Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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Aladda, the once shining crown of the Westrealm, has fallen. With the death of your father, Duke Gerard, vicious monsters have pillaged the area. Now, a young nobleman must rebuild his father's barony and restore its former glory. Based on Strategic Simulations Inc.'s Sword of Aragon 1989
Aladda, once nothing more than a loose confederate of farming communities, was transformed into a flourishing city-state by my father, Gerard Sanduval. Before the coming of my father and his tactical skills, this area was routinely beset by marauding hordes of Orcs and Goblins, who pillaged the countryside without fear of retribution. My father was able to train the commoners in the arts of war, and successfully repelled each and every assault launched by the Orcs and Goblins. However, my father now lies dead, slain by the Orcish commander, Gnardix. The Orcs all but leveled Aladda, killing anyone who could not escape and pillaging as they chose. I am alive only because my father bid me off hunting. I wish I could have been at his side during his last few hours. Now I, Mathias Sanduval, am Duke of Aladda. I pledge to restore my father's realm to its former glory. I pledge to end the threat of the Orcs and the Goblins forever from the land of Aragon. But I can not do it alone. The peasants have splintered off, few know of my father's death, fewer know of my ascension to the throne of Aladda. In order to begin reconstruction of Aladda, I will need at least 2,000 hardy stock. I must rally the people under my banner, only then can we hope to make our stand. In Aladda's current state of decay, another Orcish attack will surely decimate what precious little is left. I can not allow Aladda to fall. I will restore honor to my father's realm. For I am Mathias, Duke of Aladda. Like my father before me, none shall debase Aladda.
Introduction 2
An advisor approaches you. M'lord, another wave of Orcish raiders have attacked Aladda, this time they have penetrated the city's central treasury. We are without resources of any kind, and we have virtually no men to start Aladda's reconstruction.
Cyclops Rumor
You receive word from a terrified peasant that a band of hideous monsters have taken hundreds of commoners away as slaves. He informs you the insidious beasts have made their lair in a cavern to the southwest. The farmer claims that each beast is as strong as 10 of your troops!!
Missing Boy Rumor
Recently, a young peasant boy disappeared from a merchant caravan. The rumors state that the poor waif was abducted by a horde of goblins, who are said to have camped out on the road between Marinia and Brocada. The boy's father is offering a 5,000 gold piece reward for his son's safe return.
Missing Daughter Rumor
A local merchant begs of you, Several hideous monsters have stolen my beloved daughter away from me. Please, rescue her, and you may keep all of the 3,000 gold pieces the wicked creatures took from my coffers. Please, great Mathias, help me... Through his wailing, you determine that the monsters are most likely encamped in a cave behind the grove of trees to the northwest of Aladda.
Missing Boy Rumor 2
The rumor about a young peasant boy vanishing from a caravan are true! Several reliable witnesses and other merchants on the caravan report the boy's abduction by goblins. The kidnapping occurred somewhere between the merchant's route between Marinia and Brocada. The young man's father has increased his reward to 6,000 gold pieces.
Missing Boy Rumor 3
The father of the missing peasant boy has increased the reward for his son's safe return to 8,000 gold pieces. This offer has resulted in several self-proclaimed adventurers joining in the search. You fear most of these commoners will never be seen again.
Tranavan Warning
A well-fashioned oak arrow is found buried in the wooden gates of Aladda. Tied to the arrow is a small, elaborate parchment. The etching is scrawled in an elven tongue, which you are unable to decipher. Taking it to one of your more scholarly advisors, you ask him to translate the message. After several hours of examination, he reads the writing to you. Duke of Aladda, think not about starting a war. Advised are you, to not intrude into the forest of Tranavan. Consider this a final warning. We have no quarrel with you, lest you invade our territory. Be warned, those who enter, may not live to see the light of another sun.
Death of the Duke of Marinia
Word has spread that the aged Baron of Marinia has succumbed to the pox, leaving no heir to his barony. The standing army has mutinied and has revolted. The town is consumed with infighting as the factions attempt to select an heir to the throne.
Your informants report that Malacon, captain of Marinian cavalry, has been assigned to an indefinite patrol around the nearby swamps. It is said that this patrol is an attempt to prevent Malacon from leading the town's citizens against the corrupt army.
Your spies report that the Brocadians are seriously concerned about the growing military strength of Aladda, as well as the legions of Paritan. However, it is rumored that Brocada and her citizens have no love for the Paritans and their corrupt leader, Lord Pitlag.
Brocada and Paritan
Rumors reach your ears that the Brocadians and Paritans have settled their minor disputes. Your informatants report that Lord Pitlag has suggested that Paritan and Brocada enter upon a military and economic alliance. If these speculations are true, their combined strength could result in a possible seige on Aladda, should the ambitious Lord Pitlag seek to expand his empire.
Elf ears
A strange rumor from the north has reached your ears. It is said that Lord Pitlag has offered a bounty of 50 gold pieces for every pair of elven ears brought to him.
Paritan attack on Brocada?
A traveler from the north, who claims to be a deserter from the Paritan army states that Lord Pitlag is planning a surprise assault on Brocada. The man proclaims that Lord Pitlag is unsatisfied with the alliance between Brocada and Paritan. Pitlag is envious of Brocada's superior harbor and seeks to add it to his own wealth.
Chaos in Marinia
Word has come from the northwest that the fragile social order in Marinia has been completely shattered. Lawless brigands ruthlessly rule the peasants by the sword, and human atrocities are commonplace when the brigands are not infighting. It is said that only Malacon and his cavalry will side with the downtrodden peasantry.
Paritan and Nuralia
One of your spies reports that Lord Pitlag of Paritan has sent a small military contingent to Nuralia, to assist the battered Nuralian army combat marauding goblin hordes.
Refugees from Marinia.
Refugees from the swamplands of Marinia have been travelling through your realm. All speak of perpetual misery and woe. The brigand army is running rampant, and most of the citizens have been imprisoned for attempting to flee the chaotic town.
Last Week
Your advisors warn you that the Orc attack on Aladda will most certainly be launched within a week. You have only 7 days before the Orcish hordes pillage underdefended Aladda again. You must hurry and gather together two thousand peasants, and train them in the basics of warfare. No other way can we attempt to keep the Orcish hordes at bay!
Nomads to the South
A travelling merchant of the south speaks of several nomadic tribes of horsemen to the south of the city of Sur Nova. The merchant states that the tribes have been vying for command of each other.
Jantri Khali
Word from a caravan has reached your realm. It seems that a young, vibrant man has risen up and claimed rulership over the Khalikha Plains. The nomad's name is Jantri Khali, which means Great Warrior in the nomadic tongue. Jantri Khali is said to be attempting to rally all the warring nomadic clans under his banner.
Day 54
Terrified merchants from the south warn of a huge orcish army marching north towards Aladda. One trader claims that the orcs number roughly 1000. My liege, he pleads, The monsters are only 3 marching days behind us. Please, Mathias, Duke of Aladda, defend us!
Day 55
From the lookout towers, your guards report that the Orcish army is camped only two days from Aladda. Your soldiers claim the orcish campfires are visible in the horizon. The peasants begin to panic. Time is running out!
Day 56
In the distance you can see dustclouds, an obvious sign of an army marching to war. Orcish drumbeats are barely audible, but they are loud enough to send dread throughout your realm. Within a day, the orcs will be scurrying through the streets of Aladda, pillaging and slaughtering. Well, sir, one of your attendants speaks, it has been an honor to serve under you. I'll fight until every drop of life escapes my body, my lord. The man's voice is one of grave sadness. You wonder to yourself, Could my father have prevented such a disaster? Die well, Mathias Sanduval, you whisper to yourself.
23, 24 подземелье
Crowned Duke of Aladda after the untimely death of his father, Mathias is charged with a personal mission to rebuild his father's fallen realm. What once was his father's vision, now belongs to Mathias
21, 15 подземелье
The small valley is wafting with the aroma of... cow dung? Why would the ranchers herd their cattle into this desolate area? The soil is wholly unedible for cattle. you think to yourself. And why are there no cattle here now? Suddenly, your pondering is shattered by a maiden's cry for help!
33, 22 подземелье
This house belongs to a small logging family, but something is amiss. The hovel is completely abandoned, and several large pines have been leveled, cutting off the path to the house. Several broken arrow shafts litter the soil, as well as numerous shafts projecting out of the house. Examing the dirt path, you see obvious signs of a struggle...
35, 7 подземелье
Hidden by the shadows of the mighty oaks and shielded from view by thick layers of brush is a small maw, leading deeper into the fertile soil. Elvish whispers can be heard from within.
6, 14 подземелье
The path to this mine has been collapsed. And from the stench of Orcs, you surmise this rockfall was not natural. The mine entrance has been completely choked off. It will be several months before an excavation crew can restore the mines to operation.
3, 16 подземелье
The path to this mine has been blocked off by a massive mudslide. And from the stench of Goblins, you surmise this mudslide was not caused by excessive moist topsoil. The mine entrance has been completely choked off with mud and rocks. It will be several months before an excavation crew can restore the mines to operation.
34, 32 подземелье
Before you stands the abandoned Anders mine. When the miners of Silverbrook still mined here, this mine was a major source of Aladda's wealth. Now the cave has been collapsed, and you can see tiny beads of crimson light staring at you from within. Strange, alien hisses and grunts are barely audible, but are loud enough to worry your troops.
33, 33 подземелье
A group of looters are encamped outside the old Anders mine. The wafting smell of roasting pheasant assaults your nose. A twig snaps, and the thieves are made aware of your presence. They look at you in fear and awe. One rouge, the leader you assume, approachs you. Are you the help sent from the Guild? he queries. Well, that there is the Anders mine, inside is more booty than even you can covet. But it suffered a collapse from within, and a small army of bizarre creatures have taken up roost in it. We need to dispose of them before we can seize this mine as our own. Well, you up for it? Before you can speak, another Rouge shouts, He's the Duke of Aladda! He'll have our necks in nooses! The leader sneers, and snaps his finger. The band charges you.
29, 24 подземелье
Tranavan Forest Humans, enter at your own risk.
24, 33 подземелье
Fleischer Moutain Range East
30, 24 подземелье
The Tranavan forest covers a massive portion of the continent of Aragon. The dense woods are populated by the Tranavan elves, a relatively docile race. The elves keep mostly to themselves, and vehemently protect their sylvan territory from intruders.
24, 19 подземелье
In honor of our fallen Lord, Duke Gerard Sanduval. May his spirit watch over and protect us.
25, 19 подземелье
You kneel and pray to the Gods to grant you the ability to righteously defend your father's realm. As you breathe the word amen, you feel divine inspiration coursing through your body. You rise, and your soldiers cheer. Hail Mathias Sanduval, Duke of Aladda.
26, 15 подземелье
The property has been abandoned by it's former occupants. A pair of smoothened boulders act as a small gate, barring entrance to the estate. Apparently the owners left in haste, but wished to keep their estate secured from looters and thieves.
27, 1 подземелье
North to Brocada
1, 0 подземелье
Northwest to Marinia
9, 15 подземелье
Eddington Ore Mines
3, 20 подземелье
The village of Eddington has been ransacked, and small brush fires set alight. You quickly order your troops to extinguish any fire before they have the chance to spread into a raging conflagration. Boulders scatter the ground, and the huts of Eddington have been leveled... Any survivors were either taken as slaves, or died in the struggle.
22, 35 подземелье
South to Sur Nova
Хижина предсказателя
31, 1 подземелье
As you approach Dimitri, his wizened old face becomes etched with a profound sneer. Bah, he snarls, Do you take me for a fool? Blind as I am, I can already tell you're not the Duke of Aladda. You explain to the hermit about the former Duke's death, and your rather swift ascenion to the throne of Aladda. Dimitri spits on the ground. Ha! Such a story. You think because my eyes are gone, I can't see the obvious? Knave, how dare you disrespect the Duke!? The hermit motions to his followers, and they advance upon you. Not wanting to hurt the hapless commoners, you unsheath your father's blade, and swing it menacingly. The peasants slink back, and Dimitri speaks. I know that aura... that sword... the Duke's sword... but how? Come forward, stranger. Let me see thy hands. I promise we'll bring no harm to you... yet. Apprehensively, you approach Dimitri, cautious of the peasants around you. You hold your hands out to Dimitri, who begins to run his own hands over them. As he passes his palms over your father's signet ring, he gasps aloud, tears filling at his eyes. Me poor, poor Duke. You can't be gone... what shall we do? The foul minions of evil will consume us most certainly. Oh, this is a truly dark time. His unseeing eyes gazing deep into yours, Dimitri speaks. Well, perhaps you are his son, perhaps you aren't. Nobody has seen the Duke's heir for many seasons. But you have his sword, and now his ring. The hermit beckons his followers, and they retreat behind him, none seem aware of the old man's intentions. If you are Duke Gerard Sanduval's son, you must first prove your worth. If you can stop the Goblins and Orcs, and end their hellish raids; if you can restore order to our beleaguered Aladda, then, and only then, shall we truly accept you as the Duke of Aladda.
23, 30 подземелье
Cruel Orcish overseers apply a sharp barbed lash to the procession of peasant slaves. Loud jeering grunts echo as the Orcs savagely brutalize an innocent commoner. You shout the command, and your troops charge the surprised Orcs.
23, 32 подземелье
Caught off guard by your tactics, the forward flank of the Orcish horde is taken by surprise. Attempting to regain control of the horde, the commander dispatches several Orcs to the south to return to their outpost. The remaining Orcs in the main flank wheel about and charge.
23, 31 подземелье
A large procession of peasants are being marched away to be slaves. You free the paupers from their restraints. The grateful commoners vow to assist you in vanquishing the Orcs.
23, 25 подземелье
The rear guard of the Orcish marauding party is visible in the distance. The monsters have ransacked Aladda with relative ease, stealing away much of Aladda's treasury, capturing numerous slaves, and your father's blade! Don't let the villainous swine escape justice!
30, 1 подземелье
Seated outside an odd looking edifice is an old man, meditating. Dozens of peasants mill about, gathering roots, herbs, and berries. At your approach, all stop their tasks and gaze at you in sheer awe, others in fright. The old man stands, leaning on an oak staff. I am Dimitri. Are you the Duke of Aladda? You reply that you are the Duke. Come forward, my leige. Please, let us accommodate your royal highness as regally as we simple folk can. You motion your troops to stand guard, keeping a sharp eye out for any Goblin or Orc raiding parties.
18, 34 подземелье
Hamlet of Silverbrook
19, 35 подземелье
Orcish battlecries pierce the air. The hamlet is being pillaged by the foul Orcs while you were busy vanquishing the main flank of their raiding party!
13, 31 подземелье
With the savage Orcs defeated, the beleaguered peasants emerge from the sanctity of the watermill, grateful for the rescue of their lives and their property. They hail you as the Duke of Aladda, and vow to support your banner in any way they can. The small peasant militia offers their service to you. While not veteran soldiers, they mingle quite well with your existing troops.
2, 26 подземелье
Thieves pile valuables in a small wagon. They are unaware of your presence until one of your troops sneezes. Your presence is known; the Rouges charge.
2, 31 подземелье
This cave doesn't smell very appealing. Whatever made this cavern its lair probably isn't expecting visitors. Unless they wish to stay as dinner.
5, 31 подземелье
To the west is a gaping maw of rock, leading down to who knows where. To the south is the now abandoned Ingersoll sulfur mine.
4, 17 подземелье
Someone or something has leveled numerous large oak trees and effectively clogged the path between the Eddington Ore mines and the hamlet of Eddington, established by the miners. The presence of loose boulders will make cutting a path through nigh impossible.
3, 34 подземелье
A massive rockslide has cut off access to the sulfur mine. You order an excavation team to begin removing the rocks, but it may take several months before the mine is operational once again.
7, 2 подземелье
Apprehensively, the peasants and merchants emerge from the cellar below the small factory. They are eternally grateful for your timely rescue. One merchant hands you a small purse of gold. A group of peasants offer their skills to your army. They admit that, while they are not veteran hand-to-hand combatants, they are seasoned in the usage of a crossbow.
23, 1 подземелье
A battalion of Goblins are standing guard in this pass. The goblins chitter in their native tongue and wave their maces threateningly. You begin to leave, but the Goblins charge!
17, 5 подземелье
A battalion of Goblins are standing guard in this pass. The goblins chitter in their native tongue and wave their maces threateningly. You begin to leave, but the Goblins charge!
18, 1 подземелье
You stumble across a Goblin encampment. The goblins are entrenched within the crags of the foothills. They leap from their posts and charge!
Лесной эльф
32, 11 подземелье
The inhabitants of the Tranavan launch another effort to halt your progress. The forest and her family resent outside intrusion.
33, 14 подземелье
Shadowy figures dart through the trees, evading your eyesight. You wheel around, yet see nothing. The forest is strangely alive. And it seems to be lurching towards you.
35, 20 подземелье
Suddenly, a flock of forest birds take to the sky, and the forest is thrust into an ominous silence. You signal your men to halt their advance, and watch for signs of movement in the trees. The silence is broken by the screech of several arrows streaking through the air, embedding themselves in the soil around you. A voice calls out, Leave the Tranavan. Now! Judging from the frightening accuracy of the shots, you know the unseen archers could have hit you... if they chose to. Strange animal wails fill the air, and your troops become very unnerved. You have been warned! the voices cries out, before fading.
Наездник на волке
9, 8 подземелье
No one passes this road, manling! screeches one goblin. Now we split you in two!
5, 5 подземелье
The keening howl of a wolf echoes throughout the valley. The air feels moist, heavy, and thick as you approach the Marinian marshlands. The rancid stench of goblins wafts above the marshy quagmire. Again, the air is filled with the howling of wolves.
Разбойник на волке
2, 2 подземелье
A large horde of Goblins have ransacked and destroyed a small caravan from Marinia. The caravan's goods are scattered across the nearby vicinity. The bodies of several dead merchants have been dumped on the side of the road, apparently food for the hungry wolves. A wolf howls, and the pack charges you, threatening to overrun your small army!
20, 3 подземелье
The charred remains of a small humanoid are dumped here. Sifting through the remains, you find a small, tattered cloak. You cringe as the thought dawns on you. This is the merchant's son! For some barbaric reason, the goblins separated the youth from the other kidnapped peasants, and slaughtered the helpless waif. You reluctantly dispatch a message to the boy's father.
19, 22 подземелье
The Mirabesh Fountain, named after your late mother, Duchess Mirabesh Sanduval, sparkles docilely. You drift into a brief reverie, remembering the happier day when you played here as a young child. Waking from your silent reverie, you gaze longingly into the halcyon water.
6, 16 подземелье
Looters are sifting through the rubble of the collapsed mines, searching for remaining valuables. They seem to resent your intrusion...
7, 27 подземелье
In the forest clearing is the village of Ingersoll, established by the families of the miners of the sulfur mine. Obvious signs point to a mass exodus, virtually everything remains. You pray the peasants were able to escape to a refuge safely. Shadowy figures dart in and out of the hovels...
22, 5 подземелье
You stumble across a Goblin encampment. The goblins are entrenched within the crags of the foothills. They leap from their posts and charge!
6, 4 подземелье
Whitney Arms & Trading Outpost
Бездонная сума золота
0, 2 подземелье
A small tattered cloth satchel lies to the side of the road, covered in swamp muck. Reaching for it, you turn it upside down and several gold coins fall out. When you peer back into the bag, you are shocked to see the supply of gold coins replenished. Somewhat apprehensive of enchantments, do you wish to take the filthy sack with you?
3, 23 подземелье
AMBUSH!! Scores of vicious little monsters leap from the underbrush!
6, 26 подземелье
Village of Ingersoll
Вождь орков
13, 32 подземелье
A contingent of larger, fiercer looking Orcs are laying seige to a battered watermill. Shrieks of terror echo from within. At your approach, the Orcs cease their attack on the watermill and focus their aggression on you!
16, 34 подземелье
A small battalion of Orcs loot the windmill, spoiling food supplies and butchering cattle. Your interference is not appreciated, so they decide to butcher you and your troops.
23, 28 подземелье
In the distance, you can see two larger flanks of Orcs leading a procession of peasants. Fortunately, they seem to be out of earshot, and completely unaware of your troops' position.
23, 27 подземелье
You intercept the rearguard of the Orcish horde. The Orcs flank, then regroup, and engage you.
23, 23 подземелье
Your subjects have managed to construct a Guardhouse. You immediately begin training peasants in the art of war. Now you can reinforce your army.
Archers Tower
Your subjects have pooled all available resources and have built an Archers Tower. You begin training some of the more competent peasants into the art of ranged combat.
Making maximum usage of what sparse resources they had, the peasants have constructed a small blacksmith in the Aladda plaza. Having built the foundations, several peasants set about piecing together crude ballista to support your war effort.
Utilizing the meager remains of your lumber, the peasants build a small marketplace in downtown Aladda. With that, the merchants have an additional place to trade their wares. The economy in Aladda is beginning to prosper once again.
Upgrade Guard Tower
Your subjects construct an addition to your existing Guard Tower, allowing you to train your troops to a higher level of skill.
Лесной эльф
33, 17 подземелье
A small elven blockage halts your march through the Tranavan. Perhaps you should have heeded the prior warning. The elves wordlessly attack!
16, 31 подземелье
Bands of Orcs pillage the simple hovels, taking whatever junk they consider valuable. Snarling wildly, the Orcs drop the loot, and advance at you, weilding their axes menacingly.
30, 33 подземелье
The valley is silent, the bright Aragonian sun shining above. Suddenly, rocks tumble down the sides of the mountains, and the nearby brush trembles as unseen assassins leap out of hiding!
28, 33 подземелье
Abandoned mining utensils litter the ground. Obviously something spooked the miners, and they weren't hesitant about leaving. The sides of the Fleischer mountains are smooth and shadowy, and thick brush flourished uninhibited at the base of the peaks.
7, 30 подземелье
Boulders of all sizes are littered across the valley. Upon closer inspection, you determine that these rockfalls are not natural. Someone or something has been deliberately causing massive rockslides. For what purpose could these beasts be doing such disasterous deeds? you ponder.
1, 22 подземелье
Eddington Hamlet
10, 27 подземелье
A hobgoblin shrieks, Kill the bigguns!
10, 23 подземелье
A sense of foreboding descends upon you. The soil is soft and marshen, and the sunlight is blocked by the gigantic trees. Looking around, you find yourself in a strange clearing. Dark clusters of trees surround your current position. Something twinkles out of the corner of your eye. Something snarls, and you hear scurrying in the underbrush. Dark shadows leap out at you!
33, 27 подземелье
In the distance, you hear the whinny of horses. Well, it sounds like horses, the sound of tramping hooves is unmistakable. Pressing further into the outreaches of the Tranavan, you see a band of centaurs being attacked by a group of Orc Boarriders and a contingent of Goblin Wolf Raiders. You rush to the centaurs' defense.
Разбойник на волке
6, 2 подземелье
Packs of Wolf Raiders are circling around a stone masonry building. Crossbolts shoot out from within, occaisonally striking a wolf, or it's rider. The goblins have resorted to throwing lighted torches at the structure, trying to burn the occupants out. When the fearsome wolves catch your scent, the goblins charge!
17, 14 подземелье
The stench of brimstone assails your senses. Following the acrid odor, you surprise a pack of tiny demonlike beings attacking a small party of farmers. Numerous tiny flashes of color keep the demonlings at bay, but with each attack, more and more of the flashes vanish. Unsheathing your father's blade, you charge the nefarious monsters!
5, 26 подземелье
You surprise a group of looters attempting to pick the lock on a small iron chest.
13, 15 подземелье
You ambush a large band of Rouges burying stolen loot in the ground. You notice a few of the bandits garbed in dark cloth, and weilding powerful-looking longbows.
16, 9 подземелье
13, 12 подземелье
Several canisters of mercury are stored here. Eerie, avian-like shadows circle the ground around you. There air is silent; nobody is about. Claim the mercury as your own?
20, 19 подземелье
This is our treasure! Our treasure!
24, 13 подземелье
A small community of lumberjacks are busy chopping down trees into useful lumber. They kneel before you at your approach. M'lord, our lives are yours to command. one states. You ask the headman about the strange canines you encountered not long ago, describing them the best you can. He replies, Not sure where them wolf-hybrids come from, M'lord. They appear every couple cycles of the moon. Harder to kill than wolves, and significantly more vicious and aggressive. It's almost like they attack out of vice, rather then hunger. But a good blow to the skull with a field axe usually stops 'em dead.
Наездник на волке
11, 1 подземелье
These goblins absolutely refuse not to fight. Is nothing ever easy?
Наездник на волке
14, 22 подземелье
A small goblin cavalry blocks the road. They don't appear too willing to move aside.
15, 17 подземелье
Waving its mace, a hobgoblin sneers, Come close and we whack you good.
28, 17 подземелье
Several shifty individuals block the road. One snaps his fingers and snarls, I didn't give you permission to travel this way. Pay the road tax or else... Do you know who I am? you bellow. I am Mathias, Duke of Aladda. The men laugh, and draw their swords. Well, Duke, I guess we do this the hard way.
28, 5 подземелье
Several men on fine mounts have congregated here. Spotting you, one man unsheathes his scimitar and hollers a command in a tongue you cannot discern. His companions turn to face you. They don't seem to be pleased to see you.
Гончая ада
23, 11 подземелье
In the distance, you observe a pack of strange canines drinking from the river. At first glance, they appear to be common wolves, but there is definitely something more... sinister about them. And you're about to find out...
27, 14 подземелье
Bellingham Residence NO SOLICITING!
32, 10 подземелье
In the forest clearing is an abandoned lumberyard. The edifice is in ruins- the elves resent thoughtless destruction of their sylvan homes. Having defeated the forest patrols, however, you decide to reclaim the mill and restore it to operation.
20, 7 подземелье
The merchants and traders who owned this caravan are bound together with rusty iron chains and securely staked to the ground with large iron spikes. Your troops are able to smash the chains with minimal effort. The peasants are very relieved to be rescued from the clutches of the sadistic goblins.
15, 22 суша
Sixty-five terrified peasants are restrained in crude shackles and bound together around a cluster of large boulders. Among them is a radiant young female, dressed in noble attire. The peasants praise your courage profusely for rescuing them from the clutches of the vile minotaurs.
Королевский минотавров
16, 20 суша
Several larger minotaurs savagely beat a helpless peasant. Loud, cruel shouts of approval echo throughout the cavern as the poor waif dies. You charge the beasts, and they prepare to meet your assault.
14, 21 суша
Fifty terrified peasants are restrained in crude shackles and bound together around a cluster of large boulders. The peasants praise your courage profusely for rescuing them from the clutches of the vile minotaurs.
Стрелы с перьями ангела
15, 21 суша
A leather quiver stocked with bizarre arrows lies among the stolen loot hoarded by the minotaurs. Having no aptitude for ranged weapons, you wonder what purpose the Minotaurs had for absconding the arrows. The quality of the arrows surpasses even that of the arrows commonly used by the Tranavan elves. Do you want them?
19, 17 суша
You encounter a band of minotaurs loafing around in the cave. One spies you and smiles malevolently. More playthings... it grunts. And we didn't even have to go looking for them this time.
21, 15 суша
The cavern is narrow and covered in blood. The smell of dung is near overpowering. Animal-like snorts echo from deeper within the cave, followed by the shrill sound of a human in severe pain.
Королевский циклоп
3, 21 суша
A terrifying bellow shakes the cavern walls. The occupants of this lair seem a little hostile. And they appear to be very hungry.
Королевский циклоп
13, 33 суша
A boulder crashes near your head. Another slams into the hard surface near the feet of your stallion. Giant shapes lurch toward you.
4, 25 суша
A pack of Cyclops are sitting on the cavern floor, greedily devouring large chunks of flesh. From the rancid smell of decay, you surmise the meal was once a large horse or bovine. A brief gust rushes through the cavern, alerting the monsters of your presence. They look hungry...
9, 30 суша
A pack of filthy Cyclops are ravenously feasting on chunks of raw meat and greedily ripping clumps of flesh off ivory bones. You charge the vile creatures, hoping to gain an advantage due to their distraction.
2, 20 суша
Caged in crude cells made of limestone are one hundred fifty peasants or varying ages. All seem to be suffering from a lack of sunlight. You quickly round them up and prepare to lead them back to the surface.
Знак мужества
2, 21 суша
A badge, embossed with the image of a lion, twinkles in the dim light. It's free for the taking. Do you want it?
Карты пророчества
15, 35 суша
A rather odd deck of playing cards have been scattered about the corner of the cave. Claim them as your own?
23, 1 суша
Two hundred fifty peasants are hurriedly gathering herbs and berries from various bushes. They are all bound together with a heavy hemp rope, tied to their ankles. The peasants rejoice as you free them from their restraints. One peasant informs you they were held prisoner by the Tranavan elves for various crimes, such as trespassing or logging. None admit any knowledge of committing theft. You suspect the Minotaurs absconded the magical arrows from some petty Rouges.
15, 34 суша
Over twelve dozen cloth sacks are stored in the corner of the damp cavern. Meticulously cutting the cloth sacks open, you discover a single human in each. It seems the Cyclops didn't want their food to spoil. The peasants are anxious to escape this foul cavern.
Высокий эльф
30, 6 суша
Nestled in the lush grasses are numerous elven soldiers. They appear to be relaxing and admiring the sylvan tranquility of this cave. Your unwelcome invasion sparks hostile feelings.
32, 3 суша
Oddly enough, the soil in this cavern is just as fresh and fertile as that of above. You marvel at the horticultural wisdom possessed by the Tranavan elves. Magical fires provide warmth to the cavern, and artificial sunlight to the vegetation.
4, 35 суша
The cavern is humid and poorly lit. Strange grunts echo from deeper within the bowels of the earth. The stench of dung is thick near the cavern exit. This must be the lair of the monsters the peasants spoke of. Needless to say, your troops aren't quite comfortable trekking through this place.
5, 30 суша
The sound of bestial grunts is much louder here. Your ears barely catch the faint sound of human whimpering. The cavern forks to the north and to the east. Rocks of various sizes are clumped together in large piles.
25, 3 суша
Elves garbed in elaborate jade cloaks oversee shackled prisoners. Trespassers! one shouts.
Страж задания
24, 2 суша
A bizarre Elvish portal blocks your path. Apparently it is some elaborate door to a jail cell. Elvish runes are scribed onto a brass plate to the right of the door. Focusing your knowledge of elven linguistics, you manage to decipher the encrypted message. For the crime of theft, these humans are sentenced to indefinite manual servitude to the Tranavan. They shall not be released from this holding cell until the stolen Angel Feather Arrows are recovered By order of the Queen.
Перчатки всадника
23, 2 суша
A pair of elvish gloves are resting at the foot of a large oak tree. One of the peasants claims that the gloves are used by the elves when performing various tasks as regulated by the Queen. He claims the simple leather gloves enable to wearer to work harder and faster. With the guards defeated and the peasants saved, do you want them?
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Комментарии к файлу "
Sword of Aragon I: Ascension"