Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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The Year of the Wombat in the Cycle of the Platypus during the Epoch of the Blind Cyclops happens only once every 1000 years, and it is the Year that Krackor, God of Humor, reigns supreme. Everything was in readiness for the event, but the reality went far beyond what everyone thought possible!
The Market of Time is actually an existential manifestation of an hypothetical ideal by a certain harried and overworked game developer.
The Market of Time is only open for business one day a week.
The Cavern
The Cavern of the 4 Elements holds the key. But you need indirect means to investigate it.
Crag Hack
Crag Hack actually likes being a woman! 'Tis true!
Life has changed little for Gundula, she (now he) still acts the same....kicking some butt!
There are many Markets of Time, but most are deserted. It is believed that some actually {Sell} time!
What Happened?
The dreaded morning dawned, light rays stealing over the sleeping forms and refuse from the 3 days of festivities that marked the end of the last epoch. The town elders had gone all out and made the very wise decision to celebrate the beginning of this year, rather than having the populace hide in fear. As a result, no one noticed your stumbling figure stagger to your feet, head pounding, and head for the waste slits at the edge of town. As you weave amongst the comatose bodies, you make an observation that you have seen battlefields prettier than the sight that greeted your eyes this morning. Your bladder is nearly screaming in pain by the time you make it to the trenches. You undo your trousers hurriedly, and immediately know something is incredibly, inexplicably, and dreadfully (from your point of view) wrong. You were quite certain that when you fell asleep last night you were a male, but all evidence of that is clearly missing right now. Indeed, as you feel frantically around your body, you have lost in some areas and gained in others! It dawns upon you that Krackor has struck, in a most personal and, to your mind, heinous way. Your scream of loss and rage slowly wakens bodies all over the town, and you notice the scream is quite a bit higher pitch then your old war cry...
Day 2
A quick survey around the town reveals that not everyone was switched genders. In fact, only the heroes were affected. You breath a sigh of relief. You were not sure that you could handle the thought of your dear old Mum turned into a guy. The general populace, relieved to have been unaffected, are very happy and start celebrating all over again. Little attention is paid to your plight, aside from some smirks and japes. Stung by this lack of caring at your predicament, you gather together a band of your friends and start exploring the local area for some clue on how to resolve it. {Special Note to you speedster multi-players!} Some attention to events needs to be given. This map does have a secondary win condition, and the hints on how to do it are around!
Day 3
Krackor is the jokester and prankster of the Krewlodian Pantheon of Gods. Only a few fools in what passes for mirth in Krewlod pray to him. This keeps him fairly weak and obscure, with few intrusions upon everyday life except for hiding keys, losing socks, etc. But once every Millenium his power increases dramatically. He makes the most of it. The last turning of the epoch, he turned every single female in Krewlod into a sheep for the entire month! (Some people considered it a vast improvement, but let's not go there, shall we?) That was the reason why this turning of the year was dreaded by everyone.
Day 4
The real cause for concern is that this transformation seems more permanent then the sheep episode. The town elders conjecture that since so few people were effected this time, the spell will last much, much longer, perhaps indefinitely!
Day 5 (seer)
Everyone agrees that you should go see Yosh, the wise man in the Northern Desert. He is sure to be able to help you with your predicament.
day 5 (seer)
Everyone agrees that the heroes should go see Yanni, the wise woman of the Southern Desert. She knows the ways of the minor Gods, and will for sure have suggestions of how to reverse the spell.
Day 6 (the other)
It has been confirmed; the village on the other side of the Riven Mountains (the home of those cursed magic-loving Battle Mages) has also been afflicted. The two towns have been in constant warfare for untold years, uniting only when Krewlod itself is threatened. The elders are sure that the under-handed Krackor has some goal in mind other than just irritation, but they can't figure out what it is. The good news is that now that there is mention of their historic enemies, the town has fallen in behind you 100%. The civic pride would be severely stung if the other town somehow found a solution before you.
Day 6 the other
It has been confirmed; the village on the other side of the Riven Mountains (the home of those cursed magic-hating Barbarians) has also been afflicted. The two towns have been in constant warfare for untold years, uniting only when Krewlod itself is threatened. The elders are sure that the under-handed Krackor has some goal in mind other than just irritation, but they can't figure out what it is. The good news is that now that there is mention of their historic enemies, the town has fallen in behind you 100%. The civic pride would be severely stung if the other town somehow found a solution before you.
other town
Rumor has it that another Stronghold town exists to the Northwest. Perhaps they will help if they realize it is a chance to get back at the cursed Battle Mages to the South!
Other town 2
Rumor has it that another Stronghold town exists to the Southeast. Perhaps they will help if they realize it is a chance to get back at the cursed Barbarians to the North!
1-way gates
A grizzled veteran in your slowly growing army comes and sees you. In the old days, we used those mysterious 1 way gates quite a bit. It goes underground, and there used to be an old witch woman there selling mushrooms (funny mushies, we called 'em, since you got visions after eating them, and afterwards you could see vast expanses of land. It might be worth your while to check it out.
Krackor apparently is not content with just one joke. A swarm of locusts descends upon the land, eating all in its path. This, in itself, is not that unusual. But these insects are all green, dressed in tiny eveningwear and top hats, and at night they constantly sing If you wish upon a star.... The loss of crops is bad enough, but the psychological impact will be felt for many years!
The latest Barbarian joke going around: Did you hear that the average attention span of a Barbarian trying to study magic is? Negative 4.2 seconds!
Joke 2
Barbarian saying of the day: The only good battle mage is the one fleeing the field of battle!* *(A rare sight indeed, since they usually cower in the rear lines)
Krackor is sometimes confused with Crack, who is even an more obscure god in charge of loose change and food particles lost in sofa and chair cushions. Naturally, only a very few people worship Crack, and they are primarily employed in the domestic service industry.
Actually, Krackor is not even that good of a God of Humor. This, of course, comes from having his worshipers living in Krewlod, where the most popular form of merriment is all physical humor(usually involving blood), lineage insults, and scatological references. Consequently, when he tried to bankrupt your treasury by slipping in gold-eating bugs, they in fact worked the opposite way and gave you quite a bit of extra gold!
Your Dad hasn't even talked to you since the Transformation. You admit that there will be a certain amount of awkwardness if you did meet up, so maybe that is for the best... Your Mom, on the other hand, is thrilled! She's been with you constantly whenever you are in town, and is helping you cope with some of the issues you are having. Heck, she even invited you to the annual Mother-Daughter Heroes cookout coming up!
Rocks that Roll
A group of your Ogre Magi have gotten together at nights and have invented a new game with hollowed out rocks (geodes) rolling against various objects such as pans, pots, and goblin heads. The resulting cacophony of noise actually has a catchy beat occasionally, and the unimaginative brutes have called the result Rocks that Roll. It has become very popular though...
Further research in to the oral histories reveal that the only other record of this little millenium tradition of Krackor's was 1000 years before the sheep incident. Various references are made to previous times, but there is no indication of the nature of these pranks. One thing is for sure. Krackor has been around for awhile. And, as long as whooppee cushions and hotfoots are popular with the Krewlodian people, he'll be around for many more! Records of 2 epochs ago are sketchy at best. But it pretty much involved a mass (sexual) attraction of all male Krewlodians towards neighboring Tatalia's Mighty Gorgons. Needless to say, an entire generation almost died out in that year's pilgrimage to the north. Tatalia did not forget though, and they still laugh about it there and hurl cow lover insults during the frequent border skirmishes since then.
A visit from Dad.
Your Dad visited today. Things did not go well. It went downhill swiftly after the initial How's it going there son....errr...I mean daught....errr....uhmm.....offspring? After an interminable afternoon of awkward silences, he finally left. You remember the days when he boasted of your successes at the Old Warrior's Home (Not many of people there, come to think of it). You vow that the situation will be rectified!
On the rumor front: Yog has turned into the most gorgeous, drop dead, stand-up-and-howl beautiful female genie ever seen! It is said that not only do the wolf riders drag their tongues on the ground when s(he) walks past, but the wolves do too!
On the rumor front. Gurnisson turned into a rather attractive female goblin. It appears s(he) never really noticed much though, as his primary love is for his ballista.
On the Rumor front. Gird is reported to be turned into a very ugly male human. Not pleased with the result, s(he) is near the forefront of the battle to reverse the Transformation. {Mapmaker's Note} (Apologies for the many events that deal with only the male to female transformation, but that *is* the majority of the Stronghold heroes, and dealing with both possible viewpoints would be difficult, to say the least. It has an adverse impact on the story, I know, but the flexibility of choosing your starting hero balances that out some.)
On the Rumor front. Vey, the ambitious one with designs upon the succession, is desperate to reverse the process. His only joy he (she) received during this fiasco was that Jabarkas, Crag Hack, and even Duke Boragus himself were also transformed! He turned into a female ogre, but for any non-ogres, there was little outward appearance change...
On the rumor front: Jabarkas was vacationing in Kill'm during the festivities. He is supposedly mortified at the Transformation, and is extremely desperate to be returned to normal so that his succession rights will not be reconsidered. He hasn't learned his own father is also affected.
On the rumor front: Shiva was turned into quite a handsome male human. She really did not mind this too terribly much, as the Barbarian hierarchy is decidedly paternalistic. She doesn't seem all that interested in transforming back.
On the rumor front: Dessa took the transformation extremely hard. He couldn't face his family, and so ran off with his personal bodyguard into the hills until he could sort things out.
On the rumor front: Terek transformed into a rather attractive-looking female human. S(he) seems to be in no hurry to be changed back into a male, which is causing some of his fellow heroes to look at him *rather* suspiciously...
On the rumor front: Gretchin was appalled at the transformation. She has spent her whole life fighting the chauvinism of the Elders. Of course, seeing the plight of her fellow heroes now does provide some amusement!
On the rumor front: Ogres are actually pretty blase about the role between females and males. So, aside for some personal problems with the Transformation, Krellion is not really panicking about it.
On the rumor front: Zubin took the Transformation fairly well. He is trying his best to correct it, but is not panicking like some of his fellow heroes. He has heard about his old foe Duke Boragus also being transformed, and so is delighted with that development!
On the rumor front: Gundula, a tomboy if there ever was one, is glorifying in the Transformation. She thinks she may have a chance at the succession now.
Crag Hack
On the rumor front: Crag Hack was vacationing with Jabarkas when the millenium struck. The most chauvinistic of all the Barbarians, Crag was devastated after the transformation, and hid himself away from the slightest hint of ridicule. (People who actually saw him before he disappeared said that s(he) looked pretty good! .
On the rumor front: Wolf riders are an extremely arrogant and sexist bunch, so it comes as no surprise that Tyraxor was very upset at the transformation. Even his own wolf looked at him {very} strangely afterwards!
On the rumor front: Oris couldn't care less if she was male or female (Although she turned into a very handsome man). She just wanted to have a skill specialty that people would actually value. (Still struck out there!)
On the rumor front: Saurug didn't quibble too much about the transformation. As long as his gem finding ability was intact, he was fairly happy. (And had job security!)
On the rumor front: Kilgor was visiting Kill'm on a pretext to spy on Jabarkas. The transformation merely made him angry, and determined to correct the situation as soon as possible.
On the rumor front The Duke was in Kill'm incognito, in a desperate attempt to get away from court life. No one recognised him afterwards (part human ancestry), and he needs to get transformed back as soon as possible in order to resume command of the kingdom.
26, 47 подземелье
BM College
AI stuff for single player mode
AI Stuff
AI Builds
Ai Builds
ai stuff
ai stuff
Волшебный элементал
40, 34 подземелье
Even as the eerie guardians silently attack, you can see reflections of some giant force field behind them. The high-pitched laughing of a goblin confirms your suspicions. Not only is the Market of Time a decoy, but it appears the Kybad Pass is closed off as well.
1, 49 подземелье
This Market appears to be deserted. There is not a soul in site, and nothing that looks even vaguely spherish. You hear a high-pitched goblin cackle echoing in the hills, and realize Krackor has dashed your hopes for quick victory again.
13, 2 подземелье
This Market appears to be deserted. There is not a soul in site, and nothing that looks even vaguely spherish. You hear a high-pitched goblin cackle echoing in the hills, and realize Krackor has dashed your hopes for quick victory again.
Штормовой элементал
2, 50 подземелье
A savage windstorm whips up, blinding your troops. The first bolt of lighting warns you that this is not a natural occurence.
13, 3 подземелье
Very ugly monsters heaving fireballs pop up in front of you and to the sides. Naturally, the place would be protected, but this is all???
Элементал мысли
35, 34 подземелье
Even as the eerie guardians silently attack, you can see reflections of some giant force field behind them. The high-pitched laughing of a goblin confirms your suspicions. Not only is this Market of Time a decoy, but it appears the Kybad Pass is closed off as well.
58, 29 подземелье
Rumor has it that Crag Hack didn't handle the transformation very well, He ran away and imprisoned him(her?)self in the Kybad Pass, preferring isolation rather then facing the embarrassment of being that sex of which he has been particularly guilty of ridiculing and dismissive in the past.
37, 51 подземелье
Rumor has it that Dessa didn't handle the transformation very well, He ran away and imprisoned him(her?)self in the Kybad Pass, preferring isolation rather then facing the embarrassment of being that sex of which he has been particularly guilty of ridiculing and dismissive in the past.
Страж задания
49, 39 подземелье
Many creatures in orange vests pour out of the official Transit and Maintenance Headquarters building and man a barricade at the mouth of the pass. We are tired of the elders always slashing our budget. We demand you give us additional creatures to work on the roads. 8 Ogres ought to do, and then we'll let you pass.
Страж задания
28, 31 подземелье
Many stronghold creatures in goggles and flight jackets pour out of the official Krewlod Air Force Headquarters building and man a barricade at the mouth of the pass. We are tired of the elders always slashing our budget. We demand you give us additional fliers before letting you pass. 5 Rocs ought to do.
Разбойник на волке
30, 29 подземелье
The hand-picked bodyguards of Dessa attack as soon as they see that you are determined to interrupt his...err...her solitude.
Королевский циклоп
58, 2 подземелье
Why should *we* care what sex you are? Try going through life with one eye sometime!
64, 11 подземелье
A recent earthquake seems to have set off a landslide in the pass ahead. It look impassable for the time being, another way around must be found.
Королевский циклоп
6, 66 подземелье
HA-HA-HA!!! You got what you deserved! We aren't going to help you!
61, 5 подземелье
These wild beasts seem to be guarding something pretty valuable.
Адский троглодит
68, 6 подземелье
These ugly creatures are getting hideously sunburned out here in the open. It looks like they just received a shipment of lumber for use in the mines.
23, 68 подземелье
The Krewlodian Air Force has used this valley for training exercises once too often. A thunderbolt seems to have caused a rockslide, sealing off this pass for quite some time.
20, 68 подземелье
The Krewlodian Air Force has used this valley for training exercises once too often. A thunderbolt seems to have caused a rockslide, sealing off this pass for quite some time.
64, 7 подземелье
A recent earthquake seems to have set off a landslide in the pass ahead. It look impassable for the time being, another way around must be found.
17, 71 подземелье
Only a great hero may swing our Holiest of weapons. Prove yourself!
13, 66 подземелье
This is our glade, you desert-loving scum! Get your filthy and smelly bodies out of here!
Хижина предсказателя
38, 1 подземелье
Yosh answers the door. Sorry about your experience with ol' Harv down South there. He's been suckering Heroes in for years with that scam! Now, I know your plight, and if you give me 10 crystals, I will give you invaluable advice about how to reverse the God's will.
Хижина предсказателя
25, 62 подземелье
An elderly hermit answers the door, and politely hears your tale of woe. If you could bring me 2 Wood, 2 Ore, 1 Crystal, and 300 Gold, I will give you some advice.
32, 13 подземелье
Some playful marmots break cover and run up to your army to see what is going on. Relieved, you continue on, curious about being so jumpy.
33, 13 подземелье
You hear scurrying in the rocks around you, and the silence afterwards bodes ill. You suspect an ambush ahead.
Гончая ада
27, 17 подземелье
The howling of the giant wild dogs are your only warning of their attack. Hmm...better hand out the disinfectant afterwards. These monsters appear to have been dining on carrion at the sulfur pits.
Хижина предсказателя
50, 16 подземелье
An elderly hermit answers the door, and politely hears your tale of woe. If you could bring me 2 Wood, 2 Ore, 1 Crystal, and 300 Gold, I will give you some advice.
29, 61 подземелье
The haunted Valley of the Moving Sands lies ahead. Sand rivers can be seen moving in endlessly twisting paths. This valley has been shunned for time beyond imagining. It is rumored that a temple once existed in this serene valley, but the gods punished the cult for following unholy practices. Few have entered since. Fewer have ever returned. Your troops spirits and fortunes fade away faster then food in front of a starved behemoth.
37, 66 подземелье
The haunted Valley of the Moving Sands lies ahead. Sand rivers can be seen moving in endlessly twisting paths. This valley has been shunned for time beyond imagining. It is rumored that a temple once existed in this serene valley, but the gods punished the cult for following unholy practices. Few have entered since. Fewer have ever returned. Your troops spirits and fortunes fade away faster then food in front of a starved behemoth.
34, 63 подземелье
A solitary specter, more solid then the rest of your attackers, appears and moves towards you. As you draw your sword, it simply flings a coin at you. It is hard for undead to smirk, but this one managed it somehow. You'll need this to get to where you're going. It then fades away.
34, 64 подземелье
Forms suddenly coalesce in the eerily eddying dust and attack silently.
49, 1 подземелье
A single earth elemental appears. All right! All right! We give up. You must have something better to do then whack at the earth with your swords and axes. If we give you this, will you go away? It then melts back down into the earth.
Земной элементал
49, 2 подземелье
These boulders around you suddenly come alive and form themselves into humanoid shapes. It seems the do not disturb until services are over sign is going to be enforced!
52, 9 подземелье
Valley of the Earth. Do not disturb until services are over!
42, 1 подземелье
Valley of the Earth. Do not disturb until services are over!
Хижина предсказателя
41, 69 подземелье
Yonni answers the door. Sorry about your experience with ol' Heder before. She's been suckering Heroes in for years with that scam! Now, I know your plight, and if you give me 10 crystals, I will give you invaluable advice about how to reverse the God's will.
13, 47 подземелье
Welcome to the Fractured Lands. Please watch your step, and keep the showing your crack jokes to a minimum, please!
14, 13 подземелье
The highwaymen attack without warning, now that they are trapped against the entrance to their lair.
43, 13 подземелье
You take a second to look out over your homeland from atop this bluff. You know many would say that the arid, tortured land was a wasteland, suitable for nothing but traveling through it and getting it behind them. But you know differently. The desert has a beauty of its own, and its primary purpose is to test the endurance and force of will of its inhabitants, and consequently make them the most feared armies in all of Antagarich.
6, 37 подземелье
You take a second to look out over your homeland from atop this bluff. You know many would say that the arid, tortured land was a wasteland, suitable for nothing but traveling through it and getting it behind them. But you know differently. The desert has a beauty of its own, and its primary purpose is to test the endurance and force of will of its inhabitants, and consequently make them the most feared armies in all of Antagarich.
47, 25 подземелье
AI boost for single player mode
AI Stuff
AI Builds
AI Builds
ai stuff
ai stuff
70, 28 подземелье
Nomads swoop out of the scrub forest with a whoop and a holler.
71, 22 подземелье
Bug off! Headquarters is off limits.
45, 30 подземелье
Garthzar, the clan leader here, instantly falls in love with you. You figure you can fend him off (with a stick!) as long as he gets his friends to help you out.
Боевой гном
39, 28 подземелье
The dwarves, alarmed at the size of your army, rightly assume that you don't exactly plan on buying the crystal from them.
Боевой гном
29, 43 подземелье
The dwarves, alarmed at the size of your army, rightly assume that you don't exactly plan on buying the crystal from them.
25, 52 подземелье
Snarkerr, the clan leader here, instantly falls in love with you. You figure you can fend him off (with a stick!) as long as he gets his friends to help you out.
Каменная горгулья
54, 36 подземелье
Is it migration season in Bracada? You gleefully chase after these vacationing wizard constructs.
63, 42 подземелье
Urgh! We no follow no woman hero!
66, 39 подземелье
Portal to the Highway of Death* *Slow moving Heroes will be dealt with.
59, 57 подземелье
Portal to the Highway of Death* *Slow moving Heroes will be dealt with.
64, 35 подземелье
A large mob of pilgrims here are being led by a madman. A madman, because he orders the people to attack you with no provocation! (Must be another of those anti-green skin cults)
59, 36 подземелье
Wolves being in short supply around here, these enterprising souls discovered an alternative mode of transportation. The added advantage of course is that a lame pig usually ends up as bacon!
69, 17 подземелье
We don't teach {your} kind around here, sneer the swordsmen.
63, 23 подземелье
Well, they're big, green, and ugly. But they seem more interested then eating you then joining you.
55, 15 подземелье
Some sulfur-sniffing addicts have taken over this sulfur mine.
45, 15 подземелье
Hey! We ain't finished with the road yet! Gerroff it!
Земной элементал
52, 8 подземелье
The strange, rocky statues standing guard at the entrance to this valley slowly come alive and move to block you. (Apparently, Open Sesame was *not* the right password!) You sure hope you don't break your swords and axes on such beings!
Земной элементал
44, 1 подземелье
The strange, rocky statues standing guard at the entrance to this valley slowly come alive and move to block you. (Apparently, Ali-Khazam! was *not* the right password either!)
33, 5 подземелье
You sneer at your Thunderbirds as these incredibly fast birds attack. Now these! These are fast birds. Can't you guys get hooked on caffeine or something and be more like them?
Кристальный дракон
24, 4 подземелье
When a stack of Crystal starts moving inexorably toward you, you know you are going to have a bad day...
10, 7 подземелье
Some fools dressed in green tights and singing some foolishness about Merry Men attack. Grrrr! What are these elf-like beings doing in your desert? And those arrows! They've got a little extra kick to 'em!
6, 3 подземелье
Great green gobs of greasy, grimy goblin guts!* These folks don't seem interested at all with helping poor ol' you out. Well, this'll hurt them far more than they will hurt you (you hope!) *(Ancient Krewlodian curse)
60, 71 подземелье
Great green gobs of greasy, grimy goblin guts!* These folks don't seem interested at all with helping poor ol' you out. Well, this'll hurt them far more than they will hurt you (you hope!) *(Ancient Krewlodian curse)
1, 5 подземелье
Sheesh! As if the life of miners isn't hard enough!
2, 10 подземелье
This wild tribe of behemoths attack, defending their home.
Громовая птица
56, 22 подземелье
A solitary and bored Thunderbird offers to join your quest.
Наездник на волке
54, 29 подземелье
We'll join you! Anything to get back at those cursed magic users from the wrong side of the pass!
44, 18 подземелье
These cyclops are busy building a Stockpile into the side of the mountain. Busy, that is, until you ride up and they start playing catch the boulder with you!
32, 22 подземелье
Har Har Har! Fine joke the gods played on you! gar-har-har! We'll join you, just as long as we get to laugh at you once in a while!
2, 33 подземелье
Surprised while hauling in their latest booty, the Rogues attack!
1, 27 подземелье
Erathians in Krewlod???!!! We must really be slipping!
Дендроид страж
52, 47 подземелье
Walking trees? Somebody must have sneaking out and doing experimental magic out here in the scrub forest!
54, 44 подземелье
Urgh! We no follow no woman hero!
Наездник на волке
25, 41 подземелье
The macho wolf riders, after making snide remarks and jeers from a distance, decide to test your mettle by attacking.
Наездник на волке
30, 52 подземелье
We'll join you! Anything to get back at those cursed barbarians from the wrong side of the pass!
Громовая птица
40, 59 подземелье
A curious Thunderbird starts following you. After a while, it flies down and offers to join you.
24, 34 подземелье
Har Har Har! Fine joke the gods played on you! gar-har-har! We'll join you, just as long as we get to laugh at you once in a while!
49, 44 подземелье
The rumors of bandits in these woods can safely be put into the confirmed category, as an attack commences from the woods.
58, 47 подземелье
Bug off! Headquarters is off limits.
52, 54 подземелье
You sneak up on some Harpies who are discussing what they want to do. Whatcha want to do? I don't know, whatcha wanna do? Whatcha want to do? Dunno here. Whatcha you wanna do? Hey! I got it! Lets go fly over to the pass and bombard Dessa in her prison, and when she comes out, point at her and laugh! Nahhh! we did that yesterday...
25, 11 подземелье
You sneak up on some Harpies who are discussing what they want to do. Whatcha want to do? I don't know, whatcha wanna do? Whatcha want to do? Dunno here. Whatcha you wanna do? Hey! I got it! Lets go fly over to the pass and bombard Crag Hack in her prison, and when she comes out, point at 'her' and laugh! Nahhh! we did that yesterday...
Капитан кентавров
59, 52 подземелье
What the ...??? What are Avlee troops doing here? Some sort of desert survival course? Well, we'll just have to teach them a really hard lesson for using our home for a training ground!
Лорд вампиров
67, 60 подземелье
At first you think these corpses are poor souls who expired and were left as dessicated carrion out in the desert for far too long...until they started moving! (Moving damnably quick, now that you notice it!)
69, 67 подземелье
With a loud roar, the most feared creatures in all of Krewlod attacks. They appear to be defending their home.
Гончая ада
52, 66 подземелье
The howls of wolves on the desert at night is oddly comforting to you. Fortunately, you can tell that these are not wolf howls. As you approach, you see a large family of their demoniac cousins have moved into this mine.
46, 70 подземелье
***OINK*** The locals attack, trying to protect their water hole. You have to slap your wolf riders (who are rolling on the ground laughing at the pig riders)) to get their attention enough to beat off the attack!
43, 60 подземелье
A deputation of Erathia's finest challenges you to a duel in the arena.
Гарпия ведьма
27, 71 подземелье
The bright object in the background is bound to attact any avian class creature. (But these creatures are an insult to birds everywhere!)
28, 65 подземелье
All your senses are on alert when you feel there is something wrong in the narrow pass ahead. You tell your troops to beware of an ambush.
29, 66 подземелье
Everyone is on edge, looking for the ambush, when a single figure stumbles out of the rocks by the side of the road. The slovenly beastmaster, observing that about 400 weapons are pointed at him, says
14, 57 подземелье
These cyclops are busy building a Stockpile into the side of the mountain. Busy, that is, until you ride up and they start playing catch the boulder with you!
9, 71 подземелье
There must be a big draw today in the arena. The crowd refuses to part for you!
Султан ифритов
2, 57 подземелье
...and here you thought that the saying
20, 43 подземелье
Bwuhahahahahahahah!!!! We've heard rumors about what happened to you, but now that we see it...*snort* *giggle*...
10, 35 подземелье
Some sulfur-sniffing addicts have taken over this sulfur mine.
16, 25 подземелье
You sneer at your Thunderbirds as these incredibly fast birds attack. Now these! These are fast birds. Can't you guys get hooked on caffeine or something and be more like them?
57, 70 подземелье
Some fools dressed in green tights and singing some foolishness about Merry Men attack. Grrrr! What are these elf-like beings doing in your desert? And those arrows! They've got a little extra kick to 'em!
Наездник на волке
50, 20 подземелье
The macho wolf riders, after making snide remarks and jeers from a distance, decide to test your mettle by attacking.
68, 67 суша
Home of the Placeholder heroes. (Just so the map editor doesn't have a tizzy over limited hero pool selection)
38, 7 суша
The Dive
66, 52 суша
An old crone has set up a roadside booth here. Wondrous Mushrooms for sale! You are guaranteed to see your hearts desire. 25 gold per box.* . . . . . * Not legally liable if you attempt to cross the border with these in your possession!
Страж задания
70, 30 суша
An all too-familiar goblin face peers through the security hole in the door of this tower. He winks at you. Found the place, eh? You're smarter than I first thought, but you still are dumber than a lump of behemoth coprolyte! Your key lies behind this tower, and you can get it by handing over the Statesman's Medal first.
Волшебный свиток
71, 41 суша
Ooops! Did I forget to disable the anti-theft device? Sorry about that! Oh well, no help for it now. Good luck, Uranus-Hertz Trading Guild regrets any inconvenience this may cause. (Do you wish to fight lots of Ice Elementals and a horde of Water Elementals for this scroll?)
Страж задания
70, 40 суша
An all too-familiar goblin face peers through the security hole in the door of this tower. He winks at you. Found the place, eh? You're smarter than I first thought, but you still are dumber than a lump of behemoth coprolyte! Your key lies behind this tower, and you can get it by handing over the Statesman's Medal first.
69, 35 суша
A high-pitched goblin laugh is heard echoing amongst the dripping limesone formations. Sure enough, the Market of Time ahead is deserted, with no wares for sale.
Волшебный свиток
70, 29 суша
Ooops! Did I forget to disable the anti-theft device? Sorry about that! Oh well, no help for it now. Good luck, Uranus-Hertz Trading Guild regrets any inconvenience this may cause. (Do you wish to fight lots of Ice Elementals and a horde of Water Elementals for this scroll?)
35, 48 суша
There is a sudden gust of wind that knocks your army around, and when you recover, you are suddenly realize you are bereft of all but your dearest possessions. A high-pitched, perky goblin voice echoes around you. Thanks for shopping at Uranus-Hertz. Please come again! *A small pause* Hey! I only have fun every 1000 years. Give me a break here! Even Gods have expenses to meet, you know!
15, 33 суша
There is a sudden gust of wind that knocks your army around, and when you recover, you are suddenly realize you are bereft of all but your dearest possessions. A high-pitched, perky goblin voice echoes around you. Thanks for shopping at Uranus-Hertz. Please come again! *A small pause* Hey! I only have fun every 1000 years. Give me a break here! Even Gods have expenses to meet, you know!
2, 55 суша
There is a sudden gust of wind that knocks your army around, and when you recover, you are suddenly realize you are bereft of all but your dearest possessions. A high-pitched, perky goblin voice echoes around you. Thanks for shopping at Uranus-Hertz. Please come again! *A small pause* Hey! I only have fun every 1000 years. Give me a break here! Even Gods have expenses to meet, you know!
14, 70 суша
There is a sudden gust of wind that knocks your army around, and when you recover, you are suddenly realize you are bereft of all but your dearest possessions. A high-pitched, perky goblin voice echoes around you. Thanks for shopping at Uranus-Hertz. Please come again! *A small pause* Hey! I only have fun every 1000 years. Give me a break here! Even Gods have expenses to meet, you know!
Элементал магмы
1, 54 суша
Forms rise up from the surrounding lava. With guardians like this, it is no wonder the place doesn't do much business!
Земной элементал
16, 33 суша
Strange beings surge from the very ground at your feet and attack. You are going to have a lot to say on the How's our service card at this shop!
Штормовой элементал
36, 48 суша
The cloudy mist swirls and wind devils form. You've seen static electricity before, but these guys {hurt}! This Market ahead better be the right one, or else!
Алмазный голем
13, 69 суша
What you first took to be a plain of oddly-shaped, snow-covered bushes suddenly stirs to life, and the figues move to attack you. This Market really has to work on its concept of Customer Service, you think to yourself.
Королевский минотавров
8, 19 суша
These most fearsome dwellers of the underworld attack. These are the only ground troops that the people of Krewlod truly fear and respect.
Древнее чудище
38, 8 суша
Even if you have the Sphere, you must still prove yourself before entering Krackor's city.
39, 8 суша
Ahhh! Victory approaches... (Assuming you have the Sphere, or else you are laying in ambush for a certain thieving Battle Mage to steal it from him(her)). The victory is all the sweeter knowing that not only will your old body be returned to you, but those hated magic-lovers will be locked into their changed bodies forever!!! It is a good day to be a Barbarian!
37, 8 суша
Ahhh! Victory approaches... (Assuming you have the Sphere, or else you are laying in ambush for a certain thieving Battle Mage to steal it from him(her)). The victory is all the sweeter knowing that not only will your old body be returned to you, but those hated magic-lovers will be locked into their changed bodies forever!!! It is a good day to be a Barbarian!
36, 8 суша
Ahhh! Victory approaches... (Assuming you have the Sphere, or else you are laying in ambush for a certain thieving Barbarian to steal it from him(her)). The victory is all the sweeter knowing that not only will your old body be returned to you, but those dumb Barbarians will be locked into their changed bodies forever!!! It is a good day to be a Battle Mage!
40, 8 суша
Ahhh! Victory approaches... (Assuming you have the Sphere, or else you are laying in ambush for a certain thieving Barbarian to steal it from him(her)). The victory is all the sweeter knowing that not only will your old body be returned to you, but those dumb Barbarians will be locked into their changed bodies forever!!! It is a good day to be a Battle Mage!
47, 71 суша
What the....??? How in the heck can you get to that other gate entrance? Life seemed so much simpler before the this new epoch began...
44, 71 суша
What the....??? How in the heck can you get to that other gate entrance? Life seemed so much simpler before the this new epoch began...
38, 28 суша
Now this! This is really weird! You and your troops never saw a body of water bigger than what you could spit across in your entire lives. You spent 2 days convincing the troops to try out one of these b-o-a-t-s, and it took all of your personal willpower and charm to convince them. With some guidance, advice, (and laughter) from the shipyard workers, you finally set sail (so to speak). The going will be slow though, as most of the troops alternate between being crouched down in abject terror, prostrate in fervent praying, or else puking their guts out while hanging over the rail. You sure as heck hope you don't have to fight a battle in the next few days!
39, 28 суша
Now this! This is really weird! You and your troops never saw a body of water bigger than what you could spit across in your entire lives. You spent 2 days convincing the troops to try out one of these b-o-a-t-s, and it took all of your personal willpower and charm to convince them. With some guidance, advice, (and laughter) from the shipyard workers, you finally set sail (so to speak). The going will be slow though, as most of the troops alternate between being crouched down in abject terror, prostrate in fervent praying, or else puking their guts out while hanging over the rail. You sure as heck hope you don't have to fight a battle in the next few days!
40, 28 суша
Now this! This is really weird! You and your troops never saw a body of water bigger than what you could spit across in your entire lives. You spent 2 days convincing the troops to try out one of these b-o-a-t-s, and it took all of your personal willpower and charm to convince them. With some guidance, advice, (and laughter) from the shipyard workers, you finally set sail (so to speak). The going will be slow though, as most of the troops alternate between being crouched down in abject terror, prostrate in fervent praying, or else puking their guts out while hanging over the rail. You sure as heck hope you don't have to fight a battle in the next few days!
56, 37 суша
This place suddenly just got a whole lot hotter! (if that is possible!)
56, 42 суша
A hah! You have finally discovered the secret location of the School of the Smokers* They must have gotten a really good rate on the land grant here! *In case you always wondered what happened to all those chain-smoking teachers after the big non-smoking craze a few years back
Штормовой элементал
62, 53 суша
Shapes whirl out of the fog and attack!
70, 64 суша
Map is by Ungo ([email protected]) If Lord Haart shows up, please ignore him. I tried to eliminate him. I really, really tried!
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