Seek the grail. whispers the bartender. It is close to home. You toss him a gold coin for the 411.
Find the Statue of Legion as quick as possible. Only with the statue and the grail will you be victorious.
Trolls are guarding a valuable artifact. the bartender tells you. You toss him a coin.
The dragon master is VERY powerful.
The lake of fire swirls its way to the surface.
Browgan is the champion's Champion.
BEWARE!! There are boobytraps about the lands.
Have you found the grail yet?
Bad dreams are invading. Look around You do and see people who are haggard from lack of sleep. The bartender seems ok though.
Heroes can be an addictive game.
Remember, not all rumors are accurate.
The mapmaker is a great man ;-)
Crag Hack must be defeated.
The City of Gold is aptly named.
It is said the five-headed snake beasts can attack more than 5 stacks of enemies in one turn.
Over the years your kingdom has grown, but as of the past few months there have been sightings of demons in the area. The jungle lords to the south and the barbarian hoards to the southeast have reported sightings as well. Both barbarian and jungle lords are looking to your king to quell the demonic uprising. After all, your kingdom has the powerful Archangels under your command. They have been informed that it is everyone's responsibility to help out, but a deaf ear has been turned to your words. The king has decided that the threat is to great to ignore and you, with your big mouth, have been chosen to give your undivided attention to the matter. Your name is Brygon and you have been appropriately nicknamed Devil Slayer by a few locals at the castle tavern. Even if the name is stupid and generic it stuck to you. After all when people consume too much ale, stupid and generic is the norm. So........ you gather a small army -very small; one angel and not even fully trained in resurrection yet, seek out your closest advisor and lifelong friend, Rin, and set off to kick some devil hide. Before you go, however, you visit the church and offer a prayer up to whatever god might be listening. Being Sunday and all you figure it might be a good time to kiss up to the lord.
You, of course, start with nothing.
Not Bankrupt
{Just kidding!} You need a little something so here's a grub stake.
It appears the lord has listened to your Sunday prayer. A vision in your dreams last night showed a glowing white and faceless figure in the form of a giant man in flowing cloaks with tremendous beams of light coming from behind him. He speaks nary a word but points at you and a vision comes into your head -a vision of soldiers coming out of their homes to aid you. You get the realization implanted in your head that this will happen every Sunday as long as you continue to show faith. So you decide every Sunday you will pray again and see if you get any other goodies.
You have a nightmare where demons are dancing and laughing in a circle around a helpless angel tied to a rock with ropes of fire. Small impish demons hurl fireballs at the poor angel with deadly accuracy. The angel's wings are tattered and broken, that is, what is left of them and death is closeby for this servant of holiness. An Archdevil materializes in a fireball in front of the hapless angel and walks right up to him. He puts his horns right up to the eyes of the angel and then, with a sinister laugh... You are awoken by screams in your camp. You rush out of your tent and see your troops coming out of theirs as well. No words are spoken but it is understood that everyone was having the same dream at the same time. What evil has this kind of power? And can you stop it before madness consumes you all?
Sunday and you are WAY hurting from too much ale the night before. A recent raid on a troll cave found a large quantity of ale and pipeweed. You forget to pray but the lord understands and supplies you with your weeks worth of troops anyhow.
Another dream in the night. You are an angel yourself, flying high above the lands. Majestic mountains and lush fertile plains below you are home to those you protect. As you near a large mountain it suddenly erupts into flame. Lava spews forth and starts snaking down the sides consuming all in its path. Smoke fills the sky making it hard to see what you can hear -screams of people dying. Ungodly screams, bloodcurdling screams, screams of finality, death. You swoop down through the fire and brimstone to see the fertile lands now charred and burnt. Lava is everywhere and blackened corpses dot the land. All the while you hear laughter booming everywhere. The next morning you find that you are not the only one who had this dream.
It's Sunday again and time for the weekly prayer. You rouse all your troops at 4:30 in the morning and gain a good vantage point to watch the sunrise and offer prayer. Your troops are grumbling the whole time and when you realize that sunrise is still 2 hours away you all trudge back to your camp (troops grumbling the entire time back as well) and go back to sleep. When you wake its back up the hill to offer it up to the big guy upstairs. Your grousing troops apparently didn't get any less grouchy with the extra sleep.
dream 3
More nightmares have claimed some of your men. A group of swordsmen rode off on griffins in hysterics. They gained as much altitude as possible and simply leapt from the winged beasts backs. Suicide brought on by subconscious madness. Not only does this firelord have legions of demons, he has the power to invade dreams and manipulate them as well.
The recent dreams have unsettled your men and there is no grumbling for the morning prayer. Most even looked forward to it and the results are obvious.
jungle threat
A wyvern flew into your camp just before dawn, dropped off a scroll, and left before it could be captured. You open the scroll and read: If you will not help us then we will take your lands. These demons are everywhere and you are the only one who can stop them. And the dreams... You must help us or we will make you pay for your selfishness. You jot down a reply stating you do not respond to threats and send the scroll out with a griffin.
No nightmares last week. A vision in your sleep again though. The lord (you have decided that this is who the emblazened white figure is) shows you a great battle where all is lost. This is not a disturbing vision however, and after it is done you are even closer to understanding what your destiny is.
jungle threat2
Your griffin is brought to you barely alive with the scroll wrapped around its leg. The reply is a simply a set of runes. You call upon a scholar to decipher the runes which turns out to be a summoning spell. Hoards of jungle creatures materialize and attack your army. Many are lost before the remaining creatures simply vanish from whence they came. Some supplies vanish with them. Your anger shows noticeably.
A vision in the night sees your glowing lord beckoning you to his side. You approach and for the first time his face is revealed. You stumble backwards and fall down in horror as the cloak is pulled back revealing hideous teeth dripping in blood and eyes of deep black that peirce your soul and chill you to the bone. You gasp and can see your breath. It is very cold. The glowing white light fades and crimson starts bleeding out from behind the figure until your whole line of sight is red with blood. The cloaks suddenly burst into flames and the figure rushes upon you, his mouth opening wider and his teeth elongating to consume you. You try to run as the gaping maw starts to engulf you... You wake up with a start and after a moment to calm down you notice your skin is very cold.
Everyone had the dream. Your cook actually had a heart attack and died. You order two angels to take the slain man home to his family so they can mourn his loss. The morning prayer is quiet and solemn and after everyone just sort of tends to themselves keeping busy. Checking equipment, sharpening blades, checking the shoes on their steeds, etc...
You call upon your best cleric to make a trip to Bracada to talk to the wizards who reside there. You are hoping a potion of some sort can be acquired to help quell the nightmares. But you realize the only way to truly stop the madness is to stop the madman called the Lord of Fire. You do not share this realization with your troops figuring that hope has motivational properties.
Your cleric return with a response from the wizards of Bracada. It is bad news. Apparently the Lord of Fire has invaded their dreams as well, and they would only part with a miniscule amount of sleep aid. You let your men make use of the magic juice and sentence yourself to the full power and fury of the dreams.
You get grumbling from the men for the morning prayer this week. How quickly they forget! You call a meeting and tell everyone that they can pray how they want from now on. It is a short simple meeting with only that one topic on the agenda. Afterward you go to your tent and kneel alone.
barbarian threat
A group of thunderbirds attack your camp, but after the last ambush from the jungle lord you are on guard, and the attack is quickly repelled with no losses. Only after a day or two do you notice illness spreading through your troops like wildfire. Apparently the attack was of a biological nature. These barbarians have no honor at all.
Sunday -and you pray.
You and Rin are fighting side by side against a legion of devil imps. You slay them and they drop in troves. Packs of the creatures drop with every mighty arc of your gleaming red blades yet they keep coming. Exhaustion starts to take its toll and both you and Rin become overwhelmed by the unyielding creatures. Finally you are both captured. Rin is tied to the rock in ropes of flame and the evil appears once again. It leers at you and slowly turns to Rin. You see Rin's eyes grow wide with terror as the Lord of Fire impales him with a fiery claw laughing aloud with its head toward the sky. Imps dance and cahoot all around and flame licks at everything. The burning binds evaporate and Rin's body collapses to the ground. Small flames flicker from the wound in his lifeless body. You scream and realize the scream is not yours. You are awake and the scream is from Rin's tent.
Another group of thunderbirds attack your camp. They drop a scroll and quickly leave. The scroll reads: We kill you! You hog angels and no help us. Bad sleep visions and fire creatures come and you no help. WE KILL YOU SLOWLY! You reply in the same manner as you did the jungle lords scroll. This time you send a hoard of angels to deliver the message, with orders to put a hurting on whoever you find in the barbaric lands.
You and a few of your men are having a few ales at a tavern in a small village you happened upon. Across the bar is a barmaid so beautiful. You wait until all have left and approach her. She is more than willing to fulfill your desires. You take her along a path that leads to a clearing under the moonlight and then go to her. You look at her fair complexion under the moonlight and move in for a kiss. As you kiss her you take note of the sweetness of her soft lips. You pull your face back and look at her again but this time it is the Lord of Fire's face whaich looks back. His teeth have blood on them and you feel a warm trickle down your chin. You touch your fingers to the area and there is blood on them. You reel backwards and the devil just laughs. You wake up and your hand instinctivly goes to your chin. No blood.
You see five-headed beasts with horns protruding from their scaly heads, talking with tall manlike creatures that have only one giant eye, in the middle of their heads. There is much debating going on but in the end there is an agreement of sorts and all begin to make merry. Your lord appears and simply bows his head shaking it slowly.
The angels return with disturbing news. Apparently the barbarians and the jungle lords have allied against you. The combined power of both nations along with the Lord of Fire's menace just makes your task that much more difficult. You dispatch messengers to Bracada, AvLee, and Erathia in the hopes of getting any support you can.
The dreams have not come for a while -thankfully. You have been praying harder every week for them to stop and hopefully they will.
You organize a raid and it is very successful. Many supplies are taken from your enemies.
Rogun appears in a dream. You are doing well Devil Slayer. I regret that I can not teach you anymore but take heart. There is help all around you. Make use of it. He vanishes and the dream fades to blackness. The next morning your army comes across an abandoned gold mine that still has some of the precious ore within.
dreams again
This time you are the one tied to a rock by bonds of pure fire. A devil appears in front of you and puts his nose right in your face. His breath is fouler than you could've ever imagined. He sneers but says nothing. After several moments he disappears and the fireballs rain in on you. The pain is unbearable but you do not appear to be burned anywhere. The rock you are bound to slowly rises and glides over the land until you are above a lake of fire at which point it slowly descends. Into the pool of liquid flame an inch at a time until you are up to your neck. The pain is beyond description and as you are submerged beneath the surface. You open your mouth to scream but nothing comes out. Just then you wake up to your advisors surrounding you with wide eyes. You did scream and they came running in to see what was wrong. This dream, as it turns out, was meant just for you.
11, 15 подземелье
Angel build
The curse of Greystock is lifted.
9, 21 подземелье
This is our master's bow. His name is Gelu and that's not you. BEGONE!
3, 64 подземелье
City of Chaos
Your subjects are fruitful and multiply.
64, 66 подземелье
City of Gold
64, 67 подземелье
This is the Lost City. Rumor has it that there is an endless supply of gold feeding this stronghold. The cave you passed earlier must be the way to the gold. I've heard of this place. The lord named Crag Hack is supposed to be a real tiger. Some tower guard said so. You look at Rin who is grinning at you. Does this guy ever stop cracking jokes?
49, 13 подземелье
The little cannon fodder people come out to play!
Случайный великий артефакт
41, 8 подземелье
Another artifact for the taking.
Книга магии Земли
36, 5 подземелье
This is the mighty book of earthly magics. All known spells of the earth are within it's ancient pages.
Лазурный дракон
37, 6 подземелье
If you want this book of land magic you must first prove your worth by defeating us.
14, 4 подземелье
C'mon in. We've been expecting you. says the leathery skinned arms master. You're gonna need all the training you can get before taking on thoses blasted Devils.
Ожерелье скорости
61, 27 подземелье
The defeated archers have a cache of goodies. This necklace would appear to motivate people to hasten their actions in battle.
Башмаки скороходы
62, 28 подземелье
AHHHHHHH! The famed boots of speed. You put them on. A perfect fit!
Накидка скорости
63, 28 подземелье
This cape, when worn, will increase mobility of troops in battle. Combined with the necklace and the ring, your army should always have first strike capability.
64, 26 подземелье
This little area is what we call home and those artifacts are ours. says an archer who has come out of the bush. He glances to the treeline on the water and there is rustling everywhere. An arrow whistles past your head. Join us. you suggest. We could use fine men like you in our fight against the devil's hoards. You use your best diplomatic tongue. The archer looks to the trees as if to get an answer. After a short moment of silence archers start pouring from the trees. You are relieved.
65, 20 подземелье
The Lord of Fire is our master. drone the pikemen. They have glossed over eyes and it is apparent they are transfixed by ol' scratch himself. Too bad. I got your master right here! retorts Rin pointing to his lap.
Королевский грифон
54, 11 подземелье
More demons are ahead. You will need us. May we join?
42, 22 подземелье
You happen across a campsite of zealots. After a brief council they decide to join your ranks. One zealot strides over to Rin and quickly zaps him on the backside with an energy bolt. Rin falls from his horse into a mud puddle and the men laugh wildly. A present from Rogarth. the zealot tells him.
47, 30 подземелье
We will join the fight. After all what good is a sword with nothing to hack away at?
39, 29 подземелье
We are guarding this valley from the demons. Now that you are here we will ride along with you. Feel free to make use of the artifacts here.
Руки Легионера
65, 6 подземелье
The arms are found!
Торс Легионера
31, 1 подземелье
We are guardians of the Statue of Legion. You must prove your worth if you wish to assemble it. Every piece is guarded by us and will be more difficult to obtain. Come, mortals, let us see what you have in you.
Ноги Легионера
12, 22 подземелье
A statue without legs is a, well...stumpy statue!
Рогатый демон
36, 8 подземелье
You wish to speak with our master? We wil acommodate you! We will send you to hell to meet with him personally.
42, 29 подземелье
You come across a farmer and make his aquaintance. He invites your party to rest, and offers you fresh fruits and vegetables which you gladly accept. Rin looks skeptical but goes along with it. After a good meal and a night's rest, the farmer answers your questions regarding the dragon master. To the south, within the seas, is an island where dragons live. It is said they have a great hall filled with plundered goods. More gold than you will ever need to finance your armies, but it is said to be hidden in plain sight. You would benefit greatly by taking it from them. Also, there is a magic portal to the dragon master's lair. He warns you that the dragon master is a powerful lord and although many have tried to defeat, him no one had succeeded. Only one came back alive and he, as it turns out, is this very farmer. Browgan walks with the farmer for a while, and when they return he asks your leave to stay behind and help the man tend his fields. There is something strange about his tone of voice and you get a gut feeling you can't quite explain. You agree to let him stay on the condition he keeps the ambush teams on their toes.
Перчатки всадника
29, 25 подземелье
These leather gloves are perfect. They protect your hands from the reins of your steed. You can ride farther every day with them on.
Сфера уязвимости
61, 28 подземелье
This orb will help you defeat the dragon master's pets but will be wasted on the master himself.
3, 65 подземелье
{The City of Chaos!} Covered in vines, it stretches toward the sky. You see shadows patrolling the walls - LOTS of shadows.
31, 65 подземелье
This jungle is very hot and humid. You thought nothing could be worse than the desert heat, but add sticky moisture to it and that's what this place is like. Unbearable. Rin tears off his shirt and gets a few sarcastic whistles. You look at his torso and see even more scars than you thought possible. He feels your stare and looks over at you. Cut myself shaving. he says bluntly. What do you shave with -a grass cutter? you ask in disbelief.
43, 46 подземелье
Rogun appears. This island of dragons has been guarded by the fearsome beasts for many a century. If you think they will just LET you plunder their hard plundered goods -think again. There is a reason this tower was erected. We don't care about some stinkin' dragons. says Rin. We came to plunder and a plunder we will do. You think those scaly bags of dung can match up against my guns -YOU think again. Rin pulls up a sleeve and flexes an enourmous bicep. He clenches and unclenches his fist making the muscle dance to the laughs of some of the men. You have been warned. You are the Devil Slayer, NOT the Dragon Slayer. This is the way to the dragon lord and he will surely defeat you -guns or not. Rogun looks at Rin's display and then looks at you. You need to get a handle on that boy Brygon or he will be your undoing. You nod a little and Rogun sensing you side with Rin turns and leaves.
11, 22 подземелье
Tucked away behind the violet fields are sharpshooters. A lot of sharpshooters and it seems they are guarding something. It's choppin' time! says Rin.
49, 14 подземелье
Heh heh heh! FOOLS! We control this town now. Not for long. We will make you horned viles pay for the anguish you caused us. cry the Crusaders and charge into battle.
Хижина предсказателя
16, 19 подземелье
Thanslot has been overrun by Devils. My family... Please avenge them and I will give you whatever you want.
6, 7 подземелье
Devil Slayer -hmmm, has a nice ring to it but you don't know how well it fits just yet. You ran your mouth after many a pint of ale about what you would do to those demons if you caught one, so it has been decided that you will get to do as many as you can before getting done yourself. After doing some research on the demons and finding out just what kind of mess you've gotten yourself into, you decide to lay off the ale.
Лента посла
42, 28 подземелье
This will make surrender easier. Chicken!
Сфера тверди земной
37, 5 подземелье
This orb will increase your earth magic powers.
Дух угнетения
0, 24 подземелье
You come across a wanderer with absolutely no expression to his face at all. You try to tell him jokes but there is no change at all. After an hour you give up. As you are about to leave the man hands you an artifact wrapped in cloth. You immediately feel a weight upon your soul. The man walks away and starts laughing while repeating the punchlines to some of the jokes you told. You suddenly find no humor in anything. You cast a spell on the cloth and the power of the artifact is shielded. The weight is gone. This may come in handy in a fight so you decide to keep it.
6, 27 подземелье
Rogun comes out of the gold mine and approaches. You must be careful Devil Slayer or you will become Dead Slayer. There are many devilish creatures in the wildlands and paranoia is everywhere. They will challenge you. All are fearful of all.
Бездонный мешок золота
44, 30 подземелье
CASH!!! And an endless supply of it.
Хижина предсказателя
57, 24 подземелье
My family was destroyed by the dragon master. He is able to control dragons of all kinds but his favorites are the black and red dragons native to the dungeon castles. It is rumored he lives underground and that his lair is only accessible by means of a magic gate. You must defeat him for me and bring me his dragon controlling artifact. If you do I will give you the most powerful artifact a knight such as yourself could ever want. {The Angelic Aliiance!}
6, 45 подземелье
Your subjects are REALLY fruitful and multiply.
63, 43 подземелье
68, 38 подземелье
Up ahead you see what happened to a scouting expedition gone wrong. Two corpses lie at the base of a volcano that has no business being in the middle of a rough. More evidence of the Lord of Fire's power.
21, 17 подземелье
This time Rogan appears behind the obelisk and waves you over. I have another spell for you. Just came up with this last evening. You will find it useful.
30, 24 подземелье
Thanslot is this way about 2 - 3 days march. You wonder how many devils are guarding this outpost and if you can retake it. Perhaps retaking this town will go toward your newly acquired nickname. Time to slay some devils.
28, 28 подземелье
Along this path, about two days ride to the south, are the docks. They were placed so far away so that if an enemy lands a ship you will have time to repel borders. The way is narrow and a good place to lay some traps should some nasties come a-callin'. Take some troops and set up some ambushes Rin. you order. I don't want anyone sneaking up on us. Yes sir! replies Rin with a snappy salute and rides away to get some troops. Browgan rides up and asks if he can lead the ambush teams. I am trained in guerrila tactics. Before I became a knight I was a mercenary and laid many traps for those who sought to kill me. You consider the request and call Rin over to let him know the change of plans. A merc huh? asks Rin looking at Browgan with a raised eyebrow. OK mercman you set 'em up and I'll test 'em out. Browgan grins and leaves. After a few hours he returns and tells Rin to try and find the ambushes. Rin takes a squad with him and rides off. An hour later after hearing shouts from the distance Rin rides into camp furiuos. He has no pants on and his weapons are all gone. All his men are tied to their horses. Well hotshot what do you think? asks Browgan with a cocky grin. Rin glares at him. They'll do. is all he says. Touche'. you say to Browgan.
5, 56 подземелье
All your praying has paid off. You have found that prayer in battle has a positive effect on all your troops. They fight harder and are swifter on their feet.
6, 8 подземелье
The morning is bright and a few muscly clouds lazily sail the winds across the sky. You take a meal of dried meats and bread with Rin before setting off. Rin looks over at you. Ya know Bry we have a real mess on our hands. You and your big mouth. You need to quit yappin' so much when you drink. Sorry. you apologize. You know, you don't have to come with me. This is my mission from the king and you were not ordered to come with. WHAT!?! And let you have all the fun? Not a chance, besides someone has to look over you. Rin laughs and slaps your back causing semi-chewed bread to spew forth. You are relieved. You gave him the chance to withdraw and he chose to stay. Wants to stay. Rin has a barbaric nature about him anyway so it is good to have him along in a firefight. He does tend towards rage in battle and is very passionate about his beliefs. This has caused him to get a little rowdy at times, as scars on his body will attest to.
47, 9 подземелье
HALT! cries a voice. You pull up and stop. Presently a champion rides up to greet you. We are all the king's horses and all the king's men and we may decide you worthy. You must first joust with our leader Sir Browgan the Brave, the greatest jouster ever. If you win we will join you, if not, well then, we will know you are weak like we suspect already. Rin rides right up to the messenger . Bring it on wiseguy. You call Rin aside. This Browgan IS the best Rin. You think you can take him? Think again. You tell the messenger that you would not dare to challenge the great Browgan and start to ride off when you hear a battle cry. Rin has snatched the lance from the messenger and galloped off to joust. Oh no! you cry and gallop after him. When you get to the clearing you see Rin has actually defeated Browgan. The bested knight rises and bows deeply to Rin and they accompany your army. Later you pull Rin aside and ask how he won. It was luck actually. he explains. Browgan's horse tripped on a rock just as my lance reached him. I guess he took the trip as a blow from me and I ended up winning. You look at him in amazement and shake your head slowly. Hoo boy. you say to yourself.
Страж задания
27, 28 подземелье
An angel flies down from the tower and approaches you. We have brothers-in-arms languishing at the hands of fire sultans in the northeast region of this land. Free our brethren and we shall let you pass. He flies away before you can answer or before Rin can say something smart and ruin your chances.
48, 26 подземелье
Rogarth appears. He waves at Rin and winks at a certain blue robed aquaintance of his who nods back. Rin glares at both of them and rides a short distance away rubbing his buns unconsciously. Rogarth laughs and waves you over. Sore loser. he tells you. Yeah real sore. you reply patting your own healthy rump. You two share a laugh at Rin's expense and Rogarth gets down to business. Before you set sail make sure you are well armed. You will need a large army if you wish to conquer the dragon master and you will have to conquer him...if you even want half a chance to take on the Lord of Fire. I have a gift for you that might give you an advantage over the dragon master and the firelord. Thank you Rogarth. We can use all the help we can get. Say hello to your father and brother for me. you turn to leave and Rogarth calls after you. Tell your buddy no hard feelings ok? You nod compliance.
52, 16 подземелье
As you near the cave entrance you hear strange sound emanating from within. Noticing your apprehension Rin dismounts and walks into the cave. After a minute you hear an anguished scream and freeze. You do nothing for a minute while your men stare at you waiting for the order to charge in to Rin's rescue from some vile beast. Just as you are ordering some Crusaders to investigate Rin pops out laughing. You need some work making snap command decisions there boss. he scolds while remounting. He looks at you and smirks as if to say Gotcha! You make a note to have him tortured after this is all over.
Страж задания
69, 56 подземелье
Crag Hack owns this cave and unless you bring his head, you will not pass. Beware!, for he is a real tiger.
70, 55 подземелье
As you near this cave Rin dismounts again and goes inside. This time you sneak in right behind him. Sure enough he screams but this time you scream even louder in his ear. He jumps about a mile and stumbles into another mud puddle landing with a splash. Your troops rush in quickly and start laughing uproarously. You beam down at Rin with a look that asks How do you like me now? As if he can read minds he simply states
63, 44 подземелье
Castle Gorath lies before you. The cracked ground makes you wonder how this castle still stands. Either way you must take it or die trying. Rin sidesteps his steed next to yours. We need to blitzkrieg this castle. Rumor has it these brave barbarian lords build escape tunnels so they will not be captured in combat. Real brave if you ask me. Let's take the cowards. And with that he gives a battle cry and your army storms the castle walls.
19, 51 подземелье
Man, is it gross here. remarks Rin. How can anything live in such conditions? I'm getting tired of eating snakes and bugs and I miss our homeland. What songs will they sing about us if we are eaten alive by lizards and insects? With that he slaps at a bug on his shoulder and misses. The bug was too quick and Rin tries to grab it out of midair. Missing again and again he gets angrier and lunges at the flying pest...and misses. He loses his balance and falls from his mount into, you guessed it, a pool of mud. Instantly there is explosive laughter and Rin turns twelve shades of red. He looks at you angrily. You gonna help me up? he asks furiously. You shrug and say nothing and dismount to help. You extend a hand and pull him out of the puddle. Just as he tries to pull you in, you apply the lesson from the evasive bug Rin was trying to swat. You pull your hand back quick as lightning and the mud makes Rins hands just slippery enough to succeed. The result sees Rin plop back into the mud with a resounding grunt. The men's laughter doubles to a din. All the noise and distraction has given our pest time to go get some friends, and just about when Rin was pulling himself out of the mud for the third time in as many months, Mr. pest and company attack.
6, 46 подземелье
Yet another castle to conquer. This one is strangely quiet. There is no movement anywhere but you know the creatures that call these swamps home are ready for you. Stay frosty everyone. you tell your troops. THERE! You saw a shadow dart between walls through a sniperhole. You order your men to attack.
0, 45 подземелье
You smelt the sea a mile away. Now that you can see water it would appear that the water can see you as well. A giant eyeball is looking around the area. When it spies you it stops. The pupil grows tiny like a pixel and a hot breeze picks up moments later. Uh oh!
0, 53 подземелье
A crusader riding a huge griffin bearing the sash of the king's royal guard lands just outside of your camp. My liege, he begins but you interrupt. Liege is for kings or at least royalty for which I am neither. you scold. The messenger looks at you and then at Rin and then back at you and starts again. The king has been slain. You do a double take and suddenly all is silent save the pulse of the temporal gate in front of you,the animal sounds of the surrounding jungle and the swamp.mp3 music. ;-) How? is all you can manage. My liege, he goes on, but you ignore it this time. the Lord of Fire sent waves upon waves of demons through a magic portal just outside Grovenor Hall. We dispatched a messenger to Sir Browgan to return as quickly as he could and to bring his army with him. He has grown quite powerful fending off scouting parties by the docks and his armies were substantial. When he arrived there was a tremendous battle that raged on for a fortnight. Demons poured forth from their fiery portal faster than they could be cut down. When our forces started to wane, the firelord sent through his strongest brigade and the king's forces were overwhelmed. Sir Browgan fought valiantly and took the king to the deepest recesses of the hall, but a large Archdevil materialized right through the walls and cut him down before Sir Browgan could do anything. Afterwards, the demons simply vanished through the portal and it closed behind them. Grovenor Hall still flies our banner but the king is slain. You sit back and take all this in and then ask. Where is Browgan now? Who is in charge? Sir Browgan... the messenger bows his head. dead sire. He anguished over the king and buried himself in ales and other strong spirits. Alas, he took his own life sire. Cut his own throat during a drunken rage. As for who is in charge, well, you are now sire. He hands you a scroll. You unroll it and read it through. The king had made you heir to the throne in the event of his death, if no son were born unto him. He always thought of you as a son, so he named you. Rin walks up to you and faces you. Waiting for a wisecrack, your face hardens, as if to warn him. He kneels and places his sword at your feet. My king. My sword and my loyalty are yours to do thy bidding. Then he rises and holds his sword straight up in the air and shouts
48, 55 подземелье
As you pass through this narrow causeway you see smoking volcanos to the west. Lava snakes its way down to the sea causing steam to billow and reduce visibility to a minimum. It is hot and humid and very unsettling. If the Lord of Fire can make volcanos rise from the seas he has become powerful indeed. You make your way carefully. Narrow pathways on land or sea are a great place for an ambush.
48, 57 подземелье
Your ship is rocked by a huge wave and water splashes onto the deck where it forms creatures right before your very eyes. It is an ambush!
46, 22 подземелье
We serve the devils holding Thanslot or they will serve our families with candied yams. You must slay us I'm afraid. The devils have spies reporting our actions so if we let you pass they will kill our families before you can reach them. Make them pay Devil Slayer! You look sadly at the men. These men could very easily be brothers or friends. Most wear the crest of the kingdom but all understand their fate. We can't just slaughter these men Bry. says Rin. As much as I like to wipe out our enemies these men are not that. What are we going to do? Fight them. you say somberly. We have no choice. Rin stares at you in amazement. You have changed my friend but I do not know if that is a good thing. I will not have a hand in destroying these men. You do it alone. You order your men to attack but when they do the Crusaders lay their weapons down in resignation and your men stop and look to you. If you will not fight than you shall join us. We go to take Thanslot back from the devils. We will save your families as well. You quickly produce a throwing knife and whip it into the nearby oak trees. There is an audible UNGHH and an imp falls from the tree dead -your knife buried in its chest save about an inch worth. This is your spy. It has been following us as well. Now it follows no one. JOIN US AND TOGETHER WE SHALL LIBERATE YOUR FAMILIES! you cry out to the haggard men. They explode in cheers and rush to join your ranks. Later Rin asks how you knew they would lay down their arms. You reply that Crusaders put country and family before everything else. There is no way they would take arms against the king's missionaries. They would rather have died.
Хижина предсказателя
50, 44 подземелье
Look what these dragons have done to a once beautiful oak house. It is burnt to nothing. Ugly, an eyesore, disgusting, vile... We get the point! Rin cuts in Now get to the point. He winks at you and whispers point & point, get it? You just shake your head and not for the last time. OK fine. I think I can talk them into leaving me alone but my diplomatic skills are lousy. If you could bring me the three diplomatic artifacts I can combine them into a powerful atrifact that will allow me to sway their minds. (HINT HINT HEROES 4 WISHLIST -MORE COMBO ARTIFACTS)
13, 52 подземелье
You will not pass ugly one! Hey buddy! Look in a mirror before you start talking ugly! shouts Rin He looks at you and jabs his thumb at the trolls a couple of time while shrugging. Get a load of these guys. he tells you.
Книга магии Воды
56, 71 подземелье
The air surrounding this heavy book starts to churn, and before you know it, you are caught in the middle of a dust devil the size of a small city. Whether they are Archdevils or Dustdevils they are still devils, and you ARE... the Devil Slayer. As you watch, the dust devil splits, and splits again and again. Lightning arcs from some of them. What kind of black magic is this? asks Rin. We're gonna get zapped into dust and then blown out of existence unless we do something. Maybe we should leave this thing alone. Do you attack?
64, 4 подземелье
This guardhouse was built out over the sea and has a hidden entrance under the water. A high sail skiff waits out back for anyone who might need to make a speedy exit. It was designed to be an escape point for the king if war should invade the lands.
Щит неупокоенных
19, 32 подземелье
A fearful skull emblazens the face of this shield.
Черный меч мертвого рыцаря
19, 31 подземелье
You take the Blackshard from a dead knight.
18, 32 подземелье
The skeletal armor still has rotten flesh hanging from its bones.
6, 6 подземелье
Grovenor Hall
Посещение Рыцарь:
The King has opened talks with neighboring lands and they have agreed to help the war effort.
Erathia has come through with supplies and troop reinforcements. They are unaffected by the Lord of Fire. You wonder how this can be. AvLee and Bracada have been compromised but Erathia remains undamaged. You figure the Ironfist legacy deterred the Lord of Fire from attacking them. This is good news for your war effort as Erathia has promised to send aid as often as they can.
More troops from Erathia arrive in the morning. A note is given to you from an angel. It reads
With the announcement from Erathia the king reopens talks with neighboring lands to get support. His diplomatic prowess shows.
The neighboring lands have agreed to supply you with troops every fornight until the battle is won!
Башмаки левитации
46, 2 подземелье
BOATS? Who needs boats with these beauties?
39, 6 подземелье
Before you pass through this portal -prepare. Travel is easily two weeks beyond this gate and there are monsters you cannot possibly hope to defeat. Arm thyself well adventurer!
Страж задания
39, 7 подземелье
Only the Devil Slayer may pass this way for beyond this gate is the domain of the Lord of Fire.
66, 69 подземелье
The City of Gold
6, 66 подземелье
The City of Chaos
6, 48 подземелье
The City if Basildra
9, 10 подземелье
Grovenor Hall The way south will find Greystock. Thanslot in the eastern lands. There be Devils there!
48, 14 подземелье
59, 31 подземелье
Royal Docks. Ships for Hire.
Шляпа адмирала
50, 8 подземелье
An old seadog approaches. You talk of the stars and the salty sea air with the man for a while. He knows your mission and passes his magic hat on to you.
Королевский грифон
50, 7 подземелье
A sailing you will go! sing the birds. A sailing you will go. Hi-ho the derry-o a sailing you will go. You, Rin, and Browgan look at each other for a moment and then all of you break into hysterics.
17, 63 подземелье
Quicksand! You lose a few men and some supply carts before you can get free.
18, 64 подземелье
56, 52 подземелье
You are at the entrance to a narrow pass along this penninsula. The way is tight and you have to pass your men through in single file at times. An excellent place for an ambush. you think to yourself. You thought right. The walls of the canyon shake and the rocks come alive to defend their home.
71, 47 подземелье
It is dry and hot here. The men are uncomfortable and there is much complaining. You call a meeting to address the heat and other issues concerning how you will divide this land once conquered.
14, 59 подземелье
Hello. You had dismounted to go relieve yourself and look what you find hidden in the brush. There is a small clearing with a watch tower, with a watch guard, who is watching you, who has been watching you, and now watches you walk right into an ambush. You suddenly hope these ambushes are not as good as Browgan's. Stripped and killed would not look good.
18, 54 подземелье
Rin stops. He looks around and is VERY still. Everyone stops and is very still looking at Rin poised with hands on hilts. Rin suddenly snatches at the air out in front of him. Grrrrrrr! Damn flies. he mumbles.
18, 31 подземелье
You find three artifacts here and after identifying them you think back to some of the stories you were told as a child. It seems these artifacts are three of four to make an even greater artifact. There is a helm fashioned out of a regal undead king's skull that by itself does a whole lot of nothing except smell real bad, but when joined with these three combine into powerful armor.
1, 20 подземелье
As you pass through the mountains a hot breeze suddenly blows through your army followed by a hot mist. You can barely see your hand in front of your face and whispers echo all around. Something brushes your arm and you burn. You quickly cast a frost ring spell around your party and the source of the mist is revealed.
1, 18 подземелье
Rin rides up next to you sniffing at the air. Horses are shifting and whinnying quite a bit. Hey Bry, maybe we should see what lies north of the castle before we go this way. He is still sniffing and looking around the area with great scrutiny. {TURN BACK AND COMPLETE THE NORTH CAVE FIRST}
Страж задания
52, 13 подземелье
You must liberate Thanslot's mill before continuing. the tower guards tells you. There are devil-things guarding it. Do this and you may pass.
48, 7 подземелье
The little creatures look harmless enough but then again there are quite a few of them.
Королевский грифон
23, 2 подземелье
{We wish to join your quest.} cry the proud winged beasts. And feed us when you fall in battle! whispers Rin
15, 4 подземелье
It would be an honor to accompany the 'Devil Slayer' on his glorious quest speak the zealots.
2, 12 подземелье
We grow weary of guard duty. We are swordsmen and would like to actually put our namesake to use. May we join?
25, 25 подземелье
We shall join your fight!
Рогатый демон
5, 27 подземелье
We control this gold mine now fool. Yeah right. you say.
13, 28 подземелье
You need these resources. Of course we know this the efreet hiss You need stronger mouthwash. Of this WE know. quips Rin
19, 25 подземелье
Devil spawn are everywhere. Let us ride with you to cleanse the countryside? ask the jousters.
11, 16 подземелье
Welcome to Castle Greystock. This castle is cursed by our master. There shall be no angels here mortals.
Кольцо странника
10, 16 подземелье
You meet an old traveler outside the castle. He tells you tales of his wanderings. The tales are great indeed. This man has been everywhere it seems. He also tells you it is time to settle down, so he hands you a ring and explains about its power. You thank him and part ways.
13, 16 подземелье
As you approach the castle you see three headed dog-like creatures camped out front. Man I've never seen a dog like that before. says Rin. You think if they have three heads that they have three rectums as well? You just look at him and shake your head. Not for the last time.
14, 21 подземелье
We burn trees after we burn YOU screech the fireballers. Rin rips open his shirt exposing scars from other burns. Been there-done that. Time to die!
24, 19 подземелье
You want birdies? Come get 'em
28, 22 подземелье
You want birdies? Come get 'em
31, 24 подземелье
This way is forbidden to you mortals. says the lead hound. Which head to I tell to piss off? asks Rin. You just look at him and not for the last time.
39, 1 подземелье
This is our home and we are free. Across the water is another like ours but it is not free. We will join you and help free our brothers. speak the angels
Королевский грифон
55, 21 подземелье
Houston, we have joiners!
Демон бездны
50, 20 подземелье
Our masters say to kill you where you stand. Thanslot is ours now.
Поясница Легионера
51, 2 подземелье
The butt of the statue!
48, 70 подземелье
{BEWARE!} There were booby traps set for Crag on your shores to make his fight a little easier but...the Hydra lords are at full strength. Before crossing this lucid lake gather an army of at least 100 or more Archangels leading it or you will be {DESTROYED!} And get the tome of water if you haven't already, you'll need it from here on.
44, 57 подземелье
You sure you want to go in here? Make sure you are wearing Admiral Janeway's head covering.
46, 11 подземелье
You see smoke billowing to the sky off to the west. There never was before. You climb the lookout tower so you can view all the land from the air and see three great volcanos on the central island of your lands. The ground is charred and burnt, sure signs that the Lord of Fire is growing in power. You are visibly disturbed by this sight. Look at it this way Bry, when we get there we will be able to roast anything we kill. says Rin trying to cheer you up. You look over and see the biggest, stupidist ear to ear grin on Rin who nods his head up and down emphatically. It such a ridiculous sight that you laugh a little in spite of your foul mood.
45, 13 подземелье
You are blocking the way. you say to the imps. If you wish to live to see tomorrow than you will leave this place and never return. Laughing is your reply so you draw swords.
57, 11 подземелье
Welcome to the land of the Fire Sultan. Come, burn for us!
Султан ифритов
60, 7 подземелье
Care to trade? Your life perhaps....
60, 5 подземелье
Gold is a nice color. Kind of like fire when the sun hits it just right. We like fire. DO YOU?
58, 4 подземелье
These men are our prisoners. Back off mortal or we shall fry you!
38, 29 подземелье
50, 27 подземелье
57, 30 подземелье
Золотой лук
8, 20 подземелье
Oh boy, Gelu will not be pleased. Please kill me as I can not stand the shame of failing my master. OK. says Rin simply.
Страж задания
30, 51 подземелье
The Belted Serpents of Jungala guard this tower. To pass you must kill the nasty trolls a days march north of The City of Chaos.
31, 52 подземелье
This is our sanctuary and you are not welcome. hiss the hydras. However you are welcome to be lunch. Prepare to be squeezed.
29, 2 подземелье
{Rogun appears again.} There are angel dwellings in our land. One is ahead and another is across the waterway. Rumor has it there is a dwelling that floats on the sea as well. If you can convince them to help you they will train new recruits for you on a regular basis. I have a little more for you as well. Free right? asks Rin looking at Rogun skeptically. Rogun sighs and rolls his eyes. Yes - free.
Страж задания
28, 2 подземелье
You must first cleanse the devilspawn from the Royal Training Grounds before you pass.
Рогатый демон
3, 12 подземелье
We kill crusaders for fun!
Сосуд с кровью жизни
48, 2 подземелье
This vial with a couple of rings will combine to make a great battle artifact.
51, 4 подземелье
Thank you for freeing us. We will now follow your lead.
Султан ифритов
52, 5 подземелье
These angels are our guests. Visiting time is NEVER!!! What are these things? asks Rin. Fire sultans. calls a captive angel. Quickly defeat them and maybe we will join you. Man these angels are arrogant. Maybe... they will join us? Who needs em! Rin comments. We do if we are going to succeed. you reply But you are right. They ARE arrogant types. We will free your sorry butts and you can take up the cooking duties when we are done! Rin calls back to the angels. They look at each other in shock as no one ever dared to get smart with an angel before. Browgan rides up. Not smart to anger the angels. If you are slain in battle they have the power to resurrect you but they can do so only one time. If it's a choice between me and you, well then...come to think of it go ahead and insult them! Browgan raises both hands in defense and backs away smiling. He's got a point Rin. Let's just let our swords do the talking. you say to Rin and lead the charge into battle.
54, 6 подземелье
You see more Sultans ahead but there are tons of them this time. Perhaps some reinforcements are in order before this battle. Rumor has it there is an artifact that will allow the use of fire spells against these creatures.
Голова Легионера
46, 28 подземелье
The head is the most valuable piece and is sure to be guarded well. Have at it?
Рогатый демон
43, 24 подземелье
Go around! Hire a boat or walk on the waves. Either way, we don't care.
Страж задания
38, 24 подземелье
You will need Gelu's bow before you can pass. His rangers are guarding it south of Greystock. If you show us the bow we will know you have defeated them and then you may pass.
Волшебный свиток
71, 57 подземелье
You find an ancient scroll. This will surely drive 'em crazy!
Страж задания
12, 53 подземелье
The tower guard tells you of a lost bow. He will let you pass only if you find it and bring it to him.
40, 6 суша
House of Flame
Посещение Еретик:
Щит проклятых
68, 20 суша
This horrific shield displays a soul surrounded by spirits. The spirits are chasing the pool soul. The soul is damned.
67, 62 суша
You can supply your kingdom with much needed gold if you can capture this cavern but the gold does not seem to want to be captured.
70, 61 суша
The Golden Cave!!! Sure are alot of skeletons about. Maybe you should turn back. Fool.
Королевский грифон
16, 9 суша
Your army needs us. Allow us to accompany you, to fight for you, to die for you.
Ящик Пандоры
64, 23 суша
It took you long enough to get here. Within this box there is help to speed things up. Let's hope you are strong enough to obtain this valuable magic.
71, 39 суша
Even the Lord of Fire cannot quelch the essence of life completely. Amidst the lava flow and scorched earth is an oasis of sorts. Flowers still grow and the grass is green here. Rin dismounts and rolls around in the tall grass for a bit. You lose sight of him but then his head pops up and he calls out to you. C'mon in the water's fine! You gain a little more hope that you may yet prevail.
71, 34 суша
We have waited so very long for a worthy hero. I guess you will have to do. Smug is right you think to yourself
Ящик Пандоры
48, 25 суша
Many have tried to obtain the Shackles of War. Many have died. A great many. Perhaps you wish to die as well?
Случайный монстр 7
13, 41 суша
All sorts of creatures stand in your way. They must be captured souls placed along the path to impede any invasion. They mindlessly attack.
25, 44 суша
You are glad to be past the lake of fire. The devils on the island laughing nonstop chilled you to the bone, even in the infernal heat. You see a glow in the distance and shadows dance on the walls.
69, 3 суша
Angel Haven
65, 1 суша
{WOW!!!} This must be heaven or somthing like it. You walk on clouds, yet there is a spongy firmness under your feet. Snow-capped mountain peaks poke through the clouds and the air is thin and brisk. You and your men get a lift from the drastic change of scenery. Suddenly you think of the man in the lake which makes you think of Rin and your euphoria fades rapidly.
67, 6 суша
There is a castle here amongst the clouds and you see angels flying about here and there. You wonder how this place exists in the middle of hell but you'll take what you can get. You only hope this is not some illusion. Just as you press on to the gates you hear a sinister laugh once again...
69, 4 суша
An angel approaches you as you approach the main pearlys. He thanks you for freeing his castle and offers his support and all those inside. You gladly accept. You are greeted by three robed figures. Rogan, Rogarth and the other brother you figure. You wonder what sage piece of advice they have for you now. The figures walk up to you and speak. Free our souls Brygon. Please. You know that voice. You snatch the hood and push it back to reveal Rin's face looking at you. Free my soul Brygon. he repeats. Rin! Is it really you? How can this be? you are shocked and overjoyed at the same time. The other two figures approach and reveal themselves as the King and Browgan. You must slay the Lord of Fire for us to be free. He torments us and until he is destroyed there will be no rest for us. says the soul of Rin. Help us King Brygon. You're our only hope. they all say in unison. Just then a lasso of fire twirls down from the sky and corralls the three spirits together. The hoods fall over the faces and all three are swept to the sky where a giant fiery hand engulfs them. The laughing is overwhelming and you fall to the ground clutching your ears. You wake up and your ears are ringing but all is silent in camp.
2, 31 суша
Worms Keep
Посещение Верховный лорд:
Красный дракон
32, 19 суша
Our master did not tell us of any visitors. Therefore you must be intruders -our primary diet I might mention. Yeah, whatever you say there, sulfer-breath. replies Rin and then looks at you. I'm gonna have a new suit of dragon armor in a few. Hearing this enrages the dragons and they attack with their fiery breath. Oops! Was it something I said or something you ate? jeers Rin to the charging dragons.
Черный дракон
18, 31 суша
As you approach the dragons, one eyeballs the shiny armor Rin is wearing and then gives a shriek which, of course, calls the others to your attention. Those scales. notice the dragon Those are from our friends who guard this cave for our master. You shall pay for their deaths mortal. and they all charge Rin. C'mon wormies I need a new shield too. Rin states.
32, 22 суша
Up ahead you see dragons. This is the lair of the dragon master. Now all you have to do is walk up to him and ask for his artifact or his life. Easy right?
Владыка бездны
65, 23 суша
There are creatures ahead with bullwhips in their hands/claws. Beyond them are glowing red pieces of armor and a fiery sword. These might be useful against the Lord of Fire. Fight fire with fire, right? The whip lords see you and read your mind. They look at the armor and sword and one of them politely bends and extends an arm to the artifacts just as a maitre' de would invite you to walk toward a table in a fine dining tavern. And I thought only angels were that smug and sarcastic. Rin quips getting angry glares from some of the angels in the ranks. At least I can wipe the smug mugs off of these guys. You draw swords and combat ensues.
Случайный монстр 7
36, 33 суша
The garrison ahead is swarming with demons of various kinds and the monsters here somehow are able to resist the Lord of Fire's spell. They beg to join you or have you destroy them. You can't blame them.
4, 15 суша
{P}sssssst. Hey buddy. you hear a whisper. You look around and see a scholar in the clearing. He waves you over. How much for this one? Rin whispers as you ride over.
3, 15 суша
Here's the deal. he starts, I got these treasure chests for ya. I have to give 'em to you so you can go kick some demon butt. Actually my wife told me to or else. She's really spooked by those demons so I figure -what the heck? Better to give them to you than have a angry wife burn my breads forever. So here ya go. Go forth and stomp! And I got a little something else for ya as well. A spell or some experience or maybe even a skill -if ya got room in that head of yours. Dunno which yet but I'll think of something. And what is your name? you ask Rogarth. is the reply pleased to meet ya Devil Slayer. And you do this for free? asks Rin. No idiot. I told you, I do this for the wife and my sanity. I don't even know you so why... he stops and just looks at Rin with condescending disgust. Rin flashes and gets off his horse and starts to rush Rogarth. Before you can stop him and before he can reach the scholar Rogarth casts a magic barrier and Rin runs smack into it bouncing back on his butt. Not today I shall think. says Rogarth. He then points a finger at Rin who rises from the ground, floats over to his horse, and is plopped back down in the saddle. Save it for the real bad guys there wildman. You simply shake your head in embarassment. And not for the last time.
17, 15 суша
Devil Slayer? You look more like a Devil-Running-Away-Frommer to me. Oh well. the scholar sighs. I am Rogan and I suppose I will teach you what I know in memory retention... and go visit my brother across the way if you haven't already. He has something for you as well. My services are 50 {gold}. Do you HAVE 50 {gold}? You don't look like you have 50 {gold} to me so go get it. We HAVE your lousy extortion money you greedy piece of sh- You cut Rin off again. It looks like he was going to pop Rogan in the chops for a second there. Not a good idea as these guys are well versed in magic and Rin could have wound up being turned into a pile of dung or something. We have the money. Here you are. You hold out a small satchel filled with coins. There is 100 {gold} in here. Thank you for your help. Rin scowls and walks away in disgust.
28, 60 суша
Lakes Keep
45, 14 суша
There is another portal before you. You grab a long stick and push half of it through and pull it back out again. The part of the stick that went in does not come back. This is a one way portal to your destiny. {[email protected]}
43, 9 суша
On the ground is half a stick. As the last of your army passes through, the portal implodes and is silent. The ground is covered in a black fog the likes of which you have never seen before. It is hotter here than anywhere else in these blast furnace caverns. Winds sear your exposed flesh and heat ripples make the world wavy. There is a hero here waiting for you, or so it seems, with a legion of undead at his command. Apparently the Lord of Fire dabbles in Necromancy as well..
9, 2 суша
How imps got into the royal training grounds are beyond you but they must be destroyed.
7, 14 суша
{~Note to the player~} Scholar first please. Its a storyline thaaaang!
55, 15 суша
10, 56 суша
Before you is an unnatural sight! A lake of fire with tormented souls just barely clinging to life floating about within its fiery wake. Charred skeletons bob up and down on the surface as well. They are the lucky souls. Out in the middle is an enourmous volcano and the masters of this wretched place. You must put an end to this or all life will suffer the same fate.
48, 30 суша
You feel your magical energies drain from you. The surroundings need it to survive.
49, 29 суша
Brygon loses magical energy!
Страж задания
37, 26 суша
Beyond this gate is a portal to a holy land. You will find help here. the tower guard tells you. We wish to leave this desolate place and figure an escort of 10 Archangels should do the trick.
50, 28 суша
Brygon loses magical energy.
50, 27 суша
Brygon loses magical energy.
49, 26 суша
Brygon loses magical energy.
49, 25 суша
Brygon loses magical energy.
28, 61 суша
You approach the castle with caution. There is a strange feeling in the air, one which you can't describe. You are uneasy and your horses feel it too. They shift and whinny excessively. {WELCOME TO HELL MORTALS!} comes a call from the captain of the castle. We've been expecting you Devil-Slayer-Wanna-Be. You are about to get a lesson in true power. It was foolish of you to come here. You will die NOW!!! It is you who are mistaken about a great many things. you call back. I am the DEVIL SLAYER and you, well, you are evil and must be destroyed. The inferno creatures laugh at this weak proclaimation. Without warning fireballs rip through the air into your ranks. Your army scatters for cover and you dive behind a burnt tree stump yourself. When the arrows stop you look around and see a horrifying sight. Rin has been hit. His body is engulfed in flame and he is dancing around wildly screaming in agony. After a minute he collapses and an archer is able to cover him up and douse the flames. You make your way through the hailing fireballs to him and he looks up at you with wandering eyes. His skin is badly charred and the smell of burnt flesh is overpowering. Several men lose their control and vomit. Hold on Rin! you half weep. I will save you. Rin grasps at you and pulls your head close. Do not despair my liege for it is in battle with you that I am slain. I had always thought that I would die alone. he rasps. Another volley of fireballs rain down upon you and you hear screams of men dying under your command but you selfishly do not care at the moment. You look at Rin desparingly and he speaks again. I have you with me Brygon and that's all that matters. Fare thee well my friend, my king. He coughs and blood trickles from the corners of his mouth. You open your spellbook and cast a cure spell but that only works on the living for Rin dies in your arms before you can recite the whole spell. Your troops look on with shock as tears well up in your eyes. All around you is chaos. Fire is everywhere and thick choking smoke fills the air. Incessant laughing is coming from the castle and you hear a taunt we got one, we got one. Rin. Rin! you shake him gently but to no avail. Rin is gone. Time stops for a few seconds and the sounds of war fade for just a moment and then the moment is gone. You rise to your full height, look up at your troops with a face of steel so hard they pull their heads up as well and you speak but a single phrase. Kill them, kill them all. You put your spellbook in your folds and draw your sword while casting a spell which makes the sword come alive with blue and white lightning. The blade is engulfed as bands of lightning coil from the hilt to the tip and shoot out towards the castle. Fireballs vaporize in midair and the castle itself is consumed by bluewhite lightning shards which seem to dance around the blackened rock walls. Demons fall from every crack sparking and burning and there are howls of pain and rage from inside the walls. The flamethrowers look on in amazement, which quickly turns to fear; your men thunderously roar and charge into siege combat.
Ящик Пандоры
1, 2 суша
The peasant's treasure box is now yours. You hope it was worth it seeing as you killed that poor man for it.
13, 3 суша
You are the one chosen to slay the Lord of Fire, are you not? asks the head scholar. I am Rogun and I will teach you a little in the ways of magic power. I have talked to all the guild masters and they have agreed to train you in their wares. Some will ask for a {donation} for their services. Pay them what they ask, after all we have to eat too. My two sons are here as well, so go and see them before you leave. We have to PAY? asks Rin in astonishment. We are the saviours. We will cleanse the devils from the lands and we do this for everyone. Why do we have to pay to help people? Who's in charge around here? Is it that cowhide of an arms master outside because I got a little something for him if... You cut him off. We will pay what they ask. You state simply and nudge Rin's steed away from Rogun.
14, 5 суша
For crying out loud Rin. Keep it in check would ya? you scold. Sorry boss but having to pay to help these people chaps my hide. Greedy bastards ought to pay US for what we are doing. We haven't {DONE} anything yet. you reply. Besides Rogun is right. We all have to eat and we all have debts to pay. Yeah but he makes it sound like he's covering for their greed. Making excuses for them. It's rotten I tells ya'. Rotten like a bad egg.
18, 55 суша
~NOTE TO THE PLAYER~ If you have not taken the castle you just passed go back and do so now before continuing even if you have to wait for troop reinforcements. Or you can just drive on and miss a MAJOR event in this story. Another storyline thang!
56, 17 суша
{The skull helmet!} Time to combine some artifacts!
40, 7 суша
{The House of Flame stands before you in all its evil glory.} The Lord of Fire stands at the top of the battlement smiling down at you. Behind him stands Archdevils by the hundreds just waiting to taste your blade. Devil Slayer! Hmmm...nice ring to it after all. you say to Rin and then catch yourself. FOOL! booms the Lord of Fire. YOU DARE TO CHALLENGE THE LORD OF FIRE! YOU SHALL BE DESTROYED! I did not come all this way to be slain by the likes of you. It is you who shall be destroyed. PUNY MORTAL. YOU DO NOT YET UNDERSTAND WHAT HAS HAPPENED DO YOU? I HAVE LURED YOU HERE TO SET AN EXAMPLE TO YOUR PEOPLE ON WHAT HAPPENS TO ALL WHO WOULD DARE TO OPPOSE ME. I WILL DESTROY YOU AND QUITE EASILY TOO. THEN YOUR PITIFUL WORSHIPPERS WILL UNDERSTAND THAT THERE IS NO ESCAPE FROM THEIR DESTINY -MY DESTINY -TO RULE! Well then Mr. Fire Puke here I come. Start setting your example. CHARGE! you call out to your army. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha ha ha ha hahahahaha.......... the laughing at a high creshendo diminishes to silence and for a brief moment all is quiet. Then the same hot breeze you felt near your home you feel again. Then the steamy mist you were engulfed in near your home you are engulfed in again. You quickly cast a frost ring spell and for a moment you can see legions of shadows coming from the castle to meet you in battle before the spell fizzles out. You have become quite powerful and to see your spell just up and poof makes you feel....afraid. You think of Rin and shake it off. It is time to take the Lord of Fire down. For your family, the fallen many, for yourself and your kingdom,....... for Rin. Perhaps it IS a good day to die!
Рыцарь Смерти
41, 8 суша
68, 63 суша
14, 56 суша
Lake of Fire Fresh Souls Welcome
12, 4 суша
Royal Holy Training Grounds
Кулон мужества
1, 10 суша
High spirits and good fortune will accompany those who adorn this holy artifact.
Доспехи из окаменевшего древа
16, 21 суша
I sure hope that is really petrified wood. Better give it a sniff to be sure. You look at Rin and shake your head. Not for the last time.
Щит королей гномов
15, 21 суша
Gee, a wooden shield. This should stop a raging dragon's fiery breath!!! NOT! snorts Rin. The shield has an engraving of several dwarven heads. They look regal. Proud hard faces with elaborate jeweled helms. Dwarves are resistant to magic at birth so just imagine what a shield of dwarven lords can do. It may stop a dragon's fireball at that.
Волшебный свиток
15, 20 суша
The power to ward off magic lies within this scroll.
12, 19 суша
You see some Archangels ahead and upon sighting you, they stop what they are doing and stare at you. One rolls his eyes and turns his stance sideways and the others get looks of disgust on their faces. Look at the high and mighty angels. sneers Rin sarcastically. You wave him off. After a second the angels look at each other and talk quietly. When they break, the eyeroller shakes his head and his hands back and forth and walks a short distance away. The others grudgingly beckon you over.
14, 19 суша
We shall give unto you these artifacts of great power and we shall go with you to make sure they are used for good. You look at the wooden shield and the armor. Great power huh? Thats a steaming load but anything helps. You offer the armor to Rin and ask if he wants to go pay Rogarth a visit again. Rin just looks at you. VERRRRRRRRRRY FUNNY! he snorts. You just smile at your own wit.
70, 25 суша
The sticky heat of the jungle is gone. Replaced by an inferno that makes the desert heat pale by comparison. You immediately break a sweat and remove another layer of clothing. You look at Rin. He is already stripped to bare and would take off his skin if possible. The men start taking off clothes as well. You call a meeting concerning the heat and tell your men to remove only what will make them comfortable without comprimising their armor. Armor does not have breathing holes unless it is armor broken in battle which does no one any good so your men will have to suffer. Rin does what he wants so no one mentions the fact he wears only a small wrap around his waist and a pair of loose fitting sandals. They say War is Hell and it sure does feel like it now.
Страж задания
70, 24 суша
The guards here protect the lands beyond from the depredations of the Dragon Master. They will not let anyone pass so long as the threat remains.
37, 25 суша
We escorted him home. says one of the angels. He lives in a nice cottage near Greystock.
Сфера подавления
51, 28 суша
The Lord of Fire has most likely placed a guard on this artifact. Have a go?
5, 63 суша
As you round the bend the lake comes back into view. A poor soul looks up at you with mournful eyes as if to beg you to end his suffering. You look away and bow your head. As if reading your mind, you hear a sinister laugh boom across the cavern and a plume of fire engulfs the form instantly turning it to ashes. You look up just in time to see the horror on the mans face just before it combusts into flames and melts away. You think of Rin which strengthens your resolve to banish this Lord of Fire to the next world. You say a short prayer and the soul of the burnt man turns into an angel and flies toward your army.
Меч адского пламени
61, 20 суша
There is the Sword of Hellfire. Flames dance along its gleaming edges. It is a sight to behold!
Доспехи самородной серы
64, 19 суша
A magnificent piece of armor lies before you. It is decorated with stones that appear to be alive with the power of fire. You cast a small fireball and shoot it at the armor. The fireball splashes over the breastplate and it glows brightly red. No soot!
Черный дракон
3, 32 суша
The dragons finally notice you. The biggest (and smelliest) approaches and eyeballs your army. It then uses a massive talon and picks a human leg out of its razor sharp teeth. It flings the leg at your army causing men to scatter out of the way. This distraction is just what the dragons were counting on. They attack{!}
2, 27 суша
Look what I found. says Rin after snooping around the backside of the castle. {GOLD! GOLD! GOLD!} and lots of it!
6, 33 суша
2, 1 суша
This is my treasure and it is all I have in this world. If you are to have it than you are to have my life as well. speaks the peasant. As you wish Mr. Deadmeat. replies Rin.
Королевский грифон
6, 5 суша
It is our sworn duty to protect the King's lands. Lead us to glory doing just that.
39, 10 суша
You miss the cold mountain air. The flames lick at your heels but do not burn any hotter than the air in your extra crispy lungs. It seems like it would be unsurvivable but it is just barely habitable enough to live and breathe although it hurts like hell.
7, 66 суша
A tavern! Down here?! You never know when you may need a hero for hire. Or a merc -poor Browgan. While you are lost in your thoughts the owner of the tavern comes out to speak with you personally. You are informed (none to politely) that your kind is not welcome here. He whistles and swarms of drunken demoniacs swagger towards your group.
8, 66 суша
The Firelake Inn
Хижина предсказателя
7, 11 суша
You must become a knight of the twelth order before I will share my wares. states the master. Come back then. And also, expert wisdom is necessary or you will not learn my spell. It will be lost forever.
Лук снайпера
71, 71 суша
This bow shall remain, mortal one's.
33, 54 суша
There is a glow up ahead and the heat is even more oppressive. You can hear unnatural screams from the gloom and your skin begins to crawl. What kind of place is this? As if someone could hear your thoughts, you get an answer. Can the Devil Slayer come out to play? calls a voice.
59, 32 суша
Hmmm, undead. This can not be a good sign. you say to Rin. If they bleed we can kill 'em. All the same to me. says Rin
Зловещий рыцарь
70, 52 суша
You look at the champions in your ranks and wonder if these horse riding aboninations are what become of them.
Призрачный дракон
56, 65 суша
You may not pass. grumble the ghosts.
71, 8 суша
Heavenly creatures wish to join up.
53, 32 суша
We have been here for what seems an eternity, even for us. Beyond this gate is a portal to Grovenor Hall. May we join you?
4, 34 суша
In front of you is a castle the likes of which you have never seen. Pillars reach to the sky like bony fingers and flames erupt out of the tops every now and then. You see winged shadows circling high above and the smell of sulfer is overwhelming. In front of the main gate are enourmous dragons standing guard. They have not noticed you yet and they appear unconcerned that there may be a threat to their master. Their master, of course, is the master of all dragons and has the Power of the Dragon Father artifact you seek. Taking this castle will not be easy. You hope the spell Rogarth gave you lives up to its name.
5, 34 суша
You, perhaps, think I am joking with you? {TURN BACK NOW!} No joke.
2, 26 суша
A bit less {gold} this time. Rin shakes the scout viciuosly and the missing {gold} spills from his breeches. The scout just shrugs. My mom needs an operation. You decide to make this man point on the next scouting junket.
Корона дракона
11, 31 суша
Sharp teeth adorn this crown. In the center is a great dragon head with jeweled eyes. {VERY IMPRESSIVE!!}
Черный дракон
12, 30 суша
Not a word spoken these beasts simply attack.
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