Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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The wizards have begun a great war to decide who will control their homeland - and the world. The spells they cast at the beginning of their conflict have some nasty side effects. Your only hope is to unite the lands and destroy them. But where is that pesky sister of yours. You need her here.
Sick and tired of all the talk and politics you storm out of the great conference. Surely all those little lordlings must realise that the only way to deal with the wizards is to unite behind a strong leader. Yourself, for instance.
Strange Happenings
You decide to take a short vacation at your ancestral home in the mountains. Perhaps they will come to their senses. Besides its difficult to kill people if they are a long way away. And the way you have been feeling it would be very easy to kill someone. That wouldn't go down so well.
Strange Happenings
You really need your sister. She's the diplomat. But she has gone off on one of her crazy explorations and you can't contact her. Silly girl!
Strange Happenings
The night after you arrive at the castle you feel a great surge of magic roll across the land. Just what have those damned wizards done?
It seems that as some kind of by-product of their own magical battles, or perhaps just to create confusion in potential enemies, the wizards have dotted these magical barriers all over the land. It is too late for extended negotiations, even with your neighbours. Now you must act!
But how? You cannot leave. Never mind you think, patting your sword, you will find a way. But first you must build your army and that requires resources. Your mind turns to the mountain dwarves - hmmm! And what of your sister, she will find it very difficult to return.
Your advisors suggest that it would be a good idea to rest and consolidate your army. After all, you have no idea of what you will face in the south. You suspect that you are not the only one building an army. While you're waiting you might go and check out those caves.
The wizards must be having a real stoush. Not only can you feel the ripples of powerful magic, but at night you can see the occasional flash of light far to the east. And from the reports of the few scouts who manage to struggle through the mountains, the lords of the south are preparing for war.
No doubt if Eiluned was here she would counsel caution and diplomacy. But you are not one for words and letters. No! you are Bruce the Bold. You gave them their chance. Now they will follow you gladly or face your sword! Actually, you are quite looking forward to it.
Peace in our time?
There have been no bursts of magic or light from the NE for some time. This could mean one of two things. Either the wizards have called a truce or one of their factions has triumphed. You hope it is the first. A united wizard island would be a formidable and unpredictable foe.
Further worries.
And they say there are caverns on the isle which contain great treasures, but which even the wizards have not dared to explore. A triumphant group might believe that now is the time to gain such treasure, and the power that comes with it.
All is quiet from the wizards isle and you fear a powerful foe is building there. You are weary of war and strife, but you know they will never end until the wizards have been defeated. If you do not go to them then they will come to you. Win this land, build your armies strong, and sail to the NE!
But there are strange rumblings from the underground. Your advisers think that the wizards may have broken the ancient seals and ventured into the caves on wizard isle. If that is the case then they must be powerful indeed. Make haste! No one must stand before you!
15, 3 подземелье
There's another group of dwarves ahead. You decide to negotiate and point out that this is nothing personal. You need the mines and if they get in the way you will grind them into dust. For some odd reason this doesn't seem to go down too well.
8, 11 подземелье
12, 4 подземелье
Of course not all the mountain dwarves are friendly. Especially if they think you are after their treasure or their mines.
15, 10 подземелье
These are the valley dwarves. They have always been friendly to your family. With a bit of sweet talk you might even be able to convince them to join your army. You yell out. So, do you want to join the army, or would you prefer to have us come and stay with you for a few weeks?
123, 141 подземелье
124, 139 подземелье
Well, this is a fine pickle. There was that strange magical burst last night. And then a huge storm swept you to the SE, and smashed your ship onto the rocks. No one else seemed to have survived except your pet, and you haven't the faintest idea of where you are.
125, 138 подземелье
You think for a while. The SE? The only thing you've heard of in that direction is the weird isles, and they say that no-one ever returns from there alive. So, how come we know about them you think. Somebody must have been here before.
126, 137 подземелье
You think of your idiot brother and giggle to yourself. How frustrated he'd be in this situation. His solution to any problem is to hit it with a large sword. But you can rely on your natural charm, and other obvious attributes. Well, at least you hope so.
91, 36 подземелье
Высокий эльф
130, 138 подземелье
We would follow you to the ends of the Earth my lady says their leader, kneeling before you. This is the sort of thing you rather like. But, beware he continues this is a dangerous place in dangerous times.
128, 137 подземелье
Ahead you can see a group of bowmen. Hmmm, not bad looking. Hey guys you call out How would you like to help out a damsel in distress?
139, 4 подземелье
131, 139 подземелье
We have guarded this treasure for time immemorial. It is meant for the one who would be Queen of the World, and who else would that be but one as glorious as you says the leader of the elves. You are starting to really like these guys. It couldn't possibly be that they were just bored could it?
130, 135 подземелье
A very, very, old man stands at the entrance of the valley. Welcome Princess, we have waited long for your return. He looks at you closely and starts to say something but then stops. She wears the necklace says the leader of the elves. The old man smiles and then disappears in a puff of smoke.
18, 4 подземелье
Oh no, there are more of the little beggars ahead. Maybe you should try and talk them over, although all this talk is getting boring. Hi pipsqueak you call out to their leader just get out of the way and give us your treasures and we won't hurt you. There, that should do it.
Боевой гном
20, 5 подземелье
We have unleashed the guardians is all he replies. So? you think, drawing your sword.
124, 128 подземелье
You don't like the look of this. Apart from anything else caves always have spiders in them, and you just know you'll end up with spider webs in your hair. Yuck!
127, 97 подземелье
Oh no! Not another dark smelly cave. You tuck your hair into your helmet. Still, you should have a strong enough army to face any foes, shouldn't you? Well, it doesn't matter that much, you still have your natural charm.
117, 131 подземелье
You don't like this much. Your boots are getting dirty.
122, 129 подземелье
You don't much like the look of that cave up ahead. Maybe you should go back and get some reinforcements.
141, 102 подземелье
Its that old man again. Welcome Princess Was that a hint of sarcasm? You are a princess! Ok, so your grandfather was a mountain bandit who managed to carve out a little fiefdom, and crowned himself. But why should that make any difference?
142, 102 подземелье
It doesn't says the old man. They all started that way - its just a question of time. Here is something your brother needs he continues, and then vanishes in a puff of smoke. That's strange. If your brother needs something he just takes it. Still, you had better have a look.
Случайный монстр 6
133, 114 подземелье
You shall not have it. The princess left it in my keeping. The princess? That's you isn't it? You notice that some of the elves are looking a bit sheepish. Still, you want what ever it is. Come on, let us through you say in your sweetest voice. Oh well, you cant win them all.
130, 117 подземелье
A beautiful river valley spreads out before you. This would be a good place to rest and, oh yes, to have a bath! You notice a pond full of clear blue water. Just turn your eyes away guys. You take a towel and head for the pond. Usually they obey you.
129, 104 подземелье
Keymaster? Go right.
6, 16 подземелье
What's this! So that's what those blasted wizards have done. A magical guardtower has been set up on the only way out of the valley. Well, at least you can still get to your garrison of archers. And maybe you should explore those caves. But not just yet.
9, 18 подземелье
This is Cuthbert's domain. He was once your vassal, but never seemed to be very happy about it. Maybe it was the way you used to like dragging him behind your horse when he annoyed you - which was all the time. Somehow you suspect you might not be able to talk him around, even if you wanted to.
29, 19 подземелье
The neck
21, 28 подземелье
100, 115 подземелье
You look around in horror. Some great disaster has struck this land. All you want to do is to get away from the heat and the smoke. Apart from anything else the heat is making you sweat, and you're sure your eyes are red!
111, 110 подземелье
The old man appears in a puff of smoke. Thats a change! Well, your highness, you have surprised me. I never expected you to get this far There is much you can learn here. Maybe you are a worthy ...... He looks at you again and then disappears. What was that supposed to mean?
6, 48 подземелье
5, 48 подземелье
The notorious dungeons of the lizard king. By all reports you are unlikely to find anything, or anyone, of use down there. Still, why not have a look. You're not afraid of the dark.
107, 136 подземелье
Fantastic! There's nothing like a sauna to cleanse the pores! Ah, back in the cave boys you call out. Somehow they don't seem all that keen.
100, 133 подземелье
First it's stinking hot and now its freezing cold. That can't be good for you. You seem to be developing a sniffle, your nose is red and you feel generally awful. You're probably developing a cold. Suddenly this adventure isn't that much fun any more. You wish you were home, even with Bruce there.
83, 128 подземелье
Its the old man! Well, my little red-nosed princess, you are well along the way to living up to your title. The second key is ahead, but there are others to discover. You must hurry. There is no time to rest. He pats you on the head and then disappears. You don't know what to think.
11, 137 подземелье
Are you worthy? We will test your Faith!
90, 106 подземелье
Burial Grounds
93, 105 подземелье
Oh boy! First fire, then ice, and now heat and dust and sand. You are getting absolutely filthy, and there's nothing you can do about it!
93, 104 подземелье
The old man appears yet again. This is where the ancient kings were laid to rest. There might be some useful things here, but beware, the graves are well guarded. From the look of the skeletons up ahead someone has already discovered this. He disappears in a puff of dust.
Скелет воин
103, 99 подземелье
Grave defilers. You shall not pass! Uh Oh!
Скелет воин
112, 91 подземелье
Leave the dead in peace! Sorry about that you reply in your most diplomatic way.
3, 30 подземелье
This is the realm of the lizard king, although you have the impression he has extended his borders somewhat. He was always suggesting a reconciliation with the wizards. Huh! The only reasonable reconciliation they would accept is called complete surrender.
2, 31 подземелье
Still, he seemed to get quite upset when you called him a lame-brained, slimy little girly coward and suggested he go crawl under a log somewhere. Ok! it didn't help the conference that much, but what's wrong with telling the truth now and then?
64, 79 подземелье
Vale of enlightenment
22, 60 подземелье
This is now Alamar's realm. He seems to have established himself firmly in what was once the heart of the old empire. It is a rich and resource-full land, and he will have grown strong. But you need it if you are to grow strong enough to attack the wizards.
23, 61 подземелье
You reflect on Alamar for a while. He was never really a friend, but he was one of the few other lords who agreed with you about the need for strong and decisive leadership. Unfortunately, he had a very different idea of who the leader should be.
87, 125 подземелье
The lava hitting the snow creates billows of steam which clear your head and nose. Maybe you have found the cure for the common cold! It could be a little bit difficult to administer to most people, however.
3, 77 подземелье
Dendroid Grove!
Дендроид воин
4, 79 подземелье
Do you deserve the boon of the trees?
4, 80 подземелье
You enter a grove of the most ancient and beautiful trees you have ever seen. They tower into the sky and seem to whisper to each other. Welcome adventurer a vast voice booms out.
11, 139 подземелье
This is the cradle of the Gods. Only the pure of heart may enter! You think about it for a while. Oh well, you might be able to bluff your way through. You put on your sweetest smile and start forward.
35, 140 подземелье
But where are you? These are not the mountains of your homeland which you have roamed all your life and know well. They can only be the great southern alps, the mystic mountains of ancient tales. But that means you must be beyond even the Southron Empire. As far from home as you could be.
25, 143 подземелье
At last, a town, although the guards don't look very friendly. Too bad! If they get between you and a hot bath, a decent meal and a soft bed then they only have themselves to blame. You're not feeling very diplomatic at the moment. Maybe you and Bruce really are siblings after all!
4, 143 подземелье
I attempted to steal the treasure and was captured a thin voice cries out please release me. I will be your servant. What a wimp you think. But you are known for your great compassion, and besides he might be useful.
29, 139 подземелье
There is something about this land ..... It is gloriously beautiful, but frightening at the same time. And there is an air of waiting, or expectancy, or something. You're not quite sure what. You only know that a time of destiny approaches! Well, you probably should have expected it.
7, 125 подземелье
You have just passed the gateway into the Southron Empire. You don't really know that much about it. Nobody does. Communication between the north and south has always been rigidly controlled. But somehow you feel totally at home here, as if this is where you were meant to be. How strange!
7, 123 подземелье
And then you remember a bit of the diplomatic history you learnt as a girl. A delegation from the Southron empire wintered over in your father's castle in the year before you were born. Everyone else in your family is tall and blonde and blue eyed, and you are short and dark and have pointy ears.
6, 122 подземелье
Hmmm! If this old woman is any indication then the southerons tend to be short and dark with pointy ears. Certain things are starting to become clear - like why you and Bruce are so different. You could believe anything about your father, but your Mother!
7, 121 подземелье
You shake your head. Nuh, that couldn't be right, could it? No, no way, no chance, impossible, couldn't be right, highly unlikely, well maybe .... good on ya mum (you never really liked your father, and it was well known he had about 50 mistresses).
15, 130 подземелье
The old man is here. Welcome princess, you have shown the kind of strength of body and character which will make you a fitting opponent of the wizards. But be cautious, they are strong. And there is something which you will discover beyond the barrier which may or may not please you.
31, 99 подземелье
The arena of arenas.
52, 104 подземелье
Vale of tranquility
23, 62 подземелье
You guess you'll just have to show him who the better man is. Not that there's much of a question about the matter! Of course, it is rumoured that he has managed to tame some ferocious monsters. Too bad for them! And then the wizards! If you can find a way to get to them.
15, 115 подземелье
There's something about the land. It just feels right. You love the rolling plains and the bare mountains. And everyone you have seen looks a bit like you. Well, small and dark anyhow. Just exactly how are you going to break it to Bruce? That's OK he's a half-wit as well as, maybe, a half-brother.
7, 99 подземелье
There is a vast crowd gathered here. Princess, princess they cry save us from our oppressors! You promise to throw out the villains and defeat the wizards. They cheer wildly. You decide that you will rule here. Oh, by the way you add anyone here who would like to join up?
15, 110 подземелье
Hail Princess! It is a young, and quite good looking, man. Throw out these invaders, you could be the saviour of the people. They will rally to your cause! The saviour of the people, that has rather a nice ring to it. You suggest he join your band and he seems quite happy to comply.
40, 81 подземелье
Another siege! You grimace to youself. It must be done! And then you think of the orchards you will grow when this is over. Thats better. You've also been bit worried about those strange rumours coming out of the Southron Empire. Apparently the place is in turmoil.
16, 84 подземелье
Bruce hears the amazing news. It is his little sister who has been causing all the turmoil in Southron. What a team they will make! Those wizards had better watch out for Bruce the Bold and Eiluned the Eloquent! And, in truth, he was worried about her. His spirits rise.
17, 94 подземелье
We had our petty rivalries he explains and they cleverly played one group against another until all were conquered. But now we have you! The one who will unite us to throw off their onerous yoke. He looks at you with absolute adoration, which is nice. But you are serious about this...
17, 96 подземелье
But there is one obvious difference. They seem to live in luxury while your followers are impoverished. You give another speech to the crowd that has gathered to meet you, and they cheer even more wildly when your personal guard stands beside you. Things will change!
25, 111 подземелье
Southern road closed.
42, 111 подземелье
You just love this land and these people. You will make it your own. Let Bruce have the North. And it turns out that your very personal guard is some kind of prince to the Southrons. Together you could claim the throne, and build a new, and just society. They will follow you!
43, 111 подземелье
Besides, you've discovered over the last few days that he has other talents as well as fighting and history. Very nice talents.... And you can't be serious all the time. Its just not in your nature. But now, down to business. Again the crowd reponds wildly to your speech.
48, 108 подземелье
The guards on the wall look ferocious, but the city seems to be in turmoil. Very faintly, and only occasionally, in the background, you can hear the chant Princess, Princess. Perhaps this will be easier than you thought.
33, 131 подземелье
Well, this is it says your very personal guard. Have they used up their strength already or have they saved for this final battle? In any case you will prevail! And then, in a whisper, To you I pledge you my troth, if you will have me. You're not sure what has given you all these goosebumps.
135, 61 подземелье
135, 66 подземелье
The war among the wizards has destroyed the beauty of this land. In some places even the soil itself has been reduced to little more than sand. Your heart sinks, but then your resolution grows. Those who would do this in their search for power must pay. Your justice will be swift, and lethal!
135, 65 подземелье
Here and there you see signs of regeneration. There are struggling new shrubs and flowers have appeared in the waste. The Earth abides! But you are not as patient as the Earth. Now is the time for justice, not for mercy. You vow to destroy them all.
62, 110 подземелье
It is an old, old man. Be scared, be very scared, if you intend to take on the wizards he intones in a creaking voice. They have grown powerful and fearless. Yet, they are not invulnerable nor immortal. They must be destroyed! My time has passed, I have kept the faith, now it is up to you!
63, 109 подземелье
Prepare well and marshal your strength. It would be better to wait a little while than to go with a less than adequate force. The fiercest battle could come at any time once you reach the isle, but there will be more than one foe to face and even the weakest could test your power.
88, 90 подземелье
Its the old man again Just a final tip. Bruce should go to the right and Eiluned to the left. But my time has gone. I will see you no more. Fare well my children. This time he does not disappear in a puff of smoke, he just fades away.
134, 78 подземелье
This is no natural harbour. It has been constructed. Truly, the powers of the wizards are awesome. But you have no fear, truth and justice must prevail! Or, at least, that is what you were always told. It's no time to start having doubts now!
134, 77 подземелье
Oh yes, was that left or right?
131, 74 подземелье
Oh, I get by with a little help from my friends
137, 74 подземелье
Oh. I get by with a little help from my friends
101, 18 подземелье
With every day your horror increases. This land has been raped for the purpose of nothing more than the petty power of a few purile power freaks. You know its not the most civilised of responses, but hacking them into very small pieces seems like a reasonable reaction.
125, 2 подземелье
It is spring, and though you can see the awful destruction that has been wrought on this land there are also signs of hope. Before you speads the most incredible array of flowers. These are the beginnings of the land renewing itself. There is hope after all!
118, 30 подземелье
Ah! the cavern entrance. You know that there are castles down there, but is there anyone dangerous or is it just a mopping-up operation? In either case you have no choice. This must be finished! The wizards must be destroyed!
7, 124 подземелье
As you enter the vale you notice an old woman sitting beside the stream. Hail princess, hail daughter of our land, she cries out. You look at her closely and see that she has pointy ears, just like yours. And you thought you were unique. Blast!
17, 95 подземелье
You decide to promote him to your very personal guard. He is good looking, and quite charming, and has shown himself to be brave. The one thing you don't understand is that you have met some of these invaders and they seem to be very similar in appearance to the rest of the people in Southron.
16, 93 подземелье
The handsome young elf takes up position beside you and tells you something of the history of this land. Apparently the invaders arrived some 500 years ago as refugees from one of the earlier wizard wars. The land was divided among warring factions and they had easy pickings.
35, 139 подземелье
You emerge from the gate into a glorious landscape. The air is cool, but the sun blazes and the sky is a deep blue. All around you are snow-clad pines and mountains rise high into the sky. Somehow you know you are no longer on the islands.
119, 7 подземелье
You just want to go home! Why carve out a land you can call your own, and then waste everything on this horrible war. But while the wizards remain you are in danger. They could build and attack your lands, and their evil must be erradicated. Yet you are sick of war, and diplomacy!
Эльфийский лук из вишневого дерева
124, 142 подземелье
Hmmm! Nice bow. That could come in handy.
24, 75 подземелье
This a fertile and beautiful land. You decide to make it your home when the war is over. The idea of tending this land makes you rather happy. You never thought you would get sick of battle, and there is still plenty of fighting to be done in this province alone. Then there are the wizards.
142, 19 подземелье
You look at the scene before you with loathing and fear. This was known as the richest vale in the world and now much of it is bare and barren. Even the gods must detest the wizards! Pity they seem to have left it up to you to actually do something about them!
135, 67 подземелье
You look around in fear and horror. The wizard isle was always spoken of as a lush and bountiful place, a place of rich pastures, ancient forests and sparkling streams. This is a place of destruction. The only trees are dead or dying. the lush parstures are bare earth and the streams are silted.
18, 97 подземелье
You look at the richness of the landscape around you, and then at the tattered clothing and gaunt faces of the people. Grave injustices have occurred in this land. You have taken these Southrons to your heart and will not fail them! The wizards will have to wait. For a while.
60, 80 подземелье
Increasingly you find your thoughts turning away from the glories, and horrors of battle. This campaign has changed you. The beauty of the land has awoken something in you which you didn't know was there. Why are you looking at this vale and imagining it sown to grain, not as a battlefield?
86, 69 подземелье
Finally! The old capital is in sight. But the thought of the coming battle does not fill you with anticipation, only with a grim determination to get this over with! You no longer care who is the bravest or best, you simply have a job which must be done.
69, 82 подземелье
Keymaster? Go South West.
33, 142 подземелье
What use is a stick you shout before he can disappear again. Its an aphorism my lady he replies with a smirk I've got a million of them. For instance, It is better to be feared than loved. What! you scream, but he has disappeared in a puff of smoke. That can't be right can it?
34, 142 подземелье
The old man is here. Well, my lady. He seems a bit more respectful now. You have shown yourself worthy indeed. He glances at the golden dragons. Your diplomacy has served you well, and will do so in the future, but remember, speak softly and carry a big stick.
19, 121 подземелье
The old man is here. And now the final key. Now you and Bruce can be united once again. He smirks. Sometimes you think I don't really like that old man!
44, 49 подземелье
You don't like this. Who has the lizard king been dealing with?
124, 124 суша
There is something over there. You like pretty things and decide you want it. A bit of diplomacy might work.
137, 124 суша
It is the old man again. Hmmm, not bad he says here's a little present. Oh good! You like presents. He vanishes in a puff of smoke.
130, 114 суша
You decide you don't much like it down here. Besides, all this darkness and dank air isn't good for your complexion. And your clothes need a good airing.
Серебряный пегас
124, 121 суша
There is a large group of pegasi at the head of the parade. You saunter towards them with a big smile. Gorgeous wings you say. Now, you look like the sort of girls who would be interested in a bit of action You never know, it might work.
141, 118 суша
You see a little alcove and push your way through. Yuck, more spider webs. This had better be worth it.
139, 110 суша
You find a tattered parchment. We know there are too many it reads but we will fight to the death to protect the treasure of the princess. Cute you think I'm sure my guys would do the same. You look at them again. Well, maybe not
141, 114 суша
This doesn't look all that pleasant, but you decide to go on. No one will accuse you of cowardice! Or vanity for that matter - there are more cobwebs ahead.
139, 120 суша
You notice something ahead and to the right. Its probably worth investigating.
Королевский минотавров
139, 111 суша
Who dares enter my lair? A voice booms out. It is not a pleasant voice.
4, 16 суша
The crypt of your ancient ancestors. Well, your Dad and Grandad anyhow. Maybe they left something useful down here. Oh blast! You forgot about the guardians!
136, 4 суша
117, 107 суша
It seems like you've got no choice but to risk the whirlpool. Oh well, you always did want to try white water rafting. Its probably much the same. Of course, there is that wreck over there.
100, 116 суша
Whew! An interesting ride. Its nice to be back on solid ground.
127, 98 суша
What a surprise! It actually looks quite pleasant down here. You decide to take time for another bath. You take your towel and set off for the stream near the boatshed. Your men make a great show of examining the walls of the cave, the mushrooms, and just about anything else except the boatshed.
70, 87 суша
You don't much like the look of the narrow passage between these tumbled rocks, and your followers are decidedly nervous. Come on guys you say with your biggest smile I thought you said you'd follow me anywhere. You wink at the captain of the guard.
76, 86 суша
The old man appears in a puff of smoke. Well, well, better than I would have expected. Maybe you are the one to rid us of those troublesome wizards. Take the key, but be aware, the road before you is long. He vanishes before you can ask the thousand questions which come to mind.
130, 24 суша
You can sense that this was once a great treasure trove, but it has been plundered. No, your way lies to the north!
130, 25 суша
No, I really mean it. There's nothing for you down there.
112, 10 суша
I mean it. There's nothing useful for you down there.
113, 10 суша
Forget it. This one's been plundered.
8, 15 суша
The spirit of your father appears to you. He looks a bit tattered around the edges, but what could you expect. After all, they found his body in 27 pieces, Most put it down to jealous lovers. Some suggest it was your mum, but that couldn't be right, there'd be at least 127 pieces!
9, 15 суша
Just keep goin' boy! Use a bit of nous, What are you, a girl? Yeah, that was your dad. You peer into the cave ahead. So, that was how he could build his army so quickly.
113, 117 суша
And you thought it might be cooler down here. Its just a little bit .... Well, put it this way, your deodorant ran out yesterday, and you don't think most of your men would even understand the concept of bath. Maybe you've got your own form of biological warfare here.
113, 118 суша
A horde of skeleton warriors attack! So much for biological warfare.
105, 126 суша
What a mess. Those things sprayed muck all over you. Even your men are holding their noses. And just look at what its doing to your clothes. This is intolerable! But what else can you do but continue on. Just imagine what idiocies your brother might be getting up too.
89, 123 суша
Oh, bliss! A little stream meanders out of a bubbling spring. Clean again! And there is even a fire where you can dry your clothes. Ok guys, back behind the bushes, you can have your turn when I'm finished. They seem a bit reluctant, but slowly shuffle away.
86, 129 суша
Blast, more spider webs! Oh well.
79, 133 суша
You suddenly have a very bad feeling that there is something nasty ahead.
80, 133 суша
The Avenue of Doom
80, 134 суша
Die foul flesh!
81, 135 суша
Die! Die!
82, 136 суша
Die! Die!
83, 137 суша
Die! Die! Give us life again!
84, 138 суша
Through the tangled brambles you can see the rotting remains of an ancient castle. Once it must have been grand, but now it is a home of no-one but the dead. Nobody seems to know anything about it, but there is a pervading feeling of sorrow and loss. You shudder. Lets get out of here!
86, 137 суша
No! No! Stay! Give us your life!
88, 137 суша
You come to the end of the avenue of dead trees, and bolt!
98, 136 суша
The treasury is sealed!
97, 138 суша
The air smells stale and dust is thick on the ground. You feel sure that nobody has been here for hundreds, perhaps thousands of years.
97, 139 суша
When the Princess did not return we waited and guarded .... waited and guarded .... and she did not return ..... she did not return! We have changed! The apparitions advance toward you, and you don't think you can charm them over.
70, 85 суша
Ahead you can see a very nasty sight. The ground ahead is littered with the remains of what seem to be thousands of medusas and basilisks. A mighty battle took place here. As you look closer you realise it is even worse. Some of them are not just remains!
Случайный монстр 6
93, 135 суша
A portal! Down here? The ways of the world are mysterious to you. That must mean they are incredibly mysterious to Bruce!
15, 45 суша
Help me! Please help me! I'll do anything you want! Anything! Glancing inside the prison you decide that it isn't really that much of an offer. Still, it would be useful to have someone to run errands for you. Ok, Ok you yell stop sniveling.
2, 45 суша
Yuck. It is nasty down here! But you can't see any prisoners. Then you notice the demons at the fire, and the bones ..... Suddenly you have a very nasty thought.
Рогатый демон
13, 48 суша
Hey! Push off! This is our dinner.
Королева медуз
72, 84 суша
You dare defile the bones of our sisters! We have guarded them for a thousand years!
Великий василиск
74, 84 суша
75, 84 суша
There is a statue here of a beautiful young woman. Hmmm you think, stepping forward I'm glad she's not still around. She might have given me a bit of competition. You step forward and touch the statue, which instantly crumbles into dust, leaving only a shimmering outline.
76, 83 суша
A melodious voice rings throughout the cave. Thank you! Now my spirit can be free from its stony cage. Hear all, I declare this one as my rightful heir. The princess! I give you this gift. I failed in my quest and my people have suffered. You must not fail in yours! The figure dissolves.
76, 82 суша
As you move forward there is a faint whisper. Here is another prize. Guard it well. If I had not lost it in the battle I may have won. I was so close to my goal ..... Oh! and you need a haircut, and those clothes, really ...... The voice fades away.
72, 119 суша
Ahead you can see what appears to be piles of ancient bones, being squabbled over by some particularly nasty looking dogs.
77, 117 суша
You can see a slow muddy stream which vanishes into a large crack in the ground. You'd love to have another bath, but you would come out dirtier than when you went in.
Перчатки всадника
73, 82 суша
Among the bones you find some ancient and somewhat tattered artifacts. These will speed up your journey. They don't do that much for your appearance though.
71, 95 суша
You find the beginnings of an ancient road.
Золотой дракон
60, 114 суша
Would you disturb our long slumber? We are sworn to aid the Princess. The monsterous golden beast glares at you. I am the heir of the Princess you reply with only a slight tremor in your voice. These are some mean looking mothers.
117, 30 суша
South first, then North.
133, 6 суша
The final castle at last! If it can be taken and held then your side has won. Or so you hope. If you haven't let one of them get behind you then victory will be yours! (Assuming you can win this battle). You hope so. War has its glamour but peace has more.
134, 6 суша
Even Bruce is sick of it. The healthy thwack of sword against armour lost its appeal long ago. There are fields to be tilled and orchards to be grown, towns to be built, gardens to be sown. The land awaits you. You must finish the task!
135, 6 суша
If you can win the final battle (which could be very easy, or very difficult) then peace will be assured. Bruce the bold will become a man of peace and Eiluned the eloquent will build a reign such as the south has never seen. All in all it's a win, win situation. Except, of course, for the wizards!
136, 5 суша
Bruce pats his horse, Eilunid smiles at her very personal guard. This is it folks. Maybe. O brave new world, that has such people in't
124, 129 суша
You decide to try the damsel in distress line again. Sure little darlin we'd love to help you out says the big one with no teeth. He leers and starts toward you. Uh oh! You realise you don't really want the sort of help he's offering.
121, 121 суша
Oh no! What's that up ahead? The annual march of the veterans of numerous skirmishes the old man's voice whispers in your ear its the one time of the year they get together and have a march to the hill fort. They all party together for a week, and then go back to fighting again.
118, 121 суша
Remember. What doesn't kill you can only make you stronger.
Разбойник на волке
124, 130 суша
Hey! Those were our mates!
75, 118 суша
Go left to see the obelisk
122, 121 суша
A bit of bad luck for you. The whisper continues. Some of them might be friendly, but you never know ...... The whisper fades away.
86, 126 суша
Ah! That's a lot better. But you hate to imagine how you must look. Its a spending spree for sure when you get home. If you get home.
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