp whizzing noise, like a bumblebee, and then KER-CHUNK, the elf's head explodes into a mist of blood and brains. The dead body slumps from the saddle and onto the ground with a thud, and his mount dashes back into the Vale of Earth. Your sword is in your hands in a second, and Spencer is right next to you, eyeing the woods suspiciously for any sort of movement. But all there is is quiet. You are about to give up when a single electric voice calls from the trees. Do not move. I let you live because you are human, and I am curious. Throw down. Naturally, you are loath to drop your weapons, but anyone who can vaporize a head at long distance is not someone you want to trifle with. You give your men a silent nod -- Spencer refuses to sheathe his sword, but you hope the assailants will forgive such a small breach in their demands -- and they reluctantly lower their weapons. The elementals yet are as tense as tightened lute-strings, though, and you can see little arcs of lightning swirling around Wispy Cloud's head. That only happens when he's really mad or really scared. The bushes part and a genie floats onto the trail. He is large and old, but his azure skin is nonetheless as smooth as ivory and his eyes, blue buzzing electric orbs, send shivers up your spine. You are not a wizard from Polaris, he says, his voice a metallic clang. That is good for you, else I would not have given you a chance to speak. What is it you want here at the Nursery? You tell the genie your story and about your quest to grow a new World Tree. You can tell that Wispy Cloud is uncomfortable around the genie by the electricity in the air. They are both air creatures... but why should Wispy Cloud be so tense around one of his own elemental brethren? And why do the genies hate the mages from Polaris? These are all good questions... Interesting, the genie replies, rubbing his chin. You must forgive my rude behavior. He nods, indicating the headless corpse that is still twitching on the ground. I can't seem to... control myself. What do you mean? you ask. The genie sighs and stares at his hands. The decay of magic here... it is affecting the magical creatures. We used to work for the mages at Polaris, but when the magic started going, many of the genies began, well, losing their minds. My brothers killed many of the wizards there and so the wizards put an order out that all genies would be slain on sight. I really did not mean to kill your friend. Sometimes the spell I want comes out and sometimes it does not. It is... a bad situation. Yes, Traemask's poisoning seems to have affected many of the creatures here. But what are you doing here? you ask. When my people fled Polaris, most of them were crazy beyond help. I hear our leader, Maelthor, went underground and is aiding the creatures that are fighting to take over the overland. Another, Solmyr, took an army of us and captured Blitzos, the island where your people believe lives the god of storms. The genie is now staring at Wispy Cloud, who is frowning nervously. Who knows why he did it?! I came here because this area seems to be able to withstand some of the effects of Traemask's weakness, but who knows for how long? And still my powers fluctuate. You hold up the little vial of seeds. I have been commanded by Traemask to plant a new World Tree. These seeds need to be planted and the sapling nurtured so that it will grow strong and can take Traemask's place. Will you help me? The genie sighs. I would help you if I could, my friend. But at the moment I am too preoccupied. The few people I have left in my care are suffering and I don't have the resources to care for them. It's all I can do to scrap together enough money to hide them from the patrols that Polaris sends out after us. Those patrols unfortunately do not kill the ones like Solmyr or Maelthor who need to be exterminated -- they kill the innocent ones who are scared and no harm yet to anyone. Ah, but I needlessly burden you with my problems. Look, if you could raise enough money so that I could hide away my people, I would be happy to raise and nurture these saplings so that they become viable World Trees. I figure it will cost me... 75,000 solidi to be safe. If you could bring me that money, I would be most thankful. Here, give me those seeds. You hand over the vial of World-Tree seeds, unsure of why you trust someone who has just told you he is going insane. Shall I bring the money back here? you ask, unsure of how you will ever come up with that much gold. NO! the genie almost yells back. That will not do. If Polaris discovers our whereabouts, we would be tracked down instantly. No, we must be discreet. I tell you what. When you have the money, go to one of the local trading posts. They are everywhere and keep accounts well. Deposit the 75,000 gold coins in an account owned by.. uh... Tan. One of my people who has access to that account will pick up the cash after you have left the building. That way, you can be safe and we can, too. As soon as I receive word that you have transferred 75,000 gold to Tan, I will plant your seeds and raise your sapling. It will probably take about three weeks for them to grow, so you should come back here three weeks after making the deposit. Does that sound fair? I suppose so, you answer, not really thinking so. What choice do you have? You thank the genie and ride back the way you came. Spencer does not seem happy with your decision. Certainly, he would have rather fought the creature, and then maybe all your heads would be little more than a few bits of bloody skull.
Дендроид страж
6, 94 подземелье
A World Tree sapling! At this age, they don't look much different than your run of the mill oak tree. But something feels... different about them. Hard to believe one of these little suckers is going to save the world.
5, 88 подземелье
The genie who accosted you before is nowhere to be seen. You hope he has raised the seedlings, as he promised! It has, after all, been over three weeks since you deposited 75,000 gold in his account.
You've always wondered how you were going to meet your end. Looks like you just found out.
Кристальный дракон
96, 93 подземелье
Back in a small niche behind the waterfall is a little baby crystal dragon. She is feeding on what appears to be a halfling corpse. With no other crystal dragons around, this may be your chance to quickly kill a dragon and claim that Bounty Hunter's award! Spencer agrees and has that greedy look in his eyes again. Suddenly you hear some crashing noises behind you
Кристальный дракон
98, 94 подземелье
You've always wondered how you were going to meet your end. Looks like you just found out.
Кристальный дракон
97, 90 подземелье
You've always wondered how you were going to meet your end. Looks like you just found out.
95, 96 подземелье
You've always wondered how you were going to meet your end. Looks like you just found out.
98, 98 подземелье
A charming valley opens up to the north and the most striking feature of it is the giant formations of pink crystal that grow just about everywhere. Among the dead trees and muddy river that cuts through the valley are hundreds upon hundreds of Crystal Dragons -- just what you need to complete the bounty hunt! Unfortunately, they seem to aggregate in large groups, and judging by their size, you are only going to be able to handle a couple of them at a time. You will need to ambush a solitary one if you want to kill any of them.
97, 98 подземелье
Crystal Valley Enter at your Own Risk No Feeding the Dragons! And do not touch the crystal!
Земной элементал
94, 104 подземелье
A large mob of earth elementals are crowded around an enormous Fire barrier, demanding to be let through. Up ahead, Wispy Cloud tells you, is Magmus Peak, which Conflagus sealed off because they could no longer contain the fury of her eruptions. These earth elementals do not listen when you try to convince them to join you. They are gripped with panic and are quite... insane.
80, 101 подземелье
Why is there an Earth barrier all the way out here? Curious...
80, 104 подземелье
The smell of dung and the sounds of loud growls are coming from the west. This area of the forest is far gone... there is not a live tree to be seen anywhere, and the sound of the wind passing through the bare branches makes you think of what human skeletons would sound like if several of them were hanging next to each other on a windy day. If Spencer is afraid, he does not show it, but this place certainly gives YOU the creeps!
75, 104 подземелье
You are stunned to find that the little path opens up into a sizable clearing... well, a clearing in so far as there is a break in the dead forest. Packed earth devoid of all plant life, like a tourney field, gives testament to the fact that this place has been long occupied by the army that now stands before you. Sitting a-horse (a strange sight to be sure) is an enormous mound of dry earth, only discernable from an inanimate hunk of dirt by the vague outlines of arms and legs and a gaping hole for a mouth. The elemental has no eyes, like all earth elementals, but you have no doubt he can see you. He is not happy that you have arrived. I had wondered how long it would take you to arrive, the creature grumbles, his voice sounding like crushed stone, But I hadn't thought the poor fire elementals would need to recruit a human to lead them! And air and water elementals? HAH! Mighty warriors indeed! My name is... you begin diplomatically, but the elemental rudely cuts you off. Like I could give a piss what your name is, little man. You will be forgotten in a day after I crush your fragile skull, so why waste your last breaths? At least you will know that you died by the hands of mighty Thogmor, King of Mud! In your country, only a lunatic would style himself such, and you had seen many a petty monarch referred to as such by his enemies. Only an earth elemental, you muse, sniggering to yourself. Aloud, in a voice tinged with sarcasm, Before you turn my head into pudding, do me the service of telling me whether the rumors that you kidnapped Conflagus are true. Your lord Tolemairisiumisis wanted convincing. That bag of sand is not my lord, Thogmor hisses, clearly intending sand to be an insult. And yes it is true, Conflagus is my prisoner, and he will remain so until Magmus Peak is opened to my people. And when I am done he will become a corpse, just like Tolemairisiumisis and just like you. It is time that Earth asserted itself as the ruler of the elements. Now, enough talk. Time to die, human! He's got a lot of wind in him for a ball of mud, you think. You had planned on this happening, and thankfully your army was already at the ready. And so began the last battle in the Earth-Fire War.
Земной элементал
73, 105 подземелье
Thogmor's minions, their minds poisoned by their master's venomous rhetoric, rally to avenge his death!
72, 104 подземелье
A great Eilian King once remarked while on his deathbed, When a great warrior falls, the ground thunders, but when a beloved king falls, the earth says nothing. That is difference between a warlord and a king. You really never understood what the saying meant, until now. Thogmor was no king, because when that great lumbering mass of clay and dirt tumbled from his horse with a final, sickening roar, chaos showed her face. The rebel lord's armies, previously disciplined and loyal, broke ranks almost immediately. Some of his army fled, fear imprinted on their eyeless faces. Who can kill the mighty Thogmor can also kill them. Some of his army simply stood still, dumbfounded, like wild-animals seeing a carriage for the first time. These were butchered on the spot. The rest saw their lord fall and then fought amongst themselves over who would be his successor. It never ceases to amaze you how men (or elementals) will put aside their very survival to grasp for power from the hand of a fallen warlord. When a true king dies, his followers only sigh. Even now, as you round up the rebels who surrendered, you cannot help but be stricken with a sense of hopelessness. All these creatures dead, who should have been fighting with you instead of against you. And you doubt this will be the last time your own blade strikes down someone that should be your friend. Grimacing angrily, you throw down your blade and tend to Spencer, who is lying on the packed earth with a stick in his mouth, grimacing as a healer sews up the angry gash to his ribs. The wound is not deep, but it is long, ugly and red. He will be sore for quite some time because of it. Perhaps the wound will temper his temper. You laugh to yourself at your own wit, evincing a confused glare from your squire. You'll live, you snicker, and he scowls at you. Bloody earth elementals fight dirty, he replies sulkily, clearly ashamed that he was wounded early and could not participate in the bulk of the fighting. His own pun seems to have eluded him, but not you. You burst out into a fresh fit of laughing, which only makes him more furious, but every angry spasm makes his wound tear just a little, and he has to bite back the pain. Of course they fight dirty, you reply with a laugh, They're EARTH elementals. Turning away, not wanting to anger your sensitive squire any more than you have to, you prepare yourself to meet Conflagus, who your men tell you is being held in a prison at the far end of the clearing.
95, 94 подземелье
You've always wondered how you were going to meet your end. Looks like you just found out.
96, 95 подземелье
You've always wondered how you were going to meet your end. Looks like you just found out.
98, 90 подземелье
You've always wondered how you were going to meet your end. Looks like you just found out.
99, 94 подземелье
You've always wondered how you were going to meet your end. Looks like you just found out.
99, 91 подземелье
You meet a small group of the short-people who you remember live predominantly in the little villages near Salenze. They seem to be hunting Crystal Dragons for the bounty hunt, too. They suggest you join together, as Crystal Dragons can be tough to kill! They also say that one of their friends saw a baby dragon running back here behind the waterfall while he was scouting ahead. Unfortunately, the scout never returned so you won't be able to question him directly.
101, 83 подземелье
Standing on a small peninsula surrounded by rivers of magma is a lone elf carrying a composite longbow almost as long as he is. He is staring off at a quaint little hut to the east, on the other side of an impassible lava flow, that is burning to the ground. You also note that he is weeping. Why are you crying? you ask, coming up behind him. He does not turn when he responds, I went out this morning to hunt for food, and when I came back, the lava had surrounded my house. My wife and both kids were in there. Oh, you reply, not knowing what else to say. The elf turns to you. My name is Mashiko, he says, You are human. We don't see many humans around here. What is it you want? You tell him about your desire to confront this dragon named Grakenthrax and a little about your mission in general. Would that you would have come sooner. My family did not flee for fear of being eaten by that dragon while out in the open. Do you seek my assistance? I have been told that you may be able to help us scale Taircott Peak, you tell him. Yes, I have been up there many times. You need a good bowman in your party to pick off the smaller dragons and birds of prey. I will come. It seems I have nowhere else to go. And so that's how you came to know the legendary Mashiko the Elf.
Воздушный элементал
96, 81 подземелье
Two air elementals are sitting on a large, withered tree stump, chins on hands and elbows on knees, like a pair of scholars in deep thought. Except their expressions are glazed and staring fixedly at nothing. These aren't faces of thought, you reflect, they are faces of despair. They stir when you approach, but they show no gratitude at seeing you. Even the sight of fellow air elementals does not bring a smile to their faces. Wispy Cloud has to clear his throat loudly to even get a glance. What seems to be the problem? he asks. One of the elementals turns to Wispy Cloud and says through gritted teeth (if air elementals can be said to have teeth), There is nothing left for us to do here. Look around -- the lava comes down the mountains thicker every day. Most of the houses are destroyed... we are useless! All are dead? Wispy Cloud asks. Not all, yet. The lava flows have not breached the center of the village. But it will... Oh, is all Wispy Cloud can remark. Not very encouraging. The other elemental then blurts out, And that's not even the worst of the problem. As if the lava was not enough. The blue dragon who lived in the mountains to the north has taken mindsick and now preys upon the townsfolk. Grakenthrax is her name, and she used to come down every week and help the mayor hunt the forests for food... but ever since Traemask became ill, well, she started coming down and hunting by herself, starting with the mayor! Once a brilliant blue color, her scales have rusted to a dull orange, and she smells of death. The mayor's son -- now the mayor, I guess -- has locked himself up in the administration building and will not come out. The Crowleighans are scared to death but since the fire elementals sealed the place off, there's nowhere they can go! Spencer steps forth before you can say a thing and declares, We may not be able to stop lava, my friend, but a dragon can be killed by a worthy knight! You have not seen Grakenthrax, the air elemental replies, clearly unimpressed by Spencer's boasts, She is not like the scrawny specimens that the invaders underground employ. She could tear one of those black lizards clean in half, I would wager, and she wouldn't even bother tearing you. She's swallow you clean whole! Spencer turns to you. Sedran, he begs, Please, I wish to slay this dragon and prove my courage. This is what I have always dreamed of! Uh, perhaps that's not the best idea, you reply cautiously. We don't know what kind of dragons live in this magical place, and there's nothing worse than a dragon than an insane dragon. You will NOT stop me from doing this, Spencer replies angrily, spittle dripping from his lips like a rabid dog. I WILL kill this dragon, with or without your help! Fine, fine, you reply with exasperation. He can be so difficult when he doesn't get his way. But I'm coming with you. I think we should go see this mayor straight away, before talking to any of the towns folk. And inwardly you hope maybe the mayor can convince Spencer to stop thinking such foolish thoughts. Oh, and the two elementals offer to join, saying that they have nothing better to do.
97, 102 подземелье
Magmus Peak -- Watch Your Step
72, 39 подземелье
The Legendary Salenze Stable We'll make you a better horseman!
38, 65 подземелье
A natural cavern opens up in the ground and a moist wind comes from within. Where could it go?
60, 38 подземелье
The Thought Elementals note with some skepticism that you wear the colors of Salenze and let you pass into the city proper.
41, 29 подземелье
A small yet stately building carved from marble and sporting elegant columns topped by scrolled capitals is just to the northwest. It appears to be the Salenze Magistrate, where most local disputes are settled. There appears to be a commotion going on outside.
51, 24 подземелье
The Grand Library is filled with scrolls, books, and people who like to read scrolls and books. Nerds, mostly, Spencer informs you. You get a few dark glowers when you enter because you squire manages to knock over a whole stack of books by the entryway. Of course, he curses loudly and tries to pick up the books but only manages to make more noise and more of a mess. The 'nerds' give you dirty looks. Screw it, Spencer curses finally in disgust, dropping the books back into a dusty pile, earning you a few angry shushes. A nervous looking scholar comes over hurriedly and implores you to be quiet. Is there anyone here who could answer a few questions? you ask. What were you looking for? he asks you. Magic? Philosophy? Mathematics? Romance novels? A lot of people come here looking for pleasure reading, but we're not that kind of library. I think there's a Lord Barnes the Noble down the road that might have the latest Lady Steele tomes, if that's what you are interested in. Actually, you reply, trying to maintain a whisper, I'm interested in ancient texts... anything about the nine pendants. The librarian suddenly looks amused. Oh, you mean the myths and stories section? Well, most of us scholars don't give many credence to those old tales. Most of the old texts are not even in a language spoken in the last thousand years! The only scholar who studied that sort of stuff was Master Sander Payne... but he, uh, moved out quite a while ago. Nobody really knows where he went, although some believe he went to live in the coastal mountains just north of Salenze. Oh, well then I shall seek him out! you say. Bah, don't bother, the librarian replies. He's a kook. And even if you wanted to go look for him, you couldn't. Those mountains are treacherous and only an experience climber could make it.
73, 29 подземелье
You exit the underground tunnel to bright daylight and.... Bars. Lots of bars, with elementals behind them. You seem to have entered Salenze's Prison! And aren't those a couple of guards hurrying towards you?
44, 49 подземелье
You explore the area where the river passes under the magic barrier and you are surprised to find that, where the wall buzzes and sparks when you come close to it at other places, here the wall is as dead as a winder morning. The water elemental was right! You are quite confident that you could scale the wall here without being zapped, electrocuted, or blasted from existence by the powerful magic that protects the city.
91, 37 подземелье
The Salenze docks are currently operating. Ships are anchored and large piles of goods are stacked on the piers, waiting to be loaded. Even the end of the world cannot stop commerce!
84, 36 подземелье
The entertainment district of Salenze -- a hodgepodge conglomeration of taverns, casinos, stadiums, hotels, motels, boarding houses, brothels and (by necessity) hospitals -- is fed by an even bigger hodgepodge of residential areas. In fact, almost all of Salenze's citizens live here. You get the impression that under normal circumstances, this place would be bustling with activity at all hours. Now, under the threat of the end of the world, hardly a person can be seen. Most of the gaming houses have closed down, Wispy explains. Crap, Spencer growls. It's always the fun places that pack up and leave first... Ignoring the warrior -- who recently has taken to killing trees and plants with a newly acquired battle axe -- you ask the air elemental, So there is nothing here but empty gaming houses? Mostly that is true, Wispy Cloud replies with a sigh, Except for the Mountain Inn, you won't find much of anything open. The Mountain Inn? you ask. Aside from some pretty intense card games, Wispy says, It really isn't part of the gaming and entertainment district at all. Mostly it caters to the folks who climb the cliffside mountains to the north of Salenze proper, offering equipment sales and a place for the mountain climbers to sleep before their ascent. Do they have beer? Spencer asks. Well, I suppose so... Wispy replies. Then it's worth a stop! Spencer says enthusiastically, and begins hiking up the hill towards the Inn.
82, 39 подземелье
The giant coliseum is dark and silent. The Salenze Games have been cancelled for most of the year, Wispy Cloud explains. It has really saddened the air elementals because we had wanted to defend our title as World Champions of Swatball. But with the recent calamity... well, attendance at the coliseum really dropped off. You look at the darkened windows of the enormous structure. It seems ominous for such a large building to be completely vacant. Not completely, Wispy Cloud replies when you make this remark. There are still warriors who live in there that may be able to teach you a thing or two. Spencer's eyes light up at hearing this.
83, 29 подземелье
Fire burns through your legs as you begin the long climb up these mountains. Oh, how you have always loved to climb. It makes you feel so... alive.
77, 24 подземелье
A sudden turn to the north brings you onto a sheer cliff that drops down right to the water. A magnificent view of the ocean stops you short. It is so... beautiful! You could stay here forever!! If only you didn't have this silly scholar to find.
3, 92 подземелье
The small stream that you have been following opens up into a large clearing in the dense forest. Despite the thick vegetation, though, you notice that the leaves are cast in sickly yellow and branches droop unhealthily. This place is dying, just like everywhere else in Antamixylion. It does not take too much looking to find the genie who spoke to you earlier floating in the middle of the clearing. He beckons you forward.
88, 84 подземелье
A rocky path leads aimlessly up into the hills. You ask Wispy Cloud what is up there and he says that a friendly community of halflings lived there the last time he heard. Their town is called Crowleigh, apparently. According to the air elemental, however, when Magmus Peak began erupting shortly after Traemask took ill, the fire elementals sealed off the whole area and Crowleigh has not been heard from since. Perhaps it might be a good idea to pay a visit?
94, 82 подземелье
The dust of the road is choking and you can barely make out the dead valley below. A heavy, ashy haze hangs in the air even at this relatively high altitude, and you can easily see why
98, 77 подземелье
The Crowleigh town hall is to the north, but it appears to be deserted, or almost so. Beyond the garrison -- where you can temporarily store your troops if you need to -- is an old halfling astride a horse. He is carrying a long, curved sword and seems to be intrigued by your presence here.
104, 74 подземелье
A narrow path winds its way up into the mountains. This appears to be the way to Taircott Peak.
102, 77 подземелье
A communal cottage filled with frightened halfling sits on the road. They run inside and bolt the door when you ride past, and you can feel their eyes on you as they stare from the windows. This dragon must be a frightful sight, indeed, if she could get this whole town in such an uproar!
105, 70 подземелье
The mountain path ends abruptly at a swift, turgid river. Hmm, Sam the hermit says, There used to be a log spanning the river, but it seems to have been swept away. The others in your party concur. How are we going to cross? With a little water magic! you declare. You get several oohs and aahs when you say this. Let's do it! Harry declares. You prepare to cross the river with yourself, Spencer, and your six tour guides. [Player note
104, 63 подземелье
You climb higher and higher into the mountain, struggling to catch your breath. It's a good thing these six helpers came along, or you might have had to take the long way around! Mashiko shoots down several vultures that eye you hungrily, and he even catches a few mountain elk that make for a tremendous dinner. Still, you can't help but notice the bones of what must be hundreds of people -- many of them clad in armor -- that litter the sides of the mountain trail. It would seem that you are not the only one who has tried to make a trophy of this great dragon.
104, 59 подземелье
Come on! Spencer says impatiently. What's the hurry? you ask, huffing and puffing. The dragon will still be there in ten minutes. But I'm too excited! your squire replies. Look, you reply, We have to work on a few things. First, I'm the knight. You're the squire. Spencer rolls his eyes. Second, you can't go around killing everything all the time. If you're going to be a knight, you have to act like one! Well maybe I don't want to be a knight! Spencer bites back, suddenly angry. He is glaring at you with his dark eyes and the way his hand pauses on his sword makes you suddenly uncomfortable. You have no doubt you could easily kill him in a fair duel of blades, but something tells you a fight with him would be anything but fair. Then, Spencer breaks into laughter and smiles, Just kidding old chap. Of course I want to be a knight. You'll have to excuse my over eagerness sometimes. I just want to make my mentor proud. You share a half-hearted laugh. So what's the plan, BOSS, he says teasingly. Well, if you want the honors of killing the beast, fine by me. But I may stand back with a spell or two to help you out! Ok, sounds like a plan. Let's go get her! Spencer cries, drawing his sword. And so the two of you ride off, going to get her. You just hope she doesn't get you first.
Сказочный дракон
16, 92 подземелье
These bird-things don't seem too happy by your presence here...
76, 6 подземелье
Blitzos, Mountain of Lightning
74, 29 подземелье
Salenze Prison. Underground Passage to Silverpeak CLOSED
77, 11 подземелье
A circular island juts out of the misty water like an accusing finger. Dark clouds hover around the highest peak and jagged forks of lightning strike the apex at regular intervals. That island is Blitzos, Wispy Cloud tells you in a voice half-filled with awe and half-filled with fear. The incarnation of the god of lightning lives there. But a group of genies went berserk and raided the place after Traemask took ill. If there is a place that could restore our powers over lightning, this would be the place, I would advise against landing there without the proper protection.
73, 34 подземелье
A small pathway leads out of the jail, but you can see dozens of the magic-elemental guards to the south. Looks like this isn't a good way into Salenze after all.
48, 46 подземелье
There is a double-set of walls protecting the city, but the river crosses under both of them. Perhaps you can cross the inner wall in the same manner?
Страж задания
40, 41 подземелье
A young but promising blacksmith offers to reforge your entire suit of armor for the small price of 5000 gold. Just bring him the three pieces -- helm, breastplate and shield, and he will do the work while you wait!
39, 41 подземелье
You pay the blacksmith his fee of 5000 gold before picking up your new armor.
49, 33 подземелье
Swiftriver Inn
Страж задания
2, 4 подземелье
A giant sheet of ice separates you from the north like a cliff. It appears someone seems to be trapped inside! My god, Spencer mouths, But someone must have been caught out here and... frozen! That is not just someone, one of your water elementals groans, That is Frigosh... the ice witch! Who? you ask, tracing a finger on the translucent barrier. The expression on the victim's face is one of patience and temperance, you can't help but notice. Not the face of someone who just got caught in an avalanche... The ice witch, the elemental explains. She was once a water wizard at Polaris, but the Wizards there stole her magic orb to power their cold-generator. She was quite angered by that and so quit her employment. She and we have an uneasy truce... her magic is of our element and so her power draws from us, and in turn she protects us from the wizards who are always trying to find new ways to harness our powers. When our control over water and ice began subsiding, the ocean here started freezing over. She must have gotten caught in an ice storm... Caught indeed, you muse. Suddenly the elemental grabs you anxiously. Sedran, she says, Frigosh is not especially loved by our people -- we have learned to fear humans who wield our element. But of water wizards she was the best. If anyone could help us restore our power over ice, it is she! We must free her! But how? you ask, pointing to the massive slab of ice that separates you from her. I know nothing of fire magic... there is no way to penetrate this barrier. Then we must find a way, the water elemental declares. Yes, you realize... or else Spencer is going to want to start hacking at the wall with his sword.
44, 35 подземелье
Sitting on a snow-covered hill is a large castle in a style of architecture you do not recognize. Tall spires in odd shapes reach toward the sky in large numbers, and they don't quite look like they should be able to stand without falling over. Completely surrounded by a glowing wall, there is only one way into this strange place, and that is via the road you are on right now. The Polaran wizards are the only humans indigenous to Antamixylion, Wispy Cloud tells you. They work with the magic elementals to protect the integrity of Antamixylion. Needless to say, they have been in a fury ever since Traemask started dying. Why is there snow on this hill? you ask, That cannot be natural! No, it is not, Wispy Cloud replies. Cold temperatures can catalyze the effects of a magic spell. Don't ask me how, but it works. The wizards have a permanent spell that makes the temperatures around Polaris frigid all year round. Some of the water elementals, it seems, have become interested in the spell as it might be used to return some of their powers! Well, you say, I shall investigate that, but I also recall Pelgius the alchemist asking me to gather some golems for him. Perhaps we can recruit some here!
40, 37 подземелье
A middle-aged wizard meets you outside of Polaris, as if he was expecting you. Despite the frigid air, the man is wearing only a simple robe without the benefit of gloves, snow boots or even a hat. It is all you can do to keep your teeth from chattering! Well met, Sedran Patre, the wizard says, extending a hand. We have been expecting you ever since word came that another pair of humans came through from Terraminsc. Is it true, then, that you have the legendary wizard Verianus with you? The wizard extends his neck to search for the Verianus among your number. Yes, he came through with me, you reply casually, But he is not with me. He remained with Traemask to see what he could do to repair the immediate damage. Oh, the wizard replies, disappointed. Well then, what business do you have here? Suddenly, he is very businesslike and even goes so far as to stick his nose up in the air. Listen here, you -- Spencer challenges. We are here on a mission of utmost urgency, you interject, shooting Spencer an icy look. The elementals are in dire straights, and we are here to help. Oh? the wizard sniffs. Well, we have the situation under control, I assure you. I hardly think so, Wispy Cloud charges. You have noticed that when the air elemental gets angry, his normally white, puffy appearance becomes gray, like a thunderstorm, and little arcs of electricity dance in his eyes. You have done nothing! Look, you say, trying to keep the conversation calm, Traemask has sent us. Using the facilities at Polaris here will greatly aid in my mission. I need to recruit some golems, and I have also pledged to look into the matter of your freeze spell. Golems? the wizard asks, suddenly confused. Why would you want them? A man named Pelgius asked if I could bring some for - Pelgius has been excommunicated and aiding him is a capital offence, the wizard growls. Then try to arrest me, you shout back, losing your patience. This man is really getting on your nerves. The wizard glares at you for several moments, and it looks like you have a stalemate. Then, he says tightly, Fine, you can use Polaris. The golems, he nearly spits the word, have been dismantled, but if you can rebuild the factory, you can take whatever you need. And there is nothing I can do about the freeze spell. Nereido has sent several water elementals here asking for help, but we are having a hard enough time maintaining it ourselves. They will have to find another way to stay cold. Without another word, the wizard stomps off.
43, 35 подземелье
Artifact Merchants inside! Trade your unwanted artifacts today!
Страж задания
98, 104 подземелье
Magmus Peak has been sealed off by the command of Conflagus, Lord of Fire. The only way that they will let you pass to the Peak is if you give them a means of recapturing their powers over energy so that they can quell the fires of the mountain, and to do this, they need magic in a very concentrated form!
76, 1 подземелье
It is difficult to see with all the mist and the darkened skies, but on top of the mountain is a glass shrine. This is where we air elementals used to come and pray to the god of lightning, Wispy Cloud shouts over the fury of the storm. Since the genies captured it, our powers had faded... perhaps if you retake the shrine, our powers will return! That would be a great day for the forces of Air! You nod grimly. Perhaps you might learn something here as well?
Страж задания
12, 60 подземелье
The castle/town of Silverpeak is the bastion of elves and dwarves in this mystical land. Unfortunately, what must have once been a beautiful forest castle is now dotted with the corpses of the city's previous inhabitants. Where you once might have been received by a gracious elven king, now you are taunted by legions of undead creatures that litter the enormous crenellated walls and towers. In order to storm this castle and return the vale of Silverpeak back to its forest denizens, you are going to have to find some very skilled bowmen somewhere.
104, 58 подземелье
You remember vividly the day your father, now dead, had taken you on your first dragon hunt. Into the Victorian Forests you had gone, decked out in your most brilliant azure surcoat, riding beside your father, proud to finally be allowed to sit on a horse next to the old man, Sir Jerard von Patre. Your mother had begged him not to take you, you were too young, but he said it was time, and when Sir Jerard von Patre said something, then by God he meant it. Jerard von Patre was not a high-ranking military official. He was a minor knight, ruling over a tiny fiefdom in a sodden patch of far-off soil only a notch better than a bog. But like many minor knights, we was determined to earn the respect he felt he deserved, and so whenever the Eilian King called for a dragon hunt, the whole von Patre estate showed up. Sure, people barely gave Jerard and his old faded surcoat and his common-breed mount a glance. But if there was one thing Jerard could do as well as any of those higher-class snots, it was swing a sword, and he made sure they knew it. So he had asked you to come along that year. You were fourteen and although you could barely lift a sword, you were determined to kill yourself a dragon. Jerard had told you he was just bringing you along to watch, and for a boy of your age that should have been enough, but of course you were your father's son and already had the developing mentality of a minor aristocrat. You had to prove to everyone that you could be as good as all the rich kids. Your father did not like to hunt with the wealthier nobles. They would barely talk to one of such low station and besides, they would only get in his way. Instead, he always hunted with Sir Jeremy Phelps, another minor knight living not far from the von Patre lands. Sir Phelps was a lardy old man with a pocked face but he was as strong as an ox; you remember he wielded an ugly double headed axe so old and notched that the only reason it could cut through anything was from the incredible force with which Sir Phelps swung it. Sir Phelps was with you that day, drinking and singing and belching. Your father and Phelps seemed to live under the philosophy that a drunk man fought better than a sober one. The two of them had probably gone through two jugs of malt whiskey when they had come suddenly into a clearly occupied by none other than a red dragon and her cub. You learned that day that while a man may fight more ferociously under the influence of alcohol, spirits did nothing for a man's sense of the moment. How astonished you were when before Phelps even had a chance to recognize he had bumped into an ancient wyrm, he was torn right in half by a casual flick of the beast's tail. The sharpened appendage tore through your father's friend like a threshing knife through wheat, splitting him in two at the waste. You remember distinctly the warmth and slickness of the blood and fat that bathed you like an exploding balloon and the sight of Phelps's horse, complete with Phelp's legs and butt, riding off into the woods. Of Phelps's torso hardly anything had remained to even call pieces. By now your father had realized what was happening, and he had dismounted to fight the dragon and of course you had dismounted, covered in blood and in quite a bit of shock, to help him out. But one thing an experience dragonslayer will tell you is that you never try to slay a dragon protecting her child. At the end of the day, your father had prevailed. Jerard was stubborn as a bull and once he had it in his mind to kill something, that something was as good as dead. But the battle had cost your dad his left arm and you, silly boy thinking he knew how to kill a dragon, had taken a dreadful cut on the thigh. For days you had lain in fever and the priests had given you up for dead. But you eventually recovered and you would go on to fight more dragons. Jerard also recovered. Well, the stump of his arm healed anyway. Bereft of his sword arm, your father was never quite the same. For a knight, especially one of low status like your father, being able to swing a sword was everything. Without that, he was just a land-owning peasant. Jerard fell into depression and into drink. The alcohol besotted his brain, and though never a warm man, he turned cold and distant. He beat his wife, your mother, and she left him. He sent the dogs after her but thankfully they came back hungry. In fact, the only joy he seemed to ever feel after that day was when you joined the navy and rose quickly through the ranks. There's my boy, he used to chortle to his friends, a bottle of home-grown mash whiskey in his good hand. He's a lieutenant now. Going to be a famous knight! It's true you earned what he had always wanted, a reputation. Through your own skill and determination (to not be like him?) you increased the von Patre estate and became quite a force at court. You married into a fine family, but were lucky enough to actually love her. She bore you a son who died in childbirth and died herself several hours later. No matter, your father had blabbered in his drunkenness, You still got her dowry. There will be other wenches to get a son upon. That was the last time he spoke to you. You had left the next day as the Eilian-Floagum war had just started and your banner had been called. Perhaps you should have said goodbye, but the comment hurt too much. The word came about a year later. Jerard died the day before you were promoted to captain of the Eilian fleet. The messenger who brought the word offered you a note -- scrawled in your father's drunken hand no doubt -- but instead of taking it, instead of even turning to meet the messenger's eyes, you simply asked what your father had died of. His liver had rotted, the messenger replied. He wanted you to have thi -- I want nothing of his, you had interrupted. Go. The messenger had left and you had cried and cried and cried. These memories had been forgotten as best as they could, but seeing Grakenthrax land on the hard earth with a deafening thud and looking deep into her crazy eyes reminded you of that day in the forest, the last day you had truly loved your father. You could not bring yourself to lift your sword to fight the black beast, and instead could only stand there, agape, while Spencer bravely did battle with her. The two had danced for hours, as she put it. Silently, you watched Spencer darting back and forth like a viper, his sword a single fang. He was a beautiful sight. This was the first time you had had a chance to watch him from a distance. The man had natural talent, a sinuous grace that was foreign to you or your father, who relied on strength to hack away at an opponent. Your confidence that you could easily best this man at a sword-fight slowly dripped away like a bitter memory. From time to time the two had stopped to rest, and you had healed the squire using your newly found water talents. After a couple hours of dodge and strike, dodge and strike, Grakenthrax, bleeding from a dozen wounds, had succumbed. She crashed to the ground, panting, black blood spilling out onto the ground. One eye was swollen shut and the other rolled lazily. It focused on you. Please... she mumbled weekly, her jaw a bloody mess, Please, human... I do not... But Spencer ended her life with a clean thrust to that one good eye. And then he spit on the corpse and turned to you. He was covered in black from scalp to toe and his sword was a bent mess. He tossed the blade down and sneered, Coward, you just stood there. I did not.. you began. Think I could do it? he finished contemptuously. You hung your head, letting the memories of your father wash over you. Be wary of the dragon, your father had told you that day. For the dragon bests you not with teeth or talon, not with awe, but with your own doubt. You must not strike from necessity, because by the time it becomes necessary to strike, it is too late, the dragon has won. You must strike with courage and with premeditation, before it becomes necessary to do so. Convince yourself that it was the right thing to do afterwards. I can do anything, Sedran. Now, let us go and get our reward. Spencer finds his horse, abandoned half-way through the battle, and for a split second you almost took your father's advice.
78, 104 подземелье
Ah... this must be the source of the dung smell. These creatures, if you remember the siege of Pyreen correctly, are followers of Earth, and they have a nasty bite, as well. What could they be guarding?
48, 33 подземелье
A small tavern lies across the swiftly flowing stream. A quaint stone bridge painted with moss and lichen crosses over. You are about to continue walking north, but Spencer groans and says he could really go for a cold ale. Now that you think of it, so could you! You spend the afternoon hours at the tavern, and although you are the only humans, the other patrons (halflings and elementals mostly) are friendly enough and you play several rounds of cards. Spencer even manages to rack up quite a payday. Who would have thought he had the patience and the face for poker? The reprieve lightens your spirits and you leave invigorated. Before you go, one of the halflings tells you to come back sometime, or, if you care to make the trip, to stop by the Mountain Inn on the other side of town. Mostly just the mountain climbers hang out there, but they have some vicious card games, too!
20, 30 подземелье
The Piers. Boat Rental is 6000 solidi. Pay up front.
21, 29 подземелье
You surprise a drunk Wizard, dozing in the garbage bins behind the Tavern. What the...? is all he manages to stammer before you smack him on the head and stuff him in a sack.
Водный элементал
23, 31 подземелье
Several water elementals are milling around the fountains. Wispy Cloud converses with them for a short while, and convinces them to join your army. You must make way to Aqueen as fast as you can! one of them tells you. Nereido, the Water Mistress, will be anxious to make your acquaintance!
73, 40 подземелье
A large stable sits by the side of the cobbled road. The sounds and smells of a hundred horses attract your attention. Perhaps they can replace the shoes on our own mount -- and besides, haven't you been promising Spencer a new horse for quite some time now? A true knight needs a fine animal, and his dun mare isn't going to cut it.
103, 105 подземелье
Magmus Peak is the central focus of the forces of both Earth and Fire. A volcano is, truly, where the two elements merge and become one. Though a force of earth, lava is infused with the power of fire. The fire and the earth elementals both believe that a powerful deity resides here, and perhaps that is the truth. You can't help but feel a new harmony with both elements.
72, 52 подземелье
Wow... look at this pile of gems? Certainly all of these did not come from this single gem mine?
Страж задания
76, 78 подземелье
The defensive wall guarding the city of Riverview is enormously high and appears to be constructed from obsidian. It is too well guarded to take using an army. You need to actually destroy it, but only a few creatures could be capable of such a feat!
67, 63 подземелье
You approach the halflings expecting them to greet you warmly, but instead they throw rocks and rotten fruit at you! Seems humans aren't much loved by the people who live on the outskirts of town, although you can't imagine why!
3, 3 подземелье
Щит королей гномов
33, 3 подземелье
Amongst a pile of driftwood, you discover a sturdy wooden shield.
33, 4 подземелье
Programmed AI Death!!
8, 6 подземелье
A portal made of icy rock throbs with a cold blue light. A small sign in front of the structure warns that only those who have harnessed the power of water should pass through. That does not, unfortunately, include you.
97, 92 подземелье
Success! They were tough as steel and real nasty, but your superior numbers won the day. Spencer fashions for himself a nice trophy and you do the same. If nothing else, you are becoming quite skilled at killing these great bests! Now it is time to go back and claim your reward.
10, 7 подземелье
A frigid blast of air chills your bones. The waterwalk to this point has drained your energy and your magic. Even Spencer seems to lack enthusiasm for once. He is sullenly squatting on the frosty earth, teeth chattering and cloak pulled tightly about his shoulders. Where did all this ice come from? you ask, noting the glaciers to the northwest. Something about their close proximity to palm-trees and swampland strikes you as odd. Wispy Cloud shrugs. The glaciers were not here long ago, he answers, The ice storms came shortly after the water elementals lost control over their element. Who knows why they have come? Perhaps we must brave them, however... You nod grimly, wishing it wasn't so.
3, 5 подземелье
The ice to the west does not look solid. You may not be able to walk on it without help!
Хижина предсказателя
86, 52 подземелье
A fire elemental offers to de-energize any water-orbs if you should have need of that service.
39, 36 подземелье
39, 31 подземелье
There is a hidden path here that seems to lead to the back of Polaris. If you want to cross the walls, you will have to fight the Polaran guards, however...
84, 34 подземелье
The Mountain Inn is aptly named. It sits in an idyllic location -- right at the bottom of a snow-capped mountain. Other mountains rise even higher to the north and west. They separate Salenze from the ocean, Wispy Cloud explains. It is a popular climbing spot because it affords such lovely views of the sea. Or so I've heard. Only a talented climber such as those who frequent the Inn would ever be able to make such a climb. Well, I'm parched, Spencer says, Let's go in! You do, and inside you meet many interesting characters. Spencer gets in a fight with some burly looking fellow over a game of cards, and after trading a series of punches and choke-holds, the two end up laughing and sharing mead. Only Spencer could head-butt a 250 pound mountain man and not only survive, but become his best friend on top of it... As for yourself, many of the occupants, excellent climbers all of them, offer to work for you for the paltry sum of 2500 gold. If you ever need a climber, you know where to come!
71, 38 подземелье
The Salenze prison... you don't want to go in there!
25, 8 подземелье
no landing
21, 13 подземелье
Some stretches of land may look like you can dock a boat there, but you really can't. That doesn't mean you can't walk to them, though...
93, 36 подземелье
This is cargo to be loaded. It wouldn't really be nice if you stole it, but nobody is likely to stop you.
92, 35 подземелье
This is cargo to be loaded. It wouldn't really be nice if you stole it, but nobody is likely to stop you.
89, 35 подземелье
This is cargo to be loaded. It wouldn't really be nice if you stole it, but nobody is likely to stop you....
82, 33 подземелье
The man who hired you -- um, Sedran, was it? -- sure seemed anxious for you to look for some scholar who purportedly lives in the mountains north of Salenze. If it wasn't for the 2500 gold he offered you, you'd have never accepted. Not that you don't like climbing mountains, of course. It's just that... well, humans give you the creeps. Although that Spencer guy was pretty funny. Gave you a few good laughs, especially when he pulled his pants down and started dancing on the table. The women really loved that. Bah... so, this Sedran hired you to climb the mountain and look for some scholar guy who knows something about some nine pendants or something like that. Well, who cares... as long as you get the other three thousand gold he promised for anything you bring back. Now that you think of it, though, you do remember seeing an old hut up there somewhere during on of your previous climbs. Maybe there is some truth to this wacky tale, after all!
60, 37 подземелье
A titanic portcullis divides Salenze proper from the rest of the city. Judging by the size of the gate and the fact that the castle to the north is tucked into a deep canyon with only this one entrance/exit, taking the city by force would be nearly impossible. It's a good thing you aren't going to have to try to force your way in.
60, 35 подземелье
The valley before you is stunningly beautiful. The ground is emerald green and nearly sparkles, as a real emerald would. Elementals of all types can be seen together, concentrating in the small forum to the north. Some of them give you and your elemental army a few concerned looks, but most of them seem oblivious to your presence. They instead chat casually with other elementals. Salenze proper, Wispy Cloud says, although you detect a trace of sourness in his tone. The magic and thought elementals are about all that is useful here. The rest are bureaucrats and sycophants mostly, too busy powdering their faces and putting their noses into the asses of their superiors -- to use the human expressions -- to take notice of what is really happening in the world. Still, if anything is to be done about the Traemask problem, you will need their support, so get your lips ready.
72, 78 подземелье
A group of little green men -- goblins by their whiny voices and garlic-stench -- have organized a demonstration of some sort outside of the ocean-side village known as Baywatch. They seem to be protesting something.... but what? There seems to be a leader of sorts up head.
74, 78 подземелье
A goblin astride a brown pony approaches you. He is flanked by a pair of goblin-guards, each wielding an awl-pike twice as long as a your average goblin. The leader eyes you grimly and says with a trace of rancor, What are you doing here, human? The affairs of Riverview are not human affairs. And the elementals have no business interfering. You need to leave. Now. I cannot do that, you reply, I have promised to retake the city. Oh? the goblin asks, showing a mouth full of rotting teeth. Stinky and foul indeed. Promised whom? Nevermind who, you snap, growing irritated. You resist the urge to reach out and crush the little worm's head like a tomato. Like it or not, the goblins here have you outnumbered at the moment and it would be no good to end up skewered on a goblin's pike or skewering the goblin's leader on the end of your sword, although the idea is not without attraction. I have promised to lay waste to the upstart known as Gurnisson who has taken this town and if I have to lay waste to you to do it, I will. After a long pause, the leader's features soften. I am sorry, he says, There is no need for us to argue. I, too, am trying to take the city. This is the best army that I could... uh... recruit. Gurnisson... that bastard... he killed my wife and kids and plans to sell the city to Calous, the underground overlord! Maybe we could work together to retake the town? Spencer says, Sedran, I don't think... You silence your squire. You don't need any of his barbed rhetoric at the moment to ruin this obviously delicate situation. OK, you tell the little green man. What may I call you? My name is Veymoussin, or Vey for short, the goblin replies. I am Sedran. Now, what did you have in mind? Veymoussin looks at you for a moment, as if deciding whether you can be trusted. Finally
79, 75 подземелье
Buildings for orange
Buildings for orange
Хижина предсказателя
74, 87 подземелье
The walk to the base of the great tree takes longer than you had anticipated. You suspect it is something about Traemaskeelix's size that makes it difficult to assess relative distances. Indeed, standing next to such an enormous creature makes you feel small, insignificant, and everything around you appears to be a ludicrously tiny version of itself. You know now what an insect feel like
37, 11 подземелье
pink - ice elemental upgrade
37, 12 подземелье
No spell points for ice-witch!
60, 30 подземелье
You feel an overwhelming sense of self-satisfaction as you approach the gates of Salenze. It seems that this has been your de facto destination since arriving in this world, and to finally be here.... it is as if for once things seem to be going your way. The guards admit you through the open gates of the city with little more than a stern glare, and soon you are approaching the great magic citadel of Salenze itself. The stronghold consists of five arrow-thin spires, each suspending a perfect crystal orb at its apex; the fact that such narrow towers -- which could hold little more than a staircase you are certain -- could support such massive domes belies the magical forces that must hold the place together. It is while staring at this amazing piece of architecture that a bolt of sizzling blue magical energy blasts into your chest and knocks you from your horse. In the course of the fall, your head smashes on the ground and darkness swims into your brain. You wake some time later in a well-lit room, perfectly square, with seamless gray walls. It takes you a moment to realize what is amiss -- the room completely lacks a door or portal of any sort, as if the chamber was built around you. Although the room is large, the lack of any noticeable exit makes you suddenly very nervous and claustrophobic. You feel like screaming. Suddenly the hairs on your arms tingle and a hole in the air opens up. A creature walks through the expanded portal and greets you with glowing eyes. Human being, the creature says with no mouth. Indeed, the creature has no facial features at all. Other than a red cloak that outlines the shape of his head, and the two blue orbs that are his eyes, his entire body seems to be made of thick, black smoke. Even his hands are featureless. Human being, he repeats, My name is Aenain, Lord of Magic and Overseer of Antamixylion. You are alive only because I have allowed it. Temporarily. Your head still hurts and you feel nauseous, but the haughtiness of this creature gives you enough mental clarity to be irritated. Mouth full of vitriol, you cut back, Well, MY LORD, does the exalted king of this stupid country visit all the people he attacks for no reason and throws into prison? Do not test me, Aenain responds, his eyes shining in wrath. This world is coming apart at the seams and I have no time to deal with impertinent humans. The only reason I did not tear a hole in your torso when you showed up here was that you have the endorsement of Varianus, who implored that I help you out. And what have I done to deserve such anger? you ask. You are human, Aenain responds. It is your kind that has brought us to such a sorry state. If it was up to me, your kind would never have been created. But unfortunately, it was not up to me. Unfortunately, you return in mock agreement. But as I say, Varianus has endorsed you and so I must tolerate you for the moment. Now listen close. You have managed to convince the other elemental lords that you are worthy of their help. Traemask has given you the order to plant a new tree after killing her. But I see that you do not have the skills to cut her down. You need to hone your sword. Finally, some real information! You keep your mouth shut and take it all in. Well, Aenain continues, The other elementals may have pledged their allegience to you, but the other elementals mean nothing. It is the help of magic that you will require most, and my resources are spread thin. I cannot waste them on such a hideously ephemeral creature such as yourself. Hideously what? You cannot tell if that was an insult or not. So I propose a test, Aenain says. My fellow Magic elementals will not be pleased that I have even given you this chance, but Varianus was once a very close friend to me and I at least owe him this. If you can break into this city and defeat my garrison, then I shall give you the aid of Salenze. This is a test of magic, human, and one I have little fear that you will win. Go now, and come back when you are ready to take the test. And I should mention... the penalty for failure is death. Suddenly, Aenain is gone, and you are sitting on your horse again, some distance from the city. Wispy Cloud is beside you, looking at you queerly. Sedran? he asks. What? you ask while staring at your hands, mesmerized by what happened. Are we going to go into the city? You've been sitting there for like an hour just staring at it. Not yet, you reply. We have to prepare to fight our way in. Wispy Cloud gives you a worried look, but says nothing. But how to prepare? How do you defeat an army of creatures physically stronger than your own army and completely immune to magic, against a king who knows probably every spell in the book? There MUST be a way. A way to nullify their magic resistance? A creature of your own that is immune to magic? How? You're going to find out, if only to wipe that stupid haughty grin off his stupid haughty face. One thing's for sure
Хижина предсказателя
101, 35 подземелье
Do you wish to infuse your orb with the power of Water? [Orb of Driving Rain]
Хижина предсказателя
106, 32 подземелье
Do you wish to infuse your orb with the power of Life? [Orb of Mana]
103, 34 подземелье
I am a cleric of the order of the Cloaked. I have heard of a magical orb which can be infused with the powers of the elements. Such an artifact could be very useful to an aspiring hero such as yourself. Bring the orb -- you'll know it by it's shape and {Permanent} weight -- to me and I shall help you infuse it with any power you have access to. Be careful, though. Once I have given the orb a certain power and that power is drained, I can never give that type of power back to your orb. Thus, you must make sure you know what you are doing with it!
Хижина предсказателя
101, 32 подземелье
Do you wish to infuse your orb with the power of Earth? [Orb of the Firmament]
Хижина предсказателя
103, 36 подземелье
Do you wish to infuse your orb with the power of Air? [Orb of the Firmament]
Хижина предсказателя
106, 34 подземелье
Do you wish to infuse your orb with the power of Fire? [Orb of Tempestuous Fire]
Хижина предсказателя
103, 32 подземелье
Do you wish to infuse your orb with the power of Magic? [Orb of Vulnerability]
80, 77 подземелье
Remember, you promised Vey that only he would take the city. You cannot go back on your word!
71, 24 подземелье
The 3000 gold piece reward to the mountain climber you hired is deducted from your account. Please continue to the cottage.
Страж задания
70, 24 подземелье
It _IS_ a cottage! Unbelievable... to think that you've been climbing these mountains for years and some old guy was living up here the whole time! With no reluctance, you knock loudly on the wooden door. The oak portal creaks open and the smell of incense and wine tickles your nostrils and waters your eyes. The face that stares back at you is gaunt, old, leathery, with red eyes and jaundiced cheeks. The body that belongs to the face is thin, emaciated almost, and is wearing a bathrobe that is big enough to hold two people his size. He is not the splitting image of health... Yes? he croaks. You tell the man your name and introduce yourself as a climber. Climber? he coughs, wheezing into his robe-sleeve. I've got no extra food for climbers. I'm not here for food, you reply sourly. And what are you here for then? Might I come in? you ask. The matters I wish to discuss are... delicate. The man stares at you for a moment, clearly trying to decide if you are being candid or if you are trying to dupe him into letting you into his meager household with plans of robbery, sodomy or worse. There are plenty of other, better places to rob, you say in way of persuasion. Most of them not five thousand feet above the ocean. Please... I may be mistaken, but I am told it is important. The man says nothing, but steps aside so that you can enter his gloomy, smoky, damp apartment. The door slams shut behind you. It takes several moments for your eyes to adjust to the darkness, and several more for your lungs to adjust to the heavy abundance of particulate matter in the air. The old man sits at a table covered in books and lit by a single sickly looking beeswax candle. A rat scurries away when you sit down across from him. Speak, he rasps. As I said, my name is -- Unless you are a king, names do not concern me. Fine, you reply, losing your will to be pleasant. The price of three thousand gold pieces does not include tolerating cantankerous old men. Is your name Sander Payne? The man's eye's perk up at the mention of his name. Yes, he replies. I have been sent to find you. Who has sent you? he asks. A man named Sedran Patre. You see no recognition in his eyes. He is a human -- like you -- from Terraminsc. He would not disclose his mission but he says it is imperative that he learns about some pendants. Says you might know something about them. Sander Payne's eyes shine fire at the mention of pendants and his jaw works soundlessly. A human has come... from Terraminsc? Why would he, of all people, care about the old myths? I said, I don't know why he has come, you begin. Yes, yes, he interrupts impatiently, shooing at you like a fly. What exactly did he want to know? Why didn't he come up here himself? I'd like to know how you got up here yourself, you say in reply to his second question. And as to the first, he requests any information you have on the...um... Nine Pendants of the Sphinx. So it is true... the prophecies... a savior has come to invoke the aid of the gods! You stare at the man, dumbfounded. He grabs you. Listen, friend. You must tell your friend Sedran that long have I studied the pendants. There are ten in total. One, Bliss, is held by the Sphinx himself. That is the one that must be used to call the gods. The others
69, 24 подземелье
Sander Payne
2, 39 подземелье
You exit the underworld into a blast of frigid mountain air. Where are you? The necromancer's lands... Wispy Cloud whispers in answer to your unasked question. Oh great, more dead people. I hate dead people, Spencer grumbles. The necromancers traditionally have not been a menace to Antamixillion, Wispy Cloud instructs. They are followers of earth and generally want nothing more than to study for themselves. The necromancers here are descendants of Belaz that migrated above ground after the rift at Alainica. As I said, they generally leave everyone alone, but as you may recall from Silverpeak, the affairs surrounding Traemask have upset their usual behavior. I don't think we'll find any friends here. I find friends in very few places anymore, you sigh. Perhaps it would be best to wait until we have found the Clerics of Maydin before we proceed? Their holy magics would be a great asset against these undead creatures...
Символ знания
4, 54 подземелье
Funny. Why is this just lying here? It's amazing what you'll find under rocks these days.
Могучий лич
5, 43 подземелье
Wizards are grumpy enough when they're alive.
1, 43 подземелье
Лорд вампиров
4, 45 подземелье
Did you see the FANGS on those? Where's your holy hand grenade when you need it?
Костяной дракон
3, 42 подземелье
Whoa these undead creatures seem none too happy to see you!
10, 47 подземелье
Nestled in a valley shaped like a screaming mouth is an ugly fortress that could only belong to the undead. The gatehouse is shaped like a gaping skull and the towers resemble splintered bones. This is the home of the necromancers, Wispy Cloud says. A dreadful place, I'm sure. But as I say, they have usually not been menacing. Whatever lord controls them now seems to have taken advantage of the recent troubles in Antamixillion. This must be put to right. Besides, he may have the fabled Pendant of Death which you seek.
19, 50 подземелье
A small cottage sits on the fringe of the forest. These must have been some of the elves deposed by Scourge's aggression. You bet they will be happy to see a friendly face!
10, 42 подземелье
You approach the castle warily. Odd that there are no creature about to contest your progress into the valley. Odd that there are no sounds at all. Odd that you suddenly feel weak in the knees and your stomach is upset. You look over and see that Spencer is as green as a pickle. Sedran, Wispy Cloud says urgently, What was it that that elf told us long ago. A necromancer name Kjhintil... Scourge... was responsible for all the deaths at Silverpeak. This must be Scourge's home. But why do I feel so... drained of energy? I don't know, you pant. I feel it too. Like the strength is draining out of me. You look over and see that several of your men have slumped in their saddles. Some of them have fallen to the ground. This isn't right. Suddenly, a scream from behind you peels through your head. You whip around, hand on hilt, and see that it is one of your own men that is screaming. He is staring at the ruined stump of his own hand. He opens his mouth to speak, but only blood leaks out of it. And then, horribly, his head implodes with a loud sucking pop. What the...? you begin, but are interrupted by the gasps of other men, clutching their faces, their heads, and legs, screams of agony. One soldier's leg explodes, sending bits of blood and bone everywhere. Another one clutches at his eyeball as it leaks down his face. Yet another scrambles over the ground, trying to pick up the teeth that have fallen out of his jaw. Some of your soldiers are visibly aging in front of you. Others simply keel over without a sound. We must get out of here! you yell. Whatever death magic there is here, we cannot proceed without protection! Spencer and the rest of your men -- those still living -- hold no objection. [Read Chapter Eight After Killing Scourge]
6, 34 подземелье
Wispy Cloud stops you short of the white barrier. Sedran, he says, To the north are the necromancer training camps. This is where the necromancer students were typically trained in the arts. They are weak, students of magic. You will probably be able to stomp them out... but I submit that it might be useful to learn some of the necromancy spells. Not being schooled in the arts, it is impossible for you to read the necromancy texts -- so you won't be able to access their mage guilds. And surely they won't just teach you their craft. If there was some other, indirect way to learn their spells... by observation? I've heard there are those with a skill called Eagle Eye that can learn spells by observing from a distance. Then of course, you will need someone who can teach this spell to you! It is something to consider before you go and simply eradicate them all.
3, 15 подземелье
0, 27 подземелье
After hours of exhausting study, you learn basic necromancy.
1, 23 подземелье
For 100,000 Gold and 100 each of Gems and Sulfur, I can teach you EXPERT Necromancy. Just step to the west.
1, 25 подземелье
For 50,000 Gold, I can teach you ADVANCED Necromancy. Just step to the west.
1, 27 подземелье
For 10,000 Gold I can teach you BASIC Necromancy. Just step to the west!
0, 25 подземелье
After hours of exhausting study, you learn advanced necromancy.
0, 23 подземелье
After hours of exhausting study, you learn expert necromancy.
7, 16 подземелье
Necromancy Practice -- See How Many You can Raise!
4, 17 подземелье
9, 15 подземелье
11, 16 подземелье
10, 16 подземелье
8, 16 подземелье
9, 16 подземелье
10, 15 подземелье
2, 18 подземелье
Страж задания
13, 20 подземелье
Faermor's office is just about as you'd expect it to be
7, 18 подземелье
Faermor, Dean of Student Affairs Appointment Necessary
4, 21 подземелье
Having trouble walking over your heaps of dead bodies when you're done practicing? These boots offer you extra support in all the right places! 50K
3, 21 подземелье
After several hours of trying them on, you finally find your size!
Хижина предсказателя
106, 37 подземелье
Do you wish to infuse your orb with the power of Death? [Orb of Inhibition]
100, 12 подземелье
You are somewhat surprised to find a Sphinx here, in this place reserved for the gods. It is enormous, easily as big as a castle, with a lazy expression of boredom on its face. Its cool eyes regard you with little interest. Are are a flea to it, nothing more. After thousands of years, the pendants have finally come together, the Sphinx yawns. And at the hands of a human, no less. Intriguing. Tell me, human, what is it that you would risk the wrath of the gods to disturb me? This world is in tremendous danger! you yell back, trying to make yourself heard. The world tree is dying, and I have not the means to cut her down so that a new tree may be planted. A crazy lunatic has stolen her heart and creates abominable creatures to devastate the countryside of my world. I need their help to put things right. The sphinx laughs. What makes you think the gods care, little man? he asks. The question catches you off guard. I don't understand, you ask. The magic of life and death is a magic that will reflect the intentions of the user. If humanity is capable of destroying itself, and it does so, who are the gods to argue? Mankind must fulfill his own destiny. But the fate of the world cannot rest in the hands of a single man! But you wish it to rest in yours? the Sphinx counters. Please! you beg, sick of the riddles, I have come so far. You must aid me! The Sphinx pauses for a moment and then says, So be it, human. As always, I shall let chance decide. The gods entrusted me with their holy artifact, the Necklace of Bliss. It is capable of performing the tasks you require. I shall give you this chance to earn my keepsake. Each of the ten pendants, including the Necklace, has an ancient name engraved at its base in the form of a rune. My riddle is this
Огненный элементал
98, 107 подземелье
These fire elementals are in a state of frenzied worship. It was a poor decision to bother them.
Страж задания
17, 103 подземелье
This is a sacred area, where the World Tree Baloskamagalar lived and died and Craag the Hack cried until his tears formed a river. It is one of the only fertile areas left in Antamixillion. Unless you have the necessary items to plant a new world tree, you will not be allowed to trespass. You need two treehearts infused with the powers of life and death!
Страж задания
15, 102 подземелье
This is a sacred area, where the World Tree Baloskamagalar lived and died and Craag the Hack cried until his tears formed a river. It is one of the only fertile areas left in Antamixillion. Unless you have the necessary items to plant a new world tree, you will not be allowed to trespass. To plant a new Tree, you must have a Sapling!
Сказочный дракон
12, 98 подземелье
Another bird-thing waits here at the fork of the river. It regards you with mild interest. What ARE these things? you ask your air elemental friend. Is every place on this accursed world infested with creepy critters? These are the faerie dragons, Wispy Cloud pants back. They guard this sacred place. But... their numbers are few. It must be an effect of Traemask's weakening powers. FEW? you growl back, Seemed like a bit more than a few to me! The bird-thing hops over to you, but it curiously does not attack. This one, which is different from the others in that it has a plume of silver feathers sticking out of its head, sticks its nose in your backpack and brings out one of the tree-hearts in your pack. Bury! the creatures says urgently. I think it wants us to plant the tree! Wispy Cloud says. Oh, you think? you reply sarcastically while warily retrieving the heart from the bird-thing's mouth. Come, Sedran, let us hurry and be done with this task. [Read Chapter 10 When The Tree Has Been Planted In the Appropriate Place]
64, 91 подземелье
98, 80 подземелье
A river of lava flows over the road that leads to Crowleigh. The town hall is to the north, but it appears that the mayor's administrative building is in the farmhouse to the east. Spencer strides forward, eager as chipmunk in a peanut-butter store.
88, 74 подземелье
You come across a goblin riding, of all things, a wild boar. The goblin introduces himself as Roach. You can't help but eye the goblin's spiked mace warily, bringing back sour memories of Duk and his tendency to tenderize your butt. Sure, I would be glad to help you find Taircott Peak, he says when you ask him. I used to go riding up there all the time!
Сфера постоянства
39, 33 подземелье
Resting on a massive pedestal is a brownish azure orb about the size of a human head. It pulses with a frigid energy that seems to suck the heat right out of its nearby surroundings. This must be the source of the Polaran Wizards's eternal snowfall, but you can tell by the way the sphere is weakly pulsating that whatever magic is invested in this sphere is almost dead. If you want to use this orb, you're going to have to find a way to re-energize it. Do you dare try to steal it?
Хижина предсказателя
54, 1 подземелье
A water elemental offers to de-energize any fire-orbs if you should have need of that service.
Хижина предсказателя
15, 84 подземелье
An earth elemental offers to de-energize any air-orbs if you should have need of that service.
Хижина предсказателя
58, 93 подземелье
An air elemental offers to de-energize any earth-orbs if you should have need of that service.
Хижина предсказателя
46, 40 подземелье
A magic elemental offers to de-energize any magic-orbs if you should have need of that service.
Алмазный голем
32, 94 подземелье
These gem golems look vicious. They are willing to do your bidding.
Золотой голем
30, 93 подземелье
Some of the prototypes have already been finished! They appear to be at your command.
Серебряный пегас
24, 67 подземелье
Grazing on a small patch of grass alongside a mirrorlike lake is a winged horse with fur of metallic silver. To your genuine surprise, the animal speaks when you approach. Hail, Two-leg, it whinnies, It has been long since your kindred have graced Silverpeak. But, my, you have rounded ears. And lo! you have a stubby nose! You are not an elf! What manner of creature are you? Look, Bucktooth, Spencer challenges, I do NOT have a stubby nose. Hush, Spencer, you caution. And to the horse
47, 82 подземелье
The ferry operator takes 500 solidi from your purse. That's a season pass, he says with a smile, And it will last you a whole year! Before you are able to board the boat, Spencer tells you that you should make sure to visit the labs to the south of here. Apparently, Carlier was interested in them.
71, 65 подземелье
Forest trolls have taken over the local woodmill. The bodies of dead halfling lumberjacks lie everwhere. Some of the trolls have gnawed halfling arms and legs in their hands. The sight is truly sickening. It might be best to go around...
Черный дракон
104, 57 подземелье
Taircott Peak is a frightening mound of rock, pointing straight into the air like an obelisk. It is fearfully unnatural. Your fears that Grakenthrax would not get you first were somewhat justified because you haven't been looking at the mountain for five minutes when the great beast lands in front of you with a thundering crash. The dragon is enormous, bigger than the Golds native to Eilia or the greens that circle above Taircott right now. She is even larger than Zach the Snorter whom you remember killing on your way to meet Verianus for the first time. And you had thought Zach was the biggest creature you had ever seen. You try not to remind yourself that it had taken your entire army to kill Zach, and even then you had taken numerous losses. Grakenthrax is a leviathoa of faded blue-black scales and pointed fangs. Leathery wings the size of a small house each send gales of wind that almost knock you from your horse. The dragon eyes you hungrily and you can smell the insanity on her fetid breath. This is a creature best untrifled with. Come here you puny little rat! Spencer challenges, waving his bright longsword in the air. Next to Grakenthrax it looks like an iron filing. Even if he had the strength to puncture her scales with it, the sword would never go far enough into her body to cause any real damage. Maybe enough to piss her off, but nothing more. Ah, humans! the beast roars, settling down on all fours and circling you like a tiger. Her voice is high-pitched for all its intensity, reminding you of an old, daft woman. Come to teach Grakenthrax a lesson, yes? A less you won't soon forget! Spencer boasts. He he he! the dragon titters, and without warning she swipes out a taloned arm with the speed of an agitated snake. She misses Spencer's head by the smallest of margins. Teach me a lesson, you will? A lesson in how yummy is a human? The only thing you're going to taste of me is steel! Spencer challenges. You must admit, he seems very composed considering what he is doing. Perhaps you underestimated him. Come my dear, the dragon hisses, stopping her circling motion. She pauses and looks at the sky for so long you swear she has forgotten about you. Then, suddenly, she screams, Let's dance! And, like a cat, she pounces.
60, 29 подземелье
No More Psychics!
66, 64 подземелье
{Magic Spring} Double your spell-casting ability for FREE!
79, 76 подземелье
You watch from a distance as Veymoussin takes the city. He does so easily, as his army is fairly large and the garrison is not steadfast in its defense. It does however come to some surprise that Vey is adept at spellcasting and you watch with some suspicion as he vaporizes a squad of defenders with an arc of lightning that leaps from his fingertips with a sizzle and the smell of rain. It is only a short while before you yourself arrive at the gates to the castle, but to your agitation they remain closed to you. Let me in, I tell you! you call to the soldiers, still bloody from the siege, who now guard the wench that lowers the drawbridge. I have business with Vey! There is a muffled conversation, and then Vey's head appears between two of the battlements. He is grinning wickedly and he waves a mace (oh, the memories of goblins wielding maces!) at you. Foolish humans! he cackles, They are so STUPID. Here, human man, I have a gift for you! With a heavy grunt, he lifts something up and throws it overs the side of the wall. It is big and floppy and lands with a thud. Blood runs everywhere. To your horror upon closer inspection, you see that it is the body of a goblin. Whoever it was, he was big. And around his shoulders is a wolfskin cloak tied with a gold clasp. Who was this? you call up, confused and angry. That was my cousin, Vey giggles. And thanks to you he is now dead, as he should be. This city rightfully belongs to me and my brother, Gurnisson. We shall present it to my lord and protector, Calous the Great, and he will make us KINGS when he tears this world apart. But that ugly nobody, my cousin, Fossel, sought to deprive us of this place, to ruin our chances at greatness. He deserved death and worse. Now, that Riverview is back in our control, we can reopen our gem industry and accrue more wealth so that we may further appease his Excellency. But now, go, human. You have been helpful, but you are a trifle. I shall let you live because you aided me, even if it was because you were stupid. Leave me or you shall end up like my cousin! You turn aside. Damn the goblins to hell. Tempting as it is to just leave, you refuse to be duped by a little toad like this man. Spencer draws his sword when he sees the black look on your face and prepares for an assault on the castle, but you stay his arm before he can call for the charge. Your squire looks at you, nonplussed. I don't understand, Sedran. You can't let that little worm get away with -- I don't plan to, you interrupt with clenched teeth. Then we should -- he starts again. We will wait a day. And attack in the morning, under cover of mist, you reply. Sedran that's foolish. We can take this little maggot. Let me charge and I will skewer his head on the end of my sword! That is what he wants us to do, you reply, It is what he expects. Not only will we take more losses by attacking now, but it will be necessary to take him by surprise in the morning. He likely has men right now waiting to burn out the town at the first sign of defeat. No, we wait the night, and attack tomorrow, when he is surprised, and we might just be able to save Mantak's Ogres before they are executed. [Read Chapter 4 after you win, but you should make sure to wait ONE DAY before attacking.]
Черный дракон
30, 53 подземелье
Leaping lizards!
62, 62 подземелье
The bartender catches you sniffing around the trashcans out behind his tavern, and he is not too happy about it. Ach, first it's drunken wizards and now it's humans! he bellows, brandishing a broom at you. Yer worse than the rats! Why don't ye go and join that sot wizard down at Bayside and sniff around THEIR trashcans and LEAVE ME BE!
2, 16 подземелье
University Buildings Are Off Limits to Non Students Except the Pub of Course
16, 42 подземелье
A swarm of ugly vampires charges at you. The leader, you notice, wears a magnificent orange cloak that could only be magic.
2, 77 подземелье
You step out of the portal and are amazed that Gagestor was correct, you are indeed on top of a mountain. Not to mention, it is a mountain that overlooks the Vale of Earth! It seems like miles away but you can definitely make out the distant spires of Litheen and the shuffling of hundreds of earth elementals, as small as ants. What fortune that Gagestor's mountain had such a vantage point! The old wizard turns to you, hands you an enormous leather-bound tome and says, Ok, here is my spell book. It contains all I know of air. If you turn towards the end, you will see my fly spell. It is unfinished, but with the help of our friend here, I hope to complete the spell! Look, Gagestor, I have a favor to ask, you say. Of course, Ed. I'll help you anyway I can. You see, I really need to get into the Vale of Earth down there... and they have it all blocked off. If this spell works, would you mind... if I flew down there? The old wizard frowns. And take my book away? I think not! It will only be for a short time. I'll return it. Your earth elemental friend sighs. No, my friend. You will not. Traemask's death is causing the very erosion of the earth. The Vale is a wasteland -- the earth is cracked and bleeding. When our powers went, so did the magic of Litheen. We have no spells there at all -- the very magic has been sucked from the land. If you bring that tome down there, it will crumble to dust. I cannot allow that! Gagestor whines, and gropes clumsily for his tome. You hold it out of reach. Gagestor, you plead, You know the importance of the mission... Traemask has commanded I unite the elementals. I MUST get into Litheen, and this is the only way for me to do it. Gagestor frowns but then sighs. Yes, you are right, Ed. You must do this. It is to be my sacrifice, I suppose. Fine, take the book. But first I must complete the spell. So now it is my turn to sacrifice, the earth elemental says, standing tall and brave like a warrior. What? you ask. This spell will kill me, the elemental replies. Gagestor needs my essence to make it work, so that you can float on air like dust in the wind. You look at Gagestor and he nods solemnly. You knew the whole time? you ask. Yes, the elemental replies. Please, all I ask is that you remember me. My name is Clifftonionsixius, but people usually call me Cliff. You must convince the Lord of Earth that this war should be ended! I will, you promise. Can we get on with it, Gagestor asks. My pizza's probably sitting there and getting cold? You frown at the old man's insensitivity, but at least you didn't have to kill him for the book. Yes, let's do it, if you are ready, Cliff. The earth elemental nods, and after a short incantation, he vaporizes into dust. You can feel the book in your arms glowing, and then it winks out. There, Gagestor says, It is ready. I wish you luck, Ed. And if you fall, remember not to scream. Screaming hurts my ears. You thank the wizard grimly and open the book. [Player Note
WHOOSH! you almost hit a bird! {Mapmaker is rolling his eyes...}
77, 0 подземелье
Талисман маны
54, 55 подземелье
Wispy Cloud speaks a word of warning before approaching the tree
Башмаки скороходы
66, 60 подземелье
You find an old pair of boots discarded in a trash heap. Now who would want to throw such a nice pair of boots away? Oh, that's who.
98, 74 подземелье
The gnarled old halfling identifies himself as Saxor. I used to be in charge o' the town's guards, he says in a lazy drawl, But Grakenthrax done ate them all up, so it's just be to protect the town. Aside from the air elementals, of course, but they ain't much use 'gainst a dragon. And you would be? Wispy Cloud says accusingly. Nah, he replies, I'm too old to be fightin' dragons, but in me prime, I could slay the best of them. A muffled snort of amusement escapes from Spencer, but thankfully he does not object aloud. Saxor, you say, the town's mayor has told me you might be able to show us how to get to Taircott Peak. Is that so? Saxor spits and then stares at you for several minutes. Finally
Шляпа капитана
40, 9 подземелье
The water elementals teach you a thing or two about seamanship.
83, 90 подземелье
Mayleonelle is not as beautiful as the pixie witch Bzoh in a physical sense, but there is a certain regal charm in the former that the latter lacked. When the wall of air dissipates and her limbs are free to move, the Fairy Queen raises her arms in an instinctive posture of defense. Who are you? she nearly squeals. My name is Sedran, you tell her. A human being as you no doubt can see. I have traveled here to save your world. Aye, a human I can see! she says, relaxing a bit now that she feels in no immediate danger. And one who has befriended some of the air beings I see. Best be careful, human. They can be as temperamental as the weather, if you excuse the pun. Very funny, Wispy Cloud sniffs. We have met before, Mayleonelle, though it is likely you do not remember. It is good to see you freed from that awful witch's spell! Mayleonelle looks at her hands as if just realizing she is no longer a prisoner. Do not blame Bzoh, she says finally. In a way she is right.. our world is falling apart. It is good that a human has come to repair the damage that a human has caused. Is there aught I can do to aid thee? I see some of my people have already joined your cause. As a matter of fact, you tell the Queen, There is. I seek entry into Aereen, but Wispy Cloud here tells me that they will not admit a human, especially after the recent events. I need you to vouch for me. The Queen pauses for a second, but then says, Yes, I will do that. Take me to Aereen, and I will make sure you are permitted to enter. You thank Mayleonelle, and she eagerly joins up with your party. The other fairies traveling with you seem overjoyed to have their rightful ruler back among them, and they fall into a gleeful high-pitched chatter that is so fast you cannot understand what they are saying. Spencer snorts and says something about loudmouthed chatterboxes, but you dismiss the irritable swordsman's crass comments with a wave of the hand. If he's going to learn to be your squire, he's going to have to start restraining his tongue. You make a mental note to have a chat with him.
Страж задания
82, 90 подземелье
Encased in a solid wall of air is a small blue woman, complete with wings and a crown of coiled wood. She wears an expression of pain. The power of the spell that imprisons her is typically focused in a small statue or figurine, Varianus says after inspecting the magical prison. We will need to bring the device back here and destroy it if we are going to free this Sprite. Easier said than done, Wispy Cloud chimes in despondently. We have been trying to capture the witch who imprisoned the Fairy Queen for months, but our powers have faded and the witch always flees before we can catch her. Well, you say with a smile. I can be pretty quick... where's this witch located? Last we saw, she had a little hut to the northeast, Wispy Cloud replies, But remember, if you try and she gets away, it could be months again before we find her. You'll get one try!
Страж задания
68, 54 подземелье
The gem mines are currently closed for business. Authorized Personnel ONLY
69, 53 подземелье
A filthy little goblin notices you have entered the gem mines. He approaches wearing a clearly falsely friendly smile. Hello, he says, How may I help you today? We have recently reopened after some difficulty with the workers. Oh, you reply, I'm afraid we're not here to do business with you. We want to know
18, 16 подземелье
Rest Area -- Water Walkers Only.
12, 8 подземелье
You should stop here and rest for the day, but where to next? There seems to be a spot just to the northwest of you, but you're going to have to walk around those rocks to the north to get there. Can you make it there in one day?
Водный элементал
31, 12 подземелье
A group of water elementals, members of the Queen's personal guard, have been sent to escort you into Aqueen!
Владыка джиннов
24, 6 подземелье
The genies glare at you. You seek Aqueen? they ask. After you nod, they sneer, Boats not get you there, stupid. You need to float, like us. Go back and FLOAT over here to that little clearing to the south! But I can't walk all the way from that clearing way back there to the clearing here in one day! you complain. The genies frown at you, but then their features soften. We tell you this because we feel sorry for you stinking human. There is a strange place between the rocks to the west where a wind blows all the time. Perhaps you went there before? If you get there while floating, it will hold you aloft all night long while you rest your magic and you can cast spell again in the morning. Will let you travel extra long distances without landing. You thank the genies profusely for their advice.
Страж задания
107, 67 подземелье
Sam tells you that after they have dropped you off at Taircott Peak, they will return here and build a raft so that you may return once you have completed your mission.
Хижина предсказателя
37, 37 подземелье
An enormous set of scaffolding lies in ruins some distance from the main castle of Polaris. Staring at the mess with slumping shoulders and unkempt hair is an old wizard who seems on the edge of despair. What seems to be the trouble? you ask the old man. The trouble? he says without turning to you. Certainly looking at the ruins that have become of my creation is explanation enough! All you see is fallen ladders and remants of what appears to have been a great statue. Yes, I can see the rubble, but why are you distressed about it. My name, the wizard says, Is Franken Victorstein. It has been my life's dream to create life out of nothing. That dope Pelgius thought his golems were great. I sought to bring to life a statue! I spent years carving it, so that every feature was exact, every limb in proportion to the others. And all for naught! What happened? you ask. The damn genies! Franken roars, throwing up his arms. When Traemask took ill, they went... bonkers! They started flying around and zapping people! A couple of them came and destroyed my precious statue and then carried off the pieces! They're INSANE! By the looks of it, it is Victorstein that has gone insane, but you keep this observation to yourself. I have seen a couple of these genies, you tell him. I will bring any of these pieces back to you if I find them. Oh, I would be so grateful! Franken says, his eyes watering up. Please, yes, bring them to me and I will show you what a great creature this will be! I need them all -- legs, arms, torso, abdomen, and of course the head. Please, hurry!
36, 73 подземелье
You find a nice cache of treasure out here, ripe for the taking!
Страж задания
101, 3 суша
A picture of the rune Achmaga is carved into the marble tower. Do you wish to speak the name of this rune?
Ожерелье небесного блаженства
100, 11 суша
All you hear is laughing before the pain begins......
A picture of the rune Vaaminth is carved into the marble tower. Do you wish to speak the name of this rune?
Страж задания
105, 3 суша
A picture of the rune Halamees is carved into the marble tower. Do you wish to speak the name of this rune?
Страж задания
105, 5 суша
A picture of the rune Terebeleccio is carved into the marble tower. Do you wish to speak the name of this rune?
Страж задания
105, 7 суша
A picture of the rune Grisim is carved into the marble tower. Do you wish to speak the name of this rune?
1, 1 суша
no gold
no gold!
71, 63 суша
Landing proof
71, 61 суша
Funny... nothing in this bottle but a bunch of worms!
53, 63 суша
Shrine of Maydin
66, 44 суша
The Box
Элементал мысли
53, 42 суша
A small yet vigilant band of crazy-looking creatures wearing turbans and long, black capes seems to be guarding this underground passageway. But guarding what?
Королева медуз
69, 45 суша
Snake-like creates fight with a tired and bruised group of fire elementals. To their rescue!!
63, 47 суша
Hordes of minotaurs assault your allies!!
Огненный элементал
68, 45 суша
The fire elementals do not hesitate to join you.
65, 45 суша
Nereido, Queen of the Water Elementals, is, like her element, soft yet hard. She immediately sympathized with your cause and was willing to put the petty politics of the elementals on hold in order to aid your quest. At the same time, you know that she can be as impervious as a chunk of ice and will stop at nothing to eliminate any threat to Antamixyllion.
Волшебный элементал
67, 72 суша
The magic elementals are committed to your cause.
101, 25 суша
Ymmies every month
58, 5 суша
Depletion Event
Creatures every month
81, 88 суша
Creatures every month
16, 94 суша
Creatures Every 2 Weeks
93, 58 суша
Sorvar's Rock
Земной элементал
73, 58 суша
Jail Guards HO!!!!
79, 55 суша
The Jail
93, 91 суша
Workers Colony
89, 95 суша
Worker's Colony
92, 70 суша
Here the road ends.
Страж задания
4, 33 суша
A small trail into the jungle is blocked by a giant slab of stone with an eye carved into it. Only the dead have true sight. is carved into the stone. Just below the inscription is a small alcove. It is just begging for something to be put in it.
Кулон внутреннего зрения
2, 31 суша
The artifact hums and hisses when you reach for it. This doesn't seem right to you....
Страж задания
88, 7 суша
The Cathedral of the Cloaked. Peaceful. Blissful. Serene. Lovely. Aaaaaaahhhhhh. A sense of profound goodness fills you. Maybe it's the perfume of fresh clover and clean earth. Maybe it's the soft, warm glow of the walls of the cavern. Maybe it's the pleasant sound of birds and forest critters singing in harmony. Maybe it's the taste of salty sea air. Maybe it's the velvety caress of the gently breeze. Maybe it's everything. A set of golden gates block your way into the Cathedral of the Cloaked, the home of the Clerics of Maydin. Just inside the gates, a single angel stands sentry. He carries a massive, wicked sword, but it is hard for your brain to conceive of such a beautiful creature causing death with such a weapon. The angel, stocky and muscular and square of jaw yet deceivingly graceful in action and temperate in voice, regards you coolly. Friends, he says. You knock upon the doors of the Cloaked. Speak your business here. We do not often have visitors. You step forward. My name is Sedran, angel, and I have been sent by the World Tree himself on a quest most important. It is imperative that I speak with the Clerics as soon as possible. Will you let me pass? No. The Angel says simply. You are about to protest when it seems he will say no more, but he raises a hand. There are many spirits of evil intent who would enter this sanctuary with evil intent. There are foul creatures about and even fouler hearts. Sad to say, not all of these creatures are grotesque and inhuman. It would be imprudent to let just anyone in. But there are ways to separate the good from the wicked. I shall surely pass any test you throw at me, you claim. So you say, the angel replies, looking past you and at Spencer, who fidgets under the holy glare. So you say. You turn and look at your squire, and then return to the angel. Well? you ask. There is an old saying, 'Evil hath no friends.' Do you know of it? the angel asks. You shake your head. Spencer snorts derisively. In essence, it means that while the goodhearted work for a common good, which generally involves an alliance of intent, the wicked are chaotic and only work to save themselves. For a man of evil heart, there is no sense of comradery. Everyone stands in the way. Everyone is the enemy, regardless of whether everyone else is evil or good. A man whose heart is corrupted by darkness lacks the wisdom to discern between evil and good, because such wisdom is unnecessary. Thus to you I propose the following test. Outside of these gates are six monks identical in all respects. But only one has a good heart. Escort him back to me and you will have proven your nature. Fail to choose the good monk and... well, the Cloaked cannot afford to have evil people running about. A pause, and then
Хижина предсказателя
85, 1 суша
You are admittedly somewhat surprised to find Ton Gruzin waiting for you in the little gazebo in the garden. He smiles amicably when you approach, a puzzled expression on your face. What is it? he asks, concerned. You look around, trying to find some explanation in your surroundings. All you see are flowers and trees and butterflies and streams. But I killed you! The abbot lets out a good-natured laugh. Oh, Sedran, you are such a cad. Come, now, you don't think I would have actually put my LIFE on the line, do you? It was a test. The test-giver never dies! Somehow, that doesn't seem fair to you. But to more important business, Sedran, he says, offering you a seat on a wicker bench. Spencer sits next to you. You have earned our aid, and you shall have it. Now, let me see that sword of yours. You hand the abbot your malirite sword, hilt-first. He removes it from the scabbard and inspects the dark gray steel like a jeweler inspecting a fine gemstone. He licks his thumb and runs it along the edge of the blade, testing its sharpness. Umm.. good. Yes, he mutters. Then, under his breath, he chants a few words and the sword begins to grow blue. Yes... excellent. Finally, he shoves the sword back into the scabbard with a metallic click, and hands it back to you. A decent blade, he says. But as I said, I needs to be tempered. And how do you do that? In your mind's eye you see a brawny blacksmith pounding away at the sword and then shoving it into a barrel of water. Hissss..... No, no, the abbot shakes his head. The sword is physically fine. I'm sure it will cleave a man's head in two rather nicely. But against World Wood... no, you might as well dig a hole in granite with your fingernails. Against such a powerful force of life, one must use a cutting instrument infused with a powerful force of death. This is what it must be tempered with. Magic. You state. It was not a question, and the single word leaves a bitter taste in your mouth. For once, you'd just like to have some good old flesh to carve into. You like enemies you can see, ones that squirt blood when you cut them. In a fashion, yes. The abbot says. So, can you do this? you ask. The abbot's eyes dart to Spencer, who is idly picking his nose. He turns back to you. Well. Yes, we can. But it will require certain... sacrifices. Go on, you urge flatly. We need to infuse the sword with a human soul, the abbot says simply. And you are an intelligent man, Sedran. There are only two humans among you. One of you must... how do you say it? Kick the bucket. I see, you reply. Well, it has come down to this. You look at Spencer, who is studying a nice big gob of yellow goo on his finger. Not exactly the paragon of virtue, there. And then there is yourself. But if you were to sacrifice yourself, then who would continue the quest? No... there's only one answer to this question. It must be Spencer. And it is really fitting, if you think about it... it was HE who was in the army of Kayerts and Carlier, after all. Spence? you say, nudging the man, who hasn't shaved in a week. The booger flies off his finger. He spends a moment looking for it but then turns to you angrily. Look what you did! he says. Spence... how would you like to go on a journey? you ask. What, are you kidding me? I'm not going to put my soul in that sword, or whatever perverse thing it is that they want of me. Forget that, man! Spencer, you repeat, looking in his eyes. You know how important this is. Why me? Why not you? he asks. He looks genuinely concerned now. It's complicated, you begin. Coward! he shouts, standing up, going for his sword. You'll not sacrifice me, I swear it! You are faster, and grab his wrist before he can free his blade. Spencer, you say, It has to be. It has to be. There is nothing else to say, so you repeat it again
Хижина предсказателя
91, 1 суша
There is screaming, but you are numb to that now. It is an inhuman scream, not the high-pitched peel of a friend in pain, but the sinister metallic drone of death, roaring in anger. Holding your hands over your ears does not help. You simply pace for hours upon hours, trying to ignore the sounds of misery... Suddenly there is a crash and a yell. Another crash and a blood-curdling scream. You dash for the doors and throw all your weight against them. They come crashing down, letting out ritual incense and the stench of foul magic. Your eyes adjust to the darkness at a maddeningly slow pace. What is.... Please, Spencer, release me. Put me down, a whining voice begs. The smoke clears and you finally see it. Spencer, wearing nothing but a loincloth, his eyes blue fire, is holding the abbot by the neck against the wall, several feet above the ground. Ton Gruzin chokes and sputters, but Spencer's attention is on the glowing blue sword in his hands. He looks at it with awe, testing its balance, smiling at it. You mustn't... the abbot gasps, The ritual... not yet finished. Spencer turns back to the abbot. Little man, I don't care, he snickers. As if bored of the sport, he releases the abbot, who falls to the ground, coughing. Spencer turns and steps over the mess of one of the abbot's attendants, now headless, who lies twitching on the ground. The dread knight -- your friend -- begins coming toward you. You fumble for your own sword, but realize with sudden fear that it is the one carried by your undead friend. You curse inwardly but are stopped dead in your tracks when you catch a glimpse of the abbot rushing towards Spencer with a sputtering candelabrum in his hands, wielding it like a weapon. Abbot, NO! you shriek, but it is too late. In a motion faster than Spencer ever could have managed while he was living, the Dread Knight whips the sword around and brings it down right on the abbot's shoulder. The cleric is clove from his neck to his crotch in one fast sweep of the dark blade. Blood sprays everywhere and the candelbrum crashes to the floor. The abbot gurgles something, clasps uselessly at the air, and then collapses to the ground with a thud. Blood runs down the stones in streams. The other clerics scatter. Spencer, you bastard! What have you done? you yell before charging towards the undead warrior. The only weapon you have is a small boot-knife, which you draw on the run. Spencer smiles when he sees it, fueling your rage. Who is this man to turn against you now? By what rights does he attempt to foil your goals? You stab savagely at the knight, your anger causing you to be careless. Spencer effortlessly dodges the awkward thrust of your dagger. Almost as nonchalant, he snatches your hand with a deft motion, and twists, causing you to lose your hold on the knife. You screech in pain. Spencer! you cry, Let me go! Your former squire sneers at you, breathing fetid wind into your face. Oh, Sedran, he snickers. Now why would I do that? He squeezes your hand harder, but he gives no sign that he is exerting himself. By the gods, he is strong! Sedran, my teacher. You do not understand the power. I am... invincible! I could never give this up. Not for you. Not for Traemaskeelix. Not for anyone! Spencer squeezes your hand even more. The pain is excruciating. You hear the snapping sounds of your hand-bones being crushed. It sounds like boots walking across gravel. You feel as if you will pass out from the pain. You cry out, begging him to stop, but he just smiles more. Sedran, he says tiredly, still clutching your mangled hand in his fist. You are on your knees now, sobbing. I should kill you. It is you who betrayed me, who wanted me dead. I knew it all along. You wanted the glory that was rightfully mine. It was {I} who slew the dragon. It was {I} who defeated armies. What did you do? Coward. That's not true! you weep. IT IS! he roars back. Calmer
54, 41 суша
A barrier of Air shimmers in the darkness. Do you know where you're going?
59, 40 суша
A wall of ice stretches from one side of the valley to the other, completely blocking your path. Generally, such a feature means you probably should not enter.
64, 37 суша
Hot, blistering heat radiates from this barrier of liquid fire. What could you hope to gain from this?
70, 34 суша
A wall of cool mud impedes your progress. Do you really want to risk getting dirty?
76, 30 суша
The well paved but narrow road ends at a large, solid gate. Whatever is behind it, someone doesn't want intruders to enter.
Рыцарь Смерти
2, 5 суша
14, 1 суша
Programmed AI Death!!!
15, 1 суша
Programmed AI Death!!!
38, 36 суша
Programmed AI Death!!!
37, 40 суша
Ghosts all over the place. But these can't be the ones the monk spoke of. You have a feeling they are going to be much more... intimidating. What was it he said... once every two fortnights?
40, 34 суша
Undead creatures swarm around the ruined temple. This place is indeed cursed!
43, 39 суша
Around the neck of the head zombie is a shiny metal object. It sure looks purrrrrrty.
39, 38 суша
More undead creatures. Yikes!
44, 34 суша
A single aged monk hovers by the fountain to the north, gazing into its dark, putrid waters. You approach reverently, not knowing whether this man is a friend or foe. Hey you! Spencer barks, causing you to groan in irritation. The monk's head whips around in surprise. Yeah, I'm talking to yo--. You stifle Spencer's outburst by elbowing him in the gut. The monk looks at you with some confusion. Hello, you say unctuously, My name is Sedran. I am here on a mission of some import. Could you be of assistance? You aren't, by any chance, a Cleric of Maydin? The monk's eyes widen at the mention of Maydin. Nay I be not a man of that decrepit cloth. A pox upon them is what I say. Me a humble servant only be, declared to the order of the second, was and always am I. The man speaks in such a harsh dialect that it is difficult to pull apart what he is saying. It is the language of the Clerics of some hundred years ago, Wispy Cloud whispers. This man is old. As if to compound the eeriness of the place, the monk suddenly winks out of existence and then reappears a little to the left. His expression is unchanged
72, 21 суша
North Keep
51, 53 суша
A giant flaming bird -- a legendary phoenix? -- and many of his consorts guard the entrance to the valley to the east. The long lost phoenix! Wispy Cloud gasps. They have been absent from Solaris for generations! And here they have been hiding! Sedran, they would be an asset to your army! No creature can go so fast as the phoenix! The fiery birds however do not respond to your attempts at communication. Looks like you're going to have to recruit them the hard way.
107, 50 суша
Conflagus the King of Fire. He is very much grateful that you rescued him from the rebel Thogmar, yet at the same time he resents having to swallow his pride and make peace with Tolemair. Regardless, you will no doubt find him a staunch ally against the spawn of Carlier. Already he respects you as a fellow warrior, though he hasn't quite adopted you as his superior in rank, yet.
68, 19 суша
It's befitting that the Lord of Earth is as solid as a rock, both in his physical self and in his ways. Clearly he knew of Thogmar's rebellion but he refused to admit it. That makes you somewhat irritated. Yet the forces of Earth are paramount in winning this war, and so you must turn the other cheek, and be amicable. Still, you can't trust a person who lies to you, so you remain wary.
3, 105 суша
Посещение Рыцарь:
Водный элементал
65, 47 суша
The water elementals, though fatigued and badly wounded, seem glad to see reinforcements. The eagerly join your party.
52, 82 суша
This genie was kind enough to entrust you with the truth of his brethren
Страж задания
101, 7 суша
A picture of the rune Sigmar is carved into the marble tower. Do you wish to speak the name of this rune?
88, 10 суша
Cathedral of the Cloaked Please Approach the Gates First
Страж задания
67, 86 суша
An enormous wall spans the entire width of the cavern, with only a small steel gate permitting passage. Even an enormous army would find it hard to breach this defense, your trained military senses tell you. It wouldn't take but more than a skeleton force to repel even your most staunch offensive. A strange creature bearing a conical helmet and wearing a shimmering cloak emerges from door inset in the gate and hovers over to you. A set of baby blue glowing eyes are the only details on an otherwise pitch black face. A magic elemental, Wispy Cloud whispers in your ear as the emissary approaches. There are few left, as most, like us, have lost their powers due to Traemask's dying. Human, the being rasps when in speaking distance. Salenze has not sent word of your coming. You must turn back. A war is being waged beyond this gate, and my orders are than none shall pass -- from either direction -- until the problems above ground have been solved, and the powers of all the elementals are restored. Bring back a sampling of elementals of each type with their restored powers and I shall let you pass the gate... your help in this war at that time will be greatly appreciated. Until then, you will only be a nuisance, and I cannot abide a nuisance mucking up an already hopeless situation. You must turn back, he concludes, before winking out of existence.
Ледяной элементал
66, 89 суша
We guard the entrance to the overworld. None will pass without treading over our corpses first!
Земной элементал
73, 53 суша
Guards HO!
12, 6 суша
15, 4 суша
57, 64 суша
You feel a powerful and irresistible force pulling at you from the west. At the same time... you are repulsed by it. How can two forces be acting on you at once? That's never a good sign.
66, 80 суша
The elementals have erected these barriers to restrict enemy access to your waterways. It would probably be best if you did not destroy them until you were sure you needed to!
63, 90 суша
The elementals have erected these barriers to restrict enemy access to your waterways. It would probably be best if you did not destroy them until you were sure you needed to!
57, 49 суша
The elementals have erected these barriers to restrict enemy access to your waterways. It would probably be best if you did not destroy them until you were sure you needed to!
70, 62 суша
A large explosion from the cliffs to the north nearly tips your boat into the water. What the heck was that? Spencer growls. I do not know... you say in a tone that begs to be followed by But I do not like it! Come, Wispy Cloud says, trying hard to hide the worried look on his face. Let us continue towards The Box. Our presence is needed urgently! Is there something you know that we do not, Wispy? you ask. Perhaps, but I do not want to make conclusions before we know all the facts, he replies. This does not settle well with you, but you bite your tongue... for now.
71, 81 суша
Your boat rocks in the gentle current of the dark canal. The smell of stale, hot air is uncomfortably suffocating. You do not care for this place. So tell me, you ask Wispy Cloud during your light supper. The air elemental of course does not eat -- at least he doesn't eat food in the sense that you consume meat -- but he is always content to offer you company during your meals. The sounds of smacking lips can be heard from Spencer, who always eats as if he is going to battle. If he's going to be a knight, he's going to have to learn some table etiquette. You continue
73, 61 суша
To the north is a series of impressively high cliffs. What's up there? Spencer asks you, pointing at them with his sword. You shrug. How the heck should you know? Those are the prisons, Wispy Cloud tells you. That's where we have been keeping the leaders of the strange creatures that we capture in battle. I'm sure you will want to go and interrogate them at some point.
70, 60 суша
Landing proof
65, 46 суша
The Box is aptly named, you decide as you approach it. What an utterly reprehensible building! Spencer exclaims. I'm amazed a bunch of wizards would build such a thing. They are usually much more... intricate. The keep is a perfect cube, with edges that have not dulled over the years. No flags or windows adorn the walls; no crenellations adorn the roof. In fact, the only perceivable entrance is a small, unobtrusive door about half-way up the front face of the cube, and the only way to reach the door is a narrow staircase that runs from the bottom left corner of the cube to a small platform big enough to accomodate maybe 20 human soldier. Ugly, maybe, Wispy Cloud explains, But easily defended. It is really the only keep which he have managed to defend. You are in the midst of this conversation when a small gathering of water elementals approaches from a group of tents just in front of and to the left of The Box. The leader, a sinewy reptile wearing a sash of office, steps forward after his company has come to a halt, and he introduces himself cordially. Greetings friend. The word of your coming has preceded you, and we offer thanks for your great deeds. In uniting the overworld clans, you have brought hope and badly needed forces to us. You bow slightly, a sign of respect between equals, although in reality you have no idea what rank this elemental holds. You are most welcome, you reply. I have come to aid you in whatever way that I might. I also have... a secondary mission, which I would discuss with the castellan of The Box. Would you take me to him? Her, the commander corrects you. The general of operations here at the Box is female, and she has requested that you meet her at once. If you would follow me? You nod, and begin to follow the water elemental in the direction of the tents. Most of your company departs on their own errands, some of the elementals in your party obviously wanting to seek out their own kind. Wispy Cloud and Spencer remain with you, however, interested in hearing what this general will have to say. The biggest tent in the complex is bright aquatic blue, and has scenes of fish and mermaids embroidered into the sides. Even though the river is some distance away, the smell of brine and fish is strong. This general must be a water elemental. Why doesn't the general make headquarters in the castle? Spencer asks as you make your way to the commander's tent. As you can see, your escort replies, The box does not facilitate well the movements of troops to its interior. It has its own garrison and its own commander. The general presides over the field and over the sea. Come, you shall now meet her. The commander parts the door of the tent and you walk into a humid room filled with the sounds of running water. In fact, save for a single walkway that leads from the door to a dais in the middle of the room, the entire tent hovers above a pool of clear water approximately five feet deep. At the far end of the tent, on the opposite side of the entry way, sitting in a modest throne shaped like a seashell, is the general. To either side of you, waste-deep in water, are guards and attendants. The general regards you curiously. It takes you several moments -- the alien and ephemeral faces of the elementals look alike to you -- but suddenly, the resemblance strikes home, and you burst out, Nereido! The commander who led you here seems taken aback that you know the general's name, much less a shortened familiar version of it, but the Queen of the Water Elementals from the overworld gives you a small smile and stands to greet you (although the farthest you can go is the dais). You go to one knee and, after realizing that Spencer is just standing beside you, gaping like an invalid, you jerk him to his knees as well. Wispy Cloud does not genuflect -- you've noticed that elementals pay homage only to their own kind -- but he does give a polite and respectful bow of his head. Please rise, please! the queen-general urges, her voice sounding pleasurably soft and congenial, like a finely-tuned harp. It is I that should be bowing to you, my friend. You have done the impossible Sedran. What I thought was a hopeless situation has been given new life. For the first time in a hundred years, Earth and Fire talk pleasantly around each other. Both factions are filled with life and the desire to help each other. I never thought to see the elements working together in such harmony, but here we are.... and it is a wonderful sight! You stand and utter thanks for her compliments. I am here to serve you, my lady, you tell her. I would help you win this war against these ghastly creatures that have spawned as a result of Kayerts and Carlier. But as you know, I have a secondary quest, that given to me by Traemask herself. I believe I must find these pendants and so far my luck has not been great. I was hoping to find clues down here in the underworld, and would be thrilled if you could point me in the right direction. Of course, Nereido replies, The underworld is an ancient place, and many artifacts were lost down here when Alainica fell. You would be well served to seek out the ruins there, for many answers may be found there. But you should be warned -- Alainica is a deadly place, trapped and reputedly haunted by undead. It is also guarded by a legendary system of liths which are meant to be a ward against the unworthy. I would advise you to study this gateway before attempting to pass through it. Of course, you reply, not disheartened by this news. It is about as you expected. And how may I help you in your efforts against these underworld creatures? Ah, well that is a sad state of affairs, Nereido replies, suddenly somber. Despite the reinforcements you bring, our position is a precarious one. We are assaulted on all sides. We have three strongholds down here, but only the Box is firmly within our hands. There is one to the north and one to the southeast. They must not be allowed to fall. If they do.... she trails off. Words are not needed to impress upon you the gravity of the situation. They shall not! you vow. To make matters worse, Nereido continues, The creatures attacked the prison just a few days ago and broke free one of their commanders, a magic-using minotaur of frightful capabilities. His name is Calous and he should be treated with utmost caution. He slew nearly a thousand of our number single-handedly before we could capture him. I suppose it could have been worse, though. We have more of their leaders imprisoned that are much more dangerous. If they should be freed, then all hope is lost. The keys to the jail are held at Sorvar's Rock, our southern fortress. They must be {guarded} at all costs. You should head there {immediately} to establish control of that area. Was that the explosion on the cliffs we heard on the way here? Wispy Cloud asks, The prison escape? Likely it was, Nereido replies. In addition to myself, there are other commanders down here, some of whom you may recognize. Many of them are waiting for my orders. If you should find them, tell them that my orders are to march against the enemy. They will follow your command without question. You should impress upon them one thing, however
79, 56 суша
To the west is a peninsula that juts out like a finger pointed at heaven, nearly fifteen hundred feet above the river below. It is the perfect jail. The only way into the prison is through a giant gate directly to your west. Inside are kept all of the officers that the elementals have captured. If they should be freed.... you shudder.
71, 59 суша
This cell is empty, although it looks like it housed someone recently. The southern wall is a blackened hole, and looking down you can see the river far below you. Across a two-hundred foot chasm is another wall of rock with another hole in it. This must be where Calous escaped from. Only an accomplished magic-user would be able to make such an escape. The thought of facing him doesn't settle well. Well, Spencer asks, taking a look over the edge. Are we going to follow him?
93, 60 суша
The keep known as Sorvar's Rock sits in the center of this valley like a single tooth in the socket of a hundred-year-old skull. Carved from sandstone and dust-colored, the keep is as old as it is ugly. And right now it might as well be dead. Nobody is here. Right to the west is the jailhouse, where all the keys to the giant prison to the west are kept. The enemy must not be allowed to enter there, or they could free their imprisoned leaders. It took many lives to capture them once. It would be impossible to do so again, as your armies no longer have that many lives to spare. And where are your armies? Where is the garrison? Where is everyone? Only a few soldiers are present to show you around the castle. None of them seem to know why there are few troops around. Maybe they are on the field? Maybe there are all dead and this is all that's left. What a chilly thought.
92, 69 суша
This marks the extent of civilized territory, Whispy Cloud tells you. In old times, the elementals controlled a much larger swathe of land, but as our numbers dwindled, so did this area fall into ruin and disuse. Now it is little more than dark tunnels and ruined castles. What a perfect place for a bunch of malevolent creatures to breed. Be careful, Sedran. That's their turf down there. I have heard it said that there are minerals in those caves that absorb magic. You don't want to be ambushed in a place where you can't cast spells!
106, 52 суша
Finally! To the north you find a camp of fire elementals, and their leader is none other than Conflagus. He seems happy to see you. He seems happy to be fighting somebody other than elementals for a change. Oh, to be a real warrior again, he sighs over mead and dinner that evening. To feel an enemy slide from my blade, his heart spewing blood in my face with its last few frantic beats, the feel of his fingernails on my arm as they clasp and claw at me in a futile attempt to take me with him, the look on his face as I cleave his head from his shoulders, the sound of guts splashing on rock, the smell of voided bowels. These are the things we soldiers live for Sedran, yes! Here's to the stench of death! He raises his beer and drinks. You feel like you're going to be sick. But Spencer is wearing a goofy grin on his face and lifts his own tankard with the general, who is sparkling with blue energy as all his fire-brothers do now. You cannot have these things when you fight other elementals, Conflagus continues by way of explanation, Because elementals have no guts. No guts, no stench! Har, har! You offer an empty laugh. Come, Sedran, let us spill the guts of these worthless cow men together. They bleed black, but the blood tastes the same, metallic and hot. We shall bathe ourselves in the waters of our enemy! Let their rivers flow! You raise your mug at that, thanking the gods that be that this creature is not YOUR enemy.
53, 64 суша
The cavern opens up into a lush valley. There is the smell of magic here, of goodness and of tranquility. Yet, underlying that smell is a trace of the sickening smell of death and decay. Together they mix together to form an aroma that is as sweet as it is sour, as soft as it is hard, as bright as it is dark. In a word, this place is freaky. Even Spencer, always the paragon of manly toughness, has seem to have lost confidence in his grasp of the situation. His face is dull, unsure, quizzical. It's a face that says, Where am I? Better yet
50, 65 суша
You note that there are nine portals in this cavern. Seven of them are dark and empty. Two of them are shimmering by some arcane magic. The portal in the center, especially, seems to be beckoning you forth, and it glows with a shining gold color that reminds you of the sun. I hate liths, Spencer complains. You hate anything that you can't put a sword into, you snap back. Spencer snorts, and leaves you to your contemplation.
70, 56 суша
Two very angry-looking creatures are glaring at you from behind a set of iron bars. They do not speak, even in answer to your questions. They just... glare. You have the feeling that if they were freed, your cause would be in jeopardy.
30, 96 суша
You first met Mashiko at Crowleigh, where he was watching disdainfully as his house and family was consumed by a river of lava. Now he seeks revenge against the man (Carlier) who set forth the chain of events that caused that cataclysm. He came underground to fight for the cause of the Elements, but was captured by a minotaur scout. An absolute master with a bow, his help will be invaluable.
69, 21 суша
The general's camp lies to the north of the keep. It is a camp filled with earth elementals and led by one whom you recognize
28, 44 суша
The path ends abruptly in the form of a looming cliff. Down below you can make out a river and, ahead of you, the ruins of a bridge that at one time long ago crossed it. Now the bridge is nothing but a heap of rock on either side of the river and the ruins of the four stone beams that held it up above the chasm. On the other side is darkness. Spencer nudges up next to you and asks
49, 54 суша
The smell of fire and brimstone wafts into your nostrils from the mountains to the east.
47, 35 суша
A chill passes through you as you enter this grove. Something feels... wrong... about this place.
18, 45 суша
elc me t A ain a
20, 44 суша
Whoa, creep city! is the first thing out of Spencer's mouth as you arrive at the other end of the bridge. Indeed, you reply, echoing Spencer's thoughts. This place is indeed creepcity. Or more accurately, Creep City. Wow, it actually exists! Alainica! Wispy Cloud utters in his windy voice. This is the great underground city? Spencer asks, stepping forward into the muddy trail that leads to Alainica. Doesn't look so great! It hasn't been great for a thousand years... Wispy Cloud replies. And this isn't the monastery. This was just the port town. The monastery is further inland. That's where we'll find [the ghosts] whatever we're looking for.
7, 42 суша
W st -- the Al inic n Mon st y So th -- th Lib r ry nd Arc ves
8, 51 суша
Another ruined bridge....
37, 95 суша
Ritual of Darkness
37, 93 суша
A giant dais in the center of this chamber is ringed with fire. A large pentagram is drawn on the dais in what appears to be dried blood. The smell of sulfur and something more sinister -- an odor that reminds you vaguely of an infected wound -- irritates your nostrils. Your eyes water and it is difficult to see through the smoke from the blazing fires. To the north, you can make out row upon row of cages filled with... humans! You are about to make a mad dash toward them when Spencer draws your attention to a large book bound in dried (human skin?) leather. It is sitting on a rock shaped strangely like a podium next to the dais. What is this place? you ask. Spencer shrugs and Wispy Cloud shudders. Your squire crosses the demonic stage and picks up the heavy tome and begins reading
37, 90 суша
A thousand hapless, hopeless, pathetic peasants, all caged up like animals, are in the back of the ritual cavern. They do not speak when you approach, but you can see in their eyes that you are the first sign of hope they have seen in months. You should definitely free them!
8, 43 суша
Strangely, the pathway to the left is well lit. In fact, you would almost say it's bright... so bright it hurts your eyes. Funny. The south is dark. Very dark.
7, 32 суша
The lights only get brighter as you make your way down the path. You wonder why that is. And stranger still is that there seems to be no real source for the lights. They just are there. But why?
14, 17 суша
These lights really are quite painful now. You have to squint. You wish there were some way to turn them off.
32, 23 суша
This is really getting quite unbearable. Not only is it BRIGHT, but it is HOT also. And of course Spencer is being quite graciously tolerant of the nuisance.
22, 31 суша
Directly to your west and north, you think you can make out the source of all this light. That's because it looks like the sun itself is sitting on top of the trees. And to think, you're actually moving towards this thing. Because big balls of light floating over ancient ruins are always so inviting.
14, 28 суша
The courtyard of the Monastery is surprisingly not vacant. Much to your disgust and shock, there is a devilish looking necromancer of some sort waiting for you. He bears the red flag of your enemy. Does not appear to be a necromancer by sight, but the fact that he has an entourage of zombies following him around probably means he is proficient in the necromantic arts. Ah, finally, more bones to split! Spencer growls. Hold, you reply. I'd like to know more specifically why this necromancer is here so far from his headquarters. He hasn't seen us yet. Perhaps... if we observed.... You stand back and duck behind a large rock and observe the necromancer for some time. Spencer yawns and complains and stares sullenly at his unused sword and yawns some more and stretches a lot, but you are focused on the necromancer the whole time. It doesn't take you long to notice a grisly looking alter off to the east coated in what appears to be gallons of blood. The necromancer paces back and forth restlessly, as if he's waiting for something. Where ARE they? the necromancer growls with exasperation to nobody in particular. How am I supposed to perform this Ritual of whatever it's called when my peasants haven't even arrived? Nor that amulet for that matter... grrrr... And then
12, 59 суша
7, 58 суша
13, 23 суша
The thorns and yellow goo gives way to the acidy smell of sulfur and brimstone. A bubbling volcano rises above the dense jungle, and lava spills down its sides like vomit issuing from a man who has drunk too much yellow goo. Red, hot goooooo is even worse, Spencer sings. Shut up, will you? you cry irritatedly, and Spencer gives you an acid glare in return. He mumbles something and walks off. That man gives you a case of the willies, sometimes. And why are you walking back here anyway?
15, 22 суша
On a small natural pedestal of igneous rock {in front of you} is a very strange sight, one that makes you stop in your tracks. An eye, carved from a single slab of hardened obsidian, hovers above a pumice alter. Written below the alter in neat handwriting is the following two lines
Страж задания
4, 17 суша
A small trail into the jungle is blocked by a giant slab of stone with an eye carved into it. Only the dead have true sight. is carved into the stone. Just below the inscription is a small alcove. It is just begging for something to be put in it.
Страж задания
5, 44 суша
A small trail into the jungle is blocked by a giant slab of stone with an eye carved into it. Only the dead have true sight. is carved into the stone. Just below the inscription is a small alcove. It is just begging for something to be put in it.
Страж задания
20, 18 суша
A small trail into the jungle is blocked by a giant slab of stone with an eye carved into it. Only the dead have true sight. is carved into the stone. Just below the inscription is a small alcove. It is just begging for something to be put in it.
4, 45 суша
You suddenly get the sensation that something isn't quite right. Unfortunately, such gut reactions often come too late, and this one came about twenty seconds after the first hand began to claw itself out of the ground.
3, 32 суша
You suddenly get the sensation that something isn't quite right. Unfortunately, such gut reactions often come too late, and this one came about twenty seconds after the first hand began to claw itself out of the ground.
3, 16 суша
You suddenly get the sensation that something isn't quite right. Unfortunately, such gut reactions often come too late, and this one came about twenty seconds after the first hand began to claw itself out of the ground.
Страж задания
33, 19 суша
A small trail into the jungle is blocked by a giant slab of stone with an eye carved into it. Only the dead have true sight. is carved into the stone. Just below the inscription is a small alcove. It is just begging for something to be put in it.
Кулон внутреннего зрения
35, 17 суша
The artifact in front of you is as disconcerting as it is small. A tiny pendant, it appears to be fashioned from a human eye in a setting of platinum. Worse
Кулон внутреннего зрения
4, 46 суша
The artifact hums and hisses when you reach for it. This doesn't seem right to you....
Кулон внутреннего зрения
2, 15 суша
The artifact hums and hisses when you reach for it. This doesn't seem right to you....
Страж задания
15, 32 суша
A small trail into the jungle is blocked by a giant slab of stone with an eye carved into it. Only the dead have true sight. is carved into the stone. Just below the inscription is a small alcove. It is just begging for something to be put in it.
Кулон внутреннего зрения
13, 33 суша
The artifact hums and hisses when you reach for it. This doesn't seem right to you....
14, 33 суша
You suddenly get the sensation that something isn't quite right. Unfortunately, such gut reactions often come too late, and this one came about twenty seconds after the first hand began to claw itself out of the ground.
26, 5 суша
The carrot
23, 72 суша
The sounds of clashing armor and ringing swords can be heard from a distance. It appears that your troops can train here and be upgraded, if you want.
52, 83 суша
You come across a small prison tucked away into the mountains. Sedran! a voice calls from inside. A voice you recognize. You dash madly towards the prison, surprised that anyone inside might know you, and are shocked to see the head of a genie poke out from between two bars. The face you recognize, but you can't put a name to it... As if reading your thoughts the genie exclaims, Salziaer! Remember me?! I sold you the World Tree saplings! Of course! you exclaim, although only vaguely remembering him. How is it you came to be trapped down here. Ack, this! It is but a small thing. The foul creatures captured me. But now you have come to rescue poor me. I assure you that we genies are good allies, and you would be well served to have me on your side. I have some knowledge of advanced air magic, and... I have other talents as well. I am able, for instance, to study a spell caster from afar and duplicate his spell later on. Come, let us fight these filthy creatures! Without hesitation, you set the genie free.
8, 57 суша
This valley of Teranopholan was once the seat of a great place of knowledge and education, that much is obvious right from first glance. Though cast in shadows and covered in a blanket of thick mist, the area radiates a bookish aura. Even back home you remember how just setting foot on the soil of a university could make you feel wise and scholarly. This place is no different, even though it has been dead for centuries. Or has it? Strange... there is... life left to this place. Unlife, Wispy Cloud whispers, as if afraid to wake the dead. Perhaps that is just what he is afraid of. Come again? you ask. The library of Alainica is used still, Wispy Cloud explains, By the descendants of Belaz. Or so it has always been rumored. It appears the rumors were well founded. Look. He points off to the southwest, and indeed, you can see cloaked figures whooshing by in the darkness, on only the gods know what errands. The undead are here? you ask. So it would seem, Wispy Cloud repeats, But I think you have nothing to fear from them. They have long been separated from mankind. Perhaps they would not mind a little company?
8, 58 суша
Despite Wispy Cloud's insinuation that the undead here might be friendly, you still find yourself creeping along, trying your best to go unseen. If you can just sneak over to the library, grab what you need, and be gone before anyone is the wiser, then all the better. Unfortunately, the sound of a shutting door off to your left pretty much ends any intended plans of secrecy. Who are you? a very aged voice calls. Um... is all you manage to say. You look side to side to your companions for any help, but there is none coming. They are just a dumbfounded as you are. Is it true... a living person, and a human at that! the dark being whispers, coming closer. He, or she... or it?... is carrying a handful of books. Nope, we're just as dead as you are, friend, Spencer replies. No you can't fool me, the apparition explains. I know the stench of a living creature when I smell it. Come, now, fess up. What is your business here? Better yet, how did you get here to Alainica? We haven't seen a living creature in centuries. Sensing no outward hostility from the creature, you tell the creature your story, or at least most of it. So you see, we are looking for any information that might help us find these pendants. An acquaintance of ours, a historian named Sander Payne, has hinted that we also might find some sort of translation tables down here for the old tongue. The apparition pauses in thought for a moment. It is well to meet you, Sedran, he says finally. I would offer you my name, but I forgot it years ago. Ever since Belaz disappeared and the Maydin disappeared, we have been left here to tend the library of Alainica for centuries. We study necromancy but I will admit, even I tire of the subject. To help a creature such as yourself, and in such a noble cause. It would be my honor. Anything you require of me Sedran, I will do for you. Well, you reply, surprised at seeing such unabashed loyalty from a necromancer. You could start by telling me where I might find these tablets. You should check out the library post haste, Sedran. Any information you are looking for will surely be found there. I also encourage you to recruit of the scholars we have here as well. They don't look like much -- some have even said they look like thieves -- but they are wise beyond their years and could offer you much in discerning the ways of men. I also have another necromancer friend who might be delighting to join of your ranks. The thought of bringing a bunch of necromancers into your army is enough to chill the bones, but they may, in fact, prove useful.
7, 60 суша
These must be the dormitories that your new necromancer friend spoke of. Indeed, many of the windows have candles burning, indicating that this university is not as empty as it had originally appeared. A couple of the scholars emerge from the building and walk about and you can't help but be amused that even down here, the scholars don't look much better than homeless bums. You guess that there isn't such thing as a rich student. Wispy Cloud admonishes you to not be so critical in your judgment of these students, however. Sedran, these men are pure of heart and soul and work for the common good. There is nothing so noble as a man working to create knowledge. Such a person can see into the hearts of men and is wise beyond his years. It is said that these scholars can tell a man's intent by just looking into his eyes! Now that's a talent!
9, 65 суша
The ancient university is crumbled and decaying (much like most of its current student body), but there are still things to be learned here, if you want to invest the time (and money -- yes, they still require a tuition, can you believe that?).
6, 67 суша
At long last... the fabled Library of Alainica. Sought after even today by historians and scholars of all kinds. Commissioned by Petruchios shortly after he departed Solaris and built his empire, the Library has stood for over a thousand years and contains thousands of volumes of lost knowledge. Lost knowledge, which, you hope, includes a record of the ancient runic alphabet. After many hours of searching through old, dusty tomes, scrolls that begin to disintegrate even before you have finished unrolling them, and the diaries of old kings and queens whose names haven't been spoken in generations, you still have found nothing. I hate runes! Spencer finally says in disgust, slamming down an old, cracked, leather-bound book entitled, On the Socioeconomic Policy of Water Elementals During the Green Lizard Epoch. I know, you mumble. Your eyes are red and stingy and your hands are filled with paper cuts. But we need those tablets. Is there something I might help you with? The voice nearly shocks you out of your shoes. You spin around and find yourself nose to rotting nose with a skinny old ghost wearing a monocle. He is eyeing you with curiosity. Yes, yes there is, you reply, gaining your composure. Don't see many of your type down here, he adds. Don't see many of your type where I come from, either, you reply sarcastically, but the ghost doesn't seem to notice. Appears that their sense of humor is as dry as these books. Continuing
65, 74 суша
There is an imprisoned magic elemental here. Perhaps he can help you!
93, 7 суша
I'm sorry, my son, but you have failed to prove your ability to look in a man's heart. I am nothing but evil, and so shall you die.
91, 12 суша
I'm sorry, my son, but you have failed to prove your ability to look in a man's heart. I am nothing but evil, and so shall you die.
85, 12 суша
I'm sorry, my son, but you have failed to prove your ability to look in a man's heart. I am nothing but evil, and so shall you die.
83, 7 суша
I'm sorry, my son, but you have failed to prove your ability to look in a man's heart. I am nothing but evil, and so shall you die.
84, 7 суша
Having declared his true nature, the monk's body explodes, covering you with blood, gore, yellow goo (oh, the yucky, yucky, yellow goo!) and hundreds upon hundreds of nasty little creatures.
83, 9 суша
I'm sorry, my son, but you have failed to prove your ability to look in a man's heart. I am nothing but evil, and so shall you die.
93, 9 суша
Congratulations, my friend. You have looked into my heart and seen that I am truly the cleric of Maydin, pure of heart and pure of mind and pure of body. You belong among us, and so shall you be granted entry. Well met, Sedran Patre, and welcome to the Cathedral of the Cloaked.
90, 4 суша
A green portal leads, supposedly, to the test offered by the Clerics of Maydin. You must pass this test if you want their help in tempering the malirite sword. Such help will allow you to bypass this tedious quest of finding the nine pendants! You must pass this test. You must. But before you can step through the portal, you are confronted with a vision
8, 20 суша
What's this? A beam of daylight (real daylight) blasts its way into the artificially lit cavern. Could this be an exit back to the overworld?
Стойкий часовой
48, 75 суша
A stone statue decorates this peaceful little clearing in the forest. Something just begs you to take it.
34, 18 суша
After passing through the barrier, the small statuette reappears in your hands. You put it in your backpack, saving it for possible later use. You also notice that the amulet you gave to Calajawan is now back in your backpack. Strange... you don't ever remember Belaz giving it back....
Страж задания
85, 3 суша
A small barrier prevents you from entering the sacred gardens behind the Cathedral. Only by passing Ton Cruzin's test will you be allowed to consult the elders for their assistance. Go through the portal to the east for your test.
Страж задания
91, 3 суша
A small barrier prevents you from entering the ritual chambers behind the Cathedral. Only with the special permission of Maydin can you enter here.
85, 2 суша
Right this way, Sir, the acolyte says, and leads to back to the gardens. You follow promptly.
Страж задания
91, 2 суша
You lead a grim-looking Spencer to the ritual chamber. If he has any feelings about completing the ritual, he does not let them show. His face is a rock
32, 61 суша
The almost completely hidden path opens up into a beautiful clearing. To the north, you see what appears to be another lith.
29, 56 суша
A massive green shimmering portal looms before you. Where could it lead?
Страж задания
1, 94 суша
You step out of the portal into a desolate, cursed landscape. The ground is littered with ancient bones and the only vegetation is the rocks on the ground. Ahead, you can see ghosts, millions of them, swimming in the air. They eye you malevolently, but seem hesitant to cross this barrier. Wispy Cloud places a hand of caution on your shoulder. Sedran, those spirits are the restless souls of the damned. This is an evil place. If they should catch us, our lives are forfeit. We need some protection.
1, 95 суша
True to the abbots claims, the spirits of the damned soar by you, apparently blind to the magic of the charm. Still, they pass close enough that you can feel their lifeless air and their stench of death. To the south, you can make out a distant castle. Is this where Spencer has gone? Why would he go here? And can you kill him when you find him?
3, 99 суша
An army of ancient creatures guard the shrine that will give you the key to death. These beings are slow, but powerful. This will not be an easy fight. You begin the incantations to cast a spell aiding your army, but the magic words die in your throat. You try them again, but you might as well be speaking gibberish. The magic sparkles weakly, and then fades. What? you ask to nobody in particular. Can't you feel it? Wispy Cloud asks. Feel what? you reply. This place. It is death. Calmaad is dead to everything, even magic. Difficult battle, indeed.
3, 106 суша
The Cathedral of Calmaad stands before you, dark and ancient. Yet, despite that it is the ancient center of necromancy on Antamixyllion, you do not get a sense of evil from the place itself. Only the sense of death. Like life, Wispy Cloud says, Death is integral to the world. It is no more evil than a sunny day. It is the people who would bring death to you that are evil. People like Spencer. Just as the powers of life can be turned to evil, so can the powers of death. Do not fear Calmaad, Spencer. Fear the man who dwells here. You peer up at the high towers and crumbling walls and get the feeling that your friend is right. This is a building, nothing more. And all buildings can be climbed over. [Read Chapter 9 When you Have Taken the Castle]
Хижина предсказателя
103, 13 суша
{The Shrine of the Gods} Here, you may make a wish upon the gods, but only if you have the Celestial Necklace of Bliss.
Ожерелье небесного блаженства
100, 3 суша
All you hear is laughing before the pain begins......
Ожерелье небесного блаженства
100, 5 суша
All you hear is laughing before the pain begins......
Ожерелье небесного блаженства
100, 7 суша
All you hear is laughing before the pain begins......
Ожерелье небесного блаженства
106, 3 суша
All you hear is laughing before the pain begins......
Ожерелье небесного блаженства
106, 5 суша
All you hear is laughing before the pain begins......
Ожерелье небесного блаженства
106, 7 суша
All you hear is laughing before the pain begins......
Ожерелье небесного блаженства
106, 11 суша
All you hear is laughing before the pain begins......
64, 73 суша
Pasis is some nameless Magic Elemental that the Mapmaker put here because he had nothing else with which to fill up this space.
6, 99 суша
Traemask the Fool Episode II
30, 97 суша
An elvish looking sort of fellow seems to be imprisoned here. Naturally, you draw closer and are astonished to find that it is Mashiko, the elf who aided you at Taircott Peak. Well met, Sedran! he exclaims. I had a feeling our paths would cross again. I was aiding the Queen of Water, Nereido, in her war down here when I was captured. Bloody creatures snuck up on me while I was taking a nap! How incredibly dishonorable. But now that you're here, I can resume my role as a sharpshooter. Sure, we would be glad to have you back on our side again, Mashiko, you reply, clasping arms with the elf when you crack open the cell door. I might be of great use, he says, dusting himself off, Our archers are poorly trained. Bring anyone with a bow to me and I will show them how to shoot it properly!
38, 102 суша
You stumble into a large group of nerdy wizard-type people all huddled around a small table. They all seem very preoccupied in a card game. WHAT'S GOING ON HERE?? you bellow. The mages and wizards and sorcerers and necromancers and conjurers and magic users of all types turn around at your outburst. Why, we're only playing Whack-A-Mage! a wizard shouts back. Oh yeah, one of the mages challenges, Well I don't know about the rest of you, but {I'm} playing Whack-A-Wizard. The wizard shakes his staff at the mage angrily, Is that so! Well what if I come over there and whack YOU, smart ass!? Why don't you come over here and try it, graybeard! the mage shoots back. Alas, you suddenly find yourself in the middle of a drunken brawl. {Cheers, Charley ;-)}
Хижина предсказателя
7, 100 суша
An ancient lich offers to de-energize any death-orbs if you should have need of that service.
Хижина предсказателя
34, 73 суша
An ancient cleric offers to de-energize any life-orbs if you should have need of that service.
70, 59 суша
96, 58 суша
To Maydin
12, 29 суша
+5 attack for dude.
89, 100 суша
Depletion Event
Creatures every month
Страж задания
84, 41 суша
You must leave the others creatures behind, now, Sedran. Meditate if you want. Come to me when you are ready.
Страж задания
16, 26 суша
A giant wall of solid shiny crystal surrounds the ancient hall of Alainica. This must be the heart of the powerful spell Corozin cast before his own death. It is thought that Belaz himself still resides within the ugly halls of Alainica, planning for the day that someone would finally bring down the magical barrier that prevents his escape. As the barrier is constructed of holy magic, only the foul Ritual of Darkness, requiring the deaths of a thousand innocent people, will bring this wall down. And even if you found a way to do it, would you really want to? [Player Note
15, 27 суша
15, 30 суша
A set of iron gates -- which clearly wouldn't hold you back if you wanted past them -- blocks your path. Beyond is... bright daylight. This is... Alainica, Wispy Cloud says, I'm... I'm sure of it. Why is it so bright? you ask, nonplussed. The light is so bright that shielding your eyes doesn't help. As legend has it, the air elemental says, Belaz and Corozin fought for decades. But Corozin had more support in the ranks of the Monastery, and it was only a matter of time until he overwhelmed the undead forces. During the final onslaught, Corozin and Belaz fought a legendary battle on this very soil that is reputed to have lasted six fortnights. Corozin prevailed in the duel and was able to slay his famous adversary, but Belaz, recognizing the superiority of his foe, had secretly planned for his own death long before it came. When Corozin struck the lethal blow, a previously cast incantation was released which prevented Belaz's lifeforce from vacating the body. Essentially, the powerful necromancer was transformed into a lich. Caught off-guard, Corozin retreated with his armies with the now extremely powerful Belaz in hot pursuit. Belaz, infuriated by his enemy's triumph over his living self, destroyed all that he could. Many died. Many weren't lucky enough to die. Desperate, Corozin cast a final spell that sealed the entire monastery in a wall of holy magic. Most of Belaz's undead were vaporized by the holy spell, but Belaz himself was only torn from his body and his essence trapped inside the monastery, where his soul -- so it is said -- remains still. Knowing that Belaz would eventually regain his power, and not wanting the necromancer to escape, Corozin, with the last of his strength, cast a final spell that would forever coat the ruins of Alainica with sunlight, so that the lich would never see the darkness of night, hence keeping him eternally starved of power. Interesting story, you say when Wispy Cloud finishes, But what happened to Corozin? The spells he cast tore him apart, Wispy Cloud says solemnly, His body was never found. And this is the monastery? you ask. It is, he replies. But how you're going to get in to it, and what you're going to do there if do, I'd be interested to know. Well, we'll cross those bridges when we come to them. Unfortunately, we usually aren't lucky enough to have bridges. Usually we get to swim and there are invariably man-eating fish.
6, 43 суша
This little trinket seems to have fallen on the road just to the north of that tower. What could it be used for?
Страж задания
101, 9 суша
A picture of the rune Xix is carved into the marble tower. Do you wish to speak the name of this rune?
Страж задания
105, 9 суша
A picture of the rune Mikalenbeth is carved into the marble tower. Do you wish to speak the name of this rune?
Ожерелье небесного блаженства
106, 9 суша
You reach for the Necklace with your eyes shut, bracing yourself for fangs, energy, lightning, instant death, horrid pain, whatever. Your hand closes over the piece of jewelry... but you feel nothing, just cold metal. Your eyes open slowly. The necklace is beautiful, wrought of a blue metal and studded with gemstones. No lightning. No magic. Did you make the right choice? In answer, the Sphinx's voice resonates in your head. Congratulations, human. You have chosen wisely. You hold in your hands the very power of the gods. They have granted you a wish. I hope you wish wisely. I want this sword finished. That's what I want! you yell back at the ceiling. Then take it to the Shrine to the south and offer the necklace to the gods. They will make it so. You place the necklace around your neck and prepare to rush off, but the voice stops you. Sedran, it says, You have a noble heart. You have sacrificed much to get where you've gotten. Your intentions are well-founded. But remember that in all things there is balance. Do not lose sight of this.... You do not know what the words are supposed to mean, but you thank the Sphinx anyway, and make a mad dash to the Shrine.
Ожерелье небесного блаженства
100, 9 суша
All you hear is laughing before the pain begins......
Страж задания
105, 11 суша
A picture of the rune Zingh is carved into the marble tower. Do you wish to speak the name of this rune?
16, 25 суша
Посещение Некромант:
Construction of Skeleton Things
The Amulet of the Undertaker that you wear glows brightly when in the presence of the ancient monastery of Alainica. The place feels alive again. Or perhaps more accurately, it feels undead again....
Рыцарь Смерти
23, 0 суша
Рыцарь Смерти
25, 0 суша
Рыцарь Смерти
27, 0 суша
29, 0 суша
31, 0 суша
33, 0 суша
25, 5 суша
Programmed AI Death!!!
21, 29 суша
Portal to the Shrine of the Order of the Second Emergency Use Only!
3, 77 суша
Cheat Area. All Pendants and {MAJOR} Quest Artifacts
17, 39 суша
A thousand hapless, hopeless, pathetic peasants, all caged up like animals, are tied up in a small fenced-in area beside the mansion. They do not speak when you approach, but you can see in their eyes that you are the first sign of hope they have seen in months. You should definitely free them!
11, 26 суша
A narrow, barely discernable path leads into the thick foliage behind the Monastery. The smell of damp earth and rotting leaves almost makes you sick. Large, thorny bushes catch and snag on your as you go past them, and you notice that they drip with a yellow goo. My mamma once told me that nothing good ever came from yellow goo, Spencer says idly, shying away from the daggered bushes. Have you ever seen yellow goo that was good for you? He says this in meter. You roll your eyes, but are wary of the yellow goo, too.
Страж задания
13, 27 суша
The ritual of darkness requires the sacrifice of 50 skeletons.
Страж задания
101, 11 суша
A picture of the rune Shelox is carved into the marble tower. Do you wish to speak the name of this rune?
67, 87 суша
An army of water elementals precludes your return to the overworld. Looks like you are down here to stay for a while!
86, 4 суша
Having declared his true nature, the monk's body explodes, covering you with blood, gore, yellow goo (oh, the yucky, yucky, yellow goo!) and hundreds upon hundreds of nasty little creatures.
84, 9 суша
Having declared his true nature, the monk's body explodes, covering you with blood, gore, yellow goo (oh, the yucky, yucky, yellow goo!) and hundreds upon hundreds of nasty little creatures.
84, 11 суша
Having declared his true nature, the monk's body explodes, covering you with blood, gore, yellow goo (oh, the yucky, yucky, yellow goo!) and hundreds upon hundreds of nasty little creatures.
92, 7 суша
Having declared his true nature, the monk's body explodes, covering you with blood, gore, yellow goo (oh, the yucky, yucky, yellow goo!) and hundreds upon hundreds of nasty little creatures.
92, 11 суша
Having declared his true nature, the monk's body explodes, covering you with blood, gore, yellow goo (oh, the yucky, yucky, yellow goo!) and hundreds upon hundreds of nasty little creatures.
82, 42 суша
Ton Gruzin
84, 40 суша
Not that we don't trust you, Sedran, Ton Gruzin calls from beyond the barrier to the south, But to be sure of your honesty in coming at me with only the prescribed troops, you must dismiss whatever you have save for one zealot and take the ones I give you now. Then you can pass the barrier and begin your test.
88, 5 суша
A handful of monks await you at the entrance to the Cathedral proper. They all wear the blue robes that are the hallmark of the Order of the Cloaked, save one, in the center, who wears gold robes trimmed in blue. He is old with white, close-cropped hair, but his face is youthful in the way that only one belonging to aged magic-user can be. He smiles when you approach, and he greets you with open hands. Sedran, he whispers, How long have we awaited your arrival. We have watched you since you entered the underworld and have followed your progress. We are much pleased by the blows you have dealt these malicious enemies that plague Antamixylion. But your journey is far from over. Please, come inside. Stay. Chat. You follow the cleric and his retainers into the monastery. It is surprising, in a way, how simple the Cathedral is. The halls are bare, devoid of ornamentation and the florid rococo that soils most religious buildings back on your own world. You were always struck as a child at the hypocrisy of the church -- pleading with you to donate every last coin for the benefit of humanity and yet spending every last coin on worthless monuments and icons heralding its own greatness while the humanity which is pledged to serve was starving in the streets. And yet here, there is none of that. Just white, pearly marble walls and plain, blue rugs on the floors. An occasional mirror or decorative vase. Nothing more. You are led through a short maze of hallways into a large but plain chamber which houses an enormous oak table. A blue runner, trimmed in gold, rests on the table and on top of the runner rest three candelabra. The Cleric superior offers you a seat with his own hands and then turns to take his own. Spencer scoffs when the cleric does not personally offer him a seat, but makes no audible disruption. Wispy Cloud hovers by the table, as always. Sedran, the Cleric says, My name is Ton Gruzin. I am a descendant of Escobar Tendazimon. I see no recognition in your eyes. This is understandable. Likely you have heard of Corozin the Bright? You nod your head. And Belaz the Dark? Again you nod your head. At this point you feel it might be a poor time to tell Ton Gruzin of your recent dealings with Belaz. Something tells you that they might not be sympathetic to his claims of benignity. Their split in ideology formed the rift that tore Alainica asunder. Alas, our great leader Corozin perished in the ensuing struggle, as I'm sure you're aware. His death permitted us to escape Belaz's unholy magics and we fled to here. We sealed up the Cathedral of the Cloaked, using Maydin as a gateway, so that none of Belaz's followers could menace us. Thankfully we have remained largely unmolested since that time, although in part it has been a disservice because we have also remained largely sequestered from the dealings of men and elemental. It is true, many believe us only a legend or a myth. When Corozin perished, it was my ancestor, Escobar Tendazimon, who took the reigns of leadership and led Maydin to here. Our order is not a monarchy and each member is more or less autonomic, but the title of Abbot has passed down my family line for whatever reason. I am not Abbot of this Order. I speak for Maydin. And what will Maydin tell me? you ask. That depends on what you want from Maydin, he replies. Understand, Sedran, that very few are granted access to our Order. We know something of your quest. We know, for instance, that Traemask is dying. Her death cannot proceed without an heir. You seek to temper your malirite sword so that you may finish what Carlier started and then plant a new sapling so that the cycle of the World Forest may be renewed. And you seek to kill the human who stole Traemask's heart for his own perverted goals, goals that will bring about a new era. The last era. The Reign of Fire. Yes, you reply grimly, That sums it up nicely. We know these things, and we can help you, Sedran. You have sought the Nine Pendants to bargain a favor of the gods. This is unnecessary, Sedran, for we have the power to transform your sword, provided you can find us certain... reagents. We are willing to help you, if you prove yourself worthy. Worthy? you ask, fighting a flush of irritation. This is not some game, Ton Gruzin. If I prove to not be worthy of your help, you would stand idly by while the world crumbled around you? Yes. The reply stops you cold. How can you fight such ignorance? And why would you want to? Fine, you snap. Then watch. I'm sick of saving the world when nobody seems to care. Enjoy your last moments on this planet. You get up to leave but a strong hand burns into your flesh. You turn angrily to slap the hand away and are surprised to see Wispy Cloud standing beside you, lightning forking across his eyes. Sit, Sedran. Do not be so disrespectful. Flabbergasted at this retort from a longtime friend, you sit. Easy, Xantomegalusizki, no need for violence, the Abbot says. The air elemental lets go of your arm, and you notice that it is frostbitten where he touched you. You stare at the elemental and he meets your gaze, saying nothing. Sedran, the Abbot says, What makes the world turn is Order, not Chaos. The Cloaked follow the tenet that things happen for a reason. If you are not the savior ordained by Fate, then we will bend our resources to finding that savior. The man who wields a sword as powerful as the one that must be forged will have a profound impact on the destiny of the universe. To put the sword in the hands of a man with a corrupt heart would be suicide, leaving us in no better position than where we are now. Likewise, to put the sword in the hands of an angel would likewise end in oblivion, for balance must be retained. We seek a man who can wield the powers of neutrality, who can decide between good and evil when he must, without a preconceived notion of what is right. This is why you must pass a test. I see, you reply, not really seeing. So what must I do? Jump through a hoop? Go through the portal to the east. That is where your test shall be. Oh, and you may only bring my friend here, a fine Zealot, with you, nothing else. You rise from the table and your friends rise with you. Except Wispy Cloud. He does not leave the room when you do.
88, 3 суша
Призрачный дракон
5, 95 суша
The dead do not take kindly to your intrusion...
Зловещий рыцарь
0, 97 суша
The dead do not take kindly to your intrusion....
Кулон внутреннего зрения
22, 21 суша
The artifact hums and hisses when you reach for it. This doesn't seem right to you....
21, 21 суша
You suddenly get the sensation that something isn't quite right. Unfortunately, such gut reactions often come too late, and this one came about twenty seconds after the first hand began to claw itself out of the ground.
98, 81 суша
An Old Maydinian Portal Destination
69, 18 суша
An old monk suddenly appears from behind a tree and pulls you aside. Sir Knight, I hear you might be looking to kill yourself a ghost, he whispers urgently. Not knowing how this dirty old creature came across this information but also not wanting to scare him away, you simply nod. I was a cleric of Maydin for some time, and know of a secret. Maydin has been trying to catch one of those ghosts for years, but to no avail. The ghosts come every two weeks just about, and the clerics often come to the shrine and wait for the ghosts to show up. But the ghosts aren't stupid and won't come if the clerics are around. It drives them crazy. But I know of a way to capture one. Oh, and how is that? you ask, brimming with unbridled skepticism. The Order of the Second used to have portals leading into their territory. There's one far to the south, in the contested land, and one rumored to be buried in Alainica. I have a hunch that the ghosts only can sense when someone is in the Shrine of the Second. If you could hide in waiting behind one of the portals and then when the day is right, go through the portal, I bet you could catch the ghost surprised! An intriguing idea, you say, rubbing your chin. Indeed, this old man might be worth something after all! Then again... But what's the catch? you add. Why are you telling me this? It's not quite that simple, the man continues. It never is... Go on. The ghosts are naturally not defenseless... they'll try to flee and probably after giving you a nice whack on the head for your trouble. You're going to need something fast. Real fast. And you're going to need to be able to kill them swiftly. Go on... you repeat, not caring for all the catches. The fast creatures are easy. The clerics have been hiding the fact that there are Phoenix still alive for a while. They are fairly simple to get to... you just need to go to the lith system at the Shrine of Maydin. As to the killing of the Poltergeist, well... Maydin keeps their magical knowledge locked up pretty tight, but I happen to know of a spell that is renowned for killing ghosts. The only problem is a friend of mine was entrusted with the scroll. But he was killed by a minotaur to the north some time ago. The minotaur presumably still has the scroll, but I'm sure you're going to need to kill him to get it. Wicked looking thing with red eyes and real nasty with the fire spells. I'd go get it myself but, well, I have this thing about being barbecued. I see, you sigh. So let me get this straight
Страж задания
60, 6 суша
Looks like Malikith's personal treasure hoard... but you can't get in here while he's still alive. That wouldn't be polite. Kill first, take later!
Волшебный свиток
61, 5 суша
Interesting.. a spell. Wonder what you could use this for?
Кулон смерти
1, 81 суша
A runic inscription reads
Кулон свободной воли
2, 81 суша
A runic inscription reads
Кулон бесстрастия
3, 81 суша
A runic inscription reads
Кулон жизни
4, 81 суша
A runic inscription reads
Кулон святости
5, 81 суша
A runic inscription reads
Кулон внутреннего зрения
6, 81 суша
A runic inscription reads
Кулон отрицания
7, 81 суша
A runic inscription reads
Кулон твердой памяти
0, 81 суша
A runic inscription reads
Кулон мужества
7, 80 суша
A runic inscription reads
Кулон свободной воли
24, 79 суша
A small golden hand-shaped pendant is hanging from the branch of a dead tree. You have no idea how it got here, or why, but it certainly looks like one of the ones you are after. You had better steal it and get out of here before The Imp figures out you made it past his pond, though! You stuff the pendant in your pocket and prepare to make a run for it, but not before you notice that the words Khaelin Vez etched into the back of the piece of jewelry.
28, 76 суша
To whomever outsmarts the devious Imp and his mystic charming pool shall go the magic pendant!
25, 75 суша
The Imp
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