Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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When a travelling wizard offers to open a gateway to the distant unclaimed island of Melkonia, you jump at the chance to improve your station. But the villain has made the same offer to others and now you find yourself in a war for possession of the bountiful isle.
If yer lookin' fer the land of Dragons and Harpies, ya best find Darkstone Road. Down those parts, that's where they be found.
Readleaf Trail
If'n yer lookin' fer the land of elves and unicorns, best ye take Redleaf Trail. Runs straight to it.
The Dirge Path
The Dirge Path, ya say? You don't want to be travelling there, friend. Especially not at night. Walking dead and Nosferatu haunt Dirge Path under the moonlit sky!
Highspire Way
Aye, a nephew o'mine wanted to be a 'prentice mage. I walked'im as far as Highspire Way, but would go none further. I don't cotton to those magey folk!
Blackash Road
Blackash Road? I avoid the place myself. Demons and devils and those lunatics that call'em all live down off Blackash Road. No sir, you'll never catch me down there!
The Meadowbrook Trail
The Meadowbrook Trail? Safest road on the whole dern island I tells ya! Folk you see down there is human at least! Some's even preachermen! More'n I can say fer most of the lands here 'bouts.
Ridgeland Road
Yessir, the Ridgeland Road is just crawlin' with Gobs! They's even a few o'them Gobs that ride them big dogs! Har Dee! Never seen nothing so funny in all me life!
No Fortress Roads
Huh? Nah.. they ain't no road ta that witch town. Who'd wanna build a road through the swamp?
Black Market
So yer lookin' fer the Black Market, eh? Few 'nough 'round these parts but there be a couple here and there. Mostly in the tiny villages that spring up benext well travelled roads.
Witchy Woman
I hears there's this old witchy woman that lives near the Dirge Path. Local folk say she got the sight. Local folk say she can see straight through the Nexus and beyond!
Death Reef
Me Da says one thing t'me whens I shoves off to swab me first deck. 'E says, Son, b'ware the Death Reef of the south waters. If'n the Sirens don' getcha, the killin' water will!
Gold Mines One
Ya lookin' fer gold? Well, there be a mine off the Ridgland Road ta the west. Also, at the north end of the Readleaf Trail there be a mine.
Gold Mines Two
Everyone needs gold. Tis a mine on the Darkstone Road, and another at the west end of Blackash. Dangerous lands though. Best to avoid them places.
How much
How much? you ask, leaning forward.
45,000 gold
The wizard pauses for a moment. I can weave the spell and construct the gate to Melkonia for a mere 45,000 gold, payable upon completion of the task.
Too Much
'Too much! you cry, disgustedly. Totally unacceptable! Why, I could raise an army right here for 45,000 gold! I wouldn't need to travel more than 20 leagues as opposed to... how far did you away did you say this... Melkonia... was? 2,500 leagues?
Yes... but
Yes, your Excellency, the wizard replies calmly, you could wage war right here, but do you think that wise? Your fiefdom is but a small scrap of coastline clinging to the edges of the Dargadon Empire. Raising an army here would only invite your own destruction.
Glum Retort
It galls you to hear him speak thus, but you have no retort. He speaks truely. There is no future for your line here. You are a tadpole among sharks... less than a minor noble, you are benieth notice. 45,000 gold is still too much, you grumble unhappily. It is beyond my means, Wizard.
The Offer
Perhaps... there is a way... says the wizard, rubbing his chin, one eyebrow cocked. I could fashion for you a portal that has but one anchor. It would allow you to travel to Melkonia. But once there, you could not return.
What good is that?
What good could possibly come to me by travelling through a one way gate, Wizard?
10,000 gold
It is your one chance at greatness, Excellency, the wizard replies. Melkonia is a land ripe for the plucking. Large and untamed, lightly guarded and unorganized. There, you can carve for yourself an empire! All I ask is 10,000 gold and I can give you that empire!
For a 1-way gate
For a one way portal...
Yes, a one way portal...
Later that day, the wizard weaves his spells and the gate is formed. Grumbling all the while, you pay his fee.
Seeing him off
Almost as an afterthought, you tell the wizard about your cousin, whose holdings are quite distant from your own. The wizard agrees to pay a visit. It might be helpful to have an ally in Melkonia, you think, and your cousin isn't a bad sort ... a little slow perhaps.
You are approached by your chief astrologer. Excellency, he begins, bowing low, I have finished with my preliminary investigation of the portal. I find that it is sound, but rather erratic in its anchorage in Melkonia. It should be stable, but it is not.
Your reply
And this all means... you say, distractedly.
It means, excellency, that once entered, the portal is liable to deposite you anywhere on Melkonia. This should not be so, but it is. There must some interfering force that is responsible.
Letter arrives
You receive a message by courrier today from a fellow nobleman. Though your holdings are distant, your relative rank has forced the both of you to move in similiar circles. You know little about the fool except that you despise him with a passion. Snearing, you break the letter's seal.
The Letter
Dearest Friend and Colleague: Recently, I have entertained a most amazing visitor. I shan't go into the details here, but let it suffice to say that I shall miss your company at the annual gathering. I just wanted to assure you that I shall never forget the little people. Farewell!
You throw the disturbing parchment onto the fire. Though it is quite possibly nothing, you remain concerned. The fool could just be going on holiday or perhaps wrote you to gloat about some boon bestowed by the court. But you think not.
Many gates
Your chief astrologer approaches, carrying a large bundle of parchments. Excellency! he says hastily, I have discovered the cause of the exit gate's instability! There is more than one gate focused on Melkonia! The astral tethers are crossing, interfering with each other!
Suspicions Confirmed
The atrologer continues to explain, but you tune him out... at least now your suspicions are confirmed. That villian of a wizard must have pitched his offer to others in Dargadon. It appears as if you may have a fight on your hands if you wish to control Melkonia.
Astrologer sent over
You sent your chief astrologer through the portal gate today to learn what he can from the other side. He assures you that he can remain in contact with you using the 'astral tethers' as lines of communication. You almost asked him to explain how this could be done, but thought better of it.
Message from Chief Astrologer
You receive a message today, apparently from your chief astrologer. Though the scroll is not written in his hand, it bears his mark. You are informed that the letter was dictated to a scribe using the 'astral tethers' of which the astrologer spoke.
Astrologer's Letter
Excellency: Do you know that there is a robust society of astrologers here in Melkonia? Well, there is and it is a flurry of activity at present. Groups of astrologers have fanned across the island in order to study a strange phenomenon that they are calling 'The Nexus'.
Astrologer's Letter P.2
I know little of this 'Nexus' at present, but shall endeavor to find out more. Whatever it is, I believe that it was created by the multiple crossings and recrossings of the astral tethers focused on Melkonia. --Your faithful servant, Mordikai, Chief of Astrology
3rd letter arrives
You receive another message from your Chief Astrologer today.
3rd Letter
Excellency: Our fair city may be in very grave danger! I have determined that this 'Nexus' is, in reality, an instantiation of what we atrologers call 'A Slingshot Effect'. This occurs when there is a grave imbalance in the fabric of the astral plane that needs be redressed.
Letter cont.
In our case, this imbalance has been created by the overlapping astral tethers of the gateways leading into Melkonia. Every time the tethers cross, a kind of weight is added to the portion of the astral plane relating to Melkonia that is greater than the sum weight of the two tethers alone.
Letter cont. 2
The scales are tipped too far to one side, and cannot remain thus. The result is the manifestation of a Nexus Event where rogue gateways are created in order that the balance may be regained. These gateways can lead almost anywhere, but they are most likely to form where either the astral
The letter cont 3
tethers cross, or where they are anchored. In other words, back to our fair city! Beware, Excellency, for our enemies could potentially strike at our homeland using the Nexus pathways! --Your faithful servant, Mordikai
25, 31 подземелье
Karg's Pond
50, 91 подземелье
Twin Ridges
93, 36 подземелье
94, 56 подземелье
Hanover Keep
80, 94 подземелье
41, 76 подземелье
16, 51 подземелье
Ridgeland Road East to The Dirge Path
25, 92 подземелье
Blackash Road
61, 58 подземелье
The Dirge Path
95, 60 подземелье
The Meadowbrook Trail
70, 84 подземелье
Blackash Road East to The Meadowbrook Trail
88, 77 подземелье
The Meadowbrook Trail West to Blackash Road
48, 41 подземелье
Redleaf Trail East to Darkstone Road
63, 41 подземелье
Darkstone Road West to Redleaf Trail
91, 40 подземелье
Darkstone Road
52, 13 подземелье
Highspire Way
74, 34 подземелье
Darkstone Road West to Highspire Way
70, 22 подземелье
Highspire Way South to Darkstone Road
41, 54 подземелье
The Hamlet of Shallograv North/South
63, 57 подземелье
Gird's Tomb
35, 72 подземелье
48, 82 подземелье
The Village of Whitmont
88, 22 подземелье
Highspire Way
26, 49 подземелье
The Dirge Path South to Ridgeland Road
55, 52 суша
Wandering through the dense mist that pervades the Nexus hub, you come upon a small fort. A grizzled dwarf in battle armor meets you at its entrance. Come warriors, and join us for awhile! he says, rest and train, your quest shall wait for you. You see, time has no meaning here.
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