Dragons hold some minor artifacts on the north-west. Follow the north road.
I've seen Azure dragons in the ice-mountain. If you defeat them, they'll join your forces.
Be carefull where you're riding and ever ride alone 'cause the beasts may be very hungry in the wilderness.
In the lands of the north lived and ruled the great Despot, Lord Annaghar. One day, he knew he's going to leave his kingdom to his eight children, and separate his lands to eight equal princedoms. But that also means, that if they alienate between themselves, the kingdom is lost.
So he wrote a testament, which says that, the only ruler and the only Despot of the eight equal princedoms will be the son or a daughter who is brave and skilled enough to find and bring the Crown of Dragon tooth.
As the restless child, you jumped at the same moment at your horse, and said that you'll come back with that crown no matter what happens and become the new successor.
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