Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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New World Computing
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Your family has ruled the islands for countless generations. Now, several former vassals have decided to break out on their own. Can you retame these upstart nations?
But finally you've been forced to admit the truth: the wizards to the north and the knights to the south have risen up against you! And they've enlisted the help of your faithful elementalists and even, it appears, the town of Little Lincoln, which is where you usually summer...
Intro 3
Now--horror of horrors!--several rebellious heroes stand right outside your castle gate! Something must be done. But what? You've never been one for hasty decisions. This needs time to think over.
Intro 4
My lord, one of those bothersome ministers pipes up suddenly, we've just received word from the continent. Hearing of our troubles, the nation of Erathia has been moved to take action. That's good. Finally something appears to go in your favor. But the minister corrects you at once. They're poised to declare war on us. They know that with the provinces in rebellion, we will be no match to stand against them. That's bad then! Don't I have enough to worry about already? Why did you have to tell me now? Because I estimate that their ships and soldiers will arrive in four months, two weeks, and six days, and I need to start packing...
Intro 5
If you don't have your vassals in-line (all flying the tan flag) by the end of four months, all is lost--there will be no time to prepare.
More Bad News
Your minister comes in carrying three of your sweaters. What, you ask, eyeing the clothing skeptically, are those for? He shrugs. I'm trying to decide which to take with me. I hear it's quite cold up in Outer Fulnak. So, relocating to the icy north, are you? Better bitter cold than the extreme heat that's soon going to grip this place... Get out! Don't bother me! Righto, your lordship. Just thought you might want to know, I checked the treasury this morning and it appears that when young Princess Ariella left to join her brother's rebellion, she took the Cornucopia with her. That gets you up off your throne. She did what? Yes, sir, sorry to bother you, sir. Only, I know that artifact was the root of your power. He hesitates a moment. I can still book another berth on the ship to Outer Fulnak...
Monthly supplement
Half Way Warning
You awake with a start from a bad dream, and hurry to the basin to splash some water on your face. In your dream, your minister--long since departed for colder climes--was showing you a goblet of water and demanding to know if it was half-full or half-empty. Finally, (in the dream) you cried: I don't know! I don't know! at which point he dumped the water over your head and told you: It doesn't matter. Your time's half up.
Half Way Warning 2
Two months gone; two months to go...
Last Month Explosion
Baron Aero,
Prince Jon Array
15, 16 подземелье
Avalon--West North Beach--North Shipyards--East South Beach--South
33, 3 подземелье
A wizard offers to concoct a potion that will alleviate all sorrows. He calls it a work of art and charges you accordingly...
Extra troops
Хижина предсказателя
26, 7 подземелье
Prove to me that you are the most worthy to rule here, and I will assist you. Show me evidence of your power, wisdom, will and resolve
3, 4 подземелье
Extra Troops
Страж задания
1, 10 подземелье
A old sea captain owns this tower. He refuses to let you pass unless you bring him the Spyglass he lost somewhere on an island to the east.
5, 28 подземелье
The monks of the abbey warn you that opposition to the ongoing conflict and fear of the threatened invasion from Erathia have the peasants ready to join the rebels. The monks assure you they can keep the people peaceful by preaching loyalty--only the chapel really needs some repairs. You take the hint and chip in...
Extra Troops
32, 31 подземелье
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Extra Troops
25, 29 суша
Extra Troops
26, 9 суша
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6, 29 суша
Extra Troops
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