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Герои 3 - карта The Black Sheep

29/05/2015Файл к игре: Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia

The Black Sheep
Трейнер к игреHeroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
Ещё называютГерои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
Вышла на платформахPC
РазработчикNew World Computing
Дата выхода1999-03-01
Eliminate your enemies.



The Black Sheep0.03МБh3m

The Black Sheep


  • taxes
    You are need to pay taxes to your king!
  • Sea crisis!
    You get a letter from your king. He wants you to investige the sea crisis near MagmaStrand. They never received sulfur or heard from the crew that worked there. The MagmaStrand lies at southeast corner of the world.


  • Стрелы с перьями ангела
    • 41, 66 подземелье
    • Сообщение: It was a trap! Now you must fight them or run away.
  • Событие
    • 94, 90 подземелье
    • Сообщение: You see a man in the sea. He is worn down and you can gues that he has been in the in days. He is wawing his hand with hopeful strenght.
  • Указатель
    • 39, 104 подземелье
    • Сообщение: Dragon Fantasi Island

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