Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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Uncounted ages ago, a bottomless rift split the land asunder. Only a single span of land crosses this unnatural gash in the world, and it is now controlled by a greedy knight who charges high tolls for right of passage. A recently pronounced tariff hike will surely cause your land to whither.
The rift is said to have no bottom. The worst punishment for a criminal is to be thrown into it. It is said that they go mad or starve to death before they hit bottom.
The Rift2
The rift of forever is said to be so unnatural that even though not a sound or breath of wind can be heard from it, creatures who attempt to fly across oftern fail and plummet into it for some unknown reason.
The Rift3
The legendary Caves of learning have been rediscoverd recently. It is said that much strength can be gained there, if you manage to find it.
The Rift4
Ancient transporters used to carry people across the rift in a blink of an eye. But the use of these and their locations have been lost for many years.
In ages past, a titanic battle between now unknown gods caused a bottomless chasm hundreds of leagues long to split the land. Only a single land bridge remained. This natural choke point has seen countless wars through the years. The latest victor built a large castle to defend the site.
The descendants of that victorious knight have become more and more greedy, levying increasingly heavy tolls for right of passage in order to support their lavish lifestyles and large army. The latest tariff increase will probably choke off trade altogether for your lands.
Naturally, not wishing to face extinction, you resolve to go to war to somehow overthrow this tyrant. This decision is fueled also by rumours that your fellow neighbors also show signs of doing this. It may well come down to a race. Whoever controls the Bridge over Forever, controls the lands!
Merchants give
Local merchants...seeing no alternative to your solution, voluntarily support your cause. (For tax breaks and favors after the war is finished, you note warily.)
Scouts Report Purple
Some of your scouts have reported seeing a valley to the west populated by Gogs. They seemed fairly friendly when approached, and seemed interested in speaking with you. Probably they wish to become allies in exchange for autonomy after the war.
Scouts Report Orange
Some of your scouts have returned, reporting of a Magical place to the NorthWest where a fair number of elves lived. They wish to ally with you if you grant them some freedoms for their settlement after the war.
Scouts Report Blue
A Scout returns with exciting news! A large settlement of Orcs have been found to the West. The leader wished to speak with you about an alliance in exchange for special status after the war.
Scouts Report Red
Some scouts have returned, reporting a settlement of the archers to the West. Perhaps these could be recruited into joining your cause in exchange for some special status later on?
Spy send
Prompted by rumors of unrest by your neighbors. You decide to send some money into your spy network to find out what is going on beyond your borders.
Cave report
Your sage approaches excitedly. He has discovered ancient texts which indicate that help may be at hand if you discover the Legendary Caves of the Learned. It is said that the Strong who enter will leave stronger, but the weak will never be seen again.
Spy Report
Some spy reports have returned already. It seems your neighbors have reached the same decision as you. At least 3 other rulers have put the Holders of the Bridge on notice that their tyranny will not be tolerated. Possible allies perhaps?
Diplomacy day
Diplomats from three other lands have arrived on the same day. All carry some proposal for alliance. You and your advisors scan the treaties eagerly, but are soon disappointed. It is obvious in the fine print that each individually wishes to rule the Bridge unopposed when the War is over.
Diplomacy Day 2
You decide to send the diplomates packing. It is readily apparant there is little trust amongst your neighbors, as there always has been. It seems you are on your own, and need to watch you back at that...
Cowardly tyrant
Spies have reported back that Guardian of the Bridge (greedy fink, you remind them) has learned of the land's rebellion and is afraid an alliance would overthrow him. He has holed up inside the Castle, and has not attacked even small forces which have passed by on the bridge.
A proposal
The Guardian of the Bridge sends an envoy to you. A proposal of peace is offered for a lessening of the tolls. You sense a fear in the words and decide things would be far better if You could control the tolls...forever.
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Toll fees
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You see dwellings of gogs in the volcanic valley ahead. This must be the settlement your scouts told you of. A group of them have turned out to either welcome you of fight you...
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You find you are not alone in this magical island of tranquility you have discovered. The rumored elvin village you've heard of is up ahead, and a well armed delegation seems to be waiting for you.
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You observe ahead in a rocky valley the obvious signs of habitation. A group of tough-looking orcs stand at the mouth of the valley, obviously waiting for you to approach.
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A rustic settlement nestled in a valley between tall mountains catches your eye. The sight of a group of archers standing at the only approach into the refuge confirms the scout's report. These settlers will probably join your army, for the right concessions.
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The awesome chasm of the forever lies before you here. The mere absence of sound lends itself to its unearthliness.
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It is said that a rock thrown in here by your great great great great great great great great great grandfather has still not struck bottom.
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An old wise woman approaches and tells you that there is more than one way to cross the rift. But it is hidden, magical, and above all, dangerous. Nevertheless, this bit of information may come in handy.
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An old hermit sits by the road here. In return for a bit of food he tells you that another way to cross the chasm exists, but it is well hidden and not for the faint of heart.
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You catch an old leprochaun napping out in the open, in exchange for his freedom the obviously penniless fellow tells you that another way to cross the chasm does exist, except it involves mysterious magical gateways rather than paths.
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A leper begger sits by the side of the road here. Moved by his plight, you contribute a small amount to his bowl. In return, he tells you that another way exists to cross the chasm, but is very dangerous and involves some magical devices.
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The Falls of Forever...The river dives through a hole in the cliff here but no sound is heard afterwards. (Locals refer to these falls as S.O.L. Falls
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The Chasm of Nothingness. Watch your step!
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A large toll booth stands here, not far from the large castle built to control the pass. It stands deserted, while the castle walls seem to bristle with defenders. You pay a toll to the ancient gods anyway, the gold disappearing into the abyss.
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