Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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You enter The Competition, a Nighon test to filter out potential army leaders. There is only one victory condition: acquire the Vial of Dragon Blood. Doing so will win you this competition AND a chance to be chosen as an army general later in your career.
Velune told me that the Talisman of Mana is required to attain the Vial of Dragon Blood.
Don't forget to visit the keymaster's tents.
I heard that harpies swoon over that young Overlord Damacon.
I heard that Archmage Andoorn is visiting his friend, the seer, and has hired a few dragons
It seems the dragons Archmage Andoorn hired are missing.
I heard that the blood in the Vial of Dragon Blood is from a long extinct dragon.
The Competition is a means of deciding which young warlord will be chosen to lead the Nighon armies in any assault in the future. Four warlords, including Damacon, are participating in this competition. Do not lose, for in doing so you will neither be the chosen one, nor will you be given any respect from the rest of the Nighon nation.
Your main hero is Damacon, a talented young overlord who has just recently come out of a coma inflicted by the surprise attack of strange cave creatures. He slowly begins to recall skills and tactics he learnt before slipping into unconsciousness. Do not lose Damacon, for he is the main hero and must not die. ( I couldn't think of a reason why he shouldn't die hence the lame reason. Just take it like this: he dies, you lose ;-)
Having been missing in action because of certain complications, Damacon did not have as much time to gather resources and amass followers the way the other young overlords and warlocks have. However, Damacon offsets this disadvantage with his experience and better skills.
It is said that the warlord under the Tan flag, Lorelei, is your greatest rival, having the most resources and creatures in her army, she also has a little bit of experience, widening the advantage she has over you and the other two contenders.
Your seniors give you some resources to aid you in the competition.
Your, ahem, informers tell you that Lorelei has an inaccessable castle on the upper world. Therefore the complete eradication of Tan is a futile effort. However, that castle DOES have a one way monolith to the caverns so we should always be on the lookout for surprise attacks.
The Vial of Dragon Blood is said to be on the surface of the land. A subterranean gate, most likely heavily guarded, is the only way to get to the top. There will be other obstacles impeding your acquirement of the Vial, Border Guards figuring quite prominently in the overall scheme. Visiting all FOUR keymaster's tents is essential for victory.
Going into your tent, you see Archmage Andoorn, the wizard who had revived you from your coma, waiting patiently inside. Used to his sudden appearances, you calmly ask him what he wanted to tell you. He pouts slightly, That's not fair, you're taking all the fun out of this. As you laugh he puts on a more serious expression and says, This ridiculous campaign of... You choke at this point. ...yours is only the surface of a much darker plot. Be prepared to expect the unexpected, as this is a scheme with many twists in it. Seeing your puzzled expression, Archmage Andoorn grins, Guess I wasn't that bad after all. He disappears in a puff of purple smoke, leaving a ghostly chuckle behind. You slowly ponder his words as you begin your day.
Notice to surviving contenders: A library has been set up for your reading pleasure, though the privilege of using the library is dependent on your skills. You see faint lettering of what has been erased on the parchment. It reads : Your army had better be big. Now why would they erase that for?
You receive a scroll from your seniors. May all participants note that an imitation of The Grail has been buried somewhere on this playing field. Bringing it to a castle will yield the same results as the real Grail. Good luck to all, Velune the Warlock Organizer of The Competition
The overseers of The Competition have placed quite a bit of resources at a very queer location. These resources will boost any warlord's treasury quite significantly
As you get up and prepare for another day of battle and travelling you wonder if it's really worth the 'reward' of leading an army against an enemy who has never ever offended you before.
Archmage Andoorn stops by for another visit. Asking him why he is here, he answers, Checking if you're alright is all. I appreciate your concern, but why did you specifically pick me to watch over? you ask him with overlays of puzzlement in your voice. Because we share a similar purpose, four entwined destinies. Four? Yes. The one is a young mage from the castle of Stillwater. Her name is Ceiswyn. He casts an illusion of this mage on the surface of a pool of water. She has long black hair, dark eyes... It's that beautiful woman! you exclaim. Seeing the puzzled look on the old mage's face, you blush at your sudden outburst but explain how a harpy had stolen a picture of her and had accidentally given it to you. So, you've already seen Ceiswyn, he smiles. Your blush deepens. You quickly divert his attention, And the last? Archmage Andoorn sighs, The last is an enigma. She may or may not aid us. We may not even be able to call her. But if she does come to help us, our cause is almost certain of victory, he suddenly brightens up, I have things to prepare for and people to see. I'll be off now, he gives you a michievous grin, Incidentally, one of the people I have to see happens to be Ceiswyn. Want me to say anything one your behalf? Your blush becomes fiery red, That isn't necessary. Farewell and take care now. He unsuccessfully stifles a guffaw and disappears in a puff of purple smoke.
You wake up in the morning with questions and an unsettling feeling. Archmage Andoorn had spoke of a cause, but did not give a clue on what it may be. You resolve to ask him the next time he drops by for a visit. More important and unsettling though, was the fact that your dream about Ceiswyn was probably prophetic and that she WOULD be against you in the upcoming battle. You mull over these thoughts while putting on your armour.
You are startled as the ground in front of you suddenly opens up. As you are about to shout 'earthquake!' Archmage Andoorn pops up from the hole and seals it up again. Hi Damacon. How's that for originality? he dusts himself and continues, I saw Ceiswyn the other day. I told her what I told you and showed her your image... You WHAT? you burst out, feeling outraged, How could you? Show her your image? he says calmly, Spare the dramatics Damacon, her reaction to your image was quite similar to yours. You wonder if Archmage Andoorn does this just to make you blush. Stop it, you command your reddening face, to no noticeable effect. Remembering something, you ask Archmage Andoorn something, What is this cause you keep talking about? He looks astonished, Haven't I told you before? Dear me, how forgetful of me. But haven't you heard? The great sorceror Lyndor has escaped his ethereal imprisonment and is seeking dominance over the world. Lyndor? I've always thought he was a myth, you say, startled at this amazing revelation. You frown in thought, But he's a warlock, surely my elders would have mentioned it if he did come back. They may have not known either. Anyway, our cause, purpose, if you will, is to banish him outside Time, so that he can never return again. Know that this is no easy task, for he IS the greatest of all sorcerers and his magical knowledge and power is beyond comprehension. I must go now. he gives you a piercing look, Damacon, winning this silly competition is absolutely necessary as a step towards our final meeting. Do not fail. With that, he disappears in a puff of purple smoke. He forgot to be original, you say rather abstractedly, to no one in particular.
Archmage Andoorn appears before you ( you don't care how, he just does) and announces that this is the last time he will come to Damacon while handing over a pouch of gold, Take it, it'll help you win this competition. Before you can say anything, he is gone. (you don't care how, he's just GONE)
To remaining participants: Firstly, congratulations on surviving! I am quite pleased with you people. Now to weightier matters. If you haven't visited the upper world, I suggest you do so soon. There are a few surprises up there. More importantly, the monsters in the open air grow at an abnormally quick rate, so killing them quickly might be the best choice to make. Goodbye and good luck. Velune the Warlock Organizer of The Competition
Хижина предсказателя
15, 43 подземелье
Archmage Andoorn opens the door. He says
Страж задания
10, 69 подземелье
A blind wizard owns this tower. He refuses to let you pass unless you bring him the Pendant of Second Sight.
Королева наг
1, 58 подземелье
You see the Sentinel's Shield gleaming in the sun. As you ride forward to retrieve it, it gleams with and unnatural brightness. You shield your eyes from the glare and when you open them again, you see a sea of Nagas before you. You prepare for battle.
1, 61 подземелье
These Evil Eyes seem to be guarding something.
Сказочный дракон
1, 64 подземелье
The Dragons scream something about conspiring against one of their brethren and attack.
Щит часового
0, 58 подземелье
Defeating the Nagas, you gallop forward to retrieve your prize.
Кулон внутреннего зрения
0, 60 подземелье
How appropriate. You speculate how they came across this artifact. Could they have sacrificed one of their own kind to make it?
Ожерелье скорости
0, 64 подземелье
This is something you'll have to investigate in. Faerie Dragons are usually quite docile.
Туника короля циклопов
0, 54 подземелье
These were probably renegade Cyclopsi who stole this tunic from their king. You lift the tunic up and wonder how you can return it to the Cyclops King.
1, 55 подземелье
Tis ours, we will never return it to the cruel king who abandoned us.
Страж задания
13, 69 подземелье
A Cyclops guarding the tower tells you that an artifact belonging to his king was stolen a while back. He tells you he will let the first person who finds the artifact through.
13, 68 подземелье
A Faerie Dragon suddenly appears before you. It has a frightened look on its face as it informs you about certain things, There were four heroes bringing us to Archmage Andoorn. While journeying to the edge of this island, a shaft of green light engulfed all four of them. A prison was constructed out of thin air and trapped one hero. Another hero got his memory tampered with so now he thinks he's a seer studying golems and other animate forms. The third sort of evaporated, screaming all the while. And the last, he was the one responsible for this, I saw him chanting and muttering, calling down the shaft of green light. The other heros' armies were all decimated in that light, fortunately for me, my skin reflected the spell away and killed most of the betrayer's army. I utilized my invisibility immediately and have been waiting for someone to rescue me ever since. Please kill that evil person, I'll help you. I believe he carries the Tome of Fire Magic. I saw Archmage Andoorn in a dream, he told me to tell you that this Tome will be a great asset later on in your quest.
Страж задания
38, 37 подземелье
A powerful wizard owns this tower. He refuses to let you pass unless you bring him the Talisman of Mana.
Волшебный элементал
69, 69 подземелье
You begin to understand the hostility of the Enchanters. They were using the spring to magically enhance them and then turning their magic into a physical element. They evidently wanted to start an army of Magic Elementals for some shady purpose. Never one to leave the job unfinished, you prepare for battle.
38, 31 подземелье
In the clearing, you see the Vial of Dragon Blood shimmering with a golden brilliance. Dragons in your army tell you in a hushed voice that the blood in the vial was taken from the Dormius Dragon, an ancient and mythical dragon who had tremendous magic at his command. As you look at the dragon talking to you, you notice that he too, is sheathed in a shimmering golden light. In fact, ALL the dragons in your army are imbuned with golden strength. The mere presense of the Vial of Dragon Blood evidently is enough to instill great confidence and pride in all types of dragons.
Фиал драконьей крови
38, 30 подземелье
The Dormius Dragon has rather pretty blood, you note as you reach for the vial. A swirling multitude of colours was set against a blue background, contrasting exquisitely with the gold lining and crystal transparence of the vial.
Ящик Пандоры
45, 37 подземелье
You feel an aura of evil emanating from the box, lowering your troops' morale. You try to recall which monster lowered people's morale as you reach for the lid. Do you wish to open the box?
Страж задания
2, 71 подземелье
You notice a small hole of a peculiar shape etched into the wall of the tower. Realizing that the object that fits into that hole is a key of sorts, you leave the tower to find that object.
Хижина предсказателя
4, 68 подземелье
A seer bursts out of the hut. His eyes are wide and he exclaims excitedly, Can this be real? This is certainly the first stone animated Naga Queen in the history of Erathia. I would like to ask you a few questions about it.
Страж задания
6, 70 подземелье
A statue of a Naga Queen stands tall in front of the tower. Five of its six arms are holding various wicked looking weapons. Noticing the bare arm, you figure you have to look for an appropriate weapon to place there.
5, 69 подземелье
The Naga offers to join your army. Some deeper instinct tells you to oblige.
39, 15 подземелье
How strange, floating resources.
1, 0 подземелье
Fooled you.
0, 2 подземелье
Curiousity killed the cat. And if you want to live I suggest that you turn back. 'Cause no reward will I give To the observant fellow you are So there. HA HA HA HA!
0, 1 подземелье
Did I not, in verse and rhyme Explicitly tell you to turn back? So now you fight, for the last time 'Cause you're against 10000 dragons black. Goodbye, farewell, I'll leave you in your sorrow, And I highly doubt I'll see you well, And safe from harm tomorrow.
67, 9 подземелье
You navigate all the way through the rocks to find a treacherous coast line blocking your way. What a delightful tragedy.
36, 63 подземелье
We are the guardians of the library, defeating us will gain you passage into the quiet corridors of this building.
66, 68 подземелье
Oh look, how cute
Лазурный дракон
8, 67 подземелье
The Hero who commanded this dragon is missing, the corpse next to it is probably the unfortunate remains of this hero. The Azure Dragon willingly joins your army, provided you escort him directly to the seer's hut.
9, 61 суша
This map was done by Tang Wen En, The Fiery Phoenix.
13, 9 суша
Several creatures are suddenly compelled to join your ranks. You suspect this outburst of patriotism has a supernatural source.
You wake up to find your mage guild upgraded. Mages residing therein tell of an old man who came in the night, who, with a wave of his hand, mystically constructed the upgrade. He then disappeared in a purple puff of smoke.
0, 0 суша
This map was done by Tang Wen En, The Fiery Phoenix.
Верховный лорд
13, 10 суша
Damacon was always good at commanding troops. Though dragons were always his favourite creatures.
10, 16 суша
As you approach the harpies, one of them flies up to you. She looks at you, stares, rather, and says, Oh! It's you, Damacon. *giggle* Sisters, come, let's join this hero. The rest of them call from behind, Who is it? Damacon. Bouts of giggling and whispering. Okay, we'll join. One harpy hands you a small package. Inside, you find a speculum and... Who's this woman? you ask the harpy, holding out the photograph. Just an unfortunate victim of my raiding habits, she answers, snatching the picture back.
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