The strange music that had caught their attention on the trail miles back continued to lead them on. Other than the faint sounds of lire and bells, the only sound was the clip of horses hooves. Anyone who knew the three Stark siblings would have known something was wrong. Nathan's loud jesting, Lily's constant chatter, and Alexander's serene voice had always announced their approach. Now all three rode silenly forward, eyes staring into the darkness beyond.
Tonight, around a warm fire with a mug of steaming ale, the 3 Starks listen to tales of the Fae. Most stories stir distant memories of stories told by nursemaids or stable boys to frighten children into behaving. One wrinkled old woman spoke up. It is said that some of our ancestors experimented in the world of men. It is said, they sometimes snuck through the veil with a fae babe, and switched him with a newborn in it's cradle. These were known as 'changlings', and they grew up half in their own world, and half in ours. The practice was outlawed many eons ago, as these things never seemed to have a happy ending. Though I have heard rumors whispered in dark places of a recent changling. The deed was done in great secret, with much danger to those involved. It seems the Fae babe was in mortal danger, and this was the only way to save him. Those who saved him were caught as they came back through the veil. They were tortured it is said, to death, but never reveiled where they had taken him As the crone finished her tale, all eyes turned to Alex. His head was bowed, and a single tear was seen to drop from his cheek.
After the Changling
Alex had been quiet and somber since the tale of the 'changling'. Late in the afternoon, he asked his sister and brother to join him just outside the glade. He looked at them with love and affection as he spoke. You are my family, nothing can ever change that. But I feel the truth of the old crones words in my very soul. I am that Fea babe. I look around me and feel that I have finally come home. This world is mine, and yet the world we have come from is also mine. I feel the great danger to both of them coming from the north and east. There is peril for both men and fae. It will be dangerous, I may even perish in the task, but I must try. I cannot ask you to risk yourselves,... And here he was unable to continue as Nathan and Lily burst in at the same time. We will not be left behind! This is also our battle!
Now that their purpose here had been established, the siblings set out to question and learn what had passed before to lead up to this peril for Tir Nan Og. They learned that Queen Mab had been in the world of men centuries before, worshipped and feared by all. Seeking more power for herself, she used her magic to transform Merlin, a child she herself had orphaned, into a great magician. He became the trusted right hand of King Arthur. When Merlin realized the great evils Mab had done in order to further her own aims, he rallied the people to ignore her. To forget her and send her into the realm of the fantasy. It worked very well. Back to Tir Nan Og she flew, never again to pass through the veil. Her she sits in her castle ever hating men, ever plotting revenge.
The Sith
While discussing strategy, an interesting fact comes to light. A fire drake rises from the flames of the hearth to report. Mab has bought the help of the Death Fae. She has promised the Baobha Sith, the Ca Sith, and fetches much human blood and prisoners. For this reason they tried to stop Lord Alex and his party from entering Tir Nan Og. For this reason they will aim to stop you from finding the Grail. Silently the drake sinks back into the fire.
Brownies sent to the far north come trooping into the courtyard this day. Small and quick enough to escape detection, they were asked to see how the conflict was affecting the elemental Fae in the frozen wastes. The kelpies and spriggens have been in contact with Queen Mab, we are fearing. They prance and skip about singing songs of great feast to come. Men they eat you knows sirs. Don't look good for them that goes north for the good of men sirs. No it surely don't.
Страж задания
53, 69 подземелье
I am Leanan Sidhe. I seek a lover among men to worship me unto eternity. Here by my side will he stay until he dies for the love of me. A woman you ask? I have no need of a woman. She may pass with the token of a shiny bauble.
41, 13 подземелье
Queen Mab
Defeated by Merlin, Queen Mab is banished to the land of the Fae, no more to travel freely in the world of men. Here she wreaks what havoc she can and plots her eventual return to the 'real world'. Her plans for humankind are far from pleasant.
16, 104 подземелье
Luthor, the Dark Elf Lord, is known by many as the Usurper. Not being of Highborn blood, he took the throne by force and slaughtered all Highborn he could find in Tir Nan Og. Now he plots with Queen Mab. He has agreed to help her return to the land of men, and in return she is to give him rule of all the land of the Fae.
71, 74 подземелье
140, 127 подземелье
Ahead on the path stands a score of small bearded men standing no more than 4 foot high. They hold battle axes, swords and other weapons, all looking well used. While trying to decide whether to run for it or talk your way past, several raise their hands, palms empty, in a gesture of friendship.
Боевой гном
138, 128 подземелье
Greetings travelers! Who are we you ask? We are the Daaine Sidhe. When Roman soldiers ravaged the country of Italy, we marched forth to save the land. Tales of our fierce battles and strength spread across the country, and so began the legend of the 'Fatae'. The French called us 'fee', and the British 'Fays', today we are one among many known as Fae. Welcome to our land. We wish to battle once again, may we join you?
115, 30 подземелье
Fuath is the master of the Kelpies, who have many other names in human lands. The kelpies are cannabalistic water elementals, who drag prey down into the depths of waters to dine. Fuath has managed to woo the Spriggans, or mud men, along with other foul creatures into forming an aliance.
73, 32 подземелье
Green Man
In one incarnation, the Green Man appears as a folk hero, known to many as Robin Hood, the King of the Woods. He is also known as Robin Goodfellow, Puck, and Jack the Green.
Страж задания
5, 120 подземелье
Silent men clad in the green of the forest have watched your battle with the black dragons. Are they friend or foe?
96, 97 подземелье
Spies report there is a boat dock ahead, but the owner charges a heafty fee each time you use it. In fact they are not sure you have enough in your purse to by just one boat. This quest has already cost more than you imagined. Better think this over and use wisdom.
82, 90 подземелье
Hey! The guy at the boat docks pays us to block the road. He makes a mint selling the docking rights to people. Too bad he doesn't pay us enough.
52, 50 подземелье
The greasy smoke of many campfires wafts up through the trees ahead. A smelll of some peculiar meat cooking makes your troops eyes burn and water. You can hear snorting and grunting among the sounds of gnashing teeth and bone crunching. What other strange creatures are you about to encounter in this Land of the Fae?
60, 20 подземелье
Coming through the portal, the sound of men at arms greets you. Was this trip a trick? Your new found army seems poorly equiped to meet trained and armed troops.
50, 19 подземелье
Glancing back at the trees blocking the road to the castle across the way, you can't help but wonder. The rest of the forest is in green health and sound. How fortunate the only bad wood fell just there, keeping the enemy at a distance.
71, 33 подземелье
At last, in a mossy glen, you stumble across what looks to be a prison. From it's walls comes a haunting melody played expertly on some type of flute. Have you reached the Green Man? Will he agree to help in this new found quest?
21, 136 подземелье
Your guide calls a halt to tell you what lies ahead. There are only 2 passes open through these mountains. Just to the north of us there are hillmen and nomads, they are fierce fighters. Some might be persuaded to join us, but only after we prove our worth in battle. To the south, the pass leads to long deserted mines and the unhappy spirits of those who died in them. Queen Mab delights in keeping tragic souls earthbound. Either way will lead to battle. Which path would you carry us on?
14, 136 подземелье
Halt! What do we have here? We have heard tales of a Highborn come to Tir Nan Og to end Mab's stranglehold. Those who would face down such a tyrant must be very brave, or very foolish. Let us see which you prove to be.
7, 141 подземелье
No peace... no peace....there is no peace here stranger. Not even for the dead. Turn back. Should you fall here, forever will you haunt these hills. The banshee cried all the night long. Tell me stranger, was it your death she did herald?
Боевой гном
8, 35 подземелье
Well met stranger! Few friendly faces have we seen since Mab cut us off from the rest of Tir Nan Og. She keeps us working day and night searching for an artifact she claims is buried somewhere in the land. She moves us now and again, when the thought strikes her. Though glad I am to meet you, I fear it is not such a good day for you. my friend. All who stumble on us are forced to join us. We have not the numbers nor the tools to help you resist, we can't even help ourselves. I am afraid you have become a captive too .
12, 34 подземелье
Why would Mab order this portal closed? There seems to be nothing here but some sort of small camp. There are the sounds of shovels and pick axes in the distance. Maybe this is some sort of mining operation.
131, 143 подземелье
Fairy vs Faerie Enter here to find out the difference, and a few other facts. Don't like narratives? KEEP OUT!
Страж задания
59, 36 подземелье
From the stone comes a deep voice booming across the glen, The Green Man is the only one who may pass. He alone knows the Watchman.
59, 37 подземелье
As you pass through the tree rows, the Green Man tells his story. Mab, blast her, is determined to seek revenge on the world of men for their rejection of her. When she was cast back here to Tir Nan Og, she managed to bring with her an aritfact of great power. I felt it pass through the veil, it was unmistakable, it was the Grail. With it, she would have been able to visit great evil to both worlds. I recognized the danger, and in the dead of night as she slept, slipped in and took it. I am a very fine thief you know, he said with a smile. I knew I could not keep it safe, so took great measures to insure it would never be found.
59, 39 подземелье
Even I do not know exactly where it is. I know is is buried, that is all. I entrusted the hiding to 7 different Fae folk. Each has a piece of the puzzle, but none may find it on their own. Until Mab is safley dealt with, it should remain hidden. Then, it must be returned to the land of men. Then and only then will this wonderous land of the Fae be safe. For if it should remain here, it would always be a temptation to those with darkness in their hearts.
59, 41 подземелье
So there you have it my child. Oh, the keepers of the Grail! I almost forgot, I hope they have been alright these many years I've been locked away. I secreted them in the worst places, hoping Mab would not think to look for them there. They lie in the very shadows of the Death Fae castles. I also locked them inside with heavy magical spells. Only the bravest, the smartest, the mightest, and greatest in every way shall be able to pass.
133, 143 подземелье
A fairy is a female creature of a species of Faerie folk. Faerie come in all shapes and forms, even shape shifters. There are air, water, earth and fire fae. Some of the most notable have been included in this map, including the green man, banshees, brownies and such, and many names you have never heard before such as daaine sidhe, baobha sith, etc. None of these creatures were made up by the map maker, they are all in folklore of one country or another, and have been among us throughout history. Move forward if you would like to learn a little more.
134, 143 подземелье
The Faeries appear in 2 different types of story, legend and faerie tale. Legends are set within the real world. Here you find some of the charactors in this map, Queen Mab of King Arthur's time period was also known as the Faerie midwife, the Green Man is believed to be represented by Robin Hood, and also Puck of a Midsummers Nights Dream. In faerie tales, a story is told as pure fiction, such as the sandman who puts children to sleep, and the bogeyman who 'gets' them if they misbehave. Step forward if you wish to learn more.
135, 143 подземелье
Many great men and women of history have had a firm belief in the 'wee you cannot see', the most notible that springs to mind was Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, creator of Sherlock Holmes and a great detective of sorts in his own time. His faith was never shaken though many tried to show him otherwise. I salute Sir Arthur! What made that great spash in the calm waters of the bay? Who put the rake right in the middle of the garden path for you to step on? How does that hall door open and shut by itself all the time? Why does the cat stare at the empty corner before streakiing away in fright? Think carefully on these and other unanswered questions before you scoff. I can tell you my thoughts, I believe in Faeries.
Страж задания
72, 69 суша
The goblin within misses the pretty gems of his homeland. Return with a chest of them and you may pass.
Страж задания
68, 71 суша
Past this gate is Fachan, the One Eye. His greatest enemy is the Blue Dragon of the swamps. To approach Fachan, show your good faith by vanquishing the dragon.
Страж задания
67, 76 суша
Only one who proves themself a mighty warrior may pass this gate.
Страж задания
78, 76 суша
Only those of great sorcery may tame the Faerie Dragon. Bring such a one and you will prove yourself worthy to seek the Cluricane.
Страж задания
75, 79 суша
The lands beyond are very dangerous. The guard agrees to let you pass when you have achieved the experience level 24.
Страж задания
70, 79 суша
Queen Mab has cast a spell of protection over the castles of the Boabha Sith. You may not pass until she has been vanquished.
Страж задания
76, 71 суша
The Banshee guardian is the harbinger of death, many times she has wished to be a bringer of life. Bring her the Vial of Lifeblood that she might just once fulfill this dream and you may pass.
71, 103 суша
Just ahead you will find my humble cottage, Highborn. It is yours to use as long as you may need. I pray your presence bodes great and good changes for the Fae. With these words the small figure faded into the darkness.
70, 108 суша
What manner of man are you short one? Alex asked. No man, Highborn, he answered, Though once I bore that name. Now I am Fir Darrig. My only purpose to warn those away who follow the path that led me here. Furrowing his brow, Alex continued to question him. I have never heard such nonsense. Why do you call me Highborn? Still pacing backwards, Fir Darrig answered, Skin of alabastor, hair of fire, these mark you well. Though none of the Highborn have been seen in Tir Nan Og since ancient times.
71, 110 суша
Suddenly, a strange little man stepped out before them with hands held high. Stop! Turn ye back! There be .... The high pitched shouting stopped short as the little man looked at Alexander. Throwing himself to the ground, he mumbled, Forgive, Highborn, I did not see thee. Lily turned to question Alex and let out a shriek. Alex what is wrong with you! Nate just sat staring at his brother with mouth agape. Though Alex had never favored his brother or sister in looks, his appearance now was totaly alien. His black hair had turned crimson, and his skin the color of pearls. Glancing at his hands he said, I do feel some what strange, but not ill. Perhaps this fellow here knows what ails me. At those words the small man rose and began to back away with eyes downcast.
72, 88 суша
Quietly, Fir Darrig stepped from behind a tree. Highborn, I understand not how you can be a stranger to Tir Nan Og, but your speech tells me this is so. Allow me to tell you some few things you need very much to know. The Blue Path leads to Leanan Sidhe, whom no man may pass by safely. The Brown Path leads to the wilds, home of Trows, Boggarts, Phookas, and such, who are foe to all. The Red Path none may follow by orders of Queen Mab, any who have tried never returned. Only the Purple Path may lead you safely into your homeland, and bring you to those who may help you farther. Seek the Green Man. And then he was gone, dissapearing into the very air. The 3 Starks blinked at one another. How.., What.., Did you see... With shaking heads they ride on.
70, 114 суша
Lily is the only daughter of Baron and Baroness Rupert Stark. She has the strangest luck at times, and nurtures a serious side. She often has to prove to her parents and brothers that she is can manage many things on her own. One wonders just what she could be capable of should the need arise.
20, 97 суша
We be Will O'Wisp. We know this be true. The moon is enamoured of the Grail. He never takes his eye from it, watching over it always.
20, 46 суша
The Sylph's greet the New Day of the Highborn with great joy. Too long has Queen Mab and the Usurper ruled unwisely. We tell you to dig in the shadow of the oak trees.
35, 14 суша
I am Fachan, the One Eye, I watched the Green Man bury the Grail by the roadside. It seemed not so safe to me. I moved it just to the north, 4 paces. He thought my deed worthy, and gave me honor as a guardian.
70, 6 суша
We are called Goblin, sometimes known as Rogue, and Thief. We greet you. The Grail lies close to a mine of great wealth. There my brethren watch all who come near.
115, 35 суша
I am Banshee, Beansidhe, Washer Woman. We are the harbingers of Death. Many of my kind guard the Grail, staying nearby in an ancient crypt.
132, 51 суша
The Cluricane welcome ye! In all life's journeys you will find them, the Grail lies close to the crossroads
122, 76 суша
Me da Dobie, me da guardian. Da Grail it's a....., it's a...... Well, me need's a tink a mint. It's a sumpin wit da brains ya know. Smarts,... tinkin,....twee,... I dot it! Da twee o' knowin! Dat's it, der's a twee o' knowin sittin dere.
72, 80 суша
Ghostly shapes flit down to block the pathway. Men yet not men. The Baobhan Sith ask price for your passage. It is a simple gift of which you have much. Your blood be the price.
Гончая ада
28, 80 суша
These must be the Ca Sith, demon dogs.
72, 113 суша
Alexander is the youngest child of Baron Stark. He was a weak and sickly newborn, and was not expected to live many days. Yet, miraculously, one morning he appered to his nurses to be perfecly healthy. The doctors were amazed, and he grew strong and lithe over the years. Now a somewhat quiet young man, he is the apple of his mothers eye.
71, 115 суша
As the oldest child of Baron Rupert Stark, Nathan has been trained since childhood to assume his fathers' title. Though he is the best soldier in the land, he would oftimes rather jest than joust. He dotes on his younger sister and brother.
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