Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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The Kingdom of Meldrana is in turmoil. The balance of power that was orignally good has now changed. Choose your hero and the destiny you are about to begin. Find and return the lost Holy Grail to Itha to fulfill your destiny.
The Castle of Tyarachion, is a powerful palace that belongs to the Warlocks & the Dungeon Overlords. Beware of its inhabitants.
Lost Castle 2
There is a long lost Castle of the Stronghold. There you might find sone useful warriors.
It is rumoured that there are hordes of halfings who are willing to join your army out of the kindness of their heart.
Lord Atrak
Beware of the Death Knight Lord Atrak. His combine powers allow undead and the living to be mixed without any penalty to them.
Seek out the White Wizard Belorn. He is powerful magic-user, but is quite mad. Free him from his prison and he will serve you.
Lord Mendrik
Lord Mendrik will aid you in your quest, but he has disappeared underground. Find him and he would make a worthy ally.
Free Kilgor from his prison and liberate his kingdom from his rogue forces.
intro good 1
The Kingdom of Meldrana is in turmoil. A massive earthquake has errupted in our peaceful land. Our castles have been badly damaged. Some of our important buildings have been demolished and our troops have either ran away or been killed. We must rebuild again. But how did this Happen??
intro evil 1
You look out into the cold deathly surroundings you call home. It has been decided, by the Necromancers Guild to attack once more. To bring death and decay to all who oppose you. You are ready to rally more troops for the many battles that is to come..
intro inferno 1
You have invaded a new land and covered a small section of it in molten lava and ash. The citizens have fled leaving their valuables behind. Two forts have been built, but you urgently need the supplies to strengthen yourself for the up and coming battles that lies ahead. With Xeron at your side, you feel confident you will win.
intro witch 1
What pathetic fools this land has. Too busy worrying about peace treaties and who is in charge. They never thought that magic and spells are the true power behind ruling kingdoms. It will be their downfall. But first we must establish a strong kingdom.. Adrienne thinks to herself as her lust for power increases.
intro Conflux 1
These Infidels that drain our essence of magic must be stopped. We control the essence of magic. It is ours to command and nobody must use it.
At Last, the time for revenge has finally turned. I will avenge my sister Dragons from their persecution by the citizens of Meldrana, and crush all remaining opposition. . As she makes plans, Mutare descends into the underground of the dragons.
intro tower 2
As the foremost authority on magic and spells, you are the main advisor to King Ithain, Ruler of all Meldrana. You are respected by all except the forces of evil. It was your Sorcery that banished the Necomancer's Guild back to their southern realm. This was when they tried to invade the kingdom many moons ago..
intro dwarf 2
As High Druid of the Dwarven and Elven community, it is your responsibility to ensure you are the backbone of the kingdom's main fighting force. You are the first line of defence in case the Necromancers break free from their cursed realm. It is feared that if they do attack it, will be from an underground cavern near your Ramparts.
intro cleric 2
As Clerics of the Holy Order, it was your wisdom that created a peace treaty between yourselves, the Wizards and the Dwarven & Elven community. The treaty was to prevent the Necromancers and any other force who would dare to rule Meldrana. You are sworn to this and to King Ithain who was grateful for the support to the Kingdom.
intro evil 2
The Necromancers Guild helps you, by attacking and weakening Castle Itha, the main kingdom of Meldrana. The remaining forces of the attacking army have captured vital recources for you and are guarding it from your enemies. Itha's forces have either fled or been killed, it buildings lie in ruin. Treasure chests scattered about the place. Taking it will be no problem, however the Grail has been stolen by the King's followers and hidden somewhere in this kingdom. King Ithain hopes that his allies will seek it out and restore the kingdom to him. But alas he will never live to see it.
intro inferno 2
You capture and torture some of the King's Scouts to discover that Itha is the main Capital of the Realm. Also the Holy Grail that goes with it, has vasts amount of power and knowledge. Preparations begin to secure Castle Itha from an Undead force who is now occuppying it.
intro witch 2
For years you have known that Itha has one of the most powerful Mage Guilds in the kingdom and aided by this Holy Grail, it can bring supreme power to any Magic-User such as yourself. But Grail is lost and finding it is very important. But which comes first the Castle or the Grail?
intro Conflux 2
An alliance has been met with the Witch Adrienne to prevent this travesty. These fools who dare to think they have the right to wield and waste our magic. We shall see.
Intro Dragon 2
Mutare decides not have the Bone and Ghost Dragons on her side because they are under the powerful control of the Necromancer's Guild. Anyway they are too weak in battle. The Azure, Rust and Crystal Dragons, however she will have to conquer. The Faerie Dragons are defying her magical Dragon Calling Spell. Mutare knows it is only a matter of time before she finds them and controls them for her army.
intro good 3
Tragedy has struck the Kingdom a second time. The Necromancer's Guild has fought back. They have somehow attacked the Castle of Itha, home to your King. But the Holy Grail has been hidden by the King's followers. We must find it and restore the King's power.
intro evil 3
After you attack on Itha, King Ithain was captured and taken to the Necromancers Guild. There he stood on trial for his crimes against the Undead. This morning, King Ithain, Ruler of all Meldrana was executed. His body is now a skeleton awaiting to join your army. Victory is Death becomes your new battle cry.
intro inferno 3
Just before the scouts are killed, you learn that the Holy Grail was taken from Itha and buried in secret. The scouts do not have the information on where it has been buried. But you know that various ancient obelisks might hold part of the information. Without the Holy Grail, Castle Itha is pretty useless. You must find the Grail first before capturing Itha. You look forward to the chaos you will bring in this land once this has been accomplished..
intro witch 3
As you prepare to scour the land, you notice that it is rich in supplies and spell power. Enough to establish yourself as a powerfull enemy to all. The spells you acquired will be enough to hold the other forces at bay.
intro Conflux 3
We have set up a base of operations away from the main figthing to gather resources and troops. You start by making plans with the help of your ally to find this Holy Grail.
intro dragon3
Mutare finds out that the Green & Gold Dragons have joined the cause of the the Druids and Rangers and will not follow Mutare's calling. Furious about this, she calls forth the Red and Black Dragons to increase her army. She will try and gain control over the Green & Gold one way or another.
intro good 4
Rumours are spreading that King Ithain has been killed, the Grail has presumed to be lost in the kingdom. Ithain's Castle has been invaded by an powerful Undead army. This explains why there was an earthquake. It was the Necromancers Guild that created their one and only powerful spell against us. We must build our forces quickly in case they attack. Otherwise, the kingdom will be lost..
intro witch 4
The forces of the Heretics and Demonaics are in dissaray at this moment. The Wizards, Druids & Clerics are too busy rallying themselves to the fight against the Guild of the Necromancers. They will not be able to match our power and strength. This will be an easy kingdom to rule.
intro good 5
Your scouts bring news that two other forces have established a foothole in the land. The Realm from the Inferno and the Realm from the Swamp. Are they here to help or hinder us.
intro Conflux 5
You have sensed that this new alliance is going to have problems. Never the less, you will try and help them as best as you can. But when it comes to seizing the Kingdom and the Grail, you will make sure that it is you who finds it and no one else (and that includes your ally).
intro witch 5
You receive a message from the Conflux informing you that there are 2 other Fortresses that might help you. Also there are some pyramids about, which will give you some 5th level spells as well. You rub your hands with glee at the thought of accuiring new and powerful spells for your cause.
intro good 6
Capture the Castle of Itha and find the Holy Grail. Only then can order be restored and evil be banished once more. The Arch-Angels and some forces from your allies have sent some troops as Guardians to stop the undead from breaking out of their Realm. You pray that this will work.
intro good, inferno, witch, conflux
Find and capture the Kingdom of Itha. Also recover the lost Holy Grail and return it to the kingdom. GOOD LUCK
intro evil 7
Find the Holy Grail to bring forth the combined forces of your undead troops and the Necromancers' Guild troops as the true masters of this land.
Your forces find a large quantity of resources
72, 10 подземелье
Хижина предсказателя
22, 67 подземелье
Long ago, powerful wizards were able to create magical artifacts, but time has caused us to forget how to make new items. I would like to learn these techniques myself, but I need one of these artifacts first to see how it was done. If you could bring me, the Tome of Air Magic, and you will have 20 Titans.
Хижина предсказателя
107, 95 подземелье
I am researching a way to turn base metals into gold, but I am short of materials for my workshop. If you could bring me 30 Wood, 30 Mercury, 30 Ore, 30 Sulfur, 30 Crystal, and 30 Gems, I would be most grateful. You yourself will then be granted the Tome of the Magic of Fire.
Хижина предсказателя
68, 133 подземелье
Long ago, powerful wizards were able to create magical artifacts, but time has caused us to forget how to make new items. I would like to learn these techniques myself, but I need one of these artifacts first to see how it was done. If you could bring me, the Angel Feather Arrows, you would be well rewarded with a +10 defense skill.
Хижина предсказателя
36, 25 подземелье
Long ago, powerful wizards were able to create magical artifacts, but time has caused us to forget how to make new items. I would like to learn these techniques myself, but I need one of these artifacts first to see how it was done. If you could bring me, the Recanter's Cloak and you would be rewarded with 10 Arch Devils.
95, 13 подземелье
Welcome to the Mirrors of Medusa. Don't get stoned now.
41, 50 подземелье
Welcome To The Plains of Ash & Lava.
61, 137 подземелье
Raven's Eye
The Necromancer's Guild is pleased with you and has sent additional troops and resources to help you in your conquest.
Королева медуз
4, 37 подземелье
As you approach the Arena you awaking a horde of sleeping Medusa Queens. They hiss at you and their leader Megara speaks smoothly to you. Welcome Mortal, welcome. We have need of more statues for our island. Look into our eyes and die.
Хижина предсказателя
139, 80 подземелье
I am researching a way to turn base metals into gold, but I am short of materials for my workshop. If you could bring me 40 Wood, 40 Mercury, 40 Ore, 40 Sulfur, 40 Crystal and 40 Gems, you would earn 24000 experience points.
104, 65 подземелье
Посещение Клерик:
Tanith and her monks were quickly pressed into the service of Itha's crown. Since then they have kept the peace between themselves, the wizards and the Elf and Dwarf community.
139, 16 подземелье
Wizard's Hall
11, 130 подземелье
As you pass through two pillars of ancient rocks, you see in the distance a fleet of wrecked ships. What happened? Who attacked them and Why?.
11, 132 подземелье
The Ghostly Atmosphere all around is so intense that your comrades get scared.
Зловещий рыцарь
66, 45 подземелье
Death Knights, ATTACK!
Могучий лич
79, 49 подземелье
Target Practice!
Лорд вампиров
63, 56 подземелье
Come Mortal. Let us taste your warm blood.
55, 64 подземелье
Lets us feed of your magic.
Призрачный дракон
73, 45 подземелье
119, 10 подземелье
As you land you are greeted by a large group of peasants. They are angry that you want to use their gold mine for your own troops. They declare that they are independent from your society and rule by their own decision. As you try and make peace with them, they get even more angry by shouting and throwing rocks at you. You decide that you must stop this once and for all.
94, 18 подземелье
96, 13 подземелье
Королева медуз
6, 35 подземелье
Sisters! Attack these infidels.
60, 117 подземелье
More troops & resources for your cause
King Ithain
The Late King Ithain
Хижина предсказателя
57, 115 подземелье
I am an agent for an emperor of a distant land. Recently, his armies have fallen on hard times. If you could bring 389 Zombies to me, I could pay you handsomely with the Sword of Judgement.
73, 120 подземелье
More troops for your cause
Королева медуз
99, 12 подземелье
Mortals! Look upon the beautiful faces of the Medusi
76, 110 подземелье
We have been sent to stop you from succeeding. You shall not take the Angel Feathers Arrows from us, vile of the undead.
Хижина предсказателя
131, 61 подземелье
I am a biographer of great heroes. I'd really like to meet a hero who has mastered Attack Skill 7, Defense Skill 5, Spell Power 9 and Knowledge 7. I'd pay well for his story. In fact you will receive the Orb of Inhibition.
92, 37 подземелье
Beofre your enter are are ambushed by a band or rogues who wish payment before entering this route. You flaty refuse an in turn they attack you.
117, 36 подземелье
This tomb is for Xeron's forces to plunder and no one else. All others are the enemy and shall be destroyed.
117, 35 подземелье
The forces of the inferno are so enraged when they discovered you slaughtered their Arch-Devils that they cast a little spell at you to remind you of their power.
68, 56 подземелье
Страж задания
140, 55 подземелье
The seas beyond are very dangerous. The guards eye you dubiously, but agree to let you by when you have achieved the experience level 10.
Страж задания
131, 32 подземелье
The Belted Knights of Meldrana guard this tower. They will only let one of their own pass. To join the order, you must first defeat the Arch Devils of the northeastern region that are guarding a crypt.
3, 142 подземелье
All who try to reach the tent are enemies and will be reduced to skeletons with our magic. Enchanters! prepare for battle.
Хижина предсказателя
59, 96 подземелье
I am an agent for an Sorceror of a distant land. Recently, his armies have fallen on hard times. If you could bring 3 Green Dragons to me, I could pay you the Vial of Dragon Blood..
Ящик Пандоры
118, 119 подземелье
You want whats in the box? Then you fight for it.
139, 18 подземелье
The undead creatures attack you.
92, 35 подземелье
Welcome to the Magical Maze of Mystery.
Хижина предсказателя
116, 43 подземелье
Arch Devils are menacing the northeastern region of this land. If you could be so bold as to defeat them, I would reward you richly with a Town Portal Spell.
8, 19 подземелье
Behold! The Pyramids of Power.
4, 95 подземелье
We are the guardians of the dragon lords and you will not enter here.
62, 98 подземелье
You hear a chilling ghostly laugh echoing around you as you look up at the black swirling clouds in the sky.
5, 142 подземелье
You come across a skeleton holding a parchment. You pick it up and read the scroll. The fleet was ready to prevent the undead from reaching the Purple tent, when an army of wights and water elementals attacked us. We tried to defend ourselves but they were too strong. In the end the fleet was completely destroyed. I am the last to survive. I must try and warn the Enchanters of this.
Хижина предсказателя
127, 38 подземелье
Long ago, powerful wizards were able to create magical artifacts, but time has caused us to forget how to make new items. I would like to learn these techniques myself, but I need one of these artifacts first to see how it was done. If you could bring me, the Pendant of Second Sight, you would be well rewarded with the Sentinel's Shield.
71, 61 подземелье
Lunch has finally arrived.
140, 19 подземелье
In the swirling banks of fog you see Dracon being held in a prison. You rush to set him free, but as the mist clears, your see some undead creatures blocking your way. You then realise you must destroy them to free Dracon.
142, 21 подземелье
As you eixt the portal, you see a swirling mist surrounding the Castle of the Supreme Wizards. You shiver with fear as you approach the now gloomy castle that once held spells and power.
25, 75 подземелье
Before you stands a green two way portal. As green lightning enamates from it, you know that it will lead to either the back of the snowy mountains or to the main Castle of the Supreme Wizards. After hearing rumours of the Wizards Castle being occupied by an undead army, you decide you must save it.
11, 131 подземелье
Хижина предсказателя
88, 96 подземелье
Long ago, the Black Sorcerors were able to create magical artifacts, but time has caused us to forget how to make new items. I would like to learn these techniques myself, but I need one of these artifacts first to see how it was done. If you could bring me, the Helm of Chaos, you would be well rewarded with an attack of +20.
137, 129 суша
Хижина предсказателя
84, 72 суша
I am a biographer of great heroes. I'd really like to meet a hero who has mastered Attack Skill 50, Defense Skill 50, Spell Power 50 and Knowledge 50. Do this and I shall reward you with 15 Mighty Azure Dragons.
Хижина предсказателя
7, 4 суша
I am a wizard for an Archmage of a distant realm. Recently, his armies have fallen on hard times. If you could bring 50 Halflings to me, I could pay you handsomely with Titan's Gladius.
Хижина предсказателя
70, 30 суша
I am a biographer of great heroes. I'd really like to meet a hero who has mastered Attack Skill 10, Defense Skill 10, Spell Power 10 and Knowledge 10. Then you may have 200 Medusa Queens for your army.
Накидка отречения
38, 80 суша
You want Magic? I'LL GIVE YOU MAGIC.
Хижина предсказателя
65, 9 суша
Long ago, powerful wizards were able to create magical artifacts, but time has caused us to forget how to make new items. I would like to learn these techniques myself, but I need one of these artifacts first to see how it was done. If you could bring me, the Diplomat's Ring, you would be rewarded with the Beserk Spell.
121, 17 суша
Belorn was once a member of the White Council of Wizards, but has now broke away from them to follow his own research. He has a fanatical desire to acquire the knowledge of arcane magic and artifacts of Meldrana.
Случайный город
125, 90 суша
Loads of Gold
As a reward for capturing this palace you receive a huge amount of gold.
59, 46 суша
You have spotted a shipwreck survivor in the water clutching some treasure. But he is being tormented by a horde of Wvyerns. You feel sorry for the poor guy and decide to save him by taking on the Wvyerns.
58, 47 суша
You see in the distant several nests of Wvyerns on either side of the cliffs
59, 45 суша
Your ally, the leader of the swamp is outraged by your actions for destroying their precious troops. As punishment for this atrocity, they drain some of your spell power.
31, 112 суша
Beware of the Shadow Woods
11, 131 суша
You hear a ghostly voice echoing from the mountains The sands of time wil be your guide.
128, 59 суша
Bless you my child.
117, 59 суша
A curse on you and your army mortal.
118, 57 суша
A curse on you and your army mortal.
5, 132 суша
We will glady join your army if you defeat us in battle. Prepare yourself.
117, 64 суша
A curse on you and your army, mortal.
119, 64 суша
A curse on you and your army, mortal.
114, 66 суша
A curse on you and your army mortal.
Лазурный дракон
11, 135 суша
Beware the Eyes of the Dragon
Хижина предсказателя
14, 138 суша
Long ago, powerful wizards were able to create magical artifacts, but time has caused us to forget how to make new items. I would like to learn these techniques myself, but I need one of these artifacts first to see how it was done. If you could bring me, the Hellstorm Helmet, Breastplate of Brimstone and the Red Dragon Flame Tongue, you would be well rewarded with Armageddon's Blade..
62, 103 суша
61, 102 суша
Are you ready to fight with magic?
60, 102 суша
59, 101 суша
59, 100 суша
59, 99 суша
We are the Protectors of the Realm. You shall not pass, beings of the undead filth .
Гарпия ведьма
97, 34 суша
This if for our mistress and no else shall have it. screeches one of the harpy hags
Хижина предсказателя
130, 41 суша
Long ago, chaotic mages were able to create magical artifacts, but time has caused us to forget how to make new items. I would like to learn these techniques myself, but I need one of these artifacts first to see how it was done. If you could bring me, the Orb of Tempestuous Fire, you would be well rewarded with the Spellbinder's Hat.
Щит львиной храбрости
59, 44 суша
The shipwrecked man thanks you for saving his life and in return, hands you this wonderous piece of armour
Сказочный дракон
7, 113 суша
I will let you pass if can defeat me in a combat of strength and magic. winks the leader of the rouge faerie dragons
114, 61 суша
Lord Atrak
Lord Atrak deals in the magic of both Light & Dark. His ability to call forth the dead into battle as well as heal the living makes him a unique and a formidable opponent
135, 124 суша
Lord Mendrik
Lord Mendrik is an exceptional warrior both in magic and strength. In addition he has the ability to generate a substantial amount of gold as well.
64, 103 суша
You find your army blocked by the forces of good and a Purple Border Guard. This will not stand in your way. However these forces will make an excellent addition to your skeletal army and the Border Guard will not be there for long.
65, 107 суша
You come across a peasant fleeing from your realm. Quickly you stop him, wondering if you should add him to your skeletal army. The peasant begs for his life in return for some valuable information. You agree as he informs you that there is a purple tent somewhere in the southwestern area that you must visit before passing the guard. You thank him for this message and let him go on his way. As he hurriedly leaves, you spot a yellow glint coming from his person. You wonder what it is that he is hiding. Do you kill him and find out or just let him go?
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