Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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New World Computing
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You are Raven, a captain in the Black Eagles, a renowned mercenary army. Your commander has been commissioned by the kingdom of Dun Kern, which is fighting a war against a powerful wizard named Balthazar. Your small force has been sent ahead to scout for the main army.
I hear tell of two giant brothers terrorizing villages near the foot of the mountain. They make the villages pay tribute, so I bet they've got some good treasure.
Magic Gate
Scholar was in here last week said he saw a magic gate just west of Zion but couldn't get it to work. Crazy eggheads fiddle with stuff they don't understand...
Some crazy old fart lives all by himself in the swamps northwest of here. Sailors say he knows a lot about faraway places though, could be worth talking to.
I've only been to Zion once when I was a boy, but it was the most beautiful city I could ever imagine seeing. Lots of Gremlins though, ugh.
The senate of Dun Kern has briefed you on the situation. Balthazar and his forces have ravaged the kingdoms of Juleal and Zharadum across the Grey Mountains. Zion Pass, the only way through the Grey Mountains is gaurded by the city of Zion, a center for learning, magic, and trade.
The senate sent their army north to protect Zion two weeks ago. Scouts returned to report the army entered the pass, but has not been heard from since. It is feared Balthazar now holds Zion. If so, it must be retaken at all costs. The pass and the city will be heavily gaurded.
Objectives (3)
Rumors abound of alternate ways to reach Zion. Scholars tell of a magic gate somewhere in the mountains, and sailors say the kindom of Andowar to the east has a gateway to the City of the Dead which could lead to Zion as well.
Objective (4)
It will take every skill and trick you've learned as a mercenary to defeat Balthazar. The people of Dun Kern are depending on you, good luck.
35, 5 подземелье
Посещение Чародей:
39, 67 подземелье
Dun Kern
Посещение Рейнджер:
64, 50 подземелье
29, 56 подземелье
A pair of beleaguered Champions and their tattered retainers approach you on the road ahead. I fear we are all that's left of Dun Kern's mighty army. says one of the champions. We will gladly join you if you've room in your ranks, as we would avenge the spilled blood of our brethren.
43, 68 подземелье
Dun Kern - West Glen Fae - Northwest
26, 54 подземелье
Glen Fae
4, 50 подземелье
Beware of Frog
29, 26 подземелье
You happen upon an old hermit who in exchange for food tells you heartbreaking stories of how the army of Dun Kern was trapped and slaughtered at Zion Pass. He also tells you of a camp of refugees from the battle hiding in the mountains north of here.
21, 20 подземелье
A small boy from a nearby village warns you of two giant brothers that gaurd the pass ahead. I can sneak by 'cause I'm so small, he proudly proclaims, But you're pretty big, so I dunno if you can. He smiles at you, I hear my mom callin' me!, he says, and scurries off.
20, 14 подземелье
The earth shakes as the two giant brothers approach. Well, well, what do we have here?, asks the uglier of the two. The foulest breath in all the lands?, you reply. Unamused, the giants prepare for battle.....
37, 33 подземелье
Zion Pass - North Caravan Trail - East Sheltered Valley - West Dun Kern - South
33, 12 подземелье
Rusted armor, broken weapons, and the remains of the fallen litter the ground ahead as far as the eye can see. This was the place where the army of Dun Kern was trapped between Balthazar's forces from Zion and the flanking forces he had hidden in the mountains to the south.
39, 11 подземелье
Rusted armor, broken weapons, and the remains of the fallen litter the ground ahead as far as the eye can see. This was the place where the army of Dun Kern was trapped between Balthazar's forces from Zion and the flanking forces he had hidden in the mountains to the south.
40, 44 подземелье
I hope that someone gets my message in a bottle.
Щит неупокоенных
0, 13 подземелье
A frozen corpse holds a sheild tightly in it's grasp. After much effort you manage to pry the shield away and the body crumbles to dust.
Перчатки всадника
71, 4 подземелье
A caravan master challenges you to a friendly horse race pitting your steed against his sleek stallion. You are as amazed as anyone when you win by a nose. Laughing at his misfortune, the jovial caravan master gives you a fine pair of gloves.
Чешуя большого василиска
60, 19 подземелье
Some wolf riders are looting the body of a poor soul they have just dispatched. Will you avenge this foul murder?
Тетива из гривы единорога
45, 28 подземелье
You rescue a wood elf from a pit of quicksand and he rewards you with a magical bowstring.
Плащ равновесия
63, 57 подземелье
You find an abandoned hut and decide to search it. Hidden in an old bedroll you find a fine tunic.
Стойкий часовой
48, 18 подземелье
A horde of gremlins worship this strange statue. Do you wish to take it from them?
Накидка заклинателя
59, 68 подземелье
You rescue a magician from a band of brigands. He gives you an enchanted cape as your reward.
Кулон отрицания
51, 61 подземелье
A trio of Black Knights offers a magic pendant as reward to anyone who can best them in combat. Do you accept the challange?
Доспехи из окаменевшего древа
17, 68 подземелье
A dryad appears from out of the forest, hands you a wooden breastplate, then vanishes.
Случайный артефакт
8, 70 подземелье
Hey, look what you found!
Огненный язык красного дракона
0, 31 подземелье
Searching through a shipwreck on the beach you find an old scabbard with a sword still in it. You draw the sword to discover bright flames licking about the blade.
Кольцо здоровья
5, 10 подземелье
You find a wolf in a hunter's trap. You set him free, and he changes into a man, thanks you and gives you a ring. Then he changes back into a wolf and runs off through the fields.
67, 46 суша
Path of the Dead Abandon hope all ye who enter here.....
32, 4 суша
This way is blocked by horrible creatures go back if you value your life.
Меч адского пламени
2, 36 суша
A sword is somehow suspended on a rope above a burning pit of lava. Several Fire Elementals seem to be gaurding it. Do you wish to fight them for the artifact?
21, 32 суша
You find a corpse of what appears to be a two headed man, but upon closer examination the second head is simply a skull shaped helm......
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Комментарии к файлу "
The Black Eagles - Zion Pass"