Трейнер к игре | Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia |
Ещё называют | Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии |
Вышла на платформах | PC |
Разработчик | New World Computing |
Жанр | Strategy |
Дата выхода | 1999-03-01 |
Хранилище файлов
You are a poor peasant that has decided to become a knight. First you must escape the crusaders that want you to tend to their fields. And after that... Well, if you want to be a knight, you should start to do some thinking for yourself.
Герои 3 - карта The Beginning
26/05/2015Файл к игре: Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of ErathiaСкачать
Название | Вес | Расширение |
The Beginning | 0.02МБ | h3m |
- 26, 27 подземелье
Сообщение: Go back to work, commoner!
- 17, 28 подземелье
Биография: No longer satisfied with his tedious job of tending to the fields, this peasant decides to go for fame and glory
- 1, 16 подземелье
Имя: Ratibor
- 23, 27 подземелье
Сообщение: If we find a place to sell this, Dan comments, we could be rich!
- 12, 13 подземелье
Сообщение: With a trembling voice Dan says
- 4, 11 подземелье
Сообщение: Listen Dan, you tell your friend, if it belonged to the people in that grotto, they'd come out and tell us. Who is in that grotto? Dan replies, but he makes no move to find out.
- 0, 33 подземелье
Сообщение: What a foul smelling pile... Are you sure it is worth anything?
Драг. камни
- 0, 23 подземелье
Сообщение: Dan nudges you in the ribs. You momma would like those gems.
- 14, 13 подземелье
Сообщение: Dan asks you
- 5, 12 подземелье
Сообщение: Dan mumbles
- 15, 19 подземелье
Сообщение: What an ugly building. What could it be?
- 7, 28 подземелье
Сообщение: You take a look at Dan's fields. It seems he is a better peasant than you.. His fields look much better. Maybe it would be better to leave him at home? Good worker - bad warrior, right?
- 17, 31 подземелье
Сообщение: This seems like a good place to hide!
- 22, 19 подземелье
Сообщение: Go with God!
- 23, 19 подземелье
Сообщение: Bless you, child!
- 0, 35 подземелье
Сообщение: Ok. You are {NOT} a {REAL} Hero. Go in peace. {The HoMM3.5 Team}
- 7, 18 подземелье
Сообщение: We could get rich just wandering around, Dan cries out.
- 0, 16 подземелье
Сообщение: Dead end.
- 18, 26 подземелье
Сообщение: A pile of gold. Dan agrees that exploring the world has definitly become more interesting.
- 20, 26 подземелье
Сообщение: Your horse stumbles over a stone. A bad omen...
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Сообщение: Finaly, free!!! Unfortunately you had to leave friend Dan behind. But perhaps this is better... Who knows, maybe you will meet again. Now, let's see what the world has to offer a brave knight like you!
- 33, 31 подземелье
Сообщение: Hello, stranger. There was time when I was
Океанская бутыль
- 33, 32 подземелье
Сообщение: The Beginning created by SLava Salnikov.
- 34, 25 подземелье
Сообщение: Should you take a chance to talk to these rogues, or would it be better to not bother them with your silly quest?
- 7, 6 подземелье
Сообщение: A kettle to cook our dinner in, the pikeman says. Errr... better not eat or drink from that one, you answer, Mercury is pretty toxic.
- 26, 11 подземелье
Сообщение: The church has influence here.
- 20, 8 подземелье
Сообщение: Gemponds? And nobody has claimed them... Interesting!
- 23, 4 подземелье
Сообщение: Great! Thist is all you need! A golden bird!
- 12, 5 подземелье
Сообщение: The temperature is dropping. You'd better find some shelter for the night.
- 24, 7 подземелье
Сообщение: Look! There is a castle!
- 5, 3 подземелье
Сообщение: What a strange creature! Be wary of its reaction.
- 30, 19 подземелье
Сообщение: Another village, much like the one you recently left.
- 18, 1 подземелье
Сообщение: **************************************************** As you walk behind the walls of the garrison you find that there is a lot to learn, for free!!
Санитарная Палатка
- 14, 3 подземелье
Сообщение: Do you really believe that a thing like this has just been forgotten? I don't think so. Maybe someone will come back to claim it.
- 31, 28 подземелье
Сообщение: Wow! A local Bar! You decide to have a drink with the locals, but something tells you not to talk to all of them at once.
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