Heroes of Might and Magic 3: The Restoration of Erathia
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Герои меча и магии 3: Возрождение Эрафии
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The Snow Queen, formerly a benevolent and just ruler, has in recent years turned toward evil. Her army of naga queens is ready to mobilize. Can anyone stand against her?
I've heard that the Snow Queen turned evil when her lover was killed.
I've heard there are underground caverns leading from the Lost Desert to the rest of Agana.
Queen Hates Titans
I've heard that Solmyr and his titans were imprisoned at the base of a volcano near the Snow Queen's Palace.
Serpent Isle Invades
I've heard that the beastmasters and witches of Serpent Isle are planning to invade Agana when war breaks out.
Underworld 2
I've heard that there's a secret back entrance to the Snow Queen's Palace through the Underworld.
Lost Dessert
You're asking about the lost desert? Yeah, I misplaced a tiramisu just the other night.
Cyclops labor
No one can wash dishes like a cyclops. What? Why are you looking at me like that?
Bartender drinks
I'm sho drunk, I can't shink of anyshing to shay.
If you're going to send heroes to explore the ocean, make sure they know how to navigate.
Lost Desert Obelisks
The Grail is probably in the Lost Desert. All the obelisks are there, anyway.
Lost Desert Treasure
That guy at the end of the bar wants me to tell you that there's nothing of value in the Lost Desert, but you tip better, so I'll tell you, it's full of treasure.
Bartender Whispers
Thank you for the generous tip. Maybe now I can afford to have a doctor look at my throat so I won't have to whisper all the time.
Intro, pt. 1 all
The Snow Queen was once respected throughout the known world as the wisest and most benevolent ruler. She ruled the continent of Agana with a strong but just hand. However, something has changed.
Intro, pt. 2 all
One year ago, she withdrew to her castle and forbade all visitors. Nobody saw or heard from her for months on end, and her realm fell into chaos. Lord Solmyr and his titans tried to restore order in her absence, but they mysteriously vanished.
Intro, pt. 3 all
Soon, it became evident to all that the Snow Queen was amassing an army of naga queens in her castle. To what purpose, no one knew. She had already ruled over the entire continent, and she had never expressed any interest in traveling overseas, so why was she building such a dangerous army?
Intro, pt. 4 all
One thing is for certain: everyone has been made nervous by these events. There is only one thing to do with an army, and that is war. But whom will she attack? Who in Agana are prepared or able to defend themselves?
Green intro, day 1
You are the highest war chief among the clans of Serpent Isle. Where the various peoples on the continent of Agana see danger looming, you see opportunity. If war begins, you may have the ability to invade as opposing armies decimate each other.
Green intro, day 1, pt. 2
Although you command the strategy of your armies, you no longer do actual battle yourself. You leave that up to your son, the beastmaster Gavrog. He is a worthy hero, but perhaps not yet ready to invade Agana. You must train him, and perhaps hire a witch to assist him.
Orange intro, day 1, pt. 1
As leader of the necromancers, you know why the Snow Queen has turned evil. You've been speaking to the dead. Specifically, you've been speaking to the Snow Queen's dead lover, Telara. Telara was a powerful hero, and you have resurrected her so that she may be again.
Orange intro, day 1, pt.2
You feel the Snow Queen's romantic connection to Telara will distract her (the Snow Queen) during combat and make her weak. Undead Telara, however, is firmly under your control and will be distracted by nothing.
Violet intro, day 1, pt. 1
You are a wealthy merchant whose main area of business is just south of the Lost Desert. Most of your business used to be done with the Snow Queen and her Palace, which lies just north of the Lost Desert. Your city is nearer to her new army than any other on the continent of Agana.
Violet intro, day 1, pt.2
You think it may be wise to begin building an army of your own, merely for the sake of protection. Luckily, you already have a reliable mercenary in your pay, Falf the Druid. Now all he needs are some troops.
Red intro, Day 1, pt.1
You were once the leader of the kitchen staff in the Snow Palace. You took pride in your work and the work of your underlings. It shocked you a year ago when the Snow Queen asked you and all the other servants to leave. Not only did she send you away, she sent you to the worst region of Agana.
Red intro, Day 1, pt.2
The southeastern parts of the continent of Agana are a dry wasteland, and in many areas there is cursed ground. The Snow Queen has exiled you and your people here for no apparent reason, but you shall have your revenge. Already, you have begun to amass an army of your own.
Green intro, day 2
Gavrog's first mission, perhaps, should be to fully conquer Serpent Isle. With your strategy and his strength, it should be relatively easy. Also, with the Isle firmly under your control, you can more easily amass troops with which to invade Agana.
Orange intro, day 2, pt.1
You plan not just to defend yourself from the Snow Queen's potential invasion, but to conquer all of the continent for yourself. Too long have the necromancers been ignored as parlor-trick magicians. The power of the necromancers shall be felt.
Orange intro, day2, pt.2
First, it is necessary to secure the plentiful resources in the immediate area of your castle, Darclau. Then you should beat the other necromancers into submission by taking their castles. One is underground, and one is rumored to have its own shipyard.
Violet intro, day 2
You send Falf out to the surrounding territory to secure the support of the locals. Being a rather ruthless mercenary, he looks forward to the task with glee.
Violet intro, day 2, pt.2
An army may be costly, but you feel that it would be more costly to be without one. The Snow Queen could mobilize at any moment and be across the desert within weeks.
Red intro, Day 2, pt.1
Your underlings are already rather familiar with the land in these parts. There are two other cities nearby, one to the north and one to the east, in which you may be able to recruit troops with similar interests to your own. They may, however, require a show of force to impress them.
Red intro, Day 2, pt.2
You send out scouts to explore farther. You know the Snow Queen and her Palace are far, far to the north, beyond the Lost Desert, but if you intend to wage war against her, you need to know about other castles in the region, especially potential allies and potential enemies.
Snow for all, day 4
The snow queen has used her magic abilities to raise up great icy mountains around her castle, as well as two long straight ranges of mountains stretching east to west across the continent. Is this a display of her awesome power, or does she have a tactical purpose in mind?
Green, day 8
Your conquest of Serpent Isle appears to be going well. In the meantime, you have sent scouts out on small boats to try to explore the continent. You don't expect most of them to come back, but perhaps one will return with some useful information.
Orange, day 8
You require information about the locations of your enemies, so you send out some scouts. Hopefully, you will hear back from them within a week or two.
Violet, day 9
News comes in from some of your suppliers. The stronghold to the south is no longer safe to trade with. Recent caravans in that direction have disappeared without a trace. Apparently, certain barbarians in the strongholds are also gathering forces for possible war.
Red, Day 10
Scouts report that they have found an entrance to some underground caves in the eastern part of your region. It is rumored that these caves lead to the Lost Desert to the north. The Lost Desert, though teeming with monsters, is also rumored to be teeming with riches.
Violet, day 11, pt.1
All of the traders in town are in an uproar. Not only are the barbarians attacking caravans, the necromancers, normally profitable trading partners, are killing caravaners and resurrecting their corpses for an undead army! What is a merchant to do in such troubled times?
Violet, day 11, pt.2
You have a meeting with your heroes and discuss the situation. They all agree on the following: if everyone else is going to war, you have no choice but to do the same. Your best opportunity for high profits are through conquest.
Violet, day 11, pt.3
You are not completely convinced until a messenger comes in from the north. He brings the worst possible news: the Snow Queen and her army have mobilized and are headed south. That settles it. There is no satisfactory option but victory.
Red, Day 13, pt.1
Scouts return with news about your neighbors. Just to the north of a strange, snowy mountain range is a land of elves and dwarves. Most of them are being united by an unusually mercenary merchant. Whether they intend war or not is uncertain so far.
Red, Day 13, pt.2
To the west is an unorganized pair of castles with no apparent allegiance. But beyond them is the land of necromancers. These evil beings will certainly not ally with you, but they may also be enemies of the Snow Queen, and therefore, potentially useful.
Red, Day 13, pt.3
Obviously, any neighbors will be useful if you first conquer them.
Green, day 15
A scout has returned from sea, but he has not managed to get to the continent. He complains of dangerous reefs and haunted shipwrecks. You have him whipped for his cowardice. Shipwrecks equal treasure at sea in your mind, and your plans definitely require lots of gold.
Orange, day 16
A scout returns. There are some neutral lands to the east and northeast that should be easy to conquer. However, the scout has seen signs of barbarian forces in the same areas. Perhaps the Stronghold far to the east is planning a conquest of its own.
All, Day 18
Everywhere rumors are flying. The big news: the Snow Queen has made her move. She has been traveling through the Lost Desert and conquering neutral towns, apparently for pleasure more than for their resources. Soon, her army may turn toward you.
Orange, day 19, pt.1
Another scout returns with important news. The Stronghold is indeed conquering the land around its castles, trying to prepare a solid defense from the Snow Queen. Furthermore, the Rampart, to the north of the Stronghold, is also trying to conquer the land around its castles.
Orange, day 19, pt.2
The scout concludes, Everyone I've encountered believes that the Snow Queen has already mobilized and is on her way through the Lost Desert. You send the scout back out to learn more of the Lost Desert.
Green, day 20
More scouts return with news of the continent. To the south of Serpent Isle is a region occupied by dangerous necromancers. They, too, appear to be readying themselves for battle. To the southeast is the Lost Desert, which is rumored to be full of treasure.
Green, day 20, pt.2
To the east lies the realm of the Snow Queen herself. You find it difficult to decide which route is most worth pursuing. All routes have dangers in proportion to their rewards.
Orange, day 22, pt.1
Your scouts have learned of underground passages that lead to the Lost Desert. These passages also lead to the Snow Queen's realm, but that way is heavily guarded by a hero named Spider and his dragons.
Orange, day 22, pt.2
One can also reach the Lost Desert by boat, or by traveling through the realm of the Twin Infernos to the northeast, or by traveling through the Rampart's realm, far to the east and north. You are warned that many different heros have been spied heading toward the Lost Desert.
Red, Day 22, Wood
You can never seem to get enough wood with which to build. Annoyed, you send a group of dangerous-looking ogres out to intercept a trade caravan. The ogres convince the traders to give you a very good deal.
Violet, day 25, pt.1
One day while counting out gold coins to be given to your mercenaries, you think back to long ago--was it only weeks?--when you used to count gold coins that would go into your own purse. Those were the days, you sigh to yourself.
Violet, day 25, pt.2
Then your assistant enters the room with several bags of gold on a cart. Your earnings for the day, sir. You smile. Perhaps war isn't so bad for business, after all.
O/R/V, day 33
Scouts send back an urgent message: the witches and beastmasters of Serpent Isle are invading the continent of Agana. They hope to take advantage of the unrest here to make a conquest of their own. Nobody seems to know exactly where their forces will invade.
Green, Day 50
War can be hell, but you thirst for victory. Your conquest of Agana will continue until you have taken everything, or until you have been utterly defeated. You laugh at the concept of surrender, and you laugh at the mixed motives of those on the continent.
Green, Day 50, pt.2
Your motive is clear: victory for glory, at all costs.
Orange, day 50
Your conquest may not have proceeded perfectly, but you believe that in the end, the necromancers and their huge numbers of undead can defeat all enemies and claim the continent of Agana for themselves. While you're at it, you'll conquer Serpent Isle, too.
Violet, day 50
It has finally happened. You lust for battle and conquest. You lust for victory. It shall be yours, at any cost. The boring life of a merchant is forever behind you. You see yourself now as the ruler of an empire.
Red, Day 50, pt.1
Some days you think back to when you used to wash the Queen's dishes. Now you are the leader of one of the greatest armies in the known world. The Snow Queen will pay for her mistreatment of her servants, and the entire land will soon be servants to you.
Red, Day 50, pt.2
You promise yourself that you will never mistreat your dishwasher.
100, 39 подземелье
Snow Palace
More nagas
Gremlins assist
Now that you control the snow palace, gremlins come out of the icy mountains to assist you in maintaining your style of order.
Алмазный голем
101, 64 подземелье
To protect herself, the Snow Queen has summoned 100 diamond golems to protect the land nearest her castle. They are almost entirely immune to damage from spells and tough fighters besides.
88, 30 подземелье
Ahead lies the prison of Prince Solmyr and his rebellious titans. Do not free him or the Snow Queen and her naga armies will destroy you.
Королева наг
90, 26 подземелье
A horde of naga queens guards the prison. That must be some prisoner to warrant so much defense! Can you possibly defeat the naga queens?
100, 40 подземелье
Snow Queen
30, 105 подземелье
Serpent Isle is to the north. The necromancers lie to the south, on the continent of Agana.
30, 124 подземелье
Рыцарь Смерти
30, 125 подземелье
28, 16 подземелье
113, 140 подземелье
103, 99 подземелье
72, 88 подземелье
The Lost Desert
133, 84 подземелье
The Lost Desert
11, 121 подземелье
Serpent Isle is due north. The necromancers lie due east, on the continent of Agana.
59, 75 подземелье
The Lost Desert lies due east.
Ящик Пандоры
96, 7 подземелье
This gold will serve you well.
42, 19 подземелье
The Snow Queen is far away, due east.
41, 36 подземелье
The Lost Desert is far away to the southeast.
29, 52 подземелье
The necromancers are far away, due south.
91, 41 суша
99, 55 суша
Gateway to the Lost Desert
Черный дракон
91, 60 суша
Five black dragons guard the entrance to a tunnel, which, though dark, seems to sparkle with gold and gems. You can not defeat us! roars one of the dragons. Not all of us! Those last four words are the ones that truly worry you.
106, 38 суша
You approach the hall of darkness, evey though you do not normally recruit black knights, not in your home castle, anyway. An ambush! Black knights materialize out of the darkness and attack!
101, 35 суша
You approach the unicorn glade, even though you do not normally recruit unicorns, not in your home castle, anyway. Suddenly, you are ambushed! Unicorns everywhere!
98, 38 суша
You approach the cyclops cave, even though you do not normally recruit cyclopes, not in your home castle, anyway. Suddenly, you are attacked by rock-tossing cyclopes! They're everywhere!
109, 41 суша
A horribly mangled corpse lies here, gathering mold. Searching it, you find a letter of warning, which this unfortunate apparently did not heed. When entering the northernmost reaches of the caverns, you will see three dwellings. Approach only the one of your own type, for the others are guarded.
107, 39 суша
The Northernmost Cavens--Turn Back!
106, 39 суша
Do not forget the warning the corpse was given. It may be dangerous to approach any closer to the hall of darkness.
101, 36 суша
Do not forget the warning given to the corpse. It may be dangerous to approach any closer to the unicorn glade.
99, 38 суша
Do not forget the corpse and the warning he was given before he was killed. It may be dangerous to approach any closer to the cyclops cave.
77, 87 суша
Your greed may have cost you. Twenty black dragons appear, seeming to materialize from the darkness of the tunnel itself. You have never seen such angry faces on dragons before.
78, 91 суша
Didn't you learn? Greed can be costly. Here is where the real horde of dragons has been waiting.
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