Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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The Annoying Imp has somehow un-woven the protective forcefield around Stillwater and has spirited away the Orb of Silt. Bring the Orb and the Imp back to Stillwater to win.
Being his usual annoying self, the Annoying Imp has cast the Orb of Silt onto the far side of a lake next to Stillwater. Too shallow to go across on a boat and too infested with strange creatures to swim in, Ceiswyn has to learn the secret of walking over water to reach the Orb of Silt. In the mean time, Stillwater's residents have constructed a guard tower in temporary replacement until both the Orb and Imp are brought back to the castle.
The Annoying Imp specializes in water magic. His unique spell is Teleport, with which he can use to teleport to any place on this world almost instantly. This being the case, you need to find the Orb of Inhibition to negate his magic.
It is said that the great Archmage Andoorn lives underground. Maybe he can help you find either the Orb of Inhibition or teach you how to walk over water.
Ceiswyn wakes up in the morning to see a scroll bearing Stillwater's mage guild's seal on it lying on her lap. Knowing it would be a waste of brain cells to wonder how it got there, she unrolls the scroll and reads the contents carefully. Her high spirits and pleasant thoughts are immediately driven from her mind when she finishes reading the scroll. It seems the Dungeon Overlords HAVE already heard about their recent crisis and are preparing for another assault. Fortunately, they still have to choose a leader and for that reason are held up for a while. Still, the Orb must quickly be found lest they arrive before the forcefield is in effect.
Сфера тверди земной
11, 21 подземелье
Finally. Ceiswyn sees the Orb of Silt tucked in the roots of a tree. Grasping it, she feels an acute awareness taking over her, the soil underfoot looks and smells wonderful, rich and brown, the trees seem greener, more vibrant, the lake shimmers with reflected sunlight, like millions of brilliant cut diamonds, the chirpings of birds now sound like exquisite music, ambrosia to the ears. Such is the power of the Orb of Silt. For a moment, she wonders if she can keep it... ah well, better to return it in the long run. What if the enemies come to attack and there is no forcefield to prevent them? Pondering these things, Ceiswyn sees Archmage Andoorn smiling at her from behind a tree. As usual, he disappears without a word.
Страж задания
17, 22 подземелье
The Annoying Imp must be captured. Please capture him quickly and escort him here so that we can bring him into trial and pass a sentence. Don't forget to get the Orb of Inhibition first as he may escape with a teleport spell.
Страж задания
17, 21 подземелье
We forgot to take the Orb of Inhibition, he almost escaped. Luckily I knocked him unconscious before he finished the spell.
16, 35 подземелье
A campfire. Left behind by a bunch of travellers. Maybe not. Could the Dungeon Overlords and Warlocks have heard about the missing forcefield so quickly?
Волшебный свиток
1, 13 подземелье
To the adventuresome hero
35, 13 подземелье
The old man watches, but doesn't do anything.
30, 33 подземелье
Strange, the Subterranean Gate up ahead wasn't here a few weeks ago.
17, 31 подземелье
A bunch of Annoying Imp's minions are guarding the narrow pass. They prepare for battle the minute they see Ceiswyn. Be careful, your quest ends with Hermione's death and she is the only help Ceiswyn is likely to get.
Хижина предсказателя
21, 24 подземелье
I am in need of a servant to help do the chores around the house as my previous one left, I would pay quite a bit for a gremlin servant.
6, 19 подземелье
Ceiswyn feels a prickly sensation on her neck. Turning around, she sees an old man's face disappear into the trees.
35, 22 подземелье
This map is done by Tang Wen En, The Fiery Phoenix.
Хижина предсказателя
3, 0 подземелье
This empty hut seems to exude magical energy, the person who lives here must know quite a bit of magic. Too bad he's not in at the moment.
1, 0 подземелье
This map is done by Tang Wen En, The Fiery Phoenix.
Ящик Пандоры
26, 24 подземелье
Here's a spell!
Ящик Пандоры
26, 29 подземелье
A spell for a sharp eyed fellow.
Ящик Пандоры
0, 29 подземелье
I grow disgruntled. How many secrets like these have you found already? In case you haven't found any, there are quite a few.
12, 21 подземелье
As Ceiswyn reaches the bank of the lake, she see Annoying Imp chanting a spell. He has seen her and is preparing to teleport away. Quickly, Ceiswyn casts a spell which binds him in place like a dendroid does. Leisurely, she approaches him and toss him into a sack alongside the Orb of Inhibition to prevent him from spelling his way out of it. Unfortunately, unseen minions of his pour out of holes in the ground and trees to attack you. This must have been his hideout! Ceisyn prepares to finish off Annoying Imp's presense on this earth.
Ящик Пандоры
0, 27 подземелье
Like you'll ever use this spell ;-P But it's the JOY of finding it, is it not? ;-)
30, 32 подземелье
An old man is observing Ceiswyn from behind a bush. He fades away three seconds after she sees him. Ceiswyn gets uneasy vibes.
Ящик Пандоры
16, 12 подземелье
Now what would you need THIS spells for?
15, 22 подземелье
Ceiswyn grew up in the peaceful forests of AvLee fifty years ago. She keeps her youthful complexion by raw magic energy from everything around her she cannot help but absorb. She can channel some this energy out in a furious blast that decimates what other mages find impossible to scratch.
17, 23 подземелье
A unicorn walks up to Ceiswyn and she immediately recognizes the unicorn as her friend and companion, Hermione. She is carrying something in her mouth which she presents to Ceiswyn. While she puts on the helmet the unicorn waits patiently by the side. Looks like she wants to follow Ceiswyn.
14, 22 подземелье
As she prepare to cross the lake, one Archmage from Stillwater comes out and says he will help Ceiswyn. Sure! Ceiswyn says, The more the merrier!
17, 20 подземелье
2, 28 суша
This Route leads to the Deeper Caverns. It would be folly to go down so ill prepared.
7, 35 суша
Ceiswyn refuses to go further. The dragons seem to be guarding the tunnel. Strange, so many dragons have not been spotted together as one group for a long time, something is not right here...
Хижина предсказателя
18, 2 суша
The door opens and the old man who has been following Ceiswyn comes out. He smiles at her stunned expression and says, I'm Archmage Andoorn, I understand you want the Orb of Inhibition. I require the use of a monolith in the next tunnel. Unfortunately, a bunch of trolls is guarding it. If you would kill those trolls for me I will give you the Orb. Just before the trolls is an anti-magic garrison with a troll in it. Eyeing Hermione he continues, and though your unicorn might be stronger then it, trolls can regenerate life during combat. Just outside my hut, to the right and left of my house are certain things which will surely aid you in killing this troll. One last thing
17, 2 суша
Miniscule stars fall from the top of the tunnel and surround Ceiswyn and Hermione. The stars swirl round and round finally seeping into their skin and filling them with a sense of daring.
Волшебный свиток
4, 18 суша
Annoying Imp appears in a flash of blue light and summons Water Elementals to attack Ceiswyn. They guard the scroll, not making any independent attemps to attack. Do you wich to attack them?
19, 2 суша
A silvery-white, visible wind sweeps around Ceiswyn and Hermione. It wraps around them like a blanket giving them a sense of courage and, at the same time, comfort.
Гарпия ведьма
22, 27 суша
Filthy harpies! Ceiswyn screams as one of them swoops down and steals her bag.
14, 29 суша
A noise behind her causes Ceiswyn to turn around, another unicorn is trying to catch up with her. She looks exactly like Hermione. As Ceiswyn turns to Hermione to marvel at the similarity, her quick reflexes helps her dodge a lancing blow from Hermione's horn. At that moment she realizes that the unicorn who has been following her for awhile now and whom you mistook for Hermione is actually a clone. A rather solid one, not like the temporary clones powerful wizards sometimes conjure up during battle. Annoying Imp is responsible for this bit of trickery she thinks grimly. The unicorn who was galloping up to meet her was the real Hermione. She dodges another horn attack and casts a quick teleport on Hermione to get her here faster to help her defeat this evil clone.
6, 10 суша
Ceiswyn catches a faint fluttering of wings in the air. She clenches her teeth and moves on, wondering how the Warlocks and Overlords can stand all these bats.
9, 19 суша
Flutter, flutter! Flutter, flutter! Those bats are REALLY annoying. Ceiswyn prepares a magic arrow to blast these bats into smithereens. She mumbles the incantation and looks up to find the bats. Aha! Ceiswyn spots a dimly flying creature in the distance and lets loose a bolt of energy. It bursts upon impact, showering the creature and the air around it with tiny sparkles of magic. Its wings stop beating and it falls to the floor. Ceiswyn just stands frozen with her mouth agape. By the light of her magic arrow she had come to realize that those flying creatures were not bats but... THUD! The dead manticore hits the ground. All the remaining ones howl in anger, and attack!
9, 20 суша
Those pesky manticores taken care of, they stop to rest. Hermione explores the cavern nearby. In a short while, Ceiswyn is back on her feet and Hermione is back from exploring the cave. She seems distracted. Placing her hand on Hermione's back gives Ceiswyn's hand a cold, wet and clammy feeling. Strange.
9, 22 суша
Now that Ceiswyn has time to think, she wonders what manticores are doing in the Upper Caverns. Only troglodytes and harpies lived here. Manticores, minotaurs and other inhabitants of the dungeon dwellings of Nighon lived in the Deeper Caverns. She shudders at the implications of this advancement of creatures. They are probably scouts who were tailing her. She also wonders if that elusive old man spying on her has anything to do with this.
18, 14 суша
These Evil Eyes seem to have been waiting for Ceiswyn. One manticore scout must have fled and informed the Nighon community of Ceiswyn's intents.
19, 15 суша
Stupid creatures, Ceiswyn mutters to herselve as she dresses Hermione and her own wounds with salves and spells, I suppose Archmage Andoorn must live here then, seeing that they were only guarding this passage. After a few minutes, they are in tip-top shape again (Ceiswyn affectionately pats the Cure spell scroll) and continue on their journey with raised spirits. Ceiswyn puts the spell scroll back into her backpack for she has incantated it so many times that she doesn't require the scroll anymore.
31, 6 суша
Trying to get past we? Let we eat you first! the trolls say haltingly. As Ceiswyn begins combat, she notices Archmage Andoorn watching from behind a clump of mushrooms...
32, 26 суша
After an hour of studying water molecule structure and the different ways of manipulating this balance, the Archmage says that Ceiswyn is prepared for her first test
32, 27 суша
Why hello! Archmage Andoorn said you'd be here shortly. He said you wanted to learn how to walk over water. Well, here, let me teach it to you.
34, 35 суша
Thoroughly shaken, Ceiswyn watches as the warlock flees, she catches a glimse of his face. It is Velune, one of the most senior warlocks in the Nighon community. She has seen his picture in one of the numerous books in the mage guild in Stillwater. She wonders why he was going around with so little troops. Probably trying to gauge Ceiswyn's magical skills. Why didn't he just kill me? She thinks. She sadly looks at the pile of robes which a while ago was a rather pleasant archmage. Taking the robes with her, she continues on her journey.
35, 34 суша
30, 35 суша
The recently deceased archmage waits for Ceiswyn at the other end of the monolith. Ceiswyn, thinking the Archmage a ghost, prepares to destroy it. Quickly, the Archmage raises his arm and cries, Hey! I'm still alive. Don't shoot B.. but, how? Ceisyn stutters in astonishment, I saw you get cut down in battle. The archmage smiles, Do you every wonder why when an mage dies in battle, his body disappears while the robes are left on the floor? It's because we are not stupid enough to die in battle, we teleport away at the last instant. I think it is time you learnt more advanced protection magic, for one day I might, or your unicorn, really get killed in battle. I'll teach you a basic spell now and relieve you of the need to consult scrolls, but if you would kindly escort me home, I would teach you a very powerful spell. My house is enterable only by a certain garden and is on the upper world. Oh yes, in case you ran out of mana to cast another waterwalk, let me transfer some of my mana to you.
Ящик Пандоры
11, 0 суша
You'll have to fight for this one.
Ящик Пандоры
27, 30 суша
Another spell!
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