Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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New World Computing
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While exploring an extinct volcano in Iceland, you descend the ancient crater only to discover that at an imperceptible moment, you have entered some other world. The volcano here is active, the climate is different, and something tells you that you're certainly not in Iceland anymore....
New World Exploration Journal, Entry #1: Date: Unknown. Shortly after dawn this morning, the men and I descended into the crater of an extinct volcano in Iceland. Although the volcano is long dead, within 3 hours, the crisp arctic air of Iceland gave way suddenly to a thick wave of sulfur and heat. To our horror, the volcano had become active again! After an exhausting climb out of the crater, a more astonishing discovery was made: We are not in Iceland anymore. The land, climate, air, sea, and even gravity, if that is possible, are different. Our first priority, of course, is to try and find the path back home. However, I shall endeavor to record our adventures in this journal for as long as we remain in this strange but fascinating land...
Resources: NONE!
Sorry, but all you have with you is some hiking and climbing equipment, and maybe a few ham sandwiches on rye hold the mayo.
Gremlin Advice
One of your new Gremlin friends, Gizmo, their leader, tells you that the village of Snowflake that you just liberated is the westernmost town in the region of Telmar. Telmar was once a unified empire, but now it has been divided up by the Knights of Calormen. Currently, Telmar is ruled harshly by the Calormenes, who seem to prefer building cities rather than living out in the country. Fortunately, Gizmo continues, The Calormenes have less control up here in the northern lands. Unfortunately, however, the northern lands are not unified and it's pretty much everyone for himself.
Journal Entry #2
Journal Entry #2: It's been almost a week in this strange land called Telmar. We have joined up with a curiously odd group of beings called Gremlins. No sign of any way back to Iceland. My troops don't seem to mind right now. They are in high spirits and filled with a new purpose. Apparently, many of the odd creatures here are in bondage to a race of beings from Calormen, a region south and east of Telmar. We have recently liberated a village that was run-in by Goblins. Yes, Goblins! It's hard to believe, but it is almost as if we have entered some kind of land of make-believe. Regardless of where we are, perhaps while we search for a way back to Iceland we can assist our gremlin friends and find a way to overcome these Calormenes. It is to this purpose which my men are committed and have high spirits.
Journal Entry #3
Journal Entry #3 Strange creatures indeed inhabit this land. I have already seen over half a dozen types, but I am told of great Dragons, towering Titans, and flying Angels -- all of which I have yet to meet, but doubt not their existence. How could I? I have already seen the unbelievable in just one week here. Since the last entry, we have secured more land. Our rag-tag army of gremlins and my own soldiers has grown substantially. We have much to accomplish, however, as I fear our enemy is far stronger.
Help from Calormen
Gold from Calormen to help fight those Overlords... and keep you in the game until the human player comes and wipes his sword with you all!
26, 23 подземелье
28, 9 подземелье
The Gargoyles have also been in hiding... now they come out in droves
45, 12 подземелье
Now that the Northern lands are unified again, the mage towers are filled again with new recruits.
More Mages
New recruits continue to fill the mage towers.
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West Wing
44, 40 подземелье
Capitol City
19, 11 подземелье
A steady stream of Gremlins who were once in hiding, now come down from the mountains for recruitment.
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and those recruits tell even more recruits....
More Mages
New recruits continue to fill the mage towers.
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53, 22 подземелье
55, 61 подземелье
There is a substantial amount of sulfur to be collected. You're not sure why, but intuition tells you that this may have some value in this land.
2, 11 подземелье
Mage Guild
Today, Gizmo announces that the Gremlins have built an upgrade to their recruitment center in Snowflake. Now you will find us far more useful in the field of battle, sir., he tells you.
Town Hall
The Population of Snowflake increases. A Town Hall is built to accommodate the administration.
The proud citizens of Snowflake are happy to build you a Fort in their city. A Ribbon Cutting Ceremony is attended to by a tearful and newly appointed Mayor Gizmo.
Mage Tower
Western retreats by schools of magic necessitate a mage tower being built in Snowflake.
City Hall
Snowflake's Citizens are ready for a City Hall!
Build up!
Snowflake citizens decide that Vale and Aspen no longer should hold a monopoly on the greater creature structures. In response workman feverishly build an Altar of Wishes, a Golden Pavilion, and an Upgraded Cloud Temple!!
4, 2 подземелье
As you and your men round the bend in the woods, a very strange sight meets your eyes. 10 little green men are moving in your direction. Some of your troops start backing away slowly, while others start urging you to tell the green men we come in peace. One of the men, (his name is Horace), says Hmm... This must mean something. You urge your men forward cautiously.
57, 62 подземелье
Caspian was the leader of an expedition to an Icelandic Volcano. His expedition never returned. Some say that they disappeared...into another world.
55, 58 подземелье
What an incredibly strange place! It doesn't appear as if this portal is two-way. However, since ship-building is out of the question with the meager amounts of wood you have, it looks like you have only two options
2, 12 подземелье
So these are Goblins... Strange, but they look almost how you would expect them to look. You order you men to stand ready for attack.
54, 10 подземелье
7, 10 подземелье
The Calormen soldiers stare at you and your troops with surprise. Who are you?, they ask I am Caspian the explorer, you reply. Stand aside then, Casper. These gremlins are criminal enemies of the Tisroc (may he live forever) king of Calormen, ruler of Telmar. First of all, the name is Caspian. Second, I don't know any Tisroc, but I do know these gremlins, and they are our friends. The soldiers appear to wince after you say the word 'Tisroc', and their leader steps forward with sword drawn and says, You shall speak the name of the Tisroc (may he live forever) with respect or taste our blades! Not liking this guy's attitude you boldly take a half-step forward after a signal-glance at your men and say, If by respect, you mean for me to say 'may he live forever', then may I point out that I neither want this Tisroc person to live forever, nor is he going to whether I want him to or not!! At this, the outraged soldiers of Calormen rush forward to attack. You men were already drawing their swords while you spoke...
Страж задания
1, 22 подземелье
Gizmo approaches you and says, Our Learned Scholars can teach you a little in the ways of Magic, but times are tough and he'll have to charge 750 gold for his service. Magic, what do you mean?, you ask. You don't have Magic in your world? No, unless you mean perhaps.. Science? Gizmo thinks for a moment and replies, Well, science here is the study and observation of natural phenomena... magic is, well, super-natural I see, you say, Well, I've heard of the super-natural, I'm willing to give this a try. Good!, Gizmo claps you on the back, but being kind of short he sort of misses and well.. you can guess. By the way, he adds uncomfortably, We'll have to build you a Mage Guild. See if you can collect about 5 units of wood and ore. It will not take us too long.
9, 7 подземелье
Just north of here are several refugee camps. Gizmo tells you that these camps house no friends of the Calormenes, so we may find some willing to join us.
19, 5 подземелье
This Gem pond is the property of the Tisroc (may he live forever). None shall claim it without his authority.
Страж задания
15, 5 подземелье
The Crypt ahead is in disrepair. If you would leave 7 Master Gremlins as Caretakers, we will open it up again.
Мастер гремлин
8, 11 подземелье
Hurray! We're free Those Calormen dogs were going to use us to find the rest of you!
Боевой гном
17, 0 подземелье
This Gold has been hidden by us Dwarves to use against the Calormenes. If you can best us in mock combat, you may take the gold.
2, 2 подземелье
Passing through the portal was rather odd. Instead of experiencing some other-worldly magical tingle as you crossed the threshold, there was no sensation at all different from that of passing through any ordinary door. Once through, however, wonders continue at full strength. It appears that you are back in Iceland! However, the land is unfamiliar... and there's still that strange gravity and 'feel' about this place. Toto, one of your men, approaches to speak with you
1, 14 подземелье
This Map was created by Jeff Scanga 8/25/2000. Credit is due to 1 of my favorite authors, C.S. Lewis for the names and storyline. [email protected]
Страж задания
39, 8 подземелье
This Border gate will remain standing until someone is powerful enough to knock it down. At present, it will withstand any attacks made by anyone with a spell power of 7 or less.
16, 9 подземелье
While you are consulting some of your newly created maps of this land, one of your men stops to ask you a question. Caspian, the structure up ahead seems familiar to me. I've read stories about creatures made of stone, impervious to steel. If we should be attacked what do we have that can stop them? Good point soldier., you reply, I think we'll have to think of some gizmo or another that can affect them. As you are saying this, you realize the coincidence of words, and Gizmo the gremlin is by your side. The gargoyles are our allies, sir. They will surely help us, but there is of course a cost to recruit them. Also, they are not as impervious as you may think, but they are better fighters than us Gremlins. Thank you, Gizmo. We shall recruit them at once. Soon you are off to the Parapet.
Страж задания
59, 2 подземелье
Welcome to the Library of Progress. Lifetime membership will cost you one Shield of the Dwarven Lords.
36, 0 подземелье
Princess Ann
60, 39 подземелье
New Tashbaan
Страж задания
36, 2 подземелье
Apparently, Asheru is keeping a political prisoner here. In an attempt to silence those who oppose the current ruler of Telmar, he has imprisoned Princess Ann. If you can get past the guards, you may have a new ally.
15, 37 подземелье
13, 57 подземелье
9 Forks River
Страж задания
7, 57 подземелье
Welcome to the Library of Progress. Lifetime membership will cost you one Centaur's Axe.
Страж задания
5, 61 подземелье
This is the School of Magical Power. You need to have a Knowledge Skill of at least 12 to enroll here.
66, 7 подземелье
As you approach the Frozen Cliffs, one your mages, Gandalf, comes alongside to talk to you. What concerns you, my good mage?, you inquire. Sir, I have studied much about these creatures that live upon yonder cliffs., he answers. What have you learned, then? His expression takes on a rather foreboding appearance as he says, The Azure Dragons, Sir. They are the most feared, most terrifying of any Dragon of our land. They are capable of absorbing astounding amounts of both physical and magical damage. We must be cautious. If we defeat them, might we not recruit some of their kind for our side, you ask, surprised at your military way of thinking. Actually, sir, that is possible., his expression appears hopeful, Possible, but expensive. I'm not sure the cost of recruitment would be worth the benefit they might give us. Satisfied with Gandalf's straightforward response, you say, Very well. Thank you for your counsel, good mage. And you are on your way again.
Хижина предсказателя
3, 62 подземелье
A strange blue-skinned wizard welcomes you into his hut. I have heard about you Caspian., he says. Please, sit down. Perhaps we can be of mutual benefit to each other. Not entirely ready to trust this blue wizard, yet not sure what to say, you ask him his name. My name is Thrawn. But that is not important to you right now. Let me be brief. Time is short for both of us. I am in need of a live specimen of Dragon. The Azure to be precise. If you could bring me one, your reward would be substantial. Enough Gold to compensate you for the expense, and much more. What do you say? Still uneasy about trusting him, you ask to see some proof of what he promises. He takes you to the back of the hut, through a portal and shows you. The delight that assaults your eyes is motivation enough to bring 10 Azure Dragons! However, not wanting to appear too excited you grudgingly accept his quest.
Страж задания
4, 63 подземелье
A friendly young guard named Luke, tells you that he can only let you pass if you have Admiral Thrawn's hat. Suddenly, there's a glint of sunlight off your armor. The guard leaps up and points saying, WHAT'S THAT FLASHING!. After slapping his hand away, you decide things might move faster if you just would give this guy the hat.
68, 47 подземелье
Thrawn's Pile of Gold, is perhaps the largest collection of the precious metal that you have ever seen in one place.
37, 47 подземелье
Recalling that your mage, Gandalf is quite experienced in these strange dwellings, you call him aside. Gandalf, my good mage. What do you know of this structure? Well, sir, he replies, It is the home of another type of Dragon. Although this one lacks the power of the Azure, it is still quite dangerous and is perhaps the most underestimated dragon in all of Telmar. How so?, you ask. Well, this one not only can cast spells, but sometimes spells cast upon itself are reflected back upon the caster. I see. Dangerous indeed. But once again, I ask as I did with the Azure, can they be tamed? Yes Sir., Gandalf replies. However, the cost is substantial. Perhaps if we made use of these Rampart treasuries, we would have Gold to spare. You are indeed very wise, Gandalf. I thank you again for your counsel. And with that you are on your way again.
17, 60 подземелье
A lot of dead birds and animals lie alongside this fork of the river. It would seem that the water here is intensely poisonous. Scanning the banks of the river you see something silvery in the mud. Coming closer, you realize that this is the source of the poison! Realizing it's value you cap it off and take it with you. (To the relief of much of the wildlife, I might add.)
21, 16 подземелье
Along the shore you find a Parchment. It is barely legible, but from what you can make out it reads
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Journal Entry #5
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Welcome to the Library of Progress. Admission is Free to all Citizens of Telmar.
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As you approach the entrance to the Telmar Capitol, the old hermit materializes before you. Be warned, Son of Adam, that the Calormenes are very strong now. Make sure you are ready before you go on. However, if you wait too long, you may find that the Calormenes are gone, only to be replaced by an even greater and sinister foe. Before you can speak, he begins fading away. Always remember, Caspian, he says, to walk the straight and narrow path. Lest Telmar be saved only to fall again to it's own corruption. And with that he is gone.
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The Quixote Plains
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2, 43 подземелье
Хижина предсказателя
50, 53 подземелье
A short man wearing a ridiculously large black helmet invites you into his home. It's about time!, he shouts, then pointing to a table and chairs he says, Have a seat. Not wishing to upset the man you sit down. Okay, I need to see a demonstration of your abilities before I start. Show me a Fireball or Lightning Bolt Spell., he asks you expectantly. But sir, you protest, This hut will catch on fire if I do. I Know That!, he yells, I always set my hut on fire when I'm testing someone out!, then he looks over your shoulder at your men and says, Don't I!!?. Your men back up a step replying, Of course you do, SIR! Again, not wishing to upset this man further, you show him a demonstration of your spells. Naturally, the hut catches fire, but more alarmingly, so does the strange man! Grabbing a blanket, you smother the fire on him and put it out. Are you alright, sir?, you ask. Huh?, he replies. Oh. Why don't we take a 5-minute break... Smokes if you got 'em., and collapses on the floor. After a long series of comedic errors, you finally find out that this odd individual needs a specimen of Faerie Dragon. And with that, you set off to get one, not really sure what kind of reward you'll be receiving.
Страж задания
68, 2 подземелье
As you approach the Guard Tower, the familiar figure of the old hermit appears in the doorway. You have done well again, Son of Adam.
Ящик Пандоры
68, 1 подземелье
This time, that feeling that nothing can go wrong takes a more definite form
Книга магии Воздуха
42, 21 подземелье
As you reach for the Tome, you find the old hermit again (dressed entirely UNlike a hermit), waiting for you. Well done, Caspian! Well done!, he says. Telmar is secure again and we have you to thank for it. The people here are ready to accept you as their 'proven & tested' king. I know you may wish to go back to Iceland where you started long ago. I am telling you now, that with this tome, you have that power. On the other hand, if you accept the Telmarine's offer to make you king, you will be the first in a long ling of successful kings and one day, your tenth descendant, will rule another land to the East of here called Narnia. He will save that country much as you have saved Telmar. You are somewhat overwhelmed by all this, but still you ask, But sir, I can see you are no hermit. Who are you and how do you know so much of me and of both my world and this one? The hermit smiles knowingly, My son, here I am known by one name, and in your world I am known by another. Those who seek me, find me, only to find that it was I, in fact, who was seeking them. This... this is all somewhat confusing, you say, but, nonetheless, I accept the offer of Kingship. I only hope that I may rule with wisdom, strength and justice. The hermit replies, Because you have desired such, it shall be, and more. Now come, King Caspian, let us proceed to your coronation. The coronation ceremony is attended by every citizen of Telmar. Great cheers and celebrations ring throughout the kingdom. At no time in the history of Telmar before or hence has a greater celebration taken place. Before it has all ended, the hermit bids you farewell. As he is leaving, his stride becomes more and more stooped, and at first you think that he looks more like a hermit again. However, as you continue to watch, his stride gets faster, but his stooping becomes lower so that he is almost on all fours. In a few seconds you are sure that he is indeed on all fours, but he doesn't look awkward. In fact, his stride, which has now become a gallop, appears graceful. Just as he is about to fade from view, you are sure for the rest of your life that he took on the form of a great golden Lion....
51, 19 подземелье
Imprisoned here by the Calormenes is a Telmarine Knight named Cor. He will surely become an ally once rescued.
68, 15 подземелье
Ahead are the Twin Portals of Glory. The Calormenes have had control of these powerful beings called Angels, for too long. Now it is time for the portals to be rightfully claimed for Telmar!
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The Even greater and sinister foe that the old hermit was referring to, is certainly coming from here. There are all kinds of weird tracks leading from out of this cave. Including - you shudder at the thought - dozens of Dragon tracks. Something tells you that the battle with the Calormenes was nothing compared to what faces you below.
48, 31 подземелье
East Wing
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Journal Entry #4 Today we have entered the region known as Western Telmar. I am told that many dwarves and elves who were once allies with the north are now united with the Calormenes in their rulership of Telmar. Their crime is treason, yet I feel that execution and extermination would be too harsh. Perhaps siding with the Calormenes was the only choice they had. I will heretofore attempt to bring these creatures back into alliance with the north. If we are successful, restoring Telmar to the rightful Telmarines will be within our grasp.
44, 41 подземелье
Journal Entry #6
5, 6 подземелье
The Gremlins (for that is what they are) tell you that their village is due-south of here. However, their leader, Gizmo, was imprisoned by the goblins and his jail is to the west. He may be some help in retaking the village. As you march south, you notice that the Gremlins begin referring to you as Son of Adam. Strange... could the inhabitants of this land actually know about Adam & Eve? The first humans from the dawn of your world?
5, 5 подземелье
Help! Our village has been ransacked by Goblins! We're running for our lives, but we'll join you and go back and fight if you'll help us!
Хижина предсказателя
5, 19 подземелье
You approach an old hut with a worn painting of a golden lion on the door. Inside is an old hermit. As you enter he looks at you with eyes that seem to know you down to your very soul. Welcome, Son of Adam., he says with a voice that makes you feel as if you were *his* son. Sir, you ask, Why do people refer to me that way? Because, that is who you are, the hermit replies warmly with a hint of pride, and, he adds, uniquely so in this land. But, other than my troops, I've seen other men here. Yes, you have, but they are not descended from Adam. The hermit continues before you can ask more questions, Your questions must wait, however, for time is short. Telmar is in danger as you may have learned. However, the danger is greater than you might know. Your nearest enemy right now is Asheru. He must be dealt with quickly or he may become too powerful, or worse, be overcome by a more powerful enemy. You must defeat him as soon as possible. Waste no time in returning here after you have done so. I will give you more information later. The old hermit then adds, Courage, Son of Adam, and you feel as if you could take on anything.
7, 21 подземелье
Something tells you that the chest up ahead belongs to the hermit who lives in that Seer's hut.
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A voice sounds in your head as you approach the chest. Son of Adam, would you repeat the same mistake that your father did? Rather than sounding like a warning, the voice sounds so profoundly sad - as if all of the world's evils were a result of just one act.
6, 24 подземелье
Taking that Chest leaves you with a very uneasy feeling...
1, 4 подземелье
0, 6 подземелье
Gizmo's prison is guarded lightly. You should be able to break through easily.
43, 49 подземелье
Some rather weird creatures were giving the Calormenes much trouble by making their landings here. If Telmar is to be retained and defended, this landing must be protected! On the other hand... this would be the right place to launch a counter-invasion. Perhaps the island directly to the south can be a beach-head.
37, 9 подземелье
Weeds and rocks choke off the passageway to that well.
65, 50 подземелье
Well well well. It seems as though ol' Thrawn left someone behind. Alright, then. The more the merrier!
Шляпа капитана
67, 50 подземелье
Thrawn left behind a Captain's hat. Although, not as useful as an Admiral's hat, nonetheless a valuable find!
0, 39 подземелье
28, 11 подземелье
9, 19 подземелье
This appears to be the last camp of Goblins, and they are guarding some valuables....
1, 54 суша
If there's any way back to Iceland, this, unfortunately, is not it. You'll just have to make the best of it and forge a new path home.
67, 70 суша
Caspian, I've hidden these provisions here for you. Be careful. The most dangerous part of your quest lies ahead. -- your friend, the Hermit.
Щит львиной храбрости
68, 70 суша
The emblem on this shield is a Golden Lion. The Lion's eyes seem to stare out at you and for an instant you thought you saw it wink!
70, 39 суша
No Victory
54, 21 суша
Mt. Sneffels Gold Mine
Ящик Пандоры
71, 70 суша
Well, the old hermit hasn't let us down yet, you say.
Страж задания
1, 2 суша
The Guard Tower stands ahead Empty. However, it is clear from several runic markings that the gate will not open unless you have the head of the Hero Damacon placed on a small dais in front of the tower.
56, 60 суша
The passageway opens up into a vast cavernous area. All sorts of smells and sounds assail your senses. Clearly, this is some vast underground city -- all this time, underneath Telmar, building up and waiting to strike. Well, here's where the threat ends once and for all!
32, 4 суша
Journal Entry #7
39, 3 суша
Now this portal looks promising! However... one way again. Last time you went through a one-way portal you found yourself leading a civil war! What next?! Well, there is only one way to find out....
16, 65 суша
The Warren
13, 1 суша
Although this map is a contest submission, it is also the first map I have ever created. I've started other maps before, but never finished them.
Хижина предсказателя
42, 51 суша
I'll be blunt. I need 1 specimen of each type of rare dragon. The reward will be well worth it.
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