Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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New World Computing
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Peace ruled the magical Land of Ten Islands for time immemorial. But now everything has changed, and suddenly, everyone wants to wage war against one another. People talk of dark forces who came to drive everyone mad.
They say, that somewhere in the Land of Ten Isles lives a ranger, whose archery skills were taught to him by Gelu himself!
The undead
They say, there are animated skeletons and vampires, attacking people somewhere in the west!
I've heard something about a new island in the north, inhabited by demons and devils!
The darkness is coming to shroud our islands!
This land - the Land of Ten Isles - had always been a peaceful place. Although it is inhabited by many different creatures - from tiny Halflings to the great Azure Dragons, they almost never had any real arguments. And even if such a thing happened, it still could be easily resolved in a peaceful way. But now, everything had changed dramatically. The lords of the islands are attacking each other, the war is raging everywhere! That is strange, for no one knows nor their reasons, neither their goals. No one is safe from being attacked, so you, too, begin to gather your forces and build some fortifications.
Report about the undead
Your scouts report something strange going on in the west. The local people speak of animated skeletons, vampires and other undead creatures. They say, that someone even suffered attacks of that loathsome monsters. Looks like you'll have to be very careful.
Report about the demons
They say that a new island had recently appeared in the north. Everyone who tried to explore it, were attacked by imps, demons and even devils! It looks like dark forces are sneaking into the Land of Ten Isles! Maybe, their influence is the real cause for that all-out-war? Nevertheless, you see no way to restore peace, other than to take part in this war. And if anyone wants to conquer your lands, it wouldn't be easy for them!
Confirming the fears
Your worst fears are now confirmed. Demonic faces began to appear in your dreams, trying to incline you towards the evil. You do your best to resist them, but, at least, now it is clear that you were right: this war was really started by the Darkness. Alas, the Evil forces are influencing the people of Ten Islands for so long, that peace is unlikely to be restored even by destroying the ones responsible for breaking it. Now you'll have to win this war.
Jhork Array
Хижина предсказателя
53, 62 подземелье
A group of Archangels visited me lately. They told me of Arch Devils, who had taken over the Foggy Mountains in the east. These Archangels offered their help to anyone good enough to rid the mountains of that hell-spawned monsters.
81, 68 подземелье
So, you dare to enter our mountains?!! Then you'll regret it, traveller! Mwa-ha-ha!!!. After speaking so, the Arch Devils attack!
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Be careful! The Foggy Mountains are not a pleasant place!
This tower is guarding the way to the forest of Jhork's archers. The guards are saying that they will only let you pass, if Jhork himself comes with you.
89, 17 подземелье
A pack of Devils attacked you, screaming
Хижина предсказателя
15, 10 подземелье
I've heard of Azure Dragons living somewhere near. And I've always wanted to get of their kind for my studies. If you bring such a dragon to me, I would reward you with the Titan's Cuirass!
14, 53 подземелье
You met a small group of sharpshooters. They told you that they live in a forest east from here. They, as well as some other archers, are being taught by a ranger, known as Jhork. But recently, he went away for some scouting to the south, and haven't returned yet. They say that undead hordes appeared there lately, so maybe they captured Jhork. You promised to find the sharpshooters' leader, and they decided to help you in it.
26, 12 подземелье
Azure Dragons' treasury is to the east.
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Sulfur Isle. Beware of the Rust Dragons!
93, 75 подземелье
The most accurate sea maps - for only 1000 in gold! Seek the cartographer south-east from here.
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The most accurate sea maps - for only 1000 in gold! Seek the cartographer north-east from here.
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The most accurate sea maps - for only 1000 in gold! Seek the cartographer north-west from here.
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The most accurate sea maps - for only 1000 in gold! Seek the cartographer south-west from here.
129, 54 подземелье
The Woods of Wizardry begin here.
137, 43 подземелье
A group of Enchanters emerged in front of you, speaking
Сказочный дракон
128, 52 подземелье
You see some strange dragons - they look like stuff the children's stories are made off. They also look quite friendly, but when they are starting to hurl fireballs and lightning bolts at you, you quickly find out that appearances are deceptive!
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The Archmagi attack you, crying out
Хижина предсказателя
126, 56 подземелье
As you, maybe, already see, I am a wizard. But during my experiments, I often run out of my magical energy, and then I have to rest for a long time. I've heard, there is an artifact which could help me - the Wizard's Well. But, in order to assemble it, one needs a number of other artifacts. They say that they can be found somewhere in the Woods of Wizardry, although they are well guarded. If you could assemble the Wizard's Well and bring it back to me, I would give you the Admiral's Hat for it!
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Treasure Island
Хижина предсказателя
21, 99 подземелье
As you see, I'm an old man, and can't walk as fast as when I was young. Rumor has it, that there are Boots of Speed somewhere on this island. If you bring it to me, I would teach you a spell.
18, 50 подземелье
Jhork is saved! Now we will gladly help you! With such words, a group of sharpshooters join you.
117, 21 подземелье
A hundred of imps jump onto the road before you. They are screaming
118, 21 подземелье
It looks like the imps' curse came true - now you're an ugly and deformed person. Of course, it would not be a great disaster for your quest, and you also heard that such curses usually don't last for long. But you are still upset, and it could not help but brought down your army's morale.
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