Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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You are on a quest to capture the old city in the underworld. You can play as evil or as good in this mission. Lots of treasure and resources. Lots of places to discover, as well as artifacts. Best with 2 players, very good with 1 player. Best played on hard or expert, easy is just too easy.
The subterranian gate has been found in the northwest
More stuff
The underworld is full of death and destruction.
On this floating continent is an unknown treasure, burried deep underground.
A wise mage by the name of Borb has been seen in this area.
The enemy
The enemy is close by, If I were you I would prepare to defend yourself.
Some say King Roland is still down in the underworld, haunting his old kingdom.
A swarm of dragons passed overhead earlier. They were flying somewhere to the northern end of the continent.
It has been said that as the two lands were torn apart, treasure fell from the skies and covered the grounds below.
Many scholars, lost in their books, have wandered off the path. Find them and they may share their knowlage with you.
In the beginning...
Many many years ago, raged a long and horrible war. The knights of Zardonia had been attacked by demoniac beings from another plane of existance. The evil ones brought death and disease to the lands of Zardonia, and it's surrounding kingdom.
In the beginning.. Still not done
As time went on, Zardonia became weak. It's defenders had been fighting for as long as they could remember, with nothing to show for it. Towards the end, King Roland began praying to the gods to grant him the strength to continue his battle against the forces of darkness.
Still the beginning...
The gods gave King Roland a sign. Angels had been sighted around his glorious kingdom. Roland troops regained their moral and began fighting like never before. As they slaughtered enemy forces, Roland came face to face with their leader Kursoth.
More beginning.
Roland gathered every ounce of strength and drove his blade into the heart of Kursoth. As Kursoth crumbled to the floor, he uttered a curse upon the lands of Zardonia. Roland ignored the curse, and brought his army back to Zardonia to celebrate their great victory.
More beginning.. What are you? Insane?
Roland's refusing to take the curse seriously, caused the downfall to his kingdom. Trees began rotting, mud began boiling. Strange diseases sprung up all around the castle causing mass panic. The diseased did not die, instead they just suffered and their skin began rotting off their bones.
Enough of the beginning.. I want to play the game already!
The mage guild, surrounded by a force field, was the only safe haven for those of good health. After weeks of torment, the mages gathered in a circle, and used all of their power to tear apart the ground. The new continent rose high up above the Zardonia, and into the sunlight.
Obelisks were set up around the continent so they could trap sunlight at certain times of the day. The sunlight was transformed into energy, and was used to keep the land afloat. A subterranian gate was used to transport the people from the realm below, onto the floating continent.
The gate was then sealed guards were set to keep people out. To this day, the gate's location has been forgotton... until now.
Player 1's quest thing
Explorers have discovered a strange cave, looking almost like the fabeled subterranian gate from the books in the library. If this is true then the land in the under realm may be once again, a good place to live. You must go and reclaim your great grandfather's castle, and once again rule Zardonia.
Player 2's quest thingy
The local thieves have brought rumors to your kingdom. Rumors of a subterranian gate on this continent. You doubt these rumors are true, but, worth checking into. After all, your great grandfather had defeated Zardonia with his last breath, and not taken any of it's riches.
Player 2's quest thing part 2
If you can find the location of the old kingdom, then you could simply walk in and take it and it's many ancient artifacts for yourself, to help you on your quest for world domination. You will seek out this gate, and see if you can reclaim Zardonia as your great grandfather would have wished.
The dream
You awaken this morning feeling extremely mad. You have just had a nightmare, where you saw a man in strange old clothes, attack your great grandfather and destroy his armies. After a while you feel a little better, it is just a dream.
Случайный город
18, 61 подземелье
Garm's Keep
Случайный город
54, 23 подземелье
Soth's Keep
21, 61 подземелье
Welcome to Garm's Keep
57, 24 подземелье
Soth's Keep
Волшебный свиток
0, 49 подземелье
You see a small group of Naga Queens and Dread Knights gathered around an ancient scroll. The group look up at you, with hate in their eyes. Will you attack the Naga Queens and Dread Knights for this scroll?
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As you walk towards the gate, you remember the old tales of the guardians. Just as you begin to reconsider entering the gate, everything around you seems to come to life. You turn to run back, but the path has been transformed into a huge creature, and it's coming right for you.
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A small man stands waiting at the fork in the road. He makes you an offer for an artifact that you can't refuse.
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As you walk by, one of your troops examines the dirt road. He finds an old inscription in the dirt. You read the words and think about them for a while. The words look like they are some sort of spell, and you copy them into your spellbook.
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You look into the bushes as you pass, and see a small group of elves watching you. They approach you and ask if you need any help. You think any help would be good help, and you invite them to join you.
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As you walk by the huge crack in the ground, you see that an old cart of ore has fallen inside. You send your troops down to retrieve it.
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You notice a strange fish swimming circles, at the bend in the stream. You go up to investigate. The fish sees you coming and quickly swims away. You walk over to where the fish used to be and you see a small pile of gold coins.
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One of your troops trips and falls off the bridge and into the stream. You all have a good laugh, and your troops help him out of the water.
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2, 40 подземелье
You stumble upon a small army of undead, they had been going towards your castle, and they now turn against you. The one in the lead is wearing a strange amulet around his neck.
50, 13 подземелье
You find an old wagon crashed into a tree. There is no one around, so you take a look inside. Inside you find enough spellbooks to fill a library. You spend many hours reading the books, and your troops grow bored.
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Your troops are bored from all the walking. They run over to the nearby pond and they butcher a few of the swans.
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You find an old axe burried in the lake. You pull it out and take it with you.
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Посещение Некромант:
23, 61 суша
You are now entering Zardonia
Шляпа капитана
26, 13 суша
You walk up to pick up this old captain's hat, you see many skeletons of the crew laying sprawled out on the ground. Just then you hear some moaning. You look up and see the skeletons making their way towards you. It seems that you have fallen into the trap of the sunken ship's crew. Want to flee?
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You see Zardonia to the north, laying in ruins. Wait a second, what is that moving towards you. It looks like an army of the undead. The leader is wearing the same emblem as your great grandfather. He looks to be evil now, and has gained in power over the years.
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As you exit the gate, you see a land once full of life. All you can smell is the stench of death, and you can see no living creature of any kind. Your troops begin to lose interest in your quest for Zardonia, and look back towards the gate. In the end they stay with you, but they don't seem pleased.
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Adronian Castle
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You are now entering the Zardonian Kingdom
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At last, you've found the ancient Zardonia your grandfather had tried to conquer. Now it seems to be abandoned and laying in ruins. You begin to head north when you see an army descending upon you. The leader looks like the man from your nightmares. It must be King Roland, with his undead army.
26, 25 суша
You are ambushed by a group of skeletal warriors on your way through the small rotting forests. You manage to defeat the undead enemies, and you walk away proud.
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