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Герои 3 - карта The Storming of Angistia

25/05/2015Файл к игре: Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia

The Storming of Angistia
Трейнер к игреHeroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
Ещё называютГерои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
Вышла на платформахPC
РазработчикNew World Computing
Дата выхода1999-03-01
The final chapter of this War of Retribution is about to be written. Angistia must fall, for only then will the Unholy Pact be broken, and your people avenged upon their betrayers.



The Storming of Angistia0.03МБh3m

The Storming of Angistia


  • Замок
    • 61, 6 подземелье
    • Имя: Next Wave attack
  • Замок
    • 64, 30 подземелье
    • Имя: Next wave of attackers
  • Замок
    • 63, 48 подземелье
    • Имя: Next wave of attackers
  • Красный дракон
    • 44, 55 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Hail, Dragon Friend! Your destruction of the Spell Lords has freed us from our long torment. We come to serve you of our own free will and have our part in executing justice upon our enslavers.
  • Красный дракон
    • 47, 55 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Hail, Dragon Friend! Your destruction of the Spell Lords has freed us from our long torment. We come to serve you of our own free will and have our part in executing justice upon our enslavers.
  • Красный дракон
    • 44, 57 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Hail, Dragon Friend! Your destruction of the Spell Lords has freed us from our long torment. We come to serve you of our own free will and have our part in executing justice upon our enslavers.
  • Красный дракон
    • 47, 57 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Hail, Dragon Friend! Your destruction of the Spell Lords has freed us from our long torment. We come to serve you of our own free will and have our part in executing justice upon our enslavers.
  • Знак
    • 8, 41 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Authorised Representatives only
  • Знак
    • 3, 28 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Only authorised Council officials allowed south of this gate
  • Знак
    • 14, 49 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Official business only
  • Знак
    • 5, 64 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Authorised personnel only
  • Архангел
    • 9, 64 подземелье
    • Сообщение: eh what?
  • Событие
    • 9, 66 подземелье
    • Сообщение: As you move towards a shimmering light, you once again see your greatest friend and ally
  • Знак
    • 6, 50 подземелье
    • Сообщение: South - Angistia Remove thy shoes before proceeding
  • Ангел
    • 19, 24 подземелье
    • Сообщение: How did you get in here?!
  • Ангел
    • 21, 22 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Eh? This is a surprise!
  • Событие
    • 41, 62 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Ahead, you see a pack of Halbadiers, but before you can engage them, they flee in terror.
  • Событие
    • 35, 68 подземелье
    • Сообщение: A large number of swordsmen are guarding these resources and they draw their swords to face you. But when they see who it is, most of them drop their weapons and flee blindly. Their leader, a Crusader, is desperately trying to rally his men, but it's hopeless. Most of them do not even hear his shouts - they are too busy running for their lives! The remaining few are left to face your wrath without them.
  • Событие
    • 24, 69 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Well, until just a few moments ago, there was a large group of Archers here, but they high-tailed it out of here as fast as their feet could carry them when you came into sight!
  • Событие
    • 20, 69 подземелье
    • Сообщение: AMBUSH!! With loud battlecries, a large pack of cavaliers charge around the corner. But when they see who it is in the pass, they check their steeds and gallop back the way they came in abject terror.
  • Событие
    • 42, 60 подземелье
    • Сообщение: An assortment of Castle troops from Angistia are lurking behind the sulfur dune and leap out to attack you. You watch the blood drain from their faces as you and quite a number of rather large Red Dragons look impassively back at them. Most of them break and try to run for it, heading in all directions. Oh well, you can't catch them all.
  • Замок
    • 14, 60 подземелье
    • Имя: Angistia
  • Знак
    • 69, 18 подземелье
  • Темница
    • 42, 48 суша
    • Имя: Base Camp 1
    • Имя: Infantry recruits
    • Сообщение: Some light infantry troops have arrived to join the army of Drakti.
  • Темница
    • 55, 48 суша
    • Имя: Base Camp 2
    • Имя: Flight Troop recruits
    • Сообщение: Some winged troops have flown to your Field Headquarters. They await recruitment into your army.
  • Темница
    • 67, 48 суша
    • Имя: Base Camp 3
    • Имя: Elite Ground Recruits
    • Сообщение: Some elite soldiery has arrived. They wish to be in the army that overthrows Angistia.
  • Знак
    • 41, 49 суша
    • Сообщение: Infantry Barracks
  • Знак
    • 54, 49 суша
    • Сообщение: Accomodation for Aerial Troops
  • Знак
    • 66, 49 суша
    • Сообщение: Elite Ground Troops Mess
  • Знак
    • 38, 50 суша
    • Сообщение: Field Headquarters
  • Знак
    • 35, 53 суша
    • Сообщение: Storage Silo
  • Инферно
    • 6, 5 суша
    • Имя: [Dummy Town]

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