Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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Dark clouds fill the sky. A deep rumble reverberates off the canyon walls. Soon the heavens shall open up & pour out its fury. Only it is not a storm of nature, but instead man's nature that has brought this storm. ---- Requires the 2.1 Patch. Select gold as the start bonus for all AI factions.
{All things old become new} {By: a couple of clowns} Note all important information will be denoted by the following symbol {~*~}
{All things old become new} You overhear a stranger and an old man talking. We have for many years gathered at the Desert plains for our Tournament of Honor. It is where the mighty come to represent their Lords and seek to win the use of as many of the Sacred Artifacts as possible. This year would have been like many before it if it were not for one, particular (it is the best I can do given what I think of him), scholar. This scrawny old man had a penchant for poking his nose in old dusty tomes. This time he stirred up a hornet's nest. To describe the events leading up to this day would probably generate a dusty old tome of its own. So, for brevity's sake I'll fill you in on all the salient points. Old Madar had come across some references to an Angelic Alliance; there was nothing new in that and everyone before him concluded that this was obviously an alliance created between the different Lords to battle some evil. Could our dear friend Madar leave it at that, no, he dug deeper and deeper. Worst of all the old fool had to discuss it with scholars across the land to try and convince them of his theory. This, my friend, was the opening of a Pandora's box. The general consensus was that Madar was right. The Angelic Alliance was not a pact but a reference to a powerful artifact; so powerful that it had been broken up into its constituent parts. As it happens our Sacred Artifacts that feature in the Tournament of Honor are the components. Needless to say since this was now public knowledge the up coming tournament took on a different dimension. All this hit the fan about 2 or 3 months ago. I'm told by reliable sources that just about everyone had a plan to acquire the Angelic Alliance at the up coming tournament, umm, even ourselves. Oh, just tell me if I'm babbling too much won't you. The necromancers under the Lich King and the Dungeon Overlord (why he is called an overlord when he is stuck underground I'll never know), have long been allies and I gather they sent 4 of their best heroes to seek the help of the Dwarves that live up north. These aren't your common dwarves that you find living in the Rampart you know, these cousins can't stand magic of any sort. Come here, you are motioned to lean closer. They despise magic so much that any who display it in their presence is imprisoned and driven to insanity. What do you think of that?! Oh, yes, yes, getting on with the facts. These four heroes were sent out with a sizable force and given the best artifacts their Lords possessed. The scary part of this is that they haven't been heard from since. Now just look out at the battle plains there. You can see those guys brought quite a few more troops than is allowed by the rules. I can't see any of the Dungeon Overlord or Lich Kings troops anywhere. I bet they are up to something. Have no fear; we haven't been left out of the cheating game. We sent Samantha to look for the Elixir of Life, another one of Madars theories. Hopefully she can find it before the games begin; we are all looking for some kind of edge, right! Oh, look over there the flag has been raised, the games are about to begin.
Just outside the Castle the Duke prepares to head towards the Tournament. Milord, the bills for hosting the Tournament. They look about right, good. The flag hoisted along with the trumpets herald the beginning of the Tournament. A gentle breeze stirs the dust, it gets stronger, funnel clouds appear from nowhere. Screams permeate the air. The very sand you stand on is snatched from beneath your feet. Soon whole armies are swept away. You rush to the castle for protection. To your horror as you peer out an arrow slit the desert plains are no more, leaving rock and not a single contestant in sight.
Back in the Castle
{~*~} Has that wizard of ours sent my message? It is an unreliable means of communication My Lord, even at the best of times. So, what has he found out. Our Heroes seem to be fine milord but scattered to the four winds. The bit I don't understand is he thinks the army groups are in tact, that can't be right? He thinks they understand that they are to set sail as soon as possible and meet up with Samantha to aid her in her search for the Elixir of Life. Good, now go see to our own situation here.
With all this turbulence it is a good thing that people can take refuge in a tavern.
Milord, we don't seem to be in any immediate peril but we are trapped here and many of our structures will need to be rebuilt. I do hope our heroes will pull through or we will be lost. Let's concentrate on our silo here in Tombstone and divert our remaining resources to Carbonek.
Oh my god we're stuck
{~*~} Tombstone This is our predicament milord. The sands of our desert plain have been whisked away with the armies and this has left us encapsulated by rock walls. Individuals may be able to scale the rock faces but to all intents and purposes we are cut off. If we're to travel the outside world again, we'll need help.
Samantha's tirade
{~*~} An old monk named Sebastian walks into Samantha's tent, Sam. Your foul mood snaps back, Does this look like a Girdle of Masculinity too you! No, he bows his head in apology. After an interminable silence, Sorry, I'm just feeling scorched and it's getting to me. Rambling on, We're starting to look like a cage full of lobsters thanks to this sun; now all we need to do is add mushrooms, cream, egg yolks, sherry and we'd be done. Still standing at the entrance to your tent Sebastian picks his moment, Samantha. Yes? We have been thinking and concluded that what we need is someone to approach the magical entrance as we did when we first arrived and we will be freed. We had better hope that one of ours gets there first. Fine, send a carrier pigeon just in case that wizard doesn't get back to me in my dreams, or worse still, I forget to mention it. As Sebastian turns to leave, Samantha remorsefully adds, Sorry about all that… He smiles and walks out.
Go find Dwarves
The legendary Northern Dwarves are our best bet for they are renowned miners with, dare I say it, mechanical tools. They seem to be the cousins of the dwarves from the Rampart but differ in their approach to magic vs mechanical. Well then see if you can get word to our Heroes for one of them must try and enlist their aid. Oh by the way where are they? I'll check.
Where are the Dwarves
Milord, the Northern Dwarves aren't on any maps we have. When they with drew from society they vanished completely. Then how are we to find them old friend. We can only hope our heroes may stumble across some clues in their travels. The Duke adds with a sigh, That my friend is a thin piece of thread to be dangling our hopes on.
Dwarves & magic
Milord, we have found out more of the Northern Dwarves. They despise magic with a passion and will imprison any who display it in their presence. The penalty is madness. Dodgy little local custom don't you think. Let our Heroes know that under no circumstance are they to transgress their laws, and as an after, on pain of madness. The Duke's advisors force a smile.
Pact explanation
Milord, we now know why the Overlord and Lich King's forcers were not on the Desert Plain at the opening of the games. Oh? They had planned to make a late arrival and walk away with the sacred artifacts. Their pact with the Air Elemental Lord was how they scattered the armies. We also believe they sent a force to the Northern Dwarves a few months ago. So much for their treachery. Mind you we were not much more successful in our own scheming. If fate had not left the Sacred Artifacts here they could also have been scattered to the four winds. Now that the Angelic Alliance is in our hands you can be sure none of the other factions will rest till they've got it.
4 prisoners
Milord, our spies have indicated that the 4 heroes the Dungeon and Necromancers sent have probably been imprisoned by the Northern Dwarves. We heard they departed with the most powerful artifacts their alliance could muster, at the time, and they went in search of mechanical secrets.
Leave Carbonek
Sipping his imported elven tea the Duke wonders, It has been a month now, I hope they have found a way out of the Southern Desert.
Town Portal
Madar's assistant has presented us with a long lost scroll. Inscribed at the top are the words Town Portal. The rest is in some magical script that no one here can read yet.
Alliance of the deep
News about the Alliance of the Deep arrives. Milord, they have been looking up references to unknown artifacts and have been trying all sorts of combinations since the Angelic Alliance was discovered. It appears they have been more successful than anyone imagined. They have even gone so far as to engage the thieves guild to acquire any artifact they can lay their hands on, for research purposes of course.
Elemental Lords - history
Samantha wakes up in a sweat, Oh my was that all a dream. Sebastian! she shouts. It is the middle of the night Samantha, what is wrong? A little more calmly she says, I think I had a dream. In a soothing tone Sebastian probes, Well tell it to me child. I was speaking to 4 creatures, they looked like they were conflux creatures only different, bigger? It's the Elemental Lords you speak of my dear, they control what's around us, a bit like what the druids of old called Mother Nature. What did they say? They were trying to explain something. Something about the ancient artifacts and that they were the ones that broke them up and tried to hide them in plain sight. They were also going on about not being allowed to destroy them; I don't know if they were talking about themselves or us not being able to destroy them. The last thing they said before I woke up was that their agents had not been able to erase all references to the Ancient Artifacts. Hmmm, I wonder if that is why the conflux came to be. But in any event chew on this leaf it will help you sleep, we can think about all this in the morning.
White tent
{~*~} A fiery dream disturbs Samantha's sleep tonight. It told her to seek a couple that lived in a White House (tent). They would be able to disclose much about illusions and deceptions. This couple are the key and foundation to all that will follow.
Dwarf prompt
{~*~} Still sipping his tea the Duke mulls over some information he received this morning. The key to the Northern Dwarves lies in fire and forest tho neither provide entry, entry can only be gained by understanding the weakness of the Guardian.
Alliance of the Deep/ Elemental Lords
The dreams return. This time the Lord of Air talked about an agreement with the Alliance of the Deep to remove everyone from the Tournament of Honour. The Deep were more than willing to remove a potentially baneful artifact. The Lord of Air had hoped they would destroy the artifact if they captured it. Sebastian, why are they telling this to me? It is not like I can do anything about it. Perhaps they think you may have an opportunity to 'do something about it.'
Elemental Lords and the Cavern of Illusion
{~*~} {A meeting of the Elemental Lords} It has been so long since we hid the Greater Artifacts and the Grail that the cave of illusion is losing its power. It is losing it over time and it is losing it because the creatures down there have begun to understand illusions. It is a disaster, of the six relics we hid there only 3 remain today. No, only two now remain.
Reminder about dwarves
{~*~} The castle wizard tries again to get through to the heroes out there. You haven't forgotten about us here have you? We need to get out of this sandy Tombstone.
Swamp thing
News trickles in from the traders that mating pairs of lizardy things have been sought out by the Deep.
Madar's disappearance
The Councilor for War struts into Madar's work place in the castle library. Where is your Master, he demands. A little intimidated by the bellowing voice and the idea of the Lion Rampant leaping off the breastplate, the poor scribe squeaks, He left several weeks ago Sir. What! Where to. What for? Auuh, uuuh, the scribe tries swallowing, to the Northern Dwarves Sir. What for I said? Sharp and distinctly punctuated. Barely audible the scribe ventures, To seek knowledge? and then shrugs.
Madar - library
Madar has made his way to the Northern Dwarves. It wasn't any bother persuading them to let him have a look at their old library. We can't let you read the contents of our library, it's off limits to outsiders. I was mostly interested in your historical record, references that recount events oh, perhaps several generations ago. Ah, that would be the things in the old library. You can read all you want there, it covers things that no longer interest us.
Madar finds..
As I was browsing this dusty abandoned, library in a most inhospitable location, freezing my poor fingers off, I found two magical books. I know they don't care for such things and can't help wonder if they'd be willing to lend them to me. Good Sir, I've found these two magical books in your library... What! I thought we got rid of all those things, you wouldn't like to keep them would you? I'd get into a lot of trouble if they were ever found here. I don't know that I could do that. They are very valuable. Oh please, I beg you. Give me a day and I'll have a new slipcover made for them and you can sneak them out when you leave. You must, for my sake. I looked at him with indecision written all over my face and just before he spoke I said, I suppose I can do that for you. It is the least I can do for your kindness in letting me browse your library, sure, why not.
Sentient ingenuity
The Elemental Lords never thought for a moment that anyone would think to experiment with binding artifacts. It is a whole other level of magic not seen out side of divine inspiration. This means an arms race has begun. The Stormbringers have once again been released, that's your fault you know you should have been watching, you're not the Lord of Air for nothing. How is it my fault, it was the fault of some faulty scholar in a faulty tower somewhere. Blame it on Manuel all you want but you are in charge of these things now see to it. The Lord of Air thinks, All this grief because of one mans quest for knowledge. I should have blown him to the Amazon tribe, perhaps that would have changed his subject of investigation if it didn't kill him. A wispy smirk drifts by like a cloud taking shape in the sky and melts away.
Council of Elemental Lords
The Elemental Lords still debating: We should allow them the knowledge of the ancient artifacts and let them fight it out. These creatures seem to operate best and most peacefully under one rule. Let this period be the forest fire that unites and settles them down for the next few centuries. I hope you're right or we will be left to clean up the mess.
Samantha's reflections
Sebastian, we have been through hell and back again. Remind me, why exactly are we doing this. I think it was to get a slight edge on our neighbours. It's funny, sparks fly all the time, but why is it some grow into such devastating proportions? Your a holy man and ponder these question what have you found? Sebastian cracks a smile and prepares for the battle ahead.
Madar's conclusion
I must somehow fix this Pandora's Box I've opened. After much thought Madar finally came up with a possible solution. I've friends I met while on my journeys, a little girl and her sidekick, what were their names, ah yes, Helena and Josh, I must find them and persuade them to help me steal the Ancient Artifacts. Steal them so they can be sacrificed to the gods. This is the best way to undo the damage I've caused. The tricky part, of course, will be trying to enlist Helena and Josh. My only hope is they will see the bigger picture. With a deep sigh he says to himself, I've proven how brilliant my research was, but it never occurred to me that some things are best undiscovered - for now. Give us some rope and we gladly hang ourselves.
Last event
Sebastian, I think I want to have kids once this is all over. What do you think of little Samantha's terrorizing the world? Aren't you missing a step there child? Samantha jibs, Isn't that what they mean by rape and pillage. Child! Actually I fancy that champion over there, the one that has the red and gold pennant, yes that one. I hope he doesn't mind this scar I have on my side.
69, 93 подземелье
I'll feel much better once we get to their town because the prospect of facing another Efreet Sultan is chilling! Off with the Head, you shout. Can we spare a scout to get the Head to one of our towns for safekeeping?
95, 60 подземелье
The small boy picks up our spirits with another one of his songs as he fetches the Arms of Legion, ..and another one gone, and another one gone, another one bites the dust..
Случайный ресурс
62, 141 подземелье
The heat is starting to take its toll. The men are complaining of no water. Staggering around the trees you see a pond. It has got to be real this time, right. There are trees around here, so, that must be water, but then I suppose those are real monster too. You draw your sword and shout, Monsters, then WATER! The men charge across the sand.
71, 130 подземелье
As you pick up the lump of ore Sebastian comes over. Samantha, you know we might be able to pick up the odd monster or two if you offer that suggestion you made back there to any others we come across. An excellent notion Sebastian, I nominate you as our ambassador for just that.
Случайный монстр 6
77, 130 подземелье
Ahem, I've noticed the mines around here seem to be guarded. Is this mine yours? No, we work for the merchant group Deosprofitas. The pay is good if not a bit boring. Your eyes light up; here is a thought. Our Lord has instructed us to liberate the resources we find; personally I think he is just worried that your merchant friends accumulate an ungodly sum of gold. Anyway, this is my proposal, join us. You won't have to stand around in the blazing heat twiddling what ever it is you twiddle and best of all you get to rampage across the land. Sound good?
76, 125 подземелье
Ah, sun at last. You close your eyes and let the sun warm your skin and your spirits rise. Young girl. An old hag is clawing at your arm. A little startled you think, where did she come from. You seek the Elixir of Life and have disturbed its guardian. You will now be stuck here to perish. Her cackle scrapes across your mind like fingernails over a schoolboard. You close your eyes and ears to try and drown it out and then she's gone.
34, 140 подземелье
The nomad sheik says he hasn't ventured any further to the west so he doesn't know what lies there. This is as far as we go to pick up crystals for the enchanters of the east. It's probably more desert, there is nothing but desert here.
Случайный монстр 6
78, 136 подземелье
Hi there, I'm Freddie and these guys here are my backup.
24, 81 подземелье
As you are scooped up blinded by the sand all you hear over the howling wind is the sonorous chanting of your monks. A prayer of your own goes out. Moments later. Oh my, are we all here? A quick glance seems to show that everyone is safe. An ever talkative archer pipes up, That is the first prayer I've had answered. No kidding you thought!
Ящик Пандоры
109, 141 подземелье
A huge puff of smoke erupts from the oil lamp as your foot brushes past it. Yes master, what do you wish, booms the enormous figure of a Greater Genie. How would you rate my appearance? I'm in training so you get one wish, not the normal three wishes, and it can only be for gold. Thanks, beggars can't be choosers, gladly accepting any good fortune. Have you met my friend on the other side of the desert?
120, 36 подземелье
Having subdued the garrison you can't help but wonder if they would have been better represented with the Arms of Legion. It certainly felt that way as the Naga Queens tried to close in.
66, 2 подземелье
You see several young men busy at work on a new boat. Somewhere in your conversation you ask, What is the best way to the southern desert? You can go any way but, if you want to keep sailing don't go directly south. Thanks.
19, 46 подземелье
Looking up at the Loins of Legion you can see how appropriate the symbology is when you think how rapidly the phoenix breeds. This should add nicely to our collection to form the Statue of Legion.
72, 64 подземелье
141, 41 подземелье
Carved in a tree trunk you read. Archers Island where the best of the best train. Services provided for a reasonable fee.
3, 76 подземелье
Superior support provided only to the superior hero. Entrance qualifications provided within.
84, 140 подземелье
Dear sir, we are much in need of assistance. Would you be able to spare a few men? From amongst the archers ranks drifts, and the sort of person we are looking for, is an aggressive drunken lout, with an intelligence of a four year old, and, the sexual sophistication of a donkey. The enchanter fumes, Am I paying for this personal abuse or is it extra. The archer slurs, Dear enemy, may the Lord hate you and all your kind, may you turn orange in hue, and may your head fall off at awkward moment. He crumples to the ground after being given a thwack on the head by his friend. Sorry, sorry, he was drinking from the flask we found with that skeleton, sorry, don't mind him. You sigh, So much for diplomacy.
97, 87 подземелье
As you are scooped up blinded by the sand all you hear over the howling wind is the sonorous chanting of your monks. A prayer of your own goes out. Moments later. Oh my, are we all here? A quick glance seems to show that everyone is safe. An ever talkative archer pipes up, That is the first prayer I've had answered. No kidding you thought!
73, 2 подземелье
The last day of my holiday and it's now time to pack up and head back to Tombstone. I wonder how many of the Sacred Artifacts we won this time?
Случайный ресурс
66, 132 подземелье
It appears that our castle is still under construction. I hope it's ready soon.
54, 56 подземелье
The small boy topples the legs from the garrison while singing, ..thunderbirds and lightning, very, very, frightening.. The troops burst into laughter.
66, 127 подземелье
64, 132 подземелье
You hear sounds of clashing arms from the arena. Peaking in you're stunned by what seems to be a ghostly battle. Mesmerized by it all you stand there just watching. Oh, that was a good move...I've never seen anyone do that...I think I'll try that trick on those guys over there.
111, 94 подземелье
As you are scooped up blinded by the sand all you hear over the howling wind is the sonorous chanting of your monks. A prayer of your own goes out. Moments later. Oh my, are we all here? A quick glance seems to show that everyone is safe. An ever talkative archer pipes up, That is the first prayer I've had answered. No kidding you thought!
Ящик Пандоры
19, 142 подземелье
A huge puff of smoke erupts from the oil lamp as your foot brushes past it. Yes master, what do you wish, booms the enormous figure of a Greater Genie. Was that impressive? I'm afraid I'm just in training so you can only ask me for one wish, oh, and it can only be for gold. I've heard of your sort of genie but I thought you had to rub the lamp a few times. He grins, Hair trigger, what can I say.
71, 126 подземелье
Have you got the Elixir of Life?
23, 82 подземелье
As you get your bearings a peasant walks by. You ask about the countryside and he tells you that the merchants Deosprofitas have control of everything south of here including the shipyard. The shipyards in the north have managed to stay independent for the most part.
110, 95 подземелье
As you get your bearings a peasant walks by. You ask about the area and where the nearest shipyard is. The shipyard west of here is one, there are others south of here but are owned by the merchant guild.
114, 53 подземелье
You spot an old woman camped outside the Rampart town and wonder why she hasn't taken shelter from within the town walls. Good Lady, what entices you to stay beyond the town walls? I have been waiting for you, she says. I believe your people have been to the cave of illusions.. Cave of Illusions? Yes the one in the Southern Desert. Oh that one, yes. Well, I'm here to tell you missed a couple of things down there. Within its chambers are hidden the Holy Grail and more importantly the long forgotten secret passage to the North. You must have someone seek the passage as soon as you can for the safety of your realm is at stake. The nearby trees rustle distracting you for a moment, the gust of wind must have taken her with it.
80, 65 подземелье
The son of the Dukes advisor. He has won a place in the Tournament of Honour to establish himself as a player within the duke's court.
39, 89 подземелье
The violent hand of the tornado that whisked us away from the desert plain miraculously dropped us off here. Perhaps there is a merciful hand at work.
24, 9 подземелье
The violent hand of the tornado that whisked us away from the desert plain miraculously dropped us off here. Perhaps there is a merciful hand at work.
72, 40 подземелье
The violent hand of the tornado that whisked us away from the desert plain miraculously dropped us off here. Perhaps there is a merciful hand at work.
Ящик Пандоры
71, 67 подземелье
WARNING!!!! Combo artifact will NOT activate if all required slots are not available before you rerieve artifacts.
85, 63 подземелье
East has always been the thinking mans choice, head east and below the dragon cliffs awaits a clue.
25, 62 подземелье
A scruffy old crone, no, looking past the grime you see a young woman; she walks towards you from her house (tent). You, she says as she circles your mount eyeing you. Your people are ready to seek the grail should you want it. She then shambles back towards her house muttering beneath her breath, If they remember where it is, hehehe.
8, 54 подземелье
Martin Nielsen master shipbuilder turn left.
You look towards the tent and see the oddest thing. A couple is trying to leave the White house and waiting in the wings is a fat woman who sneaks up and tries to Tripp them.
84, 84 подземелье
Myrddin's 29 magical boats
1, 143 подземелье
The road yet traveled
74, 70 подземелье
It's a miracle! We actually picked the right spot. I must complement the Dwarves on that drill, it works like a charm, mind you, my bones feel a little rattled.
40, 90 подземелье
As you get your bearings a peasant walks by. You ask about the countryside and he tells you that the merchants Deosprofitas have control of everything south of here including the shipyard. The shipyards in the north east have managed to stay independent for the most part.
84, 126 суша
Samantha is half elf, brought up by humans. She clings to her unknown elven side and often fantasizes what it would be like. She is also a feisty girl who has learned to be relatively self-reliant.
85, 126 суша
After hours of searching. Madar says the Elixir of Life is here but I see nothing but rock. The more I look the more rock I see. Turning in desperation to the others, Has anyone else spotted anything? A resounding chorus of, No, echoes off the walls.
86, 126 суша
Oh well, one last look and we'll head back to town. What is that you are sitting on soldier? A skull ma'am. Not one that gleams in torch light. Inspecting it you see it is a skull helm and near it is a crack in the cavern wall. Sticking your arm in you follow the crack down and discover something.
69, 139 суша
What's happened to our camp? It's gone! This place is getting to me; we need fresh air and some sunlight. You get no complaints from the men as you head north for the subterranean gate.
87, 126 суша
My, my, this old skeleton must have tried to hide his stuff before he died. With a glint in your eye you haul out item after item. How generous of him! At least we found something. Let's go.
28, 4 суша
As you approach the iron grill it creaks and groans as it recedes into the wall. Wild shouting, laughing and crying sends a shudder down your spine. What are we releasing here to get past? Perhaps it would be better to run like crazy to the end of the cavern. Someone in the spectator gallery above shouts, Asheron calls. You look up and the place is lined with dwarves who break out into a cheer.
Алмазный голем
77, 126 суша
I don't know why I hadn't thought of this before. This cavern has an ability to befuddle the mind. The ancient text says the Elixir is here, it also says illusion is the scent of reality approaching, so I'm going to just believe it is and keep walking. To your amazement you walk right trough the illusionary wall. Your torchlight bounces off the gems and crystals that line this small pocket of space. You can hear the fabled fountain and begin to move toward it. Once within this chamber some of the gems and crystals form into humanoid shapes and march towards you, chink, chink, chink.
51, 134 суша
Three angels descend from above, appearing through solid rock. They flap their wings looking at you with a piercing stare. You feel your very soul examined but they seem perplexed. We have come to observe to see if your motives are pure, says the one angel. O.k. you reply meekly. After further scrutiny they say, It is between the trees.
60, 138 суша
What are you doing here in the infernal den? If it is perpetual torment then follow me if not turn back. We believe this to be a holly place, sacred beyond sacred, and you look to be a deterrent you devilish one. Ah, sacrificial lambs, I should have known. We'll enjoy your souls. Too bad you don't sound convinced of that. Your smirk feels so satisfying. Poor devils, you think.
59, 138 суша
Could the path of knowledge lead to what we all seek. Thomas, book 3 - Relics and the divine
77, 125 суша
{WARNING!!!} Due to the A.B. 2.1 patch if you have a slot filled that 1 of the artifacts goes into the combo artifact will not activate. Empty all slots required before retrieving the artifacts.
Громовой шлем
61, 122 суша
In the center of this chamber you see the Titan's Gladius thrust into a slot in a large rock. Flanked on either side by two pedestals, one supporting the Thunder Helmet and a shorter pedestal supporting the Titan's Cuirass. Where's the shield?
58, 120 суша
As you look around you see ancient mining tools left scattered about. This may be a secret passage to the fabled northern dwarves. I suppose that rust dragon is a guardian; if it is worth guarding it must be worth going through. Familiar voices drift from the back, I heard these dwarves are petrified of water, worse than cats. U think, I hope it doesn't affect their bathing habits. It's a confined space we'll be in! Maybe they lick themselves clean too. Eyes rolling you march forward, I know we need them dumb 'cause they're dragon breath fodder but could we not get them mute as well.
8, 3 суша
Having wound down the long spiraling stairway, whose steps were just a bit too short for comfort, you see a group of Dwarves. They have seen you but aren't making any effort to approach. Just as the last man reaches the bottom of the stairway you hear a loud deafening rumble of stone on stone and a rush of air heading out. Keeping an eye on the dwarves and on your surroundings the rumbling carries on for about a minute and then stops. You hear the Dwarves chuckle at your reaction.
Боевой меч титана
60, 121 суша
An incy wincy spider dangles from the pommel
Щит часового
56, 119 суша
A little mermaid, the kids would like that.
Ржавый дракон
57, 120 суша
Do not enter, the dragon booms, least you never return. We only want the shield your sitting on mighty dragon, we weren't thinking of going through that thing. Too bad, it would have been nice to know you had entered the void, permanently. You think, 'with these dragons you can't tell if they are being serious or joking. Well I hear an acid bath can do wonders for your armor from an artistic stand point of course.'
Кираса титана
59, 120 суша
I'm so glad these magical items expand and contract to fit you. With a body like this I wouldn't want it hidden.
7, 3 суша
As you exit the secret passage you enter a corridor, left or right? Left seems to lead down a large stairway, we may as well go deeper.
Боевой гном
10, 3 суша
Good Sirs, we seek your help with an excavation. What? You want our help digging? We too busy to help. Perhaps if I could speak with your King? He's too busy eating, or sleeping, or something. What do I have to do to see the King? Well, he lives at the other end of the cavern past the mad prisoners. What prisoners, you ask. The ones you'd need to escape to get to the other end. How do you get back there. We don't need to run the gauntlet. Just as he finished saying that another rumble of rock on rock echoes around the cavern but nothing nearly as deafening as the first. Out of no where a piece of wall rises and a tiny room the height of the dwarves appears. What is the commotion about, bellows the gray bearded dwarf. One number two coming through, replies the younger dwarf. This should be fun, says Graybeard and the section of wall lowers itself and the room disappears. Dwarf the younger asks, Do you want us to tag along? Either way you might find these gloves help, better grip, more control, they were developed for chariot racing. Welcome to Forge City and take your place at the first prisoner.
25, 3 суша
There is one rule you must abide by to see the king. Do not pick up anything you see on the ground. Is that clear, nothing!
Волшебный элементал
61, 125 суша
Beyond the illusionary veil you move through musky air, silent as Caryatid columns but infinitely more deadly stand the guardians of this cavern.
61, 124 суша
{WARNING!!!} Due to the A.B. 2.1 patch if you have a slot filled that 1 of the artifacts goes into the combo artifact will not activate. Empty all slots required before retrieving the artifacts.
127, 6 суша
Madar is an outcast in academic circles. He can't help it because he has this propensity to buck the common consensus of things. He takes on the persona of an unstable person to hide behind but he is no more mad than you or I.
128, 7 суша
Madar, what are you doing here? Oh look they have an extensive library here of the events that precede the days of the Sacred Artifacts, they shed much light on what happened before. I hate to stop your study but we have inadvertently unleashed some bad news back there, as you point to the darkness behind. The darkness that harbours the wild and insane yells and screams. Come, you must hurry. Tell me what you have found while we leave.
111, 65 суша
You see the dwarves many generations ago were favoured by the gods to be the only ones able to devise what we now call the combination artifacts. Their pride in their achievement drove them into a burst of creativity. With so many fine magical artifacts they were courted by all the rich and powerful. Needles to say they reveled in the fame and didn't think twice when it came to handing them out to people. Not long after this glowing period of creativity the power hungry snakes immerged and the next thing they knew the world was engulfed in flame. They withdrew to the Northern Caverns vowing never to have anything to do with magic again. No, they were not going to make that mistake again. Over time they came to concentrate on all things mechanical, a renaissance they called it and now they are the epitome of the mechanical world. They even call their capitol, Forge City. It's a shame they have no historians to speak of or they might be warned of their Achilles Heel. What Achilles Heel are you talking about? The one that is part of their nature, to drive down a road with blind zeal till they reach their next cliff.
54, 98 суша
Property of his Deadliness.
Боевой гном
136, 9 суша
And so it is agreed then, very good. We have a secret tunnel that leads to an area controlled by the Deep. Once you are near Tombstone you can drill upwards. Now for our compensation; we want to see how our ancestors assembled the Statue of Legion. As far as we know the parts are the emblems on the garrison battlements, it is how they identify themselves as city-states. Once you have all the pieces Graybeard will have a look at the parts to see how it was constructed. Once he has had a chance to look it over we will be able to build a bigger and better one. We'll call it the Colossus of Forge. Where are you going to put it and what are you going to do with it? you enquire. Well, we are very poor sailors and we thought that if we built one at each end of our realm by the shore we'd always be able to find our way home. Here, take these two dwarves with you if you need them to operate the device, it may be too mechanical for you or if you feel comfortable with the instruction provided you can man it yourself. We are indebted to your people, thank you once again.
98, 72 суша
I hope our Duke has finished rebuilding Tombstone.
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